MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#48: Has me, she could not kill you

The rear sound makes these elf faces compel, to be expected that was being buried in the pothole Ler ignorant, no one dares to touch Loren present mildew head, for fear that oneself also end up with that unlucky egg same fate. 后方的动静让那些精灵一脸懵逼,可望着那被掩埋在坑洞中的“格列尔”,也没有人敢去触及洛伦现在的霉头,生怕自己也落得和那倒霉蛋一样的下场。 In addition the front front is in danger, no one dares to delay again, stop after slightly , to continue to turn toward the villa to flood into. 再加上前方战线告急,没人敢再拖延,稍微的停顿后,就继续向着别墅内部涌入。 As for Elisha, after opening settles enters the villa, locks the holy blood directly the aura, at this time Duke Teresa hid in the secret room, saw Elisha to go into own villa through the technique projection. 至于艾丽莎,在打开了结界进入别墅之后,就直接锁定圣血的气息,这时特里萨公爵隐藏在密室之中,通过术式投影看见艾丽莎闯入了自己的别墅。 He arranges the defense in villa, facing ability of resistance erupting the young girl of legendary strength also has no slightly. 他布置在别墅内的防御,面对爆发出传奇力量的少女也丝毫没有任何的抵抗的能力。 Although that unknown existence controls Elisha through the inheritance of sword of protection, but gives Elisha's inheritance strength not slight discount, even he also helped Elisha activate the elf bloodlines of her within the body completely. 那个未知的存在虽然是通过守护之剑的传承控制艾丽莎,但是给予艾丽莎的传承力量并没有丝毫的折扣,甚至他还完全的帮艾丽莎激活了她体内的精灵血脉。 Perhaps is considered that oneself needs Elisha's strength help, to enhance Elisha's strength, that exists does not stint the investment of resources completely. 或许是考虑到自己需要艾丽莎的力量帮助,为了提升艾丽莎的实力,那个存在完全不吝惜资源的投入。 Previously seal Elisha remembered time, that existed is Elisha instilled into the methods of many fight, many martial skills that will grasp one and inherited, the experiences and to legendary strength the utilization of these fights have not restored to vanish with Elisha's memory. 先前封印艾丽莎记忆的时候,那个存在更是艾丽莎灌输了多种战斗的手段,甚至将自己掌握的不少武技一并传承,这些战斗的经验和对传奇力量的运用并未随着艾丽莎的记忆恢复消失。 Moreover previously left imperial capital several months of difficult practicing, itself made Elisha build the good sword technique foundation, now tempering of these fights, let the strength that Elisha quickly adapts to her to have now sufficiently. 而且先前离开帝都数个月的艰苦修行,本身就让艾丽莎打好了良好的剑术基础,现在这些战斗的磨砺,足以让艾丽莎迅速的适应她现在拥有的力量。 Duke Teresa after the projection saw Elisha almost steamroll the breaking through defense line, the expression is gradually cloudy. 特里萨公爵透过投影看到艾丽莎几乎碾压般的冲破防线后,表情逐渐阴沉下来。 This fellow really appeared unexpectedly, was at this kind of time......” “这家伙竟然真的出现了,还是在这种时候……” Duke Teresa is somewhat indignant, that month of hunting fellow wandered in own mansion was so long, anything has not done, inquired his many secret actually, the crucial result time needed him, the fellow actually disappeared does not see, making him almost probably think that these two were one group. 特里萨公爵有些气愤,那个月狩的家伙在自己的府邸里转悠了这么久,什么事都没做,倒是打探了他不少的秘密,结果关键的时候需要他了,那家伙却是消失不见,让他几乎要以为这两人是一伙的。 Then notices the Elisha racing line/traverse route, Teresa discovered that the opposite party unexpectedly is the secret room that dashes to him , the vision glitters slightly, this fellow actually knows secret that he hidden, is this has the means to induce to the aura of holy blood? 而后注意到艾丽莎奔行的路线,特里萨发现对方竟然是直扑他所在的密室后,目光更是微微闪烁,这家伙竟然知道他隐藏的秘密,这是有办法感应到圣血的气息? „...... The strength of this fellow, poured does not have her to say was so fearful.” “不过……这家伙的实力,倒也没有她说的那么可怕。” Teresa is thinking coldly took out own weapon, that was a silver long spear/gun, on the spear's/gun's body has the innumerable demon patterned cotton fabrics. 特里萨想着冷冷取出了自己的武器,那是一杆银色的长枪,枪身上有无数魔纹布及。 I must have a look at you to have many secrets but actually.” “我倒要看看妳有多少秘密。” Deeply after inspiring, Duke Teresa both eyes covers to mix with the golden blood light suddenly, the strength of holy blood activates, after this world , the huge consciousness of hiding condenses the powerful strength is arriving on his body, the terrifying aura fluctuation increases successively. 深吸一口气后,特里萨公爵双目骤然蒙上夹杂着金色的血光,圣血的力量激活,这个世界之后隐藏的庞大意识凝聚的着强大的力量降临在他的身上,恐怖的气息波动节节攀升。 In Teresa hand a long spear/gun spin, pricks the body previous thick wall instantaneously, the wild strength spews out with the lance point, the wall of secret room special characteristics cracks unceasingly. 特里萨手中长枪一旋,瞬间刺入身前一堵厚厚的墙壁,狂暴的力量随着枪尖喷涌而出,密室特质的墙壁不断崩裂。 Finally after the lance point pricks the wall, odd/surplus potential does not reduce it passes through, the innumerable stones fly to shoot with the eruption of battle qi, „, when the fulmination that a metal collides, the air appears ripple layer upon layer, the position that Teresa this spear pierces approaches was just suddenly outside Elisha to secret room. 最终枪尖刺入墙壁后余势不减将其贯穿,无数石块随着斗气的爆发飞射,“当”的一声金属碰撞的爆鸣,空气浮现层层的波纹,特里萨这一枪刺向的位置是刚刚突至密室外面的艾丽莎。 A Teresa spear pierces leaves, Elisha has a sensation, intercepts other person of offensive at the same time, wielding a sword of young girl limit, kept off this spear/gun. 特里萨一枪刺出,艾丽莎有所感知,拦截其他人攻势的同时,少女极限的挥剑,挡下了这一枪。 Working as after fulmination, the spear/gun sword touches minute/share, Duke Teresa sneers, looks at the young girl of retreat, the lance point of rising under is pressing suddenly, revolving punctures suddenly. “当”的爆鸣过后,枪剑一触即分,特里萨公爵冷笑一下,望着后退的少女,上扬的枪尖骤然下压,旋转突刺。 This spear/gun rubbed Elisha to pass over gently and swiftly, the long sword standard in young girl hand kept off before the body unloads all strengths that the long spear/gun passed through, a series of sparks/Mars splashed in the extreme speed friction of spear/gun sword. 这一枪擦着艾丽莎掠过,少女手中的长剑格挡在身前卸下长枪贯穿的所有力道,一连串的火星在枪剑的极速摩擦中飞溅。 Finally Elisha separates Teresa's silver spear/gun, a Teresa's spear/gun submerges near the Elisha foot the ground, battle qi pours into to the tread, thunders, floor cuns (2.5 cm) crack, was selected by Teresa fiercely, like shell toward the Elisha lasing. 最终艾丽莎弹开特里萨的银枪,特里萨的一枪没入艾丽莎脚边地面,斗气向着地面灌注,轰鸣中,地板寸寸崩裂,又被特里萨猛地一挑,如同炮弹般向着艾丽莎激射而出。 „......” “哧……” This flash, the Elisha whole body cold air fills the air, battle qi the transformation, attribute that forms the cold ice, in the young girl hand condenses the giant ice shield to keep off before the body, hidden her body completely, the innumerable stones pound into the ice surface loudly, deeply inserts. 这一瞬间,艾丽莎周身寒气弥漫,斗气转化,形成寒冰的属性,少女手中凝聚出巨大的冰盾挡在身前,将她的身体完全隐藏,无数石块轰然砸入冰面,深深嵌入其中。 Teresa follows close on a spear/gun to ice the shield to pass through, ice piece blasting open, but following Elisha had lost the trace. 特里萨紧跟着一枪将冰盾贯穿,冰块炸裂,可是后面的艾丽莎已经失去了踪影。 Sees this Teresa's vision to be startled slightly, suddenly the extreme speed retrocedes, the long spear/gun punctures toward the top of the head, but his speed suddenly becomes slow incomparable, the cold ice of spread spreads from the ground, corrodes his body, at the same time Elisha falls from his top of the head, avoids him to puncture a spear/gun with binding the sword light is turning toward his head to cut to fall. 见此特里萨的目光微微一怔,忽然极速后退,长枪向着头顶刺去,可他的速度一时间变得迟缓无比,蔓延的寒冰从地面蔓延,侵蚀他的身体,于此同时艾丽莎从他的头顶落下,避开他刺出一枪携裹着剑光向着他的脑袋斩落。 At the same time the holy blood of Teresa within the body just like the ebullition, Elisha induced to the crisis let go the opportunity of this sword suddenly, kicked on the silver spear/gun that after Teresa punctured borrowed the strength leapt. 只是同时特里萨体内的圣血犹如沸腾,艾丽莎感应到危机忽然放弃了这一剑的机会,一脚踢在特里萨刺出的银枪上借力后跃。 Elisha just the make way, she had the blood-color spear/gun burr together to leave behind, scratches her body to rumble a giant cavity on nearby wall. 艾丽莎刚刚闪开,她身后有一道血色枪芒刺出,擦着她的身体在旁边的墙壁上轰出一个巨大的空洞。 Is looking Elisha who spreads out, Teresa cannot help but cold snort/hum, never expected that Elisha can such quick response, avoid his concise holy blood strength strikes. 望着拉开距离的艾丽莎,特里萨不由得冷哼一声,没想到艾丽莎能够这么快的反应过来,避开他凝练圣血力量的一击。 But quick, Teresa then pursues rapidly, after Elisha's fight, he probes the strength of young girl indeed to be inferior that he imagines the great strength, he enough has suppressed Elisha by one's effort. 但很快,特里萨便迅速追击,和艾丽莎的交手之后,他试探出少女的实力的确不如他想象中的强大,他凭借一己之力已经足够将艾丽莎压制。 Moreover is different from Elisha, he must end the fight indifferently fast, takes the young girl directly, more long that the fight delays, Elisha's situation danger. 而且和艾丽莎不一样,他无所谓一定要快速的解决战斗,直接拿下少女,战斗拖延的越久,艾丽莎的处境就更加的危险。 Two people fights bring the fearful impact complementary waves in the hall, the collision of sword light and spear/gun glow that fly to cut nearly steamroll the bang to break to pieces the decoration in hall, as two forms interlocked rapidly, roaming fight around the hall, the elf that these swamped into does not dare to begin unexpectedly for a short time, because was worried that own attack injured accidentally to Duke Teresa. 两人的交手在大厅中带来可怕的冲击余波,飞斩的剑光和枪芒的碰撞近乎碾压般的轰碎了大厅中的装饰,而随着两道身影飞速交错,在大厅四周游斗,那些涌入的精灵竟然一时半会不敢动手,因为担心自己的攻击误伤到特里萨公爵。 Naturally the main reason is they do not know how should insert the war, that fearful strength collides, making them have a fearful and apprehensive feeling, if were involved, likely inexplicable dying. 当然最主要的原因也是他们不知道该如何插入战局,那种可怕的力量碰撞,让他们有种心惊胆颤的感觉,如果被卷入其中,很可能不明不白的死掉。 Loren had also taken advantage to enter to the hall at this time randomly, before trading , the after status of that middle-aged elf, he has ability that controls the overall situation, in so confusions, no one thinks radically distinguishes his truth, after Loren several order, these are not willing to meddle the elf of fight in the one side satisfiedly to start to surround. 洛伦这个时候也已经趁乱进入到大厅之中,换了之前那个中年精灵的身份后,他更是有着掌控全局的能力,在如此混乱之间,也根本没有人想到去辨别他的真伪,洛伦几个命令下去后,那些本来就不愿意插手战斗的精灵更是在一旁心安理得开始围观。 Duke Teresa sees own subordinate at the same time indifferently is somewhat angry, especially father raises these fellows is to make them see a play outside? 特里萨公爵看到自己的部下都在一边无动于衷则是有些恼怒,特么的老子养这些家伙就是让他们在外面看戏的吗? However is also beyond control he extremely to divert attention with Elisha's fight, in the heart takes down this, the offensive even more is also wild, his Teresa life is not weak in people, even without these boosts can still take this outcomer as before. Can hold this outcomer, is representing great merit one, can enhance him the right to speak enormously in holy blood successor. 但是和艾丽莎的战斗也由不得他太过分心,在心中记下这一笔后,攻势也越发的狂暴起来,他特里萨一生不弱于人,就算没有那些助力也依旧可以拿下这个外来者。能够抓住这外来者,也代表着大功一件,可以极大的提高他在圣血继承者中的话语权。 As his offensive gradually suppresses Elisha, Duke Teresa actually forgot Xueli to remind suddenly initially, the holy blood strength that because he erupted when fought with Elisha completely nothing suppressed feeling. 随着他的攻势逐渐压制住艾丽莎,特里萨公爵一时间却是忘了雪莉当初的提醒,因为他爆发的圣血力量在和艾丽莎战斗的时候完全没有任何被压制的感觉。 But at this moment, Elisha's ear resounded some spooky sound: How long you also want to rub gently, other elves in catch up toward here, you cannot collect the holy blood, do not want to obtain from here with that fellow related any information.” 可就在这时,艾丽莎的耳边响起了某个幽幽的声音:“妳还想磨蹭多久,其他的精灵都在向着这边赶来,妳收集不到圣血,就别想从我这里获得和那家伙有关的任何情报。” Elisha heard that the word innermost feelings tremble, but the vision of young girl is to become later finally firm, the right hand long sword standard blocks Duke Teresa a spear/gun at the same time, the young girl left hand empty grasps backward. 艾丽莎闻言内心一颤,可随后少女的目光终于是变得坚定起来,右手长剑格挡住特里萨公爵一枪的同时,少女左手向后虚握。 The next second, Loren in crowd is narrowing the eye, is looking at strange fluctuation sending out. 下一秒,人群中的洛伦微眯着眼睛,望着一股奇异的波动散发。 Elisha extracts a from void by the long sword that rune/symbol writing seal packages, the long sword takes out, rune/symbol writing seal starts to fall off, sends out the suppressed strength of some higher level to make Teresa's breath from that long sword stagnate fiercely. 艾丽莎从虚空中抽出一柄被符文封印包裹的长剑,长剑取出的时候,符文封印就开始脱落,从那柄长剑之中散发出的某种更高层次的压制力让特里萨的呼吸猛地一滞。 In that flickers...... 在那一瞬…… The holy blood of his within the body receives some deterrent probably, unceasing contraction. 他体内的圣血像是受到某种威慑般,不断的收缩。 The strength that the holy blood brings also starts from his within the body retreat. 圣血带来的力量也开始从他的体内退去。 This is......!!” “这是……!!” Teresa expression changes fiercely, in the eye also revealed the alarmed and afraid color, at this moment he understood the cause of death of beforehand Duke Fred suddenly. 特里萨表情猛地变化,眼中也露出了惊惧之色,这一刻他忽然明白了之前弗雷德公爵的死因。 This aura, is It came back...... beginning the generation......” “这个气息,是祂回来了……初代的……” Teresa whole body shivers twittering, after this, he is turns around to run unexpectedly, the speed erupts, destroys a top of the head ceiling layer upon layer loudly, to outside escapes rapidly. 特里萨浑身颤抖的呢喃,在这之后,他竟然是转身就跑,速度爆发,轰然砸破头顶一层层的天花板,向外面飞速逃跑。 Feels that aura time, he understood suddenly all these reasons...... they guessed mistakenly, the back controlled all these not these outcomers. 感受那气息的时候,他忽然了解了这一切的缘由……他们都猜错了,背后控制这一切并不是那些外来者。 But, is this also possible? 可是,这又怎么可能? Initially so many people noticed obviously Its body died......! In the record also has Its falling from the sky! 当初明明那么多人都看到祂身死……!记载中也有着祂的陨落! The strength of sword of protection liberates, during that strength is dark locks Teresa, behind Elisha hidden exists to sneer is looking at Teresa of escaping, It makes Elisha use this sword to reveal that his consciousness has not thought Teresa can escape from this sword. 守护之剑的力量解放,那力量冥冥之中就将特里萨锁定,艾丽莎身后隐藏的存在冷笑的望着逃跑的特里萨,祂让艾丽莎动用这柄剑显露他的意识就没有想过特里萨可以从这一剑下逃跑。 Teresa just flew the midair, saw that Elisha's figure penetrated the space to appear like the twinkle in his front, the long sword in young girl hand lifted, moonlight according, in that untied above the long sword of seal, is flowing such as the water cold moonlight. 特里萨刚刚飞上半空,就看到艾丽莎的身形如同闪烁般穿透了空间出现在了他的面前,少女手中的长剑抬起,月光照在那解开封印的长剑之上,流淌着如水冷冽的月华。 Teresa felt that for the first time death was so close to oneself. 特里萨第一次感觉到死亡离自己如此接近。 Saves me!!” “救我!!” Looks at a young girl sword to cut toward oneself, Teresa's frightened shouting. 望着少女一剑向着自己斩下,特里萨恐惧的喊道。 However under elf by this sudden accident shock and awe, no one was responded radically. 然而底下的精灵都被这突然的变故震慑,根本没人反应过来。 Teresa wants a sword that will fend Elisha soon to cut to fall vigorously, the unceasing change figure, a sound will just like the sounds of nature suddenly in his behind resounding. 特里萨极力想要闪避艾丽莎即将斩落的一剑,不断的改变身形,忽然一个声音犹如天籁般在他的身后响起。 Relax! Sir, she could not kill you!” “放心!大人,她杀不了你的!” Teresa complexion great happiness, he noticed that a familiar middle-aged elf flies toward oneself, that is the subordinate who he most trusts. 特里萨脸色大喜,他看到一个熟悉的中年精灵向着自己飞来,那是他最信任的部下。 So long as I killed you ahead of time, she could not kill you.” “只要我提前杀了你,她就杀不了你了。” But has not waited for Teresa to say anything, the middle-aged elf that flies extends a hand to condense the charm, penetrated his chest, passed through his heart. 可还没等特里萨说什么,那飞来的中年精灵就伸出一只手凝聚魔力,穿透了他的胸口,贯穿了他的心脏。 Teresa: „??????” 特里萨:“??????” ... 。。。
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