MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#67: Rampant Luke

„...... Compared with your worthless people, only then I such graceful talent has the qualifications to match on Miss Elisha probably.” “……比起你们这些歪瓜裂枣,只有像是我这么帅的人才有资格配的上艾丽莎小姐。” Loren a few words saying, the people on the scene somewhat are all vacant. 洛伦一句话说完,在场众人皆有些茫然。 Some little time some people responded, especially who was worthless people! 好一会才有人反应过来,特么的谁是歪瓜裂枣! They look the arrogant appearance that a Loren face under punches, clenches jaws, however also some people have mixed feelings get up. 他们看着洛伦一脸欠揍的傲慢模样,不禁咬牙切齿,然而也有人心情复杂起来。 Rance looks at Loren somewhat to ponder over erratically, always thought that this fellow spoke extremely resembles with somebody who he was familiar with probably, but he was also hard to analyze for a short time, but is thinking Loren's previous words muttered: Therefore you like her, therefore tracks her to come here?” 兰斯望着洛伦有些琢磨不定,总觉得这家伙说话好像和他熟悉的某个人太过相像,可他一时半会也难以判断,只是想着洛伦先前的话喃喃道:“所以你是喜欢她,所以一路跟踪她来到这里?” Rance is saying, suddenly has a strange idea, if this boy met with Loren, that should be a very interesting picture. 兰斯说着,突然生出一种古怪的想法,这小子如果和洛伦碰面,那应该是会很有趣的一副画面。 What tracks, the matter that likes can with the track?” Loren has not thought so many, but hears Rance's words to frown: I want to protect her.” “什么跟踪,喜欢的事能用跟踪来说吗?”洛伦没想那么多,只是听到兰斯的话皱起眉头:“我只是想要保护她而已。” Miss Elisha is so lovably delicate, a person bumps into the person who some do not keep eyes open to look for trouble in the night association/will, I thought that she went out at this kind of time, perhaps came across what urgent matter, perhaps needed me to help.” “艾丽莎小姐如此柔弱可爱,一个人在夜晚总会碰到一些不长眼的人找麻烦,我看她在这种时候出去,说不定就是碰到了什么急事,说不定就需要我帮忙。” Now looks like, I with the approach is really correct.” “现在看来,我跟过来的做法果然正确。” Loren long opens the mouth. 洛伦悠悠开口。 Opposite people hears word some delay, Rance cannot bear lower the head, looks to the ground in confusion. 对面众人闻言不禁有些呆滞,就连兰斯都忍不住低下头,看向地面的狼藉。 You special me told that this did call delicately?” “你特么跟我说这叫柔弱?” These bodies have the wound legendary powerhouse is a question mark of face. 那些身上有伤的传奇强者更是一脸的问号。 But hears here, Eden was suppressing the one breath does not know that becomes even more is why depressed. 而听到这里,艾登原本憋着的一口气不知为何变得愈发郁闷起来。 Therefore , this special is really only an accident/surprise? 所以说,这特么真只是个意外? This fellow is only because likes Elisha, therefore follows to come out to want in her to be the protector behind? 这家伙只是因为喜欢艾丽莎,所以才跟在她身后出来想做护花使者? Although all these make him feel where some are not quite right, but this matter as if did not need the extremely complex reason. 虽然这一切让他觉得哪里有些不太对劲,但是这种事情似乎本来就不需要太过复杂的理由。 After all likes this matter, that is unreasonable, this fellow...... seemingly special looks like the head to have a muscle to have the appearance of issue let alone at present, the brain pulls out makes this matter , is not incomprehensible. 毕竟喜欢这种事情,那就是不讲道理的,更何况眼前这家伙……看上去特么就像是脑袋有条筋有问题的样子,脑子一抽做出这种事情,也不是不能理解。 More thinks like this, after the nervousness that Eden raised put down, the complexion became is also uglier. 越是这样想,艾登提起的紧张情绪放下之后,脸色也变得更加的难看了。 Who can think that their absolutely safe plans and layouts, will appear in the midway seem like Luke such accidental/surprised factor. 谁能想到他们万无一失的计划和布局,在中途会出现像是卢克这样的意外因素。 Elisha has not thought that at present the youngster has tracked himself unexpectedly, moreover some idea after the heart gets stronger and stronger, Elisha's state of mind also becomes intriguing, if big brother Loren, he protects himself like this, Elisha will only think that the fawn proceeds along no particular course......, if not, how could it not be that this fellow is a anomaly. 艾丽莎也没想到眼前少年竟然会一直跟踪自己,而且在心中某个想法愈演愈烈之后,艾丽莎的心绪也变得错综复杂起来,如果是洛伦大哥的话,他这样保护自己,艾丽莎只会觉得心中小鹿乱撞……如果不是的话,那这家伙岂不就是个变态。 Loren does not know actually Elisha's double sign idea, he noticed after these people oneself shake preemptive completely, in the heart is slightly self-satisfied, ability that the feeling, oneself camouflage, was really getting stronger and stronger. 洛伦倒是不知道艾丽莎的双标想法,他只是看到这些人被自己先发制人全部震住后,心中略微得意,不禁感慨,自己伪装的能力,果然越来越强了。 Refining up again, only feared after Bailey that girl, could not completely understand status that oneself camouflage. 再炼下去,只怕贝莉尔那丫头以后都看不透自己伪装的身份。 Very pitifully, no matter you are because what reason found here, this girl we must carry off.” At this moment, Eden opens the mouth suddenly, his tone was saying to be one revolution: So long as you are willing to join us, you can obtain all that you want as before, follows us, you want to make anything to be good to her.” “很可惜,不管你是因为什么原因找到这里,这个女孩我们都要带走。”就在这时,艾登突然开口,不过他的语气说着又是一转:“但只要你愿意重新加入我们,你依旧能得到你想要的一切,跟我们走,你想对她做什么都行。” Eden spoke these words, Rance's corner of the eye jumped jumping, in the eye the vicious tendencies flashed passes, his vision deeply looked to Loren. 艾登说完这句话,兰斯的眼角跳了跳,眼中戾气闪逝,他的目光深深看向洛伦。 However Loren heard these words to smile saying with a smile: 然而洛伦听到这句话只是笑了笑道: Excuse me, the thing that I want, open and aboveboard will only take, is not everyone likes like you, will only use the methods of some lows.” “不好意思,我想要的东西,只会堂堂正正自己去取,不是所有人都喜欢像你这样,只会用些下三滥的手段。” Feared that your anything cannot take, finally first lost the life here.” “就怕你什么都取不到,最后先把命丢在了这里。” Eden narrows the eye, indifferent opens the mouth: You really thought that you can walk? You were the sneak attack went well a moment ago, now we have the protection, you thought that you will have such luck.” 艾登眯起眼睛,冷漠开口:“你真觉得你走得出去?你刚才不过是偷袭得手而已,现在我们已有防备,你觉得你还会有那样的运气。” You attack again strongly, can erupt several times, if your two people collaborate, breaks through ties the possibility, only your fellow...... seeks after the hero to rescue beautiful pitifully, chooses the card to appear in the final time unexpectedly exactly, this is your faulty stroke in handwriting, now brings a burden, wants to break through this knot, is fantasy story!” “你攻击再强,又能爆发几次,如果你们两人联手,还有冲破结界的可能,只可惜你这家伙……贪图英雄救美,竟然选择卡在最后的时机才恰恰出现,这就是你的败笔,现在带着一个累赘,想要突破这个结界,已是天方夜谭!” He said that the footsteps while retrocede quietly, after hiding others . 他一边说,脚步一边悄然后退,藏到其他人身后。 Eden spoke, in the sound has some meanings of misleading, at the same time, several people of these adventure groups carried to be used to hide the eyeball of aura also to send out the special strength, started to affect their spirits. 艾登说话的时候,声音中却带着些许蛊惑之意,于此同时,那些冒险团的几人身上携带用来隐藏气息的眼珠也散发特殊力量,开始影响他们的精神。 This strength has not affected Rance, therefore Rance has not detected right, in addition his mood also sinks, thinks how collapses, has no time to care about these. 这股力量未曾波及兰斯,所以兰斯并未察觉不对,此外他的心情也重新沉下,思索如何破局,无暇去顾及这些。 Then as Eden said that in Rance opinion, Loren's appearance solved the temporary crisis, he was not clear that he can lead Elisha to rush. 便如艾登所说,在兰斯看来,洛伦的出现只是解决了临时的危局,他不清楚他能不能带艾丽莎闯出去。 Loren facing Eden's threat exceptionally tranquil, the youngster has not thought several words can these to retreat on own initiative, he needs to find an appropriate excuse to be acted by himself. 洛伦面对艾登的威胁异常的平静,少年本来就没想过自己几句话就能让这些人主动退去,他只是需要找个合适的理由让自己出手。 In fact Eden these words saying that instead makes Loren have excited, in the youngster eyes the cold light sparkle, on the face also has slightly the smile, he grasped the fist, only hears the whole body to pull the sound of bone to resound, after obtaining battle qi, Loren did not have fully to fight one time, especially recently he honored the control that battle qi to enter one about the day, needs the fight to whet confirms own the thing of grasping, the fellows of these demon empathizes are he best hones. 事实上艾登这句话说完反而让洛伦心生兴奋,少年眼中冷光闪耀,脸上也带起微微笑容,他握了握拳头,只听得浑身噼里啪啦拉扯骨头的声音响起,获得斗气之后,洛伦还没有酣畅淋漓的战斗过一次,特别是最近他对天崇斗气的掌控又进了一层,也需要战斗来磨砺验证自己的掌握的东西,这些魔神会的家伙就是他最好的磨刀石。 With previously to fighting Elisha was different, these fellows wore out him not to love dearly. 和先前对战艾丽莎不一样,这些家伙用坏了他也不心疼。 You refuse to accept, that's ok, that kills you to take.” “你们不服,也没什么关系,那就杀到你们服。” Loren however opens the mouth quiet, sudden one step steps toward the front. 洛伦幽然开口,突然一步向着前方迈去。 Bang!” “轰!” The footsteps fall, his behind, the day honors battle qi shoots up to the sky brilliance, as if dozens stars light beams pass through the horizon, the empty shadow of inside concise powerful pointed weapons, lends the serious and bone-chilling cold aura, the space of oppression trembles slightly. 脚步落下,他的身后,天崇斗气光辉冲天而起,仿佛数十道星辰光束贯穿天际,里面凝练强大兵刃的虚影,散发出沉重且凛冽的气息,压迫的空间微微颤栗。 „”. “咔嚓”。 The boundless strength depresses, Loren ground crack spreads, easily a disintegration piece. 磅礴力量压下,洛伦脚下地面裂纹扩散,轻易崩碎一片。 Battle qi of legendary boundary not has scruples the release, the star splendor sprinkles, regarding Loren whole body, this and other bone-chilling cold blazing brilliance falls, is to make that youngster seemingly sacred and solemn and respectful! 传奇境界的斗气毫无顾忌释放,星辉洒落,围绕洛伦周身,这等凛冽炽热的光辉落下,更是让那少年看上去神圣且肃穆! But is looking on the youngster the concise sacred aura, Rance is hard at present the youngster and that air/Qi the boy of his toothache links frequently, sincere blazing battle qi, undoubtedly only had the noble spirit and to the clear strength that the person of high will can exercise like this, if Loren that boy can condense such battle qi, Rance is willing not to destroy to gnaw directly hardly the iron gate of manor. 而望着少年身上凝练的神圣气息,兰斯更加难以将眼前少年和那个经常气的他牙疼的小子联系在一起了,这样的诚挚炽烈的斗气,无疑是只具有崇高精神和至高意志的人才能锻炼出的澄澈力量,要是洛伦那小子能凝聚出这样的斗气,兰斯愿意把庄园的铁门不打碎直接硬啃下去。 In fact not only Rance, even if in the previous heart had Elisha of some guess to start to vacillate once again. 事实上不只是兰斯,就算是先前心中有了某种猜测的艾丽莎又一次开始动摇起来。 But idea that she vacillates, is different from Rance. 但她动摇的想法,却和兰斯不一样。 Big brother Loren is so good the warm person, can have the nature that like this battle qi is not strange, but......” “洛伦大哥那样善良温暖的人,能够拥有这样斗气的性质并不奇怪,但是……” Elisha mainly does not think clearly, how Loren grasps suddenly battle qi like this powerful. 艾丽莎主要是想不明白,洛伦是怎么突然之间掌握这样强大斗气的。 Moreover big brother Loren said...... he does not like the close combat, he is a magician.” “而且洛伦大哥说了……他不喜欢近战的,他是个魔法师。” After Loren emits such powerful battle qi fluctuation, several other people are completely different to father and daughter's idea with this. 洛伦放出这样强大的斗气波动后,其他几人和这对父女的想法完全不一样。 These people almost look at steadily to look on Loren the concise astonishing battle qi ray, facial colors are serious, especially sees the illusory light beam that lets fall, they also cannot help but recalled that the gloomy male was purified a second of killing fear, Loren imposing manner covers, is to make them feel that the motion body becomes the incomparable difficulty! 那些人几乎是目不转睛看着洛伦身上凝练的惊人斗气光芒,一个个面色沉重,特别是看到那垂落的虚幻光柱,他们也不由得回想起阴郁男被净化秒杀的恐惧,洛伦身上气势笼罩而出,更是让他们感觉到移动身体都变得无比的艰难! Why doesn't make me have a look at you to make me unable to go out of here?” “不让我看看你们凭什么让我走不出这里吗?” The Loren light opens the mouth, the vision coldly looks to the body first several people. 洛伦淡淡开口,目光冷冷望向身前数人。 However by his vision locking, the foreheads and backs of these people leaches the cold sweat, but some shamed feelings, some people sneer suddenly: If I have not been injured......” 然而被他的目光锁定,那些人的额头和后背不禁浸出冷汗,但同时又有种被羞辱的感觉,突然有人冷笑一声:“如果我还没受伤……” Finishes barely the words, that person of pupil contracts, only sees at present the air extruded distortion, was passed through by the vigorous strength ruthlessly, fearful imposing manner such as fierce tyrannosaurus, wild bold, a fist rumbles, appears in his front in a flash. 话音未落,那人瞳孔收缩,只看到眼前空气被挤压的扭曲,被雄浑的力量狠狠贯穿,可怕的气势如凶猛暴龙,狂野奔放,一拳轰出,转瞬之间就出现在他的面前。 That speed is extremely terrifying, when a Loren fist bang to his front, the position that Loren vanishes the air waves raise, the terrifying impact blasts out one after another, but facing a that fearful fist, that person is to feel the whole body blood and even the internal organs skeleton extruded stirs in together, the fist potential has not fallen thoroughly, he has felt in the throat a fishy smell sweet meaning to be hard to suppress. 那速度太过恐怖,洛伦一拳轰到他面前时,洛伦消失的位置才有一圈圈气浪掀起,恐怖的冲击接连炸开,而面对那可怕的一拳,那人更是感觉到浑身鲜血乃至内脏骨骼都被挤压的搅拌在一起,拳势还没有彻底落下,他已经感觉到喉咙里一股腥甜之意难以压制。 But battle qi of that legendary boundary gushes out from his within the body eventually, the stress -type expansion counter-attack, under that person of both hands presses, tilts the huge strength, battle qi condenses the huge empty shadow in him behind, the strength subsides in the both feet, forms the powerful protection. 可终究那传奇境界的斗气还是从他体内喷薄而出,应激式的展开反击,那人双手下压,掀动庞大力量,斗气在他身后凝聚巨大虚影,力量沉降于双脚,形成强大的防护。 Bang!” “嘭!” The air tears instantaneously, sends out several rapid fulminations in the narrow space, the air that was extruded the extreme inflates suddenly outward, blasted out like a white light halo, receives the legendary powerhouse body that Loren attacked to sway, was flown by the direct bang, has hit, in the huge blockade tied on stops finally, the body sympathized is tying the inner wall to fall slowly, face upwards lying down the both legs after the ground twitched once for a while. 空气瞬间撕裂,在狭窄的空间中发出数声急促的爆鸣,而后被挤压到极点的空气忽然向外膨胀,如同一道白色光圈炸开,接下洛伦攻击的传奇强者身体摇晃了一下,然后被直接轰飞,一直撞在巨大的封锁结界上才终于停下,身体贴着结界内壁缓缓滑落,仰躺在地上后双腿时不时抽搐一下。 The air wave passes through from several people of sides, sways their cheeks to send to hurt intermittently, but at this time looks to appear in their middle youngster, these people opened the eye, only feels a chill in the air of scalp tingles. 气浪从几人身边贯穿,吹拂着他们的面颊阵阵发疼,而此时看着出现在他们中间的少年,那些人都是睁大了眼睛,只感觉一种头皮发麻的寒意。 Loren has not worried to act, but said lightly: 洛伦也没有着急出手,只是淡淡道: Since you are also injured, I began not to need scruples to you, moreover you who Miss Elisha got a cut, got a cut you also to have no difference from me.” “既然你还受了伤,那我对你动手就更不用顾忌了,而且艾丽莎小姐弄伤的你们,和我弄伤你们也没什么区别吧。” He looks to the remaining several people, said: Person who naturally, I do not like profiting, you refuse to accept, can choose on together, happen to I can also save a time.” 他望向剩下几人,顿了顿又道:“当然,我也不是喜欢占便宜的人,你们不服,可以选择一起上,正好我也可以节省点时间。” ... 。。。 Carvin ~ one rests slightly, how under the reorganization behind writes. 卡文~稍微一更休息一下,整理下后面咋写。 The labor battle too salt fish, ranked 1 w multi- QAQ, fellow big shot were anything dispose, felt that did not have the charge treasure anything's UB number of times is too few. 工会战太咸鱼了,排名1w多QAQ,各位大佬都是啥配置,感觉没充电宝啥的UB次数太少了。
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