MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#69: Raises glass to invite the bright moonlight, is green two people to the shadow

People body slightly stiff, the mood is dignified, even some people of vision are ignorant, as if also not from Loren strikes to recover. 众人身体微僵,心情凝重,甚至有人目光浑噩,似乎还未从洛伦刚才的一击下回过神来。 One fist second kills the legend, this result is not as everyone expected, a move defeats, possibility, but with them with for existence of legend, struggles under Loren attack continually cannot achieve, turns into the blood fog dispersion, this result is extremely alarmed. 一拳秒杀传奇,这结果出乎所有人的预料,一招击败,还有可能,但是和他们同为传奇的存在,在洛伦攻击下连挣扎都做不到,就变成血雾消散,这结果太过触目惊心。 They felt oneself are the legend, without was killed easily, will therefore constrain Loren furiously, is the present, a Loren's neat fist, broke thoroughly luck in their heart. 他们本来就是觉得自己是传奇,没那么容易被杀,所以才会奋力将洛伦拖住,可是现在呢,洛伦干脆利落的一拳,彻底破碎了他们心中的侥幸。 Moreover a moment ago Loren's making a move to striking to kill, even less than a half minute. 而且刚才洛伦的出手到击杀,甚至不到半分钟的时间。 Those present stared, how many people also there are able to support the companion to support? Moreover now looks at the result that has struck, will some people really support? 在场的人被盯上,又有几个人能撑到同伴来支援?而且现在看过那一击的结果,真会有人支援吗? Even if clear Loren that strikes will have very big consumption, in the people heart on the scene still cannot help but had the meaning of flinching, they just to capture the elf buried treasure choose to enter the adventurous group cooperation, who can be willing to lose one's life in this place while still alive. 所以即便清楚洛伦那一击会有很大的消耗,在场的众人心中也不由得生出了退缩之意,他们只不过是为了夺取精灵宝藏才选择进入冒险团合作,谁会愿意在这个地方活活送命。 No one dares to bet battle qi that Loren also does have to wield that to strike sufficiently again. 没人敢赌洛伦还有没有足以再次挥出那一击的斗气。 Then troubled.” “这下麻烦了。” Eden also recovered from the shock, may after seeing several people of expressions, in the heart was thump. 艾登也从刚才的震惊中回过神来,可在看到身边几人的表情后,心中就是咯噔一下。 If these fellows are not willing to strive, that this encircles the bureau of killing really to be failed. 如果这些家伙不愿意出力,那这场围杀之局真要失败。 Monster that however this youngster, where comes? 不过这少年,到底是哪来的怪物? In Eden heart resented, he has not really thought that this fellow named Luke is also hiding such fearful deep meaning. 艾登心中愤恨,他实在没有想到,这个叫做卢克的家伙还藏着这样可怕的奥义。 Assistant regimental commander Sir, you should have the ample force to fight...... Eden deeply to inspire to look again to Reims. “副团长大人,你应该还有余力再战吧……”艾登深吸一口气看向兰斯。 In his opinion, now only then Rance strives, the summon demon god, keeps off Loren directly, he found the opportunity sneak attack, possibly the upfront subdues it. 在他看来,现在只有兰斯出力,召唤魔神,正面挡下洛伦,他找到机会偷袭,才可能正面将其制伏。 Has not thought that unexpectedly was discovered by you, really I could not support.” “没想到竟然被你发现了吗,果然我还是撑不下去了啊。” But Eden words told only half, Rance coughs suddenly, the aura is gradually low: Embarrassed saying that with the fight of goal, I had received the heavy injury a moment ago.” 可艾登话才说到一半,兰斯突然咳嗽一声,气息逐渐低落:“说来惭愧,刚才和目标的战斗,我已经受了不轻的伤势。” „???” “???” Who special must ask that you were injured!? 谁特么是要问你是不是受伤了啊!? Eden complexion becomes dark, lowers the head slightly, shivering of slightly body personal character. 艾登脸色发黑,微微低下头,身体气的微微颤抖。 But at this time Rance was the tone bitter and astringent say/way: 而这时兰斯又是语气苦涩道: If this duty is defeated, I want one person to shoulder all responsibility, is I have not calculated that attended the meeting such unexpected appearance, was sorry, everyone.” “如果这次任务失败,我愿意一人承担所有责任,是我没有算到会有这样的意外出现,抱歉了,各位。” No, assistant regimental commander Sir...... , if responsible, should be we undertakes together, such unexpected appearance, no one is possible to think.” “不,副团长大人……如果有责任,也该是我们共同承担,这样的意外出现,谁都不可能想的到。” After Rance words saying, actually aroused several other people of resonance suddenly, was really Loren that strikes on them made the too profound impression, temporarily retreated, looked for the opportunity again, perhaps was the best result. 兰斯话说完之后,却是突然引起了其他几人共鸣,实在是洛伦那一击给他们留下了太深刻的印象,暂时撤退,再寻找机会,或许是最好的结果。 These waste!” “这些废物!” In Eden heart shouted abuse, on the face the expression was the unceasing change, without these people helped, Eden was very clear the strong brace likely to bring death. 艾登心中破口大骂,脸上表情则是不断的变化,没有这些人帮忙,艾登很清楚自己一个人强撑很可能就是送死。 Or...... flinches temporarily, later looks for the opportunity? 要不……暂时退缩一下,之后再寻找机会? Eden is not silly, he also wants to live. 艾登也不傻,他也想活着。 After Loren rumbles explodes one person, stops in same place the idea that continues to attack, the youngster vision quiet however has not swept that side stiff several people, he was also clear that a firing wielded the function of shock and awe. 洛伦轰爆一人后,停在原地也没有继续攻击的想法,少年目光幽然扫过那边僵硬的数人,他也清楚自己刚才的一击发挥了震慑的作用。 „The consumption that pitifully, this struck is too big...... the day to honor battle qi also can only restore, does not seem like demon supernatural power such, can a massive supplement.” “可惜了,这一击的消耗太大……天崇斗气也只能自行恢复,不像是魔神力那样,可以一次大量的补充。” Loren is thinking in the heart silently, is somewhat regrettable, in his brain appears with la makes up the demon the picture, however is thinking the object who that makes up the demon changed into the knight queen, Loren could not bear one tremble, threw off that terrible idea hastily. 洛伦在心中默默想着,有些遗憾,他的脑中浮现和洛菈补魔的画面,然而在想到那补魔的对象换成了骑士王后,洛伦忍不住一个哆嗦,连忙甩掉那可怕的想法。 Un, the day honors battle qi to restore, is good. 嗯,天崇斗气能自行恢复,也挺好的。 But thinks deeply about these people in Loren, if the choice escapes, he can with the past killed several times again, the vision that Loren suddenly shifted to the midair. 可就在洛伦思索这些人如果选择逃跑,他能不能跟过去再弄死几个的时候,洛伦的目光突然转向半空。 That side gives birth draws back several people of similar vision of intent to be startled, looks toward the top of the head, feels some strange fluctuation. 那边生出退意的数人同样目光微怔,向着头顶望去,感受到某种奇异波动。 Rance and Eden's vision changes, because they felt some type of aura that made their palpitation appeared, meanwhile fearful suppressed strength of the seedling source in level. 兰斯和艾登的目光更是一变,因为他们感受到了某种令他们心悸的气息浮现,同时还有一种源于位阶上的可怕压制力。 Is suddenly different from the Eden exciting look, the expression after Rance mask becomes some ice to be cold suddenly. 和艾登突然兴奋的神色不一样,兰斯面具后的表情一时间变得有些冰寒。 „The fellow...... prepares to begin personally.” “那家伙……难道准备亲自动手。” Rance fine hair stand, the vision twinkle is uncertain. 兰斯身上一根根汗毛立起,目光闪烁不定。 He thought the crisis in the past, can take advantage that this opportunity logical retreating, has not thought of misfortune never come singly. 他本以为危机过去,可以趁这个机会顺理成章的撤退,未曾想到一波未平一波又起。 In the meantime, the in the air black cyclone emerges, expands unceasingly, finally forms the giant black hole to open, the slender enchanting form floating goes out from that jet black cavern together, the stance is graceful, reveals the plentiful curve, probably is naked **, however her body and appearance do not see clearly under dark cover, only has the eyes to have the purple ray sparkle. 就在此时,空中黑色气旋涌现,不断扩张,最后形成巨大黑穴打开,一道纤细妖娆身影飘然从那漆黑的洞穴中走出,姿态曼妙,显露丰满曲线,像是赤身**,但是她的身体和模样都在黑暗的掩盖下看不清楚,唯有双眼有紫色光芒闪耀。 A that form emergence, in entire knot, everyone's attraction had the attraction by that as if her existence is only, several legendary powerhouses look at her even to show the crazy expression, like immersing delay. 那身影一出现,整个结界中,所有人的吸引都被那存在吸引,仿佛她的存在就是唯一,几个传奇强者望着她甚至露出痴痴表情,如同沉醉呆滞。 „The aura of demon god...... these fellows also regard as important to Elisha very much.” “魔神的气息……这些家伙对艾丽莎也很看重啊。” Loren is looking at that enchanting phantom desolately. 洛伦冷淡望着那妖娆魅影。 This aura......” “这气息……” Elisha clutches the tight state of mind in these accidents, but the hidden was still tasting Loren previously that to strike in the powerful will in sword of protection, but pays attention to now also all by the existence attraction that this presents towering. 艾丽莎早在这一次次的变故中揪紧心绪,而隐藏在守护之剑中的强大意志本来还在回味洛伦先前那一击,可现在注意也悉数被这突兀出现的存在吸引。 „The fifth demon god, Mar bus!” “第五魔神,马尔巴士!” „Was she radical recovery?” “她是彻底复苏了?” Elf king Anan is startled. 精灵王暗暗吃惊。 But quick, does not realize right, if this fellow is the true body appears, should be more powerful. 但很快,又意识到不对,如果这家伙是真身浮现,应该更加强大。 After Mar bus appears, the line of sight has swept from Elisha, looks directly to Loren, in her eyes the monster different purple ray like the stars dispersion in broken bits, then condenses suddenly, some strength seems like must penetrate Loren's body, sees through under his camouflage all realities. 马尔巴士出现之后,视线从艾丽莎身上扫过,直接望向洛伦,她的双眼中妖异的紫色光芒如同细碎的星辰散布,而后忽然凝聚,某种力量像是要穿透洛伦的身体,看穿他伪装下一切的真实。 Loren felt that the visiting of that demon god, in the heart inexplicable jumps, in the pupil the slight golden ray appears, will soon revolve on behalf of the indicator of destiny, may at this time, the protection scabbard that Loren body carries activate automatically. 洛伦感觉到那魔神的探视,心中莫名一跳,瞳孔中细微金色光芒浮现,代表命运的指针即将旋转,可在这时,洛伦身上携带的守护剑鞘自动激活。 Because detected that the demon empathize will have the large-scale action tonight, therefore Loren took on own initiative protected the scabbard to provide against contingencies. 因为察觉到魔神会今晚会有大型的行动,所以洛伦主动带上了守护剑鞘以防万一。 The strength of protection isolated Mar bus further spying on, she can survey only then the Loren within the body gathering just like the steel fierce Yang Banchi absolute sincerity blazing day to honor battle qi. 守护的力量隔绝了马尔巴士进一步的窥探,她所能探测到的就只有洛伦体内汇聚犹如钢铁烈阳般炽赤诚炽热的天崇斗气。 Really is only the misconception?” “果然只是错觉吗?” In Mar bus eye the ray diverges, her ability is to really see through, but she surveyed not to feel any suspicious aura from Loren a moment ago. 马尔巴士眼中光芒散去,她的能力是看穿真实,可是她刚才的探测没有从洛伦身上感觉到任何可疑气息。 In fact at the beginning of layout, she has also monitored in the , avoids having the accident/surprise, Loren's appearance disrupted her plan, making her have to have the suspicion, even if there are Loren these reasons, without the survey, Mar bus will not give up any possible guess personally. 事实上布局伊始,她也一直在附近监视,避免出现意外,洛伦的出现打乱了她的计划,让她不得不产生怀疑,即便有洛伦那些理由,但是如果没有亲自探测,马尔巴士也绝不会放弃任何可能的猜测。 Determined that Loren is not she suspects that person, Mar bus the spooky demon god empty shadow appears behind together. 确定洛伦不是她猜想那人,马尔巴士身后一道幽幽魔神虚影浮现。 Now what she uses was only a carrying/sustaining her some puppets of strength, treated as the disposable vessel use, its arrangement here, to provide against contingencies, dealt with seem like such aspect. 她如今动用的只是一具承载了她部分力量的傀儡,当作一次性的容器使用,将其布置在此,就是为了以防万一,应付像是这样的局面。 I dispel his within the body strength for you, you take him again.” “我替你们消解他体内力量,你们再将他拿下。” Mar bus sound resounds, these legendary powerhouses then from previously attracted the control effect the awaking revolutions, then the mind shakes in abundance, attractive shadow of mood imposing looking to midair. 马尔巴士声音响起,那些传奇强者这才从先前魅惑般的控制效果下醒转,然后纷纷心神一震,心情凛然的望向半空中充满诱惑力的黑影。 „Is this strength of regimental commander Sir?” “这就是团长大人的力量?” They first appearance that sees Mar bus. 他们还是第一次见到马尔巴士的出现。 Has not waited for them to recover, the strength that Mar bus arrives at has controlled the vessel, falls toward Loren. 没等他们回过神来,马尔巴士降临的力量已经操控自身容器,向着洛伦落去。 However when that demon god falls, Loren has transferred the day to honor battle qi, a fist wields. 然而那魔神落下之时,洛伦已然调用天崇斗气,一拳挥去。 Previously a that terrifying fist. 还是先前那恐怖的一拳。 This attack in the eye of Mar bus, does not have the mark to seek! 只是这攻击在马尔巴士的眼中,却并非无迹可寻! Her form falls lightly, as if all become slow, Mar bus can see the space by some strength sweeping across layer upon layer, probably the difficult situation equally invisible impact penetrates layer upon layer the space toward her body extrusion. 她的身影翩然落下,仿佛一切都变得缓慢,马尔巴士能够看到空间被某种力量一层层的席卷,像是惊涛骇浪一样无形冲击穿透层层空间向着她的身体挤压而来。 At this time, in her eye sparkles the ray that coldly, the finger wipes the air lightly, probably extracted a jet black chord wire from the space deep place! 只是此时,她的眼中闪耀冷冷的光芒,手指轻抹空气,像是从空间的深处抽出了一根漆黑的弦线! The slender finger outlined a chord wire gently ball, a terrifying fluctuation bloomed. 纤细手指勾勒弦线轻轻一弹,一股恐怖的波动绽放。 Bang!” “轰!” The space before Mar bus body seems like separated suddenly, after air distortion, suddenly bursts out incomparably wild qi energy impact, two invisible strengths attack in together, unceasing expression! 马尔巴士身前的空间像是被忽然割裂,空气扭曲之后,突然迸发出无比狂暴的气劲冲击,两股无形的力量冲击在一起,不断的宣泄而出! Distant several people are looking at some delay, obviously is the legend, but they always felt that such attack somewhat goes beyond the category of understanding. 远方数人望着这一幕都有些呆滞,明明都是传奇,但他们总感觉这样的攻击有些超出理解的范畴。 Also was at this time, the slender form of Mar bus disappeared, presented again time, actually as if pasted on Loren's body was the same, same is attaching to him like the sweetheart, was only simultaneously, that jet black chord wire also twined on Loren's body, tightening slowly, bone-chilling cold killing intent as if pasted Loren's body to walk randomly. 也是这时,马尔巴士的纤细身影消失,再出现的时候,却仿佛贴在了洛伦的身上一样,如同情人一样依附着他,只是同时,那根漆黑弦线也随之缠绕在洛伦的身上,缓缓的绷紧,凛冽的杀意仿佛贴着洛伦的身体游走。 In that black string tightens, in Mar bus eye flashes through surprised suddenly, she sees Loren to turn the head, the vision and she looks at each other, her speed as if exceeded the fetter of space, but Loren locked her position as before immediately. 只是在那黑弦绷紧之时,马尔巴士眼中忽然闪过一丝惊讶,她看到洛伦转过头来,目光和她对视,她的速度仿佛超越了空间的束缚,可是洛伦依旧在第一时间锁定了她的位置。 The combustion concise day Chongguang splendor bursts out from Loren, the scalding hot aura as if one and lights that black chord wire, Mar bus saw the palm of youngster is relentless deducts toward own head, she does not doubt strikes to pinch to explode the strength of her head the opposite party deducts. 燃烧般凝练的天崇光辉从洛伦身上迸发,灼热的气息似乎将那黑色弦线一并点燃,马尔巴士看到少年的手掌毫不留情的向着自己的脑袋扣下,她毫不怀疑对方扣下的一击有着捏爆她脑袋的力量。 Mar bus extreme speed retreats backward, the black chord wire flip-flop just like the long whip to wield, separates palm that Loren grasps. 马尔巴士极速向后退去,黑色弦线噼啪一声犹如长鞭挥出,弹开洛伦抓来的手掌。 Bang, that strikes to separate the deep gully in the ground, but Loren sleeve cuff also collapses, even on the arm was also sheared together the blood line. “嘭”的一声,那一击在地面割裂出深深的沟壑,而洛伦袖口也随之崩坏,甚至手臂上也被割出一道浅浅血线。 However is looking in the hand the scar, Loren's expression is becomes somewhat is serious. 然而望着手上伤痕,洛伦的表情却是变得有些郑重起来。 Made me receive such heavy injury unexpectedly, it seems like must solve your me also to pay some prices to be good.” “竟然让我受了这么重的伤势,看来要解决妳我也必须付出一些代价才行啊。” Loren sighed, the day honors battle qi quietly, was only his forehead, a golden brand mark appeared. 洛伦叹息一声,天崇斗气沉寂,只是他的额头,一枚金色烙印浮现。 The sacred and warm aura swamps into the body, in the brain of youngster is actually the reappearing girl slightly red small face, that shy somewhat small self-satisfied expression. 神圣而温暖的气息涌入身体,少年的脑中却是浮现女孩微红的小脸,还有那羞怯中有些小小得意的表情。 Loffi also wants to protect the Elder Brother.” “洛菲亚也想保护哥哥的。” Loren lifts the hand indifferently, in the hand the golden long bow appears. 洛伦漠然抬手,手中金色长弓浮现。 Supernatural power that Loffi gives, but must kiss to be able several times to make up. 洛菲亚给予的神力,可是要亲几次才能补回来的。 ... 。。。
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