MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#104: „Frigid” fight

Loren shot a look at an old person, probably had not felt that the opposite party hidden in that tranquil under fluctuating uncertain powerful aura. 洛伦瞥了一眼老人,像是没有感觉到对方隐藏在那平静下起伏不定的强大气息。 At this time, the entire garden seemed like isolated to lock, the old person vision fell on Loren's body lightly, then looked to the wine glass on his table: 这个时候,整个花园都像是被隔绝锁定,老人目光淡淡落在洛伦的身上,然后看向他桌上的酒杯: Elf Sir king rewards this secret liquor to you, is really careless and wasteful use of nature's products.” “精灵王大人将这秘酒赏赐给你,实在是暴殄天物。” Good wine presents as a gift the hero, this obviously is attracting each other between I and elf kings, he is willing to donate his collection to me, you said that this saying meaning, has eyes but fails to see in suggestion elf Sir king, is shortsighted, was the brain kicked by the donkey?” “美酒赠英雄,这明明是我和精灵王之间的惺惺相惜,他才愿意将他的珍藏赠送给我,你说这话的意思,是在暗示精灵王大人有眼无珠,鼠目寸光,脑子被驴踢了吗?” On Loren face does not have, because the appearance of old person has any surprised, but tranquil looks at the opposite party, asked: 洛伦脸上没有因为老人的出现有任何的惊讶,只是平静的看着对方,顿了顿又问道: „Are you person of that fellow? The fellow sent you to come to not to speak these idle talk.” “你是那家伙的人?那家伙派你来应该不是为了说这些废话吧。” Loren is taking a look at the old person, these days he has not really seen this old person in elf king Shenbian, the fellow is not quite honest, has not exposed all cards in a hand. 洛伦打量着老人,这段时间他还真没在精灵王身边见过这老人,那家伙也不太老实,并没有将所有的底牌暴露出来。 But old person after listening to these words, the vision is to appear somewhat gloomy, tone desolate returning said: I come to let you shut up forever.” 而老人在听完那些话后,目光则是显得有些阴沉,语气冷淡的回道:“我来是为了让你永远闭嘴的。” „Do you want to kill me?” “你要杀我?” Loren's expression seems somewhat surprised: „Is this elf king's order?” 洛伦的表情像是有些惊讶:“这是精灵王的命令?” I have worked oneself to death for the elf king, I have bled for him, he like this to me?” “我为精灵王卖过命,我为他流过血,他就这样对我?” Loren is saying frowning, probably is somewhat angry. 洛伦说着皱起眉头,像是有些恼怒。 Elf Sir king kept your life , because has a lot, does not facilitate me to act.” “精灵王大人本来留你一条命,是因为有很多事情,不方便我来出面。” The old person coldly opens the mouth to say. 老人冷冷开口道。 He was too old, guards this holy city such long time for the elf king, secret medicine who has been using life spring such rank continues the life, even so, he will also reach the limit momentarily, but fights each time, will accelerate his death, this is also elf king Henshao begins using his reason. 他太老了,为精灵王镇守这圣城这么久的时间,一直在使用生命泉那样等级的秘药续命,即便如此,他也随时都会到达极限,而每次战斗,都会加速他的死亡,这也是精灵王很少启用他的原因。 However to this most essential time, the elf king does not have the means to have scruples these again. 不过到了这最关键的时候,精灵王也没有办法再顾忌这些。 You also had the opportunity to go on living, what a pity that Sir has given you a lot of times opportunities, you have not held one time. Now his side does not need not the obedient dog to exist.” “原本你还有机会活下去的,可惜那位大人给过你很多次机会,你一次都没有抓住过。现在他的身边已经不需要不听话的狗存在。” Said so many, originally you are a that fellow obedient dog.” “说了这么多,原来你就是那家伙一条听话的狗吗。” Loren selects said with emphasis. 洛伦挑拣重点说道。 You are very strong, has your such strength in this age, indeed sufficiently proud, but is young, not necessarily is your qualification, represents your immaturity.” “你很强,在这个年纪有你这样的实力,的确足以自傲,但是年轻,不一定就是你的本钱,也代表你的稚嫩。” The old person has not responded Loren's provocation, instead the aura is even more calm. 老人没有搭理洛伦的挑衅,反而气息愈发的沉稳起来。 He not anxiously and Loren begins. 他不急着和洛伦动手。 In fact two people drag for a long time, he to is more thorough, the success ratio of killing Loren who Loren looks is also bigger. 事实上两人拖得越久,他对洛伦看的越透彻,杀死洛伦的成功率也越大。 In addition. 除此之外。 The elf king gives his duty is if cannot kill Loren, must the constraining time as far as possible, unable to make the goal leave his field of vision. 精灵王给他的任务是如果杀不死洛伦,就要尽量的拖住时间,不能让目标离开他的视野。 Therefore the old person is also willing to prepare for completely to begin again. 所以老人也更愿意做好完全的准备再动手。 You have such energy , because you thought that you can defeat me, however unfortunately, your past each fight, I had the record.” “你有这样的底气,是因为你觉得自己可以战胜我,然而可惜的是,你过去的每一次战斗,我都有记录。” Sees Loren to narrow the eye not to speak, the old person continues to say. 见洛伦微眯着眼睛没有说话,老人继续道。 Until now, all your forms of combat, completely had been grasped by me, including change that you mump, that so-called martial skill, to me, wants to eradicate, is not a difficult matter.” “到现在为止,你所有的战斗方式,已经完全被我掌握,包括你斗气的变化,还有那所谓的武技,对我而言,想要破除,并不是难事。” The old person is saying spookily. 老人幽幽说着。 Bang!” Also was at this time, the air trembled slightly, his powerful charm fluctuation dispersing, this instance, Loren looked to old person's eyes, the mind was similar to by the vortex is towed unexpectedly, saw pictures that in the old person eyes pasted unceasingly. “轰!”也是这时,空气微微震颤一下,他身上强大的魔力波动散开,这个瞬间,洛伦看向老人的眼睛,心神竟如同被漩涡牵引,看到了老人眼中不断流转的一幅幅画面。 It looks like the innumerable split screens to show in his front, he noticed that are fighting with the old person, what kind of method no matter he uses, finally his all strengths were eradicated with the corresponding magic by the old person, then neat striking kills. 就像是无数屏幕分割展现在他的面前,他看到一个个自己在和老人交手,然而不管他使出怎样的手段,最终他的一切力量都被老人用相应的魔法破除,然后干脆利落的击杀。 The death of each picture, was such soul-stirring, that was absolute mental torture. 每一幅画面的死亡,都是那样惊心动魄,那是一种绝对的精神折磨。 These are not the old person oneself method exposition to Loren, but is oppressing Loren, and routs his confidence! 这一幕幕并不是老人将自己的手段暴露给洛伦,而是在压迫洛伦,并且击溃他的信心! He must the fear complete brand mark of that death in Loren's spirit, therefore when fights truly, that will become Loren the nightmare that is hard to get rid, what kind of strength regardless of he uses, in the begun flash brain first will reappear own style to be eradicated, then suffers the heavy losses, was flown that by his magic bang strikes to kill. 他要将那种死亡的恐惧完全烙印在洛伦的精神之中,于是在真正战斗的时候,那一幕幕就会成为洛伦难以摆脱的梦魇,不论他动用怎样的力量,动手的一瞬间脑中第一时间就会浮现自己的招式被破除,然后遭遇重创,被他的魔法轰飞击杀的一幕。 These pictures look like a giant mire to tie Loren sleepily, Loren more are struggling in the mire, is the submersion, finally by frightened radical submergence, is unable to breathe, has the fundamental suspicion to own strength, finally necking in shrinks the foot, is unable to display the strength under the limit.. 这些画面就像是一个巨大的泥沼困束着洛伦,洛伦在泥沼越是挣扎,就越是下沉,最后被恐惧彻底的淹没,无法呼吸,对自己的力量产生根本性的怀疑,最后缩头缩脚,在限制之下无法发挥自己力量。。 An instance, Loren's expression becomes pale, pupil absent-minded, starts to have the self- suspicion. 只是一个瞬间,洛伦的表情就变得苍白,瞳孔失神,开始产生自我的怀疑。 Before real beginning, I have beaten you.” “在真正动手之前,我就已经击败了你。” Is looking at Loren's absent-minded facial expression, old person's opens the mouth in a soft voice. 望着洛伦恍惚的神情,老人轻声的开口。 In the eye brings pitying. 眼中带着怜悯。 His long-time story, whether there is lets the magic that he grasps compared with many changes, but he incomparably is good at studying diligently the flaw of opposite party, with this awe into submission submissive Loren's confidence, again with Loren fights, he natural had the advantage. 他长久的阅历,让他掌握的魔法有无比繁多的变化,而他又是无比善于钻研对方的破绽,以此慑服洛伦的信心,再和洛伦战斗的时候,他就天然的占据了优势。 This is also makes him who why the elf king feels relieved process Loren's reason. 这也是为什么精灵王放心的让他去处理洛伦的原因。 Suddenly, the fear in Loren eyes diverges, the youngster body heaven honors battle qi to shoot up to the sky, cleans all gloom like the blazing glow. 只是突然之间,洛伦眼中的恐惧散去,少年身上天崇斗气冲天而起,如同炽热辉光扫除一切的阴暗。 The old person is astonished looked at Loren one eyes, has probably not thought that Loren gets rid from that influence quickly, but smiles finally, backward retreat time, a magic arts twinkle of side originally hidden. 老人讶异的看了洛伦一眼,像是没有想到洛伦这么快就从那影响中摆脱,但最后又是笑了笑,向后退去的时候,身边原本隐藏的一道道法阵闪烁。 Bang!” “轰!” May in simultaneously, Loren glitter is approaching to him, a fist wields, the air vibrates, sends out the fulmination, has the wild air wave to blast out baseless, the terrifying strength such as the turbulent sea tide extrudes toward the old person. 可在同时,洛伦已经闪烁着向他靠近,一拳挥出,空气震动,发出爆鸣,凭空有狂暴的气浪炸开,恐怖的力量如汹涌的海潮般向着老人挤压。 However that strength falls, finally is overlapped law of dashing before the old person body, an innumerable law sparkle, the space unceasing distortion, formed a special force field probably, deflected the strength of Loren that fist. 然而那力量落下,最终是冲撞在老人身前重叠的法阵上,无数法阵闪耀,空间不断的扭曲,像是形成了一个特殊的力场,偏转了洛伦那一拳的力道。 Finally the strength of that fist seemed like slightly crossed the old person, shelled directly in his behind ground, the fearful great strength flooded into, in the garden the soil tumbled, as if raised layer upon layer the wave. 最后那一拳的力量像是略过了老人,直接轰击在他身后的地面,可怕的巨力涌入,花园中泥土翻滚,仿佛扬起层层波浪。 Among the stones of splash, old person's figure has vanished, avoided Loren to assault directly once again, when Loren approached his side, the old person opened the palm, a series of law opened in his body front suddenly, simultaneously erupted the innumerable radiant light beams, in the situation of Loren no protection, flew its bang directly. 飞溅的土石间,老人的身形已然消失,直接避开了洛伦又一次抢攻,在洛伦逼近他的身边的时候,老人张开手掌,一连串的法阵瞬息间在他的身前排开,同时爆发无数璀璨的光束,在洛伦毫无防备的情况下,直接将其轰飞了出去。 But after this, is a series of explosions blasts out following the direction that Loren departs, the old person depressing charm fluctuation has fallen in torrents crazily, pierced Loren's all attacking tracks completely, the powerful attack suppresses him. 而在这之后,又是一连串的爆炸顺着洛伦飞出的方向炸开,老人一直压抑的魔力波动疯狂倾泻,完全洞穿了洛伦一切的攻击轨迹,强大的攻击将他压制。 Rumbling......” “轰轰……” Terrifying strength fluctuation unceasing wreaking havoc. 恐怖的力量波动不断的肆虐。 This fellow is a good person.” “这家伙是个好人。” I am just thinking my battle qi does not have the means to whet, he used such many methods to complement my weak area.” “我正想着自己的斗气没办法进行磨砺,他就用了这么多种方法补全了我的短板。” Meanwhile. 于此同时。 Loren complexion is strange, looks at garden easely fight. 洛伦面色古怪,悠然看着“花园”中的战斗。 Is honored the person's shadow that battle qi to condense by the day completely, shivers with the old person under his operation unceasingly, times were overthrown and crawled. 完全由天崇斗气凝聚的人影,在他的操纵下不断和老人颤抖,一次次的被打倒又爬起。 His side, puts on the girl of blood red long skirt to support the chin, the smile is reciting, then did not pay attention while Loren, has taken the wine glass before Loren table, the fresh-faced small mouth printed Loren has been drinking the position, the small mouth small mouth drank up one cup of secret wine. 他的身边,穿着血红长裙的女孩撑着下巴,笑脸吟吟,然后趁洛伦不注意,拿过了洛伦桌前的酒杯,粉嫩小嘴印着洛伦喝过的位置,小口小口将一杯秘酒喝光。 Hee hee, I come to notice that the Elder Brother was being hung hitting.” “嘻嘻,我一过来就看到哥哥在被吊着打。” After Bailey drinks up, the fair small face catches the light flushed, then also has not given full expression stretches out the lovable tongue licked own lip, excited looks in that picture to be hit to fall face down unceasingly the form that. 贝莉尔喝完后,白皙小脸染上淡淡潮红,然后还意犹未尽的伸出可爱的舌头的舔了舔自己的嘴唇,兴奋的看着那画面中不断被打趴下的身影。 Loren's complexion somewhat becomes dark. 洛伦的脸色有些发黑。 You understand anything, this is I am exercising own battle qi intentionally.” “妳懂什么,这是我故意在锻炼自己的斗气。” Bailey, you runs away, did not fear that was discovered?” “还有贝莉尔,妳偷跑出来,就不怕被人发现吗?” I did not fear that Aunt Shirley is hugging la that fool to sleep.” “我才不怕呢,雪莉阿姨正抱着洛菈那笨蛋在睡觉呢。” Moreover the Elder Brother uses flagstone one time with great difficulty, I can also with my body accompanies the Elder Brother, does not need to be profited by stupid la each time.” “而且哥哥好不容易才用石板一次,我也可以用自己的‘身体’陪陪哥哥,不用每次都被笨菈占便宜。” Bailey is swaying the white and tender small foot. 贝莉尔晃荡着白嫩的小脚丫。 If not Loren is still making the proper business, the girl just came time must quietly sneak attack. 如果不是洛伦还在做正事,女孩刚刚过来的时候就要悄悄“偷袭”了。 Loren helpless looked at Bailey one eyes, the vision fell in the form of that side battle. 洛伦无奈的看了贝莉尔一眼,目光又重新落在那边战斗的身影上。 At this time he is a person sits in the garden, Bailey uses the flagstone, exists in only has his obvious reality, but old person who that side fights situated in illusory and real spaces of flagstone creation, honors with the day that he controls battle qi the clone dogfight. 此时他是一个人坐在花园里,贝莉尔利用石板,存在于仅有他一人可见的真实,而那边战斗的老人则是介于石板创造的虚幻与真实空间之间,和他操控的天崇斗气分身缠斗。 If killed the old person directly, that side the elf king will definitely detect that is not right, even triggers certain unnecessary accidents, therefore Loren has to spend the time and opposite party is fun. 要是直接杀了老人,精灵王那边肯定会察觉到不对劲,甚至引发某些不必要的变故,所以洛伦只好花费时间和对方好好玩玩。 That side Elisha, almost must start.” “艾丽莎那边,也差不多要开始了吧。” Then Loren also talked over one in a soft voice. 然后洛伦又是轻声念叨一句。 At this time Elisha does not know in the garden all, before she arrived at that giant study room, the young girl is looking at front door deep inspiration of shutting tightly, is returning to normal diligently own mood. 此时艾丽莎并不知晓花园中发生的一切,她一个人来到了那巨大的书房之前,少女望着紧闭的大门深深的吸了一口气,在努力平复自己的心情。 Big brother Loren......” “洛伦大哥……” Elisha closes the eye, before the brain flashes through leaves the garden, Loren looks to oneself vision, the expression becomes firm, then the young girl opens the eye, put out a hand to open the front door of study room. 艾丽莎闭上眼睛,脑中闪过离开花园前,洛伦看向自己的目光,表情重新变得坚定起来,然后少女重新睁开眼睛,伸手推开了书房的大门。 In flickers, Elisha's vision that the front door opens changes, because in that quarter, she really had an inexplicable unbalanced feeling a moment ago, has to plant the misconception of spanning the space. 只是在大门打开的一瞬,艾丽莎的目光就是一变,因为在刚才那刻,她竟然是有种莫名的失衡感,有种跨越了空间的错觉。 May while seeing clearly the study room all, the pupil of young girl is the contraction, because discovered oneself stood in a broad main hall center. 可在看清楚书房后一切的同时,少女的瞳孔更是收缩,因为发现自己站在了一个宽阔的大殿中央。 The elf king wears a white long gown, on the long gown engraves the golden line mark, his within the body holy blood condenses a body loudly, has presently the real mortal body, seemingly incomparable dignity and great strength. 精灵王穿着一袭白色长袍,长袍上镌刻金色线纹,他的体内圣血轰然凝聚一体,具现真实肉身,看上去无比的威严而强大。 Elf king Duanzuo above the frontline throne, incomparable high-spiritedness. 精灵王端坐在最前方王座之上,无比的意气风发。 Saw when Elisha approaches the main hall at a loss, setting out that the elf king smiles, stretches out the arms seems like greeting the young girl. 看到艾丽莎茫然走近大殿时,精灵王微笑的起身,张开双臂像是在迎接少女。 Elisha, you have not really disappointed me, I can feel your aura, ten thousand years, these strengths wanted the thing returning to rightful owner finally.” “艾丽莎,妳果然没让我失望,我能感受到妳身上的气息,万年的时间,这些力量终于要物归原主了。” The elf king long opens the mouth, goes down from the stair, approaches toward the young girl step by step. 精灵王悠悠开口,从台阶上走下,一步步向着少女靠近。 But Elisha stands in same place, motionless, the young girl lowers the head slightly, pupil little by emerald charm ray full. 而艾丽莎只是站在原地,一动不动,少女微微低头,瞳孔一点点被翡翠色的魔力光芒充盈。 Meanwhile, young girl conceals collects the long sword under cape also in the scabbard sends out anxiously buzz the cry. 于此同时,少女藏敛于斗篷下的长剑也在剑鞘中发出不安的嗡鸣。 ... 。。。
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