MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#64: Hopeless situation?( First)

Elisha's vision and Rance look at each other, the look delay of young girl, the movement that however the next quarter, Rance makes a fist indifferently, making Elisha tremble slightly. 艾丽莎的目光和兰斯对视,少女的眼神呆滞了一下,然而下一刻,兰斯漠然握拳的动作,让艾丽莎内心微微一颤。 The abyss battle qi to cover Rance's body, gathers the cyclone in his, floods into darkness on his fist to mump is blazing like the flame. 深渊斗气覆盖兰斯的身体,在他脚下聚成气旋,随之涌入他拳头上的幽暗斗气更是炽烈如焰。 Two people vision looking at each other is among the milliseconds, Rance has nothing loathsome, during after the breath completes gathers the strength, his imposing manner directly increases the extreme, among two people the air just like the solidification static. 两人目光对视不过是毫秒之间,兰斯没有任何拖泥带水,呼吸间完成蓄力后,他的气势直接攀升到了极点,两人之间的空气犹如凝固静止。 The next quarter Rance ground collapses loudly, after a Rance fist wields , the air seemed torn a huge opening, battle qi the corroded land, the impact such as the wave gallops. 下一刻兰斯脚下地面轰然坍塌,兰斯一拳挥出后空气仿佛被撕裂出一个巨大的口子,斗气侵蚀大地,冲击如浪奔腾。 Bang!” “轰!” Rance be relentless emits the strength that oneself saved, the fist potential erupts, there is together a black light halo proliferation suddenly, hits ruthlessly toward Elisha. 兰斯毫不留情的放出了自己积蓄的力量,拳势爆发中,有一道黑色的光圈忽然的扩散,向着艾丽莎狠狠撞去。 Elisha has shifted the strength of this fist without enough time, the young girl clenches teeth the sword of protection to resist before the body, opens the protection to tie directly. 艾丽莎已经来不及将这一拳的力量转移,少女咬牙将守护之剑招架在身前,直接撑开守护结界。 The black light halo and colored knot collision, the invisible ripples are suddenly unconventional, that ripples place visited, the ground cracks the innumerable giant openings! 黑色的光圈和彩色的结界碰撞,无形的涟漪忽然跌荡开来,那涟漪所过之处,地面崩裂出无数巨大的豁口! The extremely dark ray takes the center of collision as an eruption, finally changed to an incomparably astonishing light beam impact, punctures ruthlessly in the protection that Elisha opens ties above. 极暗的光芒以碰撞的中心为一点爆发,最后化作了一道无比惊人的光束冲击,狠狠刺在艾丽莎撑开的守护结界之上。 The black ray and colored knot unceasing collision wear down, the black light scraps/condescend jump shoot, unceasing collapsing of ground under that light beam impact, extends together the deep gully between Rance and Elisha, but with the continued eruption of impact, Elisha under the protection of sphere colored knot, the body also in the unceasing retreat, runs upon the powerful blockade under demon empathize arrange/cloth to tie until the barrier that the young girl launched stops towering. 黑色的光芒和彩色的结界不断的碰撞消磨,黑色的光屑迸射,地面在那光束冲击下不断的坍塌,在兰斯和艾丽莎之间延伸出一道深深沟壑,而随着冲击的持续爆发,艾丽莎在球形彩色结界的保护下,身体也在不断的后退,直到少女展开的屏障撞上了魔神会布下的强大封锁结界才突兀停下。 However because this time Elisha may draw back roadless, around receives the strength under the impact of light beam the steamroll, unceasing contraction of knot that she launches in the extrusion of that terrifying power, the young girl clenches teeth stubbornly, maintains the strength of sword of protection diligently. 然而这时的艾丽莎因为无路可退,在光束的冲击下前后都受到力量的碾压,她展开的结界在那恐怖力量的挤压中不断的收缩,少女死死咬牙,努力维持守护之剑的力量。 However as the protection ties contraction, most strengths that Rance rumbles because have not stopped , to continue to turn toward the rear area to fall in torrents, simultaneously and she a barrier of blockade covers Elisha behind is one of them, under the fist vigor impact of that terrifying, that incomparably firm barrier is to start to have the fissure unexpectedly! 不过随着守护结界的收缩,兰斯轰出的大部分力量因为没有阻拦,继续向着后方倾泻,同时将艾丽莎和她身后一片封锁的屏障笼罩在其中,在那恐怖的拳劲冲击下,那无比坚固的屏障竟然是开始产生裂痕! Almost was mumped Elisha who submerges to detect wild clearly by that behind ties shatter, in the young girl brain catches to flash the passing miraculous glow together, she looked that also again becomes to that side man vision complex, but she also ponders anything without enough time, no matter Rance has what goal, the fist that he rumbles is she is used to escape from this blockade the opportunity. 几乎被那狂暴斗气淹没的艾丽莎清晰察觉到身后结界的破碎,少女脑中捕捉到一道闪逝灵光,她看向那边男人目光也再次变得复杂起来,可她也来不及多思考什么,不管兰斯到底有什么目的,他轰出的这一拳都是她用来逃出这片封锁的机会。 Reading and Elisha no longer hesitates hence, before changing her body , the colored barrier curve and characteristics that on own initiative launches, no longer conduct the consumption that meets the tough head-on with toughness with Rance's attack, but more removes toward the two sides Rance's attack. 念及至此艾丽莎不再犹豫,主动改变她身前展开的彩色屏障弧度和特性,不再和兰斯的攻击进行硬碰硬的消耗,而是更多的将兰斯的攻击向着两边卸去。 Bang!” “轰!” Many strength impacts in Elisha blocks to tie behind on, the crack on that knot becomes crowded. 更多的力量冲击在艾丽莎身后的封锁结界上,那结界上的裂纹变得更加的密集。 At this time sieged center, after radical explosion, since several talents who live crawl from the ground, Elisha final that strikes, although has not killed them, but also gave their heavy wounds, several people even fall to the ground directly, sets out continually difficultly. 此时被围困的中心,剧烈的爆炸之后,活下来的几人才堪堪从地上爬起,艾丽莎的最后的那一击虽然没将他们杀死,但也给予了他们不轻的创伤,有几人甚至直接倒地,连起身都难。 After seeing that fist that Rance rumbles, in their eyes also appears to shock, before had not seen making a move of this assistant regimental commander, never expected that a strength of opposite party fist then so explodes, trades to be their anybody to receive, is hard to escape by luck. 看到兰斯轰出的那一拳后,他们的眼中也多浮现震撼,之前没有见过这位副团长的出手,没想到对方一拳的力量便如此爆裂,换做他们任何人接下,都难以幸免。 However saw that Elisha launches that strange knot to block, when uses the strength of that fist to try the bang to break the following blockade ties, setting out several people of expressions fiercely change. 但是看到艾丽莎展开那奇异的结界挡住,甚至利用那一拳的力量试图轰破后面的封锁结界时,起身的几人表情猛地变化。 Ties is collapsing, the goal wants to escape while this opportunity!” “结界在崩溃,目标想趁这个机会逃跑!” They do not have to think, but was worried that Rance was used, makes noise the reminder: 他们没有多想,只是担心兰斯被利用,出声提醒: Assistant regimental commander Sir, the blockade tied must break!” “副团长大人,封锁结界要破碎了!” Hears shouting of these people, in Rance eyes the cold light twinkle, responded probably, his wild imposing manner contraction, cancelled the transportation of battle qi, the ray dissipation of that fist, Rance moved sideways from disappear same place. 听到那些人的呼喊,兰斯眼中冷光闪烁,像是才反应过来,他身上狂暴气势收缩,取消了斗气的输送,那一拳的光芒消散,兰斯闪身从原地消失。 Rance as if also worried that fist continues to shell, will create the escaping opportunity to Elisha, therefore changed the forms of combat, bullies the body to forward directly, pulls closer with Elisha's distance. 兰斯似乎也担心那一拳继续轰击下去,会给艾丽莎制造出逃跑机会,于是改变了战斗方式,直接欺身向前,拉近和艾丽莎的距离。 „!” “唰!” Rance's figure suddenly appears before Elisha's body, Elisha just cancelled the protection barrier, saw that a Rance fist pounds, the young girl short body evades the attack, a Rance's fist across the young girl mild-mannered long hair, the eruption fist vigor first is explodes puts on the air, shells, in Elisha ties behind on, ties again vibration ruthlessly. 兰斯的身形突然出现在艾丽莎的身前,艾丽莎刚刚取消守护屏障,就看到兰斯一拳砸来,少女矮身躲过攻击,兰斯的一拳穿过少女柔顺的长发,爆发的拳劲先是炸穿空气,紧接着轰击在艾丽莎身后的结界上,结界再次狠狠的震动。 However he cannot rumble the second fist, after Elisha bends down , the double sword interlocks, the double sword drags to entrain two arc light to cut to his abdomen. 不过他没能轰出第二拳,艾丽莎俯身后双剑交错,双剑拖拽出两道弧光向他的腹部斩去。 Rance can only withdraw, but after the Elisha sword technique erupts, two sword unceasing interlocking, the gust of wind cuts to strike brashly, but below sword light pulls moonlight radians, persistent launches the suppression to Rance. 兰斯只能后撤,可艾丽莎剑技爆发后,两柄剑不断的交错,疾风骤雨般斩击而下的剑光拉扯出一道道月光般的弧度,持续的对兰斯展开压制。 The Reims within the body abyss battle qi the inflation, after standing firm the offensive, actually no longer retrocedes, the fist glow and sword light that tear collides, two people forms passed over gently and swiftly ten several meters distances at the extreme speed, the air unceasing blast air wave, has radiant sparks/Mars to explode to splash. 兰斯体内深渊斗气膨胀,稳住攻势后却是不再后退,撕裂出的拳芒和剑光碰撞,两人的身影以极速掠过十数米的距离,空气不断的炸开气浪,同时有璀璨的火星爆溅而出。 Suddenly before, Elisha's figure transformed several clone, uses the different sword techniques to turn toward Reims to cut simultaneously, may also be at this time, a Rance foot stepped on to the tread, the abyss battle qi erupts loudly, gushed out the jet black light beam instantaneous bang that to break to pieces clone that all Elisha transformed from the ground, but Elisha's main body changes temporarily, the double sword kept off before the body the standard keeps off. 忽然之前,艾丽莎的身形幻化出数道分身,动用不同的剑技同时向着兰斯斩去,可也是这时,兰斯一脚向着地面踩去,深渊斗气轰然爆发,从地面涌出的漆黑光柱瞬间轰碎所有艾丽莎幻化的分身,而艾丽莎的本体则是临时变招,双剑挡在身前格挡。 Thump after depressed sound, the body of young girl soars, although keeping off got down the bombardment of that light beam, but Elisha because also the inertia flies the midair. “咚”的沉闷声响过后,少女的身体腾空而起,虽然挡下了那光柱的轰击,可是艾丽莎也因为惯性飞上半空。 Has not adjusted the stance of good fight, Elisha's vision slightly stagnates, saw that Rance closely associated appears in oneself front, his vision is tranquil, another fist wields to the young girl. 还没有调整好战斗的姿态,艾丽莎的目光微微的一滞,看到兰斯如影随形般出现在自己的面前,他的目光平静,又一拳向少女挥出。 The air was easily passed through by that fist, in burst out air wave, Elisha just like the shell rearward to depart, the young girl rolled several to stand firm the body in the ground, but after this struck, Elisha has hundred meters far from the distance of exit|to speak, after Rance fell to the ground, actually blocks before that covered entirely the fissure the region, after the desolate vision looked that side is cancelling the corners of the mouth bloodstain, once again gets hold in the hand the young girl of double sword. 空气被那一拳轻易贯穿,迸发的气浪之中,艾丽莎犹如炮弹向后方飞出,少女在地面滚了几圈才重新稳住身体,而这一击之后,艾丽莎距离出口的距离已经有百米之远,兰斯落地后却是拦在那布满裂痕的区域之前,冷淡的目光望着那边抹去嘴角血迹后,又一次握紧手中双剑的少女。 The gentle moonlight falls on Elisha's body, on the young girl face the delicate expression is substituted completely firm and resolute, in the young girl emerald eyes, also only then such as ice boundary general chilly tranquil. 轻柔的月光落在艾丽莎的身上,少女脸上柔弱的表情完全被坚毅替代,少女翡翠色的眼睛中,也只有如冰境一般的清冷平静。 Then is the hopeless situation, Elisha has not so vacillated the slightest, because in the heart the faith such as the fire has made up mind like the sword, to protect the important thing, she can also become indestructible. 便是如此绝境,艾丽莎也未曾动摇分毫,因为心中信念如火决意如剑,为了守护自己重要的东西,她也可以变得坚不可摧。 Rance vision is cold, but in the heart of man is actually thoughts constantly welling up, the present young girl and he remembers that a that person shrinks the corner crying delicate girl on the bed overlaps silently in the same place. 兰斯目光冷冽,可是男人的心中却是思绪万千,眼前的少女和他记忆中那个一个人缩在床上角落默默哭鼻子纤弱女孩重叠在一起。 At this time is looking in the young girl hand the double sword reflecting chilly moonlight, whole body surging bone-chilling cold sword intent, Reims is also deep understanding, that shrinks lonelily in the room corner, occasionally awakens from the nightmare, can lead everywhere the girl who the weeping sound is looking for the parents, has gone far away from his memory thoroughly. 此时望着少女手中双剑倒映清冷月光,浑身激荡凛冽剑意,兰斯也是深深的明白,那个孤孤单单缩在房间角落,偶尔从噩梦中惊醒,会带着哭声到处找爸爸妈妈的女孩,已经彻彻底底从他的记忆中远去。 Elisha, grew up finally.” “艾丽莎,终于长大了啊。” Rance's innermost feelings gratified is thinking, but the mood of that agitation actually seems like separates the deep wound in his mind, the young girl experienced grew he actually never to accompany her slightest like this. 兰斯的内心欣慰的想着,可是那搅动的情绪却像是在他的心中割裂出深深的伤口,少女经历了这样的成长他却从未陪伴过她分毫。 Among next quarter two people hundred meters ground raises the astonishing storm suddenly, the bone-chilling cold wind cuts to break the night silence instantaneously, Elisha starts suddenly, the young girl jumps onto the midair, Rance looks at Elisha to jump, as if saw sky that full moon in Elisha behind falls slowly, as Elisha's extreme speed falls, in the young girl hand the long sword interlocks again, cuts fiercely, probably that full moon also cuts two halves that behind. 下一刻两人之间百米地面忽然掀起惊人风浪,凛冽的风瞬间斩破黑夜的寂静,艾丽莎忽然的启动,少女跃上半空,兰斯看着艾丽莎跃起,仿佛看到天空那轮圆月在艾丽莎的身后慢慢坠下,随着艾丽莎的极速落下,少女手中长剑再度交错,猛地斩下,像是将那身后那圆月也斩成两半。 But when Rance prepared some...... 可就在兰斯做好了某种准备的时候…… Suddenly. 忽然之间。 Rance opened the eye again, some cannot believe looks that a top of the head nighttime sky full moon is hanging the nighttime sky chilly, the sword light that as if previously Elisha cut seems his misconception. 兰斯再次的睁大了眼睛,有些不敢相信的看着头顶夜空一轮圆月清清冷冷悬挂夜空,仿佛先前艾丽莎斩出的剑光仿佛是他的错觉。 But, Rance looked like realized anything, turned head fiercely. 可紧接着,兰斯就像是意识到了什么,猛地回头。 Others in midair. 他人在半空之中。 But Elisha leaps...... 而艾丽莎跃出…… That moment that starts to fall, transfers the strength of sword of protection directly, position exchange with him. 开始下坠的那一刻,直接调用守护之剑的力量,和他之间的位置互换。 The young girls fall to the ground. 少女落地。 Bang!” “轰!” The meteor cuts to shoot down in that barrier, two sword light staggered, deeply cuts into to be on the verge of the collapse above knot. 流星般的斩击落在那屏障上,两道剑光交错,深深斩入濒临崩溃的结界之上。 Is centered on that cutting to strike, the innumerable cracks are also hard to support again, the disintegration has a giant opening. 以斩击的那一处为中心,无数裂纹再也难以支撑,崩碎出一个巨大的豁口。 ~ “呼~” Blockade knot shatter that flickers, the manor world and outside world as if blend in the same place, the exterior wind and noise flood into from the gap simultaneously, the wind sound/rumor surges is blowing to fall the hood of young girl. 封锁的结界破碎的那一瞬,庄园内部的世界和外界仿佛重新交融在一起,外部的风和喧嚣同时从缺口涌入,风声激荡着吹落少女的兜帽。 Ample force dissipation that but attacks when Elisha, young girl within the body battle qi has not been full again. 可就在艾丽莎攻击的余力消散,少女体内斗气还未再次充盈之际。 „!” “哧哧!” Two handles flood the short axe that battle qi boundless to delimit two tyrannical arc light to hit from the nighttime sky to Elisha's body. 两柄充斥磅礴斗气的短斧划过两道暴虐的弧光自夜空中撞向艾丽莎的身体。 The young girls catch that two cold ray, the pupil are startled, stance of subconscious exhibiting defense, but in the short axe and young girl hand the long sword collides, the strength of eruption actually same hits like the turbulent tide ruthlessly on Elisha's body. 少女捕捉到那两道冷冽光芒,瞳孔一怔,下意识的摆出防御的姿态,可是紧接短斧和少女手中长剑碰撞,爆发的力量却是如同汹涌的浪潮一样狠狠撞击在艾丽莎的身上。 If the planetesimal shatter ray erupts loudly! 如星子破碎般的光芒轰然爆发! Bang, the ground is split up, Elisha's slender form is hard to resist the so great strength, flying upside down, was infiltrated to tie backward again within. “嘭”的一下,地面四分五裂,艾丽莎纤细的身影难以抵御如此巨力,向后倒飞而出,重新被打入结界之内。 Strikes to cause heavy losses to Elisha, that two tyrannical arc light is howling in hand that falls into a person big man, Eden both hands are grasping the double axe of sending out rich bloody aura, slowly before grinning arrives at the opened gap, on the face has the ice-cold chill in the air to look that sets out to that side difficultly the young girl , the tone dense and brings saying of teasing: 一击重创艾丽莎,那两道暴虐弧光呼啸着落入一个人高大男人的手中,艾登双手握着散发浓郁血腥气息的双斧,咧嘴慢慢走到被打开的缺口之前,脸上带着冰冷的寒意看向那边艰难起身的少女,语气森然而又带着戏谑的说道: Many thanks assistant regimental commander Sir, found such a good opportunity to me.” “多谢副团长大人,给我找到了一个这么好的机会。” ... 。。。 Being late second ~ 晚点第二更~ Especially writing the finger somewhat was stiff, neck and back not to mention, once for a while metropolis/can stabbing pain. 特么的写多了手指都有些僵硬了,脖子和背部就更不用说了,时不时的都会刺痛。
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