MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#74: Quite quick??

Snort ~ “哼~” In the morning, garden. 早上,花园。 Wears the pretty small skirt, ka eats small biscuit la to notice Loren's gaze, afraid has turned head, the cheek of little miss somewhat is ruddy. 穿着漂亮小裙子,咔吧咔吧吃着小饼干的洛菈注意到洛伦的注视,心虚的扭过头去,小姑娘的脸蛋还有些红扑扑的。 Yesterday after Loren explained that la brutally was also ridiculed by Loren, making girl bashful wishing one could look for a cake to bury. 昨天洛伦解释完后,洛菈又被洛伦无情的嘲笑了,让女孩羞的恨不得找块蛋糕将自己埋进去。 She did not have that strange idea, is mainly recently, the fool Elder Brother always finds various excuses to make up the demon, making la somewhat unable to resist, unavoidably to Loren's some behavior generation wrong explanations. 她本来也没有那种奇怪想法的,主要是最近一段时间,笨蛋哥哥老是找各种理由补魔,让洛菈有些招架不住,也难免会对洛伦的行为产生一些错误的解读。 Fool Elder Brother, if bullies me today again, I really do not give you, when held the pillow.” “笨蛋哥哥,要是今天再欺负我,我真不给你当抱枕了。” Thinks that yesterday's humiliation experience, la stared a Loren who is looking at the faint smile, blows up the cheeks slightly, resolute say/way. 想到昨天的丢脸经历,洛菈瞪了一眼望着自己似笑非笑的洛伦,微微鼓起脸颊,语气坚定道。 You also said that yesterday like this, but has not given me to work as finally on own initiative held the pillow.” “妳昨天也是这样说的,但最后还不是主动给我当了抱枕。” Loren puts out a hand to poke the cheeks that la blows up, but was grasped by the girl quickly begins to shove open. 洛伦伸手去戳洛菈鼓起的脸颊,但是很快被女孩抓着手推开。 You snatch my quilt, I will not shrink.” “要不是你抢我被子,我才不会缩过去。” la said angrily. 洛菈气鼓鼓道。 Yesterday saw her panting in indignation shrinking in the bed corner, Loren not only has not comforted her, but also drew her quilt completely, rested to half of her to warm up, rolled silently, very unwilling shrank Loren's arms. 昨天看到她一个人气呼呼的缩在床角,洛伦不但没有安慰她,还把她的被子完全拉了过去,睡到一半她就为了取暖,又默默的滚了回去,很不甘心的重新缩进了洛伦的怀里。 I snatch your quilt not for how are you, the day and night temperature difference is big, the girl will become sweeter, you will look at Bailey, when the consciousness sea will sleep coverlet, this to let you and Bailey will reduce the disparity.” “我抢妳被子不是为了妳好吗,昼夜温差大,女孩子才会变得更甜,你看贝莉尔在意识海睡觉的时候盖被子吗,这都是为了让你和贝莉尔缩小差距。” Loren sincere say/way. 洛伦语重心长道。 la: „???” 洛菈:“???” I do not believe you!” “我才不信你!” la hesitant, made the correct judgment. 洛菈犹豫了一下,还是做出了正确的判断。 Moreover must really this be able to change the sweet words, I who daily eat the dessert am very sweet.” “而且要真这样就能变甜的话,天天吃甜点的我早就很甜了。” Daily eats the dessert you to change sweet does not say, but the urine can change sweet has the possibility actually......” “天天吃甜点妳会不会变甜不好说,但尿会变甜倒是有可能的……” Loren pondered one saying that his also really not clear different world did have diabetes type of thing. 洛伦沉思了一会说道,他还真不清楚异世界有没有糖尿病这种东西。 However these words just said, Loren noticed la the expression becomes was more panic-stricken, but the consciousness into the sea|nautical mile looks with a smile two people Bailey to line also fell into suddenly silent. 但是这句话刚说完,洛伦就注意到洛菈的表情变得更加的惊恐了,而意识海里本来笑着看着两人对线的贝莉尔也一时间陷入了沉默。 I have not drunk, has looked at records on some books...... “我没喝过,就是看过一些书上的记载…… No, the book has not looked, when you I blindly guess. ” Detected that the silent atmosphere, Loren also realizes anything probably, is coughing the explanation, but more explained, always felt getting more and more strange. 不,书也没看过,妳们就当我瞎猜的吧。”察觉到沉默的气氛,洛伦也像是意识到什么,干咳着解释,但是越解释,总感觉越来越奇怪。 Un......” “嗯……” No matter Loren said anything, la was only nod silently, a few words does not dare saying that finally gazed at facing Loren speechless, the girl top of the head staying wool shook shaking, even does not dare to go to Loren's line of sight, after the face is thinking painstakingly, she took out a mathematical work to write directly earnestly. ~ 不管洛伦说什么,洛菈都只是默默的点头,一句话也不敢多说,最后面对洛伦无言的注视,女孩头顶呆毛抖了抖,甚至不敢去对上洛伦的视线,苦着脸想了想后,她直接取出了一份数学作业认真的写了起来。呜~ Discovered elder brother's big secret, if the Elder Brother becomes angry out of shame, definitely meets various types to punish itself, she might as well first aware point punished itself to be good. 发现了哥哥的大秘密,要是哥哥恼羞成怒,肯定会各种惩罚自己,她还不如自己先自觉点惩罚自己好了。 This is the great fiendish person under Loren's oppression the say/way of seeking livehood seeks for from the crevice. 这是伟大的魔王在洛伦的压迫下从夹缝中寻找到的求生之道。 I first bully me, such Elder Brother will be not always cruel enough to oppress again. 我先欺负我自己,这样哥哥总不会再忍心压迫了吧。 But Loren looks has started to submerge in la of mathematical sea, the corners of the mouth cannot help but pulled out pulling out, aerobic and funny. 而洛伦看着已经开始将自己淹没在数学海洋的洛菈,嘴角不由得抽了抽,又好气又好笑。 This girl, worked as herself anyone, he had not handled this matter, how to become angry out of shame, even if really became angry out of shame, he will not make anything to her. 这丫头,把自己当什么人了,他本来就没做过这种事情,怎么会恼羞成怒,而且就算真的恼羞成怒,他也不会对她做什么啊。 When Loren is somewhat disconsolate, consciousness in the sea, silent for a long time Bailey also opened the mouth finally. 就在洛伦有些惆怅的时候,意识海中,沉默了许久的贝莉尔也终于开口。 Elder Brother......” “哥哥……” Un.” “嗯。” There dirty.” “那里脏。” Loren: „???” 洛伦:“???” Loren in broad daylight felt that this wave was grinding of bulldozer to own face on, the wheel was embed hardly in the brain. 大白天的洛伦感觉这波是压路机的碾到了自己的脸上,车轱辘硬嵌进了脑子里。 However the next quarter, Bailey supplemented one: What I said is the restroom.” 不过下一刻,贝莉尔又补充了一句:“我说的是厕所哦。” „???” “???” This explained that was stranger. 这解释一下就更奇怪了。 Loren said ill-humoredly: 洛伦没好气道: Bailey...... I have not really done, you do not believe.” “贝莉尔……我真没做过,妳不相信吗。” Un, I believe.” “嗯,我相信的哦。” Bailey nods to say earnestly. 贝莉尔认真点头说道。 This matter, definitely is elder brother's friend tells you, I know.” “这件事情,肯定是哥哥的朋友告诉你的吧,我知道的呢。” „......” “……” Loren sighed, if there is an opportunity to return to the reality the world, he must put out the lifeform book to two people the quite easy to learn study, making them know that anything is called the research of science. 洛伦叹了口气,要是有机会回到现实的世界,他一定要拿出生物书给两人好好学学,让她们知道什么叫做科学的研究。 .. 。。 Considered that own wise image came under the serious attack before two girls, the Loren also calm face left the garden, planned that outside goes to stroll to relax, eases up this strange atmosphere under slightly. 考虑自己的英明形象在两个女孩面前受到了惨重的打击,洛伦也是沉着脸离开了花园,打算去外面逛逛散散心,也稍微缓和下这诡异的气氛。 However Loren just went out of the front door time, the vision of youngster was indifferent looking approached above the midair. 然而洛伦刚刚走出大门的时候,少年的目光就是淡然的望向了半空之上。 In his side, the street, the construction, all, starts the inexplicable distortion, the space that probably is was swallowed by a strange vortex. 在他的身边,街道,建筑,所有的一切,都开始莫名的扭曲,像是所在的空间被一个诡异的漩涡吞噬。 But, the feeling of that distortion vanishes gradually slowly, but transforms side Loren all completely, he appears in a giant palace, before the body, is a fine round table. 可渐渐的,那扭曲的感觉又慢慢消失,只是在洛伦身边的一切全部变换,他出现在一个巨大的宫殿之中,身前是一张精致的圆桌。 Loren lifts the arm, then discovers together the black chord wire connection in own wrist/skill place, but condenses the white to be luminous when Loren another fingertip, the preparation cuts off that chord wire connects, a female voice suddenly resounds. 洛伦抬起手臂,便发现到一道黑色弦线连接在自己的手腕处,但就在洛伦另一只手指尖凝聚白色光亮,准备斩断那弦线连接之时,一个女声忽然响起。 Luke, I am without any malicious intent, connection black chord wire in your hands, involves your consciousness, facilitates your my independent exchange, will not have any injury to you.” “卢克阁下,我没有恶意,连接在你手中的黑色弦线,也只是牵扯出你的意识,方便你我的单独交流,对你不会有任何的伤害。” As that sound resounds, Loren had seen previously the enchanting shadow appears, sits down in his opposite. 随着那声音响起,洛伦先前见过的妖娆黑影浮现,在他的对面坐下。 In Mar bus eye is quiet the monster different purple, vision sincere looking to Loren. 马尔巴士眼中沉寂着妖异的紫色,目光诚恳的望向洛伦。 Never expected that you can live unexpectedly.” “没想到你竟然能活下来。” Loren sees the emergence of Mar bus, on the face as if flashes through surprised. 洛伦看到马尔巴士的出现,脸上似乎闪过一丝惊讶。 Lucky some abilities of maintaining life.” “只是侥幸有些保命的能力而已。” Mar bus smile said that her vision appreciation is sizing up Loren's body. 马尔巴士微笑道,她目光欣赏的打量着洛伦的身体。 Right, therefore you are want to try to be able under my hand does receive work the second time?” “是吗,所以妳是想要试试能不能在我的手上活下第二次?” Loren light say/way. 洛伦淡淡道。 I have said that my time invited your excellency to come, but wanted to chat with you, and had no evil intention.” “我说过了,我这次邀请阁下过来,只是想要和你谈谈,并没有什么恶意。” Mar bus hidden earnest in look. 马尔巴士隐藏住眼神中的热切。 But I did not think that among us has anything to talk about.” “可我不觉得我们之间有什么好谈的。” Luke, the words was needless to say was so absolute, in this world did not have the eternal friend and enemy, some were only the eternal benefits.” “卢克阁下,话不用说的这么绝对,这个世界上没有永恒的朋友和敌人,有的只是永恒的利益。” Mar bus tranquil say/way: „The beforehand hostility, we have no recourse, so long as has certain common interests, I thought that we can also abandon the past animosity, unites in together.” 马尔巴士平静道:“之前的敌对,我们也都是迫不得已,不过只要有某些共同的利益,我觉得我们也是可以摒弃前嫌,重新联合在一起的。” I have betrayed your one time, can you also believe me?” Some Loren surprise. “我已经背叛过你们一次,你们还敢相信我?”洛伦有些诧异。 Said the betrayal some, but was our beforehand goal slightly some conflicts.” “说背叛就有些过了,只不过是我们之前的目的稍微有些冲突而已。” Moreover I had also understood afterward your excellency information, probably you such young outstanding legend is also rarely seen, the previous fight, was makes me see your sincerity and goodness, therefore I thought that among us should have the room to manoeuvre, and may not become the enemy.” Mar bus said. “而且我后来也了解过阁下的情报,像是你这样年轻优秀的传奇也不多见,先前的战斗,更是让我看出了你的真诚和善良,所以我觉得我们之间应该还有回旋的余地,并不一定要成为敌人。”马尔巴士说道。 Never expected that your eyes see through the lofty character that under my charming handsome face hid.” Loren said. “没想到你一眼就看穿了我帅气英俊面孔下隐藏的高贵品质。”洛伦奇道。 Hehe.” “呵呵。” Mar bus is only the smile, has she who pierces the real eyes how was naturally clear must say that followed Loren's intention. 马尔巴士只是微笑,拥有洞穿真实双眼的她自然清楚要怎么说才顺着洛伦的心意。 „Doesn't your excellency find it strange?” “不过阁下难道就不觉得奇怪吗?” But at this time, Mar bus continued saying: 而在这时,马尔巴士继续道: Probably your excellency such outstanding person, why that Miss Elisha will choose the rejection finally.” “像是阁下这样优秀的人,为什么那位艾丽莎小姐最后会选择拒绝呢。” Loren pupil micro, the vision coldly looks to the opposite: Evidently you ability that not only maintains life is fierce, the ability of hidden is also very fierce.” 洛伦瞳孔微缩,目光冷冷看向对面:“看样子妳不只是保命的能力厉害,隐藏的能力也很厉害吗。” Also asked your excellency to excuse me, I did not intend to dash your some secrets.” Mar bus say/way: Is only something is important, we must be vigilant frequently, has to monitor your trends.” “还请阁下见谅,我也不是有意要撞破你的一些秘密。”马尔巴士道:“只是有些东西事关重大,我们必须时刻警惕,不得不监控你们的动向。” Moreover, your excellency definitely also wants to know with Elisha related secret.” “而且,阁下肯定也想知道和艾丽莎有关的秘密把。” Sees Loren vision twinkle, has not refuted anything, on Mar bus face shows the smile again: At that time Elisha will reject you, main reason many, because she really had the person of liking, but is all her actions is controlled, even if she really likes you, will not display, because does not want to draw in the danger you.” 见洛伦目光闪烁,却没有反驳什么,马尔巴士脸上再次露出笑容:“那个时候艾丽莎会拒绝你,最主要的原因并不少因为她真的有了喜欢的人,而是她的一切行动都受人控制,就算她真的喜欢你,也不会表现出来,因为不想将你拖入危险之中。” Since you in the manor, you should also know at that time beginning existence of generation of elf kings.” “既然你当时在庄园之中,你应该也知道初代精灵王的存在。” In fact, we besieged Elisha initially, the main goal do not cope with her, but must cope with her behind elf king.” “事实上,我们当初围攻艾丽莎,最主要的目的也不是要对付她,而是要对付她身后的精灵王。” „Is that fellow controlling Elisha?” Loren tone somewhat ice-cold. “那个家伙控制着艾丽莎?”洛伦语气有些冰冷。 Mar bus said earnestly: Right, the elf king left behind the inheritance in the outside world, but his so-called inheritance, is he is actually used to control inheritance the method, Elisha then fell into his trap, now was controlled by him.” 马尔巴士认真道:“没错,精灵王在外界留下了传承,不过他所谓的传承,其实就是他用来控制传承者的手段,艾丽莎便是落入了他的陷阱,现在被他所控制。” „The fellow is ten thousand years ago the ruler of elf clan, he recovers in this time, wants to replace the demon clan rule world, because he consciousness the condition of body, therefore all layouts and actions are force Elisha to help him be completed, we suppose the next beforehand ambush, to control Elisha, prevents the follow-up action of that fellow.” “那家伙是万年之前精灵族的统治者,他在这个时代复苏,想要代替魔族统治世界,不过因为他自身是意识体的状态,所以一切的布局和行动都是逼迫艾丽莎帮他完成,我们设下之前的伏击,就是为了控制住艾丽莎,阻止那个家伙的后续行动。” Therefore you want to ask me to cooperate, solves the elf king with you?” “所以你们想要找我合作,和你们一起解决精灵王?” Loren also understood the intention of Mar bus at this time probably. 洛伦这个时候也像是明白了马尔巴士的用意。 Yes, so long as you are willing to cooperate, we can help you rescue Elisha from the hand of elf king.” Mar bus nod said: “是的,只要你愿意合作,我们可以帮你从精灵王的手中解救艾丽莎。”马尔巴士点头道: Moreover cooperates with us, is you wants to rescue the Elisha safest method, after all present he has been clear about your soft rib, if with Elisha as forcing, you are unable to pose any threat to him, not to mention he possibly also has other subsequent hands, can live the present fellow from the ten thousand years ago time, the grasped card in a hand compared with wants wise many that you imagine.” “而且和我们合作,也是你想要救出艾丽莎最安全的方法,毕竟现在的他已经清楚你的软肋,如果用艾丽莎作为胁迫,你无法对他产生任何的威胁,更不用说他可能还有其他的后手,能从万年前的时代活到现在的家伙,掌握的底牌远比你想象的要高明的多。” Mar bus is saying, hidden the expression after darkness brings some sneering. 马尔巴士说着,隐藏在黑暗后的表情带着些许的冷笑。 She combines threats with inducements using the flaw that Luke exposes now completely, this fellow gave the elf king to threaten his method, gave her to force him to conduct the opportunity of cooperation. 她现在完全是利用“卢克”暴露的破绽来威逼利诱,这家伙给了精灵王威胁他的方法,同时也给了她逼迫他进行合作的机会。 ... 。。。 The consecutive several days of banquet...... can go back several days later. 连续几天的酒席……过几天就能回去了。 This mosquito was too fearful, I wear the trousers to be able direct broken against ding. 这蚊子太可怕了,我穿着长裤都能直接破防叮到。
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