MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#81: Sword blade that lightens

Gradually merged in be at the battlefield of division condition together, Elisha and Loren the moon/month that starts to face these to besiege together hunt. 原本处于分割状态的战场逐渐合并在一起,艾丽莎和洛伦开始共同面对那些围攻的月狩。 Loren's previous secondary attack makes in the young girl heart be somewhat moved, she does not understand that the opposite party is intends or has no intention, but in the young girl heart some intense impulsion makes her unable to bear want to confirm some idea in heart. 洛伦先前的助攻让少女心中有所触动,她不明白对方是有意还是无意,但少女心中某种强烈的冲动让她忍不住想要验证心中的某种想法。 In Elisha's eyes, the course of action of Luke and that youngster who she sees is getting more and more similar, indeed has doubts she unable on to be explained outwardly, but the present fight could become her a way of confirmation. 在艾丽莎的眼中,她所看到的卢克和那个少年的行动方式越来越相似,的确很多疑惑她无法在明面上得到解答,可现在的战斗或许能成为她一种验证的方式。 If big brother Loren...... 如果是洛伦大哥的话…… Should also be able to see my meaning? 应该也能看出我的意思吧? In the Elisha brain flashes through such idea, but an attack of rupturing raids to pull back the young girl train of thought that in the hand the long sword resists before the body, a deactivation cuts the heavy sword that falls. 艾丽莎脑中闪过这样的想法,可紧接着一记爆裂的攻击袭来拉回少女思绪,手中长剑招架在身前,卡死一柄斩落的重剑。 sparks/Mars scatters loudly, Elisha backward retreat time, side quiet blue color is glittering suddenly the lance of electric light the electric light that but swiftly , the ray sparkle, above flees in all directions has started to erupt. 火星轰然四溅,艾丽莎向后退去的时候,侧面忽然一柄幽蓝色闪烁着电光的长矛倏然而至,光芒闪耀,上面流窜的电光已经开始爆发。 The Elisha corner of the eye split vision looked at electric light lance one, another hand summoned to protect the long sword, the sword sharp revolution, welcomed to that lance, the space swings the careful ripple. 艾丽莎眼角余光看了电光长矛一眼,另一只手召唤出守护长剑,剑尖一转,迎向那长矛,空间荡起细细的波纹。 The tyrannical electric light sways the air current that moves restlessly, moves the young girl pale golden long hair, but that lance was embezzled the space before Elisha body later directly. 暴虐的电光吹拂起躁动的气流,吹动少女淡金色的长发,可随后那长矛直接被吞没在艾丽莎身前的空间。 Elisha has not managed the lance that vanishes, before avoiding the body , after falling again rudely chops again, a sword potential revolution, brings wielding a sword of fuzzy remnant shadow extreme speed, tries to break open the heavy sword moon/month hunting stagnation sword to incur from the upfront. 艾丽莎没有管那消失的长矛,避开身前再度落下势大力沉的一记重劈后,剑势一转,带着模糊残影极速的挥剑,试图从正面破开重剑月狩沉滞的剑招。 Meanwhile, Loren kills before a body of master, just about to makes a move to fly its bang, the front form twinkle board appears together, another month hunts to keep off in front of that master. 于此同时,洛伦杀到一个法师的身前,刚要出手将其轰飞,面前一道身影闪烁板出现,另一个月狩挡在那法师前面。 !” “喝!” battle qi from that moon/month vigorously hunts gushes out, his both hands are grasping the great hammer, after lifting high, Loren only thought that instantly the ground transmits the enormous appeal, as if there is invisible strength to pull him to press to the ground. 雄浑斗气从那月狩身上涌出,他双手握着巨锤,高高抬起后,洛伦霎时只觉得地面传来巨大的吸引力,仿佛有无形的力量拉扯着他压向地面。 A hammer wields falls, the ground still in the disintegration, has probably the giant rock thorn to from the ground drill, must be suppressed in middle Loren clamps to kill. 一锤挥落的时候,地面还在崩碎,像是有巨大的岩刺要从地面钻出,要将被压制在中间的洛伦夹杀。 That moon/month hunted behind master to show the smile, he has long known that Loren will unable to bear to him begins, making the companion because of the side ambush good, time when Loren attacked killed. 那月狩身后的法师更是露出了微笑,他早就知道洛伦会忍不住对他动手,让同伴在旁边埋伏好,等到洛伦攻来的时候进行袭杀。 Life secret technique, deep thorn.” “生命秘术,冥刺。” Before looking at the body , the companion diverts Loren perfectly, he releases to prepare the good magic easely, he did not think that Loren can break through the deep meaning thump of companion to kill to threaten itself, but such near distance, he can definitely use the life secret technique to affect Loren to act, so long as several seconds, his magic will inspire the Loren within the body bone to grow rapidly, pierces his own body from the interior. 望着身前同伴完美牵制住洛伦,他悠然释放准备好的魔法,他不觉得洛伦能够突破自己同伴的奥义捶杀威胁到自己,而这么近的距离,他完全可以动用生命秘术影响洛伦行动,只要几秒的时间,他的魔法就会引动洛伦体内骨头迅速生长,从内部刺穿他自己的身体。 Loren detected two people coordination, but he seemed like detects anything suddenly, before disregarding the body, that wielded moon/month that the great hammer pounded down to hunt, as before maintaining , the stance of throwing, a fist pounds toward the position that master was. 洛伦察觉到了两人的配合,可忽然他又像是察觉到什么,无视了身前那挥动巨锤砸下的月狩,依旧保持着前扑的姿态,一拳向着那法师所在的位置砸去。 At this time the quiet blue ray sparkle, penetrated the space twinkling to appear. 此时幽蓝色的光芒闪耀,穿透了空间瞬息出现。 What......” “什么……” Brandishes the moon/month of great hammer to hunt the breath to stagnate, but was sparkled the tyrannical thunder light long spear/gun to hit on the body, dragging the long flame tail not to know that was taken away where. 挥舞巨锤的月狩呼吸一滞,可紧接着就被闪耀着暴虐雷光的长枪撞在身上,拖着长长的焰尾不知道被带去了何处。 „......” “诶……” Behind uses the magic the master smile to stiffen, looks own companion no indication spiral heaven, the head emits a question mark, then, he faces directly Loren's smile, that formidable fist. 后面施展魔法的法师笑容僵住,看着自己同伴毫无征兆螺旋上天,头上冒出一个问号,然后,他直面洛伦的微笑,还有那令人敬畏的拳头。 At this moment, the master appears exceptionally tranquil, he brushed off the law robe, gave up the resistance. 这一刻,法师显得异常的平静,他掸了掸法袍,放弃了抵抗。 That, do not apply makeup.” The master said earnestly, this is his final stubbornness. “那个,别打脸。”法师认真说道,这是他最后的倔强。 Bang!” “嘭!” The gulf appears, the master head was buried bottom of the pothole, the lower part lifts, twitched in the midair, landing slowly. 深坑出现,那法师脑袋被埋在坑洞底端,下半身抬起,在半空抽搐了一下,才缓缓的落地。 How you did not say early......” “你怎么不早说呢……” Loren sighs with emotion one, he is also a very reasonable person. 洛伦感慨一声,他也是个很讲道理的人。 Hunts to these months, under Loren actually does not have the idea of killer, because of the later plan, he probably must use the strengths of these fellows. 对这些月狩,洛伦其实没有下杀手的想法,因为之后的计划,他说不定还要用上这些家伙的力量。 Then looked at Elisha one eyes, on Loren face flashes through expression looking pensive, vanishes again on the spot. 回头看了艾丽莎一眼,洛伦脸上闪过若有所思的表情,再次消失在原地。 Then facing these moon/month of hunting besieging, Loren and Elisha coordinates occasionally, the mutual secondary attack, two people had not been suppressed, is these also has the sufficient strength to participate in the moon/month of fight hunting on the contrary becomes fewer and fewer. 接下来面对那些月狩的围攻,洛伦和艾丽莎偶尔配合,互相助攻,两人没被压制住,反倒是那些还有足够战力参与战斗的月狩变得越来越少。 After several minutes, several months of only remaining hunt gather, blocked before the round table, expression embarrassed are looking at that side two people. 数分钟后,仅剩的几个月狩重新聚集在一起,拦在了圆桌之前,表情难堪的望着那边的两人。 The moon/month hunts strongest Nora to grasp the arm of sword to shiver slightly, she and Elisha put together dozens attacks mutually, cannot make the progress, then met a Loren's fist, is good to use the sword technique to remove most strengths, but the arm has a tingling with numbness feeling. 月狩中最强的娜拉握剑的手臂微微颤抖,她和艾丽莎互拼了数十记攻击,没能取得成效,然后又接了洛伦的一拳,好在用剑技卸去大部分力量,但是手臂还是有种发麻的感觉。 Thump!” “咚!” During the moon/month hunts, a delicate elf conducts the shoulder with the giant tower shield that his figure does not tally inserts in the ground, on that tower shield also many sword mark and fist seal stay behind, but restore slowly. 只是月狩之中,还有一位纤弱的精灵扛着和他身形不符合的巨大塔盾插在地面,那塔盾上也有不少剑痕和拳印留下,但都在慢慢的修复。 His defense is very strong, if in fact were not his tower shield blocked the essential attack, facing Elisha and Loren's attack, other months will hunt possibly a quicker rout. 他的防御很强,事实上如果不是他的塔盾挡住了许多关键的攻击,面对艾丽莎和洛伦的攻击,其他月狩可能会更快的溃败。 10,000 years passed by, without my existence, the present moon/month hunting army are also mediocre.” “一万年过去了,没有我的存在,现在的月狩部队也不过如此。” Elf king ease opens the mouth, sneering looks at round table opposite Xueli, his strength has dispersed, suppresses the fluctuation of holy blood, under the suppression of this strength, the strengths of these holy blood successors is very difficult to display., 精灵王悠然开口,冷笑的看着圆桌对面的雪莉,他的力量一直散开,镇压圣血的波动,在这种力量的压制下,那些圣血继承人的力量很难发挥。、 However this strength is unable to hunt in view of these months, therefore he needs the external force to assist, but Loren's strength also gave him a big pleasant surprise, united in Elisha together, suppresses the army of this legend unexpectedly completely. 不过这力量无法针对那些月狩,所以他需要外力相助,而洛伦的力量也给了他一个大大的惊喜,和艾丽莎联合在一起,竟然是完全压制住了这支传奇的部队。 But the limit of elf king , after is a round table, reason that Xueli had not acted rashly, even if faces such crisis, the young girl the complexion is tranquil throughout, does not say a word, her pupil golden red holy blood ray is still glittering, Xueli is still saving oneself card in a hand, these months hunt are helping her win the time. 而精灵王的限制,也是圆桌后雪莉一直没有轻举妄动的原因,不过就算面对这样的危机,少女始终面色平静,一言不发,她的瞳孔金红色的圣血光芒还在闪烁,雪莉也在积蓄自己的底牌,那些月狩是在帮她争取时间。 Do not make these two be close to your highness, they almost to the limit, cannot break through our defenses quickly, when they expose weaknesses, is we counter-attacks.” “不要让这两人接近殿下,他们也差不多快到极限,攻不破我们的防御,等到他们露出破绽,就是我们反击的时候。” The Nora cold sound opens the mouth, she looks at that side seriously two people. 娜拉冷声开口,她郑重看着那边两人。 Their strengths do not lose in vain, Elisha had felt that the body was somewhat heavy, fight continually consumed her massive strength. 他们的战力不是白白损失,艾丽莎已经感觉到了身体有些沉重,连番的战斗消耗了她大量的力量。 Elisha looks to Loren, notices Loren also to start gasping for breath slightly, before battle qi of his within the body not, is so powerful, at this time young girl somewhat had mixed feelings, although two people previous fight coordination are ingenious, but this has not made her confirm Loren's status. 艾丽莎看向洛伦,注意到洛伦也开始微微的喘气,他体内的斗气也不似之前那样强盛,这时少女心情还有些复杂,虽然两人先前的战斗配合巧妙,可这并没有让她确认洛伦的身份。 Loren notices Elisha's vision, looks at each other one with her, then Elisha shoots a look at the line of sight fast, the young girl has inspired gently, depresses in the heart the diverse and confused thought that determined after own surplus battle qi can transfer momentarily, suddenly runs out forward. 洛伦注意到艾丽莎的目光,和她对视一眼,而后艾丽莎飞快瞥过视线,少女轻轻的吸气,压下心中纷杂的念头,确定自己剩余的斗气能够随时调动后,忽然向前冲出。 Ding!” “叮!” In the air spatters in all directions radiant sparks/Mars again, Elisha's form plunders before the round table, after may catch Elisha's attack, Nora's thin sword also thorn, blocks her. 空气中再次迸溅出璀璨的火星,艾丽莎的身影掠至圆桌之前,可捕捉到艾丽莎的攻击后娜拉的细剑也同时的刺出,将她拦下。 secret sword......” “秘剑……” Buzz!” “嗡!” Two people probe the attack touches minute/share, then bone-chilling cold sword air/Qi with bursting out the air wave is turbulent cutting, two people simultaneous began using the sword technique of deep meaning rank. 两人试探般的攻击一触即分,接下来凛冽的剑气随着迸发的气浪汹涌着切割而出,两人同时的启用了奥义级别的剑技。 Elisha's form was divided into several probably, cuts toward the front continually, may, in the attack falls when the Nora body, is actually pierced by the sword light that the extreme speed punctures, moves of sword techniques were broken, the sword light that a sword and Elisha main body that finally Nora punctures cut collides, under two people the ground seems like by the sword air/Qi of nihility is cut the fissure. 艾丽莎的身影像是分成了数道,向着前方连斩,可在攻击落在娜拉身前时,却又被极速刺出的剑光一个个洞穿,一招招剑术被破,最后娜拉刺来的一剑和艾丽莎本体斩出的剑光碰撞,两人身下地面像是被虚无的剑气斩出裂痕。 Finally Nora's body weak retreat backward, hit above behind the big black tower shield, corners of the mouth overflow blood. 最后还是娜拉的身体无力的向后退去,撞在了身后高大的黑色塔盾之上,嘴角溢出鲜血。 Elisha also withdrew slightly several steps, stood firm the figure, but the strength of that sword has exhausted. 艾丽莎也稍微退后了几步,稳住了身形,只是那一剑的力道已经用尽。 However at this moment, Nora was hunted by nearby moon/month tears fiercely, that carries the moon/month of giant tower shield to hunt to wind around the wild black air/Qi, carries the tower shield to hit toward Elisha. 然而就在这时,娜拉就被旁边的月狩猛地扯开,那扛着巨大的塔盾的月狩身上缭绕起狂暴的黑气,扛着塔盾向着艾丽莎撞去。 Elisha's vision one cold, the young girl clenches teeth to transfer forcefully battle qi, adopts the sword technique stance to prepare to keep off this wild hit, may before that giant tower shield depresses, actually seemed like the mountain to boost equally from the body of young girl by the air current of extreme speed extrusion. 艾丽莎的目光一凛,少女咬牙强行调用斗气,重新摆出剑技姿态准备挡下这狂暴的撞击,可在那巨大的塔盾压下之前,被极速挤压的气流却像是山一样从少女的身后推来。 Bang!” “嘭!” Elisha raised the head, then sees Loren fist pounding ruthlessly above that tower shield, the strength of eruption first is the shatter air, then conducts on the jet black tower shield, clear crashes to resound, that carries the moon/month of giant tower shield to hunt toward the rear area retreats, but in the center of tower shield, then presented the deep pothole, nearly its puncture. Also was at this time, Elisha was used to resist that dashing the sword technique also to gather the potential to finish, seizes this perfect opportunity, Elisha's towering lightening forward, but her form and youngster interlocked, the finger that Loren lifted was actually in her hands on the chilly sword blade gently a ball. 艾丽莎抬头,便看到洛伦一拳狠狠的砸在那塔盾之上,爆发的力量先是破碎空气,然后传导在漆黑的塔盾上,清脆的碎裂声响起,那扛着巨大塔盾的月狩向着后方退去,而在塔盾的中央,则是出现了深深的坑洞,近乎将其击穿。也是这个时候,艾丽莎本来用于抵挡那冲撞的剑技也蓄势完毕,抓住这个完美的机会,艾丽莎突兀的向前闪出,只是她的身影和少年交错的时候,洛伦抬起的手指却是在她手中清冷剑刃上轻轻一弹。 The slight strength same spreads like the ripple, quick package sword blade. 细微的力量如同波纹一样扩散,很快包裹剑刃。 Bang!” “轰!” The next second of day honors battle qi lights above the long sword sword blade that Elisha grips tightly, just like the star splendor of combustion to wrap that sword blade, at the same time Elisha within the body gushes out transforms also twines into battle qi of golden thunder above the sword blade. 下一秒天崇斗气在艾丽莎紧握的长剑剑刃之上点燃,犹如燃烧的星辉包裹着那剑刃,于此同时艾丽莎体内涌出转变为金色雷霆的斗气也随之缠绕在剑身之上。 Is a simple coordination, but the star splendor of that combustion ascends after the sword blade, the train of thought of young girl was actually involved an incomparably profound memory by that ray, Elisha felt oneself returned to the night of that combustion probably, the giant demon dragon wreaks havoc in the imperial capital, the black hair youngster pupil lightens the radiant golden color, supports into her the bosom, must with her together slaughter dragon. 仅仅是一个简单的配合,可那燃烧的星辉在剑身上升腾后,少女的思绪却是被那光芒牵扯进了一段无比深刻的记忆,恍惚中艾丽莎觉得自己像是回到了那个燃烧的夜晚,巨大的魔龙在帝都肆虐,黑发的少年瞳孔点亮璀璨的金色,将她拥入怀中,要和她一起屠龙。 Is looking at that jet black tower shield, that completely exposes before oneself the huge flaw, Elisha is clear when faced the spitting breath of that demon dragon finally, Loren also prevented the attack for oneself, then created to make her wield the opportunity of fatal sword. 望着那漆黑的塔盾,还有那完全暴露在自己面前的巨大破绽,艾丽莎更是清晰的记起了最后面对那魔龙的吐息时,洛伦同样替自己阻挡了攻击,然后创造出了让她挥出致命一剑的机会。 Moreover at that time Loren's finger seemed like has also shot the long sword in her hand like this, in addition held some strange energy, as that warm strength on sword blade mobile battle qi, as if dripped into the heart of young girl, warmed her heart. 而且那个时候洛伦的手指也像是这样弹过她手中的长剑,加持了某种奇异的能量,那种温暖的力量随着剑身上流动的斗气,仿佛淌入少女的心中,温暖她的心底。 Big brother Loren......” “洛伦大哥……” .. 。。 Hello, I match Ottmann's younger brother Carvin Ottmann. 大家好,我是赛文奥特曼的弟弟卡文奥特曼。
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