MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#60: Ambush

At night arrives. 夜晚到来。 Elisha put on the cape, departs from the manor quietly. 艾丽莎披上了斗篷,从庄园悄然离去。 Dim light of night silent, then like young girl mood general silentness at this moment. 夜色悄寂,便如同少女此刻的心情一般的静默。 The empty shadow of elf king appears from the body side of young girl, his consciousness is supervising outside all, the following holy blood hunting, he plans to coordinate Elisha, after eliminating the holy blood, leaves rapidly, in order to avoid the variable are too many. 精灵王的虚影自少女的身侧浮现,他的意识在监察着外面的一切,接下来的圣血狩猎,他打算配合艾丽莎,剥夺圣血后迅速离开,以免变数太多。 The young girls fly along the low altitude, on the young girl cape several demon marks dodge pass, camouflages her figure completely, just like integrates the darkness. 少女沿着低空一路飞行,少女斗篷上数道魔纹闪逝,将她的身形完全遮蔽,犹如融入黑暗。 Holy city's supervision is controlled by the Saint tower, under the assistance of elf king, Elisha easily avoids the elf that these did an inspection, has not revealed any trace, close to the mansion of goal. 圣城的监察由圣塔操控,在精灵王的辅助之下,艾丽莎轻易的避开了那些巡查的精灵,没有显露任何的痕迹,接近了目标的府邸。 Three minutes.” “三分钟的时间。” The elf king opens the mouth indifferently: I will open my consciousness barrier, this region complete blockade.” 精灵王漠然开口:“我会撑开我的意识屏障,将这片区域完全的封锁。” His voice falls, the front rich dim light of night seems like agitation suddenly, the huge manor brilliantly illuminated sky, like having an invisible large bowl backs off, all these in the quiet situation are happening. 他话音落下,前方浓郁夜色像是忽然的搅动,巨大庄园灯火通明的上空,如同有一只无形大碗倒扣而下,这一切都在悄无声息的情况下发生。 Meanwhile, Elisha also falls from the standing tall building peak, in the nighttime sky the static beauty moonlight shines, in Elisha has on the long sword of sheath such as the water bloom to ripple, as the sword light cuts together, the sky of manor, radiant ray sparkle. 于此同时,艾丽莎也从站立的高大建筑顶端落下,夜空中静美的月光照耀在艾丽莎出鞘的长剑上如水华荡漾,随着一道剑光斩出,庄园的上空,璀璨的光芒闪耀。 The barrier induction of protection to being close of attack, erupts the ray together suddenly. 一道防护的屏障感应到攻击的接近,骤然爆发出光芒。 „”. “咔嚓”一声。 The ray of sparkle was shattered, the form of young girl penetrates the manor from the sky directly, that huge knot is not even able to prevent Elisha one second. 闪耀的光芒破碎,少女的身影直接从上空突入庄园内部,那巨大的结界甚至无法多阻止艾丽莎一秒的时间。 Thump.” “咚。” Elisha falls to the ground, with binding the impact of huge strength manufacture, the ground blasts open one piece. 艾丽莎落地,携裹的庞大力量制造的冲击,地面炸裂一片。 !” “呼!” The giant sound, immediately causes the huge tumult in the manor, suddenly the innumerable shadows flee, rapid accumulation. 巨大的动静,顿时在庄园内部引起巨大的骚动,一时间无数黑影窜动,迅速聚集。 But waits for them to encircle to that raised mist and dust , is actually discovered that the pothole center, the fallen young girl has been missing. 可是等他们围到那片被掀起的烟尘之中,却是发现坑洞的中心,落下的少女已经不见了踪影。 Also is at this time. 也是此时。 The Saint step powerhouse sudden aura that peripheral knits the brows with rapt attention stagnates, 外围一个凝神皱眉的圣阶强者突然气息一滞, Looks that the twinkle same presents the young girl before own, but also without coming to have any movement, his chest was pricked by a section of sword sharp, body erupted battle qi shakes flies. 看着闪烁一样出现在自己身前的少女,还没来得有任何动作,他的胸口就被一截剑尖刺入,身体被爆发的斗气震飞。 In fact not only he, from the road of manor to rear hotel, many powerhouses is under Elisha's attack, the form of young girl as if transforms appears in their front generally suddenly launches the attack, the aura is indistinct, but the sword technique is actually incomparable swift and fierce, many people simply have not responded. 事实上不只是他一人,从庄园通往后方宅邸的路上,有不少强者遭遇艾丽莎的攻击,少女的身影仿佛幻化一般忽然出现在他们的面前发动攻击,气息飘渺,可是剑技却是无比的凌厉,不少人是根本没反应过来。 Also these dangers avoid quickly launch the counter-attack that Elisha attacked, is other attack bang to Elisha, actually discovered that the form of young girl same dissipates like the illusory image. 那些险险避开了艾丽莎攻击的也迅速展开反击,可是等他们的攻击轰向艾丽莎,却发现少女的身影如同幻影一样消散。 When the pitiful yell sound remembers, talent who these live shocking notices them to guard against the young girl who not to know when has crossed them to appear in the entrance of hotel. 等到身后惨叫声想起,那些活下来的人才震惊的注意到他们防备的少女不知道何时已经越过了他们出现在宅邸的门口。 Unexpectedly this fellow...... the imaginary law sword grasps is so quick.” “这家伙……幻法剑竟然掌握的这么快。” „The strength that her talent and that fellow leave behind extremely agrees with.” “她的天赋和那家伙留下的力量太过契合。” The elf king looks that Elisha grasped herself to open instantaneously to her some inheritance strengths, light snort/hum, vision twinkle. 精灵王看着艾丽莎瞬间掌握了自己开放给她的部分传承力量,轻哼一声,目光闪烁。 If not the present situation is extremely to him stern, he is actually not willing to make Elisha strengthen too many strengths. 若非现在的事态对他而言太过严峻,他其实也不愿意让艾丽莎汲取太多的力量。 Damn seal.” “该死的封印。” Thinks of here, elf king Geng is resenting, if not the seal that damn old man leaves behind, he had turned into oneself puppet Elisha. 想到这里,精灵王更是一阵愤恨,如果不是那个该死老头留下的封印,他早就把艾丽莎变成了自己的傀儡。 Elisha was just close to the mansion front door, on the front door the innumerable magnificent demon marks is stimulated, the eruption powerful strength, submerges the young girl loudly, a startled Sky Sword light that but runs out of later, breaks out the demon mark that these bloomed directly, cuts into the interior of hall. 艾丽莎刚接近府邸大门,大门上无数瑰丽魔纹被激发,轰然爆发强大的力量,将少女淹没,可是随后冲出的一道惊天剑光,直接劈开了那些绽放的魔纹,斩入大厅的内部。 But the young girl just entered the hall, one group of blazing flames before her body raids, probably a giant hot snake runs out, Elisha lifts the hand according to before the body, within the body battle qi automatically toward the frost transformation, the ice crystal covers the ground, the bone-chilling cold cold air blasts out, that say/way hot snake and cold ice attack in together, the innumerable white fog incite the ascension. 可少女刚进入大厅,就有一团炽热火光从她身前袭来,像是一道巨大的火蛇冲出,艾丽莎抬手按向身前,体内斗气自动向着冰霜转化,冰晶覆盖地面,凛冽的寒气炸开,那道火蛇和寒冰冲击在一起,无数白雾滋滋升腾。 Attacks to keep off, a shadow from mist rapid flies backward, goes out of the elf of wear moon/month of hunting cape to receive the sickle that in the midair flies back to from the rear area of hall, the faint smile looks to Elisha: It seems like my luck is good, finally I waited till you here.” 攻击被挡下,从雾气中一道黑影迅速的向后飞去,从大厅的后方走出的穿着月狩斗篷的精灵接下半空中飞回的弯刀,似笑非笑看向艾丽莎:“看来我的运气不错,最后还是我在这里等到了妳。” The voice drops that person from vanish suddenly same place, the twinkle same appears in Elisha's flank, in the hand two sickles interlocks to cut, assumes the wild flame that X shape erupts to gush out fiercely. 话音落下那人忽然从原地消失,闪烁一样出现在艾丽莎的侧方,手中两把弯刀交错斩下,呈“X”形状爆发的狂暴火焰猛地涌出。 A sword that Elisha punctures keeps off the first blade that he chops, however in that elf hides when the behind second blade cuts, his vision suddenly one cold, notices own body side, another Elisha appears, a sword cuts to his head. 艾丽莎刺出的一剑挡下他劈下的第一刀,然而就在那精灵藏在后面的第二刀斩下的时候,他的目光突然一凛,注意到自己的身侧,又一个艾丽莎出现,一剑斩向他的脑袋。 That elf sees this only to draw back to defend, after keeping off Elisha cuts, his expression shock even more, because transforms Elisha's form in his side one after another, several sword light simultaneous eruptions, from cut one by one to him. 那精灵见此只能退而防守,挡下艾丽莎的一斩后,他的表情愈发的震惊,因为在他身边接连幻化出艾丽莎的身影,数道剑光同时的爆发,从各个向他斩来。 !” “喝啊!” Facing so the difficult position, that elf moon/month hunts does not plan to sit waiting for death, the body blazing flame flashes passes, from his body, the flame halo erupts together, sweeps away toward all around, the flame impact, the ground seemed like even evaporated, revealed the incomparably burned black pothole. 面对如此困境,那精灵月狩也并不打算坐以待毙,身上炽热火光闪逝,从他的身上,一道火焰光环爆发,向着四周横扫,火焰冲击而出,地面甚至都像是被蒸发了一块,露出无比焦黑的坑洞。 But several Elisha's empty shades also with that sword light/only dissipates by the flame has swept, when that elf relaxes again plans to spread out, his whole body body pore has an acupuncture chill in the air, subconscious raising the head looks toward the above, in the hand the double blade standard keeps off forward. 而被火焰扫过的数道艾丽莎的虚影也随着那剑光消逝,可是就再那精灵松了口气打算拉开距离之时,他浑身身体毛孔有种针刺般的寒意,下意识的抬头向着上方看去,手中双刀向前格挡。 Two Ling Liejian light flash passes, is hit to fly from his hand the weapon directly, the young girl form follows closely two sword light to fall from his top of the head, that elf also wants to keep off again, but was covered the head by the Elisha fine palm with bare hands to next. 两道凌冽剑光闪逝,直接将武器从他手中弹飞,少女身影紧随两道剑光从他头顶落下,那精灵还想再挡,可是被艾丽莎纤白手掌扣住脑袋向下一拉。 Bang, the ground are many a big hole, is pounded by the great strength that young girl within the body bursts out on the ground, battle qi that he condenses hastily was shaken the powder directly, when that elf startled anger must use the mystique, his head by Elisha is also mentioned, pounds toward side. “嘭”的一声,地面多出一个大坑,被少女体内迸发的巨力砸在地上,他仓促凝聚的斗气直接被震散,就在那精灵惊怒间要动用秘法之时,他的脑袋又被艾丽莎提起,向着旁边砸去。 In thundering of wall disruption, Elisha cuts together the radiant sword light again, then counts the giant ice sword to be lifted the hand to condense by Elisha, one after another goes toward that side puncture. 墙壁碎裂的轰鸣之中,艾丽莎再次斩去一道璀璨剑光,然后数柄巨大的冰剑被艾丽莎抬手凝聚,接二连三向着那边穿刺而去。 Determined that side aura is untenable off and on, Elisha from disappears in a flash same place, advances following the holy blood position that the sensation arrives. 确定那边气息断断续续难以维系,艾丽莎转瞬从原地消失,顺着感知到的圣血位置突进。 At this time in some fine study room, a middle-aged elf looks young girl who in the projection vanishes, the complexion also changes, sets out to leave, after rune/symbol writing ray that in his hand condenses glitters, wall „” movement, reveals the secret room front door. 此时在某间精致书房内部,一个中年精灵看着投影中消失的少女,脸色也是一变,起身就要离开,他手中凝聚出的符文光芒闪烁后,身后墙壁“咔嚓”移动,露出密室大门。 But closes before the secret room front door, side bang a sound shaking transmits, several person's shadows pound to put on the wall to hit the study room, rows of heavy bookshelves fall to the ground, in that middle-aged person alarmed and afraid vision , the young girl who the powder sends looks like to him above the corridor. 可是在密室大门关闭之前,旁边“轰”的一声震动传来,几个人影砸穿墙壁撞进书房内部,一排排沉重的书架倒地,在那中年人惊惧的目光中,粉发的少女在走廊之上向他看来。 Two people look at each other at the same time, Elisha has almost no hesitant summon the sword of protection, the elf king also let loose the jurisdiction, enabling Elisha to grasp the strength of sword of protection. 两人对视的同时,艾丽莎几乎没有任何犹豫的召唤出守护之剑,精灵王也放开了权限,让艾丽莎掌握守护之剑的力量。 Buzz......” “嗡……” The space has the slight distortion, some huge consciousness arrives, suppresses in that middle-aged human body to want the holy blood of rebellion instantaneously. 空间发生细微的扭曲,某种庞大的意识降临,瞬间压制那中年人体内要暴动的圣血。 Induces to having the absolute suppresive strength, the expression of middle-aged person changes again, staggers retreats backward, is only Elisha's speed is quicker than him, he withdraws several steps, in the long sword by young girl hand was pierced the body. 感应到带着绝对压制性的力量,中年人的表情再次变化,踉跄向后退去,只是艾丽莎的速度比他更快,他才堪堪退后几步,就被少女手中的长剑刺穿身体。 The middle-aged corners of the mouth overflow blood, both hands grab to prick the long sword of body, looks fills the anger and unwillingness to the vision of young girl. 中年嘴角溢出鲜血,双手抓着刺入身体的长剑,望向少女的目光充满愤怒和不甘。 Do not waste the time, eliminates his within the body holy blood.” “不要浪费时间,剥夺他体内圣血。” Elf king Lengsheng opens the mouth, previous time takes away the holy blood failure , because gave the opposite party the response time, in addition demon empathize the hindrance, today's hunting is smooth. 精灵王冷声开口,上次夺去圣血失败,就是因为给了对方反应的时间,再加上“魔神会”的阻碍,不过今天的狩猎还算顺利。 His consciousness strength erupts, these holy blood successors do not want to use the strength before him. 他的意识力量爆发,那些圣血继承人根本别想在他面前动用力量。 After all the strength of this holy blood, is he inherits, now recycles. 毕竟这圣血的力量,就是他传承下去的,现在只是回收而已。 Then, the strength of mystique begins using, the Elisha body covers one dimly luminous, in expression that middle-aged person twists, the golden red blood line gushes out from his within the body slowly, was towed by Elisha. 然后,秘法的力量启用,艾丽莎身上笼罩上一层朦胧光亮,那个中年人扭曲的表情中,金红色的血线慢慢从他的体内涌出,受到艾丽莎的牵引。 But at this moment. 可就在这时。 Elisha felt suddenly a strange strength fluctuation appears, on that middle-aged elf the dim light emerges. 艾丽莎突然感觉到一种奇怪的力量波动浮现,那中年精灵身上幽光涌现。 „It is not right, draws back quickly! This is a trap!” “不对,快退!这是陷阱!” The elf king detects exceptionally, the rapid reminder, is at this moment, he is stuffy snort/hum one, in that golden red blood line, erupts a strange consciousness strength, that aura appears, the complexion big change of elf king. 精灵王察觉到异常,急促提醒,可是就在这时,他又是闷哼一声,那金红色血线之中,爆发一股诡异的意识力量,那气息显现的时候,精灵王的脸色大变。 Is you!” “又是你们!” Bang!” “轰!” The jet black demon god empty shadow appears from the blood line, the demon supernatural power erupted, blocked Elisha's space, letting the young girl is unable to withdraw. 漆黑的魔神虚影从血线中浮现,魔神力爆发,封锁了艾丽莎身边的空间,让少女无法退后。 After that aura appears, the middle-aged person is actually sends out the pitiful yell, the body starts the strange inflation, moreover body flesh fast by the black pollution, as if the ballooning became a giant balloon. 那气息浮现后,中年人却是发出惨叫,身体开始诡异的膨胀,而且身体血肉飞快的被黑色污染,仿佛鼓胀成一个巨大的气球。 This time does not want elf king to remind, Elisha will clench teeth the sword of protection to insert before the body the ground, the colored ray will launch in the front of young girl, forms the dim barrier. 这次不要精灵王提醒,艾丽莎咬牙将守护之剑插在身前地面,彩色的光芒在少女的面前展开,形成朦胧的屏障。 Almost at the same time, the body of middle-aged person blasts out, turns into a beach black mud to scatter, that black mud easily penetrated the wall and ground, corrodes deep potholes, before big piece the colored barrier of black mud by Elisha body kept off, then in some mystical the strength by barrier was evaporated the black fog dispersion. 几乎在同时,那中年人的身体炸开,变成一滩黑泥四溅而出,那黑泥轻易的穿透了墙壁和地面,腐蚀出一个个深深的坑洞,大片的黑泥被艾丽莎身前的彩色屏障挡下,然后被屏障中的某种神异的力量蒸发成了黑雾消散。 Takes the holy blood, hurries to leave.” “带上圣血,赶紧离开。” Looks at these black mud, the elf king tone gloomy opens the mouth. 看着那些黑泥,精灵王语气阴沉的开口。 If no strength asylum of sword of protection, explosion, Elisha absolutely by these black mud pollution, by inside residual crazy aura influence, moreover what his strength many aiming is in the consciousness, this makes elf king in an instant understand, this is in view of the trap that oneself set up. 如果不是有守护之剑的力量庇护,刚才的爆炸,艾丽莎绝对会被那些黑泥污染,被里面残留的疯狂气息影响,而且他力量更多的针对的是意识里,这让精灵王瞬间明白,这是针对自己设下的陷阱。 But...... will these fellows of demon empathize calculate his arrival? 可是……魔神会的那些家伙怎么会算到他的到来? Elisha also realized that situation strangeness, young girl pressed brow, recycling holy blood of saying a word, then broke open the window, flies toward outside, but just flew shortly, her speed slows down little, finally stops in the manor. 艾丽莎也意识到事态的诡异,少女蹙了蹙眉头,一言不发的回收圣血,然后破开了窗户,向着外面飞去,只是刚刚飞出去不久,她的速度一点点减缓,最后在庄园之中停下。 Elisha gets hold in the hand silently the long sword, her sensation arrives at about ten powerful aura, already this place thorough surrounding. 艾丽莎默默握紧手中长剑,她感知到近十道强大的气息,已经将这个地方彻底的包围。 ... 。。。
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