MDKCBTC :: Volume #5

#38: Malicious ghosts( first)

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What short hair maid?” “什么短发女仆?” la turns upwards the dull wool, looks a Loren face was not happy. 洛菈翘起呆毛,看着洛伦一脸的不高兴。 It‘s nothing.” Loren shakes the head, smiles: Now some people saved her, just can help our province go much troublesome, then should not have our anything matter.” “没什么。”洛伦摇头,笑了笑:“现在有人救了她,刚好可以帮我省去不少麻烦,接下来应该没我们什么事了。” Loren was saying looks at young girl one eyes that side being bewitched clan girls spoke, shows expression looking pensive, because he suddenly discovered oneself know that young girl probably. 洛伦说着又是看了那边的拉着魔族女孩说话的少女一眼,露出若有所思的表情,因为他突然发现自己好像认识那个少女。 Before he remembers that seems like, follows in Connor behind demon clan maid, is called Evelyn anything is coming. 他记得那好像是之前跟在康纳身后的魔族女仆,叫做艾芙琳什么的来着。 Thinks that Evelyn's swift and fierce skill, had a look at itself side a moment ago again, the top of the head staying wool rocks slightly, the look that reveals a face worship looks at la of that side young girl, Loren is also somewhat is disconsolate. 想想刚才艾芙琳凌厉的身手,再看看自己身边,头顶呆毛微微晃动,露出一脸崇拜的眼神看着那边少女的洛菈,洛伦不禁又是有些惆怅起来。 Oneself raise, is really a fake fiendish person. 自己养的,果然还是个假魔王吧。 Loren who that side Evelyn has not noticed not far away, she is frowning to look at the person who these fell to the ground to wail, surrounding some alerts looks at her human, looks down girl said: „Are you all right?” 那边艾芙琳并没有注意到不远处的洛伦,她皱着眉头看了一眼那些倒地哀嚎的人,还有周围有些戒备的看着她的人类,就低头看着身边的女孩说道:“瑞希妳没事吧?” I am all right, Elder Sister Evelyn, you a moment ago...... quite fierce.” Is called short hair demon clan somewhat anxious saying, although she saw Evelyn to teach the bludger before, but she so will never be expected that fierce, so many people solved all of a sudden. “我没事,艾芙琳姐姐,妳刚才……好厉害。”叫做瑞希的短发魔族有些紧张的说道,虽然之前她就见过艾芙琳教训小混混,但是没想到她会这么厉害,这么多人都一下子解决掉了。 We first leave here, waited to say again.” “我们先离开这里,等回去再说。” Evelyn does not care about on dirty, put out a hand to rub her hair, looks crowd that around gathered, knits the brows, the preparation led her to leave. 艾芙琳并不在乎瑞希身上脏兮兮的,伸手揉了揉她的头发,看了一眼周围聚集的人群,皱了皱眉,准备带着她离开。 Un.” “嗯。” Sees these human also some pressures, approached Evelyn's side anxiously. 瑞希看到那些人类也有些压力,紧张的靠近了艾芙琳的身边。 However at this time, in the crowd transmitted an unrest, the sporadic hoofbeat resounded from the crowd surrounding. 然而就在这个时候,人群中传来一阵骚乱,零星的马蹄声从人群外围响起。 „The make way, do not obstruct the road.” “都闪开,不要挡道。” What's the matter, why so many people gather.” “怎么回事,为什么这么多人聚集在一起。” From outside of crowd, several making an inspection tour soldier who is riding the steed walked, puts on the jet black armor, after seeing these people, the crowd that from the beginning gathers is also dispersing, on many faces revealed obvious fear. 从人群的外面,几个骑着骏马的巡守士兵走了过来,穿着漆黑的铠甲,在看到那些人后,一开始聚集的人群也是呼啦的散开,很多人脸上都露出了明显的畏惧。 These people are the making an inspection tour imperial capital's garrisons, if annoyed them, may be very put shuts in the jail. 这些人是巡守帝都的警备队,要是惹到了他们,很可能被抓进关进监牢。 But takes the lead that person to have the family/home mark of scoparius, this on behalf of him is Rowen's subordinate subordinate, the position at least is the rank of team leader. 而领头那人更是带着金雀花的家纹,这代表他是罗恩的直属部下,地位至少是队长的级别。 Saw after these cavalries come, small face one white, drew Evelyn, saying that trembles slightly: Elder Sister Evelyn, these people are the imperial capital garrisons, forefront that is Malicious ghost Heure are many, is high rank occupation.” 瑞希看到那些骑兵过来后,就小脸一白,拉了拉艾芙琳,微微发抖的说道:“艾芙琳姐姐,那些人是帝都守备队的,最前面那个是【恶鬼】的厄尔多,是高阶的职业者。” In the Evelyn heart jumps slightly, but is quickly tranquil, firmly grabs hand, decided that if has anything is not right when the time comes, leads to run away directly. 艾芙琳心中微微一跳,不过很快平静下来,紧紧抓住瑞希的手,决定如果到时候有什么不对,就带着瑞希直接逃走。 In this unrest, the person of that team of garrisons also to their nearby. 在这骚乱之中,那一队守备队的人也是到了他们的跟前。 Heure sits above the big horses, is frowning to look at several people that that side fell to the ground, not far away two conspicuous demon clans. 厄尔多坐在高大的马匹之上,皱着眉头看了那边倒地的几人,还有不远处两个显眼的魔族。 Is your several is causing trouble?” “就是你们几个在闹事?” Sir, we have not caused trouble, is this demon clan first person who begins to hit......” “大人,我们没有闹事,是这个魔族先动手打的人……” Before that several, by Evelyn was knocked down the person cried out in grief to crawl, then answered hastily. 那几个之前被艾芙琳打翻在地的人哀叫着爬起,然后连忙解释道。 These two demon clans stole our thing not saying that but also punched us, the Sir you may result for us take responsibility.” “这两个魔族偷了我们的东西不说,还把我们揍了一顿,大人你可得为我们做主啊。” These people were not concerned about face do not want the goods of skin, now saw person who has the garrison comes, was tears nasal mucus said that was joined to that black and blue appearance, as if they were the victim are really same. 这几个人本来也都是不要脸不要皮的货色,现在看到有守备队的人过来,也是一把泪一把鼻涕的说了起来,配上那副鼻青脸肿的模样,仿佛他们真的是受害者一样。 Nonsense......” “胡说……” Becoming flushed in the small face of another side air/Qi, but Evelyn pulled her, hinted her to be needless to say anything. 瑞希在另一边气的小脸涨红,不过艾芙琳扯了扯她,示意她不用多说什么。 At this time Heure's many lines of sight have sized up in two people, Evelyn who especially that side wears the maid long skirt, the itself appearance is good, coordinates that indifferent makings, was makes him unable to bear looked at several, has not thought that really also had has the character demon clan. 此时厄尔多的视线早就在两人身上打量,特别是那边穿着女仆长裙的艾芙琳,本身容貌就上佳,配合那冷漠的气质,更是让他忍不住多看了几眼,没想到竟然还有这么有性格的魔族。 They said can real?” Heure looks at Evelyn to say. “他们说的可都是真的?”厄尔多看着艾芙琳说道。 „, In any case is also calculation that you said that not?” Evelyn's tranquil saying. “是不是真的,反正也都是你们说的算,不是吗?”艾芙琳平静的说道。 Of course not, truth anything naturally must be able to speak after the investigation,” Heure narrowed the eye to look to Evelyn, under the heart has the idea: No matter your which sides have the mistake, gathering in great numbers to cause trouble is the fact, now goes back with me, accepts the interrogation.” “当然不是,真相什么的自然都要经过调查才能说话,”厄尔多眯起眼睛看向艾芙琳,心下已经有了想法:“不过不管你们哪方有错,聚众闹事都是事实,现在都跟我回去,接受审问。” Heure noticed that Evelyn has one's interest in an old hobby revived upon seeing somebody else doing, but under glare of the public eye naturally must do is cleaner, how so long as these demon clans bring back to his domain to handle along with him. 厄尔多看到艾芙琳不禁见猎心喜,不过众目睽睽之下自然也要做的干净一些,这些魔族只要带回他的地盘就随他怎么处置。 If I don't go back with you?” “如果我不跟你们回去呢?” That defies the law enforcement, your several, took away them in the past.” Saying of Heure many occupying a commanding position. “那就是违抗执法,你们几个,过去把他们带走。”厄尔多居高临下的说道。 You best be honest.” “你们最好都老实一点。” Several knights turn over/stand up dismount, approaches toward several people, that several bludger same fellows have not revolted actually completely, making them tie up. 几个骑士翻身下马,向着几人靠近,那几个混混一样的家伙倒是完全没有反抗,让他们绑了起来。 However to Evelyn time, naturally is impossible to be without a fight, a knight just approached her, in the young girl hand turns out a dagger suddenly, when that knight responded radically without enough time arrived on his throat, the breath of ice coldly as if god of death the ice-cold blade edge revealed that making that knight immediately stiff in same place. 不过到了艾芙琳的时候,当然不可能束手就擒,一个骑士刚靠近她,少女手中突然翻出一把匕首,在那个骑士根本来不及反应的时候就抵在了他的咽喉上,冰冷的刀锋吐露的冰寒仿佛死神的呼吸,让那个骑士顿时僵硬在了原地。 What do you want to make?!” “妳要做什么?!” But several other knights are also startled the anger looks at Evelyn, draws out the long sword to surround her, the battle efficiencies of these knights naturally are not beforehand several destructive people who take the knife can compare. 而其他几个骑士也都惊怒的看着艾芙琳,拔出长剑将她包围起来,这些骑士的战斗力自然不是之前几个拿着小刀的蟊贼可以相比的。 Originally you also cultivated battle qi, being able to find the way that no wonder these waste were punched by you.” Sits Heure on horses many not startled counter- happy, becoming more excited, cultivated battle qi demon clan that is best quality goods, the strong physical quality can make her show more postures. “原来妳还修炼了斗气,难怪这几个废物被你揍的找不着北。”坐在马匹上的厄尔多不惊反喜,变得更加的兴奋起来,修炼过斗气的魔族那就是更加的极品了,超强的身体素质可以让她摆出更多的姿势。 Puts us to leave, otherwise I killed this fellow.” Evelyn is controlling that knight calmly. “放我们离开,不然我就杀了这家伙。”艾芙琳冷静的控制着那个骑士。 Snort, you feel before me, do you have the opportunity to act?” “哼,妳觉得在我面前,妳有机会出手?” Heure many cold snort/hum. 厄尔多冷哼一声。 Evelyn felt immediately some dangerous arrival, the fine body hair explodes, in hand dagger subconscious must delimit the throat of that knight. 艾芙琳顿时感觉到某种危险的到来,寒毛炸起,手中匕首下意识的就要划过那个骑士的喉咙。 However she felt that suddenly at this time hemp, is unable to act. 然而就在这个时候她突然感觉到身上一麻,无法动作。 Naive, you really think that my protection does not have, my paralysis battle qi does not know, since you are not so obedient, first gave you to select to teach well.” “天真,妳真以为我一点防备都没有,连中了我的麻痹斗气都不知道,既然妳这么不听话,就先给妳点教训好了。” Heure was saying suddenly raised the whip to pull out, as if the thunder same pulled out air-splitting the form of air/Qi, only saw a shadow rapid approached Evelyn's side. 厄尔多说着突然扬起鞭子抽了过去,仿佛雷霆一样抽破空气的身影,只看到一道黑影迅速的就逼近了艾芙琳的身边。 Evelyn can only look helplessly that whip pulls out to oneself, her movement as if turned into the slow motion, incomparable slow, has no place to hide radically. 艾芙琳只能眼睁睁的看着那鞭子抽向自己,她的动作仿佛变成了慢镜头,无比的缓慢,根本无处可躲。 Elder Sister Evelyn!” “艾芙琳姐姐!” Her girl ran at this time suddenly, closes the eye to stretch out the arms to keep off before her body, prepares to keep off to attack for her. 就在这个时候她身边的女孩突然跑了出来,闭上眼睛张开双臂挡在她的身前,准备替她挡下攻击。 Does not want......” “不要……” Evelyn's wine red pupil flashes through an anxiety, but at this time, the whip shadow fell, however the girl had not pulled out falls to the ground, because the whip vanished suddenly. 艾芙琳酒红色的瞳孔闪过一丝焦急,不过就在这个时候,鞭影落下,然而女孩没有被抽倒在地,因为鞭子突然的消失了。 Heure many were also shocked, he does not dare to believe looks at own palm, my whip!!??” 厄尔多也震惊了,他不敢置信的看着自己的手掌,“我的鞭子呢!!??” ... 。。。
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