MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#73: . Multi-layer steamed bread. la

Naturally, these fellows might not walk in these days on own initiative, they ambushed yesterday I, although made me pay many prices, but they also lost much.” Elf kingly way. “当然了,那些家伙也不一定会在这段时间就主动找上门来,他们昨天埋伏我,虽然让我付出了不少代价,但是他们也损失不少。”精灵王道。 Yesterday's sound......” “难道昨天的动静……” Xueli was still pondering, after hearing these words, the young girl slightly is startled, looks to the eye of band of light of elf king some dignifiedly. 雪莉本来还在沉思,听到这句话后,少女微微吃惊,望向精灵王的目光带着些许凝重。 Yesterday destroyed the manor that struck on her makes the deep impression, if this were the method of elf king, that has to make her attach great importance. 昨天毁灭庄园的那一击给她留下深刻印象,如果这是精灵王的手段,那就不得不让她重视起来。 Hehe.” “呵呵。” The elf king shows neither approval nor disapproval, yesterday's fight, concrete was what situation Xueli does not know in any case, he naturally cannot mind borrowed that power and influence on deter the opposite party. 精灵王不置可否,反正昨天的战斗,具体是什么情况雪莉也不知道,他自然不会介意借用那股威势震慑一下对方。 Becoming important matter to not bother about trifles. 成大事者不拘小节。 Let alone, in the plan of elf king, that youngster will also become his boost yesterday, he borrows ahead of time. 更何况,在精灵王的计划中,昨天那少年也会成为他的助力,他只是提前借用一下而已。 If these fellows had not acted over the two days, I need your help, calls on own initiative them, royal family's influence, in addition my suppression to the holy blood, can easily suppress these rebels, eliminates the holy blood of their within the body, so long as recycled the strengths of these holy blood, these outcomers nothing to be afraid, even their back demon gods, possibly are not my opponent.” “如果这两天那些家伙没有行动,我就需要妳的帮忙,将他们主动召集起来,王族的势力,再加上我对圣血的压制,可以轻易将那些叛徒压制,剥夺他们体内的圣血,只要回收了那些圣血的力量,那些外来者就不足为惧,就算是他们背后的魔神,也不可能是我的对手。” The elf king is self-confident. 精灵王自信满满。 He in the outside world, has understood this time. 他在外界的时候,也了解过这个时代的局面。 He most frightened fiendish person Bailey has fallen from the sky, the demon clan was suppressed by human completely, the present is the four big empire division rules of beast clan and human, even these being insufferably arrogant demon gods also cease all activities, this is the time that he most yearns, once he constructs the physical body, activation Saint tree, its control, then he will become invincible existence. 他最恐惧的魔王贝莉尔已经陨落,魔族被人类完全压制,现在是兽族和人类的四大帝国分割统治,甚至那些不可一世魔神也都偃旗息鼓,这是他最向往的时代,一旦他重新构造肉体,激活圣树,将其掌控,那么他就将成为无敌的存在。 I only promise you, helping you solve these traitors, but will not slaughter innocents.” “我只答应你,帮你解决那些背叛者,但不会滥杀无辜。” Xueli listens to the words of elf king to say after the thinking: If you need other holy blood strength help, I can also coordinate you to fuse, but these holy blood you cannot strip from others forcefully.” 雪莉听完精灵王的话在思索后说道:“如果你需要其他的圣血力量帮助,我也可以配合你融合,不过那些圣血你不可以强行从其他人身上剥离。” After fusing the holy blood, can have again enormously its peeling from others , but risk, if weak, lost the holy blood, will have the risk of death. 融合圣血之后,从其他人身上再将其剥离会有极大但风险,如果身体虚弱,失去了圣血,甚至会有死亡的风险。 Moreover Xueli does not want all holy blood deliveries in the hand of elf king. 而且雪莉也不想将所有圣血交付在精灵王的手中。 At least before she sees the elder sister, she will not trust these words that the elf king spoke completely. 至少在她见到姐姐之前,她都不会完全信任精灵王的说的那些话。 Relax.” On the elf king hears the words face has the smile: Person who I do not like slaughtering, I must strip the holy blood of these traitors, is only because they abandoned the glory and demon god of elf cooperate, even wants to begin to me, other innocent people, I will certainly not capture their holy blood casually.” “放心吧。”精灵王闻言脸上带着微笑:“我也不是喜欢杀戮的人,我要剥离那些背叛者的圣血,也只是因为他们背弃了精灵的荣耀和魔神合作,甚至想要对我动手,其他无辜的人,我当然不会随便夺取他们的圣血。” Elf king does not care about these completely. 精灵王完全不在意这些。 Only needs over three holy blood, he can construct the mortal body, restores part of strengths, controls most aspects. 只需要有三份以上的圣血,他就可以重新构造肉身,恢复一部分的力量,掌控大部分局面。 This matter ended, I to the opportunity that you and meet.” “这件事情结束,我就会给妳和伊莎相见的机会。” Then, to let Shirley believes itself, the elf king also said earnestly. 然后,为了让雪莉更加相信自己,精灵王又认真说道。 Before these people know we cooperate, you must as soon as possible arrange, these matter earlier solutions, the variable are less. Before then, you treat as have not seen me, if there is any news, you can contact with me through Elisha.” “在那些人知道我们合作之前,妳要尽快安排下去,这些事情越早解决,变数越少。在此之前,妳就当作从来没见过我吧,如果有什么消息,妳可以通过艾丽莎联系到我。” Elf king Dandan said. 精灵王淡淡道。 I will arrange.” “我会安排的。” The elder sister was missing ten several years time, Xueli had and her related clue with great difficulty, how is also willing to give up. 姐姐失踪了十数年的时间,雪莉好不容易有了和她相关的线索,又怎么愿意放弃。 The elf king noticed that Xueli's expression sneers in the heart, completes the transaction with Xueli, represented his plan success the larger part, after this matter ended, he also had the means to continue to control Xueli. 精灵王看到雪莉的表情在心中冷笑,和雪莉完成交易,就代表他的计划成功了一大半,这件事情结束之后,他还有办法继续操控雪莉。 The sisters meet, naturally is an empty talk, the elf king knows mother who Elisha died more than ten years ago, but as daughter, Elisha is he is used to cope with the Xueli best chip, even if Xueli has the means to contend with his subsequent hand, facing bloodlines that her elder sister leaves behind, definitely by enormously impeding. 姐妹相见,当然是句空话,精灵王知道艾丽莎的母亲在十多年前就死去,但是作为伊莎的女儿,艾丽莎就是他用来对付雪莉最好的筹码,就算雪莉有办法抗衡他的后手,面对她姐姐留下的血脉,肯定会受到极大的掣肘。 „Then, how even if must consider to regain and use that boy.” “那么接下来,就算要考虑如何收复和利用那个小子了。” The elf king is thinking leisurely: For Elisha, he is definitely willing to offer his all, the supernatural power of his within the body, to me, is the good nourishment.” 精灵王在悠悠想着:“为了艾丽莎,他肯定愿意奉献他的一切吧,还有他体内的神力,对我来说,也是不错的养料。” ... 。。。 At this time, la bedroom. 此时,洛菈的卧室。 Loren leans in the deck chair, at the same time is summarizing these days action, under a margin the tray is enjoying the servant's la to the fine dessert that provides. 洛伦倚靠在躺椅上,一边总结着这几天的行动,一边端着盘子享受底下仆人给洛菈提供的精美点心。 But curls upwards is sending out the slightly green luminous dull wool, purses the lips the blonde girl of small mouth to sit in Loren's opposite, does the homework, while looks at Loren to enjoy her small cake panting in indignation. 而翘着散发微绿光亮呆毛,撅嘴小嘴的金发女孩则是坐在洛伦的对面,一边写作业,一边气呼呼的看着洛伦享用她的小蛋糕。 After Elisha temporarily leaves, la also had the opportunity that came out to let in fresh air, the result came out to face the work that a big pile must make up, then must look at Loren to eat her small cake helplessly. 艾丽莎暂时离开后,洛菈也获得了出来放风的机会,结果一出来就面对了一大堆要补的作业,然后还要眼睁睁的看着洛伦吃她的小蛋糕。 Moreover what is more hateful, Loren is eating her cake, the attention also not on her body, but exchanges in Bailey with consciousness sea. 而且更可恶的是,洛伦吃着她的蛋糕,注意力还不在她的身上,而是在和意识海中的贝莉尔交流。 ~ “呜~” la is dejected, felt oneself were really difficult. 洛菈垂头丧气,感觉自己真是太难了。 Loren has not cared about losing of little miss, he is still thinking yesterday's matter. 洛伦并没有在意小姑娘的失落,他还在想着昨天的事情。 Demon empathize ate such big one to owe, should not give up, does not know that their next step also had anything to prepare.” “魔神会吃了这么大一个亏,应该也不会善罢甘休,就是不知道他们下一步还有什么准备。” Loren muttered. 洛伦喃喃说着。 In the consciousness sea, the edge in bright red other shore sea of flowers, Bailey is swaying the fair small foot, looks out the youngster in reality, the chuckle the opens the mouth: Since that side the elf king Elder Sister Elisha's status exposes together, the people of demon empathize will definitely not let go the good opportunity to attack them, even if perhaps next unites the royal family, copes with the elf king, but the demon empathize will do this, that side the elf king will definitely still guard, now even looks after whose, move of preparation was fuller.” 意识海中,鲜红彼岸花海的边缘,贝莉尔摇晃着白皙的小脚丫,遥望现实中的少年,轻笑着开口:“既然精灵王那边连带艾丽莎姐姐的身份一起暴露,魔神会的人肯定不会放弃这么的好的机会打击他们,说不定下一步就算联合王族,对付精灵王的了吧,不过魔神会会这样做,精灵王那边肯定也会防备的,现在就算看谁的后招准备的更足了。” Bailey thinks to be crooked the head also saying: Astonishment that extremely the Elder Brother displays, they definitely stared at you, sooner or later will come to contact with you, hee hee, as the matter stands, matter was more interesting.” 贝莉尔想了想歪着脑袋又道:“还有哥哥表现的太过惊人,他们双方肯定都盯上了你,迟早会来和你接触,嘻嘻,这样一来,事情就更有意思了。” That is not.” “那可不是。” Loren also nods, sighs with emotion: How saying that my performing skill is to also be repeatedly tempered, I left behind enough flaw to them, now their strength loses seriously, if wants the follow-up action to have the guarantee, will definitely find the way to gather me, when the time comes these fellows definitely meet various types to combine threats with inducements, looked that who they will not first be able to bear.” 洛伦也点了点头,感慨道:“怎么说我的演技也是千锤百炼过的,我留下了足够的破绽给他们,现在他们双方的力量都损失惨重,如果想要后续行动有保证,肯定会想办法招揽我,到时候那些家伙肯定会各种威逼利诱,就看他们谁会先忍不住了。” Loren layout was so long, wants to be involved in the vortex by oneself by these people on own initiative, as the matter stands will not expose the status and real motive at the same time, but can also seize the chance infiltrates the interior of these people, drifts away between both sides, intensifies their battles, finally he harvests the achievement directly. 洛伦布局了这么久,就是想让自己被那些人主动牵扯进漩涡之中,这样一来不会暴露自己身份和真实目的的同时,还可以趁机的打入那些人的内部,在双方之间游离,激化他们的争斗,最后他直接收割成果。 Now main issue...... Elisha's safety.” “不过现在最主要的问题还是……艾丽莎的安全。” Loren reveals the thinking the expression: Yesterday talked time, does not know that she discovered my status.” 洛伦露出思索的表情:“昨天谈话的时候,不知道她有没有发现我的身份。” Afterward with Elisha's talk, Loren is performing as Luke, but Loren always felt that the young girl seemed like discovered anything. 后来和艾丽莎的谈话,洛伦都是以卢克的身份在表演,但洛伦总感觉少女似乎是发现了什么。 Moreover finally the reply of young girl...... also makes him always feel that some hearts are tired. 而且最后少女的回复……也让他总觉得有些心累。 He remembers like this exasperating the young girl not. 他记忆中的少女可没有这样气人啊。 He does not know that the young girl guessed correctly anything, is giving certain information, is the pure rejection. 他不知道少女是猜到了什么,在传递某些信息,还是单纯的拒绝。 Elder Sister Elisha yesterday's touching somebody's sore spot, but also makes the Elder Brother take to heart.” “艾丽莎姐姐昨天的扎心,还让哥哥耿耿于怀吗。” Hears here, Bailey is actually laughs secretly, then the girl also said earnestly: 听到这里,贝莉尔却是窃笑起来,然后女孩又认真道: If I, like the Elder Brother leaving me to be nearer actually.” “不过要是我的话,倒是喜欢哥哥离我更近一些。” Really Bailey mouth was sweetest. 果然还是贝莉尔嘴最甜了。 Although had been pulled up some too multiple, this degree of words Loren immunities by the girl, but he puts out a hand, plans with finding the clue make as the reward, but Bailey in the consciousness sea, cannot trace now, therefore he can only put out a hand to touch la head. 虽然被女孩撩过太多次,这种程度的话洛伦都有些免疫了,但他还是伸手,打算用摸头作为奖励,不过贝莉尔在意识海中,现在摸不到,所以他只能伸手摸了摸洛菈的脑袋。 ”. „ ”诶。“ la originally also somewhat depressed is doing the homework, suddenly after Loren finds the clue make, an accident/surprise of girl face, dull wool unconscious happy sways. 洛菈本来还有些郁闷的在写作业,突然被洛伦摸头后,女孩一脸的意外,呆毛也不自觉开心的摇晃起来。 la is at heart delicious, but the expression on face is some are unhappy, is flat the small mouth snort/hum: Fool Elder Brother, why touches my head suddenly.” 洛菈心里美滋滋的,可脸上的表情却是有些不开心,扁着小嘴哼了一下:“笨蛋哥哥,干嘛突然摸我头。” Snort, the idiot, is not only chats with Bailey, but also eats my cake, now knows that with finding the clue make to relax related, I do not forgive the Elder Brother simply, at least needs to touch again twice, no, times were three good. 哼,大笨蛋,不是只和贝莉尔聊天吗,还吃我的蛋糕,现在又知道用摸头来缓和关系了,我才不要这么简单原谅哥哥,至少要再摸两次,不,三次才行。 Loren looks at la the expression, gawked to say slightly: „ Do not misunderstand, this finds the clue make the reward to Bailey, but makes you transmit. „ 洛伦看着洛菈的表情,稍微愣了愣说道:“妳别误会了,这摸头是给贝莉尔的奖励,只是让妳转交一下。“ la: „?????” 洛菈:“?????” Hears these words, la soon the air/Qi cried. 听到这句话,洛菈都快要气哭了。 What flavor can taste the cake is?” “要尝尝蛋糕是什么味道吗?” Sees the girl to start some eyes of blushing, Loren also adds promptly. 看着女孩开始有些发红的眼睛,洛伦又及时补充道。 Snort!” “哼!” la attracted the nose reluctant, nods. 洛菈不情不愿吸了吸鼻子,又点了点头。 Her unyielding la so will not be easy to be seduced, but gives the Elder Brother slightly a face. 她铁骨铮铮菈才不会这么容易被诱惑到,只是稍微给哥哥一个面子而已。 Then Loren gave la the fork. 然后洛伦把叉子递给了洛菈。 But when la wants the cake in tray also brings, Loren directly the cake forced in oneself mouth. 可就在洛菈想要把盘子里的蛋糕也拿过来的时候,洛伦直接把蛋糕塞进了自己的嘴里。 „?” “?” la saw this unable to bear stare in a big way the eye. 洛菈见此忍不住瞪大了眼睛。 But has not waited for Loren to say anything, la the racket of fork on toward the table, shames suddenly angry, but after staring Loren one eyes, the whole face blushes ran. 可还没等洛伦说什么,洛菈忽然把叉子往桌上一拍,羞恼但瞪了洛伦一眼后,满脸羞红的跑了出去。 Fool Elder Brother, is greatly abnormal, I do not eat the cake of your mouth. ” ”笨蛋哥哥,大变态,我才不要吃你嘴里的蛋糕。” Loren: „????” 洛伦:“????” But heard these words Loren is also ignorant, when he wanted this stupid girl to eat the cake, he wants to make this girl taste on the fork the cake flavor. 而听到这句话洛伦也懵了,他什么时候要这笨丫头这么吃蛋糕了,他只是想让这丫头尝尝叉子上蛋糕的味道而已。 Then when this girl air/Qi to the steamed stuffed bun face comes out, he remaining one big only lacked a mouth cake to take, making the stupid girl smile through tears, this was also the repertoire that he habitually used. 然后等到这丫头气到包子脸出来的时候,他就会把剩下的一大只缺了一个口的蛋糕取出来,让笨丫头破涕为笑,这也是他惯用的套路。 „, The Elder Brother also has such repertoire.” “没想到,哥哥还有这样的套路。” However looks that la runs away, Bailey somewhat is also dull in the consciousness sea. 然而看着洛菈跑掉,贝莉尔在意识海中也有些呆呆的。 Wait, Bailey, you listens to me to explain that......” some Loren faces are black. “等等,贝莉尔,妳听我解释……”洛伦有些脸黑。 Elder Brother did not need to explain...... the abnormal Elder Brother, actually I also very liked.” “哥哥不用解释了……变态的哥哥,其实我也挺喜欢的。” Bailey said low voice, on the girl face appears inexplicable blushing. 贝莉尔小声说道,女孩脸上浮现莫名的红晕。 Loren: „......??” 洛伦:“……??” ... 。。。 I cried, the mosquito of countryside was too fierce, be not being caught by me. 我哭了,乡下的蚊子太厉害了,可别被我逮着了。
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