MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#43: Seizes successfully?

More than ten gold metallurgy people of expansions kill occasionally immediately to Elisha, extracts the respective pointed weapons in the midair, simultaneously erupts the powerful the martial skill, or the use magic, suddenly various attacks toward stepping on Elisha on vine submerge. 十多具展开的炼金人偶顿时杀向艾丽莎,在半空抽出各自的兵刃,同时爆发强力的武技,或者动用魔法,一时间各种攻击向着踩在藤蔓上的艾丽莎淹没。 Bang......” “轰……” The explosive sound resounds, before the attack falls, Elisha lifts a palm, emerald-green magic launches before her, the opened cruciform giant flower petal seems like the shield to keep off her equally behind. 爆炸声响起,攻击落下之前,艾丽莎抬起一只手掌,翠绿色的魔法阵在她面前展开,撑开的十字型巨大花瓣像是盾牌一样将她挡在身后。 These attack bombardments above that unusual flower petal, the flower petal quick contraction wither, may after the flower petal dissipates, the young girl is also disappearing same place. 那些攻击轰击在那奇特的花瓣之上,花瓣很快收缩枯萎,可在花瓣消散后,身后的少女也在原地消失。 The sword light falls together suddenly, crashes into the gold metallurgy person middle of occasionally directly, the instantaneous several people were cut to fly occasionally, the body was torn the gap by the sword light. 一道剑光骤然落下,直接坠入炼金人偶的中间,瞬间几具人偶被斩飞出去,身体被剑光撕裂出缺口。 Elisha appears after these gold metallurgy person center of occasionally, the bitter experience besieges again, but battle qi of young girl actually erupts the legend under some strength stimulation of movement the strength, is Elisha is not battle qi to erupt the terrifying the strength, the shape unceasing transformation, the after flame sword of rupturing cuts, in the young girl hand the long sword erupts royal purple thunder and lightning crazy developing. 艾丽莎出现在那些炼金人偶的中央后,再度遭遇围攻,可是少女的斗气却在某种力量催动下爆发出传奇的战力,属于艾丽莎的无属斗气爆发出恐怖的力量,形态不断的转变,爆裂的火焰剑斩出后,少女手中长剑又是爆发出蓝紫色的雷电疯狂的滋长。 A sword cuts, not scolded the thunder also to pound down, flew several gold metallurgy person bang occasionally. 一剑斩出,无数落雷随之砸下,又将数具炼金人偶轰飞。 Very powerful......” “好强……” Hill is controlling these person occasionally rapid random walks in Elisha's side, the space that but above the vine can fight is too small, these people start to draw support occasionally belay wander around Elisha, was very difficult to find the perfect jointly attacking opportunity. 希尔操控着那些人偶飞速的游走在艾丽莎的身边,但是藤蔓之上能够战斗的空间太小,那些人偶都开始借助套索在艾丽莎周围游荡,很难找到完美的合击机会。 Elisha's strength extremely in the astonishment, he clearly records the answer month ago, he sufficiently suppresses the young girl all actions, but present he, without these gold metallurgy people harasses the young girl occasionally, facing on, probably less than one minute of body several holes. 艾丽莎的实力太过于惊人,他分明记得数个月之前,他一人就足以压制住少女所有的行动,但现在的他,若是没有那些炼金人偶去骚扰少女,正面对上的话,大概不到一分钟时间身体就会多出几个窟窿。 The rise of young girl strength made him think another killed to put on the anomaly of imperial capital, obviously we are all human beings, but after why these people met each time , the rise of strength made him feel the time of recently meeting was not several months ago , but was dozens years ago was the same. 少女实力的提升让他不禁想到了另一个杀穿帝都的变态,明明大家都是人,可为什么这些人每次见面后实力的上升都让他觉得前次见面的时间不是几个月前而是几十年前一样。 One minute, almost empties all strengths that I controlled, these gold metallurgy people are used to cope with this rank occasionally the strength, is really insufficient.” “一分钟的时间,就差不多清空了我控制的所有战力,这些炼金人偶用来对付这种级别的战力,果然还是不够用啊。” Young girl who at this time looks at that side female martial Shenban, Hill's expression is getting more and more ugly, felt that Rance gave himself a cheating duty, present Elisha, is Rance copes personally somewhat is unbearable. 此时看着那边女武神般的少女,希尔的表情越来越难看,感觉兰斯给了自己一个坑人的任务,现在的艾丽莎,就是兰斯亲自来对付都有些够呛。 Sir Rance is because is not willing to be punched by own daughter is too miserable, therefore gives me and tea with milk this duty?” “兰斯大人是因为不愿意被自己女儿揍的太惨,所以才把这个任务交给我和奶茶吗?” In Hill heart cannot bear the unstated criticism. 希尔心中忍不住腹诽。 But at this moment, in Hill's heart suddenly one cold, feels own young girl aura locking by not far away. 可就在这时,希尔的心中忽然的一凛,感觉到自己的被不远处的少女的气息锁定。 The next second, Hill jumps down the vine without hesitation, to falling, the radiant sword light almost scratches his head to cut from the sky together. 下一秒,希尔毫不犹豫跳下藤蔓,向下坠去,一道璀璨剑光几乎擦着他的脑袋从上空斩过。 A Elisha sword wields, all cuts two sections the remaining gold metallurgy people occasionally, then locks Chille that leaps from the vine, the young girl jumps to leap similarly, chased down toward Chille. 艾丽莎一剑挥出,将剩下的炼金人偶悉数斩成两截,然后锁定从藤蔓上跃下的希尔,少女同样纵身跃出,向着希尔追杀了过去。 Looks at Elisha's form even more to be close, Hill's expression actually very tranquil. 望着艾丽莎的身影愈发接近,希尔的表情却是十分的平静。 Elisha, you forgot who probably your true opponent was!” “小艾丽莎,妳好像忘记妳真正的对手是谁了!” At this moment, the clear sound resounds: 就在这时,清脆的声音响起: „The present is my round!” “现在是我的回合!” The tea with milk when Hill attracts the attention has broken out of the fetter successfully, after young girl difficulty-relief, quick forgot the experience that oneself made a moment ago, jumped, her both hands racket, in the midair two emerald green law launch, finds out two giant wooden palms from inside, pats toward Elisha, imposing manner incomparable vast. 奶茶在希尔吸引注意力的时候已经成功摆脱束缚,少女脱困后很快就忘记了自己刚才作死的经历,重新跳了起来,她双手一拍,半空中两道翠绿法阵展开,从里面探出两只巨大的木质手掌,向着艾丽莎拍去,气势无比的浩大。 Before two giant palms close up, in the Elisha hand the long sword ascends the scalding hot flame light. 然而在两只巨大的手掌合拢之前,艾丽莎手中长剑升腾起灼热的焰光。 The flame sword light just like the ring to promote, deeply cuts into two giant wooden palms, breaks into the palm internal flame agitated combustion, fired the ashes the great hand that the tea with milk summoned unexpectedly in a flash. 火焰剑光犹如圆环般推出,深深切入两只巨大的木质手掌之中,破入手掌内部的火焰汹汹燃烧,竟然在转瞬间将奶茶召唤出来的巨手烧成了灰烬。 Ha!” “呜啊!” Own attack by Elisha relaxed eradication, being made the tea with milk be startled. 自己的攻击被艾丽莎轻松的破除,让奶茶吃了一惊。 Hurries, stimulates to movement the magic again, but this time Elisha has run out from the flame, plunges at a quicker speed is still tenesmusing Hill. 慌忙之间,再次催动魔法,可这时的艾丽莎已经从火焰中冲出,以更快的速度扑向还在下坠中的希尔。 Sees this Hill complexion to change finally. 见此希尔面色终于变化。 He should know that early tea with milk that fool is far-fetched! 他早该知道奶茶那个笨蛋一点都不靠谱! A sword that before the body was punctured by Elisha passes through, Hill behind, the empty shadow of demon god appears, after the demon supernatural power integrates his body, Hill receives a Elisha's sword forcefully. 在身体被艾丽莎刺出的一剑贯穿之前,希尔的身后,魔神的虚影浮现,魔神力融入他的身体后,希尔硬生生的接下艾丽莎的一剑。 Body pierced at the same time, his body seems like the refraction the same as have the distortion, after empty, suddenly like shatter bubble dissipation. 身体被刺穿的同时,他的身体像是折射一样发生扭曲,在虚化过后,忽然的如同破碎的泡沫般消散。 Close call......” “好险……” The side of tea with milk, Hill's side reappearing again. 奶茶的身边,希尔的身边重新的浮现。 However as soon as he appears, grabs the tea with milk the hood, dragging the young girl to turn around to run. 不过他一出现,就抓着奶茶的兜帽,拖着少女转身就跑。 Elisha returns to the body to chase down two people, tea with milk was being towed by Hill in in the air like flag high and low swinging, while suppresses this to sit the roller coaster equally nausea and joyful experience probably , to continue to start own magic. 艾丽莎返身追杀两人,奶茶一边被希尔拖着在空中如旗帜般上下摆动,一边强忍着这像是坐过山车一样恶心又快乐的体验,继续发动自己的魔法。 Rumbling!” “轰轰轰!” Elisha pursues, ground unceasing has a magic formation, intercepts her. 艾丽莎追击的时候,地面不断的有魔法阵成型,对她进行拦截。 The magic of this tea with milk use is the type of summon, summoned also to delay the special lifeform of time, such as the coronal mushroom of emitting strange mucus, will excel at the devil Fujiyuki class thing that tied up. 这次奶茶动用的魔法全是召唤的类型,召唤出来的也都是为了拖延时间的特殊生物,诸如会喷吐奇怪黏液的冠状蘑菇,擅长捆绑的魔鬼藤之类的东西。 After some time, the tea with milk stopped the release magic suddenly. 只是一段时间后,奶茶突然停下了释放魔法。 Hill! Has a good news I to tell you.” “希尔!有个好消息我要告诉你。” What!” “什么!” Hill drags the tea with milk to be tired out from the press, is gasping for breath to ask. 希尔拖着奶茶疲于奔命,喘着气问道。 I did not have the charm quickly!” “我快没魔力了!” The tea with milk said. 奶茶说道。 Hill: „????” 希尔:“????” What good news this calculates!! 这算哪门子好消息啊!! Hill wants to throw the young girl on the ground punches. 希尔很想把少女丢在地上揍一顿。 But feels killing intent that behind approaches unceasingly, his a half second does not dare to stop. 可是感受到背后不断逼近的杀意,他半秒都不敢停下来。 But the drug efficacy must display to affect, you must seize the opportunity well.” But at this moment, the tea with milk supplemented one “但是药效也要发挥作用了,你要好好抓住机会。”而就在这时,奶茶又补充了一句 You can only say the final key point!” “妳能只说最后的重点吗!” Hill gets angry said that but also stopped the footsteps, after the tea with milk loses to, turns around to welcome to Elisha, in his hands appears a metal lance, the tip of lance covers entirely the charm the mark to wind. 希尔怒道,但同时也停下了脚步,将奶茶丢到一边后,转身迎向艾丽莎,在他的手中浮现一根金属长矛,长矛的尖端布满魔力的纹络。 Previously in view of Elisha's control, to delay let the pink smog display function, in these smog had the special strength, can let person short absent-minded of inspiration, at this time on Elisha's face the fair cheek brings flushed slightly, this inhaled the proof of that smog. 先前针对艾丽莎的控制,都是为了拖延让粉红色的烟雾发挥作用,那些烟雾中有特殊的力量,可以让吸入的人短暂的恍惚,此时艾丽莎的脸上白皙的脸蛋带着略微的潮红,这是吸入了那烟雾的证明。 However the stronger person resistance is stronger, Hill has calculated, in view of Elisha, the time of that pink smog display function is less than one second. 不过越强的人抗性越强,希尔计算过,针对艾丽莎,那粉色烟雾发挥作用的时间不到一秒。 But time of breath, still enough decides a victory and defeat of fight even. 可就算是一个呼吸的时间,也足够决定一场战斗的胜负。 Moreover their duties do not beat Elisha. Looks two people who stop, Elisha has not thought, is not battle qi the eruption, the body such as the remnant shadow is vanishing same place. 而且他们的任务也并非是击败艾丽莎。看着停下的两人,艾丽莎并没有多想,无属斗气爆发,身体如残影般在原地消失。 Hill pupil shrinks, the speed that the young girl erupts exceeds his imagination. 希尔瞳孔一缩,少女爆发的速度超出他的想象。 However at this moment, the body of young girl staggers suddenly. 然而就在这时,少女的身体突然趔趄一下。 The difference that Hill catches Elisha, the metal lance throws fiercely toward the young girl, charm trace that above proliferates in throwing flickers by complete lightening, the ray of charm seems burnt, this is Chille acts according to the gold metallurgy technology of goblin clan, makes lance that the charm invalid ability transforms, can be used in the one-off eradication magic. 希尔捕捉到艾丽莎的异样,金属长矛猛地向着少女掷去,其上遍布的魔力纹路在投掷的一瞬被完全的点亮,魔力的光芒仿佛在燃烧,这是希尔根据地精族的炼金技术,制造出魔力无效化能力改造的长矛,可以用于一次性的破除魔法。 The broken demon lance that he projects aims is the ban or some will brand mark that on Elisha attaches controls her body, that is to their real threats. 他射出的这根破魔长矛针对的就是艾丽莎身上附着的禁制或者某个控制她身体的意志烙印,那才是对他们的真正威胁。 Before planning this attack, Rance through the information of demon empathize, very clear oneself daughter by some existence with the special method control, this lance is he makes Hill prepare specially, to eradicate the opposite party keeps Elisha control method. 在计划这次袭击前,兰斯通过魔神会的情报,很清楚自己的女儿是被某种存在用特殊的方法控制,这根长矛就是他专门让希尔准备的,为了破除对方留在艾丽莎身上的控制手段。 The lance of metal after inside technique starts decomposes directly, finally only then the nihility blue ray penetrates Elisha's body. 金属的长矛在里面的术式发动后直接裂解,最后只有虚无蓝色的光芒穿透艾丽莎的身体。 But is flickered, Elisha who that special technique penetrates was actually startled suddenly in same place, in the eye appeared struggled with the vacant color, however was also at this time, originally some consciousness of deep sleep in young girl shadow...... also induced anything probably, the consciousness resurgence of part. 而在被那特殊术式穿透的一瞬,艾丽莎却是突然怔在了原地,眼中浮现了挣扎和茫然之色,然而也是这时,本来沉睡在少女影子中的某个意识……也像是感应到了什么,部分的意识重新的复苏。 Quick Elisha partly kneels on the ground, somewhat painful is covering own head, was reappeared by the close memory in the brain of young girl. 很快艾丽莎半跪在地上,有些痛苦的捂着自己的脑袋,被封闭的记忆重新浮现在少女的脑中。 Hill and tea with milk notice Elisha's unusuality, naturally cannot let go this precious opportunity., 希尔和奶茶注意到艾丽莎的异常,自然不会放弃这珍贵的机会。、 This time really caught you!” “这次真的抓到妳了!” The next second, the tea with milk starts the magic again, summoned the giant food person to be colored, in Elisha has not conducted in any situation of resistance, eats big mouth that the person flower split easily to swallow her one, eating in the person flower full was the mucilage paralysis can make Elisha fall into the deep sleep. 下一秒,奶茶再次发动魔法,召唤出巨大的食人花,在艾丽莎没有进行任何反抗的情况下,食人花裂开的大嘴轻易将她一口吞下,食人花里面满是麻痹的粘液会让艾丽莎陷入沉睡。 Tea with milk, informs Sir Rance, prepares to retreat.” “奶茶,通知兰斯大人,准备撤退。” Hill sees this long to put out the one breath finally, prepares to make the tea with milk lead the food person to spend to evacuate together, although the process incomparable ups and downs, are almost surrounded by perils, but ultimately completed to Elisha's capture. 希尔见此终于长长吐出一口气,准备让奶茶带着食人花一同撤离,虽然过程无比的曲折,几乎险象环生,但最后还是完成了对艾丽莎的捕获。 Hill is very clear they here fight, will definitely bring to the attention of other elves, in fact he sets the informer in surrounding had detected that has many powerful aura to be close, and tries to block this region, encircles them in inside. 希尔很清楚他们在这边的战斗,肯定会引起其他精灵的注意,事实上他设置在外围的眼线已经察觉到有不少强大的气息正在接近,并且试图封锁这片区域,将他们围在里面。 I knew!” The tea with milk puts out communication rune/symbol writing constantly, her charm almost consumes cleanly, does not want to continue to fight. “我知道了!”奶茶慌不迭地拿出通讯符文,她的魔力几乎消耗干净,可不想继续战斗下去了。 But words saying, two people noticed the top of the head sky wipes the light beam to sparkle to fly, bang , a form pounds down in their sides ruthlessly. 可话才说完,两人就看到头顶天空一抹光束闪耀着飞来,“轰”的一声过后,一个身影在他们的身边狠狠砸下。 „......” “……” In mist and dust that raises, Hill and tea with milk look Rance who in the ground human form pothole crawls fell into the short delay. 扬起的烟尘之中,希尔和奶茶看着地面人形坑洞中爬起的兰斯陷入了短暂的呆滞。 Worthily is Sir Rance, I have not informed you, you came.” “不愧是兰斯大人,我还没有通知你,你就过来了。” But after a while, the tea with milk responded, looks man cheerful saying of crawls. 可过了一会,奶茶就反应了过来,看着爬起来的男人乐呵呵的说道。 „????” “????” Expression gloomy Rance is doing intentionally calm standing up, may after hearing the tea with milk words has almost not borne a blood spit, felt that own chest was inserted a blade ruthlessly. 表情阴沉的兰斯正故作镇定的站起,可在听到奶茶的话后差点没忍住一口血吐出来,感觉自己的心口被狠狠插了一刀。 Especially the girl does not have an eyesight, this is he wants to come! 特么的这丫头就没有一点眼力吗,这是他想过来的吗! ... 。。。 The princess connects this redundant card to change the setting of fragment really to be a long story...... 公主连接这个重复卡变碎片的设定真是一言难尽…… Especially cannot bring a rise star directly, pulls out to repeating the three stars mentality avalanche. 特么的就不能直接拿来升星吗,抽到重复三星心态雪崩。
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