MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#77: Clean

The next day morning, the royal family issued the urgent circular. 第二天的早上,王族发布了紧急通告。 At royal family's request, all holy blood successors need in the parliamentary palace set. 在王族的要求下,所有的圣血继承人都需要在议会殿集合。 But after waiting for everyone to arrive in full, vacancy that at this time the giant round table leaves behind actually conspicuous. 而等所有人到齐后,此时巨大的圆桌留下的空缺却是更加的显眼。 Including Xueli, remaining the elves that controlled the holy blood only had six, during one week of turbulence, four people of holy blood had been eliminated, this regarding the elf without doubt is the serious attack. 包括雪莉在内,剩下掌控了圣血的精灵只剩下了六位,一周的动荡中,已经有四人的圣血被剥夺,这对于精灵而言无疑是惨重的打击。 Does not know that Your Highness Shirley this time calls us, what matter is also behavior.” “不知道雪莉殿下这次召集我们,又是所为何事。” In the somewhat heavy atmosphere, sits in Duke Xueli opposite Frank the desolate opens the mouth, the old person vision appears some not to bear. 有些沉重的气氛之中,坐在雪莉对面的富兰克公爵冷淡的开口,老人目光显得有些不耐。 These days attack, everyone also knew, the holy city just after the cleaning, destroyed the footholds of many outcomer obviously couple days ago, may after that there is a holy blood successor bitter experience to kill, last night even had the manor of duke to be razed to the ground, thus it can be seen, many outcomers become fish slip through that swept clear initially.” The Xueli vision looks to the people. “这些天的袭击事件,想必各位也都知道了,明明前几天圣城刚刚经过清扫,摧毁了大量外来者的据点,可在那之后,还是有圣血继承者遭遇袭杀,昨晚甚至有位公爵的庄园被夷为平地,由此可见,还有不少的外来者成为了当初清扫的漏网之鱼。”雪莉目光望向众人。 This did not explain that royal family's ability is insufficient , because you let escaping of these fellows each time at crucial moment, gave them making a move opportunities.” Duke Frank cold sound said, will direct the spearhead at Xueli directly. “这难道不是说明王族的能力不够吗,就是因为你们每次关键时候都让那些家伙的逃掉,才给了他们一次次出手的机会。”富兰克公爵冷声道,直接将矛头指向雪莉。 „If not you separates to monitor us, gives us to join up to cope with the opportunities of these outcomers, they do not seem like now like this are rampant.” “如果不是妳将我们分开监控,给我们联合起来对付那些外来者的机会,他们也不会像是现在这样嚣张。” If you change the idea now , is not too late.” “不过要是妳现在改变想法,也不算太晚。” Duke Frank the vision twinkle said, he proposed before several times must unite other holy blood aristocrats' propositions to be rejected by Xueli, perhaps this is he this proposed that displays the opportunity of stage. 富兰克公爵目光闪烁道,他之前几次提出要联合其他圣血贵族的提议都被雪莉驳回,这或许是他将这提议重新摆上台的机会。 In fact my time calls you to come, to handle this matter.” “事实上我这次召集你们过来,就是为了处理这件事。” Xueli tranquil say/way. 雪莉平静道。 „Was your highness the plan agrees?” Then was one's turn Duke Frank some accidents/surprises. “殿下是打算同意了?”这下轮到富兰克公爵有些意外了。 Before saying this, everyone does not want to know how initially the outcomer escaped the search?” Xueli light opens the mouth: “在说这个之前,各位难道不想知道当初外来者到底是怎么逃过搜查的吗?”雪莉淡淡开口: As far as I know, initially to the holy city conducted the cleaning the time, only had mansion not to conduct screening, if these outcomers wanted to hide, your mansions were the safest places.” “据我所知,当初对圣城进行清扫的时候,唯有各位的府邸没有进行筛查,那些外来者如果想要隐藏,你们的府邸就是最安全的地方。” Frank's sudden silence, but at this time some people of sinking sound opens the mouth: 富兰克突然的沉默,而这时有人沉声开口: Your highness in suspecting these outcomers hid in our mansions escaped the initial search.” “殿下是在怀疑那些外来者是躲在我们的府邸中逃过了当初的搜查吗。” I did not think that has this possibility, protection being insufficient of our mansion makes these fellows touch the latter trace not to discover secretly.” “我不觉得有这种可能,我们府邸的防护不至于让那些家伙偷偷摸进后一点痕迹都没有发现。” Xueli looked at several people of one of the making noise, said lightly: 雪莉看了出声的几人一眼,淡淡道: Indeed, these outcomers must leave a trace to hide in your mansions, but such as...... have your certain people had a mind to help them hide?” “的确,那些外来者是不可能不留一点痕迹藏身在你们的府邸,可如过……你们其中某些人有心帮他们隐藏呢?” Hears these words, several people of complexions on the scene start to change. 听到这句话,在场的数人脸色都开始变化。 Xueli has not cared about surprised of others, looks again to that side old person: „Does Duke Frank, how you think?” 雪莉没有在意其他人的惊疑,再次望向那边的老人:“富兰克公爵,你怎么想?” I thought that your highness's speculation is not groundless, but, guessed that after all guessed, without the situation of evidence, your highness's optional speculation, was very easy to hurt our hearts.” Duke Frank expression cold, cannot see any unusuality: Therefore I felt at this kind of time, good that your highness do not suspect casually, after all outside sorrow before, if therefore in cause contracted again, perhaps gave certain man-machine meetings.” “我觉得殿下的猜测不无道理,但是,猜测毕竟只是猜测,没有证据的情况下,殿下的随意猜测,很容易伤了我们这些人的心。”富兰克公爵表情冷下,看不出任何的异常:“所以我觉得在这种时候,殿下还是不要随便猜忌的好,毕竟外忧在前,要是再因此引起内患,说不定就给了某些人机会。” Xueli nods saying: I am also such idea, at this time, in indeed cannot have again contracts the appearance.” 雪莉点头道:“我也是这样的想法,这种时候,的确不能再有内患出现。” But has not waited for Frank to show the smile, Xueli said indifferently: Factor solution that therefore, I will contract cause in today.” 可还没等富兰克露出笑容,雪莉就是漠然道:“所以,我今天会将引起内患的因素解决。” The Shirley words fall, around the parliamentary palace, suddenly presents several powerful aura, that is the moon/month hunting army that Xueli establishes ahead of time. 雪莉话语落下,议会殿四周,突然出现数道强大的气息,那是雪莉提前设置的月狩部队。 After inducing to these aura, Frank expression immediately becomes gloomy, sets out to look to Xueli, startled gets angry: 感应到那些气息后,富兰克表情顿时变得阴沉,起身看向雪莉,惊怒道: Your highness...... what do you mean.” “殿下……妳这是什么意思。” To assure your securities, I planned that makes you stay together temporarily, receives the moon/month hunting centralized protection.” “为了保证你们的安全,我打算让你们暂时呆在一起,受到月狩的集中保护。” Naturally, to guard unexpected appearance, I must recycle your certain person holy blood temporarily the strength, isolates you and relation.” “当然,以防有意外出现,我也要暂时回收你们某些人圣血的力量,隔绝你们和外界的联系。” „Does Xueli, you want to put under house arrest us?” “雪莉,你想软禁我们?” Looked at the young girl indifferent line of sight, Duke Frank cannot help but raising the sound, as if some cannot believe oneself ear. 望着少女冷漠的视线,富兰克公爵不由得提高了声音,似乎有些不敢相信自己的耳朵。 You can also think like this, but this is considers for security . Moreover, specifically reminded you, person who that possibility and outcomer who Duke Frank, I previously suspected had the relation was you, later recycled the holy blood time, hopes that do not revolt, make make the action that one misunderstood.” “你们也可以这样想,但这是为了各位的安全着想,另外,特别提醒一下你,富兰克公爵,我先前怀疑的那个可能和外来者有联系的人就是你,待会回收圣血的时候,希望你不要反抗,做出一些令人误会的举动。” Xueli light say/way. 雪莉淡淡道。 Bastard, do you have the evidence?” “混蛋,妳有证据吗?” Duke Frank is shocked, the expression is actually angrier. 富兰克公爵内心震惊,表情却是更加愤怒。 Evidence, I later will look slowly, if my judgment has the mistake, waited for this matter to end, I will naturally visit to apologize to the duke personally, return the holy blood.” “证据,我之后会慢慢找出来,如果是我的判断有错,等这件事结束,我自然会亲自向公爵登门道歉,归还圣血。” The Xueli tone is desolate, at this moment on the face of young girl was no longer delicate previously, but was full of the dignity. 雪莉语气冷淡,这一刻少女的脸上不复先前柔弱,而是充满了威严。 Royal family has not recycled the holy blood the power, Xueli, do you want to betray the ancestor to teach?” “王族没有回收圣血的权力,雪莉,妳是要背叛祖训吗?” The Frank fierce say/way, detected that the moon/month hunting aura starts to lock itself, the holy blood strength of his within the body starts to activate. 富兰克厉声道,察觉月狩的气息开始锁定自己,他体内的圣血力量开始激活。 I have not thought actually this words will say from your mouth.” “我倒是没有想过这种话会从你口中说出来。” Xueli shakes the head: Takes him, if others have the resistance, one and processes according to the rebel.” 雪莉摇了摇头:“拿下他,其他人如有反抗,一并按叛逆处理。” Duke Frank sees the Xueli attitude to be firm, then knows that own situation is not wonderful, but he does not plan to sit waiting for death, the body holy blood aura erupts, drives back several forms of being close directly. 富兰克公爵见雪莉态度坚决,便知道自己的处境不妙,但他也不打算坐以待毙,身上圣血气息爆发,直接逼退数道接近的身影。 Royal family designs the trap, tries to recycle the holy blood strength, were you controlled by the royal family forever?” “王族设计陷阱,试图回收圣血力量,你们难道被王族永远的控制吗?” After flying the main hall midair, Duke Frank turns toward other holy blood successor cold said: I even can suspect that now is the royal family association sets up all that these outcomers design, such as, if not for this, why the royal family spent such long time unable these outcomers to eradicate, instead was the strength of holy blood is eliminated unceasingly.” 飞上大殿半空后,富兰克公爵又向着其他圣血继承人冷声道:“我现在甚至可以怀疑是王族联立那些外来者设计的一切,如若不是这样,为什么王族花费了这么久时间都没能将那些外来者铲除,反而是圣血的力量不断被剥夺。” You do not revolt, everyone's holy blood will be captured, you will lose all promotions the opportunities, family's glory also in this generation of perishing.” “你们再不反抗,所有人的圣血都将被夺取,你们将失去一切晋升的机会,家族的荣耀也将在这代沉沦。” Frank said that focuses flashes through a cold light, hunts facing the moon/month that two kill, the holy blood strength condenses, the huge consciousness arrives, in his hand are many a wooden stick to wield downward, end the wooden stick drills the incomparably giant vine to hit in a flash directly on that two forms, the vine of rampant growth embezzles two people instantaneously, has banged into the bottom. 富兰克说着眼中闪过一丝冷光,面对两个杀来的月狩,圣血力量凝聚,庞大意识降临,他手中多出一柄木杖向下挥动,木杖尾端转瞬间钻出无比巨大的藤蔓直接撞在那两道身影身上,疯狂增长的藤蔓瞬间将两人吞没,一直撞入地底。 Meanwhile, outside the conference palace also transmitted the huge tumult, after Duke Frank subordinate guard obtains his consciousness transmitted orders, toward the conference palace launched the impact, kills one group with other guards. 于此同时,会议殿外也传来了巨大的骚动,富兰克公爵麾下的卫兵得到他的意识传令后,向着会议殿发起了冲击,和其他的守卫杀成一团。 Huge chaotic spread, in these months hunt encircles after Duke Frank, on the round table a holy blood successor suddenly acts, the holy blood aura congeals, in the hand condenses a blood-color long blade, a blade chops unexpectedly fiercely directly to sitting in seat of honor Xueli. 巨大的混乱蔓延,就在那些月狩都围向富兰克公爵后,圆桌上一个圣血继承者忽然出手,圣血气息凝结,手中凝聚一柄血色长刀,竟是猛地一刀直接劈向坐在主位的雪莉。 However that person begins, Xueli's emerald pupil were also many wiped the golden-red color, the young girl looked at his one eyes lightly, the surrounding space seemed like by the gradual freeze, became the incomparable stagnation! 然而那人动手的时候,雪莉翡翠色的瞳孔也是多了一抹金红之色,少女淡淡的看了他一眼,周围的空间像是被逐渐的冻结,变得无比的沉滞! A that person of blade cuts wild, but the speed is to actually become incomparable slow, then that person of complexion changes, felt that space in all directions as if turned into the sea tide of rushing, the turbulent strength extrudes to him from all around under. 那人一刀狂暴斩出,可速度却是变得无比的缓慢,而后那人面色变化,感觉到四面八方的空间仿佛变成了澎湃的海潮,汹涌的力量从四周向他挤压而下。 He also uses the strength communication world consciousness of holy blood, tries to stop that strength, however under the strength of suppression Xueli more powerful holy blood, his protection was defeated instantaneously, a blood spouts, such as kite same flying upside down of broken line. 他同样使用圣血的力量沟通世界意识,试图阻拦那力量,然而在雪莉更强大的圣血之力压制下,他的防护被瞬间击破,一口血喷出,如断线的风筝一样倒飞而出。 Besieges Frank the moon/month hunts branches out part to turn toward that person to chase down quickly to go. 围攻富兰克的的月狩很快分出一部分向着那人追杀而去。 Also is at this time, Xueli looked that to sitting is slightly pale in own small face, the blonde girl who has probably not clarified, the comfort said in a soft voice: white/shell La, do not fear, what the elder sister copes is only these rebels.” 也是此时,雪莉才看向坐在自己身边小脸微微苍白,像是还没弄清楚的金发女孩,轻声安慰道:“贝菈,不要怕,姐姐对付的只是那些叛徒。” Speech time, Xueli's vision coldly looks remaining other two expression Yin clear uncertain the successors to the table, brings the enormous oppression strength to two people. 说话的时候,雪莉的目光又冷冷看向桌上剩下其他两个表情阴晴不定的继承人,给两人带来极大的压迫力。 In fact when Duke Frank chooses the counter-attack, Xueli's mood also has slight sinking, responded from the opposite party intensely, she almost can determine, Frank really and these outcomers have the relation. 事实上在富兰克公爵选择反击的时候,雪莉的心情也有些微沉,从对方激烈的反应,她差不多可以确定,富兰克是真的和那些外来者有联系。 That holy blood successor who began a moment ago suddenly, had also been united by Frank probably, this it seems like...... that fellow said is not the lie. 还有刚才突然动手的那个圣血继承者,大概也是早就被富兰克联合,这样看来……那个家伙说的并不全是谎言。 Xueli vision dignified is thinking, after has not actually noticed shrinking of side Bailey face fear to her side, girl's vision actually reveals quietly excitedly looks at all around confusion, appears is somewhat eager to try. 雪莉目光凝重的想着,却是没有注意到身边贝莉尔一脸害怕的缩到她身边后,女孩的目光却是悄悄流露出兴奋的看着四周的混乱,显得有些跃跃欲试。 However Bailey thinks, finally endured. 不过贝莉尔想了想,最后还是忍了下来。 Also she must expose, she delicate helpless little girl person supposed cannot collapse casually. 还不到她要暴露的时候,她柔弱无助的小女孩人设可不能随便崩坏了。 Go away.” “滚开。” At this time in the midair besieged Duke Frank angrily roars, in the hand the wooden stick, only listens to buzz a sound shaking, in the air the visible ripple comes forward unconventional, the shock-wave that then changes to the terrifying sweeps across above his several person's shadows. 此时半空中被围攻的富兰克公爵怒吼一声,手中木杖向前一点,只听“嗡”的一声震动,空气中肉眼可见的波纹跌荡开来,然后化作恐怖的冲击波席卷在他身边数道人影之上。 Life secret technique. Different growth!” “生命秘术.异生长!” The next second, Duke Frank lifts the hand to press, these were shot moon/month hunting member that flies to spring complicated law in abundance, as the strange charm covers their bodies brilliance, these intercept person shocking discovery oneself within the body of Duke Frank to transmit the severe pain in abundance suddenly, their body random spots start the rapid inflation, as if has anything below of that flesh in the unceasing growth, must drill breaks their bodies. 下一秒,富兰克公爵抬手一按,那些被弹飞的月狩成员脚下纷纷弹出繁复的法阵,随着奇异的魔力光辉笼罩他们的身体,那些拦截富兰克公爵的人纷纷震惊的发现自己的体内突然传来剧痛,他们身体随机的部位开始飞速的膨胀,仿佛在那血肉的下面有什么东西在不断的成长,要钻破他们的身体。 Especially has a female moon/month to hunt, in discovering own belly after inflation, looks deathly pale. 特别是其中有个女性的月狩,在发现自己的肚子在膨胀后,更是脸色惨白。 After feeling this strange change, these people simply do not have the energy to intercept escaping of Duke Frank, but is the reassignment of being thrown into confusion battle qi or the charm starts to process the life body in within the body strange growth. 感受到这种诡异的变化后,那些人也根本没精力在去拦截富兰克公爵的逃跑,而是手忙脚乱的调动斗气或者魔力开始处理体内诡异增长的生命体。 Duke Frank needs is also this escaping opportunity, in his hand a wooden stick point, the vine of puncture the vault in conference palace starts out a giant hole again loudly, but departs the hole in him, tries to flee, the body of Duke Frank is one stiff, alarm crazy sounding in heart. 富兰克公爵需要的也就是这个逃跑的机会,他手中木杖再次一点,穿刺的藤蔓轰然在会议殿的穹顶开出一个巨大的窟窿,可就在他飞出窟窿,试图逃离的时候,富兰克公爵的身体又是一僵,心中的警钟疯狂的敲响。 Above the vault in conference palace, young girl tranquil standing of golden hair in hole side, the young girl cape and golden long hair are calm, the fair palm pressed down the waist sword hilt, the bone-chilling cold sword air/Qi fills all around suddenly. 会议殿的穹顶之上,金发的少女平静的站在窟窿的旁边,少女身上的斗篷和金色的长发无风自动,白皙手掌按上了腰间剑柄,凛冽的剑气突然之间弥漫四周。 Is you!!” “是妳!!” Sees clearly the moment of Elisha appearance, Frank becomes the incomparable heart immediately startled, he realized that at this time why Xueli knows he and outcomer unite. 看清楚艾丽莎模样的一刻,富兰克顿时变得无比的心惊,他这时才意识到为什么雪莉会知道他和外来者联合。 secret sword. star sacrifice.” “秘剑.星祭。” In Frank's alarmed and afraid vision, the young girl opens the mouth in a soft voice, battle qi the eruption, stems from the sword of protection, inheritance sword technique that some queen leaves behind, loudly revolution. 富兰克惊惧的目光之中,少女轻声开口,斗气爆发,源于守护之剑中,某位女王留下的传承剑技,轰然运转。 Together sword light, resplendent, if the meteor, pierces the vault suddenly. 一道剑光,灿若陨星,骤然刺穿穹顶。 ... 。。。 Went home, was too tired, slowly, will first have two tomorrow ~ 回家了,太累了,先缓缓,明天会有两更~
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