Outsideweatherhas gotten dark, Lorenbroughtto eatlato arriveonehomefromMeishi Streetto eatto roast the skewer the shop. Said that is the shopactuallyalsooperates the open-airstallinMeishi Street, someLorenprevious generationin the flavor of roadsidethatmidnight snackbooth, makinghimsomewhatfondly remember, the planeatshere.
外面的天色已经黑了下来,洛伦带着从美食街吃了一圈的洛菈来到了一家吃烤串的小店。说是小店其实也就是开在美食街里的露天小摊,有些洛伦前世在路边那种夜宵摊的味道,让他有些怀念,就打算在这里吃一顿。Regardingeating, actuallyinsisted saying that bothpeoplehad no request, Lorenis accompanyingla, the roastingpotato of severalcopper coins can also eatwas very happy, naturallyusuallycanhavegoodeating, will not naturally put in great inconvenience to the reach of ordinary people that oneselfmusteatspecially, thatwas artificial.
对于吃的,其实硬要说起来,两个人都没什么要求,洛伦陪着洛菈,几个铜板的烤薯也能吃的很开心,当然平常能有好的吃,自然也不会特意去委屈自己一定要去吃的平民化,那就是矫情了。Lorenlooked, thought that the environmentis good, determinedheresolved the dinner, laate, butatewithhad not eatento be the same, butheonlytasted a point, strolled outside was very long, the bellysomewhatwas also hungry.
洛伦看了一圈,觉得环境还行,就确定了在这里解决晚餐,洛菈是吃了一路,但是吃了和没吃一样,而他则是只尝了一点,在外面逛了很久,肚子也有些饿了。ThinkshereLorensomeheadacheslooked atsky that starts the tarnish, originallyat this timeheshouldbecomfortablebubblecup of coffee, lies downtakes an demonmodel calligraphyto lookin the sofaseat of honor,lawill holdherdullnestinhisside, Lorenis studyingto readcantouchlaheadtired, thenmakes fun ofherseveralto relax.
想到这里洛伦还是有些头疼的看了一眼开始变暗的天空,本来这个时候他应该是舒舒服服的泡杯咖啡,躺在沙发上手中拿着一本魔法书看着,洛菈则是会抱着她的平板窝在他的身边,洛伦读书读累了就可以摸摸洛菈的脑袋,然后捉弄她几下放松心情。FinallybecauselovesLi'sreason, has tocome outto blow the cold windin the evening outside, the dormitorycannot go backtemporarily.
结果因为爱莉的原因,不得不在晚上出来在外面吹冷风,宿舍是暂时回不去了。Alsodoes not know that likesLithatoldSiJisolvingnot to have, for safety's sake, Lorendecidesto giveto love the Liagainmanypoints of time, eats longer the dinnerslightly. The sound of thatsilk threads, listensin the ear, likehaving a kittenhas lickedto resembleto result in the ear.
也不知道爱莉那个老司姬解决完没有,为了保险起见,洛伦决定还是给爱莉再多点时间,稍微把晚饭吃久一些。那丝丝缕缕的声音,听在耳朵里,就像有只小猫一直在耳边舔来舔去似得。Living that even ifhecandominate, butteaching people bad thingsstupidlawhat to do.
就算他能把持的住,但是教坏笨菈了怎么办。Lorenwas pondering some notime, lahas startedto glance over the menu.
洛伦思考着这些有的没的时候,洛菈已经开始浏览起菜单。Strolled outside was so long, laalsoforgotat this time before , the awkwardnessindormitory, shewore a prettyone-piece dress, takesmenu that the roughcardboardis making, is swaying the small feet, whilelist.
在外面逛了这么久,洛菈此时也是忘记了之前在宿舍里的尴尬,她穿着一身漂亮的连衣裙,拿着粗糙的纸板做的菜单,一边晃荡着小脚,一边点单。„Iwant this alsoto havethis.”
“我要这个这个还有这个。”lais pokingseveralcardboard, was sayingtonearbyboss.
洛菈戳着几张纸板,对着旁边的老板说道。„Little miss, youselecteda moment agowas too quick, Ihave not seen clearly, your again 0.1.”
The bossis a simple and honestperson, becausealthoughlawas the demonclanlooked atherseveraleyes, buthas not showntoo the detestingexpression, moreoverlooks atlaandLoren'swear, hewas also clear that two peoplestatuswere not the commoncivilians.
老板是个憨厚人,虽然因为洛菈是魔族多看了她几眼,但也没有露出太多嫌恶的表情,而且看着洛菈和洛伦的穿着,他也清楚两人的身份不是一般的平民。lablinks, said: „Good, Ipokedthesecardboarda moment ago.”
洛菈眨了眨眼睛,说道:“好吧,我刚才戳了这几张纸板。”lawas sayingpushes out the cardboard that oneself the pointarrived ata moment ago, unclesomevisitherstartled, does not know that what is this.
洛菈说着把自己刚才点到的纸板推了出去,大叔不禁有些愕然的看着她,不知道这是什么意思。„The things on thesecardboardItakeone.”
The unclesaidscruple: „Butthesethingweight/quantitywere too many, your two peoplecould not finish eating.”
大叔不禁迟疑道:“可是这些东西分量太多了,你们两个人吃不完吧。”„ButIhad not said that thisisboth of useats.”
The unclethenrelaxes: „Originallyyou have the friendto want......”
大叔这才松了口气:“原来你们还有朋友要过……”„ThisisI aloneeats!”
“这是我一个人吃的!”Finally the unclehas not said,laishappysaying.
结果大叔还没说完,洛菈又是高兴的说道。Uncle: „......”
大叔:“……”„Youfirstroastpartto deliver, weeat the frontier pointwhen the time comes.”When the unclewas somewhat frightened, Lorensays.
“你先烤一部分送上来吧,我们到时候边吃边点。”就在大叔有些被吓到的时候,洛伦开口说道。Thatunclethennods: „Ipreparenow, recentlyin the shopwas buyingsomebamboo rats, is the characteristics of ourshop, Iselectonefatdeliverstoyou, thesebamboo ratsare very attractive, roastingto eat to be fragrant.”
“那就这样吧!”ladid not refute, clevercomplied.
洛菈也不反驳,乖巧的答应下来。Whentwo peopleand othersroasted the skewer, laraised the headsuddenly, curioustowardLorenbehindlooks.
就在两人等烤串的时候,洛菈突然又是抬起头,好奇的往洛伦的身后看去。Lorennoticesla the line of sight, followinglooking at the past, saw a girl of silver-hairedshort hair, dirty, wore the tatteredskirt, loafedon the street, in the handis hanging a basket of flowers.
洛伦注意到洛菈的视线,顺着看过去,就看到一个银发短发的女孩,灰头土脸的,穿着破烂的裙子,在街上游荡,手上挂着一个花篮。In the girlhandtakesonealsoto calculate the freshflower, puts out a handeagerlylooksto pass by the person, seeming likewantsto askthemto buyseveralto spend.
女孩手上拿着一支还算新鲜的花,伸手眼巴巴的看着路过的人,似乎是想请他们买几只花。laseesthatgirl, the smile on facedisappearssuddenly, lowers the headto show a somewhatlowexpression, the small handgrippedtightenedownskirt.
洛菈看着那个女孩,脸上的笑容突然就不见了,低头露出一副有些低落的表情,小手攥紧了自己的裙角。„What's wrong?”
“怎么了吗?”Asking that Lorenmaintains composure.
洛伦不动声色的问道。lashakes the head: „It‘s nothing.”
洛菈摇了摇头:“没什么。”At this timehappen toroasted the skewerto deliver, lasqueezed a smile, thentookoneskewerto roast the radishto nipone.
这个时候正好烤串送了上来,洛菈挤出一个笑容,然后拿着一串烤萝卜咬了一口。„Thisradishis very delicious, the Elder Brotheryoumusttaste.”
“这个萝卜很好吃,哥哥你要尝尝吗。”Becauseonly then, thereforelacustomnipped itself a radishto deliver toLoren'smouth.
因为只有一份,所以洛菈习惯的把自己咬了一口的萝卜送到了洛伦的嘴边。Lorentastedone, thenlahappyremainingentireeatscompletely.
洛伦尝了一口,然后洛菈就会开心的把剩下的整个全部吃掉。ladoes not know, whenshetakes a look atthatdemonclangirls, the opposite partyhad also seenher.
洛菈并不知道,就在她打量那个魔族女孩的时候,对方也早就看到了她。lasitsinLoren'sside, appearancelooks like a lovablelittleprincess, thinks that is not conspicuousdifficultly.
洛菈坐在洛伦的身边,打扮的就像是一个可爱的小公主,想不显眼都难。Hugs the girl of basket of flowersto look that latakesis roasting the skewerto feedto the movement that Loreneats, sipped the smallmouth, isturning around of silently, continuedto sellownflower.
抱着花篮的女孩看着洛菈拿着烤串喂给洛伦吃的动作,抿了抿小嘴,又是默默的转过身去,继续去卖自己的花了。„Big Brother, canbuy a fresh flower, thisisIpickstodayfrom the city.”
“大哥哥,可以买一朵鲜花吗,这是我今天从城外摘来的。”„Rolls the distant point, dirtydemonclan.”
The girlsells the fresh flower that in the handis somewhat listlessdiligently, finallybyadvancing that the opposite partyshut outon the ground, the basket of flowers on handalsofallson the ground, insidefloweralsotumbled.
The girlcan ignoreache, hersufferingdepthattractedseveraltones, held inowntears, picks upcarefullyin the fresh flower of ground.
女孩顾不得身上的疼痛,她委屈的深吸了几口气,憋住了自己的泪水,小心捡起掉在地上的鲜花。Howeveratthis time, the girlsaw that suddenlyat presentare manywiped the whiteskirt, sheholds the basket of flowersto raise the headvigilantly, saw before , standsownbodybeforethatprettydemonclangirls who baking the boothnotice.
The girllooked atlaone, attracted the nose, lowers the headplanned that bypassesherto leave.
“等等。”Howeverat this timelasomewhatstopped by calling outheranxiously.
不过这个时候洛菈有些紧张的叫住了她。„Whatmatter do youhave?”
The girlstopped, unemotionallooks atla.
女孩停了下来,面无表情的看着洛菈。„That...... Iwantto buyyourflower, does not knowto be able.”lasomewhatcrampedsees the girlto say.
“那个……我想买妳的花,不知道可不可以。”洛菈有些局促的看着女孩说道。„Are youpityingme?”Asking that the girlcoldly.
“妳是在怜悯我吗?”女孩冷冷的问道。„No, is not...... I do not havethismeaning.”laflusteredexplanation.
“不,不是……我没有这个意思。”洛菈慌张的解释。„Ok, whatideamybeing disinclinedmanagesyour, yougiveme100gold coins, Isold toyou, what kind of?”Thatgirlnotanti-looks atla, the expressionhassometaunts.
“算了,我懒得管妳什么想法,妳给我一百金币,我就卖给妳,怎么样?”那个女孩不耐的看着洛菈,表情带着些许嘲讽。In her opinion, after oneselfsaidthese words, lawill give way before difficulties.
在她看来,自己说出这句话后,洛菈就会知难而退了吧。Thenshenoticed that lareallypulled out a card of 100gold cointo giveher: „Theseenough?”
The girllooked atla, thencannot bearsay:
女孩怔怔的看了一眼洛菈,然后忍不住说道:„Youare an idiot, reallygivesmeso much money?”
“妳是白痴吗,真的给我这么多钱?”laflusteredseesthatgirl, does not knowoneselfmade the any mistake.
洛菈慌张的看着那个女孩,不知道自己做错了什么。„Do not think that Iwill thankyou!”
“别以为我会感谢妳!”However the nextsecond of girlclenches teethsuddenly, has snatched the gold coincard, overthrowslaon the ground, turned headto run away.
不过下一秒女孩突然咬了咬牙,抢过金币卡,把洛菈推倒在地上,就扭头跑掉了。lasitsonscattering a fresh flower of place, dulllooks that girldisappears, whiteskirtalsomadedirty.
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