MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#50: ...

Pitifully.” “可惜了。” Looked is submerging the young girl who in the dim light of night left, Loren sighed with emotion one. 望着潜入夜色中离开的少女,洛伦感慨了一句。 He can feel, oneself attacked a moment ago cannot kill that to exist, most its wound, that strikes him specifically to aim at the attack that consciousness launches obviously . Moreover the charm kneads together the demon supernatural power the strength. 他能够感觉到,自己刚才的攻击并没能杀死那个存在,最多将其创伤,明明那一击他是专门针对那个意识发动的攻击,而且还是魔力揉合魔神力的力量。 Loren divulges the aura of demon god to be possible intentionally, not only wants to fling the pot to the demon empathize, he really wants to write off that unknown existence directly. 洛伦故意泄露魔神的气息可不只是想要甩锅给魔神会,他是真的想要直接抹杀那个未知的存在。 What a pity is, finally the attack of eruption, cannot pass through that consciousness, in finally, has other strength to protect his consciousness. 可惜的是,最后爆发的攻击,并没能贯穿那个意识,在最后,有着另外的力量护住了他的意识。 Is that fellow...... Protection Did the strength play the role?” “是那家伙强……还是【守护】的力量发挥了作用?” Loren silently is thinking, the result of attack is barely satisfactory. 洛伦默默的想着,攻击的结果差强人意。 However oneself also recycled a holy blood, pouring is the extra harvest, after going back, can give the la use, as strengthening. 不过自己还回收了一份圣血,倒算是额外的收获,回去后可以给洛菈使用,作为强化。 Bailey also said that she does not need that strength asylum, but la really needs. 贝莉尔也说了,她无需那力量庇护,可是洛菈很需要。 In addition the strength and la conjunction very elf magic, collects the holy blood much the strength, is good to stupid la. 再加上精灵魔法的力量和洛菈十分的契合,多多收集圣血的力量,对笨菈也有好处的。 But thinks of here, after Loren cannot help but appears la becomes the fiendish person, facing the enemy waves is the scene of vine bundle. 而想到这里,洛伦则是不由得浮现洛菈成为魔王之后,面对敌人一挥手就是藤蔓捆绑的场景。 Fiendish person who in the play although similar scene...... may not describe will also use, but he thinks has the inexplicable being out of sorts feeling, la more walks on the strange fiendish person path probably is farther. 虽然类似的场景……很多不可描述的番剧中的魔王也会使用,但他还是觉的有种莫名的违和感,洛菈好像在奇怪的魔王道路上越走越远。 First goes back.” “先回去吧。” Induces other aura that gradually draw to come to the surroundings, after Loren shakes the head to fling the brain, these at sixes and sevens ideas. 感应到周围逐渐收拢而来的其他气息,洛伦摇了摇头又将这些乱七八糟的想法甩到了脑后。 Follows in Elisha's behind going back, to assure the safety of young girl. 一路跟在艾丽莎的身后回去,为了保证少女的安全。 Until determined after Elisha nearby other aura of tracing vanish completely, Loren first young girl one step returned to the mansion, is waiting for Elisha's arrival, after seeing Elisha avoided Bailey to adjust quietly specially has left behind the defense line that the enormous loophole came and went out to her, Loren the satisfactory nod, slid la bedroom. 直到确定艾丽莎旁边其他追踪的气息全部消失后,洛伦才先少女一步回到了府邸,然后等着艾丽莎的到来,直到看到艾丽莎悄悄的避开了贝莉尔特意调整过给她留下了极大漏洞出入的防线后,洛伦才满意的点头,溜回了洛菈的卧室。 Guard and maid who anything outside remains behind previously Bailey who had controlled the body expels. However Loren opens the door, stopped in the entrance, because the entrance has one to leave his information. 外面留守的护卫和女仆什么的早就先前掌控身体的贝莉尔赶走。但是洛伦开门进去的时候,在门口停了一下,因为门口有一段留给他的信息。 In room has the gift of giving to the Elder Brother?.” “房间里有送给哥哥的礼物?。” Only can be pasted by the charm small short note that Loren sensation arrives in the gate, after Loren takes down the short note looks, that writing quick combustion is in his hands clean. 只能被洛伦感知到的魔力小便签贴在门上,洛伦取下便签看完后,那段文字在他手中很快的燃烧干净。 This girl, is making anything.” “这丫头,又在弄什么。” Loren sees this is Bailey operation, somewhat cannot help but curious., 洛伦看出这是贝莉尔的操作,不由得有些好奇起来。、 The result pushes the door, saw that a person of high gift box is placed in the center. 结果一推门,就看到一个一人高的礼物盒摆在中央。 Loren: „......” 洛伦:“……” When Loren stares that gift box is in a daze, oneself makes gift la also by some invisible strength to be knocked a head, „” called one, covers own head to wake from the gift box. 就在洛伦盯着那礼物盒发愣的时候,把自己做成礼物的洛菈也被某种无形的力量敲了一下脑袋,“啊呜”叫了一声,捂着自己的脑袋从礼物盒里醒了过来。 This is the magic arts that she establishes, the alarm clock of hard core, after examining Loren passes through the gate, is used at crucial moment to awaken possibly falls asleep. 这是她自己设置的法术,硬核的闹钟,检测到洛伦进门后,用来在关键时候叫醒可能睡着的自己。 During the daytime Bailey handled many excessive things, has la very discontented looking Bailey who several days was passed along the injury experience to want the solution, then Bailey very intimate proposed to this plan, making her treat as the gift to give to the Elder Brother oneself, sees her lovable appearance, the Elder Brother will not definitely continue to bully her in the evening. 白天贝莉尔又做了不少过分的事情,有了几天被转移伤害经验的洛菈很不满的找贝莉尔要解决方案,然后贝莉尔就很贴心的给她提出了这份方案,让她把自己当作礼物送给哥哥,看到她可爱的模样,哥哥晚上肯定就不会继续欺负她了。 Elder Brother sees such big gift, will definitely have a scare.” “哥哥看到这么大的礼物,肯定会吓一跳吧。” After la wakes up, lies to oneself looked out hastily in the hole that on the box pokes, anticipated affected expression that sees Loren to show, however when la looks diligently outward, Loren who notices the girl vision actually arrived on nearby seat to sit down calmly, starts to make the coffee to oneself. 洛菈醒来后连忙趴到自己在盒子上戳出的窟窿往外看,期待看到洛伦露出的感动的表情,然而就在洛菈努力往外看的时候,注意到女孩目光的洛伦却是若无其事的走到了旁边的座位上坐下,开始给自己泡咖啡。 This fool, thinks that packs with the gift box oneself, can make me vacillate, is impossible. 这个笨蛋,以为把自己用礼物盒包装一下,就能够让我动摇吗,不可能的。 Loren is drinking the coffee leisurely and carefree. 洛伦悠闲的喝着咖啡。 „???” “???” la looks at a Loren aloof appearance is the question mark of whole face, Bailey said obviously this means can make the Elder Brother not bully her in the evening, but the present is what situation. What to do were oneself disregarded? 洛菈看着洛伦一副无动于衷的模样则是满脸的问号,明明贝莉尔说这办法可以让哥哥晚上不欺负她,但现在是什么情况。自己被无视了怎么办? Thump thump thump!” “咚咚咚!” la makes an effort knocked the box of gift, tries to attract Loren's attention, but saw after Loren has not responded as before, la has angrily to open the box from inside, somewhat walked dejectedly. 洛菈用力的敲了敲礼物的盒子,试图吸引洛伦的注意力,可是看到洛伦依旧没有反应后,洛菈只好气鼓鼓的自己从里面把盒子打开了,有些垂头丧气的走了出来。 What are you making?” “妳在做什么?” Loren then looks to la, but the vision of youngster stagnates. 洛伦这才看向洛菈,可紧接着少年的目光就是一滞。 The mild-mannered long hair of stupid la walks also gripped two butterfly knots with the colored ribbon, the lane formed a pair the hairstyle of ponytail. 走出来的笨菈的柔顺的长发用彩带还扎了两个蝴蝶结,弄成了双马尾的发型。 Loren noticed that for the first time this girl makes into such hairstyle, suddenly looks stayed. 洛伦还是第一次看到这丫头弄成这样的发型,一时间不由的看的呆了呆。 la thinks saying: „...... I try to close in the small black room learn/study, this can centralized spirit diligently.” 洛菈想了想道:“……我就是试着吧自己关在小黑屋里学习,这样可以更努力的集中精神。” la was saying the expression is somewhat resentful. 洛菈说着表情有些悻悻。 The plan fail, she does not want Loren to tell that she was deceived by Bailey. 计划失败了,她才不想跟洛伦说她又被贝莉尔骗了。 Also silly closed/pass spicily in the gift box oneself for a long time, could not escape finally in the evening by the destiny that the Elder Brother bullied. 还傻乎乎的把自己在礼物盒里关了辣么长时间,结果晚上还是逃不过会被哥哥欺负的命运。 „, Right.” “哦,是吗。” Loren stares at lovable double ponytail of stupid girl to shake in the front. 洛伦盯着笨丫头的可爱双马尾在面前晃悠。 Elder Brother...... helps Elder Sister Elisha, but also is smooth.” The la small sound said, then driving helping Loren makes the coffee, performs obviously cleverly. “哥哥……去帮艾丽莎姐姐,还顺利吗。”洛菈小声道,然后主动的帮洛伦泡咖啡,尽显乖巧。 For these days la was very sad, the pot that because Bailey carried was she repays in the evening, if doing, la felt that own small buttocks were very easy to meet with a disaster. 这几天洛菈过的很悲催,因为贝莉尔背的锅都是她晚上来偿还,要是在作死的话,洛菈感觉自己的小屁股都很容易遭殃。 Also ok.” “还行。” Loren said: I helped that fellow look for something to do, the fellow definitely will not have the too much time to be used to monitor Elisha.” 洛伦说道:“我帮那家伙找了些事做,那家伙肯定也不会有太多的时间用来监控艾丽莎。” His idea is to cause the demon empathize and that existing struggle, then he ambushes in secret, obtains without labor fisherman's profit. 他的想法是引起魔神会和那个存在的斗争,然后他潜伏在暗中,坐收渔翁之利。 On the other hand, why you changed into such hairstyle.” “话说回来,妳为什么换成了这样的发型。” Because Bailey said, the boy is always fickle, therefore makes me change a hairstyle, gives you a pleasant surprise.” la curls the lip, she is to moe to mix today to pass. “因为贝莉尔说,男孩子总是喜新厌旧,所以让我换个发型,给你一个惊喜。”洛菈撇了撇嘴,她今天是想要萌混过关的。 Loren hears word is a face does not approve of: This was Bailey misunderstanding, our liking are always obviously constant.” 洛伦闻言则是一脸的不赞同:“这就是贝莉尔的误解了,明明我们的喜欢总是始终如一。” Real.” “真的吗。” la doubt sees the Elder Brother. 洛菈狐疑的看着哥哥。 He thought from the beginning the Elder Brother will only favor himself, may discover afterward...... seemed like the matter becomes more complex. 他一开始觉得哥哥只会宠自己,可后来发现……好像事情越变越复杂了。 However at this moment, Loren serious returning said: Naturally real, the man likes the young pretty girl forever, this point to dying will not change.” 然而就在这时,洛伦就是一本正经的回道:“当然是真的,男人永远都喜欢年轻漂亮的女孩子,这一点到死也不会变的。” la: „????” 洛菈:“????” la blows up the cheeks to stare Loren, but soon, saw that Loren took out one stack of service tickets to be placed on the table. 洛菈鼓起脸颊瞪着洛伦,但不多时,又看到洛伦取出了一沓服务券摆在桌子上。 Looked at that stack of service tickets, the girl top of the head golden dull wool was shaking shaking, puzzled looked to Loren. 望着那一沓服务券,女孩头顶金色的呆毛晃了晃,一脸不解的看向洛伦。 Loren tranquil say/way: fight, consumed too many demon supernatural powers, needs to supplement.” 洛伦平静道:“刚才的战斗,消耗了太多的魔神力,需要补充一下。” In a moment ago, Loren recalled suddenly, oneself to cope with that unknown existence, in within the body percentage hundred demon supernatural powers consumed all of a sudden enough 1%, this makes Loren feel very anxious. 就在刚才,洛伦忽然记起,自己为了对付那个未知的存在,体内百分百的魔神力一下子就消耗了足足百分之一,这让洛伦感觉到很不安。 Does not prepare sufficiently, perhaps this 1% will become the key that the will influence fight next time. 不准备充足,说不定这百分之一就会成为影响下次战斗的关键。 The room suddenly becomes extremely peaceful, can hear the girl weak respite clearly. 房间突然变得极度安静,可以清楚听到女孩微弱的喘息。 ??” “唔??” !!” “唔!!” ? ?・ …… …… …… …… ... 。。。 That fellow...... could not bear begin.” “那个家伙……还是忍不住动手了啊。” Is this evening. 同是这个晚上。 At night, above some big construction, was twisted the person's shadow band of light of dark package slightly the happy expression, is looking at the mansion of that side almost avalanche. 黑夜之下,某座高大的建筑上方,被扭曲黑暗包裹的人影目光带着微微笑意,望着那边几乎崩塌的府邸。 Place that is at from It, can see that many elves pass in and out in the mansion, and powerful aura often bursts out. 从祂所在的地方,可以看到不少精灵在府邸中进进出出,并且还有强大的气息不时的迸发出来。 The duke who another inherits the holy blood died, the evening of holy city, being doomed is not tranquil. 又一位继承圣血的公爵死去,圣城的这个晚上,注定不会平静。 Creates you in this world, the ambition is bigger, snort/hum, ten thousand years ago that fight that I imagine, you have not really died, was in front of our to discard mortal body you to find another way out.” “创造出这个世界的你,野心比我想象的还要大啊,哼,万年前的那场战斗,你果然没死吗,当着我们的面舍弃了肉身的你找到了另一种生路啊。” That person's shadow is sneering talking over. 那人影冷笑着念叨。 In Its vision, the structure of this world, is the entirely different appearance, It can clearly see, the huge Saint tree form blocks the sky, covers the entire holy city, the innumerable luminous spots are hanging above that Saint tree, condenses the powerful consciousness. 在祂的目光中,这个世界的构造,是截然不同的模样,祂可以分明看到,巨大的圣树身影遮天蔽日,笼罩整个圣城,无数的光点悬挂在那圣树之上,凝聚出强大的意识。 Not only and Barr, this fellow, is also seeking further unique strength.” “而且不只是巴尔陛下,这个家伙,也在寻求着进一步超脱的力量。” In the brain flashes through this idea, Its in has to dread, but is quick, is fills fiery, this fellow has no qualms to the given name of high three clan actually, even were under such serious attack, but also left behind the so terrifying background, and has developed today secretly. 脑中闪过这个想法,祂的内心生出忌惮,但很快,又是充满火热,这家伙倒是无愧至高三族的名号,即便遭遇了那样沉重的打击,还留下了如此恐怖的底蕴,而且一直偷偷发展到了今天。 Rance.” “兰斯。” Also was at this time, that form tranquil opens the mouth. 也是这时,那个身影平静开口。 Mar bus Sir......” “马尔巴士大人……” Rance's form hears sound appears. 兰斯的身影闻声出现。 Finds a person, gives my old friend to bring the share instruction from superior, told him, in our hands is also grasping a holy blood, so long as he is willing to show his sincerity, traded with us, we can cooperate with him, helping him collect the surplus holy blood, this world...... developed was so long, not necessarily also during his control , he if wanted that strength that obtained him to want, looks most quickly method that we helped solve the problem.” “找个人,给我的老朋友带份口谕吧,告诉他,我们手中也掌握着一份圣血,只要他愿意表现他的诚意,和我们交易,我们就可以和他进行合作,帮他收集剩余的圣血,这个世界……发展了这么久,不一定还在他的掌控之中,他如果想要获得他想要的那份力量,找我们帮忙是最快解决问题的方法。” Mar bus Sir, do you really want the cooperation with that?” “马尔巴士大人,妳真的要和那个存在合作?” Rance hears word somewhat knits the brows. 兰斯闻言则是有些皱眉。 What's wrong, is worried about your daughter's safety?” “怎么,是担心你女儿的安全吗?” Mar bus faint smile. 马尔巴士似笑非笑。 Not......” “不……” Rance said lightly: I worried, the Sir provides the holy blood to It, making It restore the strength, when the time comes with Its desire, will be will not satisfy absolutely receiving us immobilizes.” 兰斯淡淡道:“我只是担心,大人提供圣血给祂,让祂恢复了力量,到时候以祂的欲望,是绝对不会满足于受我们钳制的。” This did not need you to be worried, immobilized Its method, we have been grasping.” Mar bus tranquil say/way, what you must do, but passes around my order.” “这点就不用你担心了,钳制祂的手段,我们一直掌握着。”马尔巴士平静道,“你要做的是,只是把我的命令传下去。” Mar bus is saying, deep looked at Rance one eyes. 马尔巴士说着,深深的看了兰斯一眼。 However Rance hears these words, in the heart is one startled, but does not dare to say anything, departs quickly. 然而兰斯听到这句话,心中更是一惊,但也不敢多说什么,很快离去。 Only leaves behind Mar bus to look at the empty shadow of that Saint tree, coldly smiles. 只留下马尔巴士望着那圣树的虚影,冷冷笑了笑。 Elf king Austin that fellow...... 精灵王奥斯汀那个家伙…… Had not discovered by the present. 到现在还没有发现。 His Saint tree, lacked the most essential part. 祂的圣树,缺少了最关键的一部分。
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