MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#103: Attack

„The fellow wants to invade this strength, fuses all holy blood, needs to expose his main body inevitably, at that time, perhaps was your opportunity.” “那家伙想要侵占这份力量,融合所有的圣血,必然需要暴露他的本体,那个时候,或许就是妳的机会。” I do not know that what kind of means counter-attack you have, so long as caused heavy losses to him at that time, you have the opportunity to get rid of his limit, eliminates the holy blood the mystique, can create the impact and hindrance to his fusion, but I give your mark, can become the key that you and he resist.” “我不知道妳有怎样的办法反击,但是只要那个时候重创他,妳就有机会摆脱他的限制,剥夺圣血的秘法,可以对他的融合造成冲击和阻碍,而我交给妳的那枚印记,可以成为妳和他对抗的关键。” In room, Xueli's earnest injunction. 房间之中,雪莉认真的嘱咐。 At this time in Elisha's arms, Bailey did not have protection her technique type, already stupor in the past. 此时在艾丽莎的怀里,贝莉尔“毫无防备”的中了她的术式,已经昏迷了过去。 Elisha controls the mystique, all received and instructed the holy blood of Bailey within the body, with the help of Xueli, this process also accidental/surprised smooth, moreover two people were also fallen as far as possible lowly by the influence of detachment the holy blood. 艾丽莎操控秘法,将贝莉尔体内的圣血悉数接引了过来,在雪莉的帮助下,这个过程也意外的顺利,而且两人也尽量将圣血被移除的影响降到了最低。 The holy blood is full within the body time, Elisha can feel that some powerful strength surges. 圣血充盈体内的时候,艾丽莎能够感觉到某种强大的力量涌动。 But after guiding the holy blood of Bailey within the body, the Xueli vision is serious, puts out a hand at a Elisha's forehead gently point. 而在引导完贝莉尔体内的圣血之后,雪莉目光郑重,伸手在艾丽莎的额头轻轻一点。 The brand mark shift that Xueli within the body leaves behind, the next quarter, Elisha felt oneself and this world were many some relation, indistinct, Elisha even can look that” sees in own consciousness sea probably to be of many an empty shadow great tree. 雪莉体内留下的烙印转移,下一刻,艾丽莎感觉自己和这个世界多了某种联系,隐约之间,艾丽莎甚至能够“看”见自己的意识海中像是多出一棵巨树的虚影。 Nearly glittering and translucent carving blood-color Saint tree is vast and dignified, is uniting the boundless soul strength. 近乎晶莹剔透的血色圣树浩渺而威严,凝聚着磅礴的灵魂力量。 Elisha just saw that Saint tree time, the head almost buzz, was under some impact probably, becomes the blank. 艾丽莎刚刚看见那圣树的时候,脑袋几乎都嗡的一下,像是受到了某种冲击,变得空白。 This tree......” “这棵树……” Also was at this time, before Elisha recalled oneself entered this world, giant Saint tree that sees. 也是这时,艾丽莎记起了自己进入这个世界前,所见到的巨大圣树。 That time she these painful and chaotic thing thoughts of the Saint tree indistinctly feeling, as if all was not the misconception. 那个时候的她从圣树中隐约感受到的那些痛苦和混乱的东西意念,似乎不全是错觉。 „The following all, gave you.” “接下来的一切,就交给妳了。” Xueli puts aside the finger, from her body, wiped the golden red courage vigor also to submerge Elisha's within the body finally, her complexion also became pale, these strengths shifted from her within the body, making her body gradually weak. 雪莉移开手指,从她的身上,最后一抹金红色的血气也没入了艾丽莎的体内,她的脸色随之变得苍白,这些力量从她体内转移,让她的身体逐渐变得虚弱。 Hears these words, Elisha's train of thought pulls out from that special space immediately leaves, but emotion that Saint tree fluctuates, dissipation suddenly, to Elisha an empty feeling. 听到这句话,艾丽莎的思绪登时从那特殊的空间抽离,而那圣树波动的情感,也忽然的消散,给艾丽莎一种空落感。 But quick, Elisha depressed other complex state of mind, earnest nod. 但很快,艾丽莎压下了其他复杂的心绪,认真的点了点头。 I will achieve.” “我会做到的。” Young girl saying in a soft voice, this , is not only and Xueli's agreement, is she and agreement of big brother Loren. 少女轻声的说道,这不单是和雪莉的约定,也是她和洛伦大哥的约定。 Royal palace, tremendous consciousness space. 王宫,巨大的意识空间。 The elf king is raising head, static looks above that blood red Saint tree, the innumerable soul leaf blades just like the sea fluctuation, rustle makes noise, as if weeping and complaining. 精灵王仰着头,静静的看着那血红色的圣树之上,无数灵魂叶片犹如海洋般波动,簌簌作响,如泣如诉。 That seems like the elegy of soul, may fall in his ear is such delightful interesting to listen. 那似乎是灵魂的哀歌,可落在他的耳中是那样的悦耳动听。 When elf king Shenshou according to above that Saint tree, touch incomparable icy coldness of starting, in his palm according to coming up, that matter surface as if starts downward hollow, gradually embezzles his palm, on the tree trunk the innumerable blood red traces is also sparkling, however finally, because of existence of defect core, that blood red trace dissipates quickly, excludes elf king, original hollow also returned to the original condition. 精灵王伸手按在那圣树之上,入手的触感无比的冰凉,在他的手掌按上去之时,那层表面似乎开始向下凹陷,逐渐吞没他的手掌,树身上无数血红色的纹路也在闪耀,然而最终,因为缺失核心的存在,那血红色的纹路又很快消散,将精灵王重新排斥在外,原本的凹陷也恢复了原状。 Also almost should come out.” “也差不多该出来了吧。” The elf king unemotional withdrawing palm, muttered said one. 精灵王面无表情的抽回手掌,喃喃的说了一句。 His behind, goes out of a rickets form, that is assumes in the holy city the giant master old person, is the elf king keeps holy city guard this prison the most loyal retinue. 他的身后,走出一个佝偻的身影,那是坐镇圣城中巨大法师塔的老人,也是精灵王留在圣城看守这“牢狱”的最忠诚的仆从。 However to the present, that side the master tower does not need some people to assume personal command again. 不过到了现在,法师塔那边也无需再有人坐镇。 The elf king needs one to he absolutely loyal person, as his protection, helping him put an end to some unexpected occurrences. 精灵王需要一个对他绝对忠心的人,作为他的守护,帮他杜绝一些意外的发生。 Especially had the dialogue of last night Elisha and Luke, making him have to give birth vigilantly to Luke, now also arrives the time of processing that unstabilizing factor. 特别是有了昨晚艾丽莎和“卢克”的对话,让他不得不对卢克生出警惕,现在也到了处理那不稳定因素的时候。 Elf Sir king, the fellow is not trustworthy.” “精灵王大人,那家伙不值得信任。” Suddenly old person's opens the mouth in a soft voice. 突然老人轻声的开口。 I know certainly.” “我当然知道。” The elf king takes back the train of thought that the tone long. 精灵王收回思绪,语气悠悠。 „Because she is not trustworthy, I need her to help me go to come the most important thing belt/bring.” “正因为她不值得信任,我才需要她帮我去把最重要的东西带过来。” „To kill me, gets rid of my fetter and shadow, this is her only opportunity.” “想要杀我,摆脱我的束缚和阴影,这就是她唯一的机会。” However I also need this opportunity, thing that because I scheme, many of also compared with her imagining.” “而我也需要这个机会,因为我图谋的东西,也比她想象的更多。” Elf king smiles in a soft voice: I have favored very much her, hopes she comes time will not disappoint me.” 精灵王轻声笑到:“我可是一直都很看好她的,希望她过来的时候不会让我失望。” The words are saying like this, but his vision is actually the incomparable coldness, from entering holy city to the present, he has been planned by others, however he can it be that so will also be simple to be planned, he will have oneself preparation and subsequent hand. 话是这样说着,但他的目光却是无比的冷冽,从进入圣城到现在,他就一直在被其他人算计,然而他又岂是那么简单就会被算计到的,他也有自己的准备和后手。 It seems like feels the fluctuation of elf king state of mind, bang, has the shake with the tremendous consciousness space that the elf king controls. 似乎是感受到精灵王心绪的波动,“轰”的一声,和精灵王掌控的巨大意识空间发生震荡。 The giant Saint tree was hidden by everywhere white fog suddenly, after that white fog abates, the entire consciousness space had the huge transformation, the ground bang made noise, the giant palace was similar to rises straight from the ground, formed in several breath, the big vault covered two forms. 巨大的圣树忽然之间被漫天的白雾隐没,而在那白雾消退后,整个意识空间都发生了巨大的转变,地面轰隆作响,巨大的宫殿如同拔地而起,在几个呼吸间形成,高大的穹顶将两道身影笼罩。 Elf king stands in the center of main hall, the two sides is the big stone column of standing in great numbers, just like big guard who has through ancient times, surrounds and protects this giant palace, the palace highest place is the giant throne, the arrangement also such as ten thousand years ago broad elf royal court. 精灵王站在大殿的中央,两边是林立的高大石柱,犹如亘古存在的高大护卫,拱卫这座巨大的宫殿,宫殿最高处是巨大的王座,布置亦如万年前恢弘的精灵王庭。 Goes.” “去吧。” Also was the time solves that not law-abiding fellow, I do not hope essential time, received disturbances of others.” “也是时候解决那个不安分的家伙了,我不希望关键的时候,受到其他人的打扰。” Looks at this familiar main hall, the elf king also said one spookily. 看着这熟悉的大殿,精灵王又是幽幽说了一句。 Could not kill him also to have no relations, after I came out, the fellow will then not hinder again.” “杀不了他也没什么关系,等我出来后,那家伙便不会再是阻碍。” The tone of elf king is very light, in front of probably casual cancelling an annoying fly, the unfavorable situation of previous confrontation demon god, consumed Loren's all values in his eyes, compared with continue use him, the elf king is not willing to look that unstable factor shakes in all around at crucial moment. 精灵王的语气很平淡,像是随便的抹去面前一只烦人的苍蝇,上次对阵魔神的失利,也消耗了洛伦在他眼中的所有价值,比起继续使用他,精灵王不愿意看着那个不稳定的因素在关键的时候在四周晃悠。 The old person does obeisance gently, body in his behind slowly hidden. 老人轻轻一拜,身体在他的身后慢慢隐去。 Elf king Wang to empty main hall, slightly absent-minded, but smiles, soon, he can rebuild the royal court, restores the passing magnificence, perhaps. 精灵王望向空荡荡的大殿,微微失神,可紧接着又笑了笑,不久之后,他就可以重建王庭,恢复过往的辉煌,或许更甚。 Initially that fiendish person sat above that throne, what kind of feeling is also?” “当初那位魔王坐在那王座之上,又是一种怎样的感觉呢?” Elf king muttered in a soft voice, thinks Bailey who initially was insufferably arrogant, that time, Bailey was the incarnation of absolute strength, thought of here, the elf king cannot help but somewhat admired to be charmed, his vision is looking at the empty palace, is disclosing arrogantly, probably saw own future under foot, did obeisance to bend down the innumerable demon gods. 精灵王轻声喃喃,想到了当初不可一世的贝莉尔,那个时代,贝莉尔就是绝对力量的化身,想到这里,精灵王不由得有些心羡神往,他的目光望着空荡宫殿,又透露着倨傲,像是看到自己未来脚下,也拜伏着无数的魔神。 Meanwhile. 于此同时。 The garden in royal palace, Loren sits at the stone table, looks that these were rushed to tremble to shrink one group of demon beast deer by oneself at the same time, seems somewhat bored to death: 王宫的花园,洛伦坐在石桌旁,看着那些被自己赶到一边瑟瑟发抖缩成一团的魔兽鹿,似乎有些百无聊赖: These deer, if makes deer Bing, sold to that girl, can perhaps gain many service tickets.” “这些鹿要是做成鹿饼,卖给那丫头,或许又能赚不少服务券。” In a soft voice muttering, Loren's thought cannot bear start to diverge. 轻声喃喃着,洛伦的思维又忍不住开始发散。 If the girl really becomes the fiendish person, sat on the throne, worshipped on bended knees a big piece of powerful demon god compared with, perhaps knelt a piece of food to make her have the sense of achievement. 那丫头要是真成为了魔王,坐在了王座上,比起底下跪拜一大片强大的魔神,跪着一片食材或许更让她有成就感吧。 Then the powwow opens the mouth each time, the words had not said that flowing that the saliva first does not make every effort to succeed. 然后每次议事会一开口,话还没说,口水就先不争气的流了下来。 That picture is too beautiful, Loren thinks to be somewhat enchanted by. 那画面太美,洛伦想想都有些迷醉。 But at this moment, Loren's vision, looked toward another side of corridor, in that side, throws over the young girl of seal moon/month cape to go out. 而就在这时,洛伦的目光顿了顿,向着走廊的另一边看去,在那边,披着印月斗篷的少女走出。 The young girl look in a hurry, the vision glitters slightly, when passed by the garden, her footsteps suddenly stagnated, turns the head to look to Loren in nearby garden, two people vision from the sky interlocked, then separated quickly. 少女神色匆匆,目光略微闪烁,而在路过花园的时候,她的脚步忽然的一滞,转头看向了旁边花园中的洛伦,两人的目光在空中交错,然后又很快分开。 But when Elisha must walk, suddenly has the demon beast deer to go out blocks before her body, that deer top of the head is going against a wine glass of large size, what the wine glass within, packed is abundant is the incomparably clear and fragrant and mellow liquid. 可就在艾丽莎要走的时候,突然有只魔兽鹿走出拦在她的身前,那只鹿头顶顶着一只大号的酒杯,酒杯中装盛的是无比澄澈且醇香的液体。 Elisha has doubts looks to keep off in the present demon beast, but at this moment, Loren's sound light resounding: Last night some words, perhaps I said somewhat excessive, this glass of liquor made last night apologizing even, hopes that Miss Elisha will not mind.” 艾丽莎疑惑的看着挡在眼前的魔兽,而就在这时,洛伦的声音淡淡的响起:“昨晚有些话,或许我说的有些过分,这杯酒就算做昨晚的赔礼,希望艾丽莎小姐不会介意。” After Elisha stops slightly, takes up the wine glass one breath to drink up, feels to fill up the full vitality of body instantaneously, in the young girl eyes has up sparkingly, in the heart some almost emotions are hard to suppress, but finally, the young girl puts down the wine glass silently, saying in a soft voice: 艾丽莎稍微的停顿后,拿起酒杯一口气喝完,感受着瞬间填满身体的充盈生命力,少女眼中有光闪亮,心中几乎有些情感难以压制,但最后,少女只是默默放下酒杯,轻声的说道: I have not minded.” “我从来没有介意过。” After saying, Elisha puts down the wine glass, in Loren's line of sight increasingly estranged. 说完后,艾丽莎放下酒杯,在洛伦的视线中渐行渐远。 Loren looks at Elisha to disappear, saying that also to oneself one cup of secret wine, then thought aloud but actually probably: „The time of it seems like then waiting, should extremely not be bored.” 洛伦看着艾丽莎消失,又给自己倒了一杯秘酒,然后像是自言自语的说道:“看来接下来等待的时间,应该不会太过无聊了。” Loren muttered, left another side that from Elisha, an old person is walking slowly. 洛伦喃喃的时候,从艾丽莎离开的另外一边,一个老人正在缓缓走来。 Time that the old person walks, had not been detected by anybody, he walks randomly in another space probably, the shuttle place, light ripples ripple piece by piece. 老人走过来的时候,并没有被任何人察觉,他像是游走在另一片空间,穿梭的地方,一片片淡淡的涟漪荡漾开来。 But his vision falls in the garden from beginning to end the body of youngster, in old person's eyes, as if there is ray twinkle of crystal, in that ray, is the pictures of innumerable fight appears, that fight is the picture that he and Loren fights. 而他的目光则是至始至终落在花园中少年的身上,老人的眼中,仿佛有水晶的光芒闪烁,在那光芒之中,是无数战斗的画面显现,那一场场战斗都是他和洛伦交手的画面。 When Loren follows the elf king all fight information were recorded by the old person completely in his special magic, from sees Loren for the first time until now, he has been developing the simulation in the master tower. 洛伦跟随精灵王时所有的战斗信息全部被老人记录在了他特殊的魔法之中,从第一次见到洛伦到现在为止,他就一直在法师塔中进行着模拟。 All abilities that Loren exposes, all cards in a hand, in his planning. 洛伦暴露的所有能力,所有的底牌,都在他的算计之中。 During his simulation, Loren has shown abilities is used corresponding magic arts dismantling by him! 在他的模拟之中,洛伦展现过的一个个能力都被他用相应的法术拆解! But with his nearness, the old person charm fluctuation of also promotes these ripples fiercer tumblings, simultaneously in his behind, rays glitters, magic arts starts to launch together. 而随着他的靠近,老人身上的魔力波动也推动那些涟漪更加剧烈的翻滚,同时在他的身后,一道道光芒闪烁,一道道法阵开始展开。 That in view of Loren's powerful technique type, breaks open his any move of attack sufficiently, calculated his all coping styles. 那都是针对洛伦的强大术式,足以破开他任何一招攻击,算准了他一切的应对方式。 These law unceasing flashing before, then hide in void slowly. 那些法阵不断的闪现,然后又缓缓藏于虚空之中。 Finally that all aura become tranquil, old person's charm is also quiet, probably previously a wave of murderous intention did not exist general. 最后那一切的气息变得平静,老人身上的魔力也沉寂,像是先前如潮的杀机不存在一般。 Approaches the garden time, old person's body also goes out from that matter special space, vision quiet however looks looks at the direction that the young girl is leaving to the stone table, youngster who as if also some do not abandon. 走近花园的时候,老人的身体也从那层特殊的空间中走出,目光幽然的看向石桌旁望着少女离开的方向,似乎还有些不舍的少年。 Loren has turned the head, saw the old person to penetrate one that the space went out by chance, when did not know, without a trace that the demon beast in garden has only run. 洛伦转过头去,恰巧就看见了老人穿透空间走出的一幕,不知道何时,花园里的魔兽已经一只只跑的无影无踪。 ... 。。。
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