MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#59: Threat( second)

What I like compared with you quite many people.” “我喜欢的是比你好很多很多的人。” Spoke these words, Elisha found an excuse to leave directly, but looks back that the young girl is running away also resembles to leave, Loren Station in same place delay a meeting, revealed after a while is disconsolate and helpless expression. 说完这句话,艾丽莎直接找了个借口离开,而望着少女逃也似离开的背影,洛伦站在原地呆滞了一会,过了一会才露出又惆怅又无奈的表情。 This is nothing, lifts a rock to drop it on one's own feet. 这算什么,搬起石头砸自己的脚的吗。 Turns the head to look to Bailey, the girl is covering mouth in the one side is suppressing smiling, she is specialized, only if cannot bear, will otherwise not smile to make noise. 转头看向贝莉尔,女孩捂着嘴在一旁憋着笑,她是专业的,除非忍不住,不然不会笑出声。 ~ “噗~” After the result notices the Loren somewhat depressed vision, Bailey cannot bear finally. 结果注意到洛伦有些郁闷的目光后,贝莉尔最终还是没能忍住。 Blames you, who makes you be all right to ask this strange question.” “都怪妳,谁让妳没事问这种奇怪的问题的。” Loren sees the girl who titter, ill-humored shot on her forehead. 洛伦看到偷笑的女孩,没好气的在她的额头上弹了一下。 Obviously is the mouth that the Elder Brother yourself insert, but must blame me, excessively!” Bailey was knocked suddenly, digs the fresh-faced small mouth, but in the girl eyes also has the happy expression that is difficult to cover. “明明是哥哥你自己插的嘴,还要怪我,过分!”贝莉尔突然被敲,撅起粉嫩小嘴,但是女孩眼中还有着难掩的笑意。 Sees the appearance that the Elder Brother admits defeat with great difficulty, is really lovable ~ 好不容易看到哥哥吃瘪的样子,真是太可爱啦~ Originally under she wants to make fun of Elder Sister Elisha, has not thought that such pleasant surprise, especially Loren's secondary attack, may be called itself kill itself. 本来她只是想捉弄下艾丽莎姐姐,没想到有这样意外的惊喜,特别是洛伦的助攻,堪称自己杀自己。 „If does not have the Elder Brother those words, I must ask.” Bailey was saying curls the lip, flings the behavior of pot to express the disaffection regarding Loren. “而且如果没有哥哥那句话,我本来都要问出来了的。”贝莉尔说着又撇了撇嘴,对于洛伦甩锅的行为表示不满。 Actually her also very curious Elisha mouth Loren in can be what appearance. 其实她还挺好奇艾丽莎口中的洛伦会是什么模样的。 The result has not thought that the Elder Brother is not so bashful, collects the inquiry unexpectedly on own initiative. 结果没想到哥哥这么不害臊,竟然也主动凑过来询问。 Loren corner of the eye jumps, only treats as has not heard, he wants to help Elisha finish the awkward question and answer link as soon as possible, what young girl's reply is he does not care. 洛伦眼角一跳,只当作没听见,他只是想尽快帮艾丽莎结束尴尬的问答环节,少女的回答是什么样他一点都不在乎。 On the other hand, when Elder Sister Elisha knew the truth, remembers today's matter again, can be anything responds.” “话说回来,等艾丽莎姐姐知道了真相,再想起今天的事情,会是什么反应呢。” Really is curious, so long as when the time comes said what this I like compared with you quite many people, Elder Sister Elisha will definitely recall immediately.” “真是好奇啊,到时候只要说这句‘我喜欢的是比你好很多很多的人’,艾丽莎姐姐肯定就会立即回忆起来吧。” Bailey somewhat is suddenly excited. 贝莉尔突然有些兴奋起来。 Loren: „????” 洛伦:“????” Such ruthless, Loren felt that these words also inserted themselves a blade. 这么狠的吗,洛伦感觉这句话也把自己插了一刀。 This girl did not work as the fiendish person to do work beneath one's ability. 这丫头不当魔王真是屈才了。 It is not right, this girl is a fiendish person, that was all right. 哦,不对,这丫头就是魔王,那没事了。 Read and hence, Loren cannot help but remembered a previous generation famous saying, the world spear/gun soldier air/Qi Y-8 to fight, Zhao Zilong monopolized ten fights, other were divided into lost/carrying two fights, these words put on Bailey as if also to apply mechanically. 念及至此,洛伦不由得想起前世一句名言,天下枪兵气运八斗,赵子龙独占十斗,其他共分负二斗,这句话放贝莉尔身上似乎也可以套用。 The true fiendish person, Bailey accounted for 120%, stupid la is that lost/carrying 20%. 真正的魔王,贝莉尔占了百分之一百二,笨菈就是那负的百分之二十。 Thinks of here, Loren's silence again. 想到这里,洛伦再次的沉默。 full level the fiendish person, Loren cannot play her temporarily, daytime debt, is late asks that girl also to come back again. Loren sighed, in the evening how starts to think deeply about to ** stupid la cheek. 满级的魔王,洛伦暂时玩不过她,白天的债,还是晚点再找那丫头还回来吧。洛伦叹了口气,开始思索晚上自己要怎么**笨菈的脸蛋了。 .. 。。 Elisha chose to evade the reply, after being far away from Bailey that to let the naive vision that the person was hard to reject, the young girl relaxes, she is not willing casual to share with others such private matter, but thinks that girl's issue, on her face also somewhat had a fever, felt that own heartbeat somewhat was also fierce. 艾丽莎选择逃避了回答,远离了贝莉尔那让人难以拒绝的天真目光后,少女才松了口气,她还是不愿意将这么私密的事情随便和其他人分享,只是想到女孩的问题,她脸上还有些发烧,感觉自己的心跳也有些剧烈。 Big brother Loren......” “洛伦大哥……” Then, is talking over this name, the young girl gripped slowly tightened the fist. 然后,念叨着这个名字,少女慢慢攥紧了拳头。 The issue that Bailey spoke of suddenly, reminding Elisha cannot help but of a while ago intertwining of innermost feelings. 贝莉尔忽然提起的问题,让艾丽莎不由得想起了前段时间自己内心的纠结。 Actually in leaving that evening of imperial capital, Elisha had the courage, wants to tell Loren the idea in heart, but she does not think that become Loren's implication, therefore can only continue to hide some bold idea in the heart, is waiting one day, she has the sufficient strength, can stand, when side Loren, said those words with him again well. 其实在离开帝都的那个晚上,艾丽莎本来是鼓起了勇气,很想把心中的想法告诉洛伦的,可她又不想自己成为了洛伦的拖累,于是只能继续将某个大胆想法藏在心底,等着有一天,她有足够的实力,可以站在洛伦身边的时候,再好好跟他说出那句话。 Therefore...... cannot make big brother Loren be worried time and time again.” “所以……不能一次又一次的让洛伦大哥担心了啊。” Was recalling in the past the protection of youngster, Elisha is slowly quiet, told itself in the heart. 回想着过去少年的守护,艾丽莎慢慢平静下来,在心中告诉自己。 This world, surrounds her prisoner's cage, she must depend upon itself, finds out the means that gets rid elf king's control. 这个世界,是困住她的囚笼,她必须依靠自己,想出办法,来摆脱精灵王的控制。 Elisha complies with the transaction of elf king, is seeking some opportunity, opportunity that can counter-attack. 艾丽莎答应和精灵王的交易,也是在寻求着某个机会,可以反击的机会。 That sword...... was not being completely grasped by him, moreover he needs my strength, each time use that sword, makes me grow stronger.” “那柄剑……并非被他完全掌握着,而且他需要我的力量,每次使用那柄剑,也让我在变强。” In the Elisha brain flashes through this idea silently. 艾丽莎脑中默默闪过这个想法。 Actually Elisha had confidence shakes off the elf king's control, but the time will not be long, before determining oneself can instead kill the elf king, Elisha will not make any attempt, once because exposes, she will not have the opportunity again. 其实艾丽莎是有把握挣脱精灵王的控制的,但是时间不会太长,在确定自己可以反杀精灵王之前,艾丽莎不会做任何的尝试,因为一旦暴露,她就不会再有机会。 At this moment, young girl's complex expression sudden restraining, she detects oneself side, that disgusting aura reappearing again. 就在这时,少女复杂的表情突然的收敛,她察觉到自己的身边,那令人厌恶的气息再次的浮现。 Elisha, tonight, prepares your second action.” “艾丽莎,今天晚上,准备妳的第二次行动。” The fuzzy person's shadow appears, the voice of elf king indifferent resounds in the ear of young girl. 模糊的人影浮现,精灵王的声音漠然的在少女的耳边响起。 He is suppressing oneself anger diligently, shortly after couple days ago search, and Norman's death was also exposed, another holy blood was eliminated, making him feel the huge sense of crisis. 他在努力压制着自己的怒火,前几天的搜查后不久,梅丝和诺曼的死亡也被暴露了出来,又一份圣血被剥夺,让他感觉到了巨大的危机感。 Moreover other holy blood successors repeatedly expressed that the distrust of royal family ability, wants to refuse the royal family to supervise, they must form an alliance, copes these potential enemies. 而且其他圣血继承人多次表示出王族能力的不信任,想要拒绝王族监察,他们要自行结成联盟,来对付那些潜在的敌人。 Once the alliance is founded, elf king Xiangyao obtains the holy blood the difficulty to be higher. 一旦联盟成立,精灵王想要获得圣血的难度更高。 Under forcing of demon empathize, the elf king decides to take risks, speeds up collecting the holy blood the speed, improves own strength, the most important thing is restores his body. 在魔神会的逼迫下,精灵王决定铤而走险,加快收集圣血的速度,来完善自己的力量,最重要的是恢复他的身体。 Tonight acts, other months hunt will not give me this opportunity.” “今天晚上就行动,其他的月狩不会给我这个机会。” Hears the elf king's order, Elisha somewhat frowns. 听到精灵王的命令,艾丽莎有些蹙眉。 These Tiansheng cities constantly, the royal family strengthened the guard in place turbulently in the evening, the moon/month hunted the effort of supervision is also higher, couple of days ago outside she also had to go to investigate the situation, still had not found the opportunity, this was also the elf king not the reason that wanted her to continue to hunt and kill other holy blood successors. 这几天圣城动荡不断,晚上王族又加强了个地方的护卫,月狩监察的力度也更高,前两天她也有去外面探查过情况,一直没找到机会,这也是精灵王没要她继续猎杀其他圣血继承者的原因。 But to today, elf king could not endure patiently finally. 但到了今天,精灵王终于忍耐不住了。 Don't worry, I can open many strength inheritance, even if there is a moon/month to hunt the stop, still nothing to be afraid.” “不用担心,我会给开放更多的力量传承,就算有月狩阻拦,也不足为惧。” Elf king said, in this at crucial moment, him does not mind to Elisha more advantage. 精灵王说道,在这关键时候,他也不介意给艾丽莎更多的好处。 Moreover, so long as you completed today's task, I can also want to know the news that to tell you you.” “另外,只要妳完成了今天的任务,我也可以把妳想要知道的消息告诉妳。” Moreover you do not want to act to that girl.” “而且妳也不想对那个女孩出手吧。” Meanwhile, the elf king coldly said one. 同时,精灵王又冷冷的说了一句。 Elisha had not begun to white/shell La, on the one hand is the elf king considered that begins to her, the possibility that Elisha exposes is quite big, after all Elisha is responsible for protects white/shell La the safety, but on the other hand is the influence of Elisha's robust stand. 艾丽莎一直没对贝菈动手,一方面是精灵王考虑到对她动手,艾丽莎暴露的可能性比较大,毕竟艾丽莎负责就是保护贝菈的安全,而另一方面则是艾丽莎强硬的态度的影响。 However, he does not care about these, in the eyes of elf king, white/shell La has does not have any threat, after he restores, has the means to recycle the holy blood of white/shell La within the body anytime. 但是,他也不在乎这些,在精灵王的眼中,贝菈的存在没有任何的威胁力,等他恢复之后,随时都有办法来回收贝菈体内的圣血。 Hears the threat of elf king, Elisha gripped the fist, finally is returning in a soft voice said: I knew.” 听到精灵王的威胁,艾丽莎的攥了攥拳头,最后还是轻声的回道:“我知道了。” .. 。。 Asked monthly ticket ~ how to feel that the pair the monthly ticket must be more miserable than before...... 求下月票~怎么感觉双更了月票比之前还要更惨了……
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