MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#46: What is the specialized assassin

A several days later afternoon. 数天后的一个下午。 Loren is drinking the coffee, speechless looks in the garden, takes the wooden sword, your sword my sword, hit has to have two people. 洛伦喝着咖啡,无言的看着花园里,拿着木剑,妳一剑我一剑,打的有来有回的两人。 Elisha and Bailey have not used the extra strength, is completely the sword technique to spelling, naturally, said is the sword technique to spelling, is not quite accurate, but Elisha pure is giving Bailey to feed to incur, looks like the teaching of sword technique. 艾丽莎和贝莉尔都没有使用额外力量,完全就是剑技的对拼,当然,说是剑技的对拼,也不太准确,只是艾丽莎单纯的在给贝莉尔喂招,就像是剑技的教学。 Shortly after Elisha followed Loren to go back, Bailey on initiative was close to Elisha, pulled closer the relations with her, controlled Elisha of body also to restore the young girl original personality, saw that annoys white/shell La who” the person loved tenderly, the idea of completely not having rejected. 艾丽莎跟着洛伦回去后没多久,贝莉尔就主动的接近了艾丽莎,和她拉近关系,重新控制了身体的艾丽莎也恢复了少女本来的性格,看到惹人怜爱的“贝菈”,完全没有拒绝的想法。 In addition Bailey of elf also makes Elisha inexplicable remembered la and Loffi, moreover girl as if lovable clever, but Elisha will not think, Bailey who she sees now, is only first that Bailey wish makes her see. 此外精灵化的贝莉尔也让艾丽莎莫名的想起了洛菈和洛菲亚两人,而且女孩似乎更加的可爱乖巧,可艾丽莎不会想到的是,她现在看到的贝莉尔,也只是贝莉尔想要让她看到的第一层。 For these days their relational quick ripeness wound the elevation of temperature, therefore Bailey makes an anticipation today the expression, proposed that must after she learned/studied the request of sword technique, Elisha is also never imagined to comply. 这几天两人的关系很快的熟络升温,于是今天贝莉尔做出一副期待的表情,提出要和她一起学习剑技的要求后,艾丽莎也是想都没想都答应了。 After all regarding young girl, in this strange world, only then at present naive lovable white/shell La can give her the cure. 毕竟对于少女而言,在这个陌生的世界里,也只有眼前天真可爱的“贝菈”可以给她一些治愈了。 What a pity Elisha does not know, at present grasps the sword posture is not nonstandard, under performance elf loli of very weak air/Qi, the other shore cuts, once had the countless Spiritual God to fall from the sky. 可惜艾丽莎并不知道,眼前连握剑姿势都不标准,表现的十分弱气的精灵萝莉,彼岸一斩之下,曾经有不计其数神灵陨落。 Strength fast double EX weak loli, probably was this. 力速双EX弱萝莉,大概就是这样了。 This girl...... also really can develop.” “这丫头……还真能演。” Looks makes mistakes once for a while, after the Elisha wooden sword knocks, is eaten Bailey who the pain sells to sprout/moe, knows Loren who truth somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry in one side. 看着时不时犯错,被艾丽莎木剑敲中后吃痛卖萌的贝莉尔,知道真相的洛伦在一旁有些哭笑不得。 However Bailey was truly more credible than the stupid fiendish person. 不过贝莉尔确实比笨魔王靠谱多了。 In order to prevent Elisha detects exceptionally, stupid la honest and Bailey exchanged the period of revolution of body, in the evening gives Lundan to hold the pillow specially. 为了防止艾丽莎察觉到异常,笨菈老老实实的和贝莉尔调换了身体的使用时间,晚上专门给洛伦当抱枕。 After all that stupid girl dull wool curls upwards, familiar regards the feeling to divide minute to expose in front of Elisha probably. 毕竟那笨丫头呆毛一翘,熟悉的即视感在艾丽莎面前大概分分钟暴露。 After comparing notes to finish, looks that Elisha is supporting the girl when Bailey behind lightly, taught skill that hand in hand the style of her sword technique and caught up, Loren actually does not know suddenly oneself should envy anyone. 切磋结束后,看着艾丽莎在贝莉尔身后轻拥着女孩,手把手教导她剑术的招式和发力的技巧时,洛伦一时间竟然不知道自己该羡慕谁。 Read and hence, Loren was also unavoidable some ideas. 念及至此,洛伦也难免有些想法了。 On the other hand. 话说回来。 My sword technique is very bad, is very unfamiliar to the degree of battle qi grasping, perhaps under can also ask Elisha to advise? 我的剑技挺差的,对斗气掌握的程度还很生疏,或许也能找艾丽莎指教下? His personal teaching to the Elisha has no interest, mainly thinks many study sword technique. 他对艾丽莎的贴身教学没什么兴趣,主要就是想多学点剑技。 But this thought that was eliminated shortly. 可这个念头,不久后又被打消。 Practiced some time, Elisha arrived by the stone table to rest, is looking at Bailey the time by Bailey, the vision of young girl is gentle, on the face also has the smile, may after noticing Loren, Elisha's expression board, looked that also turned into the full vigilance again to his vision. 练习了一段时间,艾丽莎就被贝莉尔拉到了石桌旁休息,望着贝莉尔的时候,少女的目光轻柔,脸上也带着浅浅的笑容,可在注意到洛伦之后,艾丽莎的表情又重新板了起来,看向他的目光也变成了十足的警惕。 Loren: „???” 洛伦:“???” I made anything. 我做了啥。 Loren confused at that time, oneself these words have not said. 洛伦当时就迷了,自己这一句话还没说呢。 He felt that oneself aimed by Elisha, recalled that the past young girl, gentle was with good intention obviously. 他感觉自己被艾丽莎针对了,回想过去的少女,明明是那么的温柔又善解人意。 Moreover after knowing his name is Luke, Elisha bewilderedly became to his attitude becomes estranged. 而且在知道他的名字是卢克后,艾丽莎的对他的态度莫名其妙变得更疏远了。 Really this is Luke's pot. 果然这都是卢克的锅吧。 Elder Brother, does not feel better by the feeling that Elder Sister Elisha shuts out.” “哥哥,被艾丽莎姐姐嫌弃的感觉不好受吧。” Also at this time, sat to Loren by, slowly is nipping the dessert, shook Bailey of both legs is being taking pleasure in others' misfortunes is sending greetings to Loren. 也是这时,坐到洛伦旁边,慢慢咬着点心,晃悠着双腿的贝莉尔则是幸灾乐祸的对着洛伦传音。 Girl with consciousness communication time, but also showed the mischievous expression to look at Loren one eyes quietly. 女孩用意识沟通的时候,还悄悄露出了促狭的表情看了洛伦一眼。 She is guarding against the stranger, has such performance to be very normal.” “她只是在防备陌生人而已,有这样的表现很正常。” Loren replies ill-humoredly, some types lift a rock to drop it on one's own feet felt, however Elisha's performance in some sense can also show his camouflage is very successful. 洛伦没好气的回复,有种搬起石头砸自己的脚的感觉,但是艾丽莎的表现某种意义上也可以说明他的伪装很成功。 On the other hand, how the preparation that wanted you to make.” “话说回来,要妳做的准备怎么样了。” Elder Brother felt relieved that I am not stupid la, will not forget the proper business.” “哥哥放心吧,我又不是笨菈,才不会忘记正事。” Stupid la mentioned by name inexplicably, sends out the protest in the consciousness sea, the sound that but protested directly shielded by Loren and Bailey together, this made la roll up the dull wool, had the type of snowflake floating north wind inexplicably whinny the miserable feeling, moreover that snow or green. 笨菈莫名被点名,在意识海中不禁发出抗议,可是抗议的声音直接被洛伦和贝莉尔一起屏蔽,这让洛菈蜷缩着呆毛,莫名有种雪花飘飘北风萧萧的凄凉感,而且那雪还是绿色的。 Bailey continues saying: 贝莉尔继续道: „The mark of tracing has stayed behind, Elder Sister Elisha had not detected completely, but the Elder Brother felt before the ascertainment that had not appeared for these days again, I thought that fellow had possibly left side Elder Sister Elisha, perhaps hid in other places, controlled Elder Sister Elisha through other methods.” “追踪的印记早就留下了,艾丽莎姐姐完全没有察觉,不过哥哥之前感觉到的探知,这几天都没再出现,我觉得那个家伙可能早就离开了艾丽莎姐姐身边,或许是隐藏在了其他的地方,通过其他的方法控制艾丽莎姐姐。” You said right, the fellow should control Elisha through the sword of protection...... is the pure consciousness exists, melts with the sword of protection for a body, Elisha is not the object who he lodges, that sword is.” “妳说的没错,那家伙应该是通过守护之剑控制艾丽莎……是纯粹的意识存在,和守护之剑融为了一体,艾丽莎并不是他寄宿的对象,那柄剑才是。” „The present difficult problem is, Elisha was very possible and sword of protection established the relation of similar contract inheritance, but we actually could not find that sword now, had no way to eliminate that consciousness, had no way to cut off him the control to Elisha.” “现在的难题就是,艾丽莎很可能和守护之剑建立了类似契约传承的联系,可我们现在却找不到那柄剑,没法清除那个意识,也就没法斩断他对艾丽莎的控制。” Loren's tranquil reply. 洛伦平静的回复。 A half month ago, after grasping the scabbard of sword of protection truly, he tries to induce the sword of protection with the scabbard, however relation between both by an unusual strength shield, after he arrived at the elf the world, also makes the attempt, the induction has been defeated as before. 半个多月前,真正掌握守护之剑的剑鞘后,他就试过用剑鞘感应守护之剑,然而两者之间的联系被一层奇特的力量屏蔽,他来到精灵的世界后也同样做过尝试,感应依旧失败。 But...... how, no matter he hidden, the thing that for he schemes, will expose eventually.” “但是……不管他怎么隐藏,为了他所图谋的东西,终究会暴露出来。” Loren is talking over gently. 洛伦轻轻念叨着。 For these days, he has been staring at Elisha in secret, tried to find the viewer in that hidden. 这几天,他一直都在暗中盯着艾丽莎,试图找到那个隐藏的观察者。 Every night, Elisha will leave from the mansion quietly, goes to nearby the mansions of other holy blood successors to saunter, seems like observing the defense situations of these people. 每天晚上,艾丽莎都会悄然从府邸中离开,去其他圣血继承者的府邸附近转悠,似乎是在观察那些人的守备情况。 Loren tracks the Elisha's first evening, realized Elisha's goal is very possible is these holy blood, all these likely are behind her person of instruction. 洛伦跟踪艾丽莎的第一个晚上,就意识到了艾丽莎的目的很可能是那些圣血,这一切很可能就是她背后那人的指示。 Some this discovery, Loren also associated to several days ago the holy blood successor killed event, after seeing Elisha's unusual action, Loren thought actually the beforehand that holy blood successor dies in the Elisha hand in the hand of demon empathize does not say. 有了这个发现,洛伦也联想到了数天前圣血继承人被杀的事件,看到艾丽莎的异样举动后,洛伦倒是觉得之前那个圣血继承者是死在艾丽莎手上还是魔神会的手上就不好说了。 The holy blood is this world's largest secret, but that fellow who the demon empathize and controls Elisha as if has a big scheme to the holy blood, although Loren does not know that secret is relating anything finally, but actually does not hinder him to spoil their plans while convenient. 圣血是这个世界最大的秘密,而魔神会和控制艾丽莎的那个家伙似乎都对圣血有不小的图谋,洛伦虽然不知道那秘密最终关系着什么,但却并不妨碍他顺便破坏他们的计划。 This looks like canyon ancestor to settle to the line, does the opposite party have the horse not to know, but the counter-attack opens the mouth comes opposite not to have the horse definitely not to owe. 这就像是峡谷祖安对线,对方有没有马不知道,但是反击张口就来对面没马肯定是不亏的。 This girl stepped on for several days selected, her moon/month hunting status also helped her confirm the arrangement of other moon/month of hunting members, she even knows that these fellows went back the time that asked Xueli to report after carrying out orders, but tonight, she just has an opportunity.” “这丫头踩了几天的点了,她月狩的身份还帮她确认了其他月狩成员的布置,她甚至知道那些家伙回去找雪莉复命的时间,而今天晚上,她刚好有个机会。” Loren was stepping on with Elisha for these days, with clarifying many deployment, even had sentenced the goal of Elisha possibly choice in advance, plan first a past. 洛伦这几天都在跟着艾丽莎踩点,跟着弄清楚了不少的部署,甚至已经预判了艾丽莎可能选择的目标,打算先一步过去。 So long as he falls the position on Elisha's front, how controls Elisha's existence to obtain some people to track her in front of her. 只要他在艾丽莎的前面落位,控制艾丽莎的存在又怎么想得到有人在她前面跟踪她呢。 Loren and Bailey present status cannot expose casually, therefore he, even to probe, still can only use other status probes, tonight is his opportunity. 洛伦和贝莉尔现在的身份不能随便暴露,所以他就算想要试探,也只能利用其它的身份试探,今天晚上就是他的机会。 The words that Elisha acts tonight, that fellow will greatly possibly appear very much. Loren does not know, when he stares Elisha is showing expression looking pensive, the young girl looks at complex that he is filled with, always thought that Loren's line of sight is seemingly strange. 艾丽莎今晚行动的话,那个家伙很大可能会出现。洛伦并不知道,在他盯着艾丽莎露出若有所思的表情之时,少女望着他更是满心的复杂,总觉得洛伦的视线看起来怪怪的。 ... 。。。 Time unknowingly to evening. 时间不知不觉到了晚上。 After Loren returns to the room, traded one to dress up integrates the night quietly, has not taken the stupid la sign child in such an arrangement, Loren will protect the scabbard to leave her as the safeguard. 洛伦回到自己房间后又换了一身装扮悄然融入黑夜,没有带上笨菈牌拖油瓶,洛伦将守护剑鞘留给她作为保障。 The soldier who can see the holy city in all directions patrol all the way, was killed after the first holy blood successor, the holy city up and down strengthened the protection, but for these days also truly was uneventful, the people of these demon empathizes also quiet, naturally Loren did not think that these people will dread these protection, these fellows are definitely also arranging anything simultaneously. 一路上可以看到圣城四处巡逻的士兵,从第一位圣血继承者被杀后,圣城上下都加强了防备,而这几天也确实都是风平浪静,那些魔神会的人也都沉寂了下去,当然洛伦并不觉得那些人会忌惮这些防备,那些家伙肯定也在同时布置着什么。 Arrives by Elisha quickly is decided as the mansion of goal, the owner in mansion is Duke Teresa, although beforehand assassination disturbance over the past several days, but the alert in mansion does not have slight lax, these great people treasure regarding oneself life very much. 很快抵达被艾丽莎定为目标的府邸,府邸的拥有者是特里萨公爵,之前的刺杀风波虽然过去几天,但是府中的戒备也没有丝毫的松懈,这些大人物对于自己的性命还是很珍惜的。 The arrangement of surrounding exists in name only to Loren, the youngster begins using the destiny magic directly, the body escapes into the deep layer space, easily crossed all defense lines, enters in the manor quietly, but does not have further thorough, outside the villa that because Duke Teresa lives in also arranged knot of powerful. 外围的布置对洛伦而言形同虚设,少年直接启用命运魔法,身体遁入深层空间,轻易越过了所有的防线,悄然进入庄园之中,不过没有进一步的深入,因为特里萨公爵居住的别墅外还布置了强力的结界。 Obviously Duke Teresa understands the careless say/way, very clear facing strength unknown assassin, hides in the room purely is incorrect. 显然特里萨公爵深谙苟之道,很清楚面对实力未知的刺客,单纯躲在屋子里是不行的。 However Loren comes this goal not to assassinate Duke Teresa, he finds a right opportunity to cope with Elisha behind that to exist. 不过洛伦来这的目的也并非是刺杀特里萨公爵,他只是找个合适的机会对付艾丽莎身后的那个存在。 Then Loren found several dark sentry posts in the manor, that is Duke Teresa arranges specially, for coping to attack the sentry post of assassin, moreover hidden is also being he sharpest subordinate. 接着洛伦在庄园里找到了几处暗哨,那是特里萨公爵专门布置,用于对付来袭刺客的岗哨,而且隐藏着也都是他最精锐的手下。 Several people disperse in all around, has sent out the sensation to search for all around and ensure nearby region no one can sneak, but no one discovered Loren under their sensations frank and upright sneaked into the mansion. 几个人分散在四周,一直散发着感知搜寻着四周,确保附近的区域没有任何人可以潜入进来,可没有人发现洛伦在他们的感知之下“光明正大”的溜进了府邸。 But at this moment, elf master of a concealment in big tree shadow felt suddenly own shoulder was patted the racket, during the shock, he turns around suddenly, looks Loren pupil contraction that oneself present behind. 而就在这时,一个隐匿在大树阴影之中的精灵法师突然感觉到自己的肩膀被人拍了拍,震惊之中,他豁然转过身去,看着自己身后出现的洛伦瞳孔收缩。 „Who you are!” That elf master looks at Loren incomparable alarmed and afraid, he cannot think of some unexpectedly people able in the situation that from the start, in he not detects appears in his behind, speech at the same time he erupts the charm to fluctuate loudly, tries to bring to the attention of others, however in his charm fluctuation taking a walk darkness is similar to swallow is erased. “你是什么人!”那个精灵法师看着洛伦无比的惊惧,他压根想不到竟然有人能在他毫无察觉的情况下出现在他的身后,说话的同时他轰然爆发魔力波动,试图引起其他人的注意,然而他魔力波动散步黑暗之中如同被吞噬般抹除。 Loren looks at that elf while turned into his appearance, the black fog granule submerges two people quietly, youngster saying of a laugh: Silly child, I am you do not have the father of blood relationship!” 洛伦一边看着那精灵一边变成了他的模样,黑雾粒子悄然将两人淹没,少年笑呵呵的说道:“傻孩子,我是你没有血缘关系的爹啊!” .. 。。 Shakya is the deity fruit, the wall crack recommendation has not eaten really can try 释迦果真是神仙水果,墙裂推荐没吃过的可以试试
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