MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#76: Did the road walk the width?

After the transaction of Mar bus ended, outside transfers a Loren to return the garden, then saw that la looks weakly to oneself. 和马尔巴士的交易结束后,在外面转了一圈的洛伦才重新回到了花园,便看到洛菈弱弱看向自己。 Elder Brother, you came back.” “哥哥,你回来了。” Un.” “嗯。” Elder Brother, all right?” “哥哥,没事吧?” I can have anything.” “我能有什么事。” Loren shot a look at her one eyes. 洛伦瞥了她一眼。 Is all right well.” “没事就好。” la showed the smile, she did the homework a moment ago time actually also has pays attention to Loren's expression secretly, saw that Loren's expression becomes dark, la somewhat is also afraid. 洛菈露出了笑容,她刚才写作业的时候其实也有偷偷注意洛伦的表情,看到洛伦的表情发黑,洛菈也有些心虚的。 The Elder Brother attaches great importance to face-saving. 哥哥很要面子的。 Oneself and Bailey do not know carefully his odd, the Elder Brother definitely felt loses face very much. 自己和贝莉尔不小心知道了他的怪癖,哥哥肯定觉得很丢脸的吧。 la thinks oneself were bullied, is very pitiful, is very no use. 洛菈想到自己被欺负的时候,就很可怜,很无助。 The elder brothers ran away directly, looks like in la, this matter to Loren affirmed that the attack is very big, if bears a grudge to find the way to bully itself is not good. 哥哥都直接跑掉了,在洛菈看来,这件事情对洛伦肯定打击很大,而且要是记仇想办法欺负自己就不好了。 Elder Brother definitely is not intends to taste that type of thing, most curious, satisfies the curiosity wrong not.” “哥哥肯定也不是有意去尝那种东西吧,最多只是好奇,满足自己好奇心是没有错的。” la is thinking sincere saying, tries to elucidate Loren to come out of the shadow, in her opinion, Loren went out to transfer, should be also calmer. 洛菈想着语重心长的说道,试图开解洛伦走出阴影,在她看来,洛伦出去转了一圈,应该也冷静了一些。 Loren: „?” 洛伦:“?” I said that that is my friend......” “我说了,那是我朋友……” Loren corners of the mouth pulled out pulling out, he thinks this matter had passed, has not thought that this girl is also keeping thinking, this dozen minutes. 洛伦嘴角抽了抽,他本来以为这件事已经过去了,没想到这丫头还惦记着,这都十几分钟了。 „.” “哦。” la nods, suddenly also asked: Will be really sweet?” 洛菈点了点头,忽然又问到:“真的会甜吗?” Meets...... meets a hammer, I have not tasted, but has heard, how I know.” Loren almost on into the pit, you can try.” “会……会个锤子,我没尝过,只是听说过,我怎么知道。”洛伦差点就进坑了,“妳可以自己去试试。” Loren is somewhat surprised, this stupid fiendish person will also dig a pit to oneself. 洛伦有些意外,这笨魔王也会给自己挖坑了。 However Loren does not know, la also is really the pure curiosity. 但是洛伦并不知道,洛菈还真是单纯的好奇。 That is considers as finished.” “那还是算了。” la shakes the head hastily. 洛菈连忙摇头。 She has delicious so many. 她有那么多好吃的。 Does not want to taste that type of strange thing casually. 才不要随便去尝那种奇怪的东西。 Words said, you actually want to do.” But at this time Loren actually somewhat strange looks at la. “话说,妳到底想干嘛。”而这时洛伦却有些奇怪的看着洛菈。 I want to comfort you.” “我只是想要安慰你啊。” la is blinking innocently, does not understand oneself made the any mistake. 洛菈无辜眨着眼睛,不明白自己做错了什么。 Right?” “是吗?” Loren looks that la pondered: According to the joyful conservation relations, a joy of person establishes in the pain of another person, if you really want to comfort me, said that some unhappy matter made me happy under.” 洛伦看着洛菈沉思了一下:“根据快乐守恒定律,一个人的快乐是建立在另一个人的痛苦上的,如果妳真的想要安慰我,就说些不开心的事情让我开心下好了。” la: „?” 洛菈:“?” With Elder Brother in the same place, nothing unhappy.” “可是和哥哥在一起,没什么不开心的啊。” After stayed slightly one next, suddenly la whisper said. 稍微的呆了一下后,突然洛菈嘀咕道。 Loren also gawked staring, in the heart the inexplicable mood gushed out, sees that side is whispering the girl, probably saw that had the Saint light to reappear on the la dull wool. 洛伦也愣了愣,心中莫名的情绪涌出,看着那边嘀咕着的女孩,像是看到有圣光在洛菈的呆毛上浮现。 Own this stupid fiendish person, sometimes also very warm heart, really do not inherit Noah inheritance? 自家这笨魔王,有时候也挺暖心的嘛,真的不要去继承诺尔娜的传承吗? This, taking.” “这个,拿着。” Is thinking la these words, Loren was not cruel enough to continue to bully this girl all of a sudden, but the black gem will take. 想着洛菈刚才的那些话,洛伦一下子倒也不忍心继续欺负这丫头了,而是将刚才的黑色宝石拿了出来。 Boseok-ri lodges being bewitched god, this is the temporary soul vessel. 宝石里寄宿着魔神,这是临时的灵魂容器。 Attains the gem from Male bus that the time, Loren also really sighs with emotion. 从马尔巴士那拿到宝石的时候,洛伦也是真的感慨。 The opposite party were too polite. 对方太客气了。 Not only prepared to eat, even the packing box prepared, but also maintained freshness! 不单准备好了吃的,连包装盒都准备好了,还保鲜! What is this?” la pleasantly surprised is looking in the hand the attractive gem. “这是什么?”洛菈惊喜的看着手中漂亮的宝石。 Although is not delicious, but is this gift that the Elder Brother gives?! 虽然不是好吃的,但这是哥哥送的礼物?! This is to Bailey between-meal snack, you first receive.” “这是给贝莉尔的零食,妳先收好。” Loren said. 洛伦说道。 Demon gods in Boseok-ri also in deep sleep, moreover above also has the seal, isolated the internal foreign ascertainment, obviously this is also the sincerity that Mar bus demonstrates, she does not want to monitor Loren's idea with that gem, really must monitor will also only use a more covert method, otherwise was discovered the hands and feet on gem will only cause Loren to dislike, wants Loren to contact the goal of gem being possessed by a demon god to run counter with her on own initiative. 宝石里的魔神还在沉睡,而且上面还有封印,隔绝了内部对外的探知,显然这也是马尔巴士展示的诚意,她并没有想用那宝石监视洛伦的想法,真要监视也只会用更隐蔽的方法,否则被发现宝石上的手脚只会引起洛伦反感,和她想要洛伦主动接触宝石中魔神的目标背道而驰。 However this also facilitated Loren's operation, can make la first receive, supplies to Bailey momentarily. 不过这也方便了洛伦的操作,可以让洛菈先收着,随时给贝莉尔补给。 Naturally now has not swallowed the demon god time, falling from the sky of demon god will cause these fellows to pay attention. 当然现在也还不是吞噬魔神的时候,魔神的陨落还是会引起那些家伙注意的。 Moreover there is this gem, can give Loren to use the excuse of demon supernatural power, so long as he does not do extremely, Mar bus will not suspect that his demon supernatural power is to come from the fiendish person. 而且有了这枚宝石,也可以给予洛伦动用魔神力的借口,只要他不做的太过,马尔巴士也不会怀疑他身上的魔神力是来自魔王。 la: „!” 洛菈:“!” But at this time hears Loren's words, the la somewhat pleasantly surprised expression actually vanished slowly, the girl silver dull wool first turns upwards, finally dangles slowly, 而此时听到洛伦的话,洛菈本来有些惊喜的表情却是慢慢消失,女孩银色呆毛先是翘起,最后慢慢垂下, Good.” “好的吧。” However when some la losing, Loren took out a point core box to place la on sluggishly the table. 不过就在洛菈有些失落的时候,洛伦慢吞吞取出了一个点心盒放在洛菈的桌上。 This is to give you, couple days ago had not finished eating, turns the gem the time suddenly turns.” “这个是给妳的,前几天没吃完,翻宝石的时候突然翻出来了。” Loren looks la that a face loses, is placed the dessert that past few days Elisha makes on the table, originally this is he preserves to be used to receive in exchange for the essential items of service tickets or certain special services, but looks in the today's stupid la such lovable share, ate to her. 洛伦看着一脸失落的洛菈,把前些天艾丽莎做的点心摆在桌子上,本来这是他留存用来换取服务券或者某些特殊服务的关键道具,但是看在今天笨菈这么可爱的份上,就给她吃好了。 Traces silver dull wool that the girl turns upwards, looks sprinkles to that beautiful sunlight, Loren somewhat fondly remembered suddenly ate the day of afternoon tea in Elisha's small garden initially. 摸了摸女孩重新翘起的银色呆毛,望向那明媚阳光洒落,洛伦突然又有些怀念当初在艾丽莎的小花园吃下午茶的日子了。 Some things, quick must settle.” “有些事情,很快就要有个了结了啊。” Loren tranquil is thinking. 洛伦平静的想着。 ... 。。。 After packing off Mar bus, in the past was less than the half-day time, Loren then welcomed the second guest. 送走了马尔巴士后,过去不到半天的时间,洛伦便迎来了第二位客人。 Visit of elf king, Loren estimates must early . Moreover the arrival of covering up thinks with Loren is different, the opposite party appears in mansion that directly, in Loren was. 精灵王的到访,比洛伦预想的要更早一些,而且和洛伦想的遮遮掩掩的到来不一样,对方是直接出现在了洛伦所在的府邸之中。 Yesterday, you did was very good.” “昨天,你做的很不错。” The afternoon garden, the flower fragrance overflows, the butterfly dances in the air. 午后的花园,花香四溢,蝴蝶飞舞。 The man of blonde, like transform appears in Loren's front, suddenly sits down on his opposite seat. 金发的男人,如同幻化般出现在洛伦的面前,突然落坐在他对面的座位上。 The elf king appears, Loren also has the sensation, looks at to the elf king time, in Loren eyes brings not mincing matter killing intent. 精灵王出现的时候,洛伦也有感知,看向精灵王的时候,洛伦眼中带着毫不掩饰的杀意。 Such big hostility.” “这么大的敌意吗。” However facing Loren's vigilance, the elf king is only a face ease smile, he carries in the table la to help Loren soak the good coffee drank one casually optional, the vision is sizing up the garden, has probably not paid attention to Loren completely. 然而面对洛伦的警惕,精灵王只是一脸悠然的笑容,他自顾自端起桌上洛菈帮洛伦泡好的咖啡随便喝了一口,目光随意的打量着花园,像是完全没有把洛伦放在眼里。 „Who you are.” “你是什么人。” After the vision glitters times several, probably dreaded that the front man unknown strength, Loren has not begun, but coldly the opens the mouth. 目光闪烁几次后,像是忌惮面前男人未知的实力,洛伦没有动手,只是冷冷开口。 Relax, does not need to alert to me, if I want to act to you, you have died.” “放心吧,不用对我这么戒备,如果我想对你出手的话,你已经死了。” Elf king Danding fills to kill the vision of intent facing Loren. 精灵王淡定的面对洛伦充满杀意的目光。 I look for you, but comes to discuss a transaction with you, naturally, said is the transaction, more accurate words, are I need you to help me do a matter.” “我来找你,只是来和你谈一笔交易,当然,说是交易,更准确的话,是我需要你帮我做一件事。” Felt on Loren to send out bone-chilling colder killing intent, the elf king hits a sound to refer to: This girl, you should still remember.” 感受到洛伦身上散发出更凛冽的杀意,精灵王打了个响指:“这个女孩,你应该还记得吧。” After the sound refers, in Loren at present, presented a picture suddenly, that is throwing over the black cape, has the young girl of pink long hair in the image that on the street wanders aimless. 响指过后,在洛伦的眼前,忽然出现了一副画面,那是披着黑色斗篷,有着粉色长发的少女在街上漫无目的游荡的图像。 Loren has not spoken, but pupil micro looks at the image of that young girl, simultaneously maintains the calmness of expression diligently. 洛伦没有说话,只是瞳孔微缩的看着那少女的图像,同时努力维持表情的镇静。 But Loren's expression, lets the man's unusual satisfaction of that golden hair. 而洛伦的表情,也让那金发的男人异常的满意。 Does not need to conceal your feeling, I know that you have recognized her.” Elf king Qing said with a smile: “不用隐瞒你的感受,我知道你已经认出了她。”精灵王轻笑道: Moreover I also know that you like her, this is also representing, if she is in danger, you are also willing to pay at all costs to save her, right.” “而且我还知道你喜欢她,这也代表着,如果她陷入危险的话,你也愿意付出一切代价去拯救她,没错吧。” „Who are you? What goal also there is?” “你到底是什么人?又有什么目的?” Loren had not replied, he looks in the eyes of that man flashes through the color of anger, after a while hoarse the sound was saying. 洛伦没有回答,他看着那男人的眼中闪过愤怒之色,过了一会才嘶哑着声音说道。 „Who I am, you do not need to know, you must know, only then...... I can control this girl's life and death.” “我是什么人,你无需知晓,你要知道的只有……我可以控制这女孩的生死。” Elf king was saying patted clapping. 精灵王说着拍了拍手。 The young girl who in the picture, the powder sends suddenly is stuffy snort/hum, later somewhat painful stiff in same place. 画面之中,粉发的少女突然闷哼一声,随后有些痛苦的僵在了原地。 Almost is simultaneously, „” a sound gets up. 几乎是同时,“咔嚓”一声响起。 Two person the breaks before of stone table no indications, toward leaning both ways , the center of table, are many together the incomparably smooth opening. 两人身前的石桌毫无征兆的断裂,向着两边倒下,桌子的中心,多出一道无比光滑的裂口。 A sword that Loren makes a move to cut suddenly, cuts off the stone table, across the body of elf king, stays behind in the ground deeply cuts the mark. 洛伦忽然出手斩出的一剑,斩断石桌,穿过精灵王的身体,在地面也留下深深斩痕。 However this sudden eruption, has not caused in the garden other person of any attention, elf king also sitting well well in Loren's opposite, probably that sword light did not cut from him a moment ago is the same. 然而这突然的爆发,并没有引起花园中其他人任何的注意,精灵王也好好的端坐在洛伦的对面,像是刚才那剑光不是从他身上斩过一样。 My patience limited.” “我的耐心是有限度的。” The elf king is not angry because of the Loren sudden attack, said as before indifferently: I can not haggle over for the first time, but if there is to offend...... me unable for the second time to guarantee that I also do have such patience to trade with you, moreover she will feel next time will not be such small penalty, she may lose an arm, even a leg? Incomplete young girl, but is not attractive.” 精灵王没有因为洛伦突然的攻击而恼怒,依旧淡然道:“第一次我可以不计较,但如果有第二次冒犯……我不能保证我还有没有这样的耐心和你交易,而且她下次感受到的也不会是这样小小惩罚,她可能会失去一条手臂,甚至一条腿?残缺的少女,可就没有那么好看了。” Elf king said that looks at present the Yin clear uncertain expression of youngster, drank a coffee slowly: If calms down, sits down, we chatted well.” 精灵王说完看着眼前少年的阴晴不定的表情,慢悠悠喝了口咖啡:“如果冷静下来,就重新坐下,我们好好谈谈吧。” What do you want?” “你到底想要什么?” Loren has not sat down, vision gloomy looks at the elf king, the youngster palm is shivering slightly, as if probably is suppressing the anger. 洛伦没有坐下,目光阴沉的望着精灵王,少年手掌微微颤抖,似乎像是强忍着怒意。 I want you to submit to me.” Elf Wang Pingjing said: Your loyalty, received exchange for her life and freedom. I know that you had been rejected by her, if she knows that you want, for she pays all your, perhaps will she give you opportunity also perhaps?” “我要你臣服于我。”精灵王平静道:“你的忠诚,换取她的性命和自由。我知道你被她拒绝过,不过如果她知道你愿意为了她付出你的一切,或许她会重新给你机会也说不定?” Elf king faint smile is looking at Loren, then raised up a finger: „An evening, you have evening's time to consider, if you want to save her, tomorrow the parliamentary palace, answered to me, when the time comes, you will receive the invitation the news.” 精灵王似笑非笑的望着洛伦,然后竖起了一根手指头:“一个晚上,你有一个晚上的时间考虑,如果你想要救她,明日来议会殿,给我答复,到时候,你会收到邀请的消息。” Naturally, submits, also needs to demonstrate the sincerity, therefore, do not forget that also took...... elf king to say her, the vision swept to squatting blonde loli who a face in that side flower garden looked at accidentally/surprisingly, then deep looked at Loren one eyes. He has not cared about Bailey gaze, because he did not feel that girl can look sees itself. “当然,臣服,也需要展示诚意,所以,别忘记把她也带上……”精灵王说着,目光扫向蹲在那边花圃中一脸意外看过来的金发萝莉,然后深深的看了洛伦一眼。他并没有在意贝莉尔的注视,因为他并不觉得那女孩能看的见自己。 „The consideration, I must say that well, is these.” “好好考虑吧,我要说的,就是这些。” Has not cared about the Loren angry vision, elf king sets out with a smile: „The coffee flavor is good.” 没有在意洛伦愤怒的目光,精灵王笑着起身:“咖啡的味道不错。” Also, you can feel relieved, my appearance, some anybody will not discover, the girl will not detect your unusuality, but this table, you later find an excuse well and she explain.” “还有,你可以放心,我的出现,不会有任何人发现,那丫头也不会察觉到你的异常,不过这桌子,你之后再好好找个借口和她解释吧。” Tomorrow morning, I in the parliamentary palace you, Luke, I believe that you will not disappoint me, right.” “明天早上,我在议会殿等你,卢克,我相信你不会让我失望的,对吧。” Elf king to come rapidness, left also quick. 精灵王来的快,离开的也快。 To Loren any response time, his body has not largely vanished again. 基本没有给洛伦任何反应的时间,他的身体就再次消失。 Soon. 只是不久之后。 Reappears the elf king in Saint tower, illusory build suddenly lax, is covering mouth coughed fiercely several. 重新出现在圣塔中的精灵王,虚幻的体型突然涣散了一下,然后捂着嘴剧烈的咳嗽了几声。 His vision gloomy looks own palm, the golden blood that although was coughed by him integrates his within the body, but his complexion cannot help but becomes somewhat angry. 他目光阴沉的看着自己手掌,虽然被他咳出的金色血液重新融入他的体内,但他的脸色还是不由得变得有些愤怒。 Fellow...... such strong?” “那家伙……这么强的吗?” Coffee that inspiration of elf king Shenshen, just drank, in the body that also since he tries hard to maintain leaks off. 精灵王深深的吸了一口气,刚喝的咖啡,也从他努力维系的身体中漏出。 He also planned easer and Loren talked...... has not thought that opposite party hot tempered cut, injures his soul unexpectedly. 原本他还打算更加悠然的和洛伦谈话……可没有想到,对方暴躁的一斩,竟然是伤到了他的灵魂。 He thinks, has not exposed weaknesses. 还是他强装着,没有露出破绽。 The threat that originally wants to say and so on , can only make a long story short finally, making Loren comprehend. 本来想说的威胁之类的,最后也只能长话短说,让洛伦自行领会。 However, the fellow strong point is also good, oneself control the aspect to be easier. 不过,那家伙强点也好,自己掌控局面更加容易。 Elf king thinks is sneering. 精灵王想着冷笑一声。 So long as in any case has Elisha in the hand...... 反正只要有艾丽莎在手…… His chess move is very spacious. 他的棋路就很宽敞。 ... 。。。
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