MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#102: The fight approaches

Never expected that Elisha also has such craftsmanship.” “没想到小艾丽莎还有这样的手艺。” The 2nd day. 第二日。 In the private room, Xueli sits at the round table, looks on the table to place plates of fine cakes and pastries, and on the young girl equally delightful cheek shows the somewhat pleasantly surprised expression. 私人的房间之中,雪莉坐在圆桌旁,望着桌上摆放着一盘盘精致的糕点,和少女一样甜美的脸蛋上露出有些惊喜的表情。 Although has eaten in the palace the dessert are many, but to Xueli, what in this is most important is Elisha's intention. 虽然在宫中吃过的点心不少,但是对于雪莉而言,这里面最重要的是艾丽莎的心意。 Moreover leaves after ten several years time, she has not seemed like produces the heart to be intimate with a person like this. 而且从伊莎离开后的十数年时间,她也从来没有像是这样对一个人产开心扉亲近过。 Knows that Elisha's life experience, knows already leaves, Xueli then subconscious treated as own daughter Elisha. 知道艾丽莎的身世,知晓伊莎已经离开的时候,雪莉便下意识的将艾丽莎当作了自己的女儿。 Although her appearance seemingly is more like Elisha's sisters...... 虽然她的模样看上去更像是艾丽莎的姐妹…… However regarding the elf, mother and daughter seemingly differs not in a big way is a very universal matter, after all their development periods compared with human long. 但是对于精灵而言,母女看上去相差不大已经是很普遍的一件事,毕竟她们的发育期本来就要比人类更加的悠长。 Thanks Aunt Shirley......” Elisha to be appreciated, complexion slightly red, but the young girl looks at Xueli time, is some are not familiar with, she always thought that Xueli is more like oneself that mindless best friend to love Li. “谢谢雪莉阿姨……”艾丽莎得到赞赏,脸色微红,只是少女看着雪莉的时候,也是有些不太习惯,她总觉得雪莉更像是自己那没心没肺的闺蜜爱莉。 Wū wū, was too delicious, if later no one wants you, made Princess this/Ben marry you, this princess next generation will eat to decide you.” “呜呜呜,太好吃了,以后要是没人要妳,就让本公主把妳娶了吧,本公主下辈子吃定妳了。” Also was at this time, these words when Elisha cannot help but remembered herself to make the dessert loving Li for the first time ate the young girl closely hugs her to speak, but is thinking these, in the vision of young girl flashed through low-spirited. 也是这时,艾丽莎不由得想起了自己第一次做点心给爱莉吃时少女紧紧抱着她说的那些话,而想着这些,少女的目光中不禁闪过一丝黯然。 After that matter ended, she and very for a long time liked Li not relating, she and leaving without saying good-bye of big brother Loren, should make her very sad. 那件事结束后,她和爱莉已经很久没有联系了,她和洛伦大哥的不辞而别,应该会让她很伤心吧。 Elisha shakes the head, depresses these ideas quickly. 艾丽莎摇了摇头,又是很快压下这些想法。 Now has not intertwined these times, perhaps when this matter ended...... her to have the opportunity to return to the Odin empire to have a look. 现在还不是纠结这些的时候,等到这件事情结束……说不定她会有机会回奥丁帝国看看。 If Aunt Shirley needs, I can continue to do, younger sister white/shell La...... also eats.” Elisha is saying, is the vision complex looks to white/shell La. “如果雪莉阿姨需要的话,我可以继续去做,还有贝菈妹妹……也多吃一些吧。”艾丽莎说着,又是目光复杂的看向贝菈。 After guessing correctly Luke is Loren, Elisha naturally can start to suspect white/shell La status, but she cannot see la from the girl the shadow, therefore in the young girl heart appeared some complex ideas, is big brother Loren, as if popular with such little girl very much? 在猜到卢克是洛伦后,艾丽莎自然会开始怀疑“贝菈”的身份,可是她又从女孩身上看不出洛菈的影子,于是少女心中不禁浮现了些许复杂的想法,洛伦大哥,似乎很受这样小女孩的欢迎? Thanks Elder Sister Elisha.” “谢谢艾丽莎姐姐。” But Bailey who at this time controls the body does not know that Elisha's strange idea, she takes the ladle to narrow the eye to start the dessert that enjoys Elisha to make, the young girl , even after leaving Loren has not given up to the study of dessert, the small cake swallows the mouth fragrant and that thorough taste makes one want to stop but cannot. 而此时控制身体的贝莉尔并不知道艾丽莎的奇怪想法,她只是拿着勺子眯着眼睛开始享受艾丽莎做出来的甜点,少女即便在离开洛伦后也没有放弃对点心的钻研,小蛋糕吃进嘴里的香甜和那绵密的口感让人欲罢不能。 Bailey in enjoyment, consciousness la in sea only to look eagerly. 贝莉尔在享受的时候,意识海中的洛菈只能眼巴巴的看着。 Bailey ~ remembers that remains to me.” “贝莉尔~记得给我留点。” la honk the mouth is acting like a spoiled brat. 洛菈嘟着嘴撒娇。 If this is requirement, you shouldn't add an elder sister in front?” “如果这是请求的话,妳不应该在前面加个姐姐吗?” Bailey said with a smile. 贝莉尔笑吟吟道。 Bailey, remains to the elder sister!” “贝莉尔,给姐姐留点!” la said without hesitation. 洛菈毫不犹豫说道。 Bailey: „?????” 贝莉尔:“?????” Actually you fail to study study is very quick.” “妳学坏倒是学的挺快的。” Bailey ill-humored say/way. 贝莉尔没好气道。 Snort, who makes the fool Elder Brother bully me each time.” la blows up the cheeks, were been many by Loren repertoire, she must certainly have the manager to enter, this called to study for the purpose of application. “哼,谁让笨蛋哥哥每次都欺负我。”洛菈鼓起脸颊,被洛伦套路多了,她当然得有所长进,这叫学以致用。 Does this girl do anything is not good, eats meal exasperating first. 这丫头干啥啥不行,吃饭气人第一名。 Bailey shakes the head, always thought that fostered by Elder Brother, la becomes the first exasperating fiendish person sooner or later. 贝莉尔摇了摇头,总觉得在哥哥的培养下,洛菈迟早成为第一气人魔王。 Finally in Bailey with the following dessert as threat, la reluctant asked Bailey several elder sisters, the girl top of the head silver dull wool to droop, always felt had the type inexplicably was unwilling. 最后在贝莉尔用后续的点心作为威胁下,洛菈还是不情不愿的叫了贝莉尔几句姐姐,女孩头顶银色呆毛耷拉着,总觉得有种莫名的不甘心。 Helped la remain put in the space bag, Bailey more desserts will receive, simultaneously was saying to la injunction: I am not leave you to eat, more eats to the Elder Brother.” 帮洛菈留了一些放空间袋里,贝莉尔又将更多的点心收起来,同时对着洛菈嘱咐道:“我不都是留给妳吃的,更多是给哥哥吃的。” Un un!” “嗯嗯!” Nod that la does not care at all. 洛菈满不在乎的点头。 The Elder Brother eats, with has anything that she eats to distinguish. 哥哥吃的,和她吃的有什么区别呢。 Hey Elder Brother several casually, when the time comes not possibly forces in the mouth, the fool Elder Brother to snatch to eat from her mouth. 随便喂哥哥几块,到时候都塞进嘴里,笨蛋哥哥不可能从她嘴里来抢吃的吧。 Really dares to snatch, next time will nip him! 真敢抢,下次就咬他! When he does the misdemeanor. 还是在他做坏事的时候。 Elisha, you should make the decision.” “艾丽莎,妳应该做出了决定了吧。” But when Bailey displays seems like the dessert attracts completely, another side Xueli suddenly looked opens the mouth to say to Elisha. 而就在贝莉尔表现的像是被点心完全吸引的时候,另一边的雪莉忽然的看向艾丽莎开口道。 Elisha stagnated in the movement of making tea. 艾丽莎本来在泡茶的动作一滞。 In here, did not need to hide.” Xueli bites the dessert that a Elisha sent, on the face has the smile as before: Matter that you left yesterday evening, I know that, you should be if as expected saw that fellow.” “在我这里,就不用隐藏了。”雪莉咬了一口艾丽莎送来的点心,脸上依旧带着笑容:“妳昨天晚上离开的事情,我知道的,如果不出意外的话,妳应该是去见了那家伙吧。” The Elisha vision trembles slightly. 艾丽莎目光微微一颤。 I know that fellow clings to one's evil ambitions.” “我就知道那家伙还是野心不死。” Xueli sighed slightly, probably thought aloud: 雪莉略微叹了口气,像是自言自语道: Although I did not know the past truth, but the fellow made such shackles, surely was early morning does not have the peaceful good intention.” “虽然我不知道过去的真相,但是那家伙建造了这样的牢笼,肯定是一早就没安好心。” Moreover the royal family dies early, the curse in bloodlines, cannot cut off the relations with that fellow probably.” “而且王族早死,血脉中的诅咒,大概也和那家伙脱不了关系。” Shirley is saying, the vision fell on Elisha's body, said lightly: 雪莉说着,目光落在了艾丽莎的身上,淡淡道: Therefore I have not trusted him, has not first crossed must cooperate with him truly.” “所以我从来没有信任过他,也没有先过要真正和他合作。” Shirley is saying, aura becomes the incomparable deepness suddenly, she communicated the Saint tree, that is also before departure, leaves her strength. 雪莉说着,身上的气息忽然变得无比的深沉,她沟通了圣树,那也是伊莎在离开之前,留给她的一份力量。 Xueli can feel the relation between holy blood and that strengths, indistinctly also induces to existence of that Saint tree, therefore she also understands probably elf king Xiangyao obtains anything. 雪莉能够感觉到圣血和那力量间的联系,也隐约感应的到那圣树的存在,因此她大概也明白精灵王想要得到什么。 If as expected, the fellow so wants to recycle the holy blood urgently, for this strength, so long as there is my existence, he is impossible to recycle all holy blood, therefore his only means are to obtain your help, he disclosed your status at that time, not only wanted to restrict my action, but was he has been thinking might use you to eliminate the holy blood of my within the body.” Xueli's tone very tranquil. “如果不出意外的话,那家伙如此迫切想要回收圣血,就是为了这份力量,但是只要有我的存在,他就不可能回收所有的圣血,所以他唯一的办法就是得到妳的帮助,他在那个时候透露妳的身份,不只是想要对我的行动进行制约,而是他大概早就想着要利用妳来剥夺我体内的圣血。”雪莉的语气十分的平静。 Aunt Shirley......” “雪莉阿姨……” Elisha wanted to say anything, but Xueli shakes the head: You do not need to explain anything.” 艾丽莎想要说什么,但雪莉只是摇了摇头:“妳不用解释什么。” I certainly believe that you will not harm me.” “我当然相信妳不会害我。” Fellow, since had confidence that makes you eliminate my holy blood, deciding however was also she holds your soft rib...... to look like him clearly to use you to limit me to be the same.” “那家伙既然有把握让妳来剥夺我的圣血,定然也是她抓住了妳的软肋……就像是他清楚可以利用妳来限制我一样。” Shirley is saying, helpless looks to the young girl: Originally I did not plan that said these to you, but you have a lot of times opportunities to start to me today, finally you hesitated, I do not know that waits again, when you must wait till are willing to begin, I do not want to prepare for each time am limited the strength the result anything not to happen, therefore has I first to point out these.” 雪莉说着,又是无奈的看向少女:“本来我也不打算跟妳说这些,但是妳今天本来有很多次机会对我下手,结果妳都犹豫了,我也不知道再等下去,妳还要等到什么时候才肯动手,我可不想每次做好了被限制力量的准备结果又什么事都没发生,所以只好我先点明这些了。” Elisha hears word stayed, the young girl somewhat is suddenly vacant, absolutely does not have to think the own previous petty action was watched by Xueli. 艾丽莎闻言呆了呆,少女一时间有些茫然无措,完全没有想到自己先前的小动作都被雪莉看在眼里。 In the past was the elder sister reminds me, my anything matter wrote on the face, could not hide at heart, you obviously were elder sister's daughter, finally could not keep the secret compared with me.” “过去都是姐姐提醒我,我什么事都写在脸上,藏不到心里,妳明明是姐姐的女儿,结果比我还藏不住秘密。” Shirley sighed to look to Elisha. 雪莉叹了口气看向艾丽莎。 Is unfair to......” Elisha subconsciously must apologize. “对不起……”艾丽莎下意识的就要道歉。 Me do not tell that sorry.” “不要跟我说对不起。” Xueli holds the volume, but quickly and said earnestly: I said these to you, wants to tell you, I believe you, therefore...... I plan gambling one time. Couple days ago I also investigated, the fellow has not left behind the ban on you, he as if depended upon the main body and your relation controls you, wanting him to expose weaknesses, perhaps only then you created the opportunity.” 雪莉扶额,但很快又是认真道:“我跟妳说这些,也只是想要告诉妳,我相信妳,所以……我打算赌一次。前几天我也探查过来,那家伙没有在妳身上留下禁制,他似乎依靠本体和妳的联系对妳进行控制,想要他露出破绽,或许只有妳自己来创造机会。” Before then, you also need to tell me, you have the means of dealing with that fellow.” “不过在此之前,妳也需要告诉我,妳是不是有对付那家伙的办法。” You can not reply, nods or shakes the head on the line.” “妳可以不回答,点头或者摇头就行。” Shirley said. 雪莉说道。 She and Elisha said these times, in fact had opened shield knot, but at this time her the strength was complete letting loose, was used to shield other sensations. 她和艾丽莎说那些的时候,事实上已经开启了屏蔽的结界,而这时她的力量更是全部的放开,用来屏蔽其他的感知。 Elisha hesitant, nods, but shakes the head. 艾丽莎犹豫了一下,点了点头,但又摇了摇头。 Has the means that but you have not grasped.” “有办法,但是妳也没有把握吗。” Shirley muttered: This was also enough, after all, we did not have a better way.” 雪莉喃喃道:“不过这也足够了,毕竟,我们也没有更好的办法了。” Shirley said, suddenly looks at Elisha, the expression becomes serious: I will give you all my strengths, leaves my these including the elder sister.” 雪莉说完,忽然看着艾丽莎,表情变得严肃起来:“我会把我所有的力量都给妳,包括姐姐留给我的那些。” .... 。。。。 Luke, but also was really attained many good things from elf king there.” “卢克阁下,还真是从精灵王那里拿到了不少好东西。” When That side Xueli makes the essential decision, another side. 就在雪莉那边做出关键的决定之时,另一边。 In room that Loren is, is tasting the elf king to bestow secret wine Loren who to feel suddenly own line of sight changes, the surrounding space changed. 洛伦所在的房间之中,正在品尝精灵王赠送秘酒的洛伦忽然感觉自己的视线一变,周围的空间发生了变化。 He also sits near the table, however the surrounding all changed. 他还坐在桌边,但是周围的一切都发生了变化。 His opposite, Mar bus also emergence again, vision spooky is looking at him, the sound is inviting: Luke did not plan that asked me to drink one cup.” 他的对面,马尔巴士也再次的出现,目光幽幽的望着他,声音充满诱惑:“卢克阁下不打算请我喝一杯吗。” Did not plan.” “不打算。” Loren drank up secret wine, hit a belch, then said simply. 洛伦一口将秘酒喝完,打了个饱嗝,然后干脆道。 Mar bus: „......” 马尔巴士:“……” Your excellency also really not smalltalk.” “阁下还真是一点都不客套呢。” Mar bus tone slightly hidden bitterness. 马尔巴士语气略微幽怨。 Mar bus your excellency this time looks for me, should for the proper business , be the previous time that duty must start if as expected?” “马尔巴士阁下这次来找我,应该是为了正事吧,不出意外的话,是上次的那个任务要启动了?” Loren receives the wine glass light say/way. 洛伦收起酒杯淡淡道。 Right.” “没错。” Mar bus hears word restrained the hidden bitterness, sincere say/way: I and he signed the contract, my person cannot begin to him, but your excellency you are not one of them, therefore you can solve that fellow finally, completes the hero to rescue beautiful, depended on this.” 马尔巴士闻言收敛了幽怨,正色道:“我和他签下了契约,我的人不能对他动手,不过阁下你并不在此列,所以你最后能不能解决那家伙,完成英雄救美,也在此一举了。” Time at this point, the lifting hand of Mar bus took out a black short-sword, on the short-sword was twining many black fine laces, was advanced Loren's body , before by her. With this short-sword, your excellency can enter to the space that the elf king hidden, the fellow to cope with me, will definitely want to collect the holy blood, when he fuses the holy blood, is he weakest time, your excellency will certainly find the good making a move time.” Mar bus vision twinkle, weak anything naturally is the information that she writes. 说到这里的时候,马尔巴士的抬手取出了一柄黑色的短剑,短剑上缠绕着不少黑色的细线,然后被她推到了洛伦的身前。“用这柄短剑,阁下可以进到精灵王隐藏的空间,那家伙为了对付我,肯定会想要凑齐圣血,而在他融合圣血的时候,也就是他最虚弱的时候,阁下一定会找到合适的出手时机。”马尔巴士目光闪烁,虚弱什么的当然是她自己编出的情报。 However so long as Loren obeys her instruction, enters to that space, at crucial moment can tie down the elf king, is enough, the later all, will develop in the direction that she will anticipate. 不过只要洛伦听从她的指令,进入到那个空间,在关键的时候能够缠住精灵王,就已经足够,之后的一切,会向着她期待的方向发展。 When necessary, you can use me to give your gift..” “必要的时候,你可以使用我给你的礼物。。” Finally, Mar bus also reminded one with a smile. 最后,马尔巴士又是笑着提醒了一句。 Also hopes that your excellency do not miss the time.” “还希望阁下不要错过了时机。” After saying, Mar bus has not remained, relieved the consciousness space to depart quickly, she here dull was longer, is been also bigger by the possibility that the elf king discovered. 说完之后,马尔巴士没有多留,很快解除了意识空间离去,她在这里呆的越久,被精灵王发现的可能性也越大。 .. 。。 I cried, the computer deashing went bad the computer clear, was good special finished the backup because of me each time 我哭了,电脑清灰把电脑清坏了,好在我特么每次写完都备份 Otherwise bloody collapse. 不然血崩。
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