MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#70: Class ~ star

You are very strong, I have to cope with you with I strongest strength.” “妳很强,我不得不用我最强的力量来对付你。” After Loren forehead reappearing golden color mark, the body was actually covered by the light god splendor. 洛伦眉心浮现金色印记后,身上却是被淡淡神辉笼罩。 Loffi obtained the inheritance from Noah that but before leaving church, Loffi shared part of strengths to give Loren. 洛菲亚从诺尔娜那得到了传承,而在离开教会之前,洛菲亚分享了一部分的力量给洛伦。 Without Loffi helps supplement, this supernatural power will only restore slowly, generally speaking, the normal fight, has the destiny magic and demon supernatural power in addition holds, Loren would hardly use this strength. But now Mar bus comes, uses the demon supernatural power and he battles, Loren is impossible only to use the day to honor battle qi the resistance. 如果没有洛菲亚帮忙补充,这神力只会缓缓的恢复,一般来说,正常的战斗,有命运魔法和魔神力加持,洛伦几乎不会动用这份力量。但现在马尔巴士现身,动用魔神力和他交战,洛伦也不可能只使用天崇斗气对抗。 The winding god splendor on Loren, in the eye of Mar bus the purple ray sparkle, hidden the expression under darkness starts to change. 就在洛伦身上缠绕神辉之时,马尔巴士的眼中紫色光芒闪耀,隐藏在黑暗下的表情开始变化。 She sees Loren to use is the supernatural power! 她看出洛伦动用是神力! Moreover this supernatural power...... seems like stems from the bright inheritance. 而且这神力……似乎是源于光明的传承。 Mar bus very clear remembering, Noah god country falls from the sky ten thousand years ago, follows her Spiritual God to fall from the sky either, either by the seal, this fellow was decoded the inheritance that some ancient seal obtained accidentally/surprisingly? 马尔巴士很清楚的记得,诺尔娜的神国在万年前就陨落,跟随她的神灵要么陨落,要么被封印,这家伙难道是意外的破解了某个古老的封印获得的传承? From the beginning Mar bus also has the contempt to Loren slightly. 一开始马尔巴士对洛伦还稍有轻视。 Even the strong legend, is still only the legend, without grasping supernatural power, she and Loren has the disparity in level, what even if she uses is the puppet, can still have the suppression to Loren as before. 就算再强的传奇,也只是传奇,没有掌握神力,她和洛伦就有着层次上的差距,就算她动用的是傀儡,也依旧可以对洛伦产生压制。 But the present accident, makes her have to dread sufficiently. 可现在的变故,足以让她心生忌惮。 Is good because of...... that supernatural power does not stem from this fellow own strength.” “好在……那神力并非源于这家伙自身的力量。” Mar bus saw the golden brand mark that the Loren top of the head appears, instead relaxes. 马尔巴士看到洛伦头顶浮现的金色烙印,反而是松了口气。 She determination, Loren's supernatural power originates some in inheritance now, and this inheritance is incomparably incomplete. 她现在更加的确定,洛伦身上的神力是来源于某种传承,并且这传承还是无比残缺的。 However...... 但是…… Mar bus does not plan to give Loren any opportunity. 马尔巴士也不打算给洛伦任何的机会。 Almost when the winding god splendor on Loren, Mar bus form changes to the jet black phantom to dissipate again. 几乎是在洛伦身上缠绕神辉之时,马尔巴士身影再度化作漆黑魅影消散。 Her five fingers deduct, have delimited the air, pulls out to a jet black chord wire again! 她五指扣下,划过空气,再度抽离一根漆黑弦线! Snaps fingers to wipe lightly, that chord wire then like string vibration, invisible sound wave distortion space, before Loren's body, then there is a blazing fire to put to change to several scalding hot golden light beams to cut brilliantly finally loudly. 弹指轻抹,那弦线便如琴弦般振动,无形的音波扭曲空间,在洛伦的身前,则有炽热火光大放最终化作数道灼热的金色光束轰然切下。 The strength of that chord wire as if can skid the principle, along with the intention of Mar bus, has to appear the attack of terrifying instantaneously. 那弦线的力量仿佛能撬动法则,随马尔巴士的心意,瞬间具现出恐怖的攻击。 The golden light beam falls, Loren chuckle wields the golden long bow, the god splendor such as the isomorphous wall condenses before Loren's body equally, these golden light beams fall in the glassy surface barrier unexpectedly by the direct reflection, tangential Loren all around ground. 金色光束落下,洛伦轻笑一声挥下金色长弓,神辉如同晶壁一样在洛伦的身前凝聚,那些金色光束落在如镜面般的屏障上竟是被直接反射,切向洛伦四周地面。 Continuous bang after sound, the ground was submerged by the flame of connected eruption, was cut the ground is evaporated a piece after by the light beam, under melts the stone also to turn toward the golden red to transform, finally turns to flaming the red magma to flow. 接连不断的轰隆声过后,地面被连串爆发的火光淹没,被光束切过的地面被蒸发一片后,底下熔化石块也向着金红色转变,最终变成炽红的岩浆流淌而出。 Mar bus appears in Loren towering behind, interlocks the jet black chord wire to turn toward under Loren again, at the same time she operates the chord wire interweaving tangential Loren's time finger to move the black string again. 马尔巴士突兀出现在洛伦的身后,交错漆黑的弦线再度向着洛伦切下,于此同时她操纵弦线交织切向洛伦的时候手指又再度拨动黑弦。 Zheng's, in the air the invisible cutting edge spreads across, penetrates the space to cut toward central Loren. 铮的一声,空气中无形的锋刃纵横交错,穿透空间向着中心的洛伦斩去。 When Loren shifts to Mar bus hands over the golden long bow, the black chord wire that drops seemed bent the corner/horn hauling, above the instantaneous winding in he bows, Loren another hand makes a fist, pounds to the front. 洛伦转向马尔巴士时一转手中金色长弓,那落下的黑色弦线仿佛被弓角牵引,瞬间缠绕在他弓身之上,洛伦另一只手握拳,向前方砸出。 The space as if caved in downward flickered, Mar bus control several black string collapse collapse of broke, but the hidden in the attack that under the space cut quietly also by the strength impact of Loren this fist, shaken space annihilation. 空间仿佛向下塌陷了一瞬,马尔巴士操控的数根黑弦崩崩断裂,而隐藏在空间之下悄然斩来的攻击也被洛伦这一拳的力量冲击,被震荡的空间湮灭。 Mar bus has not retroceded, instead is close to Loren at a quicker speed, she demon god empty shadow appears behind, as if the main body arrives, breaks through Loren's that fist directly, in her eye the purple ray in broken bits surges, as if must penetrate the future, really looks through. 马尔巴士没有后退,反而以更快的速度重新接近洛伦,她身后魔神虚影浮现,仿佛本体降临,直接冲破洛伦的那一拳,她眼中细碎紫色光芒涌动,仿佛要穿透未来,看破真实。 Loren subsequent party's innumerable changes, was grasped by her completely, may in seeing Loren hand the golden long bow that is condensed by the supernatural power also has that the space side Loren to honor at the day purely completely battle qi the compression, unceasingly after concise illusory arrow arrow, saw that some future Mar bus pupil will also vibrate. 洛伦后手无数的变化,也全部被她掌握,可在看到洛伦手中纯粹由神力凝聚的金色长弓还有那在洛伦身边空间完全以天崇斗气压缩,不断凝练的虚幻箭矢后,看到某种未来的马尔巴士瞳孔也不禁振动起来。 Bang, she demon god empty shadow contracts behind suddenly, the use stronger demon supernatural power pours into the vessel. “轰”的一声,她身后魔神虚影忽然收缩,动用更强大的魔神力注入容器。 Two people form interlocks, the Mar bus unceasing storm, tries to prevent Loren the attack that prepares to use, the flash to surge void, is the air wave that jumps projects shoves open to come layer upon layer, the ground by the plow is put down one piece by the ground that the lava covers. 两人身影交错,马尔巴士不断强攻,试图阻止洛伦准备动用的攻击,一瞬间虚空激荡,然后就是迸射出的气浪层层推开而来,地面本来被熔浆覆盖的地面又被犁平一片。 Arrived afterward, Mar bus lifted the hand to grasp, must extract together the jet black chord wire from Loren unexpectedly probably, but was given the life concept in that by her, concise the illusory black string from Loren will become the reality, Mar bus expression again changes. 到了后来,马尔巴士抬手一抓,竟像是要从洛伦身上抽出一道漆黑弦线,可就在那被她赋予了生命概念,将从洛伦身上凝练的虚幻黑弦将成为现实之时,马尔巴士表情再次变化。 In order to condense black string, her demon supernatural power falls in torrents crazily, is all demon supernatural powers of this vessel carrying/sustaining consumes insufficiently to strip the string of that life from Loren, when tries to extract that chord wire, she as if felt that she seems like some terrifying existence to stare, felt that pulls out to is not Loren's life, but is her own life. 为了凝聚黑弦,她的魔神力疯狂倾泻,便是她这具容器承载的所有魔神力消耗完都不够从洛伦身上剥离出那生命之弦,而且在试图抽出那弦线的时候,她似乎感觉到自己像是某个恐怖的存在盯上,感觉那抽离的不是洛伦的生命,而是她自己的生命。 What this fellow inherits is whose supernatural power? 这家伙传承的是谁的神力? Mar bus innermost feelings shiver, gave up decisively the concept of giving that chord wire life, rewrites the rule directly. 马尔巴士内心颤动,果断放弃了赋予那弦线生命的概念,直接改写规则。 The black chord wire winding in her fingertip, only finds out the tip, with her finger thorn to Loren's heart, this finger/refers of strength and Loren the concise day honored the strength of battle qi to have the wonder of equally good results from different methods initially, represents the absolute penetration will. 黑色弦线缠绕在她的指尖,只探出尖端,随着她的手指刺向洛伦的心脏,这一指的力量和洛伦当初凝练天崇斗气的力量有着异曲同工之妙,都是代表绝对的贯穿意志。 May at this time, Loren's body retreat backward, in his hand the golden long bow lifts finally, another hand presses down the bowstring. 可在这时,洛伦的身体向后退去,他手中金色长弓终于抬起,另一只手按上弓弦。 Mar bus breath stagnation, looks above that golden long bow, illusory golden ray concise to become Jianshi builds together in the bowstring, Loren covers bowstring suddenly. 马尔巴士呼吸沉滞,看着那金色长弓之上,一道虚幻金色光芒凝练成箭矢搭在弓弦,洛伦扣住弓弦猛然一拉。 ! 咔嚓一声! At night as if there is thunderclap to flash, the fulmination of bang draws the bowstring in him flickers to blast out. 黑夜之间仿佛有雷声闪动,轰的一声爆鸣在他拉动弓弦的一瞬炸开。 That impact erupts, Mar bus form falls to fly backward, her behind, the demon god empty shadow was also rumbled together, relieved the fusion with her vessel. 那冲击爆发,马尔巴士身影向后跌飞,她的身后,一道魔神虚影也被轰出,和她的容器解除了融合。 After Loren full bowstring, has not actually locked Mar bus again, the day honors the domain to let loose, covers entire knot instantaneously, all covers the demon empathize people, then in his hand the golden long bow aimed at the dim light of night vault of heaven. 洛伦拉满弓弦后,却是没再锁定马尔巴士,天崇领域放开,瞬间笼罩整个结界,将魔神会众人悉数覆盖,而后他手中金色长弓对准了夜色苍穹。 ~ “呜~” Just likes calls out in grief the stabbing pain will of the people sound to resound, on the Loren full long bow, golden ripple launches a layer upon layer, as if opened overlapped law. 犹如悲鸣般刺痛人心的声音响起,洛伦拉满的长弓上,一层层金色的波纹展开,仿佛撑开了一道道重叠的法阵。 As a Loren arrow projects, the terrifying golden light beam penetrates layer upon layer the ripple together suddenly, passed through above giant knot, the flash golden ray as if tore the night, let sky over the manor at night must sparkle compared with the daytime! 随着洛伦一箭射出,一道恐怖的金色光束骤然穿透层层波纹,贯穿了上空的巨大结界,一瞬间金色的光芒仿佛撕裂了黑夜,让庄园上空的黑夜比白昼还要更加的闪耀! These also the adventurers who wait for the regimental commander to rout the youngster saw that this looks deathly pale, almost loses one's voice. 那些还等着团长击溃少年的冒险者们看到这一幕脸色惨白,几乎失声。 This...... is, what?” “这……是,什么?” Appears this idea time, their innermost feelings, the huge fear like the explosion same spread, the nighttime sky of that sparkle, gives them stiffly a soul suffocates the terrifying feeling. 浮现这个想法的时候,他们的内心,巨大的恐惧如同爆炸一样蔓延,那闪耀的夜空,给他们一种灵魂都僵硬的窒息恐怖感。 Then. 然后。 Is the innumerable flowing light, delimited to fall from the cloud layer, lightened the nighttime sky. 就是无数的流光,从云层中划落,点亮了夜空。 The white light, crashes to under from the sky. 白色的光,从正上空向下方坠落。 Clear flame that probably in the dream crashes, such dream. 像是梦中坠落的晶莹火焰,那样的梦幻。 But this magnificent, falls in the eyes of these legendary powerhouses, death that is actually hard to evade probably approaches. 但这瑰丽的一幕,落在那些传奇强者的眼中,却像是难以逃避的死亡在接近。 Escapes!” “逃!” After short silence, some people cannot bear again, want to escape, but this region had been honored the domain to cover by Loren day, not to mention outside also has knot that they suppose, where do they want to escape can escape to go? 短暂的沉默后,有人再也忍不住,想要逃跑,可是这区域已经被洛伦天崇领域覆盖,更不用说外面还有他们自己设下的结界,他们想逃又能逃到哪里去? The tranquility of night, starts becomes torn to pieces, the wind of howling, has the astonishing heat, falls from air pressure. 夜的宁静,开始变得支离破碎,呼啸的风,带着惊人的热量,从上空压落。 Is leaning on the long sword, Elisha of difficult erectness also raises head to look that dull that brilliant death meteor fell, even if the elf king, looks that this still showed extremely the vibration expression. 拄着长剑,艰难直立的艾丽莎也呆呆仰头看着那绚烂的死亡流星坠下,就算是精灵王,看着这一幕也露出极其震动的表情。 By some Rance of flowing light locking is felt that own nerve in one pulls out the pain intermittently, the respite of big mouth, in the heart is actually the incomparable bitterness and astringency, especially can the injury that...... camouflage, then turn probably really? 被部分流光锁定的兰斯更是感觉自己的神经在一阵阵抽痛,大口的喘息,心中却是无比的苦涩,特么的……自己伪装的伤势,这下好像要变成真的了? Mar bus sighed, she empty shadow of demon god became under this flaming ray twists behind, this was she in one that the future sees, finally these brilliant light fell, is going to bring the destruction of terrifying, her vision is looking at that side Loren stubbornly, after projecting this arrow, youngster coughed up blood, while on the face brought to sneer hidden goes to the figure. 马尔巴士叹息一声,她身后魔神的虚影在这炽盛的光芒下变得扭曲,这就是她在未来看到的一幕,最终这些绚烂的光还是落下,将要带来恐怖的毁灭,她的目光死死望着那边洛伦,射出这一箭后,少年一边咳血,一边脸上带着冷笑隐去身形。 After projecting this arrow, the mark on Loren forehead also dim, probably limit. 射出这一箭后,洛伦额头上的印记也黯淡了下去,像是到了极限。 Loren honors in the domain to be separated from the day quickly, he noticed finally was Mar bus controls the vessel to welcome that everywhere death star to fall, is trying the picture of stop. 洛伦很快从天崇领域中脱离,他最后看到是马尔巴士操控着容器迎上那漫天死亡星落,尝试着阻拦的画面。 That giant meteor, is actually incomparably huge pointed weapons, is Loren with the aid of Loffi supernatural power, the fusion day honors battle qi obviously, from above impact, but below power and influence, is not the Mar bus of main body is incapable of preventing radically. 那巨大的流星,其实是一柄柄无比庞大的兵刃,是洛伦借助洛菲亚的神力,融合天崇斗气显化,从上空冲击而下的威势,不是本体的马尔巴士根本无力阻挡。 Stayed merely for several seconds in the midair, latter's form was submerged by that flame, bringing the meteor that the irresistible might is crashing to pound eventually in the ground, the infinite flame and impact under will submerge together. 在半空仅仅停留了数秒的时间,后者的身影就被那火光淹没,带着势不可挡的威力坠落的流星终究是砸在地面,无穷的火光和冲击一同将底下淹没。 Loren leaves day of the time of honoring the domain, has not forgotten to take away Elisha, then breaks open the blockade that the demon empathize left behind to tie directly, outside rapid evacuation toward manor. 洛伦离开天崇领域的时候,也没忘记将艾丽莎带走,然后直接破开了魔神会留下的封锁结界,向着庄园的外部飞速撤离。 Almost shortly in Loren they left, loudly the impact and flame of eruption, broke through Loren's domain instantaneously, as if baseless in the blockade tied in appears, then that powerful knot also instantaneous shatter, the flame and impact continued to proliferate together spread, submerged the entire manor directly. 几乎是在洛伦他们离开后没多久,轰然爆发的冲击和火光,瞬间突破了洛伦的领域,仿佛凭空在封锁结界内出现,而后那强大的结界也瞬间破碎,火光和冲击一起继续扩散蔓延,直接淹没了整个庄园。 Bang bang! 砰砰! The ground is also vibrating, the mist and dust covered the sky, the earthquake same sound proliferated crazily. 地面也在震动,烟尘覆盖了天空,地震一样的动静疯狂扩散。 Because the other places of holy city this huge vibration produces the unrest, countless people by the attack of this terrifying were awakened in the sleep. 圣城的其他地方因为这巨大的震动产生骚乱,无数人在睡梦中被这恐怖的攻击惊醒。 Rance should be able to live, the fellow is so careless, should no issue......” “兰斯应该能活下来的吧,那家伙这么苟,应该没什么问题……” Soon, looks at that incomparably fine magnificent giant manor completely to vanish does not see, is only left over a giant pothole, Loren somewhat is inexplicably afraid...... 不久之后,望着那原本无比精致的华丽的巨大庄园完全消失不见,只剩下一个巨大的坑洞,洛伦莫名有些心虚起来…… Probably does extremely? 好像做的太过了? Loffi gives the supernatural power beginning experiences, the first appearance, caused the so terrifying destruction, such result, even is somewhat more than Loren expected. 洛菲亚给予神力的初体验,第一次出现,就造成了如此恐怖的破坏,这样的结局,甚至有些超出洛伦的预料。 Loren is somewhat disconsolate, but thinks that this is the strength that he cultivates laboriously, he felt relaxed. 洛伦有些惆怅,但想到这都是他辛辛苦苦修炼出来的力量,他又是释然了。 Oh, I was too strong, even is low-key, completely cannot be low-key. 唉,我果然太强了,就算想低调,也完全低调不起来。 .. 。。
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