MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#54: Touches cheeks the output

Demon empathize time, does not give up probably.” “魔神会这次,大概是不善罢甘休了。” Loren is shaking the head, looks that these elves send under custody many outcomer teams to leave, is somewhat sigh with emotion. 洛伦摇着头,看着那些精灵押送着不少外来者一队队离开,有些感慨。 Under the large-scale search of elf, in the holy city the footholds of almost all demon empathizes were turned, when captures to start, the demon empathize also obtained certainly the news, starts to shift the manpower, however these outcomers under the asylum without Mar bus strength, the left foothold completely exposed under the sensation. 在精灵的大规模搜查之下,圣城中几乎所有魔神会的据点都被翻了出来,在追捕开始的时候,魔神会当然也得到了消息,开始转移人手,然而那些外来者在没有马尔巴士力量的庇护下,离开的据点就完全暴露在了感知下。 Then they face is moon/month hunting chasing down, the war is completely the one-sided rout. 而后他们面对的就是月狩的追杀,战局完全是一边倒的溃败。 These fellows can also calm down, these legends, do not know where hides.” “不过这些家伙倒也沉得住气,那些传奇,不知道都藏在什么地方。” After the large-scale raid ended, the elf side harvest is many, but after Loren has looked at the result, actually somewhat knits the brows, the high-end strength of demon empathize no one exposes. 大型的搜捕结束后,精灵方收获颇丰,但是洛伦看过结果后,却是有些皱眉,魔神会的高端战力没有一人暴露。 However, all these these elves do not know. 然而,这一切那些精灵并不知晓。 In their opinion, these outcomers almost caught the whole lot in a dragnet. 在他们看来,那些外来者几乎被一网打尽。 This was interesting.” “这就有意思了。” Loren muttered in a soft voice, the demon empathize cut tail the self-preservation very decisively, after this action, the anger of that elf king should reduce much. 洛伦轻声喃喃,魔神会断尾自保十分的果断,这次行动之后,那位精灵王的怒火应该会削减不少。 Is good because, these elves also know the fellow who previously that killed the holy blood successor had not been caught, therefore did not put down completely vigilantly, in the holy city still conducts the condition of martial law. 好在,那些精灵也知道先前那个杀死圣血继承人的家伙还没被抓到,所以也不是完全就放下了警惕,圣城中依然是进行戒严的状态。 But will not have to seem like such large-scale cleaning again. 只不过不会再有像是这样大规模的清扫。 Almost spends after an all day action, Loren then rode the carriage, took Bailey return trip. 几乎花费一整天的行动过后,洛伦便坐上了马车,带上贝莉尔返程。 Elisha is still following moon/month of hunting army action, naturally after this, she will also return to the mansion , to continue to be responsible for protecting Bailey safety. 艾丽莎还在跟随月狩部队行动,当然在这之后,她也会返回府邸,继续负责保护贝莉尔的安全。 Before guaranteeing all threats was eliminated, the moon/month hunting protection cannot evacuate. 在确保所有的威胁都被清除前,月狩的保护不会撤离。 Loren they retreats according to the scheduled route, before then, the threat of this region had been removed. 洛伦他们按照预定的路线撤退,在这之前,这片区域的威胁已经都被排除过。 Suddenly, the air twists slightly, Loren looks up, sees together in the fuzzy shadow integration air almost, extreme speed shoots toward oneself. 只是忽然之间,空气微微扭曲,洛伦抬头看去,就看到一道模糊的黑影几乎的融入空气之中,极速的向着自己射来。 May before shooting Loren surface gate, that shadow was unable little advance one, to put out a hand firmly to hold by Loren, that is a jet black lance. 可在射到洛伦面门之前,那黑影已经无法寸进一毫,被洛伦伸手牢牢抓住,那是一根漆黑的长矛。 Buzz......” “嗡……” The lance trembles, as if must erupt inside energy, but after Loren hand battle qi the activation, in unstable the energy the jet black lance suppresses instantaneously. 长矛震颤,仿佛要爆发里面的能量,可是洛伦手中斗气激活后,瞬间将漆黑长矛里不稳定的能量压制。 However is also at this time, surrounding elf guard simultaneous was under the attack, the shadows of these distortions fly to shoot unceasingly, falls on the center of convoy guard, triggered the huge explosion, immediately all around black flame is billowing. 不过也是此时,周围的精灵护卫同时的遭遇了袭击,那些扭曲的黑影不断飞射而出,落在护卫队的中央,引发了巨大的爆炸,顿时四周黑色火焰滚滚。 Enemy raids.” “敌袭。” Some people shout. 有人喊道。 Loren they are hit by the attack suddenly time, in their rear areas, the carriage that Norman and took with. 洛伦他们突然遭受袭击的时候,在他们的后方,诺曼和梅丝乘坐的马车跟了过来。 Never expected that big brother Norman you really can mobilize the strengths of these outcomers.” “没想到诺曼大哥你真的能够调动那些外来者的力量。” Looks at that side attack, shows being astonished some expressions. 梅丝看着那边的袭击,露出有些讶异的表情。 „Is big brother Norman cooperating with them?” Asked. “诺曼大哥是在和他们合作吗?”梅丝问道。 Cooperation,...... I did not have this qualifications.” Norman deeply inspires, „, when I obtained the holy blood, I can also can be one of the collaborator reluctantly.” “合作,不……我还没有这种资格。”诺曼深吸一口气,“但是,等我获得了圣血,我也勉强能算得上合作者的一员了。” Then looks at the young girl who shows the doubts expression, Norman smiled saying with a smile. 然后看着露出疑惑表情的少女,诺曼又笑了笑道。 Relax , these secrets, I will tell you tonight well.” “放心吧,梅丝,这些秘密,今晚我会好好告诉妳的。” Now, we play well with these fellows.” “现在嘛,我们还是好好和这些家伙玩玩吧。” Norman coldly said, then orders the carriage to continue to turn toward that side Loren to approach. 诺曼冷冷道,然后命令着马车继续向着洛伦那边靠近。 „.” “哧。” But they are close, from Loren's carriage, the white light sparkles, tore that black flame directly. 而他们接近的时候,从洛伦的马车那边,有一道白光闪耀,直接撕裂了那片黑色的火焰。 The distant place, induces to that white light astonishing might, the form runs out together fiercely, divides several remnant shades suddenly, toward fleeing in all directions. 远处,感应到那白光惊人的威力,一道身影猛地冲出,骤然划分数道残影,向着四处逃窜。 No matter but how that person moves rapidly, that spoken parts light/only pass through his body in the wink of an eye, he remnant shadow also vanishes behind, the main body is incapable the bird that probably falls to perish, turns toward under the street to drop directly. 可不管那人如何迅速的移动,那道白光瞬息之间就将他的身体贯穿,他身后残影随之消失,本体像是无力坠亡的飞鸟,直接向着街道之下跌落。 Loren's neat second killed that raider, some accidents/surprises selected the eyebrow. 洛伦干脆利落的秒杀了那个袭击者,也有些意外的挑了挑眉。 He has not thought, the adventurer strengths of these sneak attacks so will be disappointing, from the beginning attacked time, Loren also thinks at that time is extremely hapless, stared by the main force of demon empathize. 他没有想到,这些偷袭的冒险者实力会如此差劲,一开始遭受袭击的时候,洛伦当时还以为是自己太过倒霉,被魔神会的主力盯上了。 But now looks like, does not seem like that a matter. 可现在看来,似乎不是那么回事。 That raider was killed by Loren one arrow second, other companions who his side ambushes cannot bear scatter in all directions to run away, was responded by these guard who overruns to block. 那个袭击者被洛伦一箭秒杀,他旁边埋伏的其他同伴也都忍不住四散逃窜,然后被那些反应过来的护卫冲过去拦下。 Loren also wants to come several arrows to have several people to solve again, but at this moment, the youngster knits the brows, to looks somewhere, saw that a carriage drives, finally stops to their front. 洛伦本来还想再来几箭将剩下几人解决,可就在这时,少年又皱了皱眉,向某处望去,看到一辆马车驶来,最后到他们的面前停下。 The remained several guards see the carriage comes the time, from the beginning somewhat is also vigilant, but noticed the badge on carriage after afterward, has not actually stopped, moreover they also saw by that carriage has other elf guards to follow. 留守的几个护卫看到马车过来的时候,一开始也有些警惕,但后来注意到马车上的徽章后,却是没有阻拦,而且他们也看到了那马车旁有其他精灵护卫跟随。 Some that we come evidently, Luke did a person control the aspect late?” After the carriage stops, goes out of one person quickly, that is called Norman's young elf, wears a magnificent long gown, both hands shoulders after behind, on the face brings the light arrogance. “看样子我们来的有些晚了,卢克阁下一个人就控制了局面?”马车停下后,很快走出一人,那是叫做诺曼的年轻精灵,身着一身华丽长袍,双手背负在身后,脸上带着淡淡的倨傲。 Several days do not see, I think that Luke should be insufficient to forget me quickly?” “几天不见,我想卢克阁下应该不至于这么快就将我忘了吧?” Norman smiles looks to Loren. 诺曼微笑的看向洛伦。 „Were you that...... died father's fellow?” “你就是那个……死了爹的家伙?” Loren looks at Norman to appear, slightly after the ponder, recalled this person of status. 洛伦看着诺曼出现,稍微思考后也记起了这人的身份。 Norman is looking at Loren vision twinkle, finally has not lost one's temper actually, is only the cold sound said: Luke...... your opens mouth, white/shell La has not trained evidently.” 诺曼望着洛伦目光闪烁,最后倒是没有动怒,只是冷声道:“卢克阁下……你这张嘴,看样子贝菈没怎么调教好啊。” Loren said lightly: Excuse me, I will very speak actually, if I said what words make you unhappy, you do not need to suspect, is I intentionally.” 洛伦淡淡道:“不好意思,我其实挺会说话的,如果我说了什么话让你不开心,那你不用怀疑,就是我故意的。” Right, had the asylum of Princess Shirley before, you preserved your to open mouth, but today, you have such good luck differently.” “是吗,之前有雪莉公主的庇护,你保住了你这张嘴,但是今天,你就不一样有这样的好运了。” At this moment, another sound resounds, walks from the carriage, sneering looks to Loren. 就在这时,又一个声音响起,梅丝也从马车里走出来,冷笑的看向洛伦。 Loren narrows the eye to look to two people, light opens the mouth: 洛伦微眯着眼睛看向两人,淡淡开口: It seems like you to solve couple days ago matter came?” “看来你们是为了解决前几天的事来的了?” „, Luke, this was not your misunderstanding, we received your requesting reinforcements signal, because of just in the , came to have a look while convenient, your luck was not so never expected that good, was attacked by these fellows skillfully.” “不不不,卢克阁下,这就是你的误会了,我们只是接到了你们的求援信号,因为刚好在附近,才顺便过来看看而已,没想到你们运气这么不好,这么巧就遭到了那些家伙的袭击。” Norman tone spooky say/way. 诺曼语气幽幽道。 Discovered a moment ago the appearance of raider, in Loren's team, first had the guard to use the communication crystal stone to seek the support, but the news that this requested reinforcements will first transmit to the recent elf team, timeliness that guaranteed the support. 刚才发现袭击者的出现,洛伦的队伍中,第一时间就有护卫使用了通讯晶石寻求了支援,而这求援的消息会先传输给最近的精灵队伍,确保支援的及时性。 Then, the information nature that this requests reinforcements was intercepted by recent Norman. 然后,这求援的信息自然被最近的诺曼拦截。 Action that however, Your Highness Shirley arranges today, although arrested many outcomers, but also gave other people in hidden to stimulate enormously, they then probably crazy counter-attack . Moreover the successor who will definitely aim at the holy blood took the action, such attack will also continue a moment ago, I was worried about the younger sister white/shell La safety very much.” On Norman face showed the smile: Therefore I think, is inferior to this, making la first take her holy blood to give me to fuse, these people cannot investigate the aura of her within the body holy blood, naturally cannot choose her as the goal, when this matter ended, I give back to her the holy blood again, how?” “不过话说回来,今天雪莉殿下安排的行动,虽然抓捕到了不少的外来者,但也给了其他隐藏的人极大的刺激,他们接下来大概会疯狂的反扑,而且肯定会针对圣血的继承者展开行动,刚才那样的袭击也还会继续,我很担心贝菈妹妹的安全啊。”诺曼脸上重新露出了笑容:“所以我想想,不如这样吧,让贝菈先把她的圣血交给我来融合,那些人探查不到她体内圣血的气息,自然不会选择她作为目标,等这件事结束了,我再把圣血还给她,如何?” How, that had much tasteful, if white/shell La is willing to coordinate, married into his family, he did not mind , after holy blood inheritance, two people unified the heir under birth. 怎么还,那就很有讲究了,如果贝菈愿意配合,嫁入他的家族,他不介意以后把圣血传承给之后两人结合诞下的子嗣。 Your this saying said that in childhood brain definitely a lot by gate clip.” “你这话说的,小时候脑子肯定没少被门夹吧。” Loren shakes the head, he was looks, at present this fellow obviously is the peach full net member, all day long thinks the fart ate. 洛伦摇了摇头,他是看出来了,眼前这家伙显然是个桃饱网会员,成天想屁吃。 Actually I said is very earnest.” “其实我说的很认真的。” Norman sighed, on the face brings sneering. 诺曼叹了口气,脸上带着冷笑。 You should believe my, these outcomers really stared at you.” “你们应该相信我的,那些外来者真的盯上了你们。” At this moment, Loren hears suddenly all around has the pitiful yell sound to get up! 就在这时,洛伦突然听到四周有惨叫声响起! The guard who previously these intercepted the outcomer was repelled, moreover there are sneak attacked much, suffered the heavy losses instantaneously! 先前那些拦截外来者的护卫被击退,而且有不少遭到偷袭,瞬间就受到了重创! Is the support of these outcomers, does not know when submerged this region. 属于那些外来者的支援,不知道何时潜入了这片区域。 However this is the not possible matter, because in the previous cleaning, the outcomer in this region was emptied completely, is impossible so many fish slip through to appear simultaneously. 然而这本来是不可能的事情,因为在先前的清扫中,这片区域的外来者全部被清空,不可能同时有这么多的漏网之鱼出现。 Also is simultaneously, Loren vision sweeps to all around, other guards who Bailey brings, in an instant by these elf sneak attack controls that Norman brings, they were unloaded all weapons, communication crystal stone was also won completely, the head by a cold long tool rest, in the eye was being revealed the alarmed and afraid and unbelievable color. 也是同时,洛伦目光扫向四周,贝莉尔带来的其他护卫,转眼之间就被诺曼带来的那些精灵偷袭控制,他们被卸下了所有的武器,身上的通讯晶石也全部被夺走,脑袋更是被一柄柄冷冽的长刀架着,眼中露出惊惧和难以置信之色。 „Do you choose and these outcomers unexpectedly cooperate?” Loren looks at all these, on the face also flashes through surprisedly some. “你们竟然选择和那些外来者合作?”洛伦看着这一切,脸上也闪过些许惊讶。 Naturally what he is surprised is not the relation of Norman and outcomer, but is the resolutions of demon empathize these fellows, Loren realized suddenly, the after cooperation of person and elf king of demon empathize was shattered, then chose other holy blood successors. 当然他惊讶的并非诺曼和外来者的联系,而是魔神会那些家伙的决断,洛伦突然意识到,魔神会的人和精灵王的合作破碎后,转而选择了其他的圣血继承人。 Collaborator I have not been, but after I attained the holy blood, I had the qualifications.” “合作者我还算不上,不过等我拿到圣血之后,我就拥有资格了。” Norman smiles looks at Loren before body, others who he arranges also all come, launch the powerful aura, all around the blockade. 诺曼微笑的看着身前的洛伦,他布置的其他人也全部现身,展开强大的气息,封锁四周。 „Aren't you worried to expose?” Loren is frowning to ask. “你不担心暴露吗?”洛伦皱着眉头问道。 Exposition, that is in you can divulge under these premises.” “暴露,那是在你们能够泄露这些的前提下。” This time does not need Norman to open the mouth, his coldly said that „, but was a pity very much, blocks here time, I have used my jurisdiction, ahead of time has reported to above, this region is processed by me now, is cleaning up fish slip through of some outcomers, therefore you can feel relieved, we have enough time, eliminates trace slowly.” 这次无需诺曼开口,他身边的梅丝冷冷道,“但是很可惜,封锁这里的时候,我已经用过自己的权限,提前向上面报备过了,这片区域现在由我处理,正在清理一些外来者的漏网之鱼,所以你可以放心,我们有足够的时间,来慢慢消除痕迹。” Now you should also be clear, these that I said before are actually not the requests, hands over the holy blood, is you now the only outlet.” “现在你也应该清楚了,我之前说的那些其实并不是请求,交出圣血,是你们现在唯一的出路。” Norman said indifferently: 诺曼淡然说道: Moreover, I can also to you for the last time the opportunity, so long as you kneel, submits to me, the beforehand that all, I can not haggle over with you, moreover you had no to white/shell La that girl loyal, is only by her slave brand mark control, if you choose to turn to me, I can make your status not limit to make a dog merely.” “另外,我也可以给你最后一次机会,只要你跪下来,臣服于我,之前的那一切,我都可以不和你计较,而且你本来就对贝菈那丫头没有任何的忠诚可言吧,只是被她的奴隶烙印控制,如果你选择投靠我,我可以让你的身份不局限于仅仅做一条狗。” Norman said that focuses brings cold intent who compels the person. 诺曼说着眼中带着迫人的冷意。 So long as I submit to you, you will really forgive my life?” Loren as if somewhat hesitates. “只要我臣服于你,你真的会饶我一命吗?”洛伦似乎有些犹豫。 Naturally, so long as submits to me sincerely, therefore, kneels down, now I am your new master.” Probably Norman looks at Loren who admitted defeat, reveals expression that teased, under this position, he did not think that Loren also had the opportunity that anything overturned. “当然,只要诚心向我臣服,所以,跪下吧,现在我是你新的主人。”诺曼看着像是服软的洛伦,露出戏谑的表情,这种境地之下,他不觉得洛伦还有什么翻盘的机会。 However in the next second, he saw that a palm finds out toward own head like lightning covers. 然而就在下一秒,他看到一只手掌闪电般探出向着自己的脑袋笼罩。 But, I reject!” “但是,我拒绝!” ... 。。。 Tomorrow again two, today card...... 明天再两更,今天卡了……
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