MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#63: This was my escapes...... the going astray square

Knot of giant tree all covers the people of demon empathize, the ground innumerable sturdy tendrils grow crazily, gushes out toward the midair, these tendrils covered their most fields of vision, the people of demon empathize could not find Elisha's whereabouts. 巨大的树之结界将魔神会的人悉数笼罩,地面无数粗壮的枝蔓疯狂生长,向着半空中涌出,那些枝蔓覆盖了他们大部分的视野,魔神会的人根本找不到艾丽莎的行踪。 My magic has blocked this region, the fellow cannot run away, the careful protection, how long such magic she could not support!” “我的魔法已经封锁这片区域,那家伙逃不出去,小心防护,这样的魔法她也支撑不了多久!” The black robe master cold sound opens the mouth, his behind, the miserable white ghost and he fuses, lets his body is actually appears the quiet cold white jack-o'-lantern, as his law stick wields falls, innumerable miserable white jack-o'-lanterns crazily to under lasing. 黑袍法师冷声开口,他的身后,惨白色的鬼影和他融合,让他的身上竟然是浮现幽冷的白色鬼火,随着他法杖挥落,无数惨白色的鬼火疯狂向下方激射。 After the large expanse of tendrils the jack-o'-lantern ignites, are started to wither on the wane, but many vine whips across the flame, pull remnant shades, to his body draw off, the air is being howled ruthlessly even sends out the depressed sonic boom. 成片的枝蔓被鬼火引燃后开始枯萎凋零,可还是有不少藤鞭穿过火焰,拉扯出一道道残影,狠狠向他的身体抽去,空气在呼啸中甚至发出沉闷的音爆。 The black robe master just opened the protective barrier, was selected by the innumerable whip shades, flies upside down under that fearful strength, bang collision on a sturdy tree trunk, has not waited for him to set out, on tree trunk social climbing the vine that is covered with the black thorn innumerably seems like poisonous snakes to twine to him equally. 黑袍法师刚撑开防护屏障,就被无数鞭影抽中,在那可怕的力道下倒飞出去,嘭的撞在一根粗壮树干上,还没等他起身,树干上攀附着的无数长满黑刺的藤蔓像是一条条毒蛇一样向他缠绕而来。 Bang!” “轰!” His body, the white jack-o'-lantern combustion, tries to work loose that stinger prisoner's cage. 他的身上,白色鬼火燃烧,试图挣脱那毒刺囚笼。 Meanwhile, sky over knot of tree, the innumerable leaf blades shake, rustle falls, from in the air falls gently gently, on since these vein defined leaf blades blooms the brilliance of charm. 同时,树之结界上空,无数叶片摇动,簌簌落下,从空中轻柔飘落之时,那些脉络明晰的叶片上绽放起魔力的光辉。 The wind that suddenly forms curls up the leaf blade that these fall gently, leaf that lets these illumination strange hovering in in the air, but the edge of leaf actually integrated these mobile winds probably, left wiped the sharp aura. 突然形成的风卷起那些飘落的叶片,让那些发光的叶诡异的悬停在了空中,而叶的边缘却是像是融入了那些流动的风,多出了一抹锋利的气息。 Under ties covers, is fending or meeting the approaching enemy these vines fast the people also to feel that suddenly was not right, the vine of these as if inexhaustible developing made them run about to deal with, at this time the accident of top of the head is lets their nape of the neck and back gushes out the chill in the air. 结界笼罩下,正快速闪避或是迎击那些藤蔓的众人也突然感觉到了不对,那些仿佛无穷无尽的滋长的藤蔓本来就让他们疲于应付,此时头顶的变故更是让他们脖颈和后背涌出寒意。 Careful top of the head!” “小心头顶!” Some people shouted, turns toward under to fall on own initiative. 有人喊了一句,主动向着下方落去。 The next second, the leaves of these stagnations turn toward under to project suddenly! 下一秒,那些停滞的叶突然向着下方射出! The super revolving, with binding the leaf blade of wild air current, is changing to innumerable sharp leaf blade, like innumerable flowing light toward under puncture lasing! 高速旋转,携裹着狂暴气流的叶片,化作无数锋利的叶刃,如同无数流光向着下方穿刺激射! The innumerable leaf edges start the storm to interlock, toward tying the interior starts strangling to death of terrifying, streams light/only dodging fast passes together, launches the attack from each direction, does not give these person of any opportunities of responses! 无数叶刃掀起风暴交错,向着结界的内部发动恐怖的绞杀,一道道流光飞快的闪逝,从各个方向发起进攻,根本不给那些人任何反应的机会! „!” “咔嚓!” Bald male Boothe previously attacked to live with great difficulty from Elisha, is wielding the spiked club crazily, crushes these wild vines, but at this moment, arc light from curl in all directions to him. 光头男布斯先前好不容易从艾丽莎攻击中活下,正疯狂的挥动狼牙棒,击碎那些狂暴的藤蔓,可就在这时,一道道弧光从四面八方向他卷来。 His expression changes, blood-color battle qi condenses the armor outside the body. 他表情一变,血色的斗气在身外凝聚成铠甲。 Almost is simultaneously. 几乎是同时。 Ding!!” “叮叮叮叮叮叮!!” The gust of wind brashly strokes in the sound clearly, the battle qi armor that he condenses explodes to splash a series of sparks/Mars, the flash was passed by innumerable leaf Renzhan. 疾风骤雨般的清脆击打声中,他凝聚的斗气铠甲爆溅出一连串的火星,一瞬间就被无数叶刃斩过。 Merely several seconds, the bald male then discovered alarmed and afraid oneself supported battle qi that the battle qi armor consumed to lose most probably, but his armor covered entirely the crack in a flash. He turns around to escape, but that flowing light leaf blade actually such as silver birds hit to him crazily, bald male insane same waved the spiked club everywhere, but the final body was penetrated by the innumerable flowing light, the movement towering stagnation, the body blows out one group of blood fog to drop toward under. 仅仅数秒的时间,光头男便惊惧的发现自己支撑斗气盔甲消耗的斗气损失了大半,而他的盔甲更是转瞬布满裂纹。他转身想要逃跑,可那流光般的叶刃却如一只只银色的飞鸟般疯狂向他撞击,光头男疯了一样四处挥舞狼牙棒,可最后身体还是被无数流光穿透,动作突兀的停滞,身体爆出一团血雾向着下方跌落。 Incessantly is the bald male, others similarly in difficult is resisting the attack of this terrifying. 不止是光头男,其他的人同样在艰难的抵挡着这恐怖的攻击。 Looks at that silver light arc in the midair rapid agitation, making one just like crashes into the profound seabed, was hovered by the innumerable whitebaits the vortex package that rapidly stirs, this was death sad touching...... 看着那银色的光弧在半空飞速的搅动,让人犹如坠入幽深的海底,被无数银鱼飞速游动搅出的漩涡包裹,这一幕是死亡般的凄美…… The hit is not strong in their leaf blade offensive force, however the frequency and speed of attack are actually the incomparable terrifying, especially was stranded the bunch in tying within, the leaf blade storm that almost flaps almost keeps the person from avoiding. 撞击在他们身上的叶刃攻击力量不强,但是攻击的频率和速度却是无比的恐怖,特别是被困束在结界之内,几乎漫卷的叶刃风暴几乎让人无从躲避。 After paying many wound prices, the people of demon empathize also realized that the dispersing avoidance is not the means that attempts strongly again in the same place, opens the defense to resist the attack together, puts together the consumption with Elisha mutually. 在付出了不少创伤的代价后,魔神会的众人也纷纷意识到散开躲避不是办法,试图重新集中在一起,一起撑开防御抵挡攻击,和艾丽莎互拼消耗。 Elisha sees through their intentions, leaf blade who also how to their such opportunities, will transfer that everywhere divides the battlefield, preventing the people of these demon empathizes to be close mutually. 艾丽莎识破他们的意图,又怎么会给他们这样的机会,调动那漫天的叶刃分割战场,阻止那些魔神会的人互相接近。 Meanwhile Elisha re-entered the battlefield, these flowing light as if bands of light same interwove in the side of young girl, followed her to launch the attack to the person who these left behind. 于此同时艾丽莎重新进入了战场,那些流光仿佛光带一样交织在少女的身边,跟随着她向那些落单的人发起了进攻。 In Elisha's emerald pupil, a complicated law ray sparkles as before, is the charm of young girl within the body also by a terrifying speed consumption fast, Elisha is very clear this knot unable to support is too long, therefore she must before tying the collapse weakens the strength of opposite party as far as possible. 艾丽莎翡翠色的瞳孔中,繁复法阵的光芒依旧闪耀,可是少女体内的魔力也以一种恐怖的速度飞快的消耗,艾丽莎很清楚这个结界自己无法支撑太久,所以她要在结界崩溃前尽可能的削弱对方的战力。 At this time above the midair, the man of white hair is shouldering both hands, indifferent looks below battlefield. 此时半空之上,白发的男人背负着双手,冷漠的看着下方的战场。 All around has the crack to empty the sound to get up unceasingly, there is much such as an blade leaf blade to cut to him, after by his battle qi packages, swallowing all. 四周不断有裂空之声响起,也有不少如刃叶片向他斩来,被他的斗气包裹后悉数的吞噬。 Assistant regimental commander Sir, you have not planned to begin.” Looks is reappearing Elisha, the back carries the men of two short axes to open the defense, turns the head to look to Rance. “副团长大人,你还不打算动手吗。”望着重新出现的艾丽莎,背后背着两把短斧的男人撑开防御,转头看向身边的兰斯。 Regimental commander said that the important matter will certainly the goal take.” “团长可是说了,要务必将目标拿下的。” Eden spoke vision twinkle. 艾登说话的时候目光闪烁。 This action, he received the order of Mar bus, is responsible for following closely Rance, no matter like this he has anything to change, he can the earliest possible time respond. 这次的行动,他接到了马尔巴士的命令,负责盯梢兰斯,这样不管他有什么异动,他都可以第一时间反应过来。 I in waiting opportunity.” “我在等待机会。” Rance looked at Eden one eyes, light say/way. 兰斯看了艾登一眼,淡淡道。 Opportunity? What opportunity?” Eden seemingly simple and honest flexure scratched the head: How I felt that the assistant regimental commander you sees a play in side.” “机会?什么机会?”艾登貌似憨厚的挠了挠头:“我咋感觉副团长你就是在旁边看戏呢。” I said you do not understand, moreover necessity that I have not explained with you, how I work should not to need you to teach.” Rance is frowning to look at Eden one eyes. “我说了你也不会明白,而且我也没有和你说明的必要,我怎么做事应该还不用你来教。”兰斯皱着眉头看了艾登一眼。 If you are worried about the goal to escape, gets down on own initiative the help, I lead you to come, does not make you see a play in side.” “如果你担心目标逃跑,就主动下去帮忙,我带你过来,也不是让你在旁边看戏的。” Speech time, in Rance's faint line of sight, flashes through deep cold intent, this fellow...... is very bothersome. 说话的时候,兰斯淡漠的视线中,闪过一丝深深的冷意,这个家伙……挺烦的。 I am incorrect.” Eden detected that Reims did not bear, shrinks the head to say embarrasedly: I was too weak, gets down to be surrounded with them same, since the assistant regimental commander had confidence to find the opportunity, I do not need to get down, I will assist full power your.” “我不行的。”艾登察觉到兰斯不耐,缩了缩脑袋讪讪道:“我太弱了,下去和他们一样会被困住,既然副团长有把握找到机会,我就更没必要下去了,我会全力辅助你的。” Eden was saying hehe smiles, does not have scruples is playing a trick on the cleverness in trivial matters, seeming like wants to stay in his side divides the cup thick soup. 艾登说着又嘿嘿笑了笑,毫不顾忌的耍弄着小聪明,看上去是想呆在他身边分杯羹。 Rance coldly looked at his one eyes, has not spoken again, the vision locks on Elisha's body, in the brain is thinking the method of collapsing diligently. 兰斯只是冷冷的看了他一眼,没再说话,目光重新锁定在艾丽莎的身上,脑中则是努力想着破局的方法。 Receives this duty from Male bus that the time, Rance has been very sad. 从马尔巴士那接到这个任务的时候,兰斯的心情就一直很沉重。 The fellow allows him actively to participate to Elisha's encirclement kills, without doubt also wants to make him indicate own attitude, moreover at this time, that demon god perhaps in nearby observation somewhere. 那家伙让他主动参与对艾丽莎的围杀,无疑也是想让他表明自己的态度,而且这个时候,那位魔神或许就在附近的某处观察。 Obviously his previous action that wants to save Elisha was noticed by Mar bus, making her have the vigilance, but the previous action failed, he can also talk nonsense the excuse, to comply to give Mar bus processing to be perfunctory her Elisha, after all he did not have really to catch Elisha at that time. 显然他上次想要救走艾丽莎的行动被马尔巴士注意到,让她有了戒心,不过上次行动失败,他还可以胡扯借口,以答应把艾丽莎交给马尔巴士处理来敷衍她,毕竟他当时也没真的抓到艾丽莎。 But this time was different. 但这次就不一样了。 The demon empathize arranges encircles strictly kills the plan, the strength of depending on a Elisha person, is very difficult to escape. 魔神会布置的严密围杀计划,光凭艾丽莎一个人的力量,很难逃出去。 If she really falls in the hand of fascinated empathize...... 如果她真的落入魔神会的手中…… Rance vision twinkle, he has pondered is this, how must not expose weaknesses, or helps the opportunity that Elisha creates to escape as far as possible reasonably. 兰斯目光闪烁,他一直思考的就是这个,要如何不露破绽,或者说,尽可能合理的帮艾丽莎创造出逃跑的机会。 Also was at this time. 也是这时。 Charm aura gradual reduction of entire tree. 整个树界的魔力气息逐渐的削减。 The speed that under the vine develops becomes incomparably slow, speed that the leaf blade circles in flight also slow. 底下藤蔓滋长的速度变得无比缓慢,叶刃飞旋的速度也同时的慢了下来。 Ties the strength weakens, her strength was unable to support consumed like this, the present is our opportunities.” “结界的力量削弱,她的力量已经无法支撑这样的消耗了,现在是我们的机会。” Before the people of support first felt with hardship weakening of Elisha strength, but Elisha while just now suppressed their opportunities, has found the opportunity to give two people heavy losses, even there is a powerhouse of legend to be cut by Elisha under the sword. 之前苦苦支撑的众人第一时间就感觉到艾丽莎力量的削弱,而艾丽莎趁着方才压制他们的机会,已经找机会给了两人的重创,甚至有个传奇的强者被艾丽莎斩于剑下。 But afterward, because killed the person who left behind to waste a lot of time and strengths, is found the opportunity to break through her blockade to gather by the person who Elisha aimed at one, then joined up to rescue others, completely cut off Elisha stressed list the opportunity. 但后来,因为袭杀落单的人浪费了不少时间和力量,没被艾丽莎针对的人也都找到机会突破了她的封锁聚集在了一起,然后联合起来救援其他人,彻底断绝了艾丽莎“抓单”的机会。 Now the after strength of tree is weaken, these people are the eye one bright, found the opportunity, runs out without hesitation, is resisting leaf blade the storm hardly, launches the attack to Elisha again. 现在树界的力量减弱之后,那些人更是眼睛一亮,找到了机会,毫不犹豫冲出,硬抗着叶刃的风暴,再次向艾丽莎发起攻击。 However they do not know own action also early Elisha is expected, in these people gather runs out, a ground law sparkle is radiant! 然而他们并不知道自己的行动也都早艾丽莎的预料之中,在那些人聚集在一起冲出的时候,地面法阵闪耀璀璨光辉! Young girl within the body all charms divulge like the combustion, knot of entire tree sends out to thunder! 少女体内所有的魔力如同燃烧般宣泄,整个树之结界发出轰鸣! „It is not right!” “不对!” Feels on Elisha again the turbulent boundless charm, these legendary powerhouse expressions sink. 感受到艾丽莎身上再次汹涌的磅礴魔力,那些传奇强者表情一沉。 Quick dispersing!” “快散开!” They were centralized in together to resist these leaf blade impacts, but this is actually the aspect that Elisha creates intentionally, for the final attack prepares, in process that Elisha kills others, realized that she does not have so many time these person of solutions. 他们原本集中在一起为了抵抗那些叶刃的冲击,可这实际是艾丽莎故意创造出的局面,为了最后的攻击做准备,艾丽莎袭杀其他人的过程中,就意识到她没有这么多的时间将这些人一个个解决。 The tall old tree withers suddenly, the charm that fills with the life aura innumerably dances in the air like bands of light, gathers under Elisha's control together, these people have escaped without enough time, the leaf edges of these dance converge in the charm brilliance instantaneously, the high-speed movement, forms a storm shackles in the center of tree, is stranded the bunch to be one of them them. 高大的古树忽然之间枯萎,无数充满生命气息的魔力如同一条条光带飞舞,在艾丽莎的操控下汇聚在一起,那些人已经来不及逃脱,那些狂舞的叶刃瞬间汇入魔力光辉之中,高速的移动,在树界的中心形成一个风暴牢笼,将他们困束在其中。 Then Elisha compresses the charm to input that prisoner's cage crazily, when the wild charm gradually turns toward the trend transformation that explodes, the figure of young girl retrocedes rapidly, escapes toward the blockade, simultaneously the young girl cuts several terrifying sword light to stand above that quiet dark barrier directly, however after several sword light fall, that barrier is actually entirely still. 而后艾丽莎压缩魔力疯狂输入那囚笼,狂暴的魔力逐渐向着爆炸的趋势转变之时,少女的身形飞速后退,向着外界的封锁逃去,同时少女直接斩出几道恐怖的剑光站在那幽暗色的屏障之上,然而几道剑光落下后那屏障却是纹丝不动。 But clenches teeth to pour into when Elisha battle qi, prepares to start the sword technique of powerful, an air distortion before her body, the person's shadow twinkle appears before the body of young girl together. 可就在艾丽莎咬牙灌注斗气,准备发动更强力的剑技之时,在她的身前空气一阵扭曲,一道人影闪烁般出现在少女的身前。 Rance's faint vision and Elisha look at each other, later...... 兰斯淡漠的目光和艾丽莎对视,随后…… The jet black battle qi social climbing in the hand, makes a fist suddenly! 漆黑的斗气攀附在手中,猛然握拳! ... 。。。 Tomorrow again pair. 明天再双更。
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