MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#68: ~ passes a fist

Courts death!” “找死!” Loren's such words, make these people have the anger immediately. 洛伦这样的话,顿时让那些人心生怒气。 How they said that is also the legend. 他们怎么说也是传奇。 But after Loren appears, the words and deeds and manner do not care them completely. 而洛伦出现后,言行和举止都完全不把他们放在心上。 Has not broken through that limit, again is also and we with a boundary war, a person wants to resist us to be complete, really thinks we are making up the number?” “没有突破那个极限,再强也不过是和我们同境界一战,一个人想要对抗我们全部,真以为我们是凑数的了?” Looks to present Loren in crowd, some people of cold snort/hum, stimulation of movement within the body battle qi suddenly, the body jumps out like the thunder, has a series of remnant shades, draws to Loren's front, uses the deep meaning directly, several hundred light shadow erupt, as if during the breath rumbles several hundreds to strike. 看着出现在人群中的洛伦,有人冷哼一声,突然催动体内斗气,身体如同雷霆窜出,带着一连串残影,拉至洛伦的面前,直接动用奥义,数百道光影爆发,仿佛呼吸间轰出数百击。 Loren retrocedes tranquilly, incomparably accurate flashes through each attack, finally that several hundred light shadow to strike concise, pound down toward Loren, Loren one grasps from the side conveniently, in the air the ray casts both hands big swords to be raised by him instantaneously in the hand, sweeps off to the front conveniently. 洛伦平静后退,无比精准的闪过每一道攻击,最后那数百道光影凝练为一击,向着洛伦砸下,洛伦随手从身边一握,空气中光芒瞬间铸就一柄双手大剑被他提在手中,随手向前方扫去。 At the same time that the big sword sweeps, the Loren within the body day honors battle qi the eruption, howls to flood into the big sword, to the legendary powerhouse who Loren launches the attack only saw when that big sword pats the sudden ray is natural, suddenly as if extended more than ten meters distance, probably Loren is brandishing the incomparably sturdy light beam to sweep away together. 大剑扫出的同时,洛伦体内天崇斗气爆发,呼啸涌入大剑之中,向洛伦发动攻击的传奇强者只看到那大剑拍来时突然光芒大方,眨眼间仿佛延伸了十几米的距离,像是洛伦在抡起一道无比粗壮的光柱横扫。 That sword has not patted, the air seemed blown the white paper equally crazy vibration that wrinkles. 那一剑还没拍来,空气仿佛被吹皱的白纸一样疯狂的震动。 That legendary powerhouse offensive is unprecedented, removes without enough time incurs to dodge, can only brace oneself to go all out, falling of his attack bang above front light beam, after thump dull thumping sound, the dazzling white ray shivered slightly, racket that then odd/surplus potential does not reduce on his body. 那传奇强者攻势一往无前,也来不及撤招闪避,只能硬着头皮拼命,他的攻击轰的落在面前光柱之上,咚的闷响后,炽白色的光芒微微颤动了一下,然后余势不减的拍在了他的身上。 The air sends out bo shatter sound. 空气发出“啵”的破碎声。 After temporary solidification static, a white gas ring spreads rapidly, the air wave spatters in all directions, the form flies to shoot from the gas ring center together directly, bang pounding enters in the ground, leaves behind a being too deep to see the bottom pothole in the ground. 短暂的凝固静止后,一圈白色气环飞速扩散,气浪迸溅而出,一道身影直接从气环中心飞射而出,嘭的砸入地面之中,在地面留下一个深不见底的坑洞。 Sweeps away facing Loren's great sword, others already avoidance of complexion big change, but after some people see the ray dissipation that in Loren hand the great sword ray condenses, is seizes the opportunity to act on own initiative, does not give the opportunity that he pursues. 面对洛伦的巨剑横扫,其他众人早就脸色大变的躲避,不过有人看到洛伦手中巨剑光芒凝聚的光芒消散后,又是抓住机会主动出手,不给他追击的机会。 Burns a day of wing!” “焚天之翼!” Sky over Loren, scalding hot scarlet sex fiend law unfolds together, the twinkling of complicated charm line in the nighttime sky outlined to condense the blazing charm technique! 洛伦上空,一道灼热的赤红色魔法阵铺开,繁复的魔力线条在夜空中瞬息勾勒出凝聚炽热魔力的术式! Flame ignition entire law that soars to the heavens, the heat wave gushes out rolling! 冲天的火焰点燃整个法阵,热浪滚滚涌出! Constructs this fearful law female master to open both hands, the law that whatever oneself summoned and fused, at the same time, in the ground, the after master and Loren of black robe spread out enough, law stick to a tread ruthlessly point. 构造出这可怕法阵的女性法师张开双手,任由自己召唤的法阵和自己融合,于此同时,地面上,黑袍的法师和洛伦拉开足够的距离后,法杖向着地面狠狠一点。 Buzz!” “嗡!” The extremely gloomy and cold charm eruption, in Loren's under foot, paints black law instantaneous separating. 极度阴冷的魔力爆发,在洛伦的脚下,漆黑色的法阵瞬间弹开。 Imprisoning of deep bone!” “冥骨之囚!” The ground innumerable dense white spurs leave, the miserable white giant bone constructs a bone forest, the staggered white bones ultimately form a giant prison, is stranded Loren in inside. 地面无数森森白骨刺出,惨白色的巨大骨头构造出一片骨林,交错的白骨最终形成一个巨大的囚牢,将洛伦困在里面。 Bang ~!” “轰~!” The white bones prison constructs, flame eruption that on the nighttime sky twists, the female legendary master fused a law strength, the giant flame wing that the back flame condenses lets fall, lifelikeness that above that flame wing, each hot feather outlined. 白骨囚牢构建完毕,夜空上扭曲的火焰爆发,女性的传奇法师融合了法阵的力量,背后火焰凝聚的巨大的焰翼垂落,那焰翼之上,每根火羽都勾勒的栩栩如生。 Loren raises head, then saw that in the midair the flame wing opens, the innumerable sparkle luminous spots from in the air fall, that is the countless hot feather flies to shoot, as if changes to Loren of turbulent flame monstrous waves in toward white bones prison to fill. 洛伦仰头,便看到半空中焰翼撑开,无数闪耀光点从空中落下,那是不计其数的火羽飞射而下,仿佛化作汹涌的火焰巨浪向着白骨囚牢中的洛伦灌下。 In was submerged by the flame monstrous waves, Loren palm empty grasps according to the sword toward the air, the sword of hand culmination honoring condenses in a flash, bone-chilling cold sword intent just like the storm to sweep across forward. 只是在被火焰巨浪淹没之时,洛伦手掌向着空气按剑虚握,手中天崇之剑转瞬凝聚,凛冽的剑意犹如风暴般向前席卷。 „!” “咔嚓!” The invisible sharp aura scatters in all directions cutting with the air current of sudden inflation, only sees the break of innumerable sturdy white bones no indication, was cut the incomparably smooth margin to pound to fall the ground. 无形锋锐的气息随着突然膨胀的气流四散切割,只看到无数粗壮的白骨毫无征兆的断裂,被切出无比光滑的切口砸落地面。 When that flame monstrous waves fall, Loren draws a sword, pulls the astonishing sword light/only direct impact horizon, the sword light/only divides the flame wave together, finally changes into two such as the wing sword light/only to interlock in the same place, but the sword light/only cuts the center that falls is that face alarmed and afraid legend master. 那火焰巨浪落下之时,洛伦拔剑而起,拉扯出一道惊人剑光直冲天际,剑光分割焰浪,最后又化为两道如翼剑光交错在一起,而剑光斩落的中心就是那一脸惊惧的传奇法师。 The sword light approaches, the female master extreme speed retrocedes, the body first flame condense like the vortex, swallows the sword light, the next second of but swallowing, that flame vortex are suddenly stave, the sword light is irresistible, finally cuts to her front. 剑光逼近,女性法师极速后退,身前一道道火焰如同漩涡般凝聚,将剑光吞噬,可是吞噬的下一秒,那一道道的火焰漩涡突然破碎,剑光势不可挡,最终斩至她的面前。 But, she can only instill into the charm, vigorously activation law robe protection, her law robe is the incomparably precious rare treasure, engraved incomparably powerful defense technique, before by this law robe, her forcefully anti- Elisha's several times of attacks, moreover oneself not by many injuries, but the strength of law robe also therefore lost majority. 无奈之下,她只能灌输魔力,极力激活身上法袍防护,她身上的法袍是无比珍贵的秘宝,刻印了无比强大的防御术式,之前就是凭借这件法袍,她硬生生的抗下了艾丽莎数次的攻击,而且自身没受多少伤害,只是法袍的力量也因此损耗了大部分。 Now facing this swift and fierce sword light/only, she chooses to put together completely to defend, law robe defense technique launches, finally light/only keeps off the sword, is only the next quarter, the woman is stuffy snort/hum one, within the body charm was attacked to backlash, law robe is unable to withstand the load, is similar to butterfly blasting open of innumerable dancing in the breeze directly, the light the body is tenesmusing toward the place. 现在面对这凌厉的剑光,她选择拼尽一切进行防御,法袍防御术式展开,终于是将剑光挡下,只是下一刻,女人就是闷哼一声,体内魔力受到冲击反噬,身上的法袍更是不堪重负,直接如同无数飘舞的蝴蝶般炸裂,光着身子向着地下坠去。 Loren found time to look at one, but did not have the time to make up the blade. 洛伦抽空看了一眼,但也没有时间补刀。 Because others launch the attack to him, they knew that on is not an opponent, completely in holding Loren counter-attacked the gaps of others to try to find the opportunity to cause heavy losses him, before looking like them , when besieged Elisha such that made. 因为还有其他人向他发起进攻,他们自知一个个上不是对手,全部在抓住洛伦反击其他人的间隙试图找到机会将他重创,就像是他们之前围攻艾丽莎时所做的那样。 However is also flashed through one is not impatient by Loren eyes that in these people besiege. 然而被这些人围攻的洛伦眼中也闪过一丝不耐烦。 The legendary powerhouse, the vitality is very powerful, varies time to do, will also seem like the sticky candy the same as entangle, not to mention these people will also involve mutually, when other person of dangers, helping it take refuge from danger urgently. 传奇强者,生命力无比强大,不一次搞死,还会像是牛皮糖一样缠上来,更不用说这些人也会互相牵扯,在其他人危险的时候,帮助其紧急避险。 „The domineering routs them, these talent true timid!” “只有强势击溃他们,这些人才会真正的胆怯!” Thinks of here, Loren chooses the change forms of combat. 想到这里,洛伦选择改变战斗方式。 Must solve this fellow, the best way weakens him unceasingly! Consumes him!” “要解决这家伙,最好的办法就是不断削弱他!消耗他!” However these powerful adventurers have not realized the arrival of danger. 然而那些强大的冒险者并没有意识到危险的到来。 Although they shock in Loren's strength, determined that the strength of this fellow in the boundary is the top rank, but in their opinion, Loren's more many of battle qi consumption, their opportunities are also bigger. 他们虽然震撼于洛伦的实力,也确定这家伙的实力在同境界中已经是顶尖的级别,但在他们看来,洛伦的斗气消耗的越多,他们的机会也就越大。 The demon martial dual cultivation anomaly, had Elisha one enough, so to be how skillful this fellow is also. 魔武双修的变态,有艾丽莎一个就够了,怎么会这么巧这家伙也是。 Consumes battle qi of light/only this fellow, they can declare the victory directly. 耗光这家伙的斗气,他们就可以直接宣告胜利。 Moreover their so many people, but can also share the injury and risk evenly. 而且他们这么多人,还可以均匀的分摊伤害和风险。 „Did this fellow, stare at me?” “这家伙,盯上我了?” When besieges Loren, a legendary powerhouse uses the martial skill, after cutting a blade, the preparation with the support of others withdraws. 围攻洛伦之际,一个传奇强者动用武技,斩出一刀后,就在其他人的支援下准备撤出。 However after Loren's indifferent vision stares at him, that person felt immediately the body trembles, then a faster retreat, wants the range that escapes from Loren to lock. 然而洛伦漠然的目光盯上他之后,那人顿时感觉到身体一颤,然后更加快速后退,想要逃出洛伦锁定的范围。 What may make that person of some with amazement is, Loren locks him later the battle qi direct eruption, the imposing manner is wild, the day honors battle qi to just like the combustion. 可紧接着令那人有些骇然的是,洛伦锁定他之后身上斗气直接爆发,气势狂暴,天崇斗气犹如燃烧。 Bang!” “轰!” Loren as if whole person changes light/only runs out together, the speed promoted several times to continue in the breath, the distance with him pulled closer instantaneously. 洛伦仿佛整个人化作一道光冲出,速度在呼吸间就提升了数倍不止,和他之间的距离瞬间拉近。 Lying trough!” “卧槽!” But saw that Loren to/clashes suddenly, that person is frightened out of one's wits immediately, a father blade is only the consumption, even you mump have not cut to put on, as for such big enmity? 而看到洛伦突然冲来,那人顿时魂飞魄散,老子一刀只是消耗,连你斗气都没砍穿,至于这么大仇吗? Blocks him quickly!” “快拦下他!” That legendary powerhouse shouts. 那传奇强者喊道。 However in hand long blade unceasing surges buzz the cry, is saving battle qi. 不过手中长刀则是不断的激荡嗡鸣,积蓄着斗气。 His expression also becomes twists, time that because Loren throws, he felt the threat of death. The bang, the innumerable attacks erupt, submerges toward Loren, but on the youngster the ray flashes, the day honors battle qi to shove open, direct hard anti- these attacks, even dodges does not have! 他的表情也变得扭曲起来,因为洛伦扑来的时候,他感觉到了死亡的威胁。轰,无数攻击爆发,向着洛伦淹没,可是少年身上光芒一闪,天崇斗气推开,直接硬抗那些攻击,甚至连闪避都没有! These attacks fall on his body, was honored by the day completely battle qi to reduce and solve, but his speed actually does not reduce. 那些攻击落在他的身上,全部被天崇斗气化解,可他的速度却是丝毫不减。 From beginning to end, Loren has not looked at the meanings of others, enemy who his imposing manner locking was previously staring at firmly. 至始至终,洛伦都没有看其他人的意思,他的气势牢牢锁定在先前盯上的敌人。 Rolls to the father!” “给老子滚!” That locked legend also depressed must spit blood, does not know why stared by Loren, an angry blade cuts toward Loren, on the long blade, battle qi to interweave the golden mark to wind, the strength also incomparable great strength of this blade. 那个被锁定的传奇也郁闷的要吐血,不知道为什么自己就被洛伦盯上了,愤怒的一刀向着洛伦斩出,长刀上,斗气交织出金色的纹络,这一刀的力量也无比的强大。 A blade cuts, the blade light blooms, but did not have the radical eruption, the knife actually by left hand holding down that stubbornly Loren lifts. 一刀斩下,刀光绽放,可是还没有彻底的爆发,刀身却被洛伦抬起的左手死死的按住。 ......” “滋滋……” Loren left hand palm condenses the day to honor battle qi with the strength unceasing friction collision of that blade, has the shake unceasing proliferation. 洛伦左手掌心凝聚天崇斗气和那一刀的力量不断的摩擦碰撞,产生震荡不断的扩散。 Cuts the legend of that blade to be shaken attacks, only thought that within the body battle qi the tumbling, incomparable discomfort, but looks at Loren, the latter seems like actually affected, grips his blade as before stubbornly, the youngster right hand makes a fist quietly. 斩下那一刀的传奇受到震荡冲击,只觉得体内斗气翻滚,无比的难受,可是看着洛伦,后者却像是没有受到丝毫影响,依旧死死握住他的刀刃,少年右手则是悄然握拳。 Saves me!” “救我!” A Loren simple movement, detonated the fear in that person of heart suddenly, his pupil contraction, quickly is shouting, even wants to leave to retrocede. 洛伦一个简单的动作,突然引爆了那人心中的恐惧,他瞳孔收缩,急忙喊着,甚至想要抽身后退。 What a pity he one step did not draw back! 可惜他一步都退不了! Two battle qi entanglements collide, drag to entrain him to be hard to flee from the center. 两股斗气的纠缠碰撞,拖拽他难以从中心逃离。 Loren must not count the price like this is close to him, for this opportunity! 洛伦之所以要这样不计代价的接近他,就是为了这个机会! Detects the accident, some people support to him rapidly, want to resist the attack for him together, the fist that but at this time, Loren got hold, has wielded forward. 察觉到变故,有人迅速向他支援,想要替他共同抵挡攻击,可这时,洛伦握紧的拳头,已经向前挥出。 Bang, the fist wind surges, such as the thunder gushes out rolling. 轰隆一声,拳风激荡,如雷霆滚滚涌出。 But under the impact of this fist, on the legendary previous second of face before Loren body also remains the astonished expression, the latter second of whole person becomes the blood fog from in the air to explode! 而在这一拳的冲击下,洛伦身前的传奇前一秒脸上还残留着惊愕的表情,后一秒整个人就成为血雾从空中爆开! Fires into Loren's several people, stopped the movement in the midair, looks at that side that the whole body felt cold...... 冲向洛伦的几人,在半空停下了动作,浑身发冷的看着那边…… A powerhouse of legend, under a Loren's fist, the body turns into the blood fog to blast open, does not have including complete spot together remaining. 一个传奇的强者,在洛伦的一拳之下,身体变成血雾炸裂开来,连一块完好的部位都没有剩下。 Side participates to besiege, Rance but who is basically delimiting the water is looking at this, in the heart ruthlessly jumps, only feels a chill in the air direct impact top of the head, this fist...... does his abyss mump to absorb? 旁边参与围攻,但基本都是在划水的兰斯望着这一幕,心中狠狠的一跳,只感觉一股寒意直冲头顶,这一拳……他的深渊斗气可以吸收吗? Not is only Rance, others complete delay. 不单是兰斯,其他人已经完全呆滞。 This fellow, was insane!? Doesn't he want to escape from here?” “这家伙,疯了!?他不想从这里逃出去了?” Loren this does not count one that the consumption use battle qi kills, falls in other person of hearts, making their respective hearts startled! 洛伦这样不计消耗动用斗气强杀的一幕,落在其他人心中,让他们各自心惊! But, in several people of hearts has an idea. 但紧接着,几人心中就是生出一个想法。 This fellow has consumed to mump like this, finally definitely will unable to support, was compelled the dead end by them. 这家伙一直这样消耗斗气,最后肯定会撑不下,被他们逼上绝路。 Before he does not support next...... do their people, how many want dead? 但是在他撑不下之前……他们的人,要死几个? Whom also wants to bring death? 又要谁去送死? .. 。。
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