MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#105: Elisha's growth

The elf king moves toward Elisha, finally stands firm in the distance young girl also about ten meters places. 精灵王走向艾丽莎,最终在距离少女还有十米左右的地方站定。 His vision looks at Elisha lightly, on the face the smile is not reducing, but the tone seems somewhat sighs: It seems like you are some are not willing to believe me.” 他目光淡淡望着艾丽莎,脸上笑容不减,可语气像是有些叹息:“看来妳还是有些不愿相信我。” „It is not I am not willing to believe you, but is you have not said the truth.” “不是我不愿相信你,而是你根本就没有说出过真相。” Under the cape, the young girl right hand is pressing the sword hilt quietly, she has not raised the head, in the pupil is rotating the ray of charm as before. 斗篷之下,少女右手悄然按着剑柄,她没有抬头,瞳孔中依旧转动着魔力的光芒。 Initially was that great tree, what?” “当初那棵巨树,到底是什么?” Actually that is the entrance of this holy city, is this holy city...... it.” “那究竟是这座圣城的入口,还是这座圣城……本身。” „Does the goal that you construct this holy city, really to protect your clansman, rather than imprison them, lets the nourishment that their strengths become you to need?” “你建造这圣城的目的,真的是为了保护你的族人吗,而不是将他们囚禁,让他们的力量成为你需要的养料?” In the Elisha brain flashes through the image of that blood-color great tree, the quiet blue leaf blade of that innumerable dragging, contains the huge soul aura, that strength possibly is not natural condensation. 艾丽莎脑中闪过那血色巨树的影像,那无数摇曳的幽蓝色叶片,蕴含着庞大的灵魂气息,那种力量不可能是自然的凝聚。 If the truth really such as she guessed, then the approach of elf king was cruel stupid to the extreme. 而若真相真如她猜测,那么精灵王的做法便是残暴昏庸到了极点。 What it seems like it was that fellow said to you?” “看来是那家伙对妳说了什么吗?” Elf king light opens the mouth. 精灵王淡淡开口。 That Saint tree naturally I technique that to shelter the clansman establishes, but you think also good, maintains that technique -type is the strength of that boundless soul, however that strength is not I slaughters the clansman obtained, but they naturally died that technique to collect their soul. “那圣树自然我为了庇护族人所建立的术式,不过妳想的也不错,维持那术式的就是那磅礴的灵魂之力,然而那力量并非我屠戮族人所得,只是他们自然死去那术式收集了他们的灵魂而已。 But this also considers for their descendants, without this technique support, the elf clan basic brace less than now, will have been embezzled by human, looks like these demon clans, was insufferably arrogant, however after demon clan war , can how many escape by luck? Even if living, is still existing as these slaves of human. ” 可这也是为了他们的后代着想,如果没有这术式支撑,精灵族也根本撑不到现在,早就会被外界人类吞没,就像是那些魔族,原本不可一世,然而魔族战争之后,又有多少能够幸免?就算活着,也不过是作为那些人类的奴隶存在。” Elf king Renzhen looks to Elisha: I created ten thousand years of safe and calm prosperous times for the elf clan, even I really must use that strength, is still the indisputable matter, these words that before spoke I have not deceived you, so long as you gave me the holy blood, I will not begin to you, will not begin to these extant clansmen, I only needed to borrow this strength to open the new homeland in the outside world to them,” 精灵王认真的看向艾丽莎:“我为精灵族创造了万年的安平盛世,就算我真要动用那力量,也是无可厚非的事情,之前说的那些话我也没有骗妳,只要妳将圣血交给我,我不会对妳们动手,也不会对那些现存的族人动手,我只需要借用这力量在外界给他们开辟出新的家园,” „If, I will not certainly adopt such brutal method, but currently has demon Kamuiwaki, I am compel to have no other choice but to make such choice.” “而且如果可以,我当然也不会采取这样残酷的手段,但是现在有魔神威胁,我是逼不得已才做出这样的选择。” You should believe my, Elisha, this world except for me, who can achieve all these? These 10,000 years of layouts, elf clan, although defeats, but the inheritance does not extinguish, will rise after ten thousand years of dreariness, but I leading you mount the magnificent that person!” “妳应该相信我的,艾丽莎,这个世界除了我,又有谁能做到这一切?这一万年的布局,精灵族虽然战败,可是传承不灭,更将在万年的沉寂后重新崛起,而我就是将带领你们重新登上辉煌的那个人!” Elf king Gaosheng said, his vision twinkle, takes again one step toward Elisha! 精灵王高声说道,他的目光闪烁,向着艾丽莎再次迈出一步! Battle qi and charm that simultaneous eruption but at this moment, the Elisha body suppresses! 可就在这时,艾丽莎身上压制的斗气、魔力同时的爆发! Zheng a light cry, the young girl draws a sword fiercely, strides in her to gather the potential range in the elf king that flickers, acts directly! “铮”一声轻鸣,少女猛地拔剑,在精灵王跨入她蓄势范围的那一瞬,直接出手! The sword light, tore the vault golden brilliance together. 一道剑光,撕裂了穹顶金色的光辉。 The elf king vision hangs down: Result arrives finally, you made the wrong choice.” 精灵王目光低垂:“结果到最后,妳还是做出了错误的选择吗。” Less than ten meters distance, the sword light passed over gently and swiftly in a flash, this sword sword the inheritance of protection, is may be called the sword of deep meaning incur as before, like the star light of beat, passed over gently and swiftly the long curtain of night. 不到十米的距离,剑光转瞬掠过,这一剑依旧是来自守护之剑的传承,是堪称奥义的剑招,如同跳动的星光,掠过长长的夜幕。 The star light fell on the front of elf king, then changed to makes the startled day the falling star, the strength of sword light condenses completely at a point, momentum incomparable vast, tore all. 星光落在了精灵王的面前,便化做惊天的坠星,剑光的力量完全凝聚在了一点,声势无比的浩大,撕裂一切。 May before that sword light falls, the elf king Tai hand, within the body holy blood stirs, incomparably blazing battle qi to attach in his hand, probably the right arm condenses the long sword, welcomed a Elisha sword to cut. 可在那剑光落下前,精灵王抬手,体内圣血鼓荡,无比炽热的斗气附着在他的手上,像是右臂凝聚成长剑,迎着艾丽莎一剑斩去。 All sword techniques that you grasp, sword the inheritance of protection, but these inheritance are also I kindly give your, do you want to teach your thing to cope with me with me?” “妳掌握的一切剑术,都是来自守护之剑的传承,而那些传承也是我赏给妳的,妳难道要用我教给妳的东西来对付我吗?” Elf king Lengleng said that a sword that his arm cuts, cuts open the sword light that Elisha punctured unexpectedly directly! 精灵王冷冷说道,他手臂斩出的一剑,竟是直接切开了艾丽莎刺出的剑光! May in the next second, elf king's expression change slightly. 可在下一秒,精灵王的表情微微的变化。 By that sword light that he cuts, suddenly the unceasing fission, just like flower bud blasting open, the innumerable flower petals dance in the air together! 被他斩开的那道剑光,忽然不断的分裂,犹如花苞炸裂,无数花瓣齐齐飞舞! The flash sword light dances in the air, such as the tide covers the elf king. 一瞬间剑光飞舞,如潮水将精灵王笼罩。 From by the elf king control starting from, Elisha on has been prepared for today's resistance on that day, how she cannot think the elf king teaches her the inheritance time left behind the method of decoding. 从被精灵王控制那天开始,艾丽莎就一直在为今天的反抗做准备,她又怎么想不到精灵王教给她那些传承的时候都留下了破解的方法。 The elf king who truly at this time Elisha uses teaches her inheritance, but young girl, when absorbs these inheritance, is unifying all sorts of fight experiences that oneself pass to experience, depends upon oneself unusual sword technique talent, the innumerable sword technique knowledge that learns from own grandfather legend sword Saint good friend that attempts to improve unceasingly, and strengthens a more powerful sword to incur it! 此时艾丽莎动用的确实精灵王教给她的传承,但是少女在吸收那些传承的时候,就在结合自己过去经历的种种战斗经验,依靠自己超凡的剑术天赋,还有从自己爷爷传奇剑圣好友那学习到的无数剑术知识,不断尝试改进并且将其强化成更强大的剑招! The elf king gives the strength that she inherits, was absorbed to become her own strength by Elisha truly. 精灵王给她传承的力量,被艾丽莎真正吸收成为了她自己的力量。 But in the past demonstrated that incurs to these inheritance swords that the elf king looks , is also she wants to see to the elf king. 而过去展示给精灵王看的那些传承剑招,也都是她想给精灵王看到的。 After that evening, Elisha on has been pursuing the footsteps of youngster, once that covered the haze in young girl heart, the despair that is unable to save, making the young girl spell to make every effort to forward. 那个晚上过后,艾丽莎就一直在追逐少年的脚步,曾经那笼罩在少女心中的阴霾,那无法拯救的绝望,让少女拼尽一切努力向前。 But now! 而如今! She has the strength to wield a sword for these that oneself protect. 她已经有力量为自己守护的那些挥剑。 Elf king expression one cold, a time foot of retreat steps on backward suddenly layer on layer/heavily to the ground! 精灵王表情一冷,向后退去的时候忽然一脚重重踩向地面! Bang an explosive. “轰”的一声爆响。 The terrifying strength engaging in factional strife land, is centered on elf king to proliferate, the giant palace starts to vibrate, all around floor cannot withstand like this powerful strength, an cuns (2.5 cm) disintegration, flies to shoot outward. 恐怖的力量倾轧大地,以精灵王为中心扩散开来,巨大的宫殿开始震动,四周地板根本承受不住这样的强大的力道,寸寸崩碎,向外飞射。 Meanwhile, the strength of surging formed like the monstrous waves same impact, the wild washout the air, was submerging these in a flash to him the sword light that flies to shoot. 于此同时,涌动的力量更是形成了如巨浪一样的冲击,狂暴的冲刷着空气,一瞬间淹没了那些向他飞射的剑光。 Bang!” “轰!” May at this time, law also simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform who the young girl opened erupt the ray, the innumerable blood-color thorns rise straight from the ground, form the unescapable net same blockade, finally contracts fiercely, probably a shackles closed off the elf king all escape routes. 可在这时,少女揭开的法阵也齐齐爆发光芒,无数血色的荆棘拔地而起,形成天罗地网一样的封锁,最后猛地收缩,像是一个牢笼封锁了精灵王所有的退路。 Elisha another sword cuts to the elf king, on the long sword bursts out the incomparably radiant brilliance in a flash, golden battle qi is the unceasing transformation, changes the tyrannical thunder attribute, this sword falls, as if inspires the tyrannical thunder to pound to fall from the vault. 艾丽莎又一剑斩向精灵王,长剑上一瞬间迸发出无比璀璨的光辉,金色的斗气更是不断的转换,变化成暴虐的雷霆属性,这一剑落下,仿佛引动着暴虐的雷霆从穹顶砸落。 Thump!” “咚!” The elf king Tai hand presses forward, his scalding hot battle qi ray erupts, pushes out like a golden halo horizontally. 精灵王抬手向前一按,他身上灼热的斗气光芒爆发,如同一圈金色的光环向外横推。 The blood-color thorn contracts half by strength direct easily accomplished tearing that promotes, but the elf king has not dodged, before leaving palm pushes, receives a sword that Elisha cut forcefully. 血色的荆棘收缩到一半就被那推出的力量直接摧枯拉朽的撕裂,不过精灵王没有闪避,按出的手掌前推,硬生生的接下了艾丽莎斩下的一剑。 Next second of elf king coldly snort, starts to begin using to limit Elisha's brand mark, but, Elisha's side is actually silver rune/symbol writing who promotes a twinkle, these rune/symbol writing constantly change, probably a giant labyrinth packages Elisha, letting elf king Jing is a short time is unable to lock Elisha! 下一秒精灵王冷哼一声,开始启用限制艾丽莎的烙印,但紧接着,艾丽莎的身边却是推出一片闪烁的银色符文,那些符文不断变化,像是一个巨大的迷宫将艾丽莎包裹,让精灵王竟是一时半会无法将艾丽莎锁定! This is the seal method that Caro leaves behind, the seal that also limits to elf king Jinhang, can obstruct the elf king's control forcefully to Elisha, strives to revolt against the time that to the young girl. 这是卡罗留下的封印手段,也是对精灵王进行限制的封印,可以强行的阻挠精灵王对艾丽莎的控制,给少女争取反抗的时间。 In elf king Yan flashes through angry, but on long sword that he holds down, the sword light of eruption retreats his body backward, retroceded a about 30 meters distance, elf king Cai stopped the footsteps, before his body, that sword light dissipates, left behind a deep sword mark in the ground. 精灵王眼中闪过一丝恼怒,而紧接着他按住的长剑上,爆发的剑光将他的身体向后退去,足足后退了近三十米的距离,精灵王才止住了脚步,他身前那道剑光消散,在地面上留下了一道深深的剑痕。 Assaulting that Elisha continues, utilizes the sword technique that studies from elf king there, unceasing eruption powerful attack, but the flaw that these elf kings leave behind also becomes her to use the best method of that sword technique counter-attack elf king. 艾丽莎继续的抢攻,运用从精灵王那里学来的剑术,不断的爆发出强大的攻击,而那些精灵王留下的破绽也成为了她利用那剑技反击精灵王的最佳手段。 Rumbling!” “轰轰轰!” The main hall crazy shake, under tempering of elf king, has fully adapted to Elisha of legendary level fight to display the terrifying strength, moreover taking advantage of young girl not only also the sword technique, her near body constrains the elf king at the same time, in within the body turbulent charm is also outlining other law quietly. 大殿疯狂的震荡,在精灵王的磨砺下,已经完全适应了传奇层次战斗的艾丽莎发挥出了恐怖的战力,而且少女的依仗也不只是剑技,她近身拖住精灵王的同时,体内汹涌的魔力也在悄然勾勒着其他的法阵。 The elf king was cut to fly by a sword. 精灵王被一剑斩飞出去。 These law also invocations that suddenly the next quarter, Elisha displays, the charm buzz the cry, in law condenses a huge white light ball, the ray is very chilly, just like the full moon, the brilliance of surging like same turns toward elf king sweep to leave like the cold air of nihility. 下一刻,艾丽莎施展的那些法阵也忽然的启用,魔力嗡鸣,法阵中凝聚出一颗巨大的白色光球,光芒无比清冷,犹如圆月,涌动的光辉如同如同虚无的寒气一样向着精灵王扫出。 The air swept from now on the passing over gently and swiftly ripples in that nearly transparent light beam, then the terrifying impact of eruption hit suddenly on the body of elf king, flew his body bang unceasingly backward. 空气在那近乎透明的光束扫过后掠过涟漪,而后忽然爆发的恐怖冲击撞在精灵王的身上,将他的身体不断向后轰飞。 Bang, after several nihility light beam bombardments ended, above elf king the wall of body numerous stalemate main hall, the cracking wall spreads the innumerable sturdy fissures. “嘭”的一声,数道虚无光束轰击结束后,精灵王的身体重重的陷入大殿的墙壁之上,崩裂的墙壁蔓延出无数粗壮的裂痕。 Encountered hitting hard continually, the figure seemingly incomparable distress of elf king, is on him not many true injury, golden red holy blood unceasingly in his within the body flowing, brilliance also in his outside the body transformation, making his aura throughout maintain at the steady condition. 遭遇了连番的重击,精灵王的身形看上去无比的狼狈,可是他身上并没有多少真正的伤势,金红色的圣血不断在他的体内流动,光辉也在他的体外变换,让他的气息始终保持在平稳的状态。 I have not thought actually, you who I train single-handedly actually will become I biggest threat.” “我倒是没有想到,我一手培养出来的妳竟然会成为我最大的威胁。” Saying that the elf king coldly, puts out a hand according to the wall, draws out from the crevice own body. 精灵王冷冷的说道,伸手按在墙上,将自己的身体从裂隙中拔出。 However at this time, that side young girl slender form of also disappeared in the main hall again! 然而这时,那边少女纤细的身影也再次在大殿中消失! The sword technique strength that Elisha saves also completed the preparation, the invisible sword air/Qi that surges cut the fissure of spreading across in the ground instantaneously, in this sword, the strength that in addition held solely is not battle qi that Elisha erupted, she integrated within the body the strength of boundless holy blood! 艾丽莎积蓄的剑技力量也完成了准备,激荡出的无形剑气瞬间在地面上切出了纵横交错的裂痕,在这一剑中,加持的力量不单单是艾丽莎爆发的斗气,还有她融入体内的磅礴圣血之力! The sword light that cuts as if there is will of this world, the strange strength almost twisted the space. 斩出的剑光似乎带着这个世界的意志,诡异的力量几乎扭曲了空间。 But Elisha agitates the holy blood strength to cut a sword that falls on elf king Shenqian, unexpectedly by him turns the hand a golden leaf blade that throws to keep off, on that leaf blade the innumerable marks wind the twinkle, is defense rare treasure that the elf king prepares at crucial moment, but at this time after gold leaf barrier, originally the distressed elf king actually shows a faint smile. His pupil turns into the golden red instantaneously, within the body holy blood tumbles, the unconventional aura attacks loudly ruthlessly on Elisha's body, but the holy blood of latter within the body starts unexpectedly hot tempered in within the body impact of young girl, nearly out-of-control! 而艾丽莎鼓动圣血力量斩出的一剑落在精灵王身前,竟是被他翻手扔出的一枚金色叶片挡下,那叶片上无数纹络闪烁,是精灵王关键时候准备的防御秘宝,而此时金叶屏障之后,本来狼狈的精灵王却是微微一笑。他的瞳孔瞬间变成金红色,体内圣血翻滚,轰然跌荡的气息狠狠冲击在艾丽莎的身上,而后者体内的圣血竟然开始暴躁的在少女的体内冲击,近乎失控! „The holy blood that but you thousand should not ten thousand not should, to make with me copes with me.” “可是妳千不该万不该,用我制造出的圣血来对付我。” Looks at the barrier front young girl, the elf king coldly the opens the mouth, on the face has the ridicule to sneer. 望着屏障前方的少女,精灵王冷冷开口,脸上带着讥讽冷笑。 .. 。。
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