MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#62: All phenomena on earth it dense/woods( second)

A person's shadow was struck to fly, but before others assault Elisha's body . 一个人影被击飞,但还有其他人抢攻到艾丽莎的身前。 Looks my!” “看我的!” Bald male Boothe is close to Elisha's side while this opportunity, sneers, in the hand golden spiked club sudden rise several times, has the vigorous imposing manner, tore the curtain of night, pounds down toward Elisha ruthlessly. 光头男布斯趁着这个机会接近艾丽莎的身边,冷笑一声,手中金色狼牙棒暴涨数倍,带着雄浑的气势,撕裂了夜幕,狠狠向着艾丽莎砸下。 Elisha erupts to mump, facing on bald male attack, the right hand long sword turbulent flame is inflating loudly, changes to the sword of giant flame to wield forward cuts, Boothe expression big change, the scalding hot aura sweeps across, the dreadful flame monstrous waves tumble are attacking to come to him, he pounds a stick that falls is also hard to resist the strength of that wild flame unexpectedly, the whole person is attacked with binding is departing backward. 艾丽莎爆发斗气,正面对上光头男攻击,右手长剑汹涌的火焰轰然膨胀,化作巨大的火焰之剑向前挥斩,布斯表情大变,灼热的气息席卷,滔天的火焰巨浪翻滚着向他冲击而来,他砸落的一棒竟然也难以抵御那狂暴的火焰之力,整个人被冲击携裹着向后飞出。 Unexpectedly is demon martial dual cultivation! However do not despise me.” “竟然是魔武双修!不过也别小看我啊。” The bald male stops the potential of retreat forcefully, in the scalding hot flame breathes, his nostril seems like the blowout white air current, treads in the midair fiercely, within the body blood-color battle qi shoots up to the sky, a stick wields falls, the strong winds of tearing broke open the dreadful hot wave unexpectedly forcefully. 光头男强行止住后退之势,灼热的火焰之中呼吸,他的鼻孔都像是喷出白色的气流,在半空中猛地一踏,体内血色的斗气冲天而起,一棒挥落,撕裂的狂风竟然是硬生生的破开了滔天的火浪。 But he grins to show the smile, the eye opens fiercely: What......” 可是他才咧开嘴想要露出笑容,眼睛又猛地睁大:“什么……” After the heat wave disperses rolling, he is felt unexpectedly the biting cold ice-cold aura, the cold glow turns toward him to select after the flame monstrous waves, that is a sword that Elisha punctures. 热浪滚滚散开后,他竟是感觉到彻骨的冰冷气息,一点寒芒在火焰巨浪后向着他点出,那是艾丽莎刺出的一剑。 Boothe also wants to swing the bat sweeps away, is actually discovered that own body becomes more and more stiff, his body, reappearing of cold air no indication, changes to the big piece spread the cold frost, freezes his body. 布斯还想挥棒横扫,却是发现自己的身体变得越来越僵硬,他的身上,寒气毫无征兆的浮现,化作大片蔓延的寒霜,冻结他的身体。 At this time in his behind, the form dissipation that Elisha transforms, however that imaginary body does not know a sword when cuts has left behind the deep scar in his back, the cold air freezes his body along the scar of that deep obvious bone together, looks at front more and more near sword point, in Boothe eyes has the boundless fear, because his body was corroded by the cold air gradually becomes the ice sculpture, battle qi in within the body also becomes incomparably heavy, for a short time is hard to shake off the fetter of cold air. 此时在他的身后,艾丽莎幻化的身影消散,然而那幻身不知何时斩出的一剑已经在他的后背留下一道深深伤痕,寒气正是沿着那深可见骨的伤痕冻结他的身体,望着面前越来越近的剑尖,布斯眼中带着无边的恐惧,因为他的身体被寒气侵蚀逐渐成为冰雕,体内的斗气也变得无比沉重,一时半会难以挣脱寒气的束缚。 But suddenly, Elisha's tip of the toe rapid in void, the slender form flashes to fold toward side from the inconceivable angle, the strange miserable white human form empty shadow almost touches and goes Elisha's body together, passes through from her original position. 可忽然之间,艾丽莎的脚尖飞速在虚空一点,纤细的身影以不可思议的角度向着旁边闪折而出,一道诡异惨白色人形虚影几乎是擦过艾丽莎的身体,从她原本的位置穿过。 Evaded, but was a pity very much, by my quiet ghost locking, was not escaped to finish one time even.” The black robe master is smiling waving, issues the order. “躲过了吗,不过很可惜,被我的幽鬼锁定,可不是逃掉一次就算结束。”黑袍法师微笑着挥手,发出命令。 Strikes to come up empty-handed, that pale ghost returns to the body to pursue toward the young girl, the speed is very fearful, as if pulls empty shadow twinkles. 一击扑空,那惨白鬼影返身向着少女追去,速度无比可怕,似乎拉扯出一道道虚影闪烁。 Elisha looks at that white ghost, the body is dropping downward, path that but falls in the young girl, appearance gloomy man twinkle emergence, stretches out the arms to welcome toward Elisha, might support into the bosom the young girl. 艾丽莎望着那白色鬼影,身体向下跌落,只是在少女下落的轨迹,模样阴郁的男人闪烁般出现,张开双臂向着艾丽莎迎去,像是要将少女拥入怀中。 Hehe, really the young beautiful woman adores me, relax, later I will satisfy well your.” The men were fantasizing fills with pleasantly warmly, at the same time, his quiet blue battle qi condenses the scorpion tail behind, a peak quiet blue color long thorn collects the concealed ray, is ready, once controls Elisha, he will prick Elisha within the body the sharp thorn directly, then injects his careful preparation the toxin. “嘿嘿,果然小美女还是倾心于我啊,放心吧,之后我会好好满足你的。”男人幻想着温软满怀,于此同时,他的身后幽蓝色的斗气凝聚成蝎尾,顶端一根幽蓝色长刺敛藏光芒,蓄势待发,一旦控住艾丽莎,他会直接将尖刺刺入艾丽莎体内,然后注入他精心准备的毒素。 These poisons are also his battle qi attribute, poured into by these toxin, even the ability of legendary step is still hard to escape by luck, all strengths will be lulled, whatever finally he organizes. 那些毒也是他的斗气属性,被那些毒素注入,就算是传奇阶的能力也难以幸免,所有力量都会被麻痹,最终任由他摆布。 Come!” “来吧!” Saw that Elisha avoids facing that white ghost without enough time, the man hugs ruthlessly forward, is only the next second, his complexion changes, because fell to the young girl who he embraced turned unexpectedly suddenly pale ghost that has the incomparably ugly appearance. 眼看艾丽莎面对那白色鬼影来不及躲避,男人狠狠向前抱去,只是下一秒,他的面色又是大变,因为落向他怀抱的少女竟是突然变成了有着无比丑陋模样的惨白鬼影。 Do not come!” “你不要过来啊!” The white ghost enters his body instantaneously, with his body fusion, the Yin evil strength starts to swallow his flesh. 白色鬼影瞬间进入他的身体,和他的身体融合,阴邪的力量开始吞噬他的血肉。 Lorraine, you are making anything!!” That person sends out the pitiful yell, the man body twitches at the same time vision hate looks to the black robe master. “罗林,你在做什么!!”那人发出惨叫,男人身体抽搐的同时目光怨恨的看向黑袍法师。 Idiot, I am not intentionally, is her sword has the strangeness, can control the space.” “蠢货,我不是故意的,是她的剑有古怪,可以操控空间。” The black robe master criticizes one. 黑袍法师暗骂一句。 This fellow unlucky no wonder he. 这家伙倒霉就怪不得他了。 Do not despise her, has the strength support of elf king, the strength of that sword as defense, independent combat, you no one is an opponent.” “不要小看她,有精灵王的力量支撑,还有那柄剑的力量作为防御,单打独斗,你们没人是对手。” Another sound resounds. 又一个声音响起。 The people of demon empathize start to change the tactic, previously still also found the opportunity to be out in the person of observing, launches the attack toward the young girl, under attack that in they coordinate, Elisha's resisting is gradually difficult. 魔神会的众人开始改变战术,先前还在观战的人也都找到机会纷纷下场,向着少女发动攻击,而在他们配合起来的攻击下,艾丽莎的抵挡逐渐艰难。 The sword of protection shifted a sinister attack, courses the enemy who another side raids to fly its bang it, may in this gap, Elisha facing other attacks, expose weaknesses to be caught finally by others. 守护之剑转移了一道阴险的攻击,将其引向另一边袭来的敌人将其轰飞,可在这个间隙,艾丽莎面对其他的攻击,最后还是露出了破绽被其他人捕捉到。 Bang!” “轰!” The black robe master finds the opportunity, in the eye the cold light flashes certainly, the charm condenses the black light beam to rumble again, this time successful hit the young girl, the slender form of young girl dropped toward, pounds raises mist and dust after the ground. 黑袍法师找准机会,眼中冷光一闪,魔力凝聚出黑色的光束再次轰出,这次成功的击中了少女,少女的纤细的身影向着下方跌落,砸在地面后掀起一片烟尘。 Elisha coughs gently, the complexion of young girl turns white slightly, simultaneously facing the attacks of so many people, but must branch out some spirits to maintain the release of magic, making Elisha have to plant the feeling close to limit. 艾丽莎轻轻咳嗽,少女的脸色微微发白,同时面对这么多人的攻击,还要分出部分精神维系魔法的释放,让艾丽莎也有种接近极限的感觉。 Moreover elf king provide to her strength is not infinite. 而且精灵王提供给她的力量也不是无限。 Another side, induced the declining tendency of young girl probably, the attacks of others became violent. 另一边,像是感应到了少女的颓势,其他人的攻击变得更加的猛烈。 The mist and dust has not diverged, together before the form is similar to surreptitious bullies nearly Elisha's body, the palm opens, the five fingers chop to fall like the sharp claws, the dark red ray rips to Elisha's body. 烟尘还未散去,一道身影就如同诡魅般欺近艾丽莎的身前,手掌张开,五指如同利爪劈落,深红的光芒撕向艾丽莎的身体。 The pale ghost also throws from the above, is the innumerable tyrannical fluctuations of energy follows closely. 惨白的鬼影也从上方扑下,紧接着是无数暴虐的能量波动紧随而来。 I certain...... must go back...... and big brother Loren agree.” “我一定……要回去……和洛伦大哥约定好了的。” The attack raids, partly kneels in the young girl of ground actually raised the head, the young girl gently beautiful cheek of reveals the firm look, the sword of defending is inserted the ground by Elisha, forms colored knot to prevent all attacks completely in the outside world! 攻击袭来,半跪在地上的少女却是重新抬头,少女柔美的脸蛋露出坚定神色,守住之剑被艾丽莎插入地面,形成彩色的结界将所有的攻击全部阻挡在外界! Also is simultaneously, the ray that law that in the Elisha emerald pupil reflects erupts the sparkle, covers the ground in a flash jet black is also hard huge law that again covers underground outlines completes. 也是同时,艾丽莎翡翠瞳孔中倒映的法阵爆发出闪耀的光芒,一瞬间覆盖地面的漆黑也再难以掩盖地下勾勒完成的巨大法阵。 As the terrifying charm was injected the ground by Elisha, these originally in plant of growth crazier develops, the ground sends out bang the vibration, as if a giant earthquake spreads. 随着恐怖的魔力被艾丽莎注入地面,那些本来就在成长的植物更加疯狂的滋长起来,地面发出轰隆的震动,仿佛一场巨大地震蔓延。 Afterward in the vision of people somewhat vibration, the magic that Elisha has maintained also takes shape finally. 随后在众人有些震动的目光之中,艾丽莎一直维系的魔法也是终于成型。 Huge old tree growth, as if formed knot of giant tree, submerges all around, the trees giant root system punctures from the ground, just like the sturdy vine distortion, the branches of these old trees even start to turn toward the shape transformation of weapon, as if turned into old giants to live, fully-armed, to protect their queens fought! 一根根巨大的古树成长,仿佛形成了一个巨大的树之结界,将四周淹没,树木巨大的根系从地面刺出,犹如粗壮的藤蔓扭曲,那些古树的枝桠甚至开始向着兵器的形态转变,仿佛变成一个个苍老的巨人重新活了过来,全副武装,为了守护它们的女王而战! The dense/woods of all phenomena on earth! 万象之森! This moment Elisha then wields knot of this tree queen. 此刻艾丽莎便是执掌这树之结界的女王。
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