MDKCBTC :: Volume #5

#37: Short hair maid?( Second)

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Therefore , you really bought this flower to come back with 100 gold coins.” “所以说,妳真的拿一百金币买了这这一篮花回来。” Loren looks tattered basket of flowers that la holds, inside is putting the flower started some wilting. 洛伦看着洛菈抱回来的破烂花篮,里面放着的花都开始有些萎蔫了。 The la dull wool looks like these flowers equally dejectedly is drooping, the wine red eye brings mist slightly, pours down to sob. 洛菈呆毛就像是那些花一样垂头丧气的耷拉着,酒红色的眼睛带着微微的水雾,泫然欲泣。 You also are really a fool.” “妳还真是个笨蛋啊。” Loren sighed, then put out a hand to rub la head gently, then used the clean class while convenient the magic, contaminated the skirt of dust to clean up la. 洛伦叹了口气,然后伸手轻轻揉了揉洛菈的脑袋,然后顺便用清洁类的魔法,把洛菈沾染了灰尘的裙子清理了一下。 I know that these flowers are not valuable, but I want to help her......” “我知道这些花不值钱,可我只是想帮她……” la low voice saying. 洛菈小声的说道。 Saw that girl a moment ago, she will cannot help but remember oneself have not bumped into the Elder Brother the time, every day hid here and there, will make dirty oneself, on the one hand to cover up own appearance, on the one hand did not have the means to be clean. 刚才看到那个女孩,她就不由得会想起自己还没有碰到哥哥的时候,每天都是东躲西藏,也会把自己弄得脏兮兮的,一方面是为了遮掩自己的容貌,一方面也是没有办法清洁。 At that time la hungry time, will pick up the bread that others did not want to eat, every day rolled up in the corner sleeps, even in the dream, she is still fleeing in all directions. 那个时候洛菈饿了的时候,甚至会捡起别人不要的面包吃掉,每天蜷缩在街角睡觉,就算是在梦中,她也是四处逃窜着。 On such every day cautious is trying to find out the advance in the darkness, does not know that own road ahead to where, only has the shadow that sees. 就那样每天小心翼翼的在黑暗中摸索着前进,根本不知道自己的前路通往何处,所见的只有阴影。 Completely no point dependence, seems like abandoned the fledgling near cliff, the top of the head is the dark dark cloud and storm, she in the cliff edge, creakies every day. 完全没有一点的依靠,就像是被遗弃在悬崖边的雏鸟,头顶是黑沉沉的乌云和风暴,她每天都在悬崖的边缘,摇摇欲坠。 Until bumped into Loren on that day, her drawing from the nightmare world. 直到那天碰到了洛伦,才将她从噩梦一般的世界中拉了出来。 After running into Loren, she can bind the warm wool blanket finally, no protection goes to sleep on the soft mattress, to afterward, can calm and steady resting in the arms of person, in oneself most trust. 遇到洛伦后,她终于可以裹着温暖的毛毯,毫无防备的在软软的床垫上入睡,到了后来,更是可以安稳的睡在自己最信任的人的怀抱中。 She can act like a spoiled brat to Loren, sometimes loses the small temper of round of fiendish person, some people cared, some people protect, moreover there are many friends. 她可以向洛伦撒娇,有时候发发魔王的小脾气,有人关心,有人保护,而且还有了很多的朋友。 The life in school, is very really happy, is very happy. 在学院里的生活,真的真的很幸福,也很开心。 Therefore in seeing a moment ago that demon clan girl, a person lonely wanders on the street, times were rejected, la cannot bear can think, if oneself have not bumped into the Elder Brother, should also be able to be this. 所以在看到刚才那个魔族女孩,一个人孤独的在街道上游荡,一次次被人拒绝的时候,洛菈就忍不住的会想,如果自己没有碰到哥哥的话,应该也会是这样吧。 She is more or less, can feel that girl's mood, this makes her also somewhat sad, therefore thought that...... should handle something in one's power. 她或多或少,都能感觉到女孩的心情,这让她也有些伤心,所以觉得……自己应该做些力所能及的事情。 I know that you want to help her.” Loren sighed: Money that but you give were too many. You do this, does not help her, but is harming her.” “我知道妳是想帮她。”洛伦叹了口气:“可是妳给的钱太多了。妳这样做,不是帮她,而是在害她。” „?” “啊?” Raising the head of la fear, somewhat looks at Loren puzzled. 洛菈不禁害怕的抬起头来,有些不解的看着洛伦。 Although la had not discovered, when that demon clan girls ran away a moment ago, Loren notices periphery to have many people, mixes directly in the crowd, passed with that girl. 虽然洛菈没有发现,但是在刚才那个魔族女孩跑掉的时候,洛伦就注意到周围有不少人,直接混在人群中,跟着那个女孩过去了。 You thought that by her ability, can preserve that 100 gold coins?” Loren looked at also somewhat dumbstruck la, said. “妳觉得以她的能力,能够保住那一百金币吗?”洛伦看了一眼还有些发懵的洛菈,说道。 la responded, hope looks at Loren saying: Elder Brother can you save her?” 紧接着洛菈才反应过来,祈求的看着洛伦说道:“哥哥你可以去救她吗?” Loren is calm and composed even in press of work sees own fool younger sister: You did not fear that I saved her, brings back to the family/home her? The short hair attribute also is very probably lovable.” 洛伦好整以暇的看着自己的笨蛋妹妹:“妳就不怕我救了她,把她也带回家吗?短发属性好像也挺可爱的。” la: „????” 洛菈:“????” Cracks a joke, even if I want to raise, still without so many energy attendances.” “开个玩笑,就算我想养,也没那么多精力照顾了吧。” Therefore you have not wanted to raise!” “所以你还不是想养!” la suffering saying. 洛菈委屈的说道。 Oneself do is insufficient, is the maid by wiping many, moreover every day that worked hard, the Elder Brother is unexpectedly dissatisfied, the man is really big pig's feet. 自己做的还不够好吗,又是女仆又是以抹多,而且每天都那么努力的工作了,哥哥竟然还不满足,男人果然都是大猪蹄子。 Did not say this, you first think that this time Dididaren serves, prepares many service tickets.” Loren's tranquil saying, did not blackmail la at this time, when treats. “不说这个,妳先想想这次的滴滴打人服务,准备出多少服务券吧。”洛伦平静的说道,这个时候不敲诈洛菈,更待何时。 ... 。。。 Another side, robbed the demon clan girls of 100 gold coin cards to sneak in the crowd from la there, wanted to leave from here a bit faster. 另外一边,从洛菈那里抢走了一百金币卡的魔族女孩早就钻进了人群之中,想要快点从这里离开。 That idiot...... really gave me 100 gold coins unexpectedly like this.” The girl also some cannot believe at this time at heart, she closely is gripping the gold coin card in hand, plants not the real feeling. “那个白痴……竟然真的就这样把一百金币给我了。”女孩此时心里还有些不敢相信,她紧紧的攥着手中的金币卡,还有种不真实的感觉。 However oneself push of that fellow, really does somewhat impulsed, if looked for trouble by the master of that fool is bad. 不过自己推那家伙的那一下,果然还是做的有些冲动了,要是被那个笨蛋的主人找麻烦就糟糕了。 Actually in the girl heart has to look down upon these committee bodies in the demon clan of human, even also some faint hatred. Her mother when she is young is missing, heard that is because cannot bear that life that following her father lives, but sold into servitude to these hateful human, was only left over her father person to pull to grow up her, depends upon makes the inexpensive labor force to earn the meager wage for human daily, because finally tired excessively, six months ago started to be ill in bed . Moreover the condition constantly deteriorated. 其实女孩心中是有看不起那些委身于人类的魔族的,甚至还隐隐有些痛恨。她的母亲在她小的时候就不见了踪影,听说就是因为受不了跟着她父亲过的那种生活,而去卖身给了那些可恶的人类,只剩下她的父亲一个人将她拉扯长大,依靠天天为人类做廉价的劳动力赚取微薄的薪水,结果因为劳累过度,在半年前就开始卧病在床,而且病情不断恶化。 Later the girl can only depend upon itself to earn some copper coin, supports that family/home. 之后女孩就只能依靠自己赚取些许铜币,养活那个家。 She has seen the indifference of this world, therefore oneself also start to this world becomes indifferent. 她已经见惯了这个世界的冷漠,所以自己也开始对这个世界变得冷漠。 However the girl rejoices now at heart only and gratitude is...... she before more than one month, bumps into that elder sister, making her life not that bad. 不过女孩现在心里唯一庆幸和感激的就是……她在一个月多前,碰到那个姐姐,让她的生活变得没有那么的糟糕。 If there are these 100 gold coins, father's condition can definitely improve much, did not need to make the elder sister help.” Girl silently is thinking, at this time in her heart, that 100 gold coins without doubt is life same existence. “如果有这一百金币的话,爸爸的状况肯定都能改善不少,也不用一直让姐姐帮忙了。”女孩默默的想着,此时在她心中,那一百金币已经无疑是自己性命一样的存在。 However at this time, the girl was also noticed behind with many tails, clenches teeth, traded a direction to proceed to run. 不过就在这个时候,女孩也是注意到了后面跟上来的不少尾巴,咬了咬牙,又是换了个方向往前跑去。 She naturally knows, oneself before has snatched that 100 gold coin cards time, some surroundings many people stared at her. However these 100 gold coins, are extremely to her important, even if risks neck, cannot discard. 她自然知道,自己之前抢过那一百金币卡的时候,周围就有不少人盯上了她。但是这一百金币,对她来说太过重要,就算冒着生命危险,也不能舍弃。 However soon, weak girl, was blocked by several people. 然而在不久之后,身单力薄的女孩,还是被几个人拦了下来。 Your this girl also really can run, probably the mouse is the same, skidding, our people are many, but also really cannot catch you.” “妳这丫头还真能跑的啊,像是老鼠一样,滑溜溜的,要不是我们人多,还真抓不到妳。” The girl escapes earnestly, suddenly was hit from side in the place, time when she crawls, periphery the discovery had been sphered by several people. 女孩埋头逃跑的时候,突然被人从旁边撞到在地,等到她爬起来的时候,就发现周围已经被几个人围住了。 You, you must make anything.” “你,你们要做什么。” The girl closely pinches that gold coin card, on the face is revealing the color of fear. 女孩紧紧的捏着那张金币卡,脸上流露出恐惧之色。 These pedestrians on street noticed that several appearance bad fellows encircle an demon clan in inside, basic on does not have any idea that wants to break through, instead many people are watching the fun at the same time. 街道上的那些行人看到几个模样不善的家伙将一个魔族围在里面,根本就没有任何想要解围的想法,反而有不少人在一边看着热闹。 That gold coin card that few idle talk, you deceived before where, hurries to hand over, otherwise without your good fruit to eat.” “少废话,之前妳骗来的那张金币卡在哪里,赶紧交出来,不然没妳好果子吃。” Is man impatient saying of head. 为首的男人不耐烦的说道。 That is not I deceives, is I sells the flower to trade.” Girl somewhat stubborn saying, eye socket slightly with tears. “那不是我骗来的,是我卖花换来的。”女孩有些倔强的说道,眼眶微微含泪。 On these tattered can also come 100 gold coins that you do sell? That worked as the pet the demon clan to be stupid, but we are not stupid.” The men were saying approaches toward girl's side. “就妳卖的那些破烂也能还来一百个金币?那个被人当宠物的魔族蠢,但是我们可不蠢。”男人说着就往女孩的身边靠近。 Looks by several people, girl's look grief and indignation, but also somewhat despairs. 看着靠过来的几人,女孩的眼神更加的悲愤,不过也有些绝望。 The surrounding person is watching critically. 周围的人都在冷眼旁观。 Really this world, because of existences of these human, becomes the incomparable distortion. 果然这个世界,因为这些人类的存在,变得无比的扭曲。 Such that only then the elder sister said probably, found that powerful fiendish person Sir, overthrows the rules of these human, we can control our destiny. 只有像是姐姐说的那样,找到那位强大的魔王大人,推翻这些人类的统治,我们才能重新掌握自己的命运。 However in not far away, loli of silver hair is pushing nearby black hair youngster who goes all out: How long Elder Brother you must look here, she had been stopped up.” 然而就在不远处,银发的萝莉正拼命的推着旁边的黑发少年:“哥哥你还要在这里看多久,她就已经被人堵住了。” I am only somewhat fondly remember......” “我只是有些怀念……” Loren at the same time is actually somewhat sigh with emotion saying. 洛伦在一边却是有些感慨的说道。 Time in a flash over the past several months.” “时间一晃就过去几个月了啊。” At that time you also gathered round by several people probably like this, initially looked at you small appearance only, cannot think completely can be the glutton in hidden unexpectedly. Moreover picks , and coal briquette is equally black.” “那个时候妳好像也是被几个人这样围着,当初看妳小小只的样子,完全想不到竟然会是个隐藏的吃货。而且捡回去的时候,也和煤球一样黑。” Loren is saying, la that side cheek is appears pink slightly, the top of the head staying wool somewhat soft is actually hanging, blows up the cheeks to look at Loren panting in indignation: ! I am not the coal briquette......” 洛伦说着,洛菈那边脸蛋却是浮现出微微的粉红,头顶呆毛有些软软的垂着,鼓起脸颊气呼呼的看着洛伦:“唔!我才不是煤球……” Yes, after washing to be clean, is very white.” Loren said with a smile. “是啊,洗干净后,挺白的。”洛伦笑道。 la hears here, the bashful whole face is crimson, cannot bear lift the small fist, knocked on Loren: Fool Elder Brother, you saves others quickly.” 洛菈听到这里,羞的满脸绯红,忍不住抬起小拳头,在洛伦身上敲了一下:“笨蛋哥哥,你快去救人啊。” Waits for......” “等一下……” Cannot wait again.” “不能再等了。” No, I want to say that did not seem to use me to rescue.” Loren said suddenly. “不,我是想说,好像不用我去救了。”洛伦突然说道。 Why?” la turns the head to look when the discovery does not know, that side situation had changed. “为什么?”洛菈转头看去,就发现不知道什么时候,那边的情况已经发生了变化。 That girl was encircled by several people as in the middle, when a man puts out a hand to grasp to her, the girl lowers the head to lift oneself both hands to keep off in oneself top of the head subconsciously. 那个女孩依旧是被几个人围在中间,在其中一个男人伸手抓向她的时候,女孩下意识的低头抬起自己的双手挡在自己的的头顶。 However that man cannot hold girl's hand to raise her, because when his hand extends half, suddenly had a person to keep off before girl's body. 不过那个男人并没能抓住女孩的手将她提起来,因为就在他的手伸到一半的时候,突然有个人挡在了女孩的身前。 That is a young girl of silver hair, wears the maid long skirt, in the hand is also holding one bag of bread, she stretches out a delicate palm, relaxed held the arm of man. 那是一个银发的少女,穿着女仆长裙,手中还抱着一袋面包,她伸出一只纤巧的手掌,轻松的就抓住了男人的手臂。 The wine red eye, has several points coldly, looks at that man. 酒红色的眼睛,带着几分冷冽的,看着那个男人。 „Who you...... you are......” “妳……妳是什么人……” That man was held the arm by the sudden demon clan young girls, wish of instinct works loose, but after the attempt discovered that own hand was grasped by the young girl firmly after the hand, he understands that this young girl is not definitely affable. 那个男人被突然出现的魔族少女抓住手臂,本能的想要挣脱,可是在尝试后发现自己的手被少女牢牢抓在手中后,他就明白这个少女肯定不好惹了。 What do you want to make a moment ago?” “你们刚才想做什么?” However the young girl asked back. 然而少女却是反问。 Elder Sister Evelyn!” “艾芙琳姐姐!” Has not waited for the man to reply, the girl of that side ground is actually joyful crawled, wants to throw to her side, but was worried oneself smear the skirt of young girl, therefore retracted the footsteps, is pursing the lips saying: These human want to steal my money a moment ago!” 没等男人回答,那边地上的女孩却是欣喜的爬了起来,想要扑到她身边,但又是担心自己把少女的裙子弄脏,于是缩回了脚步,抿着嘴说道:“这些人类刚才想抢我的钱!” Right?” “是吗?” How is, you are also others' maid, dares......!” That man finishes speaking, the arm kā bā, was twisted and broken by the young girl directly, called out pitifully to make noise. “是又怎么样,你不过也是别人的女仆,难道还敢……啊!”那个男人话音刚落,手臂就“咔吧”一声,被少女直接拧断,不禁惨叫出声。 Bastard, your dead woman really dares to begin unexpectedly, killed her!” Nearby several people saw that Evelyn so suppresses spicily, immediately gets angry from having, draws out the knife to rush over from the body. “混蛋,你这个死女人竟然真敢动手,杀了她!”旁边几人看到艾芙琳如此狠辣,顿时怒从心生,从身上拔出小刀就冲了过去。 These person also some background of battle qi, but insufficiently looked to Evelyn completely, the young girl lifts the big long leg to trample front man directly flies, then attacks facing several other people surreptitiously acts, only saw the shadow to glitter, that several overrunning man was striked to fly completely, wailed on the ground. 这几个人也有一些斗气的底子,但是对于艾芙琳来说就完全不够看,少女抬起大长腿直接将面前的男人踹飞,然后面对其他几人攻击诡魅般出手,只看到影子闪烁了一下,那几个冲过去的男人就全部被打飞了出去,在地上哀嚎了。 Good, is good to lead......” “好,好帅……” The fiendish people looked in the one side dull. 魔王在一旁看呆了。 My short hair maid did not have.” Loren also sighs with emotion. “我的短发女仆没了。”洛伦也感慨。 la: „?????” 洛菈:“?????”
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