MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#45: The scheme of big eyeball

The malicious eyeball appears from Elisha's shadow, that is controls the consciousness that Elisha has to arrive, detected after the method that oneself seal Elisha remembers was eradicated, recovers in deep sleep in he. 恶意的眼珠从艾丽莎的影子中浮现,那是控制艾丽莎存在的意识降临,察觉到自己封印艾丽莎记忆的手段被破除后,处于沉睡中的他复苏。 At this time his main body in Elisha's side, under his control, Elisha did not cut to kill Duke Fred yesterday, harvested the holy blood had been absorbed by him, with the aid of the strength of holy blood, he starts to construct the body. 此时他的本体并不在艾丽莎的身边,在他的控制下,艾丽莎昨天斩杀了弗雷德公爵,收获了的圣血已经被他吸收,借助圣血的力量,他开始重新构造身体。 However his consciousness can control Elisha's action through the sword of protection, naturally, cannot completely control, if causes Elisha's strong reaction, the seal that Caro sets also meets one and appears, loses his strength. 不过他的意识能通过守护之剑来控制艾丽莎的行动,当然,也并非能完全的控制,如果引起艾丽莎的强烈反弹,卡罗设置的封印也会一并浮现,损耗他的力量。 In fact before for the seal Elisha's memory, he paid not the poor price, therefore technique is broken now, awakens him. 事实上之前为了封印艾丽莎的记忆,他都付出了不菲的代价,所以现在术式被破,也将他惊醒。 „The strengths of these outcomers, mixed in the aura of demon god, these are the gold metallurgy technology of that time...... these fellows, once again stared at my secret.” “那些外来者的力量,混入了魔神的气息,还有这些属于那个时代的炼金技术……那些家伙,又一次盯上了我的秘密吗。” His sensation to outside battlefield residual fighting spirit, and locks gold metallurgy person occasionally remains that periphery left behind, the vision sinks. 他感知到外面战场残留的战斗气息,并且锁定了周围遗留的炼金人偶遗骸,目光微沉。 But after hearing Elisha twittering, that eyeball is gloomy and cold looked that to the youngster who is hugging Elisha, starts to doubt at present the identity of this human youngster. 而在听到艾丽莎的呢喃后,那眼珠更是阴冷的看向了抱着艾丽莎的少年,开始怀疑眼前这人类少年的身份。 He listened to Elisha to that Loren's human named sentiment , the outstanding talent that may after determining Elisha inherited the bloodlines and young girl who has, he had treated as oneself thing Elisha. 他听出了艾丽莎对那个叫做洛伦的人类拥有的感情,可在确定了艾丽莎身上继承的血脉以及少女拥有的优秀天赋后,他早就将艾丽莎当作了自己的东西。 Is this fellow Elisha twittering that person? 这个家伙就是艾丽莎呢喃的那个人? Loren was asked the name to seem somewhat stiff by Elisha, at once the youngster also detects an inexplicable gaze, but he has not observed the eye that Elisha presents behind, that eye conceals in -depth world, uses the sword of protection to observe the outside world as the medium. 洛伦被艾丽莎叫出名字显得有些僵硬,旋即少年也察觉到了一种莫名的注视,但他没有观察到艾丽莎身后出现的眼睛,那眼睛藏于更深层的世界之中,以守护之剑为媒介观察着外界。 Loren had not found the origin of gaze, may in that moment that the eye regains consciousness, Elisha actually suddenly sobered, in that has the evil intention, making the young girl flicker a chill in the air to pass the feeling of body. 洛伦没找到注视的来源,可在眼睛苏醒的那一刻,艾丽莎却是忽然的清醒了过来,那眼中带着的恶意,让少女一瞬有种寒意透体的感觉。 Elisha realized that controls own fellow still to monitor itself. 艾丽莎意识到那个控制自己的家伙还在监视自己。 But after seal memory technique by Hill unexpected eradication, Elisha was also gradually recalled after oneself by seal, all that makes. 而在封印记忆的术式被希尔意外的破除后,艾丽莎也逐渐回想起了自己被封印后所做的一切。 Has not reorganized these memories with enough time, Elisha realized suddenly oneself a strange youngster hugs in the bosom, after the heart one startled, she directly Loren shoves open. 还没来得及整理那些记忆,艾丽莎突然意识到自己被一个陌生的少年抱在了怀里,心中一惊后,她直接将洛伦推开。 Sorry, my admitting mistakes person.” “抱歉,我认错人了。” Sets out to tighten cape, covers the body time, Elisha tries hard with the desolate tone opens the mouth, cuts the boundary with the present youngster. 起身收紧身上的斗篷,遮挡自己身体的时候,艾丽莎努力用冷淡的语气开口,和眼前的少年划开界限。 After restoring the memory, Elisha naturally also recalled that played to be hugged by the youngster a moment ago in the bosom shouted Loren's name, then the young girl frowned to look at cape, the state of mind cannot help but fluctuates, and looked before the body the desolateness that the vision of youngster, camouflaged, actually had/left some real cold intent. 恢复记忆后,艾丽莎自然也回想起到刚才自己被少年抱在怀里的时候喊了洛伦的名字,然后少女蹙眉看着身上的斗篷,心绪不由得波动起来,并且看向身前少年的目光,本来伪装的冷淡,却是多出了些许真实的冷意。 Elisha does not know that this fellow saw anything, although the clothing corroded degree does not calculate too, but in the young girl heart is somewhat annoyed, oneself had some misconception unexpectedly, unexpectedly silly treated as big brother Loren this fellow. Was good sobered because of her promptly, has not made any strange matter. 艾丽莎不知道这家伙看到了什么,虽然衣物被腐蚀的程度不算太多,但少女心中还是有些懊恼起来,自己竟然产生了某种错觉,竟然傻乎乎的把这家伙当作了洛伦大哥。好在她及时清醒了过来,没有做出什么奇怪的事情。 Moreover thinks that was the opposite party saved itself, Elisha also can only bite the lip to pent up anger. 而且想到是对方救了自己,艾丽莎也只能咬着嘴唇生闷气。 You are all right well.” “妳没事就好。” At this time Loren recovered, looks that the young girl smiled was saying. 这时洛伦回过神来,看着少女微笑着说道。 Around Elisha transformation, makes him realize that Elisha called his name to be only an accident/surprise a moment ago, the young girl has not recognized him. 艾丽莎前后的转变,也让他意识到刚才艾丽莎叫出他的名字只是个意外,少女并没有认出他。 However this is also unavoidable. 不过这也难免。 He changed the appearance and aura, said again, Elisha cannot think probably, he will follow she to arrive at this world. 他改变了容貌和气息,再说了,艾丽莎大概也想不到,他会跟着她来到了这个世界。 Looks expression that on the Elisha face the board has diligently, Loren's mood relaxed many, in his heart has understood clearly......, although does not know that Rance they made anything, but Elisha seemed like from previously that type seemed like in the controlled condition is separated. 看着艾丽莎脸上努力板起的表情,洛伦的心情轻松了不少,他的心中已经了然……虽然不知道兰斯他们做了什么,但是艾丽莎似乎是从先前那种像是被控制的状态中脱离。 Naturally, controls her some to exist, has not vanished. 当然,控制她的某个存在,并没有消失。 He in Elisha's side, is even possibly observing her. 他甚至可能就在艾丽莎的身边,观察着她。 Loren remembers the gaze that the sensation arrives , the vision seems observing Elisha's whole body careless, however anything had not discovered. 洛伦想起自己感知到的注视,目光仿佛漫不经心的观察着艾丽莎的周身,然而什么都没有发现。 He does not dare to stare too deadly, if extremely, likely will deliberately alert the enemy, lets that actions that has to adopt certain is difficult to predict. 他也不敢盯得太死,要是太过刻意,很可能会打草惊蛇,让那个存在采取某些难以预测的举措。 Elisha does not know that Loren's idea, she looks at the inexplicable smile on Loren face, vision that notices Loren to stare at to size up, shows the somewhat vigilant expression, in the future will draw back several steps, shows the full alert stance. 艾丽莎并不知道洛伦的想法,她看着洛伦脸上的莫名的笑容,又注意到洛伦一直盯着自己打量的目光,不禁露出有些警惕的表情,往后退了几步,表现出十足的戒备姿态。 She still remembers that liked Li telling oneself, if met the repugnant person entanglement, wanted first to adopt the stance of rejection, simultaneously the reduced conversation as far as possible, did not give the opposite party any opportunity of being close. 她还记得爱莉跟自己说过,如果遇到讨厌的人纠缠,就要第一时间摆出拒绝的姿态,同时尽可能的减少交谈,不给对方任何接近的机会。 Elisha is not familiar with beside the opposite sex by Loren extremely to be been close, person conversation that also not too the custom and other do not know, therefore after ponders, Elisha chooses to adopt to like Li teaching her method. 艾丽莎不习惯被洛伦之外的异性太过接近,也不太习惯和其他不认识的人交谈,所以思考过后,艾丽莎选择采取爱莉教她的方法。 In Loren somewhat vacant looks when Elisha who suddenly and spread out, Elisha has opened the mouth to say in a soft voice: 就在洛伦有些茫然的看着突然和自己拉开距离的艾丽莎时,艾丽莎已经轻声开口道: Help thank you, will have the opportunity next time, I will repay your.” “谢谢你的帮忙,下次有机会,我会报答你的。” I must go to report after carrying out orders to the princess.” “我要去向公主殿下复命了。” After Elisha said that the opportunity of even to Loren not having replied, gets out of the way from his side quickly. 艾丽莎说完后,甚至没给洛伦回复的机会,很快从他身边走开。 Elisha from reorganizing in the memory knew own status, therefore very natural use this excuse flees. 艾丽莎从整理过的记忆中知晓了自己的身份,于是很自然的使用这个借口走脱。 But her so-called next time will have the opportunity, with certainly will be the same next time, basically not possibly. 而她所谓的下次有机会,就是和下次一定一样,基本没有可能。 Naturally, at present this youngster the life-saving efforts, in Elisha opinion, she has actually repaid. 当然,眼前这少年的救命之恩,在艾丽莎看来,其实她已经报答过了。 After she revealed such attitude, hides has the malicious gaze in her eyeball, restrains. 在她表露出那样的态度之后,藏在她身边的眼珠带着恶意的注视,就重新收敛。 In fact Elisha most starts to want with Loren to draw a line the approach, except for does not think the youngster who inexplicable and this does not know has beyond the relations, does not want to involve casually the innocent person. 事实上艾丽莎最开始想要和洛伦划清界限的做法,除了不想莫名和这个不认识的少年扯上关系外,也是不想随便把无辜的人牵扯进来。 If she does not delimit the boundary clearly, this youngster may be very controlled her to exist to stare. 如果她不把界限划清楚,这个少年很可能被控制她的那个存在盯上。 Looks at the back that the young girl leaves in same place Loren, after staring a meeting, somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry. 在原地的洛伦看着少女离开的背影,愣了一会后有些哭笑不得。 He realized certainly Elisha's alert, Elisha had the thoughts of protection to make him very gratified, but in the youngster heart also cannot help but somewhat was depressed, the object who because this was guarded against by the young girl unexpectedly was he. 他当然意识到了艾丽莎的戒备,艾丽莎有了防备的心思让他很欣慰,但同时少年心中也不由得有些郁闷,因为这被少女防备的对象竟然是他。 It is not right, this rejected person is Luke, are also little significance with his Loren. 不对,这被拒绝的人是卢克,和他洛伦也没有多大关系。 Loren is comforting himself, may have nothing to tell Elisha the real status idea, the present is not the good time. 洛伦安慰着自己,可并没有任何告诉艾丽莎自己真实身份的想法,现在并不是合适的时机。 And...... 而且…… His some do not believe Elisha's performing skill, because the young girl is not really good at deceiving people, if trades to be Loffi or Bailey, Loren did not certainly mind that disclosed some information slightly, exposed the status, then performed the double reed with them, is trying fellow who planned that hidden, 他有些不太相信艾丽莎的演技,因为少女实在不擅长骗人,如果换做洛菲亚或者贝莉尔,洛伦当然不介意稍微透露些信息,暴露身份,然后和她们演出双簧,试着算计那个隐藏的家伙, But Elisha, so long as knows that his status, will definitely vacillate, was seen through very much easily. 可艾丽莎只要知道他的身份,肯定会有所动摇,很容易被看穿。 Once his status floats on outwardly, some lot were hard to process, moreover Loren was also considering planned demon empathize one wave, he had not planned that anything drew in a net early. 他的身份一旦浮到明面上,就有很多事情难以处理了,而且洛伦还考虑着算计魔神会一波,他还没打算什么这么早收网。 .. 。。 But at this time, after Elisha was far away from Loren, relaxes inexplicably. 而此时,艾丽莎远离了洛伦后,也莫名松了口气。 After Xueli delivers previously to fight some acquired information, Elisha appears somewhat is also silent, because she also recognized Rance at this time. 向雪莉交付过先前战斗中收集到的些许情报后,艾丽莎又显得有些沉默起来,因为她这个时候也认出了兰斯。 Previously because Loren's reason made the young girl not have first to respond. 先前因为洛伦的缘故让少女没有第一时间反应过来。 But...... 可是…… Why, can he here? 为什么,他会在这里? Elisha thinks that unclear Bai Lansi has what goal, but, the attack of Hill release, actually helped her finally, Elisha is very difficult to analyze that this is intends or has no intention. 艾丽莎想不明白兰斯有什么目的,但是,希尔最后释放的攻击,却是帮了她一把,艾丽莎很难判断这是有意还是无意的。 However he words here, should also know these news. 不过他会在这里的话,应该也知道那些消息了吧。 Grandfather...... 还有爷爷…… Elisha gets hold of the fist silently. 艾丽莎默默握紧拳头。 Caro of being uncertain of one's fate, making in the young girl heart worry completely. 生死未卜的卡罗,让少女心中满是担忧。 Moreover she does not know whether Loren knows these, this makes her start to be worried Loren will impulse makes any not sane matter. 而且她也不知道洛伦是否知道这些,这让她又开始担心洛伦会冲动的做出些什么不理智的事情。 I also think, you will find the opportunity to escape.” “我还以为,妳会找机会逃跑呢。” At this moment. 就在这时。 The spooky sound, resounds in Elisha's ear directly. 幽幽的声音,直接在艾丽莎的耳边响起。 A moment ago Elisha and Loren's conversation, that existed looks in the eye, looked like from young girl's performance, he almost can determine, Elisha and that human were not acquainted. 刚才艾丽莎和洛伦的交谈,那个存在都看在了眼中,从少女的表现看来,他几乎可以确定,艾丽莎和那个人类并不相识。 Therefore he gave up the concern over Loren. 所以他放弃了对洛伦的关注。 Compares Loren, previously had that group of people of fight with Elisha, obviously is worth him paying attention. 相比较洛伦,先前和艾丽莎发生了战斗的那群人,显然更加值得他注意。 He wanted to put the manufacture confusion these outcomers, fishes in troubled waters, may after determining these outcomers has the shadows of these demon gods, he has to enhance vigilance. 他本来想要将那些外来者放进来制造混乱,浑水摸鱼,可在确定那些外来者背后有那些魔神的影子后,他不得不提高警惕。 What do you actually want to make?” “你到底想做什么?” Elisha had not been frightened by the sudden sound, because she is the person who can the direct observation he have only. 艾丽莎并没有被突然出现的声音吓到,因为她是唯一能直接观测到他存在的人。 I should say, all that I make, to take revenge, to complete...... many years ago matter that I cannot achieve.” “我应该已经说过了,我所做的一切,都是为了复仇,为了完成……很多年前我没能做到的事情。” So long as you help me, I can all that you want, in this world no one dares with you for the enemy.” “只要妳帮我,我就能给妳想要的一切,这个世界上无人敢与妳为敌。” That sound was saying also said leisurely: You also recall the beforehand these things now.” 那个声音说着又悠悠道:“妳现在也记起之前的那些事情了吧。” Originally I do not want to control you to make these, is you are not willing to coordinate, I seal your memory, since you wake up now, I with you discussed that again transaction, you can choose help me on own initiative, or lets my again seal your memory time, although that will make me pay many prices, but if you are not willing to coordinate, I also can only choose this most troublesome means.” “本来我也不想控制妳去做这些的,是妳不愿意配合,我才封印了妳的记忆,既然现在妳醒来,我就再重新和妳谈次交易吧,妳可以选择主动帮我,或者让我再次封印一次妳的记忆,虽然那会让我付出不少代价,但如果妳不愿意配合,那我也只能选择这最麻烦的办法了。” That sound light saying. 那声音淡淡的说道。 Naturally, if you are willing to coordinate, I did not mind that told you some interesting information, about that old man.” “当然,如果妳愿意配合的话,我也不介意告诉妳一些有趣的信息,是关于那个老头子的。” Elisha hears these words vision twinkles, silent some little time, the young girl the desolate opens the mouth, made decided: 艾丽莎听到这些话目光闪烁,沉默了好一会,少女才冷淡的开口,做出了决定: You want me to make anything.” “你要我做什么。” This is my good girl, compares your family member, these elves and you not too many relations, you, so long as hidden own identity, helping me collect two holy blood again, I will tell you information of that fellow, will not force you to handle other things again.” “这才是我的好女孩,相比较妳的亲人而言,这些精灵和妳并没有太多的关系,妳只要隐藏好自己的身份,帮我再多收集两份圣血,我就会告诉妳那家伙的情报,也不会再强迫妳做其他的事情。” ... 。。。
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