MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#53: Crisis that raids inexplicably?

Elder Brother...... yesterday evening handled any serious matter probably.” “哥哥……昨天晚上好像又做了什么不得了的事情呢。” In the morning, controls the body and changed into Bailey. 早上,控制身体的又换成了贝莉尔。 The girl of blonde is looking at youngster, shows a face expression looking pensive. 金发的女孩望着身边的少年,露出一脸若有所思的表情。 Has?” “有吗?” Loren's vision has swept from the Bailey fresh-faced small mouth, make way of line of sight slightly vacillation, at this time the demon supernatural power excessive full of his within the body. 洛伦的目光从贝莉尔粉嫩的小嘴上扫过,视线稍微游移的闪开,此时他体内的魔神力过度的充盈。 Yesterday some fellow, should by being able to sleep that the Elder Brother makes, but does not have the means that after all the Elder Brother energy is extremely exuberant, moreover too long has not handled that matter, found the opportunity to vent with great difficulty, is really pitiful.” “昨天某个家伙,应该被哥哥弄的睡不着觉吧,不过也没办法,毕竟哥哥精力太过旺盛,而且太久没做那种事情了,好不容易找到机会可以发泄一下,真是可怜呀。” Bailey whispered in a soft voice. 贝莉尔轻声的嘀咕道。 Loren: „???” 洛伦:“???” I do is so excessive?” “我做的有这么过分吗?” Loren always thought where is not quite right. 洛伦总觉得哪里不太对劲。 No, I heard that the Elder Brother may kill yesterday supernaturally brave incomparable, kills the four directions greatly, making somebody to flee pell-mell, begs for mercy constantly.” “难道没有吗,我听说哥哥昨天可杀神勇无比,大杀四方,弄得某人丢盔卸甲,求饶不迭呢。” Bailey earnest say/way. 贝莉尔认真道。 „The Elder Brother is really excessive, just while I fall asleep handles that matter, does not take me together, I also wants to do obviously together.” “说起来哥哥真是过分啊,刚好趁我睡着的时候做那种事情,都不带上我一起,明明我也想一起做的。” Bailey is saying a regret of face. 贝莉尔说着一脸的遗憾。 Loren hears Bailey words, suddenly fell into the deep silence, he deliberately considered how long...... yesterday made up the demon not to make up, was for safety's sake, made up half bell off and on, moreover he has not handled other what strange things. 洛伦听到贝莉尔的话,一时间陷入了深深的沉默,他寻思……昨天自己补魔也没补多久啊,也就是为了保险起见,断断续续补了半个钟而已,而且他也没做什么其他奇怪的事情。 After all is 1000 service tickets, his there storage can also make up dozens times, naturally cannot waste. 毕竟是一千张的服务券,他那里储存的也就能补个几十次而已,当然不能浪费了。 However stupid la that girl, was actually afterward blurry, cheek red drinks to be the same, does not know how to fall asleep, was that his mind made up any strange thing. 不过笨菈那丫头,后来倒是迷迷糊糊的,脸蛋红的喝了酒一样,都不知道怎么睡着的,是那丫头脑补了什么奇怪的东西吗。 Loren inexplicable is afraid. 洛伦莫名的心虚起来。 On the other hand, the Elder Brother must continue tonight, if continue, takes me together, I am very competent.” Bailey was saying anticipates looks to Loren. “话说回来,哥哥今晚还要继续吗,如果继续的话,就带上我一起吧,我很能干的。”贝莉尔说着又期待的看向洛伦。 „...... Coughs, now said that this is not quite good.” “……咳咳咳,现在说这个不太好吧。” Loren is somewhat speechless. 洛伦有些无语。 Always feels this girl compared with old Si Ji also old Si Ji. 总觉得这丫头比老司姬还老司姬。 Not is quite why good, now is this/should discussion these situations, discussed in private again that matter, always thought was short of the lots of fun.” “为什么不太好,现在就是该讨论这些的场合吧,私下再讨论那种事情,总觉得少了很多乐趣。” Bailey pulled Loren's lower hem corner quietly, does not pay attention to the expression that shows to act like a spoiled brat while others: Therefore the Elder Brother does take me in the evening? My meeting little darling is obedient.” 贝莉尔悄悄扯了扯洛伦的衣角,趁着其他人不注意露出撒娇的表情:“所以哥哥晚上带上我吗?我会乖乖听话的。” But also at this time, Loren looked at one toward the surroundings...... 而也是在这时,洛伦向着周围看了一圈…… All around sees only crowded, and is the soldier and knight of elf, searches and goes on patrol everywhere. 只见四周人来人往,并且都是精灵的士兵和骑士,四处搜查和巡逻。 Also was at this time, in Loren heart not right feeling even more intense, after short thinking, a Loren face strange looked to Bailey: Last night that wait/etc, you said a moment ago, anything that refers.” 也是这时,洛伦心中不对劲的感觉愈发的强烈,短暂的思索后,洛伦一脸古怪的看向贝莉尔:“等等,妳刚才说的昨晚,是指的什么。” „, The Elder Brother did not think that what I am saying?” Bailey innocent looks to Loren, but fresh-faced small mouth actually slightly bent, probably is suppressing the smile. “唔,哥哥觉得我在说什么呢?”贝莉尔一脸无辜的看向洛伦,可粉嫩的小嘴却是微微的弯了弯,像是在憋着笑容。 „......” “……” May see Bailey this innocent expression, where Loren has not known oneself were made fun by this girl. 可看到贝莉尔这副无辜表情,洛伦哪里还不知道自己又被这丫头捉弄了。 This girl, is really intentional.” “这丫头,果然是故意的吗。” Loren looked at Bailey one eyes ill-humoredly, person many mixed, his brutal iron will not be forgiving now decisively. 洛伦没好气的看了贝莉尔一眼,要不是现在人多眼杂,他的无情铁手断然不会留情的。 Your this girl, cannot speak well.” “妳这丫头,就不能好好说话吗。” Loren somewhat understands where now but actually la that strange description skill studies. 洛伦现在倒有些明白洛菈那奇怪的描述技能是从哪里学来的了。 I am speaking well, earnestly was not just discussing with the Elder Brother.” Bailey shows the suffering expression. “我就是在好好说话呀,刚刚不就是在和哥哥认真讨论吗。”贝莉尔露出委屈的表情。 Elder Brother was not destroyed the actions of these people yesterday, almost killed directly that fellow who controlled Elder Sister Elisha, moreover successfully caused the him and demon empathizes contradiction, I think also to help tonight together, this had what issue.” “哥哥昨天难道不是去破坏了那些人的行动吗,差点直接杀了控制艾丽莎姐姐的那家伙,而且还成功引起了他和魔神会之间的矛盾,我只是想今晚也一起帮帮忙,难道这有什么问题吗。” Loren: „......” 洛伦:“……” Elder Brother has not thought what I said was yesterday's Elder Brother makes up the demon the matter , cannot.” Bailey said on the face to show the mischievous expression finally: That this was I had not related, I said that was the proper things, was because the Elder Brother put on the yellow eyeglasses......!” “哥哥不会一直都以为我说的是昨天哥哥补魔的事情吧,不会吧,不会吧。”贝莉尔说着脸上终于露出了促狭的表情:“那这就是和我更没关系了,我说一直都是正经的事情,都是因为哥哥戴上了黄色的眼镜……啊呜!” While others do not pay attention to time, Loren could not bear reward a Bailey head to collapse finally. 趁其他人不注意的时候,洛伦终于是没忍住奖赏了贝莉尔一个脑瓜崩。 , good pain!” “唔,好痛!” Bailey is covering the slightly red forehead, spits the tongue. 贝莉尔捂着自己微红的额头,吐了吐舌头。 The Elder Brother probably real vitality/angry annoys. 哥哥好像真生气惹。 Elder Brother sorry, I...... have not dared to annoy next time.” Bailey was saying transformed the clever pattern instantaneously. “哥哥对不起,我下次还……不敢惹。”贝莉尔说着瞬间转变成了乖巧的模式。 With Bailey morning to the line, in achievement by Loren surface finished. 和贝莉尔早上的对线,以洛伦表面上的获胜而结束。 Probably but, the fellow thinks me is more narrow-minded, I also think that he may also endure some time, without thinking of...... today's directly this.” “不过,那家伙好像比我想的还要小心眼啊,我还以为他可能还会忍一段时间,没想到……今天直接就这样了。” After suppressing own abdomen black fiendish person reluctantly, Loren's energy places surrounding searched for these outcomer on the elf. 勉强压制住自家的腹黑魔王后,洛伦的精力又重新放在了周围搜寻那些“外来者”的精灵身上。 Actually regarding elf side so fight on a grand scale, Loren is also very accidental/surprised, he does not have to think oneself can attract such big hatred unexpectedly, this entire dug that fellow ancestral grave with him. 其实对于精灵方如此大张旗鼓的战斗,洛伦也挺意外的,他也没想到自己竟然可以吸引到这么大的仇恨,这整的和他把那家伙祖坟刨了似的。 This morning, spread the order from the Saint tower, conducts large-scale extermination to the outcomer, and Xueli also agreed this plan, starts vigorously searches the holy city, even also united several holy blood families' strengths, the simultaneous start, the moon/month hunts also to be dispatched completely. 今天一大早,从圣塔那边就传出了命令,对外来者进行大型的清剿,并且雪莉也同意了这个计划,开始大力的对圣城进行搜查,甚至还联合了几个圣血家族的力量,同时的启动,月狩也被全部派遣出去。 Naturally, to assure the safety of holy blood successor, the action starts, including Bailey, all holy blood successors is also arranged to the central position, in the surface is the assistance, but in fact accepts the protection. 当然,为了保证圣血继承人的安全,行动开始的时候,包括贝莉尔在内,所有的圣血继承人也都被安排到最中心的位置,表面上是协助,但是实际上则是接受保护。 At this time, the holy city huge forces assembled, various powerhouses were started, the investigation center was also the safest place, even was really attacked, can still be supported immediately. 这个时候,圣城大量兵力调集,各种强者都被启动,调查的中心也是最安全的地方,就算真的受到攻击,也可以在第一时间得到支援。 That exists to transfer these elf Loren not to find it strange, this morning after Bailey regains consciousness, he told Bailey the information that last night obtained, and learned Bailey that so-called beginning generation likely referred to what was several tens of thousands of years ago ruled the elf king in elf state. 那个存在能调动这些精灵洛伦并不觉得奇怪,今早贝莉尔苏醒后,他就把昨晚获得的情报告诉了贝莉尔,并且从贝莉尔那得知了那个所谓的初代很可能指的的是数万年前统治精灵国度的精灵王。 But if so, what kind of goal the fellow appear here time, that was worth discussing. 而若真是如此,那家伙出现在这个时代是为了怎样的目的,那就十分值得商榷了。 In addition a matter also makes Loren somewhat care, that is he has thought the one who controls Elisha is sinks the dormancy to lose the half elf queen in state in that but the appearance of elf king makes this matter seem confusing now. 此外还有一件事情也让洛伦有些在意,那就是他一直以为控制艾丽莎的是沉眠在那失落国度的半精灵女王,可现在精灵王的出现又让这件事显得扑朔迷离。 Naturally these issues are not he must clarify now, making Elisha shake off that fellow's control, his some were the time verifies these secrets. 当然这些问题也不是他现在就要弄清楚的,让艾丽莎摆脱了那家伙的控制,他有的是时间去探明这些秘密。 Although does not know that what kind of stimulation that so-called elf king received to issue like this ordered, but this did not affect Loren to sit idle and enjoy the fruits, he was worrying oneself were not quite easy to process the people of these demon empathizes, now has the elf king to act, helped him solve lots of troubles. 虽然不知道那个所谓的精灵王是受了怎样的刺激发布了这样命令,但这不影响洛伦坐享其成,他正愁自己不太好处理那些魔神会的人,现在有精灵王出手,就帮他解决了很多的麻烦。 Moreover the fellow on a grand scale, the people of demon empathize definitely will not so sit waiting for death, the both sides fight, the big probability is mutually wounded, that is the best time that he picks up a bargain. 而且那家伙如此大张旗鼓,魔神会的人肯定也不会坐以待毙,双方斗起来,大概率是两败俱伤,那就是他捡便宜的最佳时机。 My plan...... can also succeed occasionally time one.” “我的计划……偶尔也是能够成功一次的啊。” Loren is thinking cannot help but some feelings, then after many failure, finally can the comfortable time, he running around in circles that so long as can play both sides with status in secret, felt threat again is not he, but is that is pulled both sides in vortex. 洛伦想着不由得些感慨,那么多次的失败后,终于可以舒服一次了,他只要用暗中的身份就可以将双方耍的团团转,感到威胁的也不会再是他,而是那被扯进漩涡中的双方。 As the elf side does not count the search of price, the demon empathize the temporary foothold that built in the holy city also truly is excavated much. 随着精灵方不计代价的搜查,魔神会在圣城中建立的临时据点也确实被发掘出了不少。 That time that the outcomers most start to enter, the elf exposed the outcomer of aura to conduct raid wantonly to these, however after first day, they were difficult to find the trails of other outcomers, this is because Mar bus after entering this world, constructed special shield technique with her strength, constructed some foothold supplies these interim members to hide. 外来者最开始进入的那段时间,精灵就对那些暴露了气息的外来者进行过大肆的搜捕,但是在第一天过后,他们就再难找到其他外来者的踪迹,这是因为马尔巴士在进入这个世界后,用她的力量构建出了特殊的屏蔽术式,建造出一些据点供给那些临时的团员藏身。 The adventurers of Saint step are the good board game piece, Mar bus naturally not possible casual to discard completely. 那些圣阶的冒险者都是不错的棋子,马尔巴士当然不可能随随便便就全部舍弃。 So many footholds expose, does not know that these fellows of demon empathize, how will counter-attack.” “这么多据点暴露,不知道魔神会的那些家伙,会怎样的反击。” Loren is thinking, the vision has twinkle slightly. 洛伦思索着,目光有微微闪烁。 He successfully drags to launch both sides, but cannot be lax, reducing the both sides strength is its one, what is more important was what kind of opportunity he can find to control the war completely. 他成功把双方拖下了水,但也不能就此松懈,削减双方实力是其一,更重要的是他能找到怎样的机会完全掌控战局。 When Loren ponders, in not far away that their team is. 就在洛伦思考的时候,就在他们队伍所在的不远处。 A fine carriage slowly drives, on the carriage also engraves the holy blood family incomparably magnificent badge. 一辆精致的马车缓缓的驶来,马车上还刻印着圣血家族无比瑰丽的徽章。 Also was at this time, the window curtains of carriage was lifted an corner/horn slightly, sat by the glass that inside young elf vision coldly, distant looked at Loren to be at the team that on the face brings sneering. 也是这时,马车的窗帘被人稍微的掀开了一角,坐在里面的年轻精灵目光冷冷的透过车窗,远远的望着洛伦所在的队伍,脸上则是带着冷笑。 Big brother Norman, you really planned that must do that.” “诺曼大哥,你真的打算要那样做吗。” In side of young elf, was does intentionally the delicate elf young girl, on the young girl face also has the colors of some flushed, the body completely to depend upon on the body of that year light elf. 在年轻精灵的旁边,是故作柔弱的精灵少女,少女脸上还带着些许的潮红之色,身体完全依靠在那年轻精灵的身上。 Naturally , this was my last chance, Fred family's brilliance, cannot decline absolutely in my generation. Moreover...... I also need this strength to do to throw describe, the day of this holy city, has started changes.” “当然,梅丝,这是我最后的机会了,弗雷德家族的光辉,绝对不能在我这一代没落下去。而且……我也需要这份力量做投名状,这个圣城的天,已经开始变了。” Norman puts out a hand, is touching the cheek of young girl, saying of gentle voice, but in his eye, then has the cold light twinkle. 诺曼伸出手,抚摸着少女的脸蛋,柔声的说道,而他的眼睛中,则是有冷光闪烁。 His father, was eliminated the holy blood dead, this lets his family in a position in imminent danger, the turbulence that if not for the holy city outcomers cause these days attracted the attention of others, in addition the asylum of young girl, his family may be very nibbled by these greedy families at present cleanly. 他的父亲,被剥夺了圣血而死,这让他的家族处于一个岌岌可危的地位,若不是这段时间圣城外来者引发的动荡吸引了其他人的注意,再加上眼前少女的庇护,他的家族很可能被那些贪婪的家族蚕食干净。 However, strength is not him after all, he does not dare to have any thought to her holy blood, therefore...... Bailey holy blood, he exerts its utmost. 然而,梅丝的力量终归不是属于他,他也不敢对她身上的圣血动任何的念头,所以……贝莉尔身上的圣血,他势在必得。 I believe, you will help my, right.” “我相信,妳会帮我的,对吧。” Looks at the young girl to be infatuated with own expression, Norman is smiles, kissed on the face of young girl. 看着少女迷恋自己的表情,诺曼又是轻轻一笑,在少女的脸上亲吻了一下。 Naturally......, no matter had anything, I can with standing you.” Is saying earnestly, remembered several days ago the collision outside temple, in her eye also appeared slightly the cool color. “当然……不管发生了什么,我都会和站在你这边的。”梅丝认真的说着,想起数天前圣殿之外的碰撞,她的眼中也浮现微微冷色。 ... 。。。 I was dry, cannot pull out the wool two strength only to hit the JJC exchange, hits the JJC exchange to need the wool two strength to ranking, was too difficult. 我枯了,抽不到毛二力只能打JJC兑换,打JJC兑换又需要毛二力冲排名,太难了。
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