MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#78: Gets hold of my hugging pillow( first)

Bang ~ “轰~” The giant explosive sound resounds from the vault, as the innumerable giant stones crash, the form pounds to fall the ground at a quicker speed together. 巨大的爆炸声从穹顶响起,随着无数巨大的石块坠落,一道身影以更快的速度砸落地面。 The mist and dust has not raised with enough time, the air current that was swept across by side blows off, has the magic that moon/month of hunting person controls the wind system, lets the invisible air current accumulation, probably the vine same twists the knot, toward the person's shadow winding of pothole center. 烟尘还没来得及掀起,就被旁边席卷的气流吹散,有月狩的人操控风系的魔法,让无形的气流聚集,像是藤蔓一样拧结,向着坑洞中心的人影缠绕。 However that aerodynamic impact on the body of that person's shadow, was protected the shield to prevent like the egg shell emerald-green by one finally, Duke Frank supports the wooden stick to set out slowly, his corners of the mouth have the faint trace scarlet blood to overflow, expression gloomy wields own wooden law stick, the long whip that these air currents form explodes directly broken. 然而那气流冲击在那人影的身上,最终被一层如蛋壳般的翠绿色护盾阻挡,富兰克公爵撑着木杖缓缓起身,他的嘴角有丝丝猩红鲜血溢出,表情阴沉的挥动自己的木质法杖,那些气流形成的长鞭直接爆碎。 However at this time, several covetous moon/month hunting member has surrounded Duke Frank again, they look to old person's vision nearly clench jaws, although Frank's previous strange magic is not fatal, but cast the huge shadow to several people of hearts. 不过这个时候,几个虎视眈眈的月狩成员已经重新将富兰克公爵包围,他们望向老人的目光近乎咬牙切齿,富兰克先前的诡异魔法虽然不算致命,但是给几人心中留下了巨大的阴影。 But Duke Frank turns a blind eye to these person of wicked vision, he is raising head, looks at the young girl form that in that vault is dropping slowly, a hand according to own abdomen, the irrigation cure charm, suppresses there injury. 可富兰克公爵对那些人恶狠狠的目光视若无睹,他只是仰着头,望着那穹顶上缓缓落下的少女身影,一只手按在自己的腹部,灌注治愈魔力,压制那里的伤势。 Elisha's that sword, passed through his body, leaves behind a bowl mouth size in his abdomen the cavity, at this time under the brilliance of innumerable cure charm, the flesh of that wound wriggles unceasingly, seemingly incomparable fierce nausea. 艾丽莎的那一剑,贯穿了他的身体,在他的腹部留下一个碗口大小的空洞,此时在无数治愈魔力的光辉下,那伤口的血肉不断蠕动,看上去无比的狰狞恶心。 Frank looks at Elisha to fall, on the face has the mirthless smile. 富兰克看着艾丽莎落下,脸上带着惨笑。 „...... You had united with the royal family, no wonder, Your Highness Shirley will make such decision.” “呵……原来你们已经和王族联合,难怪,雪莉殿下会做出这样的决定。” Duke Frank, what words do you currently have to say?” “富兰克公爵,你现在还有什么话说?” At this time by these months is also hunted to take with another rebel who Duke Frank unites, Xueli sets out to approach, looks indifferently to Franck. 此时与富兰克公爵联合的另外一个叛逆也已经被那些月狩拿下,雪莉起身走近,冷漠看向富兰克。 I had no words to say, I have not lost to you, I lost to me.” Frank Station in same place light say/way, old person's body has seemed like was so no longer tall and straight previously, his escape route was broken, plans to expose, knew the dead end. “我没什么话可说,我没有输给你们,我只是输给了我自己。”富兰克站在原地淡淡道,老人的身体已经不再像是先前那样挺拔,他退路被断,计划败露,自知到了穷途末路。 If ten years ago I start to control the royal family, I will not fall until now this situation.” Frank muttered in a soft voice. “如果十年前我就开始操控王族的话,我也不会落到如今这种地步吧。”富兰克轻声喃喃。 Pitifully this world not, if, you gave me the high-rank opportunity, perhaps I should also you to tell that the sentence does thank?” “可惜这个世界没有如果,你给了我上位的机会,也许我应该还要跟你说句谢谢?” Shirley was saying sudden look somewhat complex looks to that old person: Duke Frank, I am very curious, was anything makes you make such transformation in these ten years, for this position, you did not even hesitate to unite existences of these outcomers.” 雪莉说着突然神色有些复杂的看向那老人:“富兰克公爵,我很好奇,到底是什么让你在这十年做出了这样的转变,为了这个位置,你甚至不惜联合那些外来者的存在。” Because I want to change the present situation in this country, at least does not want to make everyone perish in the dreamland.” Frank looks lightly to that young girl: Scattered power has no way to complete my desire, but you after growing up strengthened my determination, I know that you will not be a right king, because you have the king improper to be good and weak.” “因为我想改变这个国家的现状,至少不想让所有人在梦境中灭亡。”富兰克淡淡看向那少女:“分散的权力没法完成我的愿望,而长大后的妳更坚定了我的决心,我知道妳不会是一位合适的王,因为妳有着王不该有的善良和软弱。” What accident/surprise is, today I experienced your different side, some that what a pity, you awakened late.” “意外的是,今天我见识到了妳不一样的一面,可惜,妳觉醒的有些晚了。” Duke Frank is somewhat regrettable. 富兰克公爵有些遗憾。 Suddenly the old person turned to that side Elisha: Great beginning generation of elf kings, do not know before dying, whether I did say goodbye one side you fortunately?” 忽然老人又转向了那边的艾丽莎:“伟大的初代精灵王陛下,不知道在死前,我是否有幸再见你一面呢?” Hears the words of Duke Frank, except for understood inside story Xueli and the others , others showed the unbelievable expression, is very difficult that name that imagines itself to hear. Initially generation of elf kings...... your majesty? 听到富兰克公爵的话,除了早已了解的内情的雪莉等人,其他所有人都是露出了难以置信的表情,很难想象自己听到的那个称呼。初代精灵王……陛下? I only have an issue, hopes that your majesty can satisfy my curiosity, I want to know that you establish this shackles, fettered nearly ten thousand years of shackles the elf clan, for what? To protect us,...... to satisfy your selfish desire purely?” Frank vision deeply looks at Elisha to ask, his vision seems like must see through to hide some side young girl exists. “我只有一个问题,希望陛下能够满足我的好奇,我想知道你建立这座牢笼,将精灵族束缚了近万年的牢笼,到底是为了什么?是为了保护我们,还是……只是为了单纯满足你个人的私欲?”富兰克目光深深看着艾丽莎问道,他的目光像是要看穿隐藏在少女身边的某个存在。 However, gives his reply, is only silent. 然而,给予他的回答,只是沉默。 Really, as the defeated, anticipates the benevolence of victor, was an expectation.” Had not replied, Frank has not felt a pity, but self-ridicules said that but in fact, he gets some answer from the silence of opposite party. “果然,作为败者,期待胜利者的仁慈,也是一种奢望了啊。”没有回答,富兰克并没有觉得可惜,只是自嘲般说道,可实际上,他已经从对方的沉默中得到了某种答案。 Also was at this time, old person's vision turned to Xueli again, suddenly incomparably earnest saying: 也是这时,老人的目光再次转向雪莉,突然无比认真的说道: My dear your highness, hopes you not because my death on the vigilant general idea/careless, you killed me, but solved the most insignificant crisis . Moreover, I also never have to be the collection holy blood, kills any companion, covets that holy blood truly, is actually......” “我亲爱的殿下,希望妳不会因为我的死就警惕大意,妳杀了我,只是解决了最微不足道的危机,另外,我也从来没有为收集圣血,杀害任何的同伴,真正觊觎那圣血的,其实是……” His words had not said that stops, the sound seems like by the deactivation in the throat, after body shivering slightly, pupil little lax of old person, dangled slowly the head. 他的话并没有说完就止住,声音像是被卡死在喉咙,身体微微的颤抖后,老人的瞳孔一点点的涣散,慢慢垂下了脑袋。 In his behind, a human form light shadow arm that condensed suddenly penetrated his chest, the crumb his heart. 在他的身后,突然凝聚的人形光影一只手臂穿透了他的胸口,捏碎了他的心脏。 Boisterous.” “聒噪。” Determined that old person's aura vanishes, appears the elf king light opens the mouth that from the light shadow. 确定老人的气息消失,从光影中显现的精灵王淡淡开口。 But after seeing clearly his appearance, other elf cannot help but shock on the scene, even the body is trembling. 而看清楚他的模样后,在场的其他精灵不由得更加的震惊,甚至连身体都在发抖。 Initially the image of generation of elf kings has penetrated they, they will not forget the appearance of this king. 初代精灵王的形象早就深入他们内心,他们也根本不会忘记这位王的模样。 However Xueli is actually the elegant face slightly cold looks at the elf king, the young girl is suppressing the angry gas channel/angrily said: You killed him!?” 然而雪莉却是俏脸微寒的看着精灵王,少女强忍着怒气道:“你杀了他!?” This is executing the rebel, he must die, Xueli, my outstanding descendant, you should so not be easy to be misled by the words of that fellow.” Elf Wang Wei said with a smile, he took back the arm, the golden red courage vigor winding in his hand, then integrated his within the body together slowly. “这不过是在处决叛逆而已,他本来也是要死的,雪莉,我优秀的后代,妳应该不会这么容易就被那家伙的话蛊惑吧。”精灵王微笑道,他收回手臂,一道金红色的血气缠绕在他的手上,然后缓缓融入他的体内。 You, saw this king, hasn't worshipped on bended knees?” “还有你们,见了本王,还不跪拜吗?” Then, the elf king is the smile looks to the people on the scene, these by the elf that he sees, does not dare to look straight ahead his vision, some people of subconscious kneeling on the ground, but also many people stand in hesitant same place, scruple looks to another side Xueli. 然后,精灵王又是微笑的看向在场的众人,那些被他看到的精灵,根本不敢直视他的目光,有人下意识的跪在了地上,但是也有不少人犹豫的站在原地,迟疑的看向另一边的雪莉。 Vanished for 10,000 years is too truly long, evidently this king Dehua to you already, no matter used.” “消失了一万年的时间确实太久,看样子本王的话对于你们来说已经不管用了啊。” On elf king face has the smile, is in his eye the deep cold light. 精灵王脸上带着笑容,可是他的眼中只有深深的冷光。 He spoke, has taken a step to move toward another by the holy blood successor who the moon/month hunted to suppress, that person saw the elf king was close, the pupil contracted, reveals the obvious fear, the tragic death of Duke Frank made him associate to the sanction that oneself will soon face. 他说话的时候,已经迈步走向另外一个被月狩压制住的圣血继承者,那人看到精灵王接近的时候,瞳孔收缩,流露出明显的恐惧,富兰克公爵的惨死让他联想到了自己即将面对的制裁。 Nora.” “娜拉。” At this moment, Xueli coldly the opens the mouth. 就在这时,雪莉冷冷开口。 The footsteps of elf king stop, before his body, the former moon/month hunting team leader blocked in his front. 精灵王的脚步停下,在他的身前,前任月狩的队长拦在了他的前方。 Is called in Nora's female elf hand the thin sword to have one small section the sheath, glitters the cold cold light, her palm is grasping the sword hilt steadily, tranquil is looking at the elf king before body. 叫做娜拉的女性精灵手中细剑有一小截出鞘,闪烁冷冽寒光,她的手掌稳稳握着剑柄,平静的望着身前的精灵王。 On the latter face smiles slightly stiffly, vision even more gloomy and cold: Moon/Month hunts the elite army that is I establishes personally, do you want to block me?” 后者脸上微笑略微僵硬,目光愈发阴冷:“月狩是我亲自创立的精锐部队,妳想拦我?” Present I am carrying out Your Highness Shirley's order, but also asked the Sir to excuse me.” “现在的我只是在执行雪莉殿下的命令,还请大人见谅。” Nora's neither arrogant nor servile saying: Moreover each generation of months of hunt must take orders in the royal family hierarch of present age, this also in the rule that you and in the decree of Upper House arranged initially, I think that elf Sir king does not want to break the rule that oneself suppose simply.” 娜拉不卑不亢的说道:“而且每代的月狩都要听命于当代的王族掌权者,这也是在您和当初元老院的旨意中定好的规则,我想精灵王大人也不想那么简单就打破自己设下的规则吧。” Xueli, is this also your meaning?” “雪莉,这也是妳的意思?” Elf king Beifu both hands, stand in same place, on the face the expression cannot see the happy anger. 精灵王背负双手,站在原地,脸上表情看不出喜怒。 I do not think you begin to kill people casually.” “我只是不想你随便动手杀人而已。” Xueli tranquil say/way. 雪莉平静道。 In our transactions, did not reach an agreement these rebels you to hand over by me executes.” “可是在我们的交易中,不是说好了这些叛逆妳都会交由我来处决吗。” Elf king Dandan said. 精灵王淡淡道。 I have meant, but I had not said when executes them, something many questionable points that these person and the outcomer cooperates have not been solved, I have the question that wants to ask, to us, they living the value dying was bigger , the elf king had intended to kill one person a moment ago, even if there is an anger, will still vent much, the remaining this person of lives, need to remain temporarily.” “我是说过,但是我并没有说过是什么时候处决他们,这些人和外来者合作的事情还有很多疑点没有解决,我也有很多想问的问题,对于我们而言,他们活着的价值比死去更大,刚才精灵王已经出手杀了一人,就算有怒气,也该发泄了不少,剩下这人的性命,需要暂时留着。” Naturally, the holy blood of his within the body, I will also take care temporarily, will not make him have any opportunity of escaping.” “当然,他体内的圣血,我也会暂时保管,不会让他有任何逃脱的机会。” Shirley said. 雪莉道。 Right, according to this logic, didn't you want with her related information?” Elf king cold sound said. “是吗,这样说来,妳是不想要和她有关的情报了?”精灵王冷声道。 Information, I naturally want, but I had waited for ten years, does not care slightly many and other time.” Xueli does not care about the threat of elf king: Then these days, I will also invite you temporarily calm in the royal palace, is willing to tell me until you all truth.” “情报,我当然要,不过我已经等了十年,并不在乎稍微多等一段时间。”雪莉并不在意精灵王的威胁:“接下来这段时间,我也会请你在王宫里暂时冷静一下,直到你愿意把所有真相告诉我。” Xueli, you really believed the words of that fellow.” “雪莉,妳果然还是相信了那家伙的话。” The elf king shakes the head. 精灵王摇了摇头。 No, I no one believe, I believe me.” “不,我谁都不相信,我只是相信我自己。” The Xueli voice falls, these months hunt have enclosed again, including Elisha, were hunted surrounding locking by the moon/month. 雪莉话音落下,那些月狩已经再度围上,连同艾丽莎在内,都被月狩包围锁定。 The atmosphere in field, becomes arrow crossbow pull stretch/open again. 场内的气氛,再一次变得箭弩拔张。 It seems like I underestimated you, Xueli.” “看来我还是小看了妳,雪莉。” Elf king Tanxi: What this/should is now calm is you, you are unable to understand that I want to make anything, I do not blame you, if by any chance you calm down, should be able to understand slowly.” 精灵王叹息道:“不过现在该冷静的是妳,妳无法理解我想做什么,我不怪妳,但等妳冷静下来,应该就能慢慢想明白了。” Elisha, begins, Luke...... you have not prepared to act,” “艾丽莎,动手吧,还有卢克……你还不准备出手吗、” The elf king suddenly is cold the sound opens the mouth. 精灵王突然冷声开口。 Next quarter. 下一刻。 The people on the scene are almost the complexion change, feels a aura eruption of incomparable terrifying. 在场的众人几乎都是脸色一变,感觉到一股无比恐怖的气息爆发。 That aura increases successively, shortly will then arrive at the apex of legend, under that nearly substantive pressure, the entire space nearly shivers. 那气息节节攀升,顷刻间便到了传奇的顶点,在那近乎实质的威压下,整个空间都近乎颤抖。 Feels being close of that powerful aura, the moon/month on the scene hunted almost changed the complexion instantaneously, revealed ten to segregate the heavy facial expression. 感受那强大气息的接近,在场月狩几乎是瞬间就变了脸色,露出十分凝重的神情。 Everyone disperses, protects your highness!” “所有人散开,保护殿下!” Nora leaps suddenly backward, raised behind the suppressed rebel spreads out rapidly, other months hunted also quickly adjust position, protected in Xueli's surroundings. 娜拉忽然向后跃出,提起身后被压制的叛徒迅速拉开距离,其他月狩也迅速调整位置,守护在雪莉的周围。 Almost is simultaneously, a elf king Shenqian ground blasts open, crushed stone splash. 几乎是同时,精灵王身前一块地面炸裂,碎石飞溅。 On elf king face reveals to sneer, the strength that Luke displays made him very satisfied, how long but his smile has not stayed, was sudden disappearance, because in the vision of elf king somewhat startled anger, presented the youngster before his body is the vision coldly unexpectedly is looking straight ahead him, a hand stretched out, grasped like lightning to him. 精灵王脸上露出冷笑,卢克展现的力量令他十分满意,可是他的笑容并没有停留多久,就是突然的消失,因为在精灵王有些惊怒的目光之间,出现在他身前的少年竟是目光冷冷直视着他,一只手伸出,闪电般向他抓来。 ... 。。。 Is second slightly for about a half later hour? Suggested that daytime looks again. 第二更稍微晚半个小时左右?建议各位白天再看。
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