MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#55: Battle qi the sublimation( first)

Buzz.” “嗡。” Loren's towering making a move, however before catching Norman, his palm was blocked by an invisible wall. 洛伦突兀的出手,然而在抓到诺曼之前,他的手掌被一层无形的墙壁挡住。 Transparent ripple dispersing, his strength was reduced and solved layer upon layer. 一层层透明的波纹散开,他的力量被化解。 Norman behind, eyes were covered by the golden color of holy blood, the young girl opens both hands, used the strength of holy blood, as if control this stretch of the world. 诺曼的身后,梅丝双眼被圣血的金色覆盖,少女张开双手,动用了圣血的力量,仿佛掌控这片天地。 Pitifully, you made a wrong decision very much.” Norman stands in the rear area of invisible barrier safely, leisure putting out a hand was brushing off brushing off on the clothes, he dares to stand Loren's front, naturally not possible anything to prepare not to do. “很可惜,你做出了一个错误的决定。”诺曼安然站在无形屏障的后方,慢悠悠的伸手在衣服上在掸了掸,他敢站到洛伦的面前,当然不可能什么准备都没做。 Right.” “是吗。” The Loren light say/way, bang, his within the body day honors the battle qi towering eruption, blocked strikes advances suddenly, pierces the invisible barrier that launched forcefully. 洛伦淡淡道,轰隆一声,他体内天崇斗气突兀爆发,被挡住的一击猛然推进,硬生生的刺穿了梅丝展开的无形屏障。 Norman complexion changes, in a Loren fist pounds before oneself body, only lifts the both arms to prevent with enough time. 诺曼脸色一变,在洛伦一拳砸在自己身上之前,只来得及抬起双臂阻挡。 After bang loud sound, Norman from disappears same place, the body changes to the heavy line to fly together backward, pounds the giant pothole to be buried to be one of them. 嘭的巨响后,诺曼从原地消失,身体化作一道黑线向后飞去,砸出巨大的坑洞被掩埋在其中。 Big brother Norman......” opens the eye, looked that becomes the extreme danger to Loren's look. “诺曼大哥……”梅丝睁大眼睛,看向洛伦的眼神变得极度的危险。 You, damn!” “你,该死!” Her front space twists suddenly, the holy blood condenses the terrifying the strength, forms several spiral-shaped lances to fly to shoot. 她面前的空间骤然扭曲,圣血凝聚恐怖的力量,形成数道螺旋状的长矛飞射而出。 Loren lifts the hand previous to press toward the body, the day honors battle qi to condense, changes to the shape of Saint shield to keep off before the body, several spiral lances hit loudly in the Saint shield empty shadow, the burst out strength has the spiral-shaped fissure in the ground disintegration. 洛伦抬手向着身前一按,天崇斗气凝聚,化作圣盾的形态挡在身前,数根螺旋长矛轰然撞击在圣盾虚影上,迸发的力量在地面崩碎出螺旋状的裂痕。 And Loren resist, other elves that Norman and she brings also begin suddenly, after killing Loren their guards, directly attacks to the carriage, some are sneak attacking to go to Loren. 梅丝和洛伦对抗的时候,诺曼和她带来的其他精灵也忽然动手,杀死洛伦他们的护卫后,直接攻向马车,也有的在向洛伦偷袭而去。 But they rush to half, the expression change suddenly, is launching the defense same place. 可是他们冲到一半,表情忽然变化,纷纷在原地展开防御。 In the ground, the innumerable vines lift the flagstone to gush out, under the powerful controlling force role, during the breath establishes the giant palm. 地面上,无数藤蔓掀开石板涌出,在强大的控制力作用下,呼吸间编制成巨大的手掌。 Bailey sits in the carriage, controls these giant palms to pat the fly to fly these elf rackets probably equally, the girl fresh-faced small mouth bends the slightly exciting curve, her pupil was also covered by the ray of holy blood. 贝莉尔坐在马车之中,操控着那些巨大的手掌像是拍苍蝇一样将那些精灵拍飞,女孩粉嫩小嘴弯出略微兴奋的弧度,她的瞳孔同样被圣血的光芒覆盖。 The strength of holy blood to her, looks like the new toy that the child obtains to be the same, making her have the full curiosity . Moreover the girl is very long has not participated in the fight, has such opportunity, naturally must firmly grasp. 圣血的力量对于她而言,就像是小孩子得到的新玩具一样,让她有着十足的新鲜感,而且女孩很久没有参与过战斗,有这样的机会,自然要牢牢把握住。 Elder Brother deals with that bad woman with single-hearted devotion, these mixed fish give me to solve.” “哥哥专心对付那个坏女人,这些杂鱼就交给我来解决。” Bailey has not forgotten to give Loren to send greetings. 贝莉尔还不忘给洛伦传音。 Loren naturally cannot destroy Bailey interest, has not meddled to cope with other elves, moreover he also has a big interest in, the holy blood strength of elf inheritance, indeed has its special place, Loren did not mind that whets own day to honor under with this strength slightly battle qi, after all this is he biggest weak area. 洛伦自然不会破坏贝莉尔的兴致,没有插手去对付其他的精灵,而且他对梅丝也有不小的兴趣,精灵传承的圣血力量,的确有它的特别之处,洛伦不介意用这力量稍微磨砺下自己的天崇斗气,毕竟这是他最大的短板。 Looks at this is being anger, the holy blood strength further stimulates, even mixed her charm, she stretches out the palm to turn toward under one to entrain ruthlessly, in Loren's top of the head, expansion of huge magic no indication, the incomparably tyrannical energy condenses in that law, the thunder that has the quiet green ray innumerably sparkles in illusory, finally forms incomparably sturdy thunder column bang a sound to pound down! 梅丝望着这一幕则是更加的愤怒,圣血力量进一步激发,甚至糅合了她的魔力,她伸出手掌狠狠向着下方一拽,在洛伦的头顶,一道巨大的魔法阵毫无征兆的展开,无比暴虐的能量在那法阵中凝聚,无数带着幽绿光芒的雷霆在虚幻中闪耀,最后形成出无比粗壮的雷柱轰隆一声砸下! The instance that the sturdy thunder column falls in torrents, Loren lifts the hand, the day honors to mump to condense the golden long sword in his hands, the next quarter, Loren's form from disappears same place, is interlocking the rise like the sword light that the wing launches, with Loren plunders to cut toward the above. 粗壮雷柱倾泻的瞬间,洛伦抬手,天崇斗气在他手中凝聚出金色长剑,下一刻,洛伦的身影从原地消失,如同羽翼般展开的剑光交错着上升,随着洛伦的掠出向着上方斩出。 The sword light and that strange thunder collision, flash innumerable thunder light splash, but the final sword light broke through the tyrannical thunder, one and twists broken above law. 剑光和那奇异的雷霆碰撞,一瞬间无数雷光飞溅,可最终剑光还是冲破了暴虐的雷霆,将上方的法阵一并绞碎。 After crushing law, Loren falls from the midair, throws toward. 击碎法阵后,洛伦从半空落下,向着梅丝扑下。 „Does stupid fellow, dare to approach me unexpectedly on own initiative?” “愚蠢的家伙,竟然敢主动靠近我?” On face appears to sneer suddenly, she has not retroceded, the strength ebullition of holy blood, the golden empty shadow in her behind condensation, as if opens a giant gateway, that front door shoves open flickers, a special strength sends out, after the golden ray covers, the grounds and two sides walls start to reappear the strange wooden texture, as if by the lignification, was started cracking completely later, becomes incomparable is vulnerable. 梅丝脸上忽然浮现冷笑,她没有后退,圣血的力量沸腾,金色的虚影在她的身后凝聚,仿佛打开一个巨大的门户,那大门推开的一瞬,一股特殊的力量散发开来,被金色的光芒覆盖之后,地面和两边的墙壁都开始浮现出诡异的木质纹理,仿佛全部被木质化,随后开始咔嚓的崩裂,变得无比的脆弱不堪。 What she uses was the banning technique of ancient elf inheritance, the gate of life offering sacrifices! 她动用的是古代精灵传承的禁术,生命献祭之门! By the strength communication of holy blood, the regular resonance of the world, then with some powerful consciousness help of its communication, the front door of that leaf of taboo by little shoving open. 凭借圣血的力量沟通,天地的规则共鸣,然后在其沟通的某个强大的意识帮助下,那扇禁忌的大门被一点点的推开。 Also is simultaneously, in golden gateway that opens, the golden hot sun that one group of incomparably blazing scalding hot light group sparkles, as if raise, that ray shines in that by the ground of lignification, instantaneously its ignition, golden nihility flame, as the proliferation unceasing spread of that lignification. 也是同时,在那打开的金色门户之中,一团无比炽热灼热的光团闪耀,仿佛升起的金色烈日,那光芒照耀在那被木质化的地面,瞬间将其引燃,金色的虚无火焰随着那木质化的扩散不断的蔓延。 Loren goes near that golden domain time, that special strength also starts to cover on his body, Loren felt that own battle qi was being corroded by some special strength, scalding hot energies emerge from his within the body, as if must start to burn from the interior, lights him. 洛伦接近那金色领域的时候,那特殊的力量也开始覆盖在他的身上,洛伦感觉到自己的斗气在被某种特殊的力量侵蚀,一股股灼热的能量从他的体内涌现,仿佛要从内部开始燃烧,将他点燃。 But Loren under that scalding hot aching feeling stimulation, on the face actually showed the light smile, he has not activated the destiny, does not have the idea of use demon supernatural power, the day honors battle qi under that blazing ray bathes, becomes the incomparable liveliness unexpectedly! 可是洛伦在那灼热的疼痛感刺激下,脸上却是露出了淡淡的笑容,他没有激活命运,也没有动用魔神力的想法,天崇斗气在那炽热的光芒沐浴下,竟是变得无比的活跃! Initially the knight king coped with the Pope time, was the use day honors battle qi, the combustion offered sacrifices own all, making the day honor battle qi sublimation casting, arrived in a new level. 当初骑士王对付教皇的时候,便是使用天崇斗气,燃烧献祭自己的一切,让天崇斗气升华熔铸,抵达一个新的层次。 But in this life like lit situation, Loren felt own whole body blood is seething with excitement, that blazing day honors battle qi is full his whole body, is turbulent the impact in within the body, as if forms a giant stove in his within the body, in temperature that increases unceasingly, the stove continuous power fills to pour into his whole body loudly, is washing out his body. 而在这种生命如同被点燃的情况下,洛伦感觉自己浑身鲜血都在沸腾,那炽烈的天崇斗气更是充盈他的全身,在体内汹涌着冲击,似乎在他的体内形成一个巨大的火炉,不断攀升的温度之中,火炉源源不断的动力轰然灌注入他的全身,冲刷着他的身体。 This flash, Loren has the feeling of when good luck comes the wits are sharpened unexpectedly, that attacks the strength of his body to move with his mind unceasingly starts to turn toward the central accumulation. 这一瞬间,洛伦竟是有种福至心灵的感觉,那不断冲击他身体的力量随着他心神一动开始向着中心聚集。 Combustion battle qi as if one group of huge nebula high-speed revolutions, unceasing concise, compresses toward, seems like the fiery-red embryo by the unceasing smelting, the energy crazy increasing enhancement of core! 燃烧般的斗气仿佛一团巨大的星云高速的运转,不断的凝练,向着内部压缩,又像是火红色的胚胎被不断的熔炼,核心的能量疯狂的攀升增强! In this moment, Loren felt again the will of being the knight king, the knight felt at that time these blazing devout, these to protect somebody can burn all intense state of mind, seems fusing together with his body. 在这一刻,洛伦再次感受到了属于骑士王的意志,当时骑士所感受到的那些炽烈虔诚,那些为了守护某人可以燃烧一切的激烈心境,仿佛在和他的身体融为一体。 Under mistake arising out of chance circumstances, under that special strength stimulation, 阴差阳错之下,在那特殊的力量刺激下, Loren honors on the path that battle qi in the true control day, took forward solid one step. 洛伦在真正掌控天崇斗气的道路上,向前迈出了坚实的一步。 All these changes happen in the short flash. 这一切的变化都在短短一瞬间发生。 Looks on Loren the golden illusory flame that starts to burn, on the face is showing the smile, this is the strength of combustion life, is one of the she strongest attacks, if Loren first chooses to spread out, then opportunity of fleeing, but he so penetrates her domain rashly, looks like and brings death in without doubt. 梅丝望着洛伦身上开始燃烧的金色虚幻火焰,脸上露出微笑,这是燃烧生命的力量,也是她最强的攻击之一,如果洛伦第一时间选择拉开距离,那么还有逃离的机会,可他如此莽撞突入她的领域,在梅丝看来和送死无疑。 But at this moment, Loren is feeling in within the body concise strength, is feeling body some intense impulsion of gushing out, suddenly gets hold of the fist, turns toward direction to wield in the midair. 可就在这时,洛伦感受着体内凝练的力量,感受着身体的涌出的某种强烈的冲动,突然握紧拳头,在半空中向着梅丝的方向挥去。 This fist is ordinary, even did not have the Loren ordinary attack cruel and swift and violent. 这一拳普普通通,甚至还没洛伦平常的攻击来的暴戾且迅猛。 But with Loren this fist wields, the air seems like solidification suddenly. 可是随着洛伦这一拳的挥出,空气像是忽然的凝固。 Then. 然后。 Of bang...... the sound of incomparable terrifying, the towering eruption, as if caused a terrifying earthquake in this region! 轰的一声……无比恐怖的声响,突兀的爆发,仿佛在这片区域引起了一场恐怖的地震! The direction that Loren shakes the fist, the ground strenuous vibration, collapses layer upon layer downward, the terrifying impact proliferation, brings the innumerable mist and dust, as if giant storm is the same, crazy washes out toward all around, the wall, the construction, was swept by that impact, is just like the paper to stick cracks instantaneously. 洛伦挥拳的方向,地面剧烈震动,层层向下坍塌,恐怖的冲击扩散,带着无数的烟尘,仿佛巨大的风暴一样,疯狂的向着四周冲刷而出,墙壁,建筑,被那冲击一扫,更是犹如纸糊般瞬间崩裂。 The disintegration of gateway that launches under the attack of that fist becomes the innumerable golden light scraps/condescend in a flash, in the golden light group together with that light gate, as if must die out under that fist. 梅丝展开的门户在那一拳的攻击下转瞬崩碎成无数的金色光屑,连同那光门之内的金色光团,都仿佛要在那一拳下寂灭。 However when Loren shakes the fist, felt ahead of time a terrifying sense of crisis, making holy blood crazy fleeing of her within the body move, therefore immediately, her body vanishes like the twinkle, the danger avoids the region that Loren that struck to cover. 不过就在洛伦挥拳的时候,梅丝提前感觉到一种恐怖的危机感,让她体内的圣血疯狂的窜动,于是在第一时间,她的身体就如闪烁般消失,险险避开了洛伦那一击覆盖的区域。 At this time in the attack edge, looked that the tread leaves behind huge is similar to the fist shape pit faintly, shock in heart has started the giant mighty waves in her heart, on her face also has some colors with amazement. 此时在攻击的边缘,看着地面留下的一个巨大的隐隐如同拳头形状的凹坑,梅丝心中的震撼已然在她心中掀起巨大的波澜,她的脸上也带着些许骇然之色。 What martial skill is this......?” “这是什么武技……?” Hands and feet is icy cold, after looking at that side is dropping the youngster, but also is somewhat unbelievable. 梅丝手脚冰凉,望着那边落下后的少年,还有些难以置信。 Can only human, why erupt the so fearful strength? 区区一个人类,为什么能够爆发出如此可怕的力量? Is this fellow really individual? 这家伙真的是个人吗? What martial skill, actually I do not know......” “什么武技,其实我也不知道……” But Loren felt within the body to consume many days to honor suddenly battle qi, actually somewhat had not given full expression, feeling that struck a moment ago, after when looking like the constipation several days of people ate several days of hot pepper crazily, suddenly unobstructed, boundless strength all over the body falls in torrents, that faint trace scalding hot stabbing pain remained, making one want to stop but cannot. 而洛伦感受体内忽然消耗了不少的天崇斗气,却是有些意犹未尽,刚才那一击的感觉,就像是便秘了几天的人又狂吃了几天辣椒后,突然遍体通畅,磅礴的力量倾泻之余,那一丝丝灼热刺痛的残留,让人欲罢不能。 However, he can also feel, oneself to use incomparable unfamiliar that strikes. 不过,他也能够感觉到,自己对那一击的使用无比的生疏。 Time that fist wields, saved the too long strength, otherwise is impossible to have any time response then to avoid. 那一拳挥出的时候,积蓄了太久的力量,否则梅丝不可能有任何的时间反应然后躲避。 But honors the use that battle qi regarding the day he also in the stage of fumble, this attack is also his first use, not skilled indisputable, so long as he practices several times, quick can skilled grasping, perhaps also be able to integrate it during own ordinary attack, release suddenly, this can bring the huge pleasant surprise to the enemy unknowingly. 但对于天崇斗气的使用他还在摸索的阶段,这攻击也是他第一次使用,不熟练无可厚非,只要他多练习几次,很快就能熟练的掌握,说不定还能将其融入在自己的普通攻击之中,忽然的释放,这可以给敌人在不经意间带来巨大的惊喜。 Is thinking these, looks at that side some of delay, Loren is also continue say: 想着这些,望着那边还有些呆滞的梅丝,洛伦继续道: After all this move, I also just founded, if really must have a name, that called the capital...... not, socialism iron fist.” “毕竟这一招,我也才刚刚开创出来,如果真要有个名字的话,那就叫资……不,社会主义铁拳吧。” Just founded......” “刚刚开创……” After hearing these words, some breath also stagnations of those present, fall into deep shock. 听到这句话后,在场的人的呼吸也有些沉滞,陷入深深的震撼之中。 You is a talent in the true sense, but was a pity very much, today...... you will fall from the sky surely here.” “你是一个真正意义上的天才,但是很可惜,今天……你必定会在这里陨落。” But also at this time, an incomparably cold and gloomy sound resounded. 可也是在这时,一个无比森冷的声音响起。 .... 。。。。 Being late the chapter, the hope fixed time renewal was unable the pigeon. 晚点还有一章,希望定时更新不会鸽。
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