MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#42: Chaotic war

„......” “……” This also really came!” “这还真来了!” Realized when this combination possibly is the squad that Rance leads, Loren guessed correctly that Rance possibly hidden in the nearby. At this time appears the sensation to the aura of that demon supernatural power, Loren corners of the mouth pull out. 意识到这组合可能是兰斯带领的小队之时,洛伦就猜到兰斯可能就隐藏在附近。此时感知到那魔神力的气息浮现,洛伦嘴角就是微抽。 He also noticed, Elisha becomes that princess's guard, therefore planned that took Elisha while this opportunity by force?” “他也注意到了吗,艾丽莎成为了那位公主的护卫,所以打算趁这个机会将艾丽莎强行带走?” But determined Rance's existence, goal that Loren almost realizes his attack. 而确定了兰斯的存在,洛伦差不多意识到他这次袭击的目的。 Looking at it like this, hidden in that side fellow, waits for Elisha's trap specially.” “这样看来,隐藏在那边的家伙,就是专门等待艾丽莎的陷阱吧。” After Loren locked the source of charm silk thread, has not begun, on the one hand wants to delimit the water to see a play, on the other hand is he discovered that the opposite party has no idea of hidden, exposes own position, seems tempting them to pass. 洛伦锁定了魔力丝线的来源后没有动手,一方面是想划水看戏,另一方面是他发现对方没有任何隐藏的想法,暴露出自己的位置,仿佛是在引诱他们过去。 But Rance's idea basically must fail, he underestimated Elisha's strength, underestimated in the carriage the seemingly harmless Xueli's strength. 可是兰斯的想法基本上是要落空了,他低估了艾丽莎的战力,也低估了马车中看似无害的雪莉的战力。 Princess Shirley dares to send out the moon/month hunting army that oneself control to monitor others in this situation, is because she has enough confidence to oneself strength, or grasps some type of powerful card in a hand. 雪莉公主敢在这种情形下派出自己掌握的月狩部队去监视其他人,也是因为她对自己的实力有足够的信心,或者是掌握某种强大的底牌。 Read and hence, Loren was somewhat disconsolate, Bailey had previously demonstrated the strength of holy blood, that was the mighty force above rule, moreover received in addition of this world to hold, in the god, not to mention, that princess's grasping to holy blood only will be nearly stronger. 念及至此,洛伦有些惆怅,先前贝莉尔展示过圣血的力量,那是规则之上的伟力,而且受到这个世界的加持,近乎于神,更不用说,那位公主对圣血的掌握只会更强。 If Rance assembles these legendary the strengths to come, but also possibly some opportunities, but now...... 如果兰斯集结那些传奇的力量过来,还可能有些机会,但是现在嘛…… Again the sensation to existences of other legends, in Loren heart is almost not clear, Rance this attack is unlikely the order of demon empathize, possibly is he himself acts arbitrarily. 没再感知到其他传奇的存在,洛伦心中差不多清楚,兰斯这次的袭击不大可能是魔神会的命令,更可能是他自己擅自的行动。 If he sits by and does nothing, Rance is very possible to for his impulsion pay the price. 如果他坐视不管,兰斯很可能要为他的冲动付出代价。 Naturally, even if Rance really has the means to carry off Elisha, Loren is impossible to make him succeed, once Elisha falls in the hand of fascinated empathize, to him threatens is bigger. 当然,就算兰斯真有办法将艾丽莎带走,洛伦也不可能让他成功,艾丽莎一旦落入魔神会的手中,对他而言威胁更大。 Considers as finished...... compared with by half dead that others punch, I intended to punch half dead to be good him on own initiative, at least I had the discretion.” “算了……比起被别人揍的半死,还是我主动出手将他揍个半死好了,至少我更加有分寸。” Loren vision twinkle, decides to meddle. 洛伦目光闪烁,打定主意插手。 He still remembers also several months ago, Rance has also looked for his trouble on own initiative, installed compelling of fist before him, this enmity he was very long, did not have opportunity repayment. 他还记得还几个月之前,兰斯还主动来找过他的麻烦,在他面前装了一拳之逼,这个仇他记了很久,一直没机会“报答”。 But at this time, in the battlefield, the accident came up in great numbers and from all sides. 而在这时,战场之中,变故横生。 Facing the ambush of elf magic, Elisha cuts several swords light/only, cuts off the round number truncation these vines, but when Elisha steps on a vine catches up to leap again forward, suddenly, her side to falling the sturdy vine blasts open! 面对精灵魔法的埋伏,艾丽莎斩出数道剑光,将那些藤蔓斩断成数截,可就在艾丽莎踩在其中一条藤蔓发力再度向前跃去之时,忽然之间,她身边向下坠去的粗壮藤蔓纷纷炸裂开来! In a flash, the green silk threads of innumerable fine lace pull out from the vine leave, the spider's silk that as if puts out is the same, toward Elisha's body package, Elisha wields a sword to cut rapidly again, however these silk threads have become extremely soft, and is resilient, but cut off part, another part of tied down her body quickly, probably a big cocoon packages Elisha in inside. 一瞬间,无数细线的绿色丝线从藤蔓中抽离,仿佛吐出的蛛丝一样,迅速向着艾丽莎的身体包裹,艾丽莎挥剑再斩,然而那些丝线却具变得极度的柔软且具有韧性,只是被斩断了一部分,另一部分很快的缠住了她的身体,像是一个大茧般将艾丽莎包裹在里面。 Caught you ~!?” “抓到妳了~!?” The green big cocoon was hung by the green silk threads of innumerable extending in the midair, simultaneously on that green silk thread starts to grow like the loudspeaker same flowers, emits the innumerable pink smog unceasing spreads from inside. 绿色的大茧被无数延伸的绿色丝线吊在了半空之中,同时那绿色的丝线上开始长出一朵朵如同喇叭一样的花朵,从里面喷吐出无数粉红色的烟雾不断的蔓延。 In underground crowd, a slender form that is throwing over the cape is jumping for joy jumping, is close toward the green big cocoon rapidly, jumping time, the young girl golden double ponytail as if tassels of same flutter with the wind. 在地下的人群之中,一个披着斗篷的纤细身影更是雀跃着跳起,迅速向着绿色的大茧接近,跃起的时候,少女金色的双马尾仿佛流苏一样随风飘荡。 Meanwhile, Xueli in carriage suddenly is pressed the brow, sky over the street, suddenly the huge shadows are close, the back is similar to a night of owlet to open the pair of wings, the giant shadow gradually covers the entire street. 于此同时,马车中的雪莉忽然蹙起眉头,街道上空,忽然有一道巨大黑影接近,背后如同夜枭般撑开双翼,巨大的影子逐渐覆盖整个街道。 But when Xueli was considering the when strength of transfer holy blood, Bailey was actually puts out a hand to hold her hand operated shaking the head, Xueli was startled, outside thump a sound got up, the carriage swayed fiercely, later a form jumped onto the sky interception directly. 可在雪莉考虑着调用圣血的力量之时,贝莉尔却是伸手抓住她的手摇了摇头,雪莉微怔的时候,外面“咚”的一声响起,马车剧烈的摇晃了一下,随后一个身影直接跃上了天空拦截。 Flies Rance in midair to look below speedy approach person's shadow, in the eye is flashing through unusual look, but on the quick face is reveals to sneer, detected that the strength of opponent is not strong, but he does not want to lose the time, within the body demon supernatural power thunders a shake, injects into within the body crazily, his within the body abyss battle qi ebullition, packages the whole body, as if a meteorite of combustion jet black flame falls, imposing manner incomparable terrifying. 飞在半空的兰斯望着下方迅速接近的人影,眼中闪过一丝异色,但很快脸上就是露出冷笑,察觉到对手的力量并不算强大,可他也不想耽误时间,体内魔神力轰鸣一声震荡,疯狂注入自己体内,他体内深渊斗气沸腾,包裹自己全身,仿佛一颗燃烧漆黑火焰的陨石坠下,气势无比恐怖。 Two forms pull closer in the midair in a flash, Rance's expression suddenly changes, because of strength eruption of suddenly Loren within the body restraining, the flash stars brilliance just like tidal covers the midair, Loren's imposing manner twinkling rises to a terrifying position, making Rance be caught off guard! 两道身影在半空转瞬拉近,兰斯的表情蓦然一变,因为洛伦体内收敛的力量忽然的爆发,一瞬间星辰般的光辉犹如潮水般覆盖半空,洛伦的气势瞬息攀升到一种恐怖的境地,让兰斯措手不及! Bang a loud sound, in the midair the invisible impact shakes the scattered clouds level, the form packages the black flame rapid from in the air to crash together, pounds into the street ruthlessly, the ground was shattered, crushed stone splash, even the street two sides constructions the part in the impact crack. “轰”的一声巨响,半空中无形的冲击震散云层,一道身影包裹着黑焰迅速从空中坠落,狠狠砸入街道之中,地面破碎,碎石飞溅,甚至街道两边的建筑都在冲击中部分崩裂。 Is he!?” “是他!?” Since Rance crawls from the pothole of ground, adjusts the aura, the expression on face is actually some cannot believe that although he previously really obtained the information, said that boy named Luke turned to the elf, but sees Loren truly time, he is shocked unavoidably, naturally made him shock, strength that Loren displayed. 兰斯从地面的坑洞爬起,调整好自身气息,脸上的表情却是有些不敢相信,虽然他先前的确得到了情报,说那个叫做卢克的小子投靠了精灵,但真正看到洛伦的时候,他还是难免震惊,当然更令他震惊的,还是洛伦展现出的力量。 Moreover the one who made him somewhat angry was, this fellow launched the attack time, but also restrained the aura intentionally, in finally, sudden eruption, incomparable sinister. 而且令他有些气恼的是,这个家伙发动攻击的时候,还故意收敛了气息,在最后的时候,才突然的爆发,无比的阴险。 Rance vision is gloomy, but the jet black mark of abyss battle qi social climbing on him winds actually gradually to become incomparable congealing to be solid, Loren that strikes indeed the powerful force, but most strengths were transformed by his special battle qi absorption, was transformed own strength by him. 兰斯目光阴沉,不过深渊斗气攀附在他身上的漆黑纹络却是逐渐变得无比的凝实起来,洛伦的那一击的确威力强大,但是大部分力量都被他特殊的斗气吸收转化,被他转化成了自己的力量。 Rance guaranteed, if the fellow dares to be close to itself again, his next one strikes will give that boy to be pleasantly surprised absolutely. 兰斯保证,那家伙如果再敢接近自己,他的下一击绝对会给那小子惊喜。 That form in Rance's indifferent staring midair in mist and dust, waits for Loren to be close again, however Loren is looking under Rance, thinking after slightly, was actually lifts the hand to condense a long bow...... 兰斯在烟尘中漠然的凝望半空中的那身影,等着洛伦再次接近,然而洛伦望着底下的兰斯,稍微的思索后,却是抬手凝聚了一柄长弓…… He previously also had with Rance has hit, naturally knows that Rance has one move to eat the most ruthless shrivelled style by most ruthless hitting. 他先前又不是没和兰斯打过,自然知道兰斯有一招挨最狠的打吃最狠的瘪的招式。 Moreover several months do not see, Loren also discovered before...... Rance, became more powerful . Moreover, Rance behind the empty shadow of demon god, gave the feeling that he in one vague real demon god arrived. 而且几个月时间不见,洛伦也发现……兰斯比以前也变得更加强大了,而且,兰斯身后魔神的虚影,也给他一中若有若无真实魔神降临的感觉。 This fellow, is hiding some type of card in a hand, therefore had confidence that prepares this attack? 这家伙,也隐藏着某种底牌,所以才有把握准备这场袭击吗? In the brain is thinking these, Loren has given up the use day honoring battle qi with the plan that Rance meets the tough head-on with toughness, his day honored battle qi is too weak, Loren does not think and Rance fought hand-to-hand the exchange time suddenly turned over, distant shot to turn Rance is more comfortable. 脑中想着这些,洛伦已然放弃了使用天崇斗气和兰斯硬碰硬的打算,他的天崇斗气还是太弱了,洛伦可不想自己和兰斯肉搏交流的时候突然翻车,远远的将兰斯射翻更加舒坦。 Moreover in some meaning is working as the fight of Elisha surface, Loren cannot guarantee that Elisha will not recall all these in the future, oneself must give Rance slightly some faces. 而且这某种意思上还是当着艾丽莎面的战斗,洛伦不敢保证艾丽莎日后不会记起这一切,自己还是稍微要给兰斯一些面子的。 Therefore soon, is ready in the ground, sneers was seeing that the midair that waits for Loren to be close wipes the mist and dust that the radiant light beam tore that to fly upwards, shot loudly to him. 于是不久之后,正在地上蓄势待发,冷笑着等着洛伦接近的就看到半空一抹璀璨光束撕裂了那飞扬的烟尘,轰然向他射来。 Rance: „?????” 兰斯:“?????” .... 。。。。 Loren keeps off Rance at the same time, another side tea with milk also in fast is close to Elisha, present she from has most started to enter this world is not moderate to restore. 洛伦挡下兰斯的同时,另外一边的奶茶也在飞快的向艾丽莎接近,现在的她已经从最开始进入这个世界的不适中恢复了过来。 The duty of tea with milk is when Rance and these gold metallurgy soldiers constrain others, coordinating Hill together, to carry off Elisha as soon as possible. 奶茶的任务是在兰斯和那些炼金士兵拖住其他人的时候,配合希尔一起,尽快将艾丽莎带走。 At this time binds Elisha's magic, she prepared for a long time trap here, these elf magic summon plants are also the variation plants that she studies to expedite, has various strange characteristics. 此时绑缚艾丽莎的魔法,正是她在这边准备了许久的陷阱,这些精灵魔法召唤植物也都是她研究催生的变异植物,拥有各种诡异的特性。 Elisha, in a big hurry to elder sister pot in ~ “小艾丽莎,快快到姐姐锅里来~” Like this shouting, on the face of tea with milk showed the smile, if can hold Elisha, Sir Rance to her rich reward, seemingly callous silent Rance, will definitely look after to her. 这样喊着,奶茶的脸上露出了笑容,如果能够抓住艾丽莎,兰斯大人肯定会给她丰厚的奖赏,看似冷酷沉默的兰斯,对她十分的照顾。 Perhaps Sir Rance one was happy, but also is willing to coordinate her to perform some experiments. 说不定兰斯大人一高兴了,还愿意配合她做一些试验。 But is stepping on a vine that drills from the ground in the tea with milk, when wears the unusual mask to penetrate these pink smog to be close toward the green big cocoon. 可就在奶茶踩着一根从地面钻出的藤蔓,戴着奇特的面罩穿透那些粉红色的烟雾向着绿色的大茧接近之时。 „.” “诶。” emerald-green law that in the midair, launches suddenly, lets vacant of young girl whole face. 半空中,突然展开的翠绿色法阵,却是让少女满脸的茫然。 Next second, but also without and other tea with milk responded, drilled tenacious vines that to tie down her both hands both feet from that law suddenly, hung by a very ashamed posture her in in the air. 下一秒,还没等奶茶反应过来,从那法阵中突然钻出的一根根坚韧的藤蔓就将缠住了她的双手双脚,将她以一个十分羞耻的姿势吊在了空中。 „!!” “诶诶诶诶!!” The tea with milk makes the startled sound, clamps the both legs is not exposed by oneself diligently. 奶茶发出惊慌的声音,努力夹着双腿不让自己走光。 Her top of the head, in wrapped green big cocoon, the innumerable sharp projecting edges spend from inside to outside, finally formed the spheroid that a giant iron thorn wrapped to break open the big cocoon. 她的头顶,被包裹的绿色大茧之中,无数尖锐的铁刺由内向外破出,最后形成一个巨大的铁荆棘包裹的球体破开了大茧。 After breaking open the great cocoon, was wrapped by Jing bristles ball in inside Elisha relieved own magic, with scattering of iron thorn, she falls on vine that in oneself summoned, toward was hung the tea with milk in midair to be close. 破开了巨茧后,被荆棘刺球包裹在里面的艾丽莎重新解除了自己的魔法,随着铁荆棘的散落,她落在了自己召唤的藤蔓上,向着被吊在半空中的奶茶接近。 Elisha was surrounded from the beginning intentionally, is waiting for walking into a trap of enemy. 艾丽莎一开始就是故意被困住,等着敌人的自投罗网。 Looks at Elisha's being close, the surrounded tea with milk is startled. 看着艾丽莎的接近,被困住的奶茶惊慌起来。 You, do not come, I am and you crack a joke, wū wū!” “妳,妳不要过来啊,我就是和妳开个玩笑,呜呜呜!” The tea with milk shows the startled expression, but her charm is to actually start to extend, invades in these vines. 奶茶露出惊慌的表情,可是她的魔力却是开始延伸,侵入那些藤蔓之中。 Elisha has not paid attention to calling out in alarm of tea with milk, her footsteps stop suddenly, looked to own behind, on her behind vine, a slender form emergence that is throwing over the jet black cape, that person of both hands fingertip clamped several metal blocks, the extreme speed is flinging toward Elisha. 艾丽莎没理会奶茶的惊叫,她的脚步突然停下,看向了自己的身后,在她身后的藤蔓上,一个披着漆黑斗篷的纤细身影出现,那人双手指尖夹着数枚金属方块,极速向着艾丽莎甩出。 Elisha cuts the sword light to plunder together to the block that these fly to shoot, these metal blocks complete the circumvention in the midair, simultaneously „” rapid disintegration, from the block, the innumerable flesh silk threads spreads, the rapid group constitutes the powerful gold metallurgy soldiers to kill toward Elisha. 艾丽莎斩出一道剑光掠向那些飞射的方块,那些金属方块在半空中完成规避,同时“咔嚓咔嚓”迅速的解体,从方块之中,还有无数血肉丝线蔓延,迅速组构成一个个强大的炼金士兵向着艾丽莎杀去。 Moreover compares in besieging the people of these horse-drawn vehicles occasionally, these gold metallurgy soldiers obvious powerful, their forehead brand mark the jet black wing brand mark, the time within the body charm of start is turbulent, within the body poured into bloodlines that is the demon clan, even can communicate the strength of demon god, although extremely small part, but gathers, the strength also does not allow to look down upon. 而且相较于围攻那些马车的人偶,这些炼金士兵显然的更加的强大,他们额头还烙印着漆黑的羽翼烙印,启动的时候体内魔力汹涌,体内注入了属于魔族的血脉,甚至可以沟通魔神的力量,虽然只是极其微小的一部分,但是聚集起来,力量同样不容小视。 .. 。。
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