MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#72: Planning

These fellows, have started like this flagrantly conducted the attack to Ducale Palace?” “这些家伙,已经开始这样明目张胆的对公爵府进行袭击了吗?” In the royal palace, Xueli reorganizes one pile of information that transmits , the delicate hands is covering oneself forehead, on the young girl face is somewhat exhausted. 王宫之中,雪莉整理完手下传来的一堆情报,纤手捂着自己的额头,少女脸上有些疲惫。 The sound that yesterday that fought spread, the news could not block completely, after terrifying shake, the manor in Ducale Palace evaporated baseless, was replaced by a giant gulf, this was like the day punished the sanction, making the holy city people flustered. 昨日那一战的动静传出,消息完全封锁不住,恐怖的震荡之后,公爵府的庄园凭空蒸发,被一个巨大的深坑代替,这是如同天罚般的制裁,让圣城众人都人心惶惶。 Knows the inside story, knows elf high levels also everybody feels insecure that these outcomers have, because they were clear, if similar attack falls to their mansion, they will only end up the same fate, even if goes to the moon/month to hunt , when conducting the report to Xueli, the tone and look somewhat are unbelievable, deeply feels the fearfulness of that attack. 知道内情,知晓那些外来者存在的精灵高层们也人人自危,因为他们都清楚,如果类似的攻击落到他们府邸,他们只会落得一样的下场,就算去过现场的月狩在给雪莉进行汇报的时候,语气和神色都还有些难以置信,深深感觉到那攻击的可怕。 After the turbulence, a Xueli night has not rested, the evaporation because of that manor, the death of another holy blood successor, making her have too many business to need to process, time when the big or small item basically processed, the young girl looked to out of the window, the weather shines mistily. 动荡之后,雪莉一夜未睡,因为那庄园的蒸发,连带又一个圣血继承人的死亡,让她有太多的事务需要处理,等到大小事项基本处理完毕的时候,少女看向窗外,天色已经蒙蒙发亮。 Looks at out of the window gradually to turn slightly the murky horizon of morning sun, the eyeground of cannot help but young girl flashes through one sad and fondly remembers, when she is young, here the one who sits handles the government affairs is her elder sister, that time, one sits above to the dawn frequently, but young she relies on the elder sister, in the evening does not have the elder sister to bring sleeping, being able to fall asleep that she is also afraid, therefore handles the government affairs time, she will also mount in elder sister's side, frequently lies on elder sister's leg sleeps. 望着窗外逐渐翻起微微曦光的昏沉地平线,少女的不由得眼底闪过一丝忧伤和怀念,在她还小的时候,坐在这里处理政务的是她的姐姐,那个时候的伊莎,也经常是在上面一坐就到天亮,而年幼的她十分依赖姐姐,晚上没有姐姐带着睡觉,她一个人也害怕的睡不着,所以伊莎处理政务的时候,她还会黏在姐姐的身边,经常趴在姐姐的腿上睡觉。 In the morning sometimes wakes up, will discover oneself were placed on nearby seat by the elder sister, covered the blanket. 有时候早上醒来,就会发现自己被姐姐放在了旁边座位上,盖上了毯子。 Xueli still remembers time that oneself crawl blurry, elder sister gentle smiles to her, then touches her head gently, calls other following servants, gives sweet soup that she carries her most to like. 雪莉还记得自己迷迷糊糊爬起的时候,姐姐会温柔的对她笑笑,然后轻轻摸摸她的脑袋,又唤来其他下面的仆人,给她端来她最喜欢的甜汤。 Xueli is thinking smiled bitterly, later the young girl looks before oneself table is suspending the white small bowl, in the bowl with the special sweet fruit and milk of elf clan boils the system the fragrant thick soup, in the soup bowl also has the white mist of winding around, Xueli sighs the one breath lightly, picked up white bowl to drink one, although was the similar flavor, but did not have in childhood such fragrance. 雪莉想着不禁苦笑了一下,随后少女望向自己桌前的摆着的白色小碗,碗里是用精灵族的特殊甜果和牛奶煮制的香甜浓汤,汤碗上还有着缭绕的白色雾气,雪莉轻叹一口气,托起白碗喝了一口,虽是同样的味道,但是却没有小时候那样的香甜。 Where elder sister...... the present will be.” “姐姐……现在会在哪呢。” She is definitely also living, because made, one day will come back to meet my.” “她肯定还活着的,因为约好了,总有一天会回来接我的。” Xueli silently is thinking. 雪莉默默的想着。 May in the next second, the vision of young girl slightly bone-chilling cold, delicate disappearance on face, looked to the entrance of palace, wore the slender form emergence of black robe there together, before that form appeared, under she has not obtained any notification. 可在下一秒,少女的目光微微凛冽,脸上的柔弱消失,望向了宫殿的门口,在那里一道身穿黑袍的纤细身影出现,而在那身影出现前,她没有得到底下任何的通报。 But after seeing clearly that person of appearance, on the Xueli face appears is astonished slightly. 只不过在看清那人模样后,雪莉脸上又浮现略微讶异。 Elisha?” “艾丽莎?” Why you here, you will not be responsible for the security of Beira, was her side also had/left what accident/surprise?” “为什么妳会在这里,妳不是在负责贝拉的安全吗,难道是她那边也出了什么意外?” Xueli's expression gradually enforces. 雪莉的表情逐渐严肃。 In she does not have in the situation of order, only if there is emergency case to happen, the moon/month hunting person will come back to report to her. 在她没有命令的情况下,除非是有紧急情况发生,月狩的人才会回来向她报告。 Yesterday the holy city presented the attack, to assure the safety of remaining several holy blood successors, Xueli has not convened these to be responsible for defending the moon/month of action to hunt, but made them continue to await orders, had the danger to relate momentarily. 昨天圣城出现袭击事件,为了保证剩下几个圣血继承者的安全,雪莉没有召集那些负责保卫行动的月狩,而是让他们继续待命,有危险随时联系。 Elisha has no ahead of time relation to present here, is somewhat not as Xueli expected. 艾丽莎没有任何提前的联系就出现这里,有些出乎雪莉的意料。 But Xueli does not have too many suspicions, she is only the vision gentle looks at that side young girl, why does not know, when sees Elisha for the first time, she has to plant the specially intimate feeling, moreover there is an inexplicable familiarity, this being intimate with and is familiar, makes Shirley be willing to give Elisha many trusts. 但雪莉也没有太多的怀疑,她只是目光柔和的看着那边的少女,不知道为何,在第一次见到艾丽莎的时候,她就有种特别亲近的感觉,而且还有种莫名的熟悉感,这种亲近和熟悉,也让雪莉愿意给予艾丽莎更多的信任。 Your Highness Shirley.” “雪莉殿下。” Elisha's opens the mouth in a soft voice: I come to make a transaction with you.” 艾丽莎轻声的开口:“我是来和妳做一笔交易的。” Transaction? What do you mean?” “交易?什么意思?” If you have the thing that anything wants, me told that was good, so long as is not the too excessive request, I will comply your.” “如果妳是有什么想要的东西,跟我说就好了,只要不是太过分的要求,我都会答应妳的。” Shirley said. 雪莉说道。 Elisha notices Xueli to look to the appearance of oneself chuckle, bit own lip slightly, but said finally: Is unfair to...... Your Highness Shirley, must with you make the transaction not be I.” 艾丽莎注意到雪莉望向自己轻笑的模样,微微咬住了自己的嘴唇,但最后还是说道:“对不起……雪莉殿下,要和妳做交易的不是我。” The young girls said, Xueli's expression starts to change, the young girl looks vigilantly to Elisha behind, there, the human form light shadow appears together slowly. 少女说完,雪莉的表情开始变化,少女警惕的看向艾丽莎的身后,在那里,一道人形光影慢慢浮现。 First meeting, my outstanding descendant.” “初次见面,我优秀的后代。” Elf king ease opens the mouth. 精灵王悠然开口。 The tone is not severe, however when his aura and will condense, actually feels an inexplicable pressure on Xueli, that pressure as if came from her in-depth bloodlines. 语气并不严厉,但是他的气息和意志凝聚之时,却给雪莉感受到一种莫名的威压,那威压仿佛来自于她深层的血脉。 „Who are you?” “你是什么人?” Xueli coldly looks to that light shadow. 雪莉冷冷看向那光影。 You should see my portrait in the study room.” “妳应该在书房里见过我的画像。” Elf Wang Pingjing is saying, his ray dissipation, revealed that his real appearance, the blonde elf, the incomparable monster is different, moreover on the face has the deep arrogance, the dim light twinkle in eye, brings as if to want the control world the monarchy aura. 精灵王平静说着,他身上的光芒消散,显露他真实的模样,金发的精灵,无比的妖异俊美,而且脸上带着深深的傲气,眼中的幽光闪烁,带着仿佛要统御天下的君主气息。 Initially generation of elf kings...... Austin.” “初代精灵王……奥斯汀。” Xueli absent-minded sees that form, she in royal family's study room appearance that has seen Austin innumerably, because in the study room the only portrait belongs to beginning that generation of elf kings. 雪莉失神的看着那道身影,她在王族的书房里无数见过奥斯汀的模样,因为书房里唯一的画像就是属于那初代的精灵王。 „Did you resurrect?” “你复活了?” Resurrecting? I had not died.” Elf king Lengxiao said. “复活?呵,我从未曾死去。”精灵王冷笑道。 But during record......” “可是记载之中……” Record is the record, that is only I to hide oneself lets the false appearance that the later generation compiles, true I, to revive the elf try hard.” “记载是记载,那只是我为了隐藏自己让后人编造的假象而已,真正的我,一直在为了复兴精灵而努力。” If so, why so many years, haven't you appeared?” “如果是这样,为什么这么多年,你都没有出现过?” Xueli sees that form, some do not trust. 雪莉看着那身影,还是有些不信任。 That is because of some accidental/surprised reasons, making me be stranded in a place.” “那是因为一些意外的原因,让我被困在了一个地方。” Elf king Zhoumei said, at this point, in his eye also cannot help but flashes through the cold light, obviously that to him is not a quick memory. 精灵王皱眉道,说到这里,他的眼中也不由得闪过冷光,显然那对他而言是一段不快的记忆。 As him of king, because unexpectedly own is not careful, probably the prisoner is the same, by seal nearly ten thousand years, but seal his person, is he has not thought. 作为王的他,竟然因为自己的不小心,像是囚犯一样,被封印了近万年的时间,而封印他的人,更是他从来没想到过的。 Such being the case, why you will appear here.” “既然如此,那你为什么又会出现在这里。” The Xueli vision is still desolate. 雪莉目光依旧冷淡。 You were stranded in the seal were so long, how also to come out.” “你在封印里被困了这么久,又是怎么出来的。” „The subsequent hand who this naturally was I left leaves behind.” “这当然是我离开的时候留下的后手了。” Elf Wang Wei said with a smile: I in my study room, left behind some clues, can direct my descendant, to my been stranded place.” 精灵王微笑道:“我在我的书房里,留下了一些线索,可以指引我的后代,去往我被困的地方。” Surrounds my seal, but to the interior is the non-solution, but from the outside world can relaxed opening.” “困住我的封印,只是对内部是无解的,但是从外界可以轻松的打开。” I spent for nearly ten thousand years, made a strength break open the seal, communicated the consciousness of Saint tree, lowered my enlightenment, the person who let the royal family detected, then with the aid of this opportunity, I can flee from the seal.” “我花费了近万年的时间,才让一丝力量破开了封印,沟通了圣树的意识,降下了我的启示,让王族的人察觉,然后借助这个机会,我才得以从封印中遁逃。” You lower the enlightenment in the royal family.” “你在王族中降下启示。” Hears these words, Xueli actually realized anything probably, looking that the vision shivers slightly to elf king. 听到这句话,雪莉却像是意识到了什么,目光微微颤抖的望向精灵王。 That person who receives the enlightenment......” Xueli gripped tightened the fist. “那个接到启示的人……”雪莉攥紧了拳头。 You guess right, that person who receives me to inspire, is your older sister...... “妳猜的没错,那个接到我启示的人,就是妳的姐姐……伊莎。” The elf king light opens the mouth said. 精灵王淡淡开口道。 But after hearing these words, Elisha's breath the stagnation, she looks suddenly to Xueli. 而在听到这句话后,艾丽莎的呼吸蓦然沉滞,她怔怔的看向雪莉。 No wonder...... that time elder sister will leave from here suddenly.” “难怪……那个时候姐姐会忽然从这里离开。” Xueli hears this answer from elf Wangkou, the mood immediately becomes incomparably complex, the state of mind that returning to normal that the young girl tries hard fluctuates, said earnestly: Told me, now where is.” 雪莉从精灵王口中听到这个答案,心情顿时变得无比复杂,少女努力的平复波动的心绪,认真道:“告诉我,伊莎现在在哪。” You can feel relieved, she now in a very safe place.” “妳可以放心,她现在在一个很安全的地方。” The elf king smiled is saying, his vision fell on Elisha's body, what kind of impact his very clear Shirley and relations will bring to Elisha, therefore he looked to Elisha's eye of band of light the meaning of threat. 精灵王微笑的说着,他的目光落在了艾丽莎的身上,他很清楚雪莉和伊莎的关系会对艾丽莎会带来怎样的冲击,所以他看向艾丽莎的目光带着威胁之意。 Because of some reasons, she is unable to see you temporarily, so long as you are willing to help me, I can guarantee, after this will make your sisters meet.” “因为一些原因,她暂时无法来见妳,不过只要妳愿意帮我,我可以保证,在这之后会让妳们姐妹相见。” Sees Elisha to have no movement, elf king Jixu said. 见艾丽莎没什么动作,精灵王继续道。 What goal do you have?” “你有什么目的?” In the Xueli eyes vigilant has not dissipated. 雪莉眼中警惕不曾消散。 Even if this fellow is the elf king, but this does not represent, the young girl will give him to trust, looked like Duke Frank saying that the character in such legend, only then in the legend, will make one respect the awe, but if really appeared in this time, will only make people feel frightened. 即便这家伙是精灵王,但是这也并不代表,少女会给予他信任,就像是富兰克公爵说过的,这样传说中的人物,也只有在传说中,才会让人崇敬敬畏,但如果真的出现在了这个时代,只会让人感觉到恐惧。 No one hopes that they come back to life in this time, the history should display the afterheat in the history. 没人希望他们在这个时代复生,历史就该在历史中发挥余热。 My goal is very simple, I have said that revives the elf clan.” “我的目的很简单,我说过的,复兴精灵族。” Elf king Danran said: Ten thousand years ago, I start for this goal layout, now, all conditions are mature, so long as I control the holy blood, can control all.” 精灵王淡然道:“万年之前,我就开始为了这个目的布局,如今,一切的条件已经成熟,只要我重新掌控圣血,就可以掌控一切。” Holy blood......” Xueli vision twinkle: ” Were the deaths of these successors, related with you? „ “圣血……”雪莉目光闪烁:”那些继承人的死亡,难道和你有关?“ You thought that I will act to my descendant? Elf king Lengleng said:” I in the recovery, the seal was destroyed, cause aura divulging that I awaken, attracted massive person attention in the outside world, these outcomers trace, then breaks open the ban that I supposed forcefully, entered the holy city, these time that I hide, is to eradicate these threats, who thinks, these outcomers actually choose some holy blood successors who and I trust to cooperate finally, they jointly in one, eliminated the holy blood of others, and wants to overpower me, obtains all secrets from me, thus controls the entire elf clan. „ ”你觉得我会对我的后代出手吗?“精灵王冷冷道:”我在复苏的时候,封印被破坏,导致我觉醒的气息泄露,在外界吸引了大量的人注意,那些外来者一路追踪,然后强行破开了我设下的禁制,进入了圣城,我隐藏的这些时间,就是想要铲除这些威胁,谁想的到,那些外来者最后却选择和我信任的一些圣血继承人合作,他们联合在了一起,剥夺其他人的圣血,并且想要将我制服,从我身上获得一切的秘密,从而控制整个精灵族。“ The elf king is eloquent, ” I can also tell you clearly, these outcomers have existence of demon god behind, the ten thousand years ago wars, I then defeated in their subordinates, because had scruples these to exist, I have hidden the whereabouts, but yesterday evening, these fellows hunted and killed the innocent holy blood successor again, I was unable to continue watching the choice to prevent, finally actually falls into their traps, was besieged by them. 精灵王口若悬河,”我也可以明确告诉你,那些外来者身后还有魔神的存在,万年前的战争,我便是败在了他们的手下,也正是因为顾忌那些存在,我才一直隐藏行踪,但是昨天晚上,那些家伙再次猎杀无辜的圣血继承人,我看不下去选择阻止,结果却是落入他们的陷阱,被他们围攻。 I spend many prices to flee, but they gathered the sufficient strength, will definitely begin to the royal family, this is also I chooses with the reason that you meet, because I know, now I can trust also only then you. „ 我花费不少代价才逃离出来,不过等他们集合了足够的力量,肯定会对王族动手,这也是我选择来和妳见面的原因,因为我知道,我现在可以信任的也只有妳们。“ At this point, in elf king Yan flashes through the cold light, but on face smile really: 说到这里,精灵王眼中闪过冷光,可脸上笑容更甚: Therefore I must rely on your strength, the holy blood successor who I want not long, these fellows to control will find you, exposes my status, they will want to cooperate to cope with me with you, no matter they said anything, I hope that do not believe that so long as you are willing to coordinate me, strikes to kill these rebels, helping me recapture the holy blood, I can make your sisters have a reunion.” “所以我要借助妳的力量,我想不用多久,那些家伙控制的圣血继承者会找到妳,暴露我的身份,他们会想要和妳合作对付我,不过不管他们说什么,我希望妳都不要相信,只要妳愿意配合我,击杀那些叛徒,帮我夺回圣血,我就能让妳们姐妹重逢。”
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