MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#47: Loren Holy Bible

Finally came.” “终于来了吗。” Teresa's mansion, Loren substitutes one of dark sentry posts that duke left behind, camouflages elf master who Teresa trains. 特里萨的府邸,洛伦替代了那位公爵留下的暗哨之一,伪装成特里萨培养的精灵法师。 After Loren falls the position, ahead of time nearly a half hour, induces to the mark that Bailey leaves behind is being close rapidly, Elisha long in coming. 洛伦提前落位后近半小时,才感应到贝莉尔留下的印记在飞速接近,艾丽莎姗姗来迟。 Elisha has not been mentally prepared evidently.” “艾丽莎看样子还是没怎么做好心理准备啊。” Loren had actually left the mansion the sensation to Elisha, then the young girl has sauntered outside, spent some time decision-makings probably. 洛伦其实早就感知到艾丽莎离开了府邸,然后少女一直在外面转悠,大概是花费了些时间定下决心。 The moon/month hunting member who Duke Teresa in Mansion leaves behind has been ahead of time one step to leave, probably ordinary same whereabouts Xueli reports, this is also the best time that Elisha attacks. 特里萨公爵府邸中留下的月狩成员已经提前一步离开,像是平常一样去向雪莉汇报,这也是艾丽莎进攻的最佳时机。 How she will submerge.” “不过她会怎样潜入呢。” Loren is waiting, while somewhat curious is thinking. 洛伦一边等着,一边有些好奇的想着。 In Loren's sensation, Elisha has appeared outside the mansion. 在洛伦的感知中,艾丽莎已经出现在了府邸之外。 Several guards who in fact at this time, mansion out of the door remained behind noticed Elisha to approach toward the mansion early, because Elisha had no idea of hidden from the start. 事实上这个时候,府邸门外留守的几个护卫早早注意到了艾丽莎向着府邸靠近,因为艾丽莎压根就没有任何隐藏的想法。 What person?” “什么人?” Saw that after throwing over Elisha of black cape is appearing, that several guards quickly stand guard. 看到披着黑色斗篷的艾丽莎出现之后,那几个护卫很快警戒起来。 Even some people first draw a sword to cut toward the young girl! 甚至有人第一时间就拔刀向着少女斩去! In Duke Teresa executes in the situation of highest alert order, dresses up mysterious Elisha to be close to the mansion entrance in the midnight, has given them to have the ample beginning reason. 在特里萨公爵施行最高戒备命令的情况下,装扮神秘的艾丽莎在半夜接近府邸门口,已经给了他们有足够的动手理由。 Suddenly night was torn into shreds silent thoroughly, time that others draw a sword, Elisha put out a hand to hold down the sword hilt of waist, the young girl moved sideways the blade light that avoided the front surface to cut, black cape raised in the wild wind pressure. 忽然之间黑夜的寂静被彻底撕碎,其他人拔刀过来的时候,艾丽莎伸手按住了腰间的剑柄,少女闪身避开迎面斩来的刀光,身上的黑色斗篷在狂暴的风压中扬起。 As radiant sword light/only the start swiftly forward-swept of young girl, those who block these guards before young girl body even not to see clearly the young girl is how to intend to be cut to fly, falls down lost the ability to act directly, but that sword light odd/surplus potential did not reduce, hit ruthlessly on the front door of mansion. 璀璨的剑光随着少女的启动倏然前掠,拦在少女身前的那些护卫甚至都没看清楚少女的是怎么出手就被斩飞,倒在地上直接失去了行动能力,而那剑光余势不减,狠狠撞在府邸的大门上。 The law light screen twinkle that the mansion defends is luminous, may send out clear shatter sound thorough cracking in the next second, after huge thundering, explodes the broken, innumerable fragments turns toward the interior to fly to shoot directly under sweeping across of strong wind pressure with the front door of gold metallurgy material quality manufacture. 府邸防御的法阵光幕闪烁光亮,可在下一秒就发出清脆的破碎声彻底的崩裂,巨大的轰鸣之后,以炼金材质制作的大门直接爆碎,无数碎片在强劲风压的席卷下向着内部飞射而出。 After the gate , the guard who is used for has not even pulled the formation to be defeated and dispersed under the impact, the young girl slender form of integrates in the twinkle to enter in the manor suddenly at night, but around the manor also has to mump with the ray sparkle of charm immediately, powerful aura start to lock Elisha. 门后用来的护卫甚至还没拉扯出阵型就在冲击下溃散,少女纤细的身影骤然融入黑夜之中闪烁般进入庄园之内,但马上庄园四周也有斗气和魔力的光芒闪耀而出,一道道强大的气息开始锁定艾丽莎。 „...... This girl with sneaking that who studies.” “……这丫头跟谁学的潜入呢。” As one of the dark sentry post, Loren looked at the Elisha direct bang to break to pieces the front door of Teresa mansion to enter, a god. 作为暗哨的一员,洛伦望着艾丽莎直接轰碎了特里萨府邸的大门进入,不由一阵愣神。 Earliest possible time that Elisha invades, the defense strength in the Teresa mansion arranging starts completely, the innumerable strengths erupt, launches the attack toward central Elisha, Loren dark sentry post also starts of fast these hideaways, throw toward Elisha, starts to arrange Elisha's encircling. 艾丽莎入侵的第一时间,特里萨府邸中布置的防御力量就全部启动,无数力量爆发,向着中央的艾丽莎发动攻击,洛伦身边那些隐藏的暗哨也飞快的启动,向着艾丽莎扑去,开始布置艾丽莎的围剿。 Elisha before entering the manor induced these aura, is welcoming all around the ray of attack sparkle, the young girl expression incomparably calmly toward the knot advance that the goal was, in extreme speed, Elisha's figure as if pulled remnant shades, massive attacks scratched her body to pass over gently and swiftly, in her made a series of explosions behind. 艾丽莎在进入庄园之前就感应到了那些气息,迎着四周攻击闪耀的光芒,少女表情无比平静的向着目标所在的结界突进,极速之中,艾丽莎的身形似乎拉扯出一道道残影,大量的攻击都是擦着她的身体掠过,在她的身后制造出一连串的爆炸。 Naturally in unceasing dodging booklet, Elisha's speed also by massive postponements. 当然在不断的闪折之中,艾丽莎的速度也被大量的延缓。 At this moment, Elisha's under foot opens one huge law, giant air bubble reappearing that suddenly is dense the ray, embezzled Elisha's body directly, the young girl who air incomparable viscous in air bubble, was swallowed into even felt that has the powerful strength to press in all directions toward oneself, limits her action. 就在这时,艾丽莎的脚下打开一道巨大的法阵,一个氤氲着光芒的巨大气泡忽然的浮现,直接将艾丽莎的身体吞没了进去,气泡之中的空气无比的粘稠,被吞入的少女甚至感觉四面八方都有强大的力量向着自己压来,限制她的行动。 Elisha was controlled flickers, other elves also found the opportunity, attacks the wanton bombing to submerge to go toward the young girl. 艾丽莎被控制住的一瞬,其他的精灵也都找到了机会,攻击狂轰滥炸般向着少女淹没而去。 However these attacks cannot be close to Elisha's year of the snake, several sword light that Elisha cuts fly to shoot from all around, the air bubble shackles was broken instantaneously, these turn toward the attack that the young girl submerges also to be intercepted by the sword light completely, detonates in all around, the mist and dust shoots up to the sky, the impact that therefore triggers even affected other elves, raised many people outward flies. 然而那些攻击并没能接近艾丽莎的蛇年,艾丽莎斩出的数道剑光从四周飞射而出,气泡牢笼瞬间被破,那些向着少女淹没的攻击也被剑光全部拦截,在四周引爆,烟尘冲天而起,因此引发的冲击甚至波及到了其他的精灵,将不少人向外掀飞。 However in mist and dust, but also has several person's shadows to refute the impact on jump into, kills to the attack center young girl, among the storms of wild washout, the young girl pink sending silk of dances in the breeze, may in simultaneously, condense bone-chilling cold sword intent in the Elisha whole body! 不过烟尘之中,还有着数道人影硬顶着冲击扑入,杀向攻击中心的少女,狂暴冲刷的风浪之间,少女粉色的发丝飘舞,可在同时,在艾丽莎周身凝聚着凛冽的剑意! She is waiting for being close of these elves. 她在等着那些精灵的接近。 These elves also realize this point, erupts the respective deep meaning without hesitation. 那些精灵也意识到这一点,毫不犹豫爆发各自的奥义。 In the mist and dust, bang the sound of vibration is continuous, ground a large area of disintegration, has the battle qi ray obviously changes to several huge empty shades, one after another condensation becomes various types of weapons to pound to fall toward Elisha. 烟尘之中,轰隆震动的声响络绎不绝,地面大面积的崩碎,可见有斗气光芒的化作几道巨大的虚影,接二连三的凝聚成各种兵器向着艾丽莎砸落。 „!” “哧!” Elf grasps two stilettos, the figure revolves fiercely, the terrifying speed tears the storm, finally the whole person changes to the fighting gasosaurus volume of incomparable rupturing, hits directly to the attack center young girl. 还有精灵手握两柄短剑,身形猛地旋转,恐怖的速度撕扯出风暴,最终整个人化作无比爆裂的斗气龙卷,直接撞向攻击中心的少女。 After several seconds, after Elisha gathers the potential , the sword light that shortly cuts all cuts off on the battle qi weapon that pound, controls these weapons to pound break to Elisha's elf in the deep meaning flickers spits blood to fall to fly directly. 数秒之后,艾丽莎短暂蓄势后斩出的剑光就那一道道砸来的斗气兵器悉数斩断,操控那些兵器砸向艾丽莎的精灵在奥义被破的一瞬直接吐血跌飞。 Meanwhile the Elisha long sword punctures forward, the elf two stilettos of that rapid revolving interlock the attack unceasing assassination, that sword that but Elisha punctures also follows his attack to be closely associated, suddenly among the mist and dust innumerable sparks/Mars splutters, ding in fulmination, the ground was cut the big piece the fissure, when the strength that in that elf revolves exhausts, on the Elisha long sword unites an incomparably serious strength suddenly, the battle qi attribute transforms the strength of incomparably heavy land, turns toward a that elf racket directly. 同时艾丽莎长剑向前刺去,那飞速旋转的精灵两把短剑交错攻击不断的刺杀而出,可艾丽莎刺出的那一剑也跟着他的攻击如影随形,一时间烟尘之间无数火星溅射,“叮叮叮”的爆鸣之中,地面被切割出大片的裂痕,在那精灵旋转的力量耗尽之时,艾丽莎长剑上忽然凝聚一股无比沉重的力量,斗气属性转变成无比沉重的大地之力,直接向着那精灵一拍。 Bang, that elf two short-sword standards keep off in the chest front, but is also difficult to resist this to strike the eruption of strength, the breastbone the collapse, the whole person flies upside down, banged into Elisha's goal to tie. “轰”的一声,那精灵两柄短剑格挡在胸前,可也难抵挡住这一击力量的爆发,胸骨咔嚓塌陷,整个人倒飞出去,撞入了艾丽莎的目标结界之中。 Also is at this time, innumerable sword intent that the Elisha whole body condenses lifts with a young girl sword condenses crazily, in the young girl hand the long sword erupts the incomparable sparkle the battle qi ray, after a sword cuts, the giant sword light cuts on that knot, it breaking open forcefully. 也是此时,艾丽莎周身凝聚的无数剑意随着少女一剑抬起疯狂凝聚,少女手上长剑爆发无比闪耀的斗气光芒,一剑斩出后,巨大的剑光斩在那结界上,将其硬生生的破开。 At this time goes into the mansion from Elisha to the present, passed merely for one minute. 此时距离艾丽莎闯入府邸到现在,仅仅过去了一分钟。 Elisha discards the speed of that two elf powerhouses is too quick, others support radically without enough time, saw that a Elisha sword cuts to tie. 艾丽莎废掉那两个精灵强者的速度太快,其他人根本来不及支援,就看到艾丽莎一剑斩开结界。 Also is the terrifying power of this sword, making these gather the elf before Elisha body does not dare to stop, looks at Elisha to run out of their surrounding helplessly, entered in the villa. 也是这一剑的恐怖力量,让那些聚集在艾丽莎身前的精灵根本不敢阻拦,眼睁睁的看着艾丽莎冲出他们的包围,进入了别墅之中。 Blocks her, protects Duke Teresa!” “拦住她,保护特里萨公爵!” But quick, the elf that the elf that these are saved from death and rear area catches up with gathers, including middle-aged appearance the startled anger of elf face, calls the manpower to pursue Elisha. 但很快,那些死里逃生的精灵和后方赶来的精灵重新聚集,其中有个中年模样的精灵一脸的惊怒,召集人手追击艾丽莎。 He is the head of peripheral defense, Teresa gives him to trust enormously lets be responsible for assigning the peripheral defense all, now the peripheral defense such quick time is broken through, he will bear the enormous responsibility. 他是外围防守的负责人,特里萨给他极大的信任才让负责调派外围防守的一切,现在外围防御这么快时间就被突破,他会背负极大的责任。 On the one hand is the strength that Elisha erupts is not as he expected, then on the other hand was the defense line that he noticed himself to arrange had the loophole, had the ambush error opportunity in key position. 一方面是艾丽莎爆发的战力出乎他的意料,另一方面则是他注意到自己布置的防线出现了漏洞,有个关键位置的埋伏错失机会。 Just thought of here, the middle-aged elf saw the elf master who by chance Loren camouflaged appeared in own front, passed through from him, after seeing Loren, that middle-aged elf climate cannot make comes out, put out a hand to hold on him directly: 刚想到这里,中年精灵恰巧看到洛伦伪装的精灵法师出现在自己的面前,从他面前经过,看到洛伦后,那中年精灵顿时气打不出一出来,直接伸手拉住了他: Ler, why you do not put the deep meaning, front does not support, behind does not put the deep meaning, what situation!” “格列尔,你为什么不放奥义啊,前面不来支援,后面也不放奥义,什么情况!” That middle-aged elf looks at Ler who Loren camouflages, thought that this fellow thought has problems, others whole-heartedly, but this fellow, he had not seen him to begin a moment ago! 那中年精灵看着洛伦伪装的格列尔,觉得这家伙思想出了问题,其他人都全力以赴,可这家伙呢,刚才他就没看到他动手! His position is so obviously essential! 明明他那个位置那么关键! „???” “???” Loren somewhat is also speechless, this fellow is very sharp-eyed, oneself delimited launching to be discovered slightly. 洛伦也有些无语,这家伙挺眼尖的,自己稍微划下水就被发现了。 In order to maintain under own person supposes, Loren has to try hard to explain: How I had not supported, I did not release the magic a moment ago.” 为了保持下自己的人设,洛伦只好努力解释:“我怎么没支援了,我刚才不也释放了魔法吗。” She comes in you have not limited her, runs in ties in you also emptied magic arts, the behind deep meaning does not put, do you do.” The middle-aged elf anger said. “她进来的时候你就没限制住她,跑进结界里你也空了个法术,后面奥义也不放,你干嘛呢。”中年精灵怒道。 Loren argued strongly based on reason: Your front people cannot block, she to/clashes is too quick, I simply do not have the time to prepare, you have called me to use the deep meaning, how I use, others gave me the opportunity.” 洛伦据理力争道:“你们前面的人拦不住,她冲的太快,我根本没时间准备,你们一直叫我用奥义,我怎么用啊,别人给我机会了吗。” Your this fellow, but also dares to refute?” “你这家伙,还敢反驳?” The surrounding defends is broken, that middle-aged elf above angry, hears Loren also to bicker with oneself now unexpectedly, immediately the complexion becomes flushed, subconsciousness on a palm of the hand toward Loren draw off. 外围防守被破,那中年精灵本来就在怒头之上,现在听到洛伦竟然还一直跟自己抬杠,顿时脸色涨红,下意识就一巴掌向着洛伦抽去。 May before his palm of the hand falls, Loren is actually resigned-looking putting out a hand grasped his palm...... especially these fellows such hot tempered. 可在他巴掌落下之前,洛伦却是一脸无奈的伸手抓出了他的手掌……特么的这些家伙都这么暴躁的吗。 That middle-aged elf was startled, then tries to extract own arm, but he makes an effort unable under Loren's immobilization no matter how the twitch arm slightest, this also lets that elf anger: „Do you also dare to fight me?” 那中年精灵怔了一下,然后试着抽出自己的手臂,可是在洛伦的钳制下他不管怎么用力都无法抽动手臂分毫,这也让那精灵更加的愤怒:“你还敢跟我动手?” Loren said ill-humoredly: I special also dare to hit back.” 洛伦没好气道:“我特么还敢还手呢。” In the delay vision of that middle-aged elf, a Loren palm of the hand wields, bang , after the ground are many a human form pothole, the world was peaceful immediately. 在那中年精灵的呆滞目光中,洛伦一巴掌挥过去,“嘭”的一声过后,地面多出一个人形坑洞后,世界顿时安静了。 The strength that this strikes is extremely heavy, the ground therefore raises mist and dust in this, but at this time other elves flushed, does not have the time pays attention educate Ler, but hears the rear sound, many elves turn head, some delay looks at that side to scatter in all directions the mist and dust that suddenly does not know had anything. 这一击的力量极重,地面都因此在此扬起一片烟尘,而这个时候其他的精灵都冲了进去,没时间关注被教育的“格列尔”,只是听到后方的动静,才有不少精灵愣愣回过头去,有些呆滞的看着那边四散的烟尘,一时间不知道发生了什么。 „????” “????” However soon , the elf of middle age from mist and dust, but this time middle-aged elf naturally changed into Loren to camouflage. 然而不久之后,中年的精灵从烟尘中走了出来,而这时的中年精灵自然是换成了洛伦伪装的。 Saw that these elf faces with astonishment look at themselves, Loren tone light opens the mouth: Ler this fellow thought has problems, had been processed by me, you have not intercepted that fellow, the silly stand here, wants with his fate!?” 看到那些精灵一脸惊愕的看着自己,洛伦语气淡淡的开口:“格列尔这家伙思想出了问题,已经被我处理掉,你们还不去拦截那家伙,都傻站在这里,想和他一个下场吗!?” ... 。。。 Rides 130 rounds to produce goods black finally, was too difficult, moreover only other three stars. 黑骑130发终于出货,太难了,而且还只中了一个其他三星。
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