MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#52: The preparation of demon empathize( second)

Soon, Rance knew Adams was hit the news that explodes, because Adams requested the support to him. 不久之后,兰斯就得知了亚当斯被打爆的消息,因为亚当斯向他请求了支援。 Although without dying, but is seriously battered continually, Adams whole person was also ignorant, how he can think delivering a letter duty that reaches an agreement, almost becomes losing one's life duty a time, Rance supports him, he rescues, the heart that he and Rance goes all out had, considering that oneself this condition no one can be victorious, endured forcefully. 虽然没死,但是连受重创,亚当斯整个人也懵了,他怎么能想到说好的送信任务,差点又成为了一次送命任务,兰斯去支援他,将他救走的时候,他和兰斯拼命的心都有了,还是考虑到自己这状态谁都打不过,才硬生生的忍了下来。 Rance sees this result, naturally also realized is not right, therefore passed to Mar the bus this news. 兰斯看到这结果,自然也意识到了不对,于是将这消息传给了马尔巴士。 Mar bus knew that elf king unexpectedly considering not to be sending out after him the person who acts, similarly is somewhat surprised, because in her opinion, the elf king will comply to be very big with the possibility that she cooperates. 马尔巴士得知精灵王竟然连考虑都没有就对着他派出的人出手后,同样有些惊讶,因为在她看来,精灵王会答应和她合作的可能性很大。 This idiot, gives him such good opportunity not to hold, 10,000 years, his pattern was actually much narrow, including did not have with my courage to the gambling.” “这个蠢货,给他这么好的机会都不愿意抓住吗,一万年的时间,他的格局倒是狭隘了不少,连和我对赌的勇气都没有了吗。” Mar bus cold snort/hum, he knows that one status of demon god cannot hide the truth from the elf king, but opposite party's response so will never be expected that extreme, in her opinion, if the ten thousand years ago elf kings, even if knows that her cooperation has other goals, should still first comply. 马尔巴士冷哼了一声,他知道自己这边魔神的身份瞒不过精灵王,但没有想到对方的反应会如此过激,在她看来,如果是万年前的精灵王,就算知道她的合作有其他的目的,也会先答应下来。 So long as because first leads this world, took care of the threats of these elves, between both sides finally is respectively depending on the method, then divides the victory and defeat. 因为只要先主导这个世界,解决了那些精灵的威胁,双方之间最后不过就是各凭手段,再分胜负。 Is ten thousand years ago that fight, gave It too many shadows?” Mar bus somewhat knits the brows, but, is sneers several, the elf king is not willing to cooperate with her, that also has no, this world does not want who he comes back to be many. “是万年前的那场战斗,给了祂太多的阴影了吗?”马尔巴士有些皱眉,但紧接着,又是冷笑几声,精灵王不愿意和她合作,那也没什么,这个世界不想让他回来的人可不少。 Without that fellow, she also has other partners. 没有那家伙,她还有其他的合作伙伴。 Does not die continuous, the fellow says this words, unsurprisingly, must look probably our troubled, but...... this is also an opportunity.” “不死不休,那家伙说出这种话,不出意外,大概也要来找我们的麻烦了,但……这也是个机会。” Mar bus vision twinkle, she suddenly felt that plan that previously prepared can be ahead of time some, that is planned to Rance's probe that finally conducts...... 马尔巴士目光闪烁,她突然觉得先前准备的那个计划可以提前一些了,那是本来打算在最后再进行的对兰斯的试探…… Since the matter develops this, that one processing.” “既然事情发展成这样,那就一起处理了吧。” Mar bus coldly is thinking, suddenly opens the mouth saying: Eden.” 马尔巴士冷冷想着,忽然开口道:“艾登。” Her voice falls, the shadow leaves, a big man appears, the appearance is ordinary, the back carries two short axes. 她话音落下,身后的阴影出,一个高大的男人出现,模样平凡,背后背着两柄短斧。 Mar bus Sir.” “马尔巴士大人。” The man who is called Eden is grinning, on the face has the cold and gloomy smile, but in eye, has some tyrannical and bloodthirsty color. 叫做艾登的男人咧着嘴,脸上带着森冷的笑容,而眼睛里,也有着些许暴虐和嗜血的色彩。 This is joined through the inspection to the demon empathize initially forms one of the adventure group temporarily, if Rance here, quick can recognize this was he has verified personally the person. 这是当初通过考核加入到魔神会临时组建冒险团的一员,如果兰斯在此,很快就能认出这是他亲自审核过的人。 However, what Rance does not know is...... 然而,兰斯并不知道的是…… This man named Eden, before was Mar bus arrived at the dense/woods of elf, subdues ahead of time, and obtained the inheritance of true demon god, entered the demon empathize by the official info clerk. 这个叫做艾登的男人,是马尔巴士来到精灵之森前就提前收服了的,并且得到了真正魔神的传承,被正式收纳进了魔神会。 He hidden the identity, enters the adventure to roll, duty as Mar bus true informer. 他隐藏身份,进入冒险团,任务就是作为马尔巴士真正的眼线。 Rance displayed a while ago, has made him gradually lose the trust of demon empathize, this time duty, in Mar bus surface is to make him be own agent, but in fact, has also had the monitoring to Rance. 兰斯前段时间的表现,已经让他逐渐失去了魔神会的信任,这次的任务,马尔巴士表面上是让他做自己的代理人,但实际上,一直也对兰斯有着监控。 With the communication of elf king, Rance gets up to what tricks.” “和精灵王的通讯,兰斯有没有做什么手脚。” Mar bus asked that to provide against contingencies, she must first confirm, after all the rejection of elf king, no matter how said that was somewhat not as she expected. 马尔巴士问道,为了以防万一,她还是要先确认一遍,毕竟精灵王的拒绝,不管怎么说都是有些出乎她的预料的。 Reported the Sir, the crystal does not have the difference, the fellow also had nothing temporarily unusually.” Eden affirms to say. “报告大人,水晶没有异样,那家伙暂时还没什么异常。”艾登肯定道。 Rance and Adams's follow-up action, actually also in his surveillance, that crystal, once were tampered, or has the investigated trace, him will have the feedback. 兰斯和亚当斯后续的行动,其实也都在他的监视中,那枚水晶一旦被篡改,或是有被探查的痕迹,他这边都会有反馈。 Other I let the matter that you check, checks how?” “其他我让你去查的事,都查的怎么样了?” Mar bus continues to ask. 马尔巴士继续问道。 „The legend that these join has no change, but after entering this world, loses two people of trail not to have the news to the present.” Eden returns said. “那些加入进来的传奇没什么异动,不过进入这个世界后就失去踪迹的两人到现在还没有消息。”艾登回道。 That continues to check to me.” “那就给我继续查。” That two people shielded my strength to spy on with the special method, they mixed in this world, definitely also has other goals, even possibly was the person who the illusory image bandits and thieves rolled, but the strength of that eyeball deposit must vanish quickly, I do not believe they can a trace no integrated into this world.” “那两个人用特殊的方法屏蔽了我的力量窥探,他们混入这个世界,肯定还有着其他的目的,甚至可能是幻影盗贼团的人,不过那眼珠储蓄的力量很快就要消失,我不相信他们能够一点痕迹都没有的融入这个世界。” Mar bus coldly the opens the mouth. 马尔巴士冷冷开口。 Enters shortly after this world, she discovered that initially joined the mask of adventure group male and his woman losing contact, the main force that although the illusory image bandits and thieves roll was delayed by the demon empathize in the Loran empire, but cannot completely remove other bandits and thieves group not strengths acts outside, after the two lose contact, Mar bus enhances vigilance. 进入这个世界后不久,她就发现当初加入冒险团的面具男和他身边的女人失联,虽说幻影盗贼团的主力都被魔神会拖延在了洛兰帝国,但也不能完全排除盗贼团没有其他的战力的在外面行动,所以在那两人失联后,马尔巴士就提高了警惕。 The action of demon empathize was hindered by the illusory image bandits and thieves group several times, they will not despise the person who these bandits and thieves roll. 魔神会的行动先后被幻影盗贼团阻碍了数次,他们不会小看那些盗贼团的人。 That fellow named Luke? Checked how.” “还有那个叫做卢克的家伙呢?查的怎么样了。” He in the mansion of holy blood successor, did not have the extra action, I pass through inquire in every way, can determine that he was truly planted the slave brand mark by a holy blood successor, becomes the servant.” “他一直都在圣血继承人的府邸,没有额外的行动,我经过多方打探,可以确定他确实被一位圣血继承人种下了奴隶烙印,成为了奴仆。” „The previous time Rance's action, he also appears at the scene, moreover destroyed Rance's action, he and Rance should not have what relations, what moreover can determine, he and in Rance's fight, used the strength of battle qi, moreover his battle qi level is close to the legendary the limit, does not have all the year round accumulation, is very difficult to be that degree.” Mentioned Loren time, Eden's expression few is dignified. “上次兰斯的行动,他也出现在现场,而且破坏了兰斯的行动,他和兰斯应该不会有什么关系,另外可以确定的是,他和兰斯的战斗中,也只是动用了斗气的力量,而且他的斗气水平接近传奇的极限,没有长年的积累,很难达到那种程度。”提到洛伦的时候,艾登的表情鲜有的凝重起来。 Looking at it like this, the name of fellow should also be a coincidence.” “这样看来,那家伙的名字应该也就是个巧合了。” Mar bus light say/way. 马尔巴士淡淡道。 When just like Rance, most starts hears Luke's name, she has also thought this is that person who saves the fiendish person, but she drops this idea now finally. 和兰斯一样,最开始听到卢克的名字时,她也有想过这是救走魔王的那个人,不过现在她终于是打消了这个想法。 „The status of fellow, may some uses, then young has the strength of legend, his potential is also inestimable, as the vessel, is the top pick, can consider and him contacts, receives us him, but this matter...... is not first anxious.” “那家伙的身份,或许会有些用处,而且那么年轻就拥有传奇的力量,他的潜力也不可估量,作为容器,更是上上之选,可以考虑和他接触,把他收到我们这边,不过这件事……先不急。” Mar bus silently is thinking, this fellow named Lu Ke, is a unexpected happiness. 马尔巴士默默的想着,这个叫卢克的家伙,算是意外之喜。 After short ponder, Mar bus then took out a communication crystal to lose to Eden, told: 短暂的思考后,马尔巴士便取出一枚通讯水晶丢给了艾登,吩咐道: You bring this crystal now, before looks me , the goal of choosing.” “你现在带着这枚水晶,去找我之前挑选的目标。” Since that elf king is not willing to cooperate with us, we only then with another method , to promote the fusion of holy blood.” “既然那位精灵王不愿意和我们合作,那我们就只有用另外一种方法,来推动圣血的融合了。” I knew.” “我知道了。” Eden salutes respectfully, facing Mar bus time, tyrannical meaning restraining on very his face. 艾登恭敬行礼,面对马尔巴士的时候,他脸上的暴虐之意十分的收敛。 That, Rance, then...... must look how you will make chose, hopes that you will not disappoint me.” “那么,兰斯,接下来……就要看,你到底会做出怎样的选择了,希望你不会让我失望。” Is looking at Eden's departure, that group twists the plentiful human form in shadow, actually exuded the strange laughter. 望着艾登的离去,那团扭曲阴影中的丰满人形,却是发出了诡异的笑声。 ... 。。。 The under chapter of upholstery speeds up the progress, next month will plan to rush to the monthly ticket list, therefore ~ these days will often have the comparison probably two( I will try hard, as far as possible in each week pair of over three times, this was the limit of double opening) 铺垫的章节加快下进度吧,下个月打算冲下月票榜,所以~这段时间大概会有比较经常的两更了(我会努力的,尽量每周内双更三次以上,这是双开的极限了)
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