MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#56: Sincere Loren( second)

Norman does not know when leaves from the striked to fly pothole, appears in Loren's not far away, looks at this destroyed region, in his eye also some exclamation, but on his face shows the smile later, lifted the left hand arm. 诺曼不知道何时从被打飞的坑洞中离开,出现在洛伦的不远处,看着这被摧毁的区域,他的眼中也有惊叹,可随后他脸上露出笑容,抬起了左手手臂。 Luke, you are very strong, what a pity you met me.” “卢克阁下,你真的很强,可惜你遇上了我。” Norman spoke, his left hand wrist/skill located a silver halo to reappear, put out a hand to take down by him. 诺曼说话的时候,他的左手手腕处一枚银色的光环浮现,被他伸手取下。 After that link was taken down , the above silver demon marks interweave the sparkle, at the same time that special silver sex fiend mark does not have the indication appears on Loren's body. 那手环被取下后上面一道道银色的魔纹交织闪耀,于此同时那特殊的银色魔纹也毫无征兆的在洛伦的身上浮现。 Is looking at the demon mark of that sparkle, Norman tone is spooky: 望着那闪耀的魔纹,诺曼语气幽幽: „, This fellow gave me, his strength I have analyzed to complete, you solved white/shell La, eliminated her holy blood.” “梅丝,这个家伙交给我了,他的力量我已经解析完成,妳去解决贝菈,剥夺她的圣血。” Also at this time, Loren looked to all around, suddenly, his surrounding ray and space started to twist change, the whole person was towed to entrain by some strength, goes to another space. 也是在这个时候,洛伦看向四周,忽然之间,他周围的光芒和空间都开始扭曲变化,整个人被某种力量拖拽,去到了另一个空间。 Norman's figure twinkle vanishes in same place, then appears before his body, on the face shows the smile: 诺曼的身形闪烁般消失在原地,然后出现在他的身前,脸上露出笑容: You do not really think, at that time, I can a protection no stands in your front.” “你不会真以为,那个时候,我会一点防备都没有的就站在你的面前吧。” Norman looked that dreaded to Loren's look, there is an envy. 诺曼看向洛伦的眼神有忌惮,也有嫉妒。 As a human, Loren's such talent, really extremely terrifying, does not have the holy blood obviously, but this fellow can contend with by own strength unexpectedly, but before the eruption of Loren that fist, was makes him praise to the heavens. 作为一个人类,洛伦这样的天赋,真的太过恐怖,明明没有圣血,但这家伙竟然能凭借自身的力量抗衡梅丝,而之前洛伦那一拳的爆发,更是让他叹为观止。 He can feel, this fellow...... by own effort, must break the limit of mortal unexpectedly, arrives in that boundary. 他能感觉到,这个家伙……竟然是凭借自身的努力,要打破凡人的极限,抵达那个境界。 However, even such talent, will still be compelled the dead end by him. 不过,就算是这样的天才,也将被他逼上绝路。 But hears Norman's words, Loren also realized anything probably, suddenly lifted own palm to look. 而听到诺曼的话,洛伦也像是意识到了什么,突然抬起了自己的手掌看了看。 Evidently, you detected finally.” “看样子,你终于察觉了啊。” Norman saw on this face to show the smile. 诺曼见此脸上露出了微笑。 Although received your fist forcefully, but I have many harvests.” “虽然硬生生受了你一拳,但我也是有不少收获的。” Your battle qi is very strong, but cannot get rid in my hand as before 【The link of empty calamity Suppression, this is my family innumerable years ago rare treasure that inherits, then in that age, can suppress these Spiritual God the strength.” “你的斗气是很强,但依旧摆脱不了我手中【虚祸之环】的压制,这是我的家族无数年前就传承下来的秘宝,便是在那个年代,也可以压制住那些神灵的力量。” Although spent some time to be used to analyze your strength, but this ability, so long as started, to you, was the non-solution.” “虽然花了些时间用来解析你的力量,但这个能力只要发动,对于你而言,就是无解的。” Now you should not induce your battle qi completely.” “现在你应该完全感应不到自己的斗气了吧。” Norman said easely. Previously he stood in Loren's front intentionally, actually has planned all, couple days ago fight, he was clear Loren is a very big threat, this time to deal with two people, he made fully the preparation, took out the family most precious rare treasure directly. 诺曼悠然说道。先前他故意站在洛伦的面前,其实早就算计好了一切,前几天的战斗,他就清楚洛伦是个很大的威胁,这次为了对付两人,他做足了准备,直接取出了家族最珍贵的秘宝。 So long as Loren does not treat as the threat him, he has enough time to start the ability of link of empty calamity, for immobilizing Loren's strength, but such that all these development also such as he thinks, has dragging, Loren has not even thought completely must look for him. 只要洛伦不把他当作威胁,他就有足够的时间来发动虚祸之环的能力,用于钳制洛伦的力量,而这一切的发展也如他所想的那样,有梅丝的拖延,洛伦甚至完全没有想过要找他。 When Norman spoke, Loren is also conducting the experiment, he discovered that the day honored the strength of battle qi truly to receive some limit, is unable to break through on him the fetter of silver sex fiend mark. 而在诺曼说话的时候,洛伦也在进行着试验,他发现天崇斗气的力量确实是受到了某种限制,无法冲破他身上银色魔纹的束缚。 Gives up these unproductive attempts.” “放弃那些徒劳的尝试吧。” Norman said lightly: Present you, had entered the true dead end, without your help, the holy blood of white/shell La within the body will also be eliminated by quickly, without the support, without the strength, you have had no way out.” 诺曼淡淡道:“现在的你,已经进入了真正的死局,没有你的帮助,贝菈体内的圣血也很快会被梅丝剥夺,没有支援,没有力量,你们已经走投无路。” Norman was saying to be taking a look at Loren up and down, sneers saying: 诺曼说着又上下打量着洛伦,冷笑道: Originally I am want to notice that you kneel in my front beg for mercy, but has saying that your luck is very good, now I am interested in your strength.” “本来我是想要看到你跪在我的面前求饶,但不得不说,你的运气很不错,现在我对你的力量更感兴趣。” So long as you told me, such powerful strength how you obtained, I can consider that gave you to give favored treatment.” Norman vision twinkle, although he wants to kill by mistreatment Loren, but he also knows, sometimes wants to obtain some more valuable thing, he needs to display patiently. “只要你告诉我,你是怎样获得的那样强大的力量,我可以考虑给你一些优待。”诺曼目光闪烁,虽然他很想虐杀洛伦,但他也知道,有时候想要获得一些更有价值的东西,他需要表现出耐心。 Loren's powerful battle qi, that special martial skill, Norman exerts its utmost. 洛伦强大的斗气,还有那特殊的武技,诺曼势在必得。 You asked that I am also useless, this battle qi is others gives to me.” “你问我也没用啊,这斗气是别人送给我的。” Loren returned to one subconsciously, his attention by Norman's hand link attraction, the youngster has been now felt completely Norman and are very lovable. 洛伦下意识的回了一句,他的注意已经完全被诺曼的手环吸引,少年现在感觉诺曼和梅丝两人都挺可爱的。 Helps him further grasp the strength that the day honored battle qi, the rare treasure that another, even/including the family collects took, although is not the divine tool rank, but also has the strength of approximate divine tool. 一个帮他进一步掌握了天崇斗气的力量,另一个,连家族珍藏的秘宝都拿了出来,虽然不是神器级别,但也有着近似神器的力量。 Loren now is very poor. 要知道,洛伦现在很穷的。 Equipment that in the family/home collects, majority are the trash, divine tool that can use, more than half a year time passed by, few. 家里收藏的装备,大多数都是垃圾,能用的神器,大半年时间过去了,也没几个。 By the present, you still also in obstinate argumentative.” “到了现在,你依然还在嘴硬吗。” But hears Loren's words, in Norman eyes is sending out cold intent. 而听到洛伦的话,诺曼眼中散发着冷意。 Especially...... 特么的…… Battle qi is the cabbage, but can also send to send to casually, his brain is even remnant, will not believe such nonsense. 斗气是大白菜吗,还能随便送来送去,他就算是个脑残,也不会相信这样的鬼话。 In Norman opinion, Loren's reply, is playing him without doubt. 在诺曼看来,洛伦的回答,无疑就是在耍他。 He the second time is to Loren the opportunity, but this fellow, imagines him is more loyal than? 他已经是第二次给洛伦机会了,但是这个家伙,比他想象的还要忠诚? „Do you really want dead?” “你是真的想死吗?” Norman cold sound said. 诺曼冷声道。 My patience has the limit, the last time opportunity, hopes that you replied well.” “我的耐心是有极限的,最后一次机会,希望你好好回答。” „......” “……” Loren is looking at Norman, is somewhat helpless, what his time said is the truth, but this fellow does not believe him to have what means. 洛伦望着诺曼,则是有些无奈,他这次说的是真话,可这家伙不信他有什么办法。 No matter you asked many, I also only then that answer.” “不管你问多少遍,我也只有那个答案。” Loren sighed to say. 洛伦叹了口气说道。 Norman flies into a rage, but later, the vision is to pity looks at Loren: You are not willing saying that also are not related, we have a lot of time, you can feel relieved, I will not make too quick, before I who you die get the answer that I want.” 诺曼勃然大怒,可随后,目光就是怜悯的看着洛伦:“你不愿意说,也没有关系,我们还有很多时间,你可以放心,我不会让你死的太快,在我得到我想要的答案之前。” You know that making people feel the pain, the method of actually not dying has, we can attempt, hopes that you can insist several types.” “你知道吗,让人感到痛苦,却不会死的方法有很多,我们可以一个个的尝试,希望你能多坚持几种。” Norman said in the hand to have a short-sword, turned toward Loren's arm to cut like lightning, but on his face, showed the somewhat fierce expression. 诺曼说着手中多出了一柄短剑,闪电般向着洛伦的手臂斩去,而他的脸上,更是露出了有些狰狞的表情。 He hopes very much Loren coordinates oneself, because did not think the blood of this human dirty own hand, but was contradicted by Loren times, Norman completely lost the patience. 他是很希望洛伦配合自己的,因为不想这个人类的鲜血脏了自己的手,但被洛伦一次次顶撞,诺曼完全失去了耐心。 However that short-sword cuts on Loren, sent out ka-beng a resounding , is to make among two people the air suddenly peaceful. 然而那短剑斩在洛伦身上,发出的“嘎嘣”一声脆响,又是让两人之间的空气突然变得安静起来。 Norman somewhat stiff is looking in the hand by the stilettos of collapse Duanzhi remaining halves, the expression on face is somewhat vacant. 诺曼有些僵硬的看着手中被崩断只剩下半截的短剑,脸上的表情有些茫然。 He attacked a moment ago, but covers to mump, for breaking open Loren's physical body defense. 他刚才的攻击,可是覆盖着自己斗气,用于破开洛伦的肉体防御。 But...... 但…… What situation is the present? 现在是什么情况? Why......” “为什么……” Norman muttered the opens the mouth, did not realize, he wants to spread out with Loren, but cannot move suddenly, because held down the shoulder by Loren. 诺曼喃喃开口,意识到不对后,他想和洛伦拉开距离,可又突然动不了了,因为被洛伦按住了肩膀。 Norman expression stiff looks at the present youngster. 诺曼表情僵硬的看着眼前的少年。 In the appalling bone crashes, Loren's earnest saying: 在令人毛骨悚然的骨头碎裂声中,洛伦认真的说道: I said that you should believe my, in this having no way out situation, how I will deceive you, that battle qi is really others delivers, I am an ordinary magician.” “我都说了,你应该相信我的,这种走投无路的情况下,我怎么会欺骗你呢,那斗气真是别人送的啊,我本人就是一个普普通通的魔法师而已。” ... 。。。 Asked monthly ticket ~ this month flushes ~ 求月票~这个月冲一冲~
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