MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#44: awakens

Rance gets angry, has not responded the tea with milk, but locks existence of not far away youngster, clenches teeth bitterly. 兰斯黑着脸,没有搭理奶茶,只是锁定不远处少年的存在,恨恨咬牙。 He has not really thought that this fellow is so hard to deal with! 他真没有想到这家伙这么难缠! Moreover this fellow close combat is so strong, he has not calculated from the start the opposite party is the bow soldier!? 而且这家伙近战这么强,他压根没算到对方还是个弓兵!? The forms of combat that Loren changes, before letting Rance, all planning change into the empty talk, because Loren does not give him the opportunity to pull closer the distance from the start, his several times of advance, was missed the goal by an arrow, looked like a moment ago such, this caused these strengths that he saved not to have the space of display, making Rance only feel the incomparable aggrievedness. 洛伦改变的战斗方式,让兰斯之前所有的算计都化为空谈,因为洛伦压根不给他机会拉近距离,他数次的突进,也都被一箭射飞,就像是刚才那样,这就导致他积蓄的那些力量没有发挥的空间,让兰斯只觉得无比的憋屈。 Luke......” “卢克……” With the person of this name, under punches? 用这个名字的人,都这么欠揍的吗? Rance is suppressing the anger, the hard to deal with degree of this fellow is above his imagination, only if he uses the card in a hand directly, has to solve the method of that fellow, however his card in a hand does not prepare for this fellow. 兰斯强忍着怒气,这个家伙的难缠程度超乎他的想象,除非他直接动用底牌,才有解决那家伙的方法,但是他的底牌不是为了这家伙准备的。 Retreats.” “撤退吧。” Rance takes the bull by the horns, gives up seizing Xueli's idea, now the only good news, was the tea with milk and Hill completed own task, capture Elisha. 兰斯当机立断,放弃抓走雪莉的想法,现在唯一的好消息,就是奶茶和希尔完成了自己的任务,“捕获”了艾丽莎。 Good, Sir Rance.” “好的,兰斯大人。” But two people just replied, suddenly the distant place is light beam sparkles! 可两人刚刚回复完,突然远方又是一道光束闪耀! Rance complexion changes, within the body abyss battle qi turbulently, kept off before two people on own initiative. 兰斯面色一变,体内深渊斗气汹涌而出,主动挡在了两人身前。 However that arrow light before falling, actually the booklet flashes again, was summoned not far away reverse, gradually submerges the food person flower in summon law to shoot through, the giant food person spends the fierce head bang to pound on the ground, innumerable juice splashes. 然而那箭光在落下之前,却是再次折闪,将不远处被反向召唤,逐渐没入召唤法阵中的食人花射穿,巨大食人花狰狞的头部轰隆砸在地上,无数汁液飞溅。 This fellow!” “这家伙!” Eats a person perianth arrow to shoot through, law reverse summon technique interrupts immediately, in the mist and dust of splash the form passed over gently and swiftly together, Rance throws toward the corpse of that side summon, wants to take away swallowed Elisha. 食人花被一箭射穿,法阵的反向召唤术式当即中断,飞溅的烟尘中一道身影掠过,兰斯向着那边召唤物的尸体扑去,想要带走被吞下的艾丽莎。 May in him before, the form fall together loudly from the midair, keeps off above Rance's route of advance. 可在他靠近之前,一道身影从半空轰然坠下,挡在兰斯的前进路线之上。 Loren pounds falls the ground flickers, the huge impact proliferation, the flagstone was raised under the terrifying strength extrusion, a disintegration layer upon layer. 洛伦砸落地面的一瞬,巨大的冲击扩散,石板在恐怖的力量挤压下被掀起,一层层的崩碎。 Facing impact that Loren causes, Rance does not draw back instead enters, speed fierce, after a fist breaks open layer upon layer the sonic boom, pounds ruthlessly toward Loren! 面对洛伦引起的冲击,兰斯不退反进,速度更加的凶猛,一拳破开层层音爆之后,向着洛伦狠狠砸出! To Rance, Loren the initiative interception, was actually gives his counter-attack to create the opportunity now. 对于兰斯而言,洛伦现在主动的拦截,却是给他的反击创造了机会。 Before the snapped aggrievedness, Rance can vent finally, the abyss battle qi to gush out, together with strength crazy eruption of previous savings. 之前被乱射的憋屈,兰斯终于可以发泄出来,深渊斗气涌出,连同先前积蓄的力量疯狂爆发而出。 Abyss. Release!” “深渊.释放!” The visible black ripple when Rance this fist rumbles the proliferation of extreme speed, the air was torn the invisible ripples, twists terrifying turbulent flow, just like the invisible long whip to brush toward all around! 肉眼可见的黑色波纹在兰斯这一拳轰出的时候极速的扩散,空气被撕扯出无形的涟漪,扭曲出一道道恐怖的乱流,犹如无形的长鞭向着四周抽打而出! The attack erupts flickers, follows the deafening bellow, the giant crack spreads from the ground suddenly, like abyss gap that was torn. 攻击爆发的一瞬,伴随震耳欲聋的轰鸣声,巨大的裂纹骤然从地面蔓延,如同被撕裂出的深渊间隙。 The brilliance long bow that in Loren hand condenses arrives on Rance's fist, but before his body, the day honors to mump the rapid structure to just like the star splendor wall barrier, Rance this fist as if there is dreadful sea tide impact on come with the strength of binding, ruthlessly the bombardment above the battle qi wall barrier that his body forms, shortly will make the wall bond to cover entirely the crevice, seems momentarily stave. 洛伦手中凝聚的光辉长弓抵在兰斯的这一拳上,而在他的身前,天崇斗气迅速的构造出犹如星辉般的壁障,兰斯这一拳携裹的力量仿佛带着滔天的海潮冲击而来,狠狠轰击在他身前形成的斗气壁障之上,顷刻间就让壁障上布满了裂隙,似乎随时都要破碎。 Two strength unceasing collisions, thunder, the wild air current is attacking toward all around crazily, the innumerable crushed stones four shoot like the shell, pound to put on the wall, is destroying the surrounding all, the street two sides constructions collapse, shatter in the impact that the strength collides, makes to just like the disaster scene. 两股力量不断的碰撞,轰鸣,狂暴的气流向着四周疯狂的冲击着,无数碎石如炮弹般四射,砸穿墙壁,摧毁着周围的一切,街道两边的建筑更是在力量碰撞的冲击中坍塌、破碎,制造出犹如天灾般的场景。 If not before the layout, Rance they have completed clearout beforehand, was fought the region that by two people submerges, does not know that many people will die a violent death. 若非在布局之前,兰斯他们已经事先完成过清场,被两人战斗淹没的区域,不知道多少人将死于非命。 But while two strengths refuse to compromise, Rance behind, the empty shadow of demon god condensed quietly, opened the giant palm, penetrated Loren's battle qi wall barrier unexpectedly directly, grasped toward him. 可就在两股力量僵持的同时,兰斯身后,魔神的虚影悄然凝聚,张开了巨大的手掌,竟然是直接穿透了洛伦的斗气壁障,向着他抓去。 Also at this time, Loren, when the long bow resists Rance attacks, coldly opened the bowstring! 也在这时,洛伦在长弓抵住兰斯攻击的时候,冷冷的拉开了弓弦! A wisp of golden glimmer first on bowing flashes through, then that ray rises suddenly suddenly, is concise incomparably sturdy golden ray! 一缕金色的微光先是在弓身上闪过,而后那光芒忽然暴涨,凝练出无比粗壮的金色光芒! In that golden ray, collects to hide several incomparably powerful sword aura, the carrying/sustaining the incomparably lofty and serious knight will, is being completely the day honoring sword that is cast by knight king Yizhi, moreover held various shapes of day honoring sword! 那金色的光芒之中,敛藏着数道无比强大的剑器气息,承载着无比崇高且沉重的骑士意志,是完全由骑士王意志铸就的天崇之剑,而且容纳了天崇之剑的各种形态! After first honored the bow sword experiment of domain the day before yesterday , Bailey holy blood covers, Loren's control to day Chong Gongjian also handy. 经过先前天崇领域的弓剑试验,还有之后贝莉尔的圣血覆盖,洛伦对天崇弓剑的掌控也更加的得心应手。 At this time shortly after facing Rance, he is also liberal oneself just think, the style that with enough time has not experimented, holds the strength of number sword in an arrow. 此时面对兰斯,他也不吝自己刚刚想到不久,还没来得及试验的招式,在一箭中容纳数剑的力量。 But in flickers, Rance who Loren draws is also big feeling is not wonderful. 而在洛伦拉弓的一瞬,兰斯也大感不妙。 That golden arrow Yanaka, condenses some type to make his heart startled strength, even makes him have to plant, if it is not dealt with properly, oneself may plant the feeling here. 那金色的箭矢中,凝聚着某种令他心惊的力量,甚至让他有种如果处理不好,自己可能会栽在这里的感觉。 Body compared with consciousness first a movement. 身体比意识先一步动作。 Originally condensed in the Rance behind demon god empty shadow integrated his within the body suddenly, Rance aura rose suddenly, the body innumerable black marks wound to reappear, as if the whole person transformed to being bewitched god. 本来凝聚在兰斯身后的魔神虚影忽然融入了他的体内,兰斯气息暴涨的时候,身上无数黑色纹络浮现,仿佛整个人向着魔神转变。 However before the demon god integrates the body thoroughly, Rance also caught that boundary stubbornly, the reason made him not have to lift oneself card in a hand completely. 不过在魔神彻底融入身体之前,兰斯也是死死的卡住了那界限,理智让他没有完全掀开自己的底牌。 The next quarter, Rance opens the palm, a jet black halo inflates in his hands, inside turnover fearful energy. 下一刻,兰斯张开手掌,一枚漆黑的光环在他的手中膨胀,里面吞吐可怕的能量。 Halo rapid proliferation, was at this time, a Loren arrow projected suddenly! 光环飞速的扩散,也是这时,洛伦一箭忽然射出! The golden light beam flies to shoot at the same time, suddenly refracts five scattered light beams, one after another shells toward Reims. 金色的光束飞射的同时,忽然折射出五道分散的光束,接二连三的向着兰斯轰击而出。 That jet black halo also departed from the hand of Reims, keeps off before his body, the dark aura of sending out like must embezzle all, at that moment, the entire space had the distortion probably, directly several light beam complete swallowing. 那漆黑的光环也从兰斯的手中飞出,挡在了他的身前,散发的幽暗气息如同要吞没一切,那一刻,整个空间都像是发生了扭曲,直接将几道光束完全的吞噬。 Shortly , the space of distortion just like the shatter mirror surface to crack, then the black ray erupts loudly, probably a circular light ball inflates. 不久后,扭曲的空间犹如破碎的镜面崩裂,然后黑色的光芒轰然爆发,像是一个圆形的光球膨胀开来。 However that light ball inflates time, many vast imposing manner, the sound had not even been embezzled by it probably together. 然而那光球膨胀的时候,并没有多少浩大的气势,像是连声音也被其一同吞没了进去。 Jet black light ball after proliferating to five meters diameter about, suddenly the unceasing distortion, same starts to contract like the huge vortex, finally changed to the jet black luminous spot to integrate the space to dissipate does not see. 漆黑的光球在扩散到五米的直径左右后,突然又不断的扭曲,如同巨大的漩涡一样开始收缩,最后化作漆黑的光点融入了空间消散不见。 But its before covered the place that embezzled, all is completely all wiped to disappear, in the ground are more an incomparably smooth semicircle pothole. 可是其之前覆盖吞没的地方,所有的一切尽皆被抹消,地面上更是多出一个无比光滑的半圆形坑洞。 Loren when that attack erupts spread out, at this time looks at the pothole of that ground, the innermost feelings are the exclamation are also inexplicable, he has not thought, oneself enough rumbles the half dead attack Rance, was used this attack to reduce and solve unexpectedly. 洛伦早在那攻击爆发的时候就拉开了距离,此时看着那地面的坑洞,内心也是惊叹莫名,他没有想到,自己足够将兰斯轰得半死的攻击,竟然被用这种攻击化解。 Such long does not see, he also grown stronger.” “这么久不见,他也变强了啊。” Loren silently is thinking, then honors the strength of battle qi to relieve the day. 洛伦默默的想着,然后将天崇斗气的力量解除。 After the circular light ball dissipates, Rance together with his behind two people together, complete vanishes does not see. 圆形光球消散之后,兰斯连同他身后的两人一起,完全的消失不见。 Obviously, after consciousness Loren's great strength, Rance was forced to give up forcefully the idea that Elisha carried off, moreover delayed again, this region by thorough surrounding, he himself not necessarily could run away at that time. 显然,在意识洛伦的强大后,兰斯被迫放弃了强行将艾丽莎带走的想法,而且再拖延下去,这片区域就会被彻底的包围,那时候他自己都不一定逃得出去的。 „The strengths of these human, are so strong......” “这些人类的力量,已经这么强了吗……” Xueli who the distant place observes, looks at the result of fight, is actually seems somewhat silent. 远处观战的雪莉,看着战斗的结果,却是显得有些沉默。 She has been observing Loren and Rance's ability a moment ago. 她刚才一直在观察洛伦和兰斯的能力。 But in simultaneously, the elf soldier who these gather turns toward other places to well up, these powerful aura of not far away start the dispersion, their was under Xueli's new order, searches for three people that ran away a moment ago in the surroundings. 而在同时,那些聚集过来的精灵士兵又向着其他地方涌去,不远处的那些强大气息开始分散,他们的得到了雪莉新的命令,在周围搜寻刚才逃走的三人。 Loren has not cared about Xueli's order, after the strength persuades to quit Rance, his goal has been achieved, moreover he also somewhat is worried about Elisha's condition. 洛伦没有在意雪莉的命令,用实力劝退兰斯之后,他的目的已经达到,另外他也有些担心艾丽莎的状态。 Most starts with Rance pesters, he has been paying attention to Elisha that side fight, in his opinion, Elisha's strength copes with Hill and tea with milk they have more than enough to spare. 最开始和兰斯纠缠的时候,他就一直注意着艾丽莎那边的战斗,在他看来,艾丽莎的力量对付希尔和奶茶两人绰绰有余。 Hill coordinates the tea with milk suddenly catches up to hold Elisha, is Loren has not thought completely, if not that accident happened, he likely will also continue to tow with Rance, shot he runs around, rather than takes certain risk to meet the approaching enemy directly. 希尔配合奶茶突然的发力抓住艾丽莎,是洛伦完全没想到的,如果不是那意外发生,他可能还会继续和兰斯拖下去,射的他到处乱跑,而不是冒着一定的风险正面迎击。 Afterward Rance's eruption, confirmed Loren's speculation, Rance is truly hiding some type of card in a hand. 后来兰斯的爆发,也证实了洛伦的猜测,兰斯确实隐藏着某种底牌。 „The fellow...... is also hiding many secrets.” “那家伙……还藏着不少的秘密啊。” Rance summoned the demon god time, Loren detected his strength unceasing increasing . Moreover the strength erupted, was far from reaching his limit, but was some scruples afterward, Rance suppressed his promotion forcefully. 兰斯召唤魔神的时候,洛伦察觉到他的力量不断的攀升,而且刚才的力量爆发,也远远没有到达他的极限,不过后来出于某种顾忌,兰斯硬生生的压住了他的提升。 Is thinking these, Loren's palm is covering battle qi, will eat the person to spend the giant head to cut, as a lot of mucilage gush out, was wrapped also to be flushed in inside Elisha. 想着这些,洛伦的手掌覆盖着斗气,又将食人花巨大的头部斩开,随着大量的粘液涌出,被包裹在里面的艾丽莎也被冲了出来。 The young girl this time appearance of seems somewhat in an extremely difficult situation, clothes were corroded by the mucilage most probably, reveals the big piece fair flesh, moreover on the face also has the colors of some flushed, seemingly inexplicable bad. 少女此时的模样显得有些狼狈不堪,身上的衣服被粘液腐蚀了大半,露出大片白皙的肌肤,而且脸上还带着些许潮红之色,看上去莫名的糟糕。 This girl...... probably changed heavy, some time did not see, grew......” “这丫头……好像变重了一些,一段时间不见,是又发育了吗……” Loren holds in Elisha's time heart to jump from the mucilage, the line of sight subconsciousness from very long has not seen the standing tall and erect curve passed over gently and swiftly, inexplicable afraid, after determining Elisha did not have the obvious injury, Loren takes out a cape to wrap Elisha's body quickly. 洛伦从粘液中抱出艾丽莎的时候心中不禁一跳,视线下意识从很久未曾见过的高耸弧度掠过,莫名心虚了一下,在确定了艾丽莎身上没有明显的伤势后,洛伦很快取出一件斗篷包裹住艾丽莎的身体。 Is coughed several by Elisha who Loren hugs, on the face showed the somewhat painful expression, but gradually consciousness also in sobers. 被洛伦抱起的艾丽莎咳嗽了几声,脸上露出了有些痛苦的表情,不过意识也在逐渐的清醒过来。 Crashes into the ice-cold viscous liquid time, Elisha's train of thought somewhat is chaotic and exhausted, now was hugged by Loren, Elisha has to plant such as places oneself the misconception in dream, because felt that youngster not seen for a long time was familiar with the aura that and warmed. 坠入冰冷粘稠的液体的时候,艾丽莎的思绪就有些混乱且疲惫,现在被洛伦抱起,艾丽莎更是有种如置身梦中的错觉,因为感觉到了那很久不见的少年熟悉而又温暖的气息。 Is maintaining diligently soberly, tries to control the body Elisha who to open the eye slowly, in the completely clear field of vision, she had not seen Loren's fuzzy form, during is absent-minded, the young girl actually cannot bear in a soft voice twittering: 努力维持着清醒,试图重新控制身体的艾丽莎慢慢睁开眼睛,还未完全清晰的视界中,她看到了洛伦模糊的身影,恍惚之中,少女却是忍不住轻声的呢喃着: Loren...... big brother?” “洛伦……大哥?” However when the young girl talked over in a soft voice, in the shadow under her body, eye opening slowly, has the intense evil intention, looked that to Loren who is hugging the young girl. 然而就在少女轻声念叨的时候,在她的身下的影子之中,一只眼睛缓缓的睁开,带着强烈的恶意,看向了抱着少女的洛伦。 ... 。。。 The princess connected JJC to mine to dig many could not withstand to 4 K, I was too difficult, the wolf, idol, pudding, the real step and regimental commander, this lineup had any issue, R7 公主连接JJC挖矿挖到4K多就顶不住了,我太难了,狼、偶像、布丁、真步、团长,这阵容有啥问题吗,都R7了
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