MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#65: You had died( second)

Bang......” “轰……” Broken open air wave, with impact of eruption, until now, dissipation slowly, but after that wild impact, Rance looks at that side to block is tying the big form of exit, the expression on face could not have seen the happy anger, is only in the man dark pupil, is actually condensing the incomparably deep ray. „If not assistant regimental commander Sir uses that gap as tempting, I should unable to find such good opportunity sneak attack.” 破开的气浪,和爆发的冲击,直到现在,才缓缓的消散,而在那狂暴的冲击过后,兰斯望着那边重新拦在结界出口处的高大身影,脸上的表情已经看不出喜怒,只是男人幽暗的瞳孔中,却是凝聚着无比深沉的光芒。“如果不是副团长大人利用那缺口作为引诱,我应该是找不到这么好的机会偷袭的。” Eden notices the gaze of Reims, the faint smile looked at his one eyes, then vision spooky looks to that side Elisha. 艾登注意到兰斯的注视,似笑非笑的看了他一眼,然后目光幽幽的看向那边的艾丽莎。 His that strikes, but did not use the strength eruption class secret technique parsimoniously, moreover receives Elisha who that strikes, be at the old strength completely the new strength fresh condition, Eden was unable to determine exactly, own battle qi even broke through Elisha's defense, infiltrated Elisha's within the body. 他刚才的那一击,可是毫不吝啬的动用了力量爆发类的秘术,而且接下那一击的艾丽莎,恰好是处于旧力已尽新力未生的状态,艾登可以确定,自己的斗气甚至突破了艾丽莎的防御,打入了艾丽莎的体内。 But Elisha is supporting with two long swords tries hard to stand up, the body slightly is also shivering, in the mouth of young girl coughs the scarlet blood, Elisha is suppressing the ache, transfers to remain many charms to transform the magic of cure, integrates own within the body, suppresses the injury diligently. 而艾丽莎用两柄长剑支撑着自己努力站起的时候,身体也是微微颤抖着,少女的口中咳出猩红的鲜血,艾丽莎强忍着疼痛,调动所剩不多的魔力转化成治愈的魔法,融入自己的体内,努力压制伤势。 If were not she previously defended promptly, that two axes are not simple struck to fly her, but will cut a more terrifying injury on her body. 如果不是她先前防御及时,那两柄斧头可不会是简单的将她击飞,而是会在她的身上斩出更加恐怖的伤势。 Even so, Elisha also feels oneself strength by large scale weakening, but transfers slightly battle qi, young girl within the body has the tear pain. 但即便如此,艾丽莎也感觉到自己的力量被大幅度的削弱,只是略微调用斗气,少女体内就有撕裂般的痛楚。 At this time, has been observing war elf king Mianchen like the water, he had determined that Elisha's condition is unable to support her to escape from encircling of these people again, the elf king has planned to abandon her, even plans to resort to the last resort, even if that will make him have the enormous loss. 此时,一直在观测战局精灵王面沉如水,他已经确定艾丽莎的状态无法再支撑她逃脱这些人的围剿,精灵王已经打算将她抛弃,甚至打算动用自己最后的手段,即便那会让他有极大的损失。 Elisha does not know the idea of elf king, even if knows that she does not plan to give up. 艾丽莎并不知道精灵王的想法,就算知道她也不打算就此放弃。 But the mood of next second of young girl deeply sinks again, saw only Eden in saying that words subsequent hand had/left a sending out jet black charm ray sphere, after that sphere was pressed into the blockade tied the gap by Eden, the reappearing innumerable charm silk threads, started the initiative connection to patch that opened gap. 可是下一秒少女的心情再次深深沉下,只见艾登在说完那番话后手中多出了一枚散发漆黑魔力光芒的圆球,那圆球被艾登按入了封锁结界的缺口后,浮现无数魔力丝线,开始主动的连接修补那被打开的缺口。 Sees this secretly, Rance's vision glitters slightly, looks stubbornly to Eden. 看到这一幕后,兰斯的目光更是微微闪烁,死死看向艾登。 „Before this is me, informed and experienced time the treasure that accidentally obtains, has the strength that exactly can restore to tie, never expected that used at this time, assistant regimental commander Sir, I does also good, later takes the goal, you may probably remember that in regimental commander Sir that for me said several words of praise are good.” “这是我以前历练的时候偶然获得的宝物,恰好有着可以修复结界的力量,没想到这种时候就用上了,副团长大人,我做的还不错吧,待会拿下目标,你可要记得在团长大人那替我多说几句好话才行啊。” Eden only treats as not to notice the vision of Reims, smiles to say. 艾登只当作没注意到兰斯的目光,笑了笑说道。 Eden patched to settle blocked Elisha's escape route completely, cut off Rance to want the idea that gave Elisha the opportunity to escape, because he was impossible unexpected defeating to tie the blockade again, moreover previous that struck, has consumed the strength that his abyss has mumped stores up ahead of time, if he wants to defeat to tie again, the only means...... used themselves to prepare for a long time card in a hand even. 艾登修补了结界完全阻断了艾丽莎的后路,也断绝了兰斯想要给艾丽莎机会逃跑的想法,因为他不可能再一次意外的击破结界封锁,而且先前的那一击,已经消耗了他深渊斗气提前储存的力量,如果他再想击破结界,唯一的办法……就算动用自己准备许久的底牌。 Assistant regimental commander Sir, the goal my has been struck the heavy losses now, this is you makes a move to take her most good opportunity.” “副团长大人,现在目标已经被我的一击重创,这是你出手拿下她的最好机会。” When Rance vision is serious, Eden continues saying that the expression is sincere, probably the sincerity must give Rance this merit. 就在兰斯目光沉重的时候,艾登又继续说道,表情诚恳,像是真心要将这份功绩送给兰斯。 But in fact, Eden wants to make other person of help probe, after all Elisha the trapped/sleepy beast still fights now, this made in Eden heart be full of the alert, because was worried that Elisha hid the card in a hand that anything counter-attacked, perhaps his storm, will fall rashly finally. 可实际上,艾登是想让其他人帮忙试探,毕竟艾丽莎现在困兽犹斗,这让艾登心中充满了戒备,因为担心艾丽莎隐藏了什么反击的底牌,他贸然强攻,说不定会在最后的时候栽个跟头。 Moreover he and demon god signed the contract, as the direct line subordinate of Mar bus, has known relations between Rance and Elisha. 而且他和魔神签订了契约,作为马尔巴士的直系下属,也早就得知了兰斯和艾丽莎之间的关系。 Stemming from discrete, as well as in the heart the idea of some wicked interest, Eden wants to see the father and daughter the remnant picture. 出于谨慎,以及心中某种恶趣味的想法,艾登更想看到父女相残的画面。 Rance hears word, the double fist gets hold of slowly, but at this time, after some time respite, these legendary powerhouses who previously received the wound also restored the strength, surrounded Elisha again. 兰斯闻言,双拳缓缓握紧,而此时,经过一段时间的喘息,先前受到创伤的那些传奇强者也都恢复了战力,再一次将艾丽莎包围了起来。 Also asked the Sir to begin as soon as possible, takes the goal, I believe after the Sir attained this merit, should process impartially, merit reasonable assignment to us.” “还请大人尽快动手,拿下目标,我相信大人拿到这份功绩后,应该会秉公处理,也会将功绩合理的分配给我们。” Also was at this time, Eden said one again. 也是这时,艾登再次笑着说了一句。 Rance had not replied as before, but the vision looks at Eden cold, sees this Eden both hands to grasp the short axe also to start to save battle qi. 兰斯依旧没有回答,只是目光冷然看着艾登,见此艾登双手握着短斧也开始积蓄着斗气。 Once Rance chooses the resistance, he will erupt the strength directly, counterattacks him. 一旦兰斯选择反抗,他会直接爆发力量,将他反制。 The atmosphere one becomes strange, ties is fermenting terrifying killing intent, the tyrannical aura is condensing, may appear the incomparable silentness. 气氛一下变得古怪,结界中酝酿着恐怖的杀意,暴虐的气息凝聚着,可又显得无比的静默。 However under this strange atmosphere covers, some people cannot endure patiently finally, that is a legendary powerhouse in team, his not clear demon empathize internal gambling, because no one acts seems impatient. 然而就在这古怪气氛笼罩之下,有人终于忍耐不住,那是队伍中的一个传奇强者,他不清楚魔神会内部的博弈,只是因为没人动作显得不耐烦。 Since the assistant regimental commander is not willing to begin, that did for somebody by me.” “既然副团长不愿意动手,那就由我来代劳好了。” Also calculates that my, this cheap person, blew a body from me a moment ago, I must make her taste fierce of father.” The previous expression gloomy man is also sneering the opens the mouth, certain thoughts in his heart again detachable. “也算我一个,这个贱人,刚才从我身上刮了一层皮肉,我也要让她尝尝老子的厉害。”先前表情阴郁的男人也冷笑着开口,他心中的某些心思又重新的活络了起来。 „”. “唰”。 Two form simultaneous disappearances, approach toward Elisha. 两道身影同时的消失,向着艾丽莎逼近。 Elisha gets hold in the hand the sword of protection, she was clear that reached the limit, but she does not want anything not to do is without a fight. 艾丽莎握紧手中守护之剑,她清楚自己到了极限,可她也不愿意什么都不做就束手就擒。 Looks at that two forms to vanish, Elisha depresses the mouth fishy smell sweet blood aura forcefully, erupts to mump unexpectedly again, initiative attacked. 望着那两道身影消失,艾丽莎强行压下嘴里腥甜的鲜血气息,竟然再次爆发斗气,主动的攻了过去。 „!” “哧哧!” Three forms interlock, Elisha cuts a sword, under the frontline legend has not expected Elisha this situation also to be close on own initiative, is caught off guard, was struck to drive back by cutting of young girl, however his behind gloomy male is strange smiles, in the hand are many a long spear/gun to separate the Elisha sword to cut, the spear's/gun's body shakes, erupts the strange shake strength, letting Elisha almost to grasp in the steady hand the weapon. 三道身影交错,艾丽莎斩出一剑,最前方的传奇没料到艾丽莎这种情况还会主动接近,措手不及之下,被少女的斩击逼退,然而他身后的阴郁男却是诡异一笑,手中多出一根长枪弹开艾丽莎剑斩,枪身一震,爆发出诡异的震荡力量,让艾丽莎差点没能抓稳手中兵器。 Fluctuation dispersing of shake, Elisha's body withdraws backward, the gloomy male follows close on to pursue from the mist and dust, the quiet blue poisonous attribute battle qi the sparkle, Elisha wants to counter-attack, but suddenly is stuffy snort/hum one, the young girl looks at to grasp the palm of sword not to know when by that strange poisonous light invasion, the physical strength was hard to raise suddenly, is unable to resist the attack, can only look at that spear/gun to puncture helplessly toward oneself. 震荡的波动散开,艾丽莎的身体向后退出,阴郁男紧跟着从烟尘中追出,幽蓝色的毒属性斗气闪耀,艾丽莎想要反击,可突然又是闷哼一声,少女望着自己握剑的手掌不知道何时被那诡异毒光侵染,气力一时间难以提起,根本无法抵挡攻击,只能眼睁睁望着那一枪向着自己刺来。 Thump, the terrifying strength shoots up to the sky, the ground rumble the disruption, raises the big piece the mist and dust. “咚”的一声,恐怖的劲气冲天而起,地面轰隆隆碎裂,掀起大片的烟尘。 In the mist and dust, shock of gloomy male face, looks before own body , a form that presents, attack that he punctures by finger keeping off effortlessly, his strength surging forward, may in the face of that form, such as the impact in an unattainable natural moat cliff, not be actually able to overstep. 烟尘之中,阴郁男一脸的震撼,看着自己身前出现的一道身影,他刺出的攻击被一根手指毫不费力的挡下,他的力量汹涌澎湃,可在那道身影面前,却如冲击在一座高不可攀的天堑悬崖,根本无法逾越。 Stands before Elisha's body, the black hair youngster is unemotional, that wild air wave has curled from his side obviously, since may even unable to sway the clothes robe of youngster. 站在艾丽莎的身前,黑发少年面无表情,那狂暴的气浪明明从他身边卷过,可甚至无法吹拂起少年的衣袍。 Loren is looking at the present man, resembles the sigh, resembles the manifesto: 洛伦望着眼前的男人,似叹息,似宣言: You have died.” “你已经死了。” ... 。。。
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