MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#51: Cooperation?( First)

„Outside Adams, you goes to walk, the regimental commander has the duty to give you.” “亚当斯,你去外面走一趟,团长有任务交给你。” Receives shortly from Male bus that the duty leaves, Rance locks the tracing mark that Mar bus leaves behind, found the member of previous info clerk. 从马尔巴士那接到任务离开后不久,兰斯锁定马尔巴士留下的追踪印记,找到了先前收纳的团员。 Is the duty?” “又是任务?” Adams is frowning to look at Rance who in the shadow is just liking flash before presents, just like the previous time, Rance before driving appearance, he unexpectedly has not detected the opposite party any aura. 亚当斯皱着眉头望着阴影中犹如闪现般出现的兰斯,和上次一样,兰斯在主动现身之前,他竟然没有察觉到对方任何的气息。 My wound is just now good.” “我的伤才刚好。” Adams wants to reject. 亚当斯很想拒绝。 He recalls the previous time duty, Loren's that four swords. 他回想起上次的任务,洛伦的那四剑。 If not the rapidness that he escapes, moreover promptly used the mystique, that four swords must shoot to explode him at the scene. 如果不是他逃的快,而且当机立断使用了秘法,那四剑当场就要将他射爆。 To escape, he consumed the innumerable time concise courage vigor substitute person also to suffer the heavy losses, that was he most precious maintaining life card in a hand, often thinks oneself must restore the resources of consumption that substitute person, Adams feels pain. 而且为了逃出去,他耗费了无数时间凝练的血气替身也受到了重创,那是他最珍贵的保命底牌,每每想到自己要将那替身重新修复消耗的资源,亚当斯就觉得十分的心痛。 This did not have over the past several days, did the duty come? 这还没过去的几天呢,任务就又来了? Cannot look for others.” Adams said. “不能去找别人吗。”亚当斯说道。 This time is only one hands over the news simply the duty, will not have what danger.” “这次只是一个简单递消息的任务,不会有什么危险。” Rance tranquil say/way: Moreover you are the rightest candidate, even if really has what accident/surprise, depending on your special capability, wants to run away, is not the issue.” 兰斯平静道:“而且你是最合适的人选,就算真有什么意外,凭你的特殊能力,想要逃走,也不是什么问题。” „.” “啧。” I believe your one time again.” Adams knits the brows or complied. “那我就再信你一次吧。”亚当斯皱了皱眉还是答应了下来。 He wants to stay in this world, but also needs the asylums of these people, after all without that special item helps he shields to tie the sensation, they do not evade chasing down of these elves. 他想要留在这个世界,还需要这些人的庇护,毕竟没有那特殊的道具帮他屏蔽结界的感知,他们根本躲不过那些精灵的追杀。 Arrives with great difficulty this step, paid so many prices, if cannot fish the inheritance and buried treasure of elf finally, his beforehand loss is equal to giving for nothing 好不容易才走到这一步,也付出了这么多的代价,要是最后捞不到精灵的传承和宝藏,那他之前的损失就等于白给 What news wants me to have?” “要我带什么消息?” You, so long as delivers well this communication crystal, told them, you come for the tonight's matter, so long as you raised beginning generation holy blood these two keywords, the opposite party will understand what meaning quickly.” “你只要把这枚通讯水晶送过去就好,告诉他们,你是为了今晚的事情而来,只要你提起‘初代’‘圣血’这两个关键词,对方很快就会明白什么意思。” „After they confirmed your status, then reminded the person who they hid secretly to glance over the communication crystal, under the consideration must cooperate with us well.” “等他们确认你身份后,再提醒他们幕后隐藏的人浏览通讯水晶,好好考虑下要不要和我们合作。” „Was this OK?” “这样就可以了吗?” Adams hears word nods, if only this matter, indeed will not have what danger. 亚当斯闻言点了点头,如果只是这种事情,的确不会有什么危险。 Where can this thing deliver to?” “这东西要送到哪里?” Saint tower.” “圣塔。” Saint tower, that is not these elves the forbidden areas of establishment.” Adams brow selects, asking of probe: What person do I want the signalling to give?” “圣塔,那不是那些精灵的设置的禁区吗。”亚当斯眉头一挑,试探的问道:“我要传信给什么人?” This matter is not you must know, so long as you give well the thing.” The Rance light say/way, he has not continued the opportunity of closely examining to Adams, the communication crystal loses from the darkness vanishes after him. “这件事就不是你要知道的了,你只要把东西送过去就好。”兰斯淡淡道,他没给亚当斯继续追问的机会,将通讯水晶丢给他后又从黑暗中消失。 This fellow......” “这家伙……” Adams is looking at the communication crystal vision twinkle in hand, he always thought that this mysterious adventurous group's these elves to the appearance that understand very much. 亚当斯望着手中的通讯水晶目光闪烁,他总觉得这个神秘的冒险团对这些精灵很了解的样子。 Thinks, Adams did not have to investigate in the crystal to keep any news, because was worried that in had the subsequent hand, he investigates will perhaps activate any not wonderful ban. 想了想,亚当斯还是没有去探查水晶里留了些什么讯息,因为担心里面有后手,他去探查说不定会激活些什么不妙的禁制。 You did not say, after not representative, I cannot check.” “你不说,不代表之后我不能自己去查。” Adams cold snort/hum, after receiving the crystal, leaves quickly, he wants to contact with the person who to be curious to Rance now. 亚当斯冷哼一声,收起水晶后也很快离开,他现在对兰斯想要联系的人好奇起来。 Has not spent the too much time, Adams avoided peripheral elf the informer of arrangement quickly, submerged nearby the Saint tower, the giant magic tower stood tall and erect incomparably, entered the horizon, tall tower the peak giant charm crystal even at night, is still sending out the clear ray. 没花太多的时间,亚当斯很快避开了外围精灵的布置的眼线,潜入到了圣塔附近,巨大的魔法塔高耸无比,直入天际,高塔的顶端巨大的魔力水晶即便是黑夜,也散发着晶莹的光芒。 More nears the Saint tower, Adams more can feel that perception capability the great strength, under the shield of special eyeball item but this sensation carries in him, function that has no as before. 越是接近圣塔,亚当斯就越能感觉到那感知能力的强大,不过这感知在他携带的特殊眼球道具的屏蔽下,依旧没有任何的作用。 „The defenses of these elves, but also is really lax.” “这些精灵的防御,还真是松懈。” The elf of Saint tower surrounding patrol does not calculate actually too, perhaps is the sensation that the person in Saint tower trusts himself to arrange ties. 圣塔外围巡逻的精灵其实不算太多,或许是圣塔中的人更信任自己布置的感知结界。 But Adams does not dare to be negligent, because this arrangement is also representing in the Saint tower has the strength powerful. 但亚当斯也不敢大意,因为这种布置也代表着圣塔中的存在实力十分的强大。 Adams spent some time to touch to the Saint tower , when is seeking for the entrance, Adams's complexion suddenly changed, because felt space by terrifying aura locking. Outcomer, here is not the place that you can covet.” 亚当斯花了些时间摸到圣塔附近,正在寻找入口时,亚当斯的脸色忽然一变,因为感觉身边的空间被一股恐怖的气息锁定。“外来者,这里不是你能觊觎的地方。” An old sound resounds. 一个苍老的声音响起。 Adams turns around, saw that an old elf of wear magic robe lifts a hand to press down toward oneself. 亚当斯转过身去,就看到一个穿着魔法袍的年迈精灵抬起一只手向着自己按下。 In his whole body, several law expansion that slowly is fermenting the fearful strength, prepares to fall in torrents the wild magic energy at any time. 在他的周身,数个酝酿着可怕力量的法阵缓缓的展开,随时准备倾泻狂暴的魔法能量。 „Before beginning, you should not ask my purpose in coming.” Before the opposite party launches the attack, Adams remembers Rance's words, said hastily. “动手之前,你不该问问我的来意吗。”在对方发动攻击之前,亚当斯想起兰斯的话,连忙说道。 The elf strength that his back leaching cold sweat, presents at present is somewhat more than he expected. 他的后背浸出冷汗,眼前出现的精灵实力有些超出他的预期。 Also hears these words, that old elf stopped a law eruption, looks at Adams who the vision coldly, wiping that if Adams cannot to his satisfactory reply, he still be able to be relentless disappeared this human. 也是听到这句话,那苍老精灵停下了法阵的爆发,目光冷冷的看着亚当斯,如果亚当斯不能给他满意的回答,他依然会毫不留情的抹消这个人类。 I come for the tonight's matter, some people make me give you back person to pass on words.” “我是为了今晚的事情而来的,有人让我给你背后的人传句话。” You, so long as told him beginning generation and holy blood, he can understand my purpose in coming quickly.” Adams noticed that elf stopped the attack, on the face also showed the smile slowly, was gradually calm, and takes out communication crystal that Rance made him transmit: Makes him look at this, considers, hehe......” “你只要告诉他的‘初代’和‘圣血’,他很快就能明白我的来意。”亚当斯看到那精灵停下了攻击,脸上也慢慢的露出了微笑,逐渐镇定,并且取出那枚兰斯让他转交的通讯水晶:“让他看完这个,好好考虑一下吧,呵呵……” The old person hears Adams to mention beginning generation of two characters time, the pupil contracts slightly, then received the crystal in Adams hand, tranquil say/way: I will transmit to his.” 老人听到亚当斯提到初代两字的时候,瞳孔就微微收缩,而后接过了亚当斯手中的水晶,平静道:“我会转交给他的。” The voice falls, his branches out the empty shadow that a charm condensed behind, takes the crystal to vanish does not see. 话音落下,他的身后又是分出了一个魔力凝聚的虚影,拿着水晶消失不见。 Also is at this time, in secret room that the top layer of Saint tower, the giant consciousness crystal is, under the crystal, the innumerable golden mist fill the air, pours into the crystal unceasingly the interior, patches consciousness that in the crystal is having to be damaged. 也是此时,圣塔的顶层,巨大的意识水晶所在的密室之中,水晶之下,无数金色的雾气弥漫,不断注入水晶的内部,修补着水晶中存在受创的意识。 Is good because of so many years, in the Saint tree also has many accumulations, otherwise this wound, even if there is a strength of this sword...... is still very difficult to restore.” “好在这么多年的时间,圣树之中还有不少的积累,不然这种创伤,就算有这柄剑的力量……也很难修复。” Damn demon empathize...... hehe.” “该死的魔神会……呵呵。” Thinks that previous bitter experience, that exists to send out to infiltrate sneering of person, but seemed like induces anything immediately, depressed the mood of fluctuation, said lightly: Comes.” 想到先前的遭遇,那存在发出渗人的冷笑,但马上又像是感应到了什么,压下了波动的情绪,淡淡道:“进来吧。” After having been permitted, the charm empty shadow that the old person condenses takes the communication crystal to enter to the secret room, salutes toward that special existence slightly: King, outside has an outcomer to appear, making me transmit this to you.” 得到许可后,老人凝聚的魔力虚影拿着通讯水晶进入到密室之中,向着那特殊的存在微微行礼:“王,外面有一位外来者出现,让我把这个转交给你。” Outcomer?” “外来者?” Elf king Austin heard that the word actually thought of anything probably, the vision becomes incomparable gloomy. 精灵王奥斯汀闻言却像是想到了什么,目光变得无比的阴沉。 What does he want to make?” “他想做什么?” The old person has not spoken, but turns toward side to lift the hand to wield, the quick Adams's projection appears in the secret room, and returns to original state these words that he previously spoke. 老人没有说话,只是向着旁边抬手一挥,很快亚当斯的投影出现在密室之中,并且还原了他先前说的那些话。 Hears Adams to raise the tonight's matter, said beginning after generation and holy blood, the consciousness body that Austin condensed first gawked, the body ray was then same like the combustion, the anger was dreadful: 听到亚当斯提起了今晚的事,又说了初代和圣血之后,奥斯汀凝聚的意识身体先是一愣,而后身体光芒如同燃烧一样,怒火滔天: Good! Very good! The demon empathize...... you also really dares!” “好!很好!魔神会……你们还真敢!” Seized my thing, but also comes to provoke me specially, is fortunately good to consider? I considered that looks to you!” “夺了我的东西,还专门过来挑衅我,还好好考虑?那我就好好考虑给你看!” Holds this fellow to me, no, killed him directly! Do not give him any opportunity of resistance.” Austin feels the wound that are realizing, the complexion is cloudier, he also wanted to hold this fellow to press for an answer, but thinks the fellow word of that demon empathize previously resisted does not offer sacrifices from exploding at earliest convenience, did not have this idea. “给我抓住这家伙,不,直接杀了他!不要给他任何反抗的机会。”奥斯汀感受着自己意识的创伤,脸色更加的阴沉起来,他本来还想要抓住这家伙逼问一下,但想到先前对抗的那个魔神会的家伙一言不合就献祭自爆,又没了这个想法。 These fellows are not do not fear death, that made them die. 这些家伙不是不怕死吗,那就让他们都去死好了。 The old person was under the order, draws back silently. 老人得到了命令,默然退下。 At this time outside the Saint tower, Adams is waiting for the reply of opposite party silently, sees at present the strength immeasurably deep old person, in his heart is also incomparable dreading. 此时在圣塔之外,亚当斯正默默等待对方的回复,看着眼前实力深不可测的老人,他的心中也是无比的忌惮。 Is good is shocking but not dangerous because of...... the process of transmission news, when they look at the crystal, I can the security be replied to leave. 好在……传递消息的过程有惊无险,等他们看完水晶,我就能安全得到回复离开了吧。 In the brain flashes through this idea, Adams's expression towering changes, law that his whole body launches starts again, the wild charm surges. 脑中才闪过这个想法,亚当斯的表情突兀一变,他周身展开的法阵再次启动,狂暴的魔力重新涌动。 Wait, what do you want to make?” Adams startled anger sees that old person. “等等,你要做什么?”亚当斯惊怒的看着那老人。 That Sir said that among us, without the cooperation, does not die continuous.” The old person coldly the opens the mouth. “那位大人说了,我们之间,没有合作,只有不死不休。”老人冷冷开口。 The next quarter law eruption innumerable attacks submerge Adams. 下一刻法阵爆发无数攻击将亚当斯淹没。 Grass, how did not die continuous, I was well-meant, do not continue again! It is not the cooperation of reaching an agreement!! All these and I have not related, is my following person pulls strings, you want to know anything, I can say.” Adams resists bombing of these charms difficultly, at the same time shouting of some collapses. “草,怎么就不死不休了,我没有恶意啊,不要再继续了!不是说好的合作吗!!还有这一切和我没关系,都是我后面的人指使的啊,你想要知道什么,我都可以说。”亚当斯艰难抵抗那些魔力的轰炸,一边有些崩溃的喊道。 This special what situation, how to begin suddenly? 这特么什么情况啊,怎么突然就动手了啊? The fellow did not say does not have the danger? 那家伙不是说没危险的吗? No matter how Adams explained, the old people are unemotional of face, overlapping magic expansion, bang, fuses one huge law finally unexpectedly, condenses more powerful technique. 然而不管亚当斯怎么解释,老人都是一脸的面无表情,层层叠叠魔法阵的展开,轰的一声,最后竟然融合成一个巨大的法阵,凝聚出更加强大的术式。 My grass your Sir!” Adams sees this air/Qi to spitting blood. “我草你大爷!”亚当斯见此更是气到吐血。 This attacked him really anti-, this old abnormal was too strong. 这攻击他真的抗不住了,这老变态太强了。 Before being rumbled kills, Adams body blood-color battle qi the eruption, then the whole person changes to everywhere blood fog blasting open, endures suffering courage vigor substitute person who discarded itself not to repair completely. 在被轰杀之前,亚当斯身体血色斗气爆发,然后整个人化作漫天血雾炸裂,忍痛舍弃了自己还没有完全修复的血气替身。 Naturally, he discards the substitute person the strikes, launched the counter-attack similarly, the fearful courage vigor of eruption changed to the huge blood wolf to kill the past toward that old person, Adams also had the temperament, naturally was impossible really to come under attack passively, lost such important substitute person, how he also wanted the opposite party to pay some prices. 当然,他舍弃替身的这一击,也同样发动了反击,爆发的可怕血气化作庞大的血狼向着那老人扑杀了过去,亚当斯也是有脾气的,当然不可能真就被动挨打,损失了这么重要的替身,他怎样也要对方付出些代价。 I know these words before this fellow, camouflages.” “我就知道这家伙之前的那些话,都是伪装。” This fellow, rather since explodes is not willing dead under the attacker of enemy, this is the consistent style of demon empathize.” “这家伙,宁可自爆也不愿意死在敌人的攻击手下,这就是魔神会的一贯风格么。” When outside fights erupts, the elf king through the projection is also observing all outside tower, when sees Adams from exploding, he reveals to completely understand that all expressions, then consciousness the strength to condense, the communication crystal that the crumb in the hand the old person handed over, he also looked at the transaction content in crystal a moment ago, the demon empathize must receive in exchange for the strengths of some Saint trees with the holy blood. 而在外面战斗爆发的时候,精灵王也是通过投影观察着塔外的一切,在看到亚当斯自爆的时候,他露出看透一切的表情,然后意识力量凝聚,捏碎了手中老人交过来的通讯水晶,他刚才也看完了水晶中的交易内容,魔神会要用圣血换取部分圣树的力量。 Without today's matter happened, the elf king may consider that borrows the strength of demon empathize to help itself complete the plan, but...... seizes the holy blood to be used to exchange my thing from my hand now again, when my fool. 如果没有今天的事情发生,精灵王或许会考虑借用魔神会的力量来帮自己完成计划,但是现在……从我手中夺走圣血再用来交换我的东西,当我傻子呢。 Elf king anger ebullition. 精灵王怒火沸腾。 He has decided to order, in the name of Saint tower, affects the royal family, exterminates the demon empathize on own initiative, even if leafs through the entire holy city, must discover these hateful mice. 他已经决定下令,以圣塔为名,影响王室,主动对魔神会进行清剿,就算把整个圣城翻个遍,也要找出那些可恶的老鼠。 .. 。。
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