MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#61: Breaking through it war( first)

Elisha returns the manor, then felt the noisy sound that a strange silentness, these guards make all vanishes, the ground was overspread by deep dark color, these people outside as if previous manor drew in that bottomless darkness completely. 艾丽莎重新回到庄园,便感觉到一片诡异的静默,那些护卫制造的嘈杂声音悉数消失,地面被一层深沉的暗色铺满,仿佛先前庄园外的那些人全部被拖入了那无底的黑暗之中。 In she rushes in shortly after the hotel, the entire manor, was hidden by these in the person control in secret. 就在她闯进宅邸后不久,整个庄园,就被那些隐藏在暗中的人接管。 Comes out.” “出来吧。” After short observation, the Elisha voice chilly opens the mouth, the young girl hand grasps the double sword, is situated in under the moonlight, the moonlight is limpid, shines in the young girl slender form, actually seems like reflects a dim halo, in imposing sword intent that around her launches, made Elisha have an aesthetic sense of high-risk aura. 短暂的观察后,艾丽莎声音清冷的开口,少女手握双剑,立于月光之下,月色清澈,照耀在少女纤细的身影上,却又像是反射出一层朦胧的光晕,在她四周展开的凛然剑意,又让艾丽莎多出了一份充满危险气息的美感。 After several seconds, these then revealed in the form that hides everywhere dark naturally, with appearances of these person's shadows, ten several vision bolder is taking a look at the surrounded young girl. 数秒后,那些在四处黑暗藏匿的身影便大方显露,随着那些人影的显现,十数道目光更加大胆的打量着被包围的少女。 The bodies of these people are hiding the fearful strength, within the body saves battle qi or the charm looks like the blazing lava to be turbulent, they are constraining the aura, instead gives the person one type suffocates the pressure, volcano that as if can erupt momentarily. 那些人的身上都隐藏着可怕的力量,体内积蓄的斗气或者魔力就像是炽烈的熔浆汹涌,他们压抑着气息,反而更给人一种窒息般的压力,仿佛随时会爆发的火山。 Elisha looks toward the form that these reveal, after paying attention some white hairlace the man of mask slightly. 艾丽莎向着那些显露的身影看去,在注意到其中某个白发带着面具的男人后稍微的顿了一下。 But that side looks at Elisha Rance, although the vision is desolate, but the expression after mask actually gradually becomes complex. 而那边看着艾丽莎的兰斯,目光虽然冷淡,但面具后的表情却是逐渐变得复杂。 Elisha behind, the elf king consciousness the light shadow that condenses, the look is cold. 艾丽莎身后,精灵王意识凝聚的光影,眼神更是冷冽。 The people of these demon empathizes come is too quick! Exceeded his imagination completely. I am very curious, why you will know that I will appear here.” 这些魔神会的人来的太快!完全超出了他的想象。“我很好奇,为什么你们会得知我会出现在这里。” Suddenly, elf king Lengsheng opens the mouth, he has not come, the people who the demon empathize calls only hear sound strange resounding, the expression change slightly. 忽然之间,精灵王冷声开口,他没有现身,魔神会召集的众人只听到一个声音诡异的响起,表情微微变化。 We cannot guarantee, but speculated, on addition promotions of some luck.” “我们也不敢保证,只是推测,外加上一些运气的推动。” What has not thought that perhaps the will of elf Sir king inpelled our sincerity, bit one under of we arrange/cloth baits exactly.” “不过没想到的是,精灵王大人的意志或许是感召了我们的诚意,恰好咬住了我们布下的诱饵之一。” In darkness, together also the form footsteps limp walks, that is a elf old man, wears the magnificent and expensive long gown, the vision is healthy. 黑暗中,又一道身影脚步蹒跚的走来,那是一个精灵老者,身穿华贵长袍,目光矍铄。 He looks at to Elisha time, the vision sighs with emotion and brings some to be frantic and excited, the holy blood in within the body also in trembling of some pressure, but that frightened feeling, instead makes him have excited. 他望向艾丽莎的时候,目光感慨而又带着一些狂热和激动,体内的圣血也在某种压力的颤栗,但是那种恐惧的感觉,反而让他心生兴奋。 With demon empathize cooperation time, his also some too do not trust the information that the opposite party provides, until now, his clear sensation to that pressure that originates from the bloodlines deep place. 和魔神会合作的时候,他还有些不太信任对方提供的情报,直到现在,他清楚的感知到那种来源于血脉深处的威压。 Most ancient elf king, Sir Austin, never expected that I fortunately and you met with in this time. If my older generation knew, without doubt will also exclaim in surprise my good luck.” “最古的精灵王,奥斯汀大人,没想到我有幸在这个时代和你会面。若是我的先辈得知,无疑也会惊叹我的好运。” That elf old man saying in a soft voice, the vision has some respect probably. 那精灵老者轻声的说道,目光像是带着些许的崇敬。 „Who you are......” “你是什么人……” Elf king Wang the appearance of that old person, after feeling his within the body holy blood the aura, the vision thorough is cold. 精灵王望着那老人的出现,感受到他体内圣血的气息后,目光彻底冷冽下来。 At this time, he understands certainly, the fellows of these demon empathizes, in had arrived at one with these holy blood successors in secret. 这个时候,他当然明白,那些魔神会的家伙,已经在暗中和那些圣血继承人走到了一起。 The one who lets his startled anger is, these fellows can cooperate with these outcomers unexpectedly. 让他惊怒的是,这些家伙竟然会和那些外来者合作。 I am this generation of Frank families' successor, our families receive your will, has been protecting the strength of holy blood.” “我是这一代的富兰克家族的继承者,我们家族秉承您的意志,一直守护着圣血的力量。” I gave you to trust, gave you holy blood inheritance, this was you helps me protect the holy blood the way, abandoned oneself ancestor to teach, the choice stood in my opposite.” “我给予了你们信任,才将圣血传承给你们,这就是你帮我守护圣血的方式吗,背弃了自身祖训,选择站在了我的对立面。” Elf king Lengran said. 精灵王冷然道。 Betrayal? I do not know that elf Sir king these words mentioned from where, words that really must speak, should be elf Sir king you betrayed us not, you constructed this world, simultaneously took the holy blood as the shackles, fettered our generation in this world, seeming like us was the manager who you appointed, but in fact, we were also you to complete own goal, was left behind the watch-dog that helped you guard oneself property.” Duke Frank said lightly. “背叛?我不知道精灵王大人这句话从何说起,真的要说的话,也应该是精灵王大人你背叛了我们不是吗,你构造出这个世界,同时以圣血为枷锁,将我们世代束缚在这个世界,看上去我们是你设下的管理者,但实际上,我们也不过是你为了完成自己的目的,被留下帮你看守自己财产的看门狗而已。”富兰克公爵淡淡说道。 If your really trust we, why do not call us after the recovery directly, but hidden in secret, takes the trouble to eliminate the holy blood of our within the body? It is not because you were worried oneself not in 10,000 years, the raised dog is hard to control, moreover was worried that we discovered you in the secret that in the holy blood leaves behind.” “如果你真的信任我们,为什么不在复苏后直接召集我们呢,而是隐藏在暗中,费心剥夺我们体内的圣血?不就是因为你担心自己不在的一万年,养的狗难以管控,而且也担心我们发现你在圣血中留下的秘密吗。” Bold!” “大胆!” The elf king hears the words of Duke Frank, the tone is ice-cold, but in the heart somewhat becomes angry out of shame. 精灵王听到弗兰克公爵的话,语气更是冰冷,但心中则是有些恼羞成怒。 How you understand my intention, if not my arrangement, you already by the cleanness that human and demon clan swallowed.” “你们怎么明白我的用意,如果不是我的布置,你们早就被外界的人类和魔族吞噬的干干净净。” I make all these, to create a better future to you, now, I returned, will realize all that I once pledged.” The status had been seen through an affair, the elf king also tears to pieces the facial skin directly. “我做这一切,都是为了给你们创造一个更好的未来,如今,我归来了,也将实现我曾经承诺的一切。”身份已经被拆穿,精灵王也直接撕破脸皮。 Pitifully, we are unable to accept by you are eliminated all strengths the results, is not willing our families to become you to attach purely, the present time has changed, elf Sir king, if you really think of us, that also asked you to become a ghost that attached to the history, became a symbol of symbol to make us worship, your wish I will inherit, I will make the elf the brilliance appear.” “很可惜,我们无法接受被你剥夺一切力量的结局,也不愿我们的家族成为你单纯的依附,现在的时代已经改变,精灵王大人,如果你真的是为我们着想,那还请你重新成为依附于历史的一个亡魂,成为一个象征的符号让我们崇拜,你的意愿我会继承,我会让精灵的光辉重现于世。” The Frank spooky opens the mouth, salutes later slightly: 富兰克幽幽开口,随后微微行礼: Please begin, everyone.” “请动手吧,各位。” The old man said that is chuckle one, retreats toward the rear area. 那老者说完便是轻笑一声,向着后方退去。 This, had spoken so many idle talk chatty, takes this fellow, did not settle on anything.” Side takes out the bald male Boothe knitting the brows head of spiked club, he had formerly been responsible for Loren's inspection, to this world several days of recreation, he was broken an injury of arm to recover by Loren. “早就该如此了,叽叽歪歪说这么多废话,拿下这家伙,不就什么事都了结了吗。”旁边取出狼牙棒的光头男布斯皱了皱眉头,他之前负责过洛伦的考核,到了这个世界几天的休养,他被洛伦打断一条手臂的伤势已经复原。 Idiot. You do not know that the protracted time is also one point of tactic, were not much speaks several words, how had the opportunity to make me improve law of blockade.” Wears the master of black robe to ridicule one, suddenly, under the manor dark ascension, then sends out the straight thrust mind the sharp cry, but in all around, can actually see that strange ghosts appear, as if turns into a piece of ghost legendary creature the entire manor. “蠢货。你不知道拖延时间也是战术的一环吗,不多说几句话,怎么有机会让我完善封锁的法阵。”身着黑袍的法师笑骂一声,忽然之间,庄园下方的黑暗升腾,然后发出直刺心灵的锐利叫声,而在四周,却是可以看到一个个诡异的幽魂浮现,仿佛将整个庄园变成一片森罗鬼蜮。 On the other hand, that ten thousand years ago elf king takes possession now on this pretty youngest sister, if takes her later, is inferior to everyone to me an opportunity, makes me try this elf king well is what taste.” At this time also had the expression gloomy man vision as if to stick on Elisha's body, bathed the young girl under moonlight, making his evil thought come up in great numbers and from all sides, although on Elisha is also throwing over the spacious black cape, but also was difficult covered her to exquisite the wonderful stature. “话说回来,那位万年前的精灵王现在就是附身在这位漂亮小妹妹身上吗,若是待会将她拿下,不如各位给我个机会,也让我好好试试这精灵王是什么滋味。”这时还有个表情阴郁的男人目光仿佛黏在了艾丽莎的身上,沐浴在月光下的少女,让他邪念横生,虽然艾丽莎身上还披着宽大的黑色斗篷,可是也难掩她那玲珑有致的美妙身材。 „The greedy others body spoke frankly, gave a pretext with what elf king Dang, that was a man. However you use up, the corpse turns over to me, I am interested in studying very much.” Another sound resounds spookily, these shadows start to start. “馋别人身子就直说,用什么精灵王当借口,那可是个男人。不过你用完,尸体归我,我很有兴趣进行研究。”又一个声音幽幽响起,那些黑影开始启动。 But these people diverge, has not actually noticed behind, wears the vision that the white hair man of mask coldly to sweep on them. 可这些人散去的时候,却是没有注意到身后,戴着面具的白发男人冷冷的目光在他们身上扫过。 The huge evil intention covers toward Elisha with the migrations of these people, however Elisha's expression as before is the incomparable tranquility, is only at this moment under the moonlight, the young girl pink long hair of starts to turn toward the pale golden color to transform, the moonlight lets fall, the young girl just like integrates among that clear rays, as if the goddess is holy, and cannot offend. 巨大的恶意随着那些人的移动向着艾丽莎笼罩,然而艾丽莎的表情依旧是无比的平静,只是这一刻在月光之下,少女粉色的长发开始向着淡金色转变,月光垂落,少女犹如融入那澄澈光芒之间,仿佛女神般圣洁且不可冒犯。 The elf king's status exposition, Elisha does not need to continue to hide, moreover facing these exists, if also tries our luck the hidden strength, she is impossible to have the opportunity of least bit prominent tight encirclement. 精灵王的身份暴露,艾丽莎也无需继续隐藏,而且面对这些存在若是还心存侥幸隐藏力量,她也不可能有半点突出重围的机会。 Strength that you can use, I have de-archived completely.” “妳可以使用的力量,我已经全部解封。” The elf king tone however, kills quiet, returns to the Saint tower, I will make one aid.” 精灵王语气幽然,“杀出去,返回圣塔,我会让人来接应。” Also is simultaneously, in Elisha's side, the cape of cold wind rolling up and pushing along young girl, sways the young girl mild-mannered long hair , the innumerable clear luminous spots float toward under, the huge charm fluctuates no indication blooms from Elisha's within the body outward. 也是同时,在艾丽莎的身边,冷冽的风卷动少女的斗篷,吹拂起少女柔顺的长发,无数晶莹的光点向着下方漂浮而下,庞大的魔力波动毫无征兆的从艾丽莎的体内向外绽放。 The bloodlines of young girl elf were activated completely, her bloodlines accepted the strength inheritance that the sword of protection left behind to complete awakening early, at this time untied the seal by the elf king, the aura of charm flooded the entire space, seems rousing some special rhythm, the azure ray covered to go toward all around, in the silent nighttime sky as if had the young girl lithe distant recitation sound to get up! 少女精灵的血脉被完全激活,她的血脉早早接受了守护之剑留下的力量传承完成了觉醒,此时被精灵王解开了封印,魔力的气息充斥整个空间,仿佛勾动着某种特殊的律动,青色的光芒向着四周覆盖而去,悄寂夜空中仿佛有少女轻盈悠远的吟唱声响起! But in that melodious indistinct singing, as if there is boundless vitality from underground to start to recover! 而在那悠扬飘渺的歌唱中,仿佛有磅礴的生命力从地下开始复苏! What magic is this?” “这是什么魔法?” The huge charm that Elisha transfers makes the original look ease people complexion change, among brilliance that sprinkles unceasingly, as if there is emerald-green small seductress/evil spirit to be condensed the appearance, they are fanning the dexterous wing, as if the breeze same sways oversized, by ground that in covers jet black, suddenly gives full play to the incomparably prosperous vitality. 艾丽莎调动的庞大魔力让本来神色悠然的众人脸色一变,那不断洒落的光辉之间,仿佛有翠绿色的小妖精被凝聚出现,它们扇动着轻巧的翼,仿佛微风一样吹拂过大地,被漆黑覆盖的地面之中,忽然之间焕发出无比繁盛的生机。 An innumerable tender leaf bud breathes drills the broken ground, as if passed through the long space and time, the start of extreme speed grew. 无数嫩叶枝芽呼吸间钻破地面,仿佛穿越了漫长的时空,极速的开始生长起来。 „The dense/woods of all phenomena on earth!” “万象之森!” This is the elf deep meaning of ultra taboo rank...... is the inheritance of elf king, is?” Duke Frank the complexion changes, the sinking sound reminded: “这是超禁忌级别的精灵奥义……是精灵王的传承吗,还是?”富兰克公爵面色一变,沉声提醒: Do not make her complete this magic, attacks her main body!” “不要让她完成这个魔法,进攻她的本体!” Because the holy blood was suppressed, in addition was worried that aimed by Elisha, he does not dare to cut into the battlefield on own initiative, but is the rapid retreat, while accident, other powerhouses of legend also responded immediately. 因为圣血被压制,再加上担心被艾丽莎针对,他并不敢主动切入战场,而是飞速后退,不过在变故发生的同时,其他传奇的强者也都在第一时间反应过来。 Is the unproductive resistance, under our besieging, elf king true resurrects even, is still hard to escape by luck.” “不过是徒劳的反抗而已,我们的围攻之下,就算是精灵王真的复活,也难以幸免。” The master of black robe sneers a opens the mouth, he lifts the law stick, the gem of law stick peak dim light sparkle projects together the black light beam of distortion loudly, as if jet black thunder, falls on Elisha's top of the head instantaneously, pounds to fall to the young girl, wants to break Elisha who directly. 黑袍的法师冷笑一声开口,他抬起法杖,法杖顶端幽光闪耀的宝石轰然射出一道扭曲的黑色光柱,仿佛漆黑的雷霆,瞬间落在艾丽莎的头顶,向少女砸落,想要直接打断艾丽莎的施法。 The young girls nearly turn into the emerald pupil a brand mark incomparably complicated law design, Elisha raised the head, in the chilly pupil is producing an inverted image that black ray raids violently. 少女近乎变成翡翠色的瞳孔中烙印一个无比繁复的法阵图案,艾丽莎抬头的时候,清冷瞳孔中倒映着的那黑色光芒猛烈袭来。 Looks at that to flash passes black light, the sword of Elisha left hand protection previous wields toward the body, the black light beam seemed wiped disappears generally before the body of young girl vanishes, simultaneously Elisha behind, when person's shadow speedy approach, will launch the sneak attack, suddenly the pupil vibrates, sees only before own that black light previously that vanished leaps, rumbles to fly him. 望着那闪逝黑光,艾丽莎左手守护之剑向着身前一挥,黑色光束仿佛被抹消一般从少女的身前消失,同时艾丽莎的身后,一个人影迅速接近,正要展开偷袭时,忽然瞳孔震动,只见先前那消失的黑光从自己身前跃出,将他轰飞。 .. 。。 Being late will have second. 晚点会有第二更。
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