MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#101: Actors

The night royal palace, goes out from the study room. 深夜的王宫,从书房中走出。 The Elisha vision is somewhat empty, the chilly light falls on her body, in her pulls out together the lonely shadow behind. 艾丽莎目光有些空洞,清冷的灯光落在她的身上,在她的身后拉出一道孤独的影子。 The chilly corridor channel, the flash becomes is very probably long, a person cannot walk. 清冷的走廊通道,一瞬间好像变得很长,一个人怎么也走不完。 Choice.” “选择吗。” The young girls closely are grasping the demon medicine bottle in hand. 少女紧紧抓着手中的魔药瓶。 She knows that the words of elf king cannot believe that but...... 她知道精灵王的话不能相信,但是…… Some things, she does not dare to bet. 有些东西,她不敢去赌。 For example crisis that Rance suffers. 比如兰斯遭遇的危机。 Moreover more recalled that perhaps the past all, Elisha also even more anxious...... she really misunderstood Rance in the past. 而且越是回想起过去的一切,艾丽莎也越发的紧张……她过去或许真的误会了兰斯。 If Rance died like this, then she forever losing will also obtain the truth from his mouth the opportunity, there are many things, is unable to make up again. 如果兰斯就这样死去,那么她也将永远的失去从他口中获得真相的机会,也有很多的东西,再也无法弥补。 But she has lost was many, she is not willing to lose again. 而她已经失去了很多了,她不愿再失去更多。 Elisha does not know that oneself grandfather is also really living, although wants to believe very much, but Elisha does not dare to give itself too many hopes. 艾丽莎不知道自己的爷爷是不是真的还活着,虽然很想要相信,但是艾丽莎并不敢给自己太多的希望。 How big brother Loren...... I should do.” “洛伦大哥……我到底该怎么做。” Elisha in a soft voice twittering. 艾丽莎轻声呢喃着。 In the past in the school, she did not need to be worried about own choice. 过去在学院的时候,她不用担心自己的选择。 Because the young girl knows, no matter oneself make anything, in her behind, some people will be supporting her forever. 因为少女知道,不管自己做什么,在她的身后,永远会有人支撑着她。 But now, in these people of her side, departures. 可是如今,在她身边的那些人,已经一个一个的离去。 At this time, she can depend upon, only then oneself. 这个时候,她能依靠的只有自己。 Aunt Shirley...... also has...... the father.” “雪莉阿姨……还有……父亲。” Elisha is biting oneself lip. 艾丽莎咬着自己的嘴唇。 From Xueli there, Elisha understood matter about own mother, she knew Xueli's status, knows why when Xueli why will face the threat of elf king chooses to submit. 从雪莉那里,艾丽莎了解了很多关于自己母亲的事情,她知道了雪莉的身份,也知道为什么雪莉为什么会面对精灵王的威胁时选择屈服。 „To become obviously stronger, wants to protect big brother Loren, may arrive finally, I become the burden, becomes...... their limit.” “明明想要变得更强,想要可以保护洛伦大哥,可到最后,我还是成为了累赘,成为了……他们的限制。” Young girls unwilling is thinking. 少女不甘心的想着。 She the pursue to the strength, makes the grandfather be in danger, became implications of others by oneself. 她对力量的追求,才让爷爷陷入险境,也让自己成为了其他人的拖累。 Xueli also gave up for her, matter that however she must do now, is very possible to disappoint Xueli's trust. 雪莉为她也放弃了很多,然而现在她要做的事,却很可能要辜负雪莉的信任。 If she really eliminated the holy blood, enabling the elf king to grasp a stronger strength, will the fellow really let off them? 而且如果她真的剥夺了圣血,让精灵王掌握了更强的力量,那家伙真的会放过她们吗? How should I do?” “我该怎么做?” The young girls somewhat are suddenly vacant. 少女忽然间有些茫然。 She had the tentative plan to find the means to counter-attack to elf king Jinhang before, but the present development...... makes the young girl appear hesitates, she really prepared to deal with all these, if were defeated, whether she could take that consequence, can have other inestimable impacts. 她之前有设想过找到办法对精灵王进行反击,可现在的发展……又让少女显得迟疑,她真的做好了准备去应对这一切了吗,如果失败了,她能否承担那后果,又会不会带来其他一些不可估量的影响。 Because she also has person who needs to care about, once is defeated, escape route that she possibly has no. 因为她也有需要顾及的人,而且一旦失败,她可能没有任何的退路。 Elisha, you are all right.” “艾丽莎,妳没事吧。” But at this moment. 可就在这时。 Sound sudden resounding. 一个声音突然的响起。 Elisha stops the footsteps, the young girl looks up to the front, corridor side, the youngster is leaning on behind the front door of room, static visits her. 艾丽莎停下脚步,少女抬头看向前方,走廊的一边,少年倚靠着身后房间的大门,静静的看着她。 The appearance of youngster, is completely not as Elisha expected, she almost stayed in same place, some little time responded. 少年的出现,完全出乎艾丽莎的预料,她几乎呆在了原地,好一会才反应了过来。 Luke.” “卢克阁下。” After having gotten back one's composure, Elisha actually depressed in the heart to start the intense fluctuation the state of mind, light opens the mouth: You do not need to care, I cannot fall asleep to come out casually.” 回过神后,艾丽莎却是压下了心中开始激烈波动的心绪,淡淡开口:“你无需在意,我只是睡不着随便出来走走。” Cannot fall asleep, does that look like you really to need my help?” “睡不着吗,那看来妳很需要我的帮助?” Loren smiles suddenly. 洛伦忽然笑了笑。 After all I, coaxes the girl to sleep has one very much.” “毕竟我这人,哄女孩子睡觉很有一手的。” Elisha looks that Loren said while walks toward oneself, young girl somewhat is all of a sudden nervous. 艾丽莎看着洛伦一边说一边向着自己走来,少女的心情一下子有些紧张起来。 But in the next second, Loren also said with a smile: Past time, so long as I one and girl chatted, they said oneself must sleep.” 而就在下一秒,洛伦又是笑着说道:“过去的时候,我只要一和女孩子聊天,她们就都说自己要睡觉了。” Elisha: „......” 艾丽莎:“……” Elisha gawked some little time the meaning of understanding what is heard youngster, may want to say Luke , if all right I to go back to sleep also good swallowing back of forcefully. 艾丽莎愣了好一会才听明白少年的意思,可原本想要说的“卢克阁下要是没什么事我就回去睡觉”的话也好硬生生的咽了回去。 Seemed like saw Loren wanted to say with anything's idea, after hesitated slightly, Elisha asked in a soft voice: Luke why such late also outside?” 似乎是看出了洛伦想要和自己说什么的想法,稍微的犹豫后,艾丽莎轻声问道:“卢克阁下为什么会这么晚还在外面?” Elisha tries hard is not revealed any unusuality by oneself in Loren's front. 艾丽莎努力不让自己在洛伦的面前流露出任何的异常。 Because after she and Loren meets, in the past that monitored feeling again appears, not only in fact Elisha, Loren also has the feeling, but Loren treats as has not discovered. 因为在她和洛伦相遇之后,过去那种被监视的感觉再度浮现,事实上不只是艾丽莎,洛伦也同样有感觉,只是洛伦当作没有发现而已。 In the royal palace, Loren has been staring at Elisha's sound, does not use that side Elisha also has his family/home informers to exist, Elisha leaves the room, pretended to be sleeping Bailey to give him to report quickly. 在王宫的时候,洛伦一直都在盯着艾丽莎的动静,更不用在艾丽莎那边还有他家眼线存在,艾丽莎只是离开房间,装睡的贝莉尔很快就给了他报告。 The elf king looks for Elisha this time, in some sense also proved Loren's previous speculation, he knows that fellow could not have borne, therefore gave Elisha to arrange certain duties. 精灵王这个时间找艾丽莎,某种意义上也证明了洛伦先前的猜测,他知道那家伙已经忍不住了,所以又给艾丽莎安排了某些任务。 It‘s nothing, I am the art of study schedule management, night time, is precious, especially regarding certain many movements.” “没什么,我就是学习时间管理的艺术,深夜的时间,也是弥足珍贵的,特别是对于某些多人运动而言。” Loren pulled a reason casually. 洛伦随便扯了个理由。 At this time, but also does the exercise?” “这个时候,还做运动?” Elisha gawked. 艾丽莎愣了一下。 Un, concrete is anything, in the future will have the opportunity to tell you again.” Loren empty eye, shifts the topic: On the other hand, Elisha you were come across what difficult problem.” “嗯,具体是什么,日后有机会再告诉妳。”洛伦虚着眼睛,转移话题:“话说回来,艾丽莎妳是遇到什么难题了吗。” Many thanks Luke cared, I have not come across what difficult problem.” “多谢卢克阁下关心,我并没有遇到什么难题。” Elisha grasped the fist, the mood of young girl becomes more intense, but said finally in a soft voice. 艾丽莎握了握拳头,少女的心情变得更加紧张,但最后还是轻声说道。 Right, if you if needed, although asks me to help, regardless of anything is good.” Loren also said: Even if you want to make me help you completely take care of the threat of elf king not to have the issue.” “是吗,如果妳有需要的话,尽管找我帮忙,不论什么都好。”洛伦又道:“就算妳想让我帮妳彻底解决精灵王的威胁也没问题。” Elisha hears the word suddenly one startled, but, felt probably behind cold intent, Elisha clenches teeth saying: Luke, I do not understand that you are saying anything, I have not been under any threat, my matter does not need you to meddle.” 艾丽莎闻言突然一惊,可紧接着,像是感觉到身后的冷意,艾丽莎咬牙道:“卢克阁下,我不明白你在说什么,我并没有受到任何的威胁,我的事情也不需要你来插手。” Right, it seems like you are still thinking that fellow, wanting that person who waits for you to like to save you.” Loren light say/way. “是吗,看来妳是还在想着那家伙啊,想要等着妳喜欢的那个人来救妳吗。”洛伦淡淡道。 Even if I promised and elf king trade, to receive in exchange for your freedom, you are not willing to give me the opportunity.” “就算我答应了和精灵王交易,为了换取妳的自由,妳也不愿意给我机会吗。” I......” “我……” Elisha is looking at the youngster, suddenly some do not know how should reply. 艾丽莎望着少年,一时间有些不知道该如何回答了。 After all in the previous fight, Elisha almost 80% confirmed Loren's status. 毕竟先前的战斗中,艾丽莎几乎百分之八十确认了洛伦的身份。 If at present the youngster is really big brother Loren, he said that what these are want to tell itself? 而如果眼前少年真是洛伦大哥,他说这些是想要告诉自己什么? My matter, without is so simple, you who you think could not help me.” “我的事情,没有你想的那么简单,你帮不了我的。” Silent a meeting, Elisha said. 沉默了一会,艾丽莎说道。 You do not give me the opportunity, how to know that I can't help?” “妳不给我机会,怎么又知道我帮不上忙?” Loren light say/way. 洛伦淡淡道。 If you need, I can lead you to leave immediately, the fellow keeps your limit, will not be what issue, the ban that so long as you will suppose on you him will expose to me, I will have the means to eradicate it.” “如果妳需要,我可以立刻带妳离开,那家伙留在妳身上的限制,也不会是什么问题,只要妳把他在妳身上设下的禁制暴露给我,我就有办法将其破除。” Elisha hears here, innermost feelings slightly trembles, but said: 艾丽莎听到这里,内心微微的一颤,但还是说道: Thanks Luke the good intention, but I do not need your help, I have means solution all these.” “谢谢卢克阁下好意,不过我不需要你的帮助,我自己有办法解决这一切。” If you really have means solution all these, firmly is not being controlled by that fellow now.” “如果妳真有办法解决这一切,就不会现在还被那家伙牢牢的控制着。” Loren tone slightly cold: 洛伦语气微冷: Cooperates with me, is only means that you are saved, without my help, you will not have any dependence, perhaps until dying, you and other person will not come, but all choices that you make, final consequence , can only you undertake.” “和我合作,是妳得救的唯一的办法,没有我的帮助,妳不会有任何的依靠,或许直到死去,妳等的人也不会来,而妳做出的一切选择,最后的后果,也只能妳一个人来承担。” Elisha looks at the youngster, the young girl vision ripples slightly, may after silent a meeting, the Elisha stuffy sound said, is unfair to...... among us to have no relations, I do not need you to help me make anything.” 艾丽莎看着少年,少女目光微微荡漾,可在沉默了一会后,艾丽莎闷声道,“对不起……我们之间本来就没有任何关系,我也不需要你来帮我做什么。” Therefore...... you rather die, isn't willing to accept my help?” “所以……妳就是宁愿死,也不愿意接受我的帮助吗?” Loren heard these words actually to seem like some air/Qi to smile: 洛伦听到这句话却像是有些气笑了: Evidently, you really believe that bastard.” “看样子,你还是真相信那个混蛋啊。” Elisha opens mouth, looks at that side still anger above Loren, does not know that should say anything. Loren to her had not said that anything's opportunity, sneers saying: 艾丽莎张了张嘴,看着那边兀自怒气上头的洛伦,不知道该说什么。洛伦也没给她说什么的机会,冷笑道: Since you do not need, my also being disinclined enthusiastic look pasted the cold buttocks, you that fellow who waited for you to like save you, but does he know that your present danger has not said that gave your time is not many, but which the fellow the person in does not know now, I have really not believed he can rush at crucial moment saves you.” “既然妳不需要,那我也懒得热脸贴冷屁股了,妳就等妳喜欢的那家伙来救妳吧,不过他知不知道你现在的危险还不好说,给妳的时间也不多了,而那家伙现在人在哪都不知道,我还真不相信他能在关键的时候赶到救妳。” After all this world...... may not have so many coincidences.” “毕竟这个世界……可没有那么多的巧合。” After speaking these words, Loren's form disappears quickly, but also has the heavy anger. 说完这句话后,洛伦的身影很快消失,还带着不轻的怒意。 Only is left over Elisha's form to stand in same place, looks form that Loren is leaving, the vision is complex, finally talking over in a soft voice: Yes...... this world, not so many coincidences.” 只剩下艾丽莎的身影站在原地,望着洛伦离开的身影,目光复杂,最后轻声的念叨:“是啊……这个世界,不会有那么多的巧合。” Therefore, your name, is impossible just to be Lu Ke. 所以,你的名字,不可能刚好叫卢克。 Is impossible just to like me. 不可能刚好喜欢我。 Is impossible when I will need, will appear exactly here, will explain all these with me. 不可能会在我需要的时候,恰好出现在这里,和我说明这一切。 Without so many coincidences, then the youngster has been observing her in her side, then here is waiting for her arrival. 既然没有那么多巧合,那么少年就是一直在她身边观察着她,然后在这里等着她的到来。 Therefore he when she needs appears, tells her, she is not an all alone. 所以他才会在她需要的时候出现,告诉她,她并不是孤身一人。 Even if she took such long road, leaving was so far, the youngster still pursues the trace that she is leaving, rushed to her side. 即便她走了这么久的路,离开了那么远,那少年也追着她留下的痕迹,赶到了她的身边。 Big brother Loren, will not comfort the person, but mentioned the words of these thorn people...... also is really one after another. 洛伦大哥,本来就不会安慰人,但是说起那些刺人的话……还真是一套一套的。 Thinks of here, Elisha somewhat cannot bear want to smile. 想到这里,艾丽莎有些忍不住想笑。 You really do not believe that he can help you.” “妳不会真的相信他能帮到妳吧。” But at this time, Elisha's side, the voice of elf king also resounded spookily. 而这个时候,艾丽莎的身边,精灵王的声音也幽幽响起。 The vision of elf king is cold, Elisha and Loren contact, he first had the sensation, after all, Luke's existence has made him dread very much, but two people dialogues, he also indeed felt a moment ago that boy is not quite honest. 精灵王的目光冷冽,艾丽莎和洛伦接触的时候,他第一时间有了感知,毕竟,卢克的存在一直很让他忌惮,而刚才两人的对话,他也的确感觉到那个小子不太老实。 But afterward Luke's breathless departure, makes him unable to bear sneer, appearance that Luke admits defeat, he rarely sees. 但后来卢克气急败坏的离开,又让他忍不住冷笑,卢克吃瘪的样子,他还是很少看到的。 Naturally...... I will not only believe me.” “当然不会……我只相信我自己。” Elisha deeply inspires to say. 艾丽莎深吸一口气说道。 The young girls believe oneself...... also believe that person who oneself like. 少女相信自己……也相信自己喜欢的那个人。 Hopes that you will not disappoint me.” “希望妳不会让我失望。” Elf king said indifferently, even Elisha rejected Lu Ke's proposition, he still needs to Elisha the reminder, this also to tell the young girl, she has been under his surveillance, do not make what petty action. 精灵王漠然道,即便艾丽莎拒绝了卢克的提议,他也是需要给艾丽莎一些提醒的,这也是在告诉少女,她一直处于他的监视下,不要做什么小动作。 I know how should choose.” “我知道该怎么选择。” Elisha said, her vision becomes firm. 艾丽莎道,她的目光变得坚定起来。 The dialogue, Elisha realized suddenly, Loren appeared here, not only comforted her purely. 刚才的对话,艾丽莎突然意识到,洛伦出现在这里,并不仅是单纯的安慰她。 Big brother Loren...... seems to be also giving certain information. 洛伦大哥……似乎也在传递着某些信息。 He needs the opportunity of killing the elf king. 他需要一个杀死精灵王的机会。 But she, then needs to help that opportunity that the youngster creates him to want. 而她,则需要帮少年创造出他想要的那个机会。 Elisha approaches the door time, the surveillance of elf king also vanishes, again toward that side, is Xueli's domain, controlled the Xueli very easy sensation of Saint tree to his existence. 艾丽莎走近房门的时候,精灵王的监视也消失,再往那边,是雪莉的领域,掌控了圣树的雪莉很容易感知到他的存在。 .. 。。
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