MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#75: Plans mutually

I do not have other choices evidently.” “看样子我没有其他选择。” Loren vision fluctuated several times, finally cold snort/hum an opens the mouth. 洛伦目光数次变幻,最后冷哼一声开口。 Now the situation says on such as the demon empathize, he alone wants to rescue Elisha to be extremely difficult. 现在情况就如魔神会所言,他一个人想要解救艾丽莎太过困难。 Hehe, Luke spoke discreetly, we want to cooperate with you sincerely, is not forcing you to make the choice.” “呵呵,卢克阁下言重了,我们是诚心想要和你合作,并非是在逼迫你做出选择。” Mar bus smile said. 马尔巴士微笑道。 Right, but I thought that among us is very difficult to establish the trusting relationship.” “是吗,可我觉得我们之间还是很难建立信任关系。” Loren said. 洛伦说道。 Mar bus shakes the head: Also has anything sturdily compared with the cooperation that the benefit establishes, your excellency goal is to help Elisha gets rid of the elf king to control, our goals are to solve the elf king, without conflict, our cooperation to both sides beneficial harmless.” 马尔巴士摇了摇头:“还有什么比利益建立的合作关系更牢靠的呢,阁下的目的是帮助艾丽莎摆脱精灵王掌控,我们的目的是解决精灵王,没有冲突情况下,我们的合作对双方有益无害。” Naturally, if your excellency does not trust as before, we can also sign the contract, by rule as testimony, void achievement sanction.” “当然,若是阁下依旧不信任,我们也可以签下契约,以规则作为见证,虚空作为制裁者。” Mar bus was saying lifts the hand to wield, on the round table has the golden flame combustion, forms a paper contract on the desktop, the flame of combustion gradually forms an all various professions writing. 马尔巴士说着抬手一挥,圆桌上有金色火焰燃烧,在桌面上形成一纸契约,燃烧的火焰逐渐形成一行行文字。 Loren has swept the contract content, the above regulations are very simple, adds on the limit in these contents that before discussed that ensure both sides will not dismantle the bridge after crossing, this contract had no trap, even the most essential charm trace completely exposed in Loren's front, does not have any hidden technique, it can be said that in the enormous degree demonstrated sincerity that Mar bus wanted to cooperate. 洛伦扫过契约内容,上面的条例很简单,就是在之前商谈的那些内容上加上限制,保证双方都不会过河拆桥,这份契约没有什么陷阱,甚至连最本质的魔力纹路都完全暴露在洛伦的面前,没有任何隐藏的术式,可以说是极大程度上展示了马尔巴士想要合作的诚意。 After Loren sweeps the contract content, Mar bus has written down own real name in the contract naturally, then the vision brilliant looks to Loren, the smile said: If Luke thought that does not have the issue, how signs the contract?” 等洛伦扫完契约内容后,马尔巴士已经在契约上大方写下自己的真名,而后又目光灼灼看向洛伦,微笑道:“如果卢克阁下觉得没问题的话,就签下契约如何?” Loren deep looked at Mar bus one, the one who proposed does not trust the view was he, Mar bus also drew out the contract quickly, demonstrated the sincerity, if he chooses to refuse to flinch now, deciding however to make the opposite party feel not right. 洛伦深深的看了马尔巴士一眼,提出不信任说法的是他,马尔巴士也很快引出契约,展示诚意,如果他现在选择拒绝退缩,定然会让对方感觉到不对劲。 However from that exposed constitution contract technique, Loren also is very clear this contract, so long as will sign will then appear the real name, after realizing this, Loren will sigh with emotion the discretion of Mar bus in the heart, this fellow true idea of will confirm own status for the last time. 然而从那暴露的构成契约的术式中,洛伦也很清楚这份契约只要签下便会显现真名,意识到这点后洛伦不禁在心中感慨马尔巴士的谨慎,这家伙真正的想法是最后一次确认自己的身份。 Meanwhile, Mar bus looked that the ray to Loren's purple double pupil glitters again, so long as Loren will use the charm to be detected immediately. 与此同时,马尔巴士看向洛伦的紫色双瞳中光芒再一次闪烁,只要洛伦动用魔力就会被立即察觉。 The eyes of this fellow, can see through illusory, really sees...... 这家伙的眼睛,可以看穿虚幻,看到真实…… Illusory, real. 虚幻,真实。 After Loren thinks of this, sneers in the innermost feelings, in the communication consciousness sea is supervising the girl who stupid la does the homework. 洛伦想到这之后,不禁在内心冷笑一声,沟通意识海中正监督着笨菈写作业的女孩。 Stopped for several seconds, under former's gaze, Loren unemotional is working on the feather pen that golden flame condensed, wrote down Luke's name in the contract. 只是停顿了数秒,在前者的注视下,洛伦面无表情的在抓起了那金色火焰凝聚的羽毛笔,在契约上写下了卢克的名字。 Under after golden contract brand mark Luke's name, twinkle slightly, as if must collapse, but flickers merely, stability again. 金色的契约烙印下卢克的名字后,略微的闪烁,似乎要崩溃,可仅仅是一瞬,又重新的稳固。 Mar bus look moves slightly looks to the contract, after a while on the face showed the smile, confirmed that the contract does not have the issue. 马尔巴士眼神微动的看向契约,过了一会脸上重新露出了笑容,确认契约没有问题。 Then takes the rule as the witness, our contracts establish.” “那么以规则为见证者,我们的契约就此成立。” Mar bus read aloud in a soft voice, that golden contract burnt again, was embezzled void. 马尔巴士轻声念诵,那金色契约再次燃烧,被虚空吞没。 From now on, Luke, we were the collaborators.” “从现在开始,卢克阁下,我们又是合作者了。” Therefore, what you do need me to make specifically?” “所以,你们具体需要我做什么?” Loren complexion is desolate. 洛伦脸色冷淡。 He not, because signed the contract, change any own attitude. 他并没有因为签下了契约,就改变任何自己的态度。 After all he and Mar bus the cooperation, also in having no recourse in situation. 毕竟他和马尔巴士的合作,也是在“迫不得已”的情况下。 Regarding this Mar bus does not care, her attitude is actually more moderate, the smile said: „The matter that Luke must handle now, allow nature to take its course.” 对此马尔巴士也不在意,不过她的态度倒是更加缓和,微笑道:“卢克阁下现在要做的事情,就是顺其自然。” Last night matter, affirms that now has made the elf king badly battered.” The Mar bus ease analysis said: If as expected, the fellow worried we expose his status and ambition, one step will definitely prepare ahead of time, before we unite the royal family, first step unites with these royal families, even sets up the trap to cope with us.” “昨晚的事情,现在肯定已经让精灵王焦头烂额。”马尔巴士悠然分析道:“如果不出意外的话,那家伙担心我们暴露他的身份和野心,肯定会提前一步作准备,在我们联合王族之前,就先一步和那些王族进行联合,甚至设下陷阱来对付我们。” Signs the contract with Lu Ke, determined relations of cooperation, Mar bus did not mind that disclosed some important news to him . Moreover, this also changed to proof her own ability. 和卢克签下契约,确定了合作的关系,马尔巴士不介意透露一些重要的消息给他,而且,这也是变向的证明她自己的能力。 The contract is the final limit method, displays own ability, deters the opposite party by this, lets the cooperation stable key. 契约是最后的限制手段,展现自己的能力,以此震慑对方,才是让合作稳固的关键。 Since you know that fellow will unite the royal family, why doesn't prevent him ahead of time?” Loren's at the right moment revealing doubts. “既然妳知道那家伙会联合王族,为什么不提前阻止他?”洛伦适时的表露疑惑。 Two reasons , the status of fellow is first special, moreover is grasping the Xueli king woman weakness, compares us, is easier to win royal family's trust, must prevent their federation to be very troublesome.” Mar bus was saying looked at Loren one eyes, then continues saying: Second, I did not plan that continues to prevent that fellow to collect the holy blood.” “两个原因,第一,那家伙的身份特殊,而且把握着雪莉王女的弱点,相较于我们而言,更容易取得王族的信任,要阻止他们联合会很麻烦。”马尔巴士说着看了洛伦一眼,然后继续道:“第二,我也不打算继续阻止那家伙收集圣血。” After all only then he collected the holy blood of certain share, the thing that I want will appear in my front.” “毕竟只有他凑齐了一定份额的圣血,我想要的东西才会出现在我的面前。” Yesterday's fight made her strength also receive many wounds, now and elf king meets the tough head-on with toughness is not the good choice, furthermore even the battle, now is not the essential time, therefore Mar bus made the plan, decided to follow planning of elf king to abandon some board game pieces simply, making elf king first harvest enough holy blood. 昨天的战斗让她的力量也受到了不少的创伤,现在和精灵王硬碰硬不是什么好的选择,再者就算争斗,现在也不是关键的时候,所以马尔巴士重新制定了计划,决定干脆顺着精灵王的算计抛弃一些棋子,让精灵王先收获足够的圣血。 When the fellow lowers one's guard, her workable space will also become more. 等到那家伙麻痹大意,她可操作的空间也会变得更多。 You did not worry, you made him collect so many holy blood, did he control the sufficient strength to cope with you?” Loren asked. “那妳就不担心,你让他收集了那么多圣血,他掌控了足够的力量来对付你们吗?”洛伦问道。 These your excellency does not need to worry, even if he had enough holy blood, will not be my opponent . Moreover the fellow will want to serve his purpose, will lack also not only will be the holy blood.” Mar bus smiles: Naturally, I will not make him so easy with good intention to harvest the holy blood, the fellow definitely does not think that he and under the royal family cooperation arrange/cloth copes with our traps, wields to become me in the side places the opportunity of manpower.” “这些阁下不用担心,就算他拥有了足够的圣血,也不会是我的对手,而且那家伙想要达到他的目的,缺少的也不仅仅是圣血而已。”马尔巴士神秘一笑:“当然,我也不会这么好心让他这么容易收获圣血,那家伙肯定不会想到他和王族合作布下对付我们的陷阱,也挥成为我在的身边安插人手的机会。” These fellows, really have the card in a hand that what I do not know, in the brain flashes through this idea, Loren is saying looking pensive: 这些家伙,果然还有着什么我不知道的底牌吗,脑中闪过这个想法,洛伦又是若有所思的说道: If I have not guessed that wrong, you do want to place that fellow person are I?” “如果我没有猜错的话,你想安插到那家伙身边的人就是我?” Your excellency is really intelligent.” “阁下果然聪明。” Mar bus praised one: „Before looking like me , said that if you want a person to rescue Elisha, definitely will receive the elf king's immobilization, in fact, even if you do not take the initiative action, these that last night you exposed will still make elf king Zhudong walk, forced you to help him work with Elisha.” 马尔巴士夸赞一句:“就像是我之前所说,如果你想要一个人去解救艾丽莎,必然会受到精灵王的钳制,事实上,就算你不采取主动的行动,昨晚你暴露的那些也会让精灵王主动找上门来,用艾丽莎来胁迫你帮他做事。” „The cooperation of fellow and royal family definitely is also only temporary, his ultimate goal, is controls the royal family, therefore naturally needs other strength support, so long as he is not stupid, he will not let off seems like you such suitable goal.” “那家伙和王族的合作肯定也只是暂时的,他最终的目的,是自己来掌控王族,所以自然需要其他的力量支撑,只要他不蠢,他绝不会放过像是你这样合适的目标。” I want not long, the fellow definitely to find the way to meet with you, therefore when the time comes, is tests your excellency performing skill the time.” “我想不用多久,那家伙肯定会想办法与你见面,所以到时候,就是考验阁下演技的时候了。” Acts in a play?” Loren knits the brows: You thought that I can complete this matter?” “演戏?”洛伦皱眉:“你觉得我能做好这种事情?” This is also I plans one point, can only put in great inconvenience to Luke to coordinate slightly, if your excellency wants to rescue Elisha safely.” “这也是我计划中的一环,只能稍微委屈卢克阁下进行配合了,如果阁下想要安全救出艾丽莎的话。” Mar bus earnest say/way. 马尔巴士认真道。 I will do as far as possible.” Hears Elisha's name, Loren vision twinkle, cold snort/hum complied finally. “我会尽量去做。”听到艾丽莎的名字,洛伦目光闪烁,最后还是冷哼一声答应了下来。 So long as your excellency can win his trust, can facilitate my follow-up plan enormously.” “只要阁下能够取得他的信任,就可以极大的方便我后续的计划。” Mar bus said: Temporarily is also these that needs your excellency to do, if later also has other arrangements, I will continue to relate with your excellency, if you felt that consciousness is involved, but also please do not revolt.” 马尔巴士说道:“暂时需要阁下做的也就是这些,如果之后还有其他的安排,我会继续和阁下联系,如果你感觉意识被牵扯,还请不要反抗。” Loren shows neither approval nor disapproval. 洛伦不置可否。 But before must depart, Mar bus seems like thinks of anything, suddenly stops: This cooperation, was we took many advantages after all, this gem, treated as to your excellency compensation, could render you at crucial moment the assistance.” 可就在要离去之前,马尔巴士又像是想到什么,突然停下:“不过这次合作,终归是我们占了不少的便宜,这枚宝石,就当作给阁下的补偿吧,或许可以在关键时候给予你一些帮助。” Speech time, Loren's opposite shadow promotes a jet black gem, gradually fell before Loren's body, in that profound darkness is quiet some type of incomparably powerful strength aura. 说话的时候,洛伦对面的黑影推出一枚漆黑宝石,逐渐落在了洛伦的身前,那深邃的黑暗之中沉寂着某种无比强大的力量气息。 What is this?” “这是什么?” Loren notices the aura of gem being possessed by a demon god, depresses in the consciousness sea some girl exciting voice, asking of maintaining composure. 洛伦注意到宝石中魔神的气息,压下意识海中某个丫头兴奋的声音,不动声色的问道。 In this gem is storing up the powerful demon god, if your excellency is willing to pay enough price, can borrow the strength of demon god.” “这宝石中储存着强大的魔神,如果阁下愿意付出足够的代价,就可以借用魔神的力量。” Mar bus said confidently: Naturally, how this strength must use, was decided by your excellency, I provide a medium to your excellency, lets your excellency at crucial moment, many maintaining life cards in a hand.” 马尔巴士坦然道:“当然,这力量要如何使用,都由阁下自己决定,我只是给阁下提供一个媒介,让阁下在关键的时候,多一份保命的底牌。” You thought that I can need this thing? Whom looks down upon.” “你觉得我会需要这东西?看不起谁呢。” Loren knits the brows to say. 洛伦皱眉道。 If your excellency not need, treats as the ordinary collection then, this gem cannot have any effect on you.” Mar bus is not angry, but the innermost feelings sneer, many people choose to reject the strength of demon god, instead, could not avoid the really fragrant result. “如果阁下不需要,当作普通的收藏即可,这宝石不会对你有任何的影响。”马尔巴士也不恼怒,只是内心冷笑,很多人都选择拒绝过魔神的力量,可到头来,都避免不了真香的结局。 In her opinion, Loren accepted this gift since that moment, was equal to that bound with the demon god in one. 在她看来,洛伦接受了这份“礼物”的那一刻起,就等于和魔神绑定在了一起。 Her these words, but lays down a seed in Loren heart ahead of time, this seed will constantly grow in Loren heart, deeply takes root in Loren's innermost feelings, essential time, so long as some boost slightly, Loren will be swallowed by that darkness. 她的这番话,只是在洛伦心中提前埋下一个种子,这种子会在洛伦心中不断成长,深深扎根在洛伦的内心,关键的时候,只要一些稍微的助力,洛伦就会被那黑暗吞噬。 But that boost slightly, in her plan, actually also has the arrangement early. 而那稍微的助力,在她的计划中,其实也早有安排。 Mar bus pulled out after own consciousness, in Loren's field of vision, that strange space also collapsed to dissipate, he stood in the entrance of mansion, but also maintained was previously taking a step movement. 马尔巴士抽离了自己的意识之后,洛伦的视界中,那奇异的空间也崩溃消散,他站在府邸的门口,还维持着先前迈出一步的动作。 Looking at it like this, a fellow point exceptionally has not discovered.” “这样看来,那家伙一点异常都没有发现啊。” Recovers, takes a fast look around toward all around, determined after Mar bus has left, Loren opens the palm, looks that was grasped by oneself in the palm jet black gem, innermost feelings sigh with emotion is talking over. 回过神来,向着四周扫视一圈,确定马尔巴士已经离开后,洛伦才张开手掌,看着被自己握在手心的漆黑宝石,内心感慨的念叨着。 The previous contract, he borrows Bailey flagstone strength, tampers illusory becomes real, making that contract approve Luke's name, that was also Mar bus confirmed that his status key one step, signed that contract, Mar bus was eliminated truly to his vigilance. 先前的契约,他借用贝莉尔的石板力量,篡改虚幻成为真实,让那契约认可了卢克的名字,那也是马尔巴士来确认他身份的关键一步,签下了那份契约,马尔巴士才算真正打消了对他的戒心。 Then the both sides then logical confirmation the cooperation, Mar bus also incomparably helped him also arrange intimately another status, even if now elf king to seek, Loren is the two-sided spies is still justifiable. 然后双方便顺理成章的确认了合作关系,马尔巴士还无比贴心的帮他把另一个身份也安排好了,现在就算精灵王找来,洛伦做双面间谍也名正言顺。 Naturally, those who most made Loren pleasantly surprised was in the hand this big ritual. 当然,最令洛伦惊喜的还是手上这份大礼。
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