MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#100: Elisha's difficult problem

The after discussion of elf king and Mar bus ended, the time is late at night. 精灵王和马尔巴士的商谈结束后,时间已经是深夜。 Determined after Mar bus departs, a elf king person sat alone in boredom in the study room as before for a long time, vision unceasing twinkle. 确定马尔巴士离去后,精灵王依旧一个人在书房枯坐了许久,目光不断的闪烁。 Thinks the absolutely safe plan, because of all kinds of accidents/surprises, forced into the absolute crisis him, even if he fully realized that with plan of demon empathize, seeks an impossibility without doubt, must accept the condition of opposite party. 原本以为万无一失的计划,因为各种各样的意外,将他逼入了绝对的危局,即便他深知和魔神会的谋划,无疑是与虎谋皮,也必须答应对方的条件。 Naturally, this is also winning the time for he himself. 当然,这也是为他自己在争取时间。 Mar bus that fellow...... thinks that did not have the heart of Saint tree, can act bashful me casually.” “马尔巴士那家伙……以为没有了圣树之心,就可以随便拿捏我了。” The elf king sneers, in his eye is fermenting the anger. 精灵王冷笑一声,他的眼中酝酿着怒火。 In that anger, he as if sees that collapse again the city wall, collapse destroys the royal palace, the armies of demon clan press near, all that he had in the past then under the mighty current of strength by complete submergence. 那怒火中,他仿佛再次看见那倒塌的城墙,崩毁的王宫,魔族的大军压近,他过去拥有的一切便在力量的洪流下被完全的淹没。 That powerful demon god regiment few enemy. 那强大的魔神军团几乎无人可敌。 At that time, a person isolated above in Wangqiang, looks the person who crowding around scattered in a panic, the elf king knew, this world really reliable, only then his own strength. 那个时候,一人孤立于王墙之上,看着身边簇拥的人一个个作鸟兽散,精灵王就知晓,这个世界真的靠得住的,就只有他自己的力量。 In fact, in looking own once friend, was sealed in the inner and outer coffin delivers to the front, the elf king has such idea. 事实上,在看着自己曾经的朋友,被封在棺椁中送到自己面前之时,精灵王就已经有了这样的想法。 He can promote the tide, oneself once friend will ruin under railing and sword of betrayal, there are others similarly to treat him like this. 他可以推动浪潮,将自己曾经的友人葬送在谩骂和背叛的刀剑之下,也有其他人同样可以这样对待他。 Bailey bitter experience that especially afterward knew, is to make him awaken. 特别是后来得知的贝莉尔的遭遇,更是让他惊醒。 Even if that fiendish person has is betrayed one day of design, not to mention others. 就算是那位魔王都有遭人背叛设计的一天,更不用说其他人。 He does not hope oneself will have such a day, therefore he must grasp the ultimate strength in oneself hand, wipes to disappear all anxious factors. 他不希望自己会有那样的一天,所以他要将终极的力量掌握在自己的手中,抹消一切不安的因素。 Saint tree, makes no mistake......” “圣树,不容有失……” That is he exceeds Bailey, the achievement invincible key. 那是他超越贝莉尔,成就无敌的关键。 Therefore, he can put in all prices and sacrifices. 为此,他可以付出一切的代价和牺牲。 Also was at this time, the vision of elf king looked to the entrance of study room, said lightly: Came.” 也是这时,精灵王的目光看向书房的门口,淡淡道:“来了啊。” Elisha's silent entry study room, her behind front door automatic closure, was at this time, some knot began using, shielded all sensations and spying on. 艾丽莎沉默的进入书房,她身后的大门自动的关闭,也是这时,某种结界启用,屏蔽了所有的感知和窥探。 I complied with the matter that helped you do to achieve, you have not fulfilled your commitment.” “我答应帮你做的事已经做到了,你还没有兑现你的承诺。” The Elisha light opens the mouth said. 艾丽莎淡淡开口道。 Your grandfather is also living.” “妳的爷爷还活着。” Elf king said. 精灵王说道。 Elisha hears this news, was startled in same place, then the young girl could not bear grip tightened the fist: How I know genuine and fake that you said.” 艾丽莎听到这个消息,就是怔在了原地,然后少女忍不住攥紧了拳头:“我怎么知道你说的真假。” Caro is also living, to Elisha without doubt is a huge pleasant surprise, however the present young girl cannot entirely believe that the words of elf king, she does not think hope that surge with great difficulty, finally becomes desperate. 卡罗还活着,对艾丽莎而言无疑是一个巨大的惊喜,但是现在的少女并不敢完全相信精灵王的话,她也不想自己好不容易涌起的希望,最后又成为绝望。 Initially I and you left the vestige time, had not found the trail of that fellow, if he really died, I will also find his corpse, you can believe that can also not believe that this was I complies to give your information in any case.” “当初我和妳离开遗迹的时候,就没有找到那家伙的踪迹,他若是真死了,我也会找到他的尸体,妳可以相信也可以不信,反正这就是我答应给妳的情报。” Elf king Dandan said: Moreover, you also hid many secrets not to tell me not, for example...... your father was concerned with the people of demon empathize.” 精灵王淡淡道:“另外,妳也藏了不少秘密没有告诉我不是吗,比如……妳的父亲和魔神会的人有关。” I and he have not related.” “我和他没有关系。” Elisha has not thought that the elf king unearthed this secret, the young girl tried hard to conceal oneself surprised, tone ice-cold saying. 艾丽莎并没有想到精灵王挖掘出了这个秘密,少女努力掩饰自己的惊讶,语气冰冷的说道。 Right , did his life have nothing to do with you looking at it like this?” “是吗,这样看来,他的死活也与妳无关了?” The elf king shakes the head: Such being the case, that then considers as finished, originally I have must tell you about his news, since you feel irrelevant, when I talked too much.” 精灵王摇了摇头:“既然如此,那便算了,本来我还有一些关于他的消息要告诉妳,既然妳觉得无关,就当我多言了吧。” What do you want to make?” “你到底想要做什么?” After Elisha's short silence, opens the mouth. 艾丽莎短暂的沉默后开口。 I want to help you.” “我只是想要帮妳而已。” Elf king said with a smile: You lost mother, should know that pain, I believe you are not definitely willing to lose other important people again.” 精灵王笑道:“妳失去了母亲,应该知道那种痛苦,我相信妳肯定不愿意再失去其他重要的人。” Therefore, knows when with your father related news, I am thinking should remind your, after all, you have helped me these days much not.” “所以,知道和妳父亲有关的消息时,我就想着应该提醒妳一下,毕竟,这段时间妳也帮过我不少不是吗。” If you really want to help me, will not continue to restrict my freedom.” “如果你真的想要帮助我,就不会继续限制我的自由。” Elisha light say/way. 艾丽莎淡淡道。 I said that if there are other means that I will certainly not restrict your freedom.” Elf king said in a soft voice: Is only now, I need your strength, Elisha.” “我说了,如果有其他的办法,我当然不会限制妳的自由。”精灵王轻声说道:“只是现在,我需要妳的力量,艾丽莎。” Looks at the young girl vigilant look, in the eyes of elf king flashes through a cold light, but covers it , to continue saying: Your father had betrayed the demon empathize.” 看着少女警惕的眼神,精灵王的眼中闪过一丝冷光,但紧接着又将其掩去,继续道:“妳的父亲已经背叛了魔神会。” Elisha does not dare to believe looks at the elf king. 艾丽莎不敢置信的看着精灵王。 Why?” “为什么?” Evidently, you do not seem to understand your father does join the demon empathize for what?” “看样子,妳好像一点都不明白妳的父亲加入魔神会是为了什么?” Elf king Youyou said: According to my information, the demon empathize has to let the item that the dead comes back to life.” 精灵王悠悠道:“不过根据我的情报,魔神会拥有让死者复生的道具。” But hears these words, Elisha's vision is to actually become somewhat is out of sorts. 而听到这句话,艾丽莎的目光却是变得有些失神。 Makes the dead come back to life......” “让死者复生……” Elisha is muttering the retreat. 艾丽莎喃喃着后退。 In the young girl brain, a fuzzy memory, as if starts to be gradually clear. 少女脑中,一段模糊的记忆,似乎开始逐渐清晰。 She does not remember that which evening that is. 她不记得那是哪个晚上。 Only remembers that after that is mother leaves the matter. 只记得那是妈妈离开后的事情。 Outside lightly is raining hard, the cavity of little girl line of sight hugs is playing to sit together on the bed is looking at out of the window. 外面淅淅沥沥下着大雨,小小的女孩视线的空洞的抱着玩偶坐在床上望着窗外。 Shortly after mother leaves, the grandfather loudly quarrels with the father, two people fights even affected the most manor. 妈妈离开后不久,爷爷就和爸爸大吵了一架,两人的战斗甚至波及了大半的庄园。 Two people fight, the girl looks in the bedside silently, in the brain is thinking before mother leaves, words that spoke, she said that she must go to very far place. 两人战斗的时候,女孩就在床边默默看着,脑中想着妈妈离开前说的话,她说她要去很远的地方啦。 Elisha does not know that is very far, she was anticipating that day that mother comes back. 艾丽莎不知道很远是多远,她只是期待着妈妈回来的那一天。 Also that night, her bedside, does not know when the hair becomes incomparably pale man silent sitting, static is looking at her. 也是在那天晚上,她的床边,不知道何时头发变得无比苍白的男人默然的坐着,静静的望着她。 After Elisha notices Reims, somewhat dull asking: When father...... mother comes back.” 艾丽莎注意到兰斯后就有些呆呆的问道:“爸爸……妈妈什么时候回来。” At that time she has not known that had anything, she is only inexplicable feeling uneasy, wanted to see mother, because subconscious feeling, so long as saw mother, mother will not receive any injury. However this issue she asked many, have not gotten the answer. 那个时候她还不知道发生了什么,她只是莫名的感觉不安,想要见到妈妈,因为下意识的觉得只要见到妈妈,妈妈就不会受到任何的伤害了。然而这个问题她问了很多遍,从来没有得到过答案。 But that night, she recalled suddenly, Rance seemed like smiles. 可是那天晚上,她突然记起,兰斯似乎是笑了。 Father does not know, what I can guarantee, she will certainly come back.” That night, Rance closely is hugging her, made the pledge in her ear. “爸爸也不知道,不过我可以保证的是,她一定会回来的。”那天晚上,兰斯紧紧的抱着她,在她的耳边立下誓言。 Shortly after that Elisha's side, two important person radical disappearances. 在那之后不久,艾丽莎的身边,就有两个重要的人彻底的消失了。 The young girl who slowly grows up, oneself will seal up, does not want the contact with others again, because she is very difficult to accept, has any important person again, vanishes from own world. 慢慢长大的少女,将自己封闭了起来,不想再和其他人有接触,因为她很难接受,再有任何重要的人,从自己的世界中消失。 Father......” “父亲……” Saying that Elisha muttered. 艾丽莎喃喃的说道。 This name, to the young girl, is such strangeness. 这个称呼,对少女而言,是那样的陌生。 She has felt oneself is abandoned by Rance, may to today, the young girl suddenly discover that...... had not lost him. 她一直都觉得自己是被兰斯抛弃了,可到了今天,少女忽然发现……自己原来一直没有失去他。 But the elf king notices Elisha's change, the smile on face actually even more cold. 而精灵王注意到艾丽莎的变化,脸上的笑容却是愈发的冷冽。 „The fellow destroyed the arrangement of demon empathize, I very appreciate actually his, what a pity, he is dying quickly.” “那家伙破坏了魔神会的布置,我倒是挺欣赏他的,可惜啊,他很快就要死了。” The words of elf king, withdrew quickly Elisha's train of thought. 精灵王的话语,很快又抽回了艾丽莎的思绪。 The young girl who elf king Wang the look is changing said easely: He betrayed the demon empathize, seized some essential thing, how these fellows possibly tolerate him to go on living, but wants him in the holy city, will be found by these people sooner or later, his strength, will be impossible is the opponent of demon empathize.” 精灵王望着神色变化的少女悠然道:“他背叛了魔神会,夺走了某件关键的东西,那些家伙又怎么可能容忍他一直活下去,而只要他在圣城之中,就迟早会被那些人找到,他一个人的力量,也不可能会是魔神会的对手。” Said these, the elf king knocks on the desk gently, in Elisha's front, appeared previously the projection of Rance and demon empathize fight quickly, naturally, that but the Rance falling fascinated empathize besieges. 说完这些,精灵王在书桌上轻轻一敲,很快在艾丽莎的面前,显现了先前兰斯和魔神会战斗的投影,当然,只是兰斯陷入魔神会围攻的那段。 How you must be willing to save him.” “你要怎么样才肯救他。” Elisha looked at the picture in projection, the sound became desolate. 艾丽莎看完了投影中的画面,声音变得更加的冷淡。 The young girls also understood the intention of elf king at this time, that with Rance's safety as coercing her condition. 少女这时也明白了精灵王的用意,那就是用兰斯的安危作为要挟她的条件。 If wants to save him, has the means that so long as I can restore the strength, I can help you cope with the demon empathize.” “要想救他,也不是没有办法,只要我能够恢复力量,我就能帮妳对付魔神会。” Elf king see Elisha swallows the bait, no longer beat around the bush. 精灵王见艾丽莎上钩,也不再拐弯抹角。 I have helped you collect enough holy blood.” “我已经帮你收集了足够的圣血。” Insufficiently!” “不够!” Elf king said decisively: These strengths, were needless saying that coped with the demon empathize, in the royal palace these had the fellows of disloyalty unable to suppress.” 精灵王断然道:“这些力量,不用说对付魔神会,就连王宫中那些有异心的家伙都压制不下去。” Elf king is saying setting out, moves toward Elisha time coldly the opens the mouth, does not conceal own desire: I want you to help my collection simultaneous/uniform all holy blood.” 精灵王说着起身,走向艾丽莎的时候冷冷开口,再也不掩饰自己的欲望:“我要你帮我集齐所有的圣血。” He and demon empathize plan of arrived at the most essential time, he wants to overturn, can only depend upon is own strength. 他和魔神会的谋划都到了最关键的时候,他想要翻盘,唯一能依靠的就是自己的力量。 Collects the holy blood, is only the premise. 凑齐圣血,只是前提。 All holy blood......” Elisha declines saying: This is impossible, part of holy blood in Xueli...... in king woman the hand, you know that she is impossible to give you.” “所有的圣血……”艾丽莎拒绝道:“这不可能,还有一部分圣血在雪莉……王女的手中,你知道她不可能交给你。” I know certainly.” “我当然知道。” Elf king Dandan said: This is also the reason that I need you to help my collection simultaneous/uniform holy blood, you have looked like Xueli to prove your status, won her trust.” 精灵王淡淡道:“这也是我需要妳来帮我集齐圣血的原因,妳已经像雪莉证明了妳的身份,也取得了她的信任。” Even this, she will not hand over the holy blood.” “就算是这样,她也不会将圣血交出来。” She will certainly not hand over on own initiative, but does not represent you unable to begin to take.” “她当然不会主动交出来,但并不代表妳不能自己动手去取。” The elf king takes out one bottle of demon medicines to place on the desk: She possibly has the protection to anybody, but not possible to have the protection to you, so long as you want, eliminates the holy blood from her is not the difficult matter.” 精灵王取出一瓶魔药放在书桌上:“她可能对任何人有防备,但不可能对妳有防备,只要妳愿意,从她身上剥夺圣血并不是什么难事。” Even she did not have the holy blood, I can still help her continue the life with other secret medicine, but your father was different, without our help, he will die in the hand of demon empathize sooner or later, I think that what kind of choice...... should make, to you are not difficult.” “就算她没了圣血,我也可以用其他秘药帮她延续生命,但是妳的父亲就不一样了,没有我们的帮助,他迟早会死在魔神会的手中,我想……该做怎样的选择,对妳而言并不困难。” Believes me, Elisha, this is you rescues his means only, also saves your means that we have the same bloodlines, I am impossible to harm your.” “相信我,艾丽莎,这是妳唯一解救他的办法,也同样是拯救妳自己的办法,我们有着一样的血脉,我不可能害妳们的。” Elf king said that said earnestly: If possible, I do not want to do this, but...... the destiny always fills the accident/surprise, this world, everyone is compelling me.” 精灵王说认真道:“如果可以的话,我也不想这样做的,但是……命运总是充满了意外,这个世界,所有人都在逼我。” I don't know either, why some so many people, are wanting to court death anxiously.” “我也不知道,为什么就有那么多人,这么急着想要找死。” Elf king Youyou is saying. 精灵王幽幽说着。 Elisha did not say a word, the young girl lowered the head, probably is pondering anything, long time later, her silently grasped that bottle of demon medicines in the hand, the bottle started icy coldly, but to Elisha, that demon medicine was actually incomparable hot. 艾丽莎一言不发,少女低着头,像是在思考着什么,良久以后,她默默的将那瓶魔药抓在了手中,瓶子入手冰凉,可对于艾丽莎而言,那魔药却是无比的烫手。 ... 。。。 Every day the hair is reducing, the body weight is actually increasing, possibly this is the worry appearance. 每天头发在减少,体重却在增加,可能这就是烦恼的模样吧。
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