MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#79: Hot tempered Loren( second)

Bastard, were you insane?” “混蛋,你疯了吗?” Saw that Loren begins to oneself, elf king Zhi thought that the whole body courage vigor upwells, the vision also becomes the exceedingly indignant. 看到洛伦对自己动手,精灵王只觉得浑身血气上涌,目光也变得无比愤怒。 His within the body holy blood strength stimulates, the body retreats backward, is Loren's speed is quicker than him, elf Wang Gang has the movement, felt that at present flashes, the protection of holy blood was broken instantaneously, he felt that a head severe pain transmits. 他体内圣血力量激发,身体向后退去,可是洛伦的速度比他更快,精灵王刚有动作,就感觉到眼前一闪,圣血的防护瞬间被破,紧接着他就感觉脑袋一阵剧痛传来。 Loren palm covers his skull, the ache that the terrifying strength and wreaks havoc lets elf king Junmei some face distortions, Loren's battle qi blocks a space completely, does not give the elf king any running away opportunity, then the youngster hand culmination honors the strength of battle qi to erupt, the star splendor of combustion breathes covers the body of elf king, probably lights the giant torch him. 洛伦手掌扣住他的颅骨,恐怖的力量和肆虐的疼痛让精灵王俊美的面庞都有些变形,洛伦的斗气完全封锁一片空间,不给精灵王任何的逃遁机会,而后少年手中天崇斗气的力量爆发,燃烧的星辉呼吸间覆盖精灵王的身体,像是将他点燃成巨大的火炬。 Bang!” “嘭!” Last light beam is vertical flashes extinguishes, bang blasts out, after the star splendor ray dissipates, the ground leaves behind a giant gulf, in the pothole full is the crack and scorch. 最后一道光柱垂直闪灭,轰的一声炸开,星辉光芒消散后,地面留下一个巨大的深坑,坑洞内满是裂纹和焦痕。 All these happen in several seconds, but on the field the people are looking at all these nearly delay, no one has thought the reinforcements that elf king called were so unexpectedly hot tempered, was insane even the elf kings to hit unexpectedly. 这一切都在数秒内发生,而场上众人望着这一切近乎呆滞,谁都没有想到精灵王叫来的援军竟然如此暴躁,疯起来竟然连精灵王都打。 Even if specialized such as the moon/month hunts, at this moment on the face the expression is becomes is still very strange, the atmosphere in field is subtle. 就算是专业如月狩,这一刻脸上表情也是变得无比古怪起来,场上的气氛更是微妙。 Not far away surrounded Elisha also cannot help but opened the attractive eye, the young girl is somewhat dumbstruck. 不远处被包围的艾丽莎也不由得睁大了漂亮的眼睛,少女有些发懵。 Had not been affected only then Xueli bosom Bailey, the girl blows up the cheeks slightly, stared Loren one eyes, the fool Elder Brother...... was maintained the person to suppose by oneself, oneself actually play, did not fear that the person on one's own side supposed collapses suddenly. 唯一没有被影响到的就只有雪莉怀里的贝莉尔,女孩微微鼓起脸颊,瞪了洛伦一眼,笨蛋哥哥……让自己维持人设,自己却玩的这么嗨,就不怕自己人设突然崩了吗。 However only maintained silent merely for ten several seconds, in the pothole, the consciousness body of elf king disintegration like brilliance condenses again, appearance of returning safe and sound, his vision gloomy looks to Loren. 不过沉默仅仅只维持了十数秒的时间,坑洞之中,精灵王崩碎的意识体如同光辉般再次凝聚,毫发无损的出现,他目光阴沉的看向洛伦。 Luke, you do not want my explanation.” “卢克,你不要我一个解释吗。” The elf king has not begun, is mainly felt own present has no way to process Loren...... 精灵王没有动手,主要是感觉自己现在没法处理洛伦…… Loren looks that the restoration the elf king vision deep place flashed through an accident/surprise, on the face ponders one to say ; My palm lost control a moment ago, the tone that because you spoke too under punched, therefore it could not bear make a move to punch your, with my wish irrelevant.” 洛伦看着复原的精灵王目光深处闪过一丝意外,脸上沉思了一会道;“刚才我的手掌失控了,因为你说话的语气太欠揍,所以它忍不住出手想要揍你一顿,和我本人的意愿无关。” „?” “?” Elf king Biaoqing looks at Loren drearily, after sneering several, said every single word or phrase: 精灵王表情阴郁的看着洛伦,冷笑几声后一字一句道: Evidently you these words that forgot me to speak yesterday? Said what you don't care about that girl to turn into?” “看样子你是忘了我昨天说的那些话了?还是说你并不在乎那个女孩变成什么样?” His tone is hiding the anger, the vision threateningly meaning. 他的语气隐藏着愤怒,目光充满威胁之意。 You do not really think that controlled her life and death to control me completely.” “你不会真以为控制了她的生死就完全掌控我吧。” But Loren's response is completely more than he expected, the youngster said lightly: 而洛伦的反应却完全超出他的预料,少年只是淡淡道: I like her, but has not liked being willing for her to pay all, naturally......, if you killed her, I will also take revenge for her.” “我是喜欢她,但是也没有喜欢到愿意为她付出一切,当然……如果你杀了她,我也会替她复仇。” Loren is saying, the vision ignites the cruel ray probably, the darkness of that twinkle just like the purgatory gloomy terrifying: You can try to act to her now, kill her not to relate, but then, you will live forever to my fear, even the death, you were still inextricable.” 洛伦说着,目光像是燃起暴戾的光芒,那闪烁的黑暗犹如炼狱般阴森恐怖:“你现在可以试试对她出手,杀了她也没关系,但是接下来,你会永远活在对我的恐惧中,就算死亡,你也无法解脱。” Loren's words, making the breath of elf king stagnate, his expression also becomes ugly, may in the next second, Loren restrain that crazy imposing manner: 洛伦的话语,让精灵王的呼吸一滞,他的表情也变得更加的难看,可在下一秒,洛伦又收敛了那疯狂的气势: But, I did not mind, when your collaborator, I can help you kill people, but this matter ended...... you to her give me.” “不过,我不介意当你的合作者,我可以帮你杀人,但是这件事情结束……你要把她交给我。” Loren is calm, naturally, you can also choose the rejection, we will not die from now on continuous.” 洛伦语气平静,“当然,你也可以选择拒绝,我们从现在开始不死不休。” Elf king Wang a Loren expression distortion, the look is fluctuating several times, saw that after Loren's vision reveals murderous aura, sneers is looking at Loren saying: 精灵王望着洛伦表情一阵扭曲,眼神变幻几次,看到洛伦的目光流露出杀气后,不禁冷笑着看着洛伦道: Does not die continuous, you thought that I will care about your threat, you think that who you are!?” “不死不休,你觉得我会在意你的威胁,你以为你是谁!?” Cooperation cooperates! However the matter, did not have next time!” “合作就合作!但是刚才的事情,没有下次!” Then, has not paid attention to the youngster strange vision, he shifts to these elves unemotionally: 然后,没有理会少年古怪的目光,他面无表情转向那些精灵: Now, kills to me......” “现在,给我杀……” The words told only half, the elf king seems like realizes anything, cold snort/hum, restrained that order language gas channel/angrily said: „A Elisha person could not deal with these fellows, you know how should do.” 话说到一半,精灵王又像是意识到什么,冷哼一声,收敛了那命令的语气道:“艾丽莎一个人对付不了这些家伙,你知道该怎么做。” Loren has not responded this outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted idiot again, tranquility that such but youngster mood he has not imagined. 洛伦没再搭理这色厉内荏的蠢货,只是少年心情并没有他想象的那样平静。 Was counted killed elf king one time a moment ago, he has killed the elf king three times, however the consciousness body of this fellow was very strange, even the entire disintegration, can as before perfect recovered before him, he can feel clearly, the after consciousness body of elf king was stave, there are the strange energy to recover him. 算上刚才杀了精灵王一次,他已经袭杀了精灵王三次,然而这家伙的意识体很诡异,就算整个崩碎,依旧能完好无损的在他面前复原,他能清楚感觉到,精灵王的意识体破碎之后,有奇异的能量将他复原。 What that strange energy is, is ability that this fellow brings? 那诡异的能量是什么,是这家伙自带的能力? Reason of protection? 还是守护的原因? Or this fellow has hidden as before, hasn't this calculated his main body? 或者说这家伙依旧有所隐藏,这还不算他的本体? Loren is frowning, he had not found the key that kills the elf king now. 洛伦皱着眉头,他现在还没有找到杀死精灵王的关键。 What a pity this fellow instigated, an opportunity does not give, originally he also wanted to kill elf king several times with the excuse, now after can only , looked for the experiments of other reasons. 可惜这家伙太怂,一点机会都不给,本来他还想要用刚才的借口多杀精灵王几次,现在只能之后再找其他的理由的试验了。 Kills forcefully, Loren is also worried to arouse the vigilance of elf king. 强行杀下去,洛伦也担心引起精灵王的警觉。 Pitifully, this fellow had the asylum of protection.” “可惜了,这家伙有守护的庇护。” Is thinking these, in Loren heart somewhat disconsolate sighing. 想着这些,洛伦心中有些惆怅的叹了口气。 If elf king controls Elisha with the ban merely, he does not use such cautious probe, chases down directly well. 如果精灵王仅仅是用禁制控制艾丽莎,他也不用这样小心翼翼的试探,直接追杀就好。 He has the scabbard of protection, can shelter Elisha not by the injuries of these bans, does to...... elf king Zhangkong the sword of protection, he does not know that the opposite party does have the means to resist to protect the asylum of scabbard, or has the method of entering the protection scabbard space, therefore does not dare to bet casually. 他拥有守护的剑鞘,可以庇护艾丽莎不受那些禁制的伤害,奈何……精灵王掌控着守护之剑,他并不知道对方有没有办法抗拒守护剑鞘的庇护,或者拥有进入守护剑鞘空间的方法,所以不敢随便赌。 However. 不过。 Takes the trouble to be close to elf king although troubling, but also has the hidden status advantage, he can find out the goal of elf king slowly, even spoils the plan of elf king at crucial moment, even truncation Hu's his achievement. 费心接近精灵王虽然麻烦,但也有隐藏身份的优势,他可以慢慢摸清楚精灵王的目的,甚至关键时候破坏精灵王的计划,甚至截胡他的成果。 This fellow......” “这家伙……” Loren when the innermost feelings thinking plan, the elf king looks at the youngster who turns around, the vision also becomes gloomy and cold, he thinks oneself control Elisha Loren to treat as at will ** the board game piece, but looking back now, this fellow imagines him is more difficult than to control. 洛伦在内心思索计划的时候,精灵王看着转过身去的少年,目光也变得更加的阴冷,他本来以为自己操控艾丽莎就可以把洛伦当作随意**的棋子,但现在看来,这家伙比他想象的更难控制。 However, as a king, he understands the truth that is adaptable to the situation. 但是,作为一位王,他深谙能屈能伸的道理。 Elf king Wang is hiding the deep taunt to Loren's back. 精灵王望向洛伦的背影藏着深深的嘲讽。 This fellow can also be rampant now, that is because he has not collected enough holy blood, when his strength restores majority, insect that Loren can pinch conveniently. 这家伙现在还能嚣张,那是因为他还没有收集足够的圣血,等他的力量恢复大部分,洛伦就是随手可以捏死的虫子。 However, to that time, he so will not be really simple kills Loren. 不过,真到了那时候,他也不会这么简单就杀死洛伦。 This world, had too compared with the suffering method of death pain. 这个世界,有太多比死亡痛苦的折磨手段。 But at this time, facing Loren's being close, these months hunted also to feel that suffocating pressure on approach again. 而此时,面对洛伦的接近,那些月狩也再次感受到了那令人窒息的压力逼近。 The internal strife that they anticipated has not happened. 他们原本期待的内讧并没有发生。 Elisha's vision is gradually complex, she has not thought, elf king looked for Luke finally, but the young girl revealed any difference the expression, but got hold in the hand the long sword. 艾丽莎的目光逐渐复杂,她没有想到,精灵王最终还是找上了卢克,不过少女露出任何的异样的表情,只是握紧了手中长剑。 .. 。。 Comes the Polish monthly ticket? ~ 来波月票呗?~
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