MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#66: Worthless people

You have died.” “你已经死了。” Youngster careless saying , the spooky words, appear in the brain of that gloomy man, actually talking during sleep of god of death, the gloomy and cold darkness spreads in his heart probably, seems like changes to the ice-cold palm to grasp firmly his heart, the serious pressure makes the gloomy male be hard to breathe suddenly. 少年漫不经心的说道,幽幽的话语,浮现那阴郁男人的脑中,却像是死神的呓语,阴冷的黑暗在他的心底蔓延,又像是化作冰冷的手掌攥住他的心脏,沉重的压力让阴郁男一时间难以呼吸。 The invisible strength twisted the air, that is purely the battle qi fluctuation that erupts from Loren within the body, covers on his body, as if a terrifying ominous beast opens the dignified eye to look at him, in that vision has the monarchy bone-chilling cold will, has to operate his all and even the authority of life and death. 无形的力量扭曲了空气,那是纯粹从洛伦体内爆发的斗气波动,笼罩在他的身上,仿佛一只恐怖的凶兽睁开威严的眼睛望着他,那目光中就带着君主般的凛冽意志,拥有操纵他的一切乃至生死的权柄。 „.” “咔嚓。” Also was at this time. 也是这时。 Crashing of suddenly resounding, the long spear/gun from his hand transmits. 突然响起的碎裂声,从他手中的长枪传来。 The youngster direct, that finger/refers then such as bright god spear/gun, irresistible! 少年一指点出,那一指便如煌煌神枪,势不可挡! It is not the pure martial skill, although on the day of no Souleiman releases the terrifying phenomenon that falls falls, but by uniting a points absolute strength, this also almost can pass through all terrorist attacks. 不是纯粹的武技,虽无苏莱曼释放那天陨地落的恐怖异象,但是凭借凝聚一点的绝对力量,这也是几乎可以贯穿一切的恐怖攻击。 Even if Souleiman here, noticed that Loren that directs, must exclaim in surprise that in the extraordinary of Loren's talent in battle qi aspect, is only in 1 compared with his slightly difference points. 就算是苏莱曼在此,看到洛伦那一指点出,也要惊叹于洛伦在斗气方面的天赋之超绝,只是比他稍微差上一点。 The gloomy male hears in the crashing heart a piece with amazement, wants to pull out to the long spear/gun, but the next second the discovery of his delay, the long spear/gun in oneself hand...... was decomposes unexpectedly towering the innumerable fragment collapses. 阴郁男听到碎裂声心中一片骇然,想要抽离长枪,可下一秒他就呆滞的发现,自己手中的长枪……竟是突兀裂解成了无数的碎片崩溃。 However this strikes, puncture also is not only the long spear/gun in his hand. 然而这一击,击穿的也不仅仅是他手中的长枪。 His dull lowering the head, can see own chest had/left a giant blood hole, can clear sees the exposed pale skeleton and covered with blood internal organs. 他呆呆的低头,可以看到自己胸口多出了一个巨大的血洞,可以清晰的看到裸露的惨白骨骼和血肉模糊的内脏。 „!” “啊!” Until at this moment, the fierce aching feeling, activated frightened and angry in his heart finally, especially is looking at the youngster profound line of sight, his earliest possible time idea...... only then escapes! 直到此刻,剧烈的疼痛感,才终于激活了他心中的恐惧和愤怒,特别是望着少年幽深视线,他第一时间的想法……就只有逃跑! To him, in this world again compared with not dying bigger fear! 对他而言,这世上再也没有比死亡更大的恐惧! Simply does not want to clarify the status of youngster, has no time to keep thinking about the previous prey from the start, in the gloomy male heart the only idea...... escapes from here, the farther the better. 根本没想去弄清楚少年的身份,也压根无暇惦记先前的猎物,阴郁男心中唯一的想法……就是从这里逃出去,越远越好。 Battle qi falls in torrents crazily, suppresses the wound to maintain own life, gloomy male full speed toward rear suddenly/violently to retreat. 斗气疯狂倾泻,压制伤口维持自己的生命,阴郁男全速向着后方暴退。 No matter his speed what kind of swift and violent, gets to what kind of agility, after the nighttime sky wipes the star light sparkle, dazzling white light beam incomparably accurate pounding falls, covers in which him completely. 只是不管他的速度如何的迅猛,变向如何的灵巧,夜空中一抹星光闪耀后,炽白色的光柱无比精准的砸落,完全将他笼罩其中。 The blazing day honoring splendor, just like the star column to crash, pours into his body, at this moment, the gloomy male under the package of that star column, actually sends out the pitiful yell of malicious ghost sad and shrill hatred. 炽热的天崇之辉,犹如星柱坠落,灌注他的身体,这一刻,阴郁男在那星柱的包裹下,却是发出恶鬼般凄厉怨毒的惨叫。 That brilliance has the knight king Zhigao will, burns his spirit. 那光辉带着骑士王至高的意志,烧灼他的精神。 However, the gloomy male apparently does not have the knight king same sincere spirit, enough accepts this to the wash of high will. 然而,阴郁男显然没有骑士王一样的诚挚精神,足够接受这至高意志的洗涤。 Just likes the lava heat degree in his within the body ebullition. 犹如熔浆般的热度在他的体内沸腾。 The gloomy male also tries to work loose the column of that star splendor, his body quiet blue battle qi the crazy eruption, the stinger scorpion tail condenses, explodes projects the innumerable poisonous needles, tries to dissolve this star column. 阴郁男还试图挣脱那星辉之柱,他的身上幽蓝色的斗气疯狂的爆发,身后毒刺蝎尾凝聚,爆射出无数的毒针,试图溶解这星柱。 However that poisonous attribute battle qi just appears, instead was actually surges on that day the Chongguang splendor becomes blazing, because battle qi of knight king inherited the Saint light attribute, cleared away all Yin evil thing. 然而那毒属性的斗气甫一出现,反而却是激荡那天崇光辉变得更加的炽烈,因为骑士王的斗气继承了圣光属性,涤荡一切阴邪之物。 No matter how his battle qi erupts, what kind of shape condenses to break this prisoner's cage fetter, is unable to vacillate that light beam slightest, Loren looks at him to struggle in the light beam indifferently. 不管他的斗气如何爆发,凝聚出怎样的形态想要打破这囚笼束缚,也无法动摇那光柱分毫,洛伦只是漠然的望着他在光柱中挣扎。 Several seconds, the gloomy male pitiful yell gradually dissipates, his blood vessel, internal organs and flesh, start to be cremated from the interior of body, after the entire portrait was struck by lightning, turns into the hard coke trees, the spot carbonization of big piece, the skin starts to decompose. 只是数秒的时间,阴郁男的惨叫就逐渐消散,他的血管、内脏、血肉,自身体的内部开始被焚化,整个人像是被雷击后变成焦炭般的树木,大片的部位碳化,皮肤开始裂解。 Finally, as if the Saint flame same illusory golden color hot flame from his mouth, in the ear, in the eye, the unceasing spout, until that person complete dying , the flesh seemed like the torch of ignition to be the same together with his life, cleanness of combustion. 最后,仿佛圣焰一样的虚幻金色火炎从他的嘴中,耳中,眼中,不断的喷涌,直到那个人完全的死去,血肉连同他的生命都像是点燃的火炬一样,燃烧的干干净净。 The day, you also turned into the light.” “这一天,你也变成了光。” Loren vision quiet cold looks at that person to be evaporated under the sweep of day honoring splendor, further after controlling a day of honoring strength, he learns may not only be the strength of that fist. 洛伦目光幽冷的望着那人在天崇之辉的笼罩下被蒸发,进一步掌控天崇之力后,他学到的可不仅仅是那一拳的力量。 Then youngster vision indifferent looked that to people who other fall into the delay, „that next, but also who?” 然后少年目光淡然的看向其他陷入呆滞的众人,“那么,下一个,还有谁?” Gives Loren's reply to be silent. 给予洛伦的回复只有沉默。 Until that person was killed by Loren second, on other faces also has the unbelievable look, because never expected that Loren will appear in this case, especially recognized the youngster is joins them to take risk at present afterward Luke of group after the inspection. 直到那人被洛伦秒杀,其他的人脸上还带着难以置信的神色,因为没想到洛伦会在这种情况下出现,特别是认出眼前少年是后来通过考核加入了他们冒险团的卢克后。 Elisha looks at some Loren also delay that presents suddenly, in fact when that back and that person in her mind superpose, Elisha even thinks that at that moment was Loren appears before own body. 就连艾丽莎看着忽然出现的洛伦也有些呆滞,事实上在那背影和她印象中的那个人重合的时候,艾丽莎那一刻甚至以为是洛伦出现在了自己的身前。 The strength that but, the appearance of youngster and that battle qi makes her strange. 可是,少年的模样和那斗气的力量又让她是那么的陌生。 Just, has a seed to bury in Elisha's heart at this time quietly: 只不过,此时还是有颗种子悄然埋入艾丽莎的心中: Can be he......” “会是他吗……” Elisha recalled suddenly, initially when oneself restored the memory, Loren rescues oneself one by chance, at that time familiar aura, makes her somewhat absent-minded, almost admits mistakes the youngster. 艾丽莎突然又记起了,当初自己恢复记忆之时,洛伦恰巧救下自己的一幕,那时候熟悉的气息,也让她有些恍惚,几乎将少年认错。 Now, he appears once again, just saved her. 现在,他又一次出现,刚好救了她。 Is this time and time again, the coincidence? 这一次一次的,都是巧合吗? But if is not the coincidence, if the present youngster is that person who think, he why intentional must pretend not to know own appearance. 可如果不是巧合,如果眼前的少年就是自己想的那个人,他又为什么故意的要装作不认识自己的样子。 The innumerable doubts appear in Elisha's heart. 无数的疑惑浮现艾丽莎的心中。 Until sudden one. 直到突然的一句。 This fellow...... why?” “这家伙……为什么?” The elf king has the astonished sound to remember, as if basin biting cold cold water, extinguished some hope in Elisha heart completely. 精灵王带着惊愕的声音想起,仿佛一盆彻骨的冷水,完全的熄灭了艾丽莎心中的某种希冀。 Loren Station before Elisha's body, tranquil looks at that light/only to vanish at present, at this time in the heart of youngster somewhat is also disconsolate, since knew the after people and these holy blood successors of demon empathize cooperate, for these days in the evening he has tracked Elisha, because was worried that Elisha falls into opposite party's design. 洛伦站在艾丽莎的身前,平静的望着那光在眼前消失,此时少年的心中也有些惆怅,自从得知了魔神会的人和那些圣血继承者合作之后,这几天晚上他都一直跟踪艾丽莎,因为担心艾丽莎落入对方的设计。 But all these also truly happened as he expected, Elisha was sieged the design by the demon empathize. 而这一切也确实如他所预料的那样发生了,艾丽莎被魔神会围困设计。 Because has scruples own status, Loren has hidden in secret, if Elisha can collapse, that does not need him to move unnecessarily, but Elisha's growth truly is also not as he expected, that gambling, is several months ago Elisha is hard to be completed. 因为顾忌自己的身份,洛伦才一直隐藏在暗中,如果艾丽莎能自己破局,那就无需他多此一举,而艾丽莎的成长也确实出乎他的意料,那一次次的博弈,都是几个月前的艾丽莎难以完成的。 When notices Reims also to intend to coordinate Elisha to escape, Loren also thought that all were steady, appears until that fellow named Eden, intercepts Elisha, will also tie patches, Loren realized that presented some accident. 在注意到兰斯也有意配合艾丽莎逃跑的时候,洛伦也觉得一切都稳了,直到那个叫做艾登的家伙出现,拦截住艾丽莎,甚至还将结界重新修补,洛伦才意识到出现了某种变故。 Perhaps Rance is unable to look through in the bureau for a short time, but actually saw Eden's all actions as Loren of observer clearly, when Rance attacks to Elisha, Eden collected to hide the aura to prepare sneak attack, has been staring at two people, moreover most started what he was more was staring at Rance's movement, as if had expected that their fight can have accident/surprise to happen. 兰斯在局中或许一时半会无法看破,但是作为旁观者的洛伦却是清楚的看到了艾登所有的举动,在兰斯攻向艾丽莎的时候,艾登就敛藏了气息做好了偷袭的准备,一直盯着两人,而且最开始的时候他更多的是在盯着兰斯的动作,似乎早就预料到他们的战斗会有“意外”发生。 Then the fellow takes out item patching to tie, makes Loren believe that own speculation, Rance had gradually lost the trust of demon empathize, the person who the fellow who that grasps the double axe likely is the demon empathize sends to monitor in secret his. 而后那家伙取出道具修补结界,也让洛伦更加相信自己的推测,兰斯已经逐渐失去了魔神会的信任,那个手持双斧的家伙很可能就是魔神会的人派到暗中监视他的。 Matter develops so the aspect, Loren is certainly impossible really to make Elisha be under the threat of demon empathize, moreover young girl also sufficient effort, even if the status may expose, he must stand in her front. 事情发展到如此局面,洛伦当然不可能真的让艾丽莎受到魔神会的威胁,而且少女也已经足够努力了,就算身份有可能暴露,他也必须站在她的面前。 If then that day Loren arrived to her world, she chose with warm and good intentions admits him, Loren is also willing to use sword blade in oneself strength and hand protects her. 便如那一天洛伦降临到她的世界,她选择用温暖和善意接纳他,洛伦也愿意用自己的力量和手中的剑刃来守护她。 After Loren spoke those words, ties has spread is making the silence that one is flustered, the people of demon empathize not have the movement, but is staring at him stubbornly. 而在洛伦说完那句话后,结界中就一直蔓延着令人心慌的沉默,魔神会的众人都没有动作,只是死死盯着他。 Eden's gloomy vision glitters unceasingly. 艾登的阴沉的目光不断闪烁。 He is shocking Loren's strength, this fellow appears does not have the indication, moreover most starts him even not to detect Loren's existence, but he did not think that Loren can not cause any sound to tie on penetration that powerful blockade, only possibly was this fellow is very early stays in the interior of manor, even ambushed in their sides, but from beginning to end, they unexpectedly no one detected existence of this fellow. 他在震惊洛伦的实力,这家伙出现的时候毫无征兆,而且最开始他甚至都没有察觉到洛伦的存在,可他并不觉得洛伦可以不引起任何的动静就穿透那强大的封锁结界,唯一的可能就是这家伙很早就呆在了庄园的内部,甚至就埋伏在他们的身边,可是从头到尾,他们竟然没有一个人发觉这家伙的存在。 At this time he filled to Loren dreaded, bewilderment that extremely this fellow presented that even made him be worried very much the present youngster is somebody who the premise of Mar bus passed, that led the fiendish person to kill the terrifying of imperial capital to exist! 此时他对洛伦充满了忌惮,这家伙出现的太过莫名其妙,甚至让他很担心眼前的少年是马尔巴士之前提过的某人,那个带着魔王杀出了帝都的恐怖存在! This fellow......” “这家伙……” After Loren appears, Rance in midair collects the strength that oneself must erupt quietly, but his vision complex, in removing Luke is under Loren's premise, he could not guess correctly completely this fellow presents the goal here, cannot think that he does hold true by helping Elisha! 洛伦出现后,半空中的兰斯悄然敛去了自己要爆发的力量,而他的目光则是更加的复杂,在排除了卢克是洛伦的前提下,他完全猜不到这家伙出现在这里的目的,也想不到他有什么理由帮艾丽莎! Because two people own consideration and scruples have not opened the mouth rashly, this accidental/surprised accident makes others on the scene not dare to act rashly, is mainly Loren enters the stage second to kill the gloomy male method to be extremely terrifying even makes people think inconceivable. 两人因为自己的考量和顾忌没有贸然开口,这意外的变故更让在场的其他人不敢轻举妄动,主要是洛伦出场秒杀阴郁男的手段太过恐怖甚至让人觉得不可思议。 They only thought that before Loren and their strength are well-matched, however now...... 他们之前只觉得洛伦和他们的实力旗鼓相当,然而现在…… Is thinking people who the scalding hot light beam that belt/bring the lofty aura is dropping, received the heavy wound, is very difficult to have the courage to put together one time to have a look at them to meet below Loren's attack with own life. 想着那带着崇高气息落下的灼热光柱,本来就受到不轻创伤的众人,很难鼓起勇气用自己的命去拼一次看看他们接不接的下洛伦的攻击。 Luke, you make a mistake probably you should stand the position.” “卢克阁下,你好像搞错了你应该站着的位置。” Crossed some little time, Rance swept one somewhat to be anxious and alert people, coldly the opens the mouth. 过了好一会,兰斯才扫了一眼有些紧张和戒备众人,冷冷开口。 After shock, Rance also recalled himself also to need to maintain the person to suppose. 刚才的震惊过后,兰斯也记起自己还需要维护人设。 Has the mistake, I am working for the elf now.” “有错吗,我现在可是在为精灵做事。” Loren looked at Rance one eyes, returns easely said. 洛伦看了兰斯一眼,悠然回道。 Moreover first did not say that we now are the opposites, you make a move to the girl who I settle on casually, I serve with the disciplinary punishment is very normal to you.” “而且先不说我们现在是对立面,你们随便对我看中的女孩出手,我对你们施以惩戒也很正常吧。” Has not waited for these people to say anything again, Loren is a few words, making them show the shocking expression. 还没等那些人再说什么,洛伦又是一句话,让他们露出震惊的表情。 Your so many people settled on this attractive moon/month hunting young lady's beauty, because was rejected, therefore rallies together to besiege to carry off her, this anxious mood I can also understand, but also invited your at least a little self-knowledge, compared with your worthless people, only then I such graceful talent had the qualifications to match on Miss Elisha probably.” “你们这么多人看中了这位漂亮月狩小姐的姿色,因为被拒绝,所以群起围攻想将她带走,这种急切的心情我也可以理解,但也请你们至少有一点自知之明,比起你们这些歪瓜裂枣,只有像是我这么帅的人才有资格配的上艾丽莎小姐。” „????” “????” ... 。。。
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