MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#80: Detects the clue?

Be careful, the strength of this fellow...... is very strong!” “都小心,这家伙的实力……很强!” Looks at Loren to go out, the Nora vision becomes ten to segregate heavily, she feels the huge threat from Loren, not to mention, side Loren, but also has had once defeated her Elisha. 看着洛伦走出,娜拉目光变得十分凝重,她从洛伦身上感觉到巨大的威胁,更不用说,在洛伦身边,还有着曾战胜过她的艾丽莎。 Sir Nora, how they again are also two people.” “娜拉大人,他们再怎么强也不过是两个人。” Has moon/month of hunting cold sound opens the mouth. Besieges them, they will not have the opportunity.” 有月狩冷声开口。“围攻他们,他们不会有机会。” However they do not know, in at night the day before yesterday fight, some people with their same ideas, many of them present grave mound grass have also started to germinate. 然而他们并不知道,前天晚上的战斗中,有人也是和他们一样的想法,其中不少人现在坟头草已经开始发芽了。 However ignorant, represents dauntlessly, not to mention they are elite elite, the strength that Loren displays most make them surprisedly with attaching great importance , but being insufficient makes them flinch. 不过无知,也代表无畏,更不用说他们都是精锐中的精锐,洛伦表现的战力最多让他们惊讶和重视,但并不足以让他们退缩。 Moreover as the guard elf royal family's highest strength, the moon/month hunts is also the process selects to be competent layer upon layer, what inherited being all previous generations inherits the most outstanding elf martial skill or the magic, at this time the moon/month hunts almost the whole staff to reign, they have the sufficient confidence. 而且作为护卫精灵王族的最高战力,月狩也是经过层层选拔才能胜任,继承的是历代传承下来的最优秀的精灵武技或者魔法,此时月狩几乎全员在位,他们拥有充足的信心。 The moon/month of legendary rank hunts to lock two people, the fluctuation of strength stimulates loudly, toward two people steamroll, their imposing manners mixes in the same place falls, the ground could not support such weight gradually to have the crack to start to spread. 传奇级别的月狩锁定两人,力量的波动轰然激发,向着两人碾压而下,他们的气势糅合在一起落下,地面支撑不了那样的重量逐渐有裂纹开始蔓延。 In a flash, feels like crashes into situated in Loren and Elisha of imposing manner suppression center the turbulent sea, all around hidden the tidal murderous intention, the attack seems like from locks two people in all directions. 一瞬间,处于气势压制中心的洛伦和艾丽莎感觉像是坠入汹涌大海,四周隐藏潮水般的杀机,攻击像是从四面八方将两人锁定。 However under that imposing manner steamroll, Loren has not come under any influence, the youngster even also has the feeling, after the school, his several months have not met with Elisha, not to mention the experience of fight, two people stand shoulder to shoulder faces the enemy, is actually in this case . Moreover the young girl also not necessarily knows that who he is. 然而在那气势碾压下,洛伦并没有受到任何影响,少年甚至还有感慨,学院之后,他数个月没和艾丽莎相见,更不用说并肩战斗的经历,两人重新站在一起面对敌人,却是在这种情况下,而且少女还不一定知道他是谁。 Like this was just thinking, Loren mood moved slightly, before noticing own, were many twinkle emerald green ray magic barrier, Loren turns the head to turn toward Elisha to look together, may fight is also ready to be set off. 刚这样想着,洛伦心情微动,注意到自己身前多出一道闪烁翠色光芒的魔法屏障,洛伦转头向着艾丽莎看去,可战斗也一触即发。 Bang after slight sound, Elisha's form from disappears same place, in the air hears the sound that gold/metal iron collides, has series of sparks/Mars to spatter in all directions in Loren's not far away, the huge impact follows close on after the collision erupts, Elisha and several months of hunting fight has started. “嘭”的细微声响过后,艾丽莎的身影从原地消失,紧接着空气中传来金铁碰撞的响声,在洛伦的不远处有连串的火星迸溅而出,剧烈的冲击紧跟在碰撞后爆发,艾丽莎和几个月狩的战斗已经开始。 Meanwhile, Loren felt that the both hands both legs simultaneous heaviness, he recovers, saw in front of oneself had/left light quiet green mist, that mist same ties down his body like the chains, the elf master in distant place lifts the law stick, but also in continue chant, Loren separates law that revolves unceasingly, the after magic release of control class, other powerful attack magics are saving. 与此同时,洛伦感觉到双手双腿同时的沉重,他回过神来,就看到自己面前多出了一层薄薄的幽绿色雾气,那雾气如同锁链一样缠住他的身体,远处的精灵法师抬起法杖,还在继续咏唱,洛伦脚下不断弹开旋转的法阵,控制类的魔法释放之后,还有其他强大的攻击魔法在积蓄。 After law that separates unceasingly locks Loren , the swift and fierce fist wind breaks open his body , before together the air pounds, since besieges, other months hunt naturally cannot let go such good attack opportunity. 不断弹开的法阵锁定洛伦后,又一道凌厉拳风破开他身前空气砸来,既然是围攻,其他的月狩自然不会放弃这么好的攻击机会。 Loren within the body battle qi the eruption, the day of star splendor combustion honors battle qi direct fuse that to fetter the mist of Loren body, he lifts a hand to block before the face, catches a fist that moon/month hunted to pound exactly. 洛伦体内斗气爆发,星辉般燃烧的天崇斗气直接熔化那束缚洛伦身体的雾气,他抬起一只手拦在脸前,恰好接住了那月狩砸来的一拳。 But after that moon/month hunts kept off to attack, on the face to show the smile unexpectedly, his another fist presses in oneself ** has been at gathers the strength the condition, this fist is his killing incurs. 可那月狩被挡下攻击后脸上竟然露出笑容,他另一只拳头压在自己**一直处于蓄力的状态,这一拳才是他的杀招。 Nearly, this fellow is so impossible to have the opportunity of evading, meeting the tough head-on with toughness some people will not be my opponent!” “这么近,这家伙不可能有躲过的机会,硬碰硬不会有人是我的对手!” In the brain flashes through this idea, fighting that in that month of hunting arm revolves with tidal has surged, the muscle of his arm as if starts to change, just like the engine of hydraulic pressure on be the same, pumps out the strength conduction unceasingly in the arm, gathers the potential in the process, his fist has been similar to compresses tightens to the spring of limit generally, saved the terrifying strength. 脑中闪过这个想法,那个月狩手臂中运转的斗已然同潮水般涌动,连带他手臂的肌肉似乎都开始变化,犹如液压的发动机一样,不断泵出力量传导在手臂之中,蓄势的过程中,他的拳头已经如同压缩到极限的弹簧一般绷紧,积蓄了恐怖的力量。 Bang!” “轰!” The fist of deep meaning pounds, wild fist wind easily accomplished tearing land, another fist that a fist and Loren but who he exerts its utmost pound touches after the same place, that month of hunting expression changes instantaneously. 奥义的一拳砸出,狂暴的拳风摧枯拉朽的撕裂大地,只是他势在必得的一拳和洛伦砸出的另一拳触碰在一起后,那个月狩的表情瞬间改变。 „......” “咔嚓……” He heard crashing of oneself bone clearly. 他清楚的听到了自己骨头的碎裂声。 Shortly , the impact that erupts from the collision center makes the ground collapse downward several cracks, Loren magic is away from grinds, two people furniture are the instantaneous disintegration, the person who even if other must approach still made the gesture of defense, was attacked distressedly to boosting. 不久后,从碰撞中心爆发的冲击让地面向下坍塌出数圈裂纹,洛伦脚下的魔法阵被距离碾碎,两人身边的桌椅更是瞬间崩解,就算其他要靠近的人也做出了防御的姿态,然后被冲击狼狈的向后推去。 Spells with Loren the moon/month hunting arm break that hardly that strikes, falls to fly like the heavy line together backward, tumbled in the ground does not know that many circles, dashed the innumerable things, finally the plow had/left the deep gully to be buried in inside. 和洛伦硬拼那一击的月狩手臂断裂,如同一道黑线般向后跌飞,在地面翻滚了不知道了多少圈,撞破了无数东西,最后犁出了深深的沟壑被埋在了里面。 Looks that twinkling vanishes moon/month of not seeing to hunt, Loren also has the accident/surprise, he has really not known courage where this fellow comes and he to fist, although he truly is an emaciated magician, but cannot bully itself like this, is good has to mump the strengthened body because of him, otherwise a moment ago that fist on some dangers. 看着那瞬息消失不见的月狩,洛伦也有意外,他还真不知道这家伙是哪来的勇气和他对拳,虽然他确实是个瘦弱的魔法师,但也不能这样欺负自己啊,好在他有斗气强化身体,不然刚才那一拳就有些危险了。 How can, Kaldor's god gather to strike, was so unexpectedly simple is broken......!?” “怎么会,卡尔多的神蓄击,竟然这么简单就被破掉了……!?” Side also had month to hunt to follow to assault, but saw form that own companion vanishes, after short shock, suddenly idea that gave up putting together hardly. 旁边本来还有个月狩跟着抢攻了过来,可是看到自己同伴消失的身影,短暂的震惊后,突然放弃了硬拼的想法。 First puts your horse!” “先放你一马!” That moon/month hunts to change near body war to begin using the deep meaning idea, lifts the hand rumbling two huge brilliance to rumble, pounds after Loren's body, the retreat, wants to spread out to need further consideration backward. 那月狩改变近身战启用自身奥义想法,抬起手轰轰两道巨大光焰轰出,砸在洛伦的身上后,向后退去,想要拉开距离从长计议。 But he must let off Loren, Loren has not actually let off his idea. 可是他要放过洛伦,洛伦却没有放过他的想法。 The moon/month of quick that retreat hunts saw the brilliance shatter ground that oneself rumble leaves behind two burnt pit, but the person's shadow in pothole has vanished does not see. 很快那后退的月狩就看到自己轰出的光焰破碎地面留下两个焦坑,可是坑洞中的人影早已消失不见。 Which did the fellow...... go?” “那家伙……去哪了?” In the brain just flashed through this idea, that month of hunting body cannot bear tremble, felt that own top of the head emits the huge danger character probably. 脑中刚闪过这个想法,那个月狩身体忍不住哆嗦一下,感觉自己的头顶像是冒出巨大的危字。 Finally shape that on his face the expression big change, the towering expression somewhat fierce reverse body, on the arm the congealment innumerable green crystals, cast a sword axe, combustion green brilliance, ruthlessly toward rear detachment. 他脸上表情大变,突兀表情有些狰狞的扭转身体,手臂上凝结无数绿色的晶体,最终铸就成一柄剑斧的形态,燃烧的着绿色的光焰,狠狠的向着后方劈去。 ping!” “呯!” The axe blade cuts half to hold down by a palm, the day that Loren palm condenses honors battle qi to hold back on the axe blade, that axe blade cuts in his palm is the disintegration has the gap unexpectedly, green crystal escape that suddenly but that cracks the innumerable green smog, bringing some type of withered toxin to try to drill into Loren's within the body, but Loren also has the protection early, the day of combustion honors battle qi stimulates instantaneously, easily annexes and destroys these toxic gas. 斧刃斩到一半就被一只手掌按住,洛伦手心凝聚的天崇斗气按压在斧刃上,那斧刃斩在他的手心竟是崩碎出缺口,只是那崩裂的绿色的晶体忽然的逸散成无数绿色的烟雾,带着某种枯萎毒素试图钻入洛伦的体内,不过洛伦也早有防备,燃烧的天崇斗气瞬间激发,轻易将那些毒气吞灭。 Saw when Loren another hand starts to make a fist, that month hunts only felt a back chill in the air direct impact top of the head, may at this time from Loren behind suddenly has the blade light together to cut. 看到洛伦另一只手开始握拳之时,那个月狩只觉得后背一股寒意直冲头顶,可在这时从洛伦的身后突然有一道刀光斩来。 Loren saw that to loosen the axe blade to avoid that blade, the magic that even also the spatial making a move crumb the distant place master summoned condensed the powerful energy, that month hunted can also seize the chance to spread out. 洛伦见状松开了斧刃避开了那一刀,甚至还空出手捏碎了远处法师召唤出的一道凝聚了强大能量的魔法,那个月狩也得以趁机拉开距离。 Before Loren that holding the blade moon/month hunts behind kills Loren body, without hesitation together the swift and fierce blade light/only cuts to fall, the ray of Loren left hand sparkle condenses the silver-white long bow to lift to supports this blade, that holding the blade moon/month hunts the exquisite sabreplay not to display with enough time, was exploded suddenly shoots, but a white light beam bang flew. 洛伦身后那持刀月狩杀到洛伦身前,毫不犹豫又一道凌厉刀光斩落,洛伦左手闪耀的光芒凝聚银白色的长弓向上一抬架住这一刀,那持刀月狩精湛的刀术还没来得及发挥,就被突然爆射而出的一道白色光束轰飞了出去。 Such quickly!” “这么快!” The arm transforms as the moon/month of sword axe hunts not to draw back to see many Loren has solved oneself companion once again from being sideways to throw toward oneself, has a big shock . Moreover the youngster idle fist of grips again tightly, previously a power and influence of that terrifying fist covered him once again. 手臂转化为剑斧的月狩还没有退开多远就看到洛伦已经解决了自己的同伴又一次从侧身向着自己扑来,不禁大惊失色,而且少年空余的拳头再度攥紧,先前那恐怖一拳的威势又一次将他笼罩。 Alarmed and afraid within holds the axe moon/month to hunt to lift the weapon to keep off in the chest front standard, simultaneously his body innumerable close green crystals appear, probably an armor protects him stubbornly in inside. 惊惧间持斧月狩抬起武器在胸前格挡,同时他的身上无数细密的绿色晶体浮现,像是一层铠甲将他死死保护在里面。 Thump, the sword axe in that moon/month of hunting hand was shattered, the steamroll lets shatter of green crystal also big piece his body surface condenses in his impact, the body is uncontrolled flying upside down backward. “咚”的一声,那月狩手中的剑斧破碎,紧接着碾压在他身上的冲击让他体表凝聚的绿色晶体也大片的破碎,身体更是不受控制的向后倒飞而出。 But met this fist after hardly, surprised in that month of hunting heart replaced original alarmed and afraid, the strength of this fist is indeed strong, fearfulness that such but he has not imagined, even if defeated his defense, still most lets his minor wound. 可是硬接了这一拳后,那个月狩心中的惊讶代替了原本的惊惧,这一拳的力量的确强大,但是并没有他想象的那样可怕,就算击破了他的防御,也最多让他轻伤。 Did the fellow previously attack to consume too many strengths? 那家伙是先前的攻击消耗了太多的力量了吗? In his brain cannot help but appears this idea, but on the face has not revealed the happy expression with enough time, the next second he felt that oneself back ran upon anything probably, that fierce ache makes him almost faint, but near ear the pitiful yell of startled anger makes him have a familiar feeling, when he recovers, discovered oneself were hits in for the moon/month hunting companion on. 他的脑中不由自主的浮现这个想法,可脸上还没来得及露出喜色,下一秒他就感觉到自己的后背像是撞上了什么,那剧烈的疼痛让他差一点背过气去,而耳边的惊怒的惨叫却让他有种熟悉的感觉,等他回过神来的时候,才发现自己是撞在了同为月狩的同伴身上。 Because that struck to break his green crystal, the gas cloud spread, invaded within the body of his companion directly. 而且因为那一击破碎了他身上的绿色晶体,毒雾蔓延,直接侵入了他同伴的体内。 Crue, you were insane!?” “克鲁,你疯了吗!?” His companion face alarmed and afraid exclaiming, battle qi of hasty wish adjustment within the body disorder, is however too late. 他的同伴一脸惊惧的吼道,仓促的想要调整体内紊乱的斗气,但是为时已晚。 secret sword...... thunder Yin!” “秘剑……雷引!” Because at this moment, Elisha's sword technique gathered the potential to finish, young girl suddenly had to mump such as the thunder to erupt, sweeps across her body, the young girl treads the broken ground, with binding the thunder battle qi a sword to cut, probably the light vanished together on the spot. 因为就在这时,艾丽莎的剑技蓄势完毕,少女脚下忽然有斗气如雷霆爆发,席卷她的身体,少女踏破地面,携裹雷霆斗气一剑斩出,像是一道光消失在原地。 Grass!” “草!” Is listening to that thunder tyrannically buzz called also has the sword light/only to puncture the air the sound, that month of hunting head buzz, this understood anything probably, Loren previously that struck not to have the full power idea, the fellow caught a time intentionally, making him hit exactly, in previously wanted on the companion who fended Elisha to attack. 听着那雷霆暴虐的嗡鸣还有剑光刺破空气的声音,那个月狩脑袋嗡的一下,这才像是明白了什么,洛伦先前那一击本来就没有出全力的想法,那家伙是故意卡住了一个时机,让他恰好撞在了先前想要闪避艾丽莎攻击的同伴身上。 Two people hit in one group, actually just delivers to the sword that Elisha cut probably . Moreover the strength without defended. 两个人撞在一团,却像是刚好送到了艾丽莎斩出的剑上,而且都没有防御的力量。 „!” “咔嚓!” Elisha's form and two people interlock, then the young girl cannot help but stopped in same place, looked hunts to the moon/month that two were cut to fly, somewhat compelled ignorant, Elisha that sword wanted to drive back one person, the result has not thought that made two people lose the battle efficiency directly. 艾丽莎的身影和两人交错,然后少女不由得愣愣停在了原地,望向那两个被斩飞的月狩,有些懵逼,艾丽莎本来那一剑本来只是想要逼退一人,结果没想到直接让两人失去了战斗力。 After recovering, Elisha's vision again complex looking to that side Luke. 回过神来后艾丽莎的目光再次复杂的望向那边的卢克。 After the short thinking, the moon/month of again attacking hunts to shift the attention of young girl, Elisha battle qi attribute transformation, the aura of cold ice appeared, welcomed to these enemies. 只是在短暂的思索后,再次攻来的月狩转移了少女的注意力,艾丽莎身上斗气属性转化,寒冰的气息显现,重新迎向那些敌人。 Recalled that Luke in the secondary attack that the appropriate occasion delivers, Elisha decides slightly under the change suddenly own forms of combat. 回想“卢克”在合适时机送上的助攻,艾丽莎忽然决定稍微改变下自己的战斗方式。 ... 。。。 Oh, unknowingly, is one 520, but also remembers that 520, I am a person alone lonely in home symbol, who can think today...... 唉,不知不觉,又是一个520,还记得上一个520,我是一个人独自孤独的在家码字,谁又能想到今天…… I am a person in the home lonely symbol. 我还是一个人在家孤独的码字呢。 Grass. 艹。
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