MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#71: Sweetie pie Loren

„The fellow, pours also decisively, the direct offering sacrifices vessel, reduced and solved many strengths, does not know that these people died several.” “不过那家伙,倒也果断,直接献祭容器,化解了不少力量,不知道那些人死了几个。” Loren looks at that side unable to see originally the appearance completely, is only left over a big hole the manor, knits the brows slightly. 洛伦望着那边已经完全看不出原本模样,只剩下一个大坑的庄园,微微皱眉。 Mar bus dissipated in the flame at that time, but the strength of demon god erupted, without that stops, strength terrifying that these "meteor" crash. 马尔巴士当时在火光中消散,可是魔神的力量还是爆发了出来,如果没有那一下阻拦,那些“流星”坠落的力量会更加的恐怖。 What a pity this attack shortcoming is very big, the supernatural power that in the brand mark stores up also consumed most probably, without Loffi charge treasure in the side, Loren can only wait for the natural restoration, requires day of much time probably. 可惜这攻击缺点很大,烙印中储存的神力也消耗了大半,没有洛菲亚牌充电宝在身边,洛伦只能等待自然的恢复,大概要一天多的时间。 Naturally, Loren that arrow also hasty fuses the use, the first coordination, will make the mistake unavoidably, will have many strength waste, after the wearing in reconsideration, next time with this will strike again, does not need to seem like now is like this strenuous. 当然,洛伦那一箭也是仓促中融合使用,第一次配合,难免会有差错,会有不少力量浪费,磨合反思过后,下次再用这一击,也不用像是现在这样吃力。 Degree that actually this strength agrees with, is somewhat unexpected, I and Loffi strength really also build very much.” “倒是这力量契合的程度,有些出乎意料,我和洛菲亚的力量果然也很搭啊。” Probably thought of anything, Loren sighs with emotion slightly, when he skilled grasped this move, this can also treat as the card in a hand of bomb for his hand, moreover Loren can feel, today's eruption is not the limit. 像是想到了什么,洛伦微微感慨,等他熟练了掌握了这招,这也能为他手中当作炸弹的底牌,而且洛伦能够感觉到的到,今天的爆发并非是极限。 Looking like him used the demon supernatural power to be the same with the charm fusion initially, this brilliance supernatural power and day honor the fusion that battle qi, the potential that also continue to enhance, not to mention, his day honors battle qi has not transformed to the next stage completely. 就像是当初他动用魔神力和魔力融合一样,这光辉神力和天崇斗气的融合,也还有继续提升的潜力,更不用说,他的天崇斗气还没有完全蜕变到下个阶段。 This matter, must continue to cultivate for a short time anxiously laboriously. 这种事情一时半会也急不来,得继续辛苦修炼下去。 Loren brings Elisha is hiding the far time, nearby that side giant pothole has many elf accumulations, the guards in holy city and high-level person appears. 洛伦带着艾丽莎躲远的时候,那边巨大的坑洞附近已经有不少精灵聚集,还有圣城的卫兵和更高层的人出现。 Sees that pothole person, on the face reveals deep shocking and vacant, but this terrifying, a boundary higher person more can the sincere sensation. 看到那坑洞的人,脸上都露出深深的震惊和茫然,而这恐怖,境界越高的人越能深切的感知。 Some little time some people recover, start to keep the order, then searches the survivor in manor, tried to find some residual traces, found out this turbulent root, what a pity after Loren that struck, what clue destroyed cleanness. 好一会才有人回过神来,开始维持秩序,然后搜索庄园中的幸存者,试图找到些残留的痕迹,查出这动荡的根源,可惜洛伦那一击后,什么线索都被破坏的干干净净。 Loren looks from afar these people search , the patience waited for some time, after several minutes, slightly regrettable shaking the head, these people have not appeared, instead confirmed guess in Loren heart, his strikes has not all extinguished the people of demon empathize. 洛伦远远看着那些人搜寻,耐心等待了一段时间,数分钟后才略微遗憾的摇头,那些人没出现,反而验证了洛伦心中的猜测,他这一击并未将魔神会的人全灭。 However has such result is also barely satisfactory. 不过有这样的结果也算差强人意。 After all the demon empathize to arrange this encircled kills also made many preparations, but no one has thought that finally all these made the bridal clothes for Loren's making a move, the two sides goals have not achieved, instead was Loren reduced the strength of demon empathize while the opportunity of fight greatly. 毕竟魔神会为了布置这场围杀也做了不少准备,可谁都没想到最后这一切是为洛伦的出手做了嫁衣,两边的目标都没有达成,反而是洛伦趁着战斗的机会大大削减了魔神会的实力。 So caused heavy losses, Loren deliberately considered these person also this/should stable some time of demon empathize. 遭受如此重创,洛伦寻思魔神会的那些人也该安定一段时间了。 But under the strength that he previously showed that will also make his plan be in a stage probably quickly. 而他先前展现的实力,大概很快也会让他的计划进入下个一阶段。 Loren is thinking, nearby Elisha had restored from previous shock, the young girl suppressed the injury in within the body complex, the vision is looking at the present youngster. 洛伦想着,旁边的艾丽莎已经从先前的震撼中恢复了过来,少女压制了体内的伤势,目光复杂的望着眼前的少年。 In Elisha's mind, actually also many ideas want to confirm, but the young girl is also clear, she must suppress some impulsion in heart. 在艾丽莎的心中,其实也有很多想法想要验证,但少女也清楚,她必须要压制住心中的某种冲动。 Even the present person is really that person who she imagines...... 就算眼前的人真是她想象的那个人…… She must treat as is not he. 她都要当作不是他。 Luke, I can ask, why do you want to help me?” “卢克阁下,我可以问一下,你为什么要帮我吗?” After having reorganized the somewhat chaotic train of thought diligently, Elisha looks suddenly to Loren. 努力整理过有些混乱的思绪后,艾丽莎忽然看向洛伦。 Under moonlight chilly nighttime sky, at this time as if two's form opposition. 月色清冷的夜空下,此时似乎只有两人的身影对立。 Elisha's hood has put down, the young girl gentle golden color of sends the silk, but the ear dances in the air, the moonlight shines, the young girl was fair the flesh seemingly to play musical instruments to break, in that emerald pupils as if there is lake sketch, limpid moving. 艾丽莎身上的兜帽早已放下,少女轻柔的金色发丝而耳边飞舞,月光映照,少女本来白皙肌肤看上去吹弹可破,那翡翠色的瞳孔间仿佛有湖泊剪影,清澈动人。 But the tone of young girl, brings incomparable alienation as before and is vigilant the meaning. 可是少女的语气,依旧带着无比的疏远和警惕之意。 Had not said a moment ago, because I like you.” “刚才不就说过了,因为我喜欢妳啊。” Loren turned around to watch a Elisha meeting, serious returning said, grinned slightly, Luke's person supposed, he must maintain. 洛伦转身看了艾丽莎一会,才一本正经的回道,微微咧嘴,卢克的人设,他还是要维持下去的。 But in answering, in the vision of youngster, only then existence of young girl, regarding falling in other sensations, does not seem to thought quite the same as. 而在回话的时候,少年的目光中只有少女的存在,对于落在身上的其他感知,仿佛浑然未觉。 I think that is only you give a pretext casually.” “我以为那只是你随便的借口。” But was a pity very much, my reason is such simple, moreover in addition, I will not have other reasons to follow you.” Loren said with a smile. “但是很可惜,我的理由就是这么简单,而且除此之外,我也没有其他的理由会跟上妳了吧。”洛伦笑道。 Right.” “是吗。” After Elisha is shortly silent, said in a soft voice: 艾丽莎短暂沉默后,轻声道: Sorry, you are a good person, but I have no way to respond to your anticipation, person who because I have liking.” “对不起,你是个好人,不过我没法回应你的期待,因为我已经有喜欢的人了。” Person who you have liking?” “妳已经有喜欢的人了?” Loren heard after the word, was startled being startled, „...... this.” 洛伦闻言后怔了怔,“哈……这样啊。” The vision of youngster loses slightly, then also said reluctantly: I am very curious, you like his point, charming gentle good natural, can by the person who you like, should annex these merits, but I feel my also not defective these, even if there is a disparity, not must make up.” 少年的目光微微失落,然后又勉强道:“不过我很好奇,妳是喜欢他的那一点,帅气温柔还是善良大方,能被妳喜欢的人,应该兼并这些优点的吧,可是我觉得我也并不欠缺这些,就算是有差距,也并不是不能弥补不是吗。” Even present I am not good, I still hope where you can tell me are my insufficient, which point no matter you like, I will try hard to change, achieves as far as possible.” “就算现在的我还不行,我也希望妳能告诉我是我哪里不足,不管妳喜欢哪一点,我都会努力改变,尽量做到的。” Loren earnest say/way. 洛伦认真道。 Real?” Elisha shows some hesitant expressions. “真的吗?”艾丽莎露出有些犹豫表情。 Loren nods: So long as you said that I can achieve.” 洛伦点头:“只要妳说出来,我就能做到。” Elisha thinks saying: I like you leaving me.” 艾丽莎想了想道:“那我喜欢你离我远一点。” Loren: „......” 洛伦:“……” „?????” “?????” Present I, am the elf . Moreover, many factor influences, no matter how in any case you do, we are not possible.” “现在的我,是精灵,而且,有很多因素影响,反正不管你怎么做,我们都是不可能的。” When Loren is somewhat speechless, Elisha also said suddenly, is only the vision of young girl, actually fluctuates slightly: Therefore, Luke, please lose heart as soon as possible, this to hello/you good, compared with me, you also find the person who is worth liking.” 就在洛伦有些无言的时候,艾丽莎忽然又说道,只是少女的目光,却是微微波动:“所以,卢克阁下,请你尽早死心吧,这也是为了你好,比起我,你会找到更值得你喜欢的人的。” But after saying these, Elisha's expression restored usually, moreover refuses to become is also more resolute. Moreover, but also please pass on to Miss white/shell La for me, that side her, I will not go back temporarily.” 但说完这些后,艾丽莎的表情又是恢复了平常,而且拒绝也变得更加的果决起来。“另外,还请替我转告贝菈小姐,她那边,我暂时不会回去了。” The status of elf king has exposed. 精灵王的身份已经暴露。 If the demon empathize has a mind to promote, her status naturally could not conceal the truth. 如果魔神会有心推动,她的身份自然也瞒不下去了。 Elisha......” “艾丽莎……” Loren also wants to say anything, but the young girl has turned around to leave. 洛伦还想说什么,可是少女已经转身离开。 Only leaves behind Loren to stand silently on the spot. 只留下洛伦默然的站在原地。 But shortly after Elisha leaves, side young girl, light shadow chuckle opens the mouth of reappearing: He, for you made so many, doesn't your hope plan to give him?” 而就在艾丽莎离开后不久,少女身边,浮现的光影轻笑开口:“他为了妳做了这么多,妳连一点希望都不打算给他吗?” Although has the happy expression, but elf king tone quiet however. 虽然带着笑意,但是精灵王语气幽然。 I do not like him.” Elisha is only tranquil returning said: I do not like, will not represent me to make you have to take his opportunity, said no matter how, he also rescued my life.” “我不喜欢他。”艾丽莎只是平静的回道:“不过我不喜欢,并不代表我会让你有利用他的机会,不管怎么说,他也救了我的命。” Elisha's tone unrestrained/no trace of politeness, but elf king Hear this answer, is actually satisfaction, because then conforms to the answer that in his heart the young girl can give. 艾丽莎的语气毫不客气,但是精灵王听了这个答案,却是十分的满意,因为这才符合他心中少女会给出的答复。 Hehe, right.” Elf king Dandan said. “呵呵,是吗。”精灵王淡淡道。 You are actually bold, said these before me.” “妳倒是大胆,在我面前说这些。” Probably his such lowly human also wants to bribe you, indeed some did not know so- said.” “不过像是他那样卑贱人类也想染指你,的确有些不知所谓了。” Elf king is saying, while actually sends out to sneer in the heart, Elisha...... 精灵王一边说着,一边却是在心中发出冷笑,艾丽莎…… Was too young. 还是太年轻了一些。 You refused him not to represent me not to take his opportunity, on the contrary, your rejection, will make that youngster show a bigger flaw, making me find the opportunity. 妳拒绝了他也并不代表我就没有利用他的机会,相反,妳的拒绝,会让那少年露出更大的破绽,让我找到机会。 My status has happen to exposed, there are many plans, must start to change, these not obedient dog, should eradicate, this blade, can consider to grasp in the hand, but before then, my body, must restore as soon as possible.” “正好我的身份已经暴露,有很多计划,也要开始改变了,那些不听话的狗,也该铲除了,这柄刀,可以考虑抓在手上,不过在此之前,我的身体,也要尽快恢复。” Thought that the elf king coldly, his vision has swept on Elisha's body. 精灵王冷冷的想到,他的目光又在艾丽莎的身上扫过。 Actually, arrives at shortly after this world, he also from oneself subordinate that obtained some interesting information, the royal family bloodlines that the Elisha body inherited...... belonged to king woman who should inherit that position , but that is the present royal family hierarch Shirley's elder sister. 其实,来到这个世界后不久,他也从自己的部下那,得到了一些有趣的情报,艾丽莎身上继承的王族血脉……属于本该继承那个位置的王女,伊莎,而那位伊莎,正是如今王族掌权者雪莉的姐姐。 Arranges to hunt to the moon/month during Elisha, elf king also to have the opportunity of contacting Xueli. 将艾丽莎安排到月狩之中,精灵王也是为了有接触到雪莉的机会。 Originally he wants the safe collection holy blood, but under forcing of demon empathize, he also has to consider to take some risks now. 本来他是想要稳妥的收集圣血,但现在魔神会的逼迫之下,他也不得不考虑冒一些风险了。 .. 。。 However shortly in Elisha departs. 然而就在艾丽莎离去后不久。 Loren's form as before under nighttime sky, person seemingly incomparable lonely and loneliness. 洛伦的身影依旧在夜空之下,一个人看上去无比的孤独和寂寥。 The youngster look at the back that Elisha is departing, the vision are glittering, in the eye has cold and ray of vicious tendencies, but this ray , not pure is the camouflage...... 少年望着艾丽莎离去的背影,目光闪烁着,眼中则是带着冷冽和戾气的光芒,而这光芒,也并不单纯是伪装…… Crossed for a long time, Loren sneers several, from leaves same place, returns to the mansion. 过了许久,洛伦才冷笑几声,从原地离开,返回府邸。 But after Loren also leaves, several minutes the place that he is, two forms appear by the dark vortex of distortion. 可是在洛伦也离开后,数分钟的时间,他所在的地方,两道身影透过扭曲的黑暗漩涡浮现。 Together form, conceals in unceasing fluctuation darkness, but another form, is white-haired Rance, at this time his mask on face already completely shatter, seeming like somewhat is also distressed, but sees the youngster departs, Rance's vision somewhat is also complex. 一道身影,藏于不断波动的黑暗之中,而另一道身影,则是满头白发的兰斯,此时他脸上的面具已经完全破碎,看上去也有些狼狈,只是看到少年离去的时候,兰斯的目光也有些复杂。 Really has not thought that Rance, your daughter's charm is actually big.” At this moment, in that group of darkness the sound of Mar bus chuckle resounds, her sound charming was also disclosing some feelings, completely when had not faced Loren previously kills intent fiercely. “真是没想到啊,兰斯,你女儿的魅力倒是不小。”就在这时,那团黑暗中马尔巴士轻笑的声音响起,她的声音娇媚中又透露着些许感慨,全然没有先前面对洛伦时的狰狞杀意。 Because she saw a bigger value from the youngster. 因为她从少年身上看出了更大的价值。 Rance has not replied, but looks at the shadow that Loren leaves indifferently. 兰斯没有回复,只是漠然看着洛伦离开的影子。 within the body of youngster, has the extremely deep darkness, so long as the guidance, will erupt slightly completely, he is extremely good demon god vessel.” “那少年的体内,有着极深的黑暗,只要稍加引导,就会完全的爆发,他是极佳的魔神容器。” Mar bus continues to say with a smile. 马尔巴士继续笑道。 The facial expression that Loren was refused to transform by Elisha a moment ago she some saw, when youngster facing Elisha good that very hid, but that desire after Elisha left exposed unavoidably. 刚才洛伦被艾丽莎拒绝变换的神情她都有看到,那少年面对艾丽莎时隐藏的很好,可是那欲望在艾丽莎离开后还是难免暴露了出来。 So long as has the desire to exist, Mar bus had confidence that grasps it in the hand. 而只要有欲望存在,马尔巴士就有把握将其掌握在手中。 Moreover the strength that Loren exposed before is stronger, Mar bus is also higher to his interest! 而且洛伦之前暴露的力量越强大,马尔巴士对他的兴趣也越高! Rance, you felt, if I use Elisha as the reward now again, lets him and we unites, can the fellow also comply?” “兰斯,你觉得如果我现在再用艾丽莎作为奖励,让他和我们联合,那家伙还会不会答应?” Mar bus muttered said, she knows, the young girl rejection has laid down an demon to plant in the heart of youngster indifferently. 马尔巴士喃喃说道,她知道,少女冷漠的拒绝已经在少年的心中埋下了一颗魔种。 If she guides this demon to plant the growth, will obtain the incomparably rich harvest. 如果她引导这枚魔种成长,就将获得无比丰厚的收获。 Mar bus Sir did not fear that this does not grasp the blade steadily, scratches itself?” “马尔巴士大人就不怕这把刀抓不稳,划伤自己吗?” Rance sinking sound said. 兰斯沉声道。 I your majesty will apply for the inheritance of other brothers and sisters to send to attach to Barre in his body, the strength and woman, the fetter of in addition contract, he will not rebel.” Mar bus however said quiet: Naturally, only if he has the method of eradicating the demon god contract, this is the exception.” “我会向巴尔陛下申请其他兄弟姐妹的传承寄附于他的身上,力量和女人,外加契约的束缚,他不会反叛。”马尔巴士幽然道:“当然,除非他有破除魔神契约的方法,这是例外。” Mar bus was saying looks to Reims, seeing only the latter is unemotional, after a while, she chuckle: I do not believe that...... some really people mastered such method, can break out of the fetter of demon god.” 马尔巴士说着看向兰斯,只见后者面无表情,过了一会,她又轻笑一声:“不过我也并不相信……真有人掌握了那样的方法,可以摆脱魔神的束缚。” Rance has not spoken as before, is only his back, unknowingly, had been soaked by the cold sweat. 兰斯依旧没有说话,只是他的后背,不知不觉,已经被冷汗浸湿。 ... 。。。 Today goes to Jiangxi...... to have the elder 80 th birthday, for these days had two banquets 今天去江西……有长辈80大寿,这几天有两个酒宴 Comes back after that side continues two 从那边回来后再继续两更
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