MCBW :: Volume #28

#2795: Interest

Pen interest pavilion 笔趣阁, renews my iceberg beauty wife latest chapter most quickly!,最快更新我的冰山美女老婆最新章节! Asks for the interest? 讨利息? Is oldest as the qualifications, sixth Devil King of mother of insect clan...... 作为资格最老,虫族之母的第六魔王…… Gleiter does not know many years, does not have hears some people to dare so arrogant to speak with it. 格莱特妮已经不知道多少岁月,没有听到有人敢如此傲慢与它说话。 Sword God, your strength, can say no under Devil King, even exceeds majority in our seven big Devil King......” 剑神,你的战力,可以说不下于魔王,甚至超过我们七大魔王中的大多数……” But, you are unqualified with Devil King treat as an equal, why can you know?” “但是,你还不够资格与魔王平起平坐,你可知为什么?” Ye Fan said with a smile: Some people said, in your Devil King bone, has own to be proud and bottom line, has subjects' belief and respect. 叶帆笑道:“有人说,你们魔王骨子里,都有自己的骄傲和底线,拥有子民的信仰和尊重”。 Right, therefore...... you should better not to reach out for a yard after taking an inch. “没错,所以……你最好不要得寸进尺”。 Gleiter sound even more ice-cold, dense say/way: Little fellow, sometimes, quitting when you're ahead, rather is an intelligent choice. 格莱特妮的声音越发冰冷,森然道:“小家伙,有的时候,见好就收,未免不失为一种智慧的选择”。 If my goal, but wants to work as emperor level swordsman, naturally cannot provoke your bottom line. “如果我的目标,只是想当一个帝王级剑客,自然不会挑衅你们的底线”。 But my end point, by no means is your Devil King are treated equally......” “但我的终点,并不是和你们这些魔王平起平坐……” I, since must dominate in you, why to care about your bottom line?” “我既然要凌驾于你们,何必在乎你们的底线?” The Ye Fan intonation is tranquil, but the word of exit|to speak, the wild degree, lets side Sally startled. 叶帆语调平静,但出口之言,狂放之程度,让旁边的莎莉叶都不禁愕然。 Dominates above seven big Devil King? 凌驾于七大魔王之上? Isn't that the demon emperor? 那不就是魔帝么? Sally frowns slightly, but purses the lips to smile immediately. 莎莉叶微微蹙眉,但随即抿嘴微笑。 No, is not the demon emperor. 不,不是魔帝。 The Ye Fan pursue, should compared with the swordsmanship peak of demon emperor higher level, the endless limit strength. 叶帆追求的,应该是比魔帝更高层次的剑道巅峰,无止尽的极限战力。 Big tone...... you must take what interest, although can try!” “好大的口气……你要取什么利息,尽管可以试试!” Gleiter smile however sneers, the entire body above world, started to have the mutation! 格莱特妮哂然冷笑,整个身体上方的世界,都开始出现了异变! The azure sky turned into the blood red color, the polyp that as if innumerable capillaries proliferate is wriggling. 青色的天空变成了血红之色,仿佛无数血丝遍布的息肉在蠕动。 In the air, filled the intermittent virulent poison malodorous gas. 空气中,弥漫出了阵阵剧毒的恶臭气体。 The lawn withers, yellow bluish green purple assorted, the mucilage of various smells, start to secrete. 草地枯萎,黄蓝绿紫各色,各种气味的粘液,开始分泌。 Billions of ovums, varying, seems the countless painted eggshells, proliferates in heaven and earth. 数以亿计的虫卵,有大有小,仿佛是数不尽的彩蛋,在天地间遍布。 Knocks ka ka......” “磕磕咔咔……” Various broken shell sounds, hearing lets person scalp tingles with numbness. 各种破壳声,听得让人头皮发麻 Buzz humming sound......” “嗡嗡嗡……” In all directions, various innumerable strange winged insects, the worm, starts toward Ye Fan and Sally! 四面八方,无数的各种奇怪飞虫,蠕虫,开始朝着叶帆莎莉叶袭来! Gleiter main body, is in itself an insect clan world! 格莱特妮的本体,本身就是一个虫族世界! Even if you have emperor level sword intent, this King can still consume livingly you!” “就算你有帝王级剑意,本王也能将你活生生耗死!” Gleiter does not evade the own intention. 格莱特妮也毫不避讳自己的意图。 Its body is how huge, even if were cut tens of thousands swords by Ye Fan, will not die. 它的身躯何其庞大,就算被叶帆砍上几万剑,也不会死。 Only if Ye Fan had initially two big demon emperor that strengths, shortly can destroy a Taishi potential surface big world. 除非叶帆拥有当初两大魔帝那种的实力,顷刻间能摧毁一个太始位面的大型世界。 Just, Ye Fan also falls far short obviously, even possibly did not arrive forever. 只不过,叶帆显然还差得远,甚至可能永远到达不了。 Facing innumerable does not fear death, did not fear the devil insect clan that consumption, Ye Fan knows this place is not suitable stays for a long time. 面对无数的不怕死,不怕消耗的恶魔虫族,叶帆知道此地不宜久留。 Liquid sword intent forms a giant protecting shield, covers two people, the standard fends off one crowd of insect clans shortly. 液态剑意形成一道巨大的护盾,将两人笼罩住,短暂地格挡开一群虫族。 The insect clan that fears no sacrifice radically, the crazy hit, the doom must sneak in protects the shield. 根本不怕牺牲的虫族,疯狂撞击,死命地要钻进护盾。 Ye Fan lit dragon flame directly, wreaks havoc burning down, everywhere gold/metal fire, the innumerable insect clan falls. 叶帆直接点燃了龙炎,肆虐焚烧,漫天金火,数不清的虫族落下。 But the corpse of insect clan, will be absorbed by a strength instantaneously. 但虫族的尸体,瞬间就会被一股力量所吸收。 Following close on, Gleiter will be hatching more insect clans again, continuously! 紧跟着,格莱特妮就会再度孵化更多的虫族,源源不断! Really is hard to deal with......” “真是难缠……” Ye Fan whispered the sentence, looked at each other eye with Sally, toward Gleiter body, sword chops to fall directly suddenly! 叶帆嘀咕了句,与莎莉叶对视了眼,直接朝着格莱特妮的身体,猛然一剑劈落! Black golden sword light deeply divided the land, Yan to extinguish ash fire released continuously! 黑金色的剑光深深劈进了大地,阎灭余烬连续不断地释放! „!!-” “哐哐哐!!-” sword intent unceasingly restoring land tearing, until Gleiter external skin cutting wound! 剑意不断地将修复的大地撕裂,直至将格莱特妮的表皮给切割出伤口! Although is only the insignificant small wound, Gleiter cannot even the ache. 虽然只是微不足道的一点小伤口,格莱特妮甚至都不会疼痛。 However, this also already enough! 但是,这也已经够了! Sally changes to the specters, crashed in the wound place. 莎莉叶化作魔影,冲进了伤口处。 Without hesitation, to the purple-red blood that Gleiter is seeping, the big mouth takes. 毫不犹豫,对着那格莱特妮沁出来的紫红色鲜血,大口吸食。 Although the wound is accelerating to heal, but Ye Fan actually cuts the new wound unceasingly. 虽然伤口在加速愈合,但叶帆却不断切出新的伤口。 Damn! Abyss succuba! What you are making!?” “该死!深渊魔女!你在做什么!?” Gleiter discovered, Sally must eat its blood unexpectedly, the couldn't bear violent anger gets up. 格莱特妮发现,莎莉叶竟然是要吃它的血,不由暴怒起来。 Although is not clear, the own blood is useful to Sally, but adds on even if any busily, is it is not willing to see! 虽然不清楚,自己的血对莎莉叶有什么用处,但哪怕帮上任何一点忙,都是它不愿看到的! If in the past, Sally surely did not have the such opportunity. 若是以往,莎莉叶肯定没这样的机会。 But currently has Ye Fan to protect her in side, gives back to her to create the blood sucking the condition, is completely different! 但现在有个叶帆旁边保护她,还给她创造吸血的条件,就完全不一样了! Perhaps entire Taishi potential surface, does not have any person, can with the blood of ancient times insect queen, when the tonic eats. 恐怕整个太始位面,也没什么人,能拿远古母虫的血液当补品吃。 Only is to break open Gleiter defense, is not very easy. 光是想要破开格莱特妮的防御,就已经很不容易。 In a pair of pupil of Sally, the purple black demon flame flaming is burning. 莎莉叶的一双眸子里,紫黑色的魔焰熊熊燃烧着。 She actually loathes to hemophagia this type to promote the own way. 她其实厌恶吸血这种提升自己的途径。 However, in order to obtains growth in a short time, she has to use, this type was not the talent of abyss succuba. 但是,为了能短时间内获得成长,她不得不利用,这种本不属于深渊魔女的天赋。 Although after she blood sucking, in a short time strengthens itself, actually cannot achieve for a long time. 虽然她吸血后,短时间内强化自身,却做不到长久。 So long as can retain the next part of strengths, many a little makes a mickle, can be the huge promotion. 但只要能保留下一部分力量,积少成多,也会是巨大的提升。 Ancient times the blood of insect queen, crossed this village, may not have this shop. 远古母虫的血,过了这个村,可没这店。 Therefore, Ye Fan and Sally recognized very much tacitly, cannot let off! 所以,叶帆莎莉叶都很默契地认定,不能放过! The disgusting blood, enters the mouth. 恶心的血液,进到嘴里。 Sally feels, rushes, pure, from the ancient times essence, is flooding her whole body each cell. 莎莉叶感觉到,澎湃、精纯,来自远古的精华,正充斥她浑身每一个细胞。 The brain starts to present various tyrannical ideas, the consciousness also becomes some chaos. 大脑开始出现各种暴虐的想法,意识也变得有些混乱 Cannot attract too many, will otherwise have an accident...... 不能吸太多,不然会出事…… Sally bears the impulsion of oneself bloodthirsty forcefully, in the critical line of out-of-control, stopped. 莎莉叶强行忍住自己嗜血的冲动,在失控的临界线,停了下来。 Walks!” “走!” Ye Fan sees Sally to raise the head, knows that the girl cannot attract again. 叶帆见到莎莉叶抬头,知道女孩已经不能再多吸了。 While Ye Fan plans to launch dragon Linjian the wing, brings Sally is leaving, actually sees behind Sally own, ignited six pairs of purple black demon flame wings! 正当叶帆打算展开龙鳞剑翼,带着莎莉叶离开的时候,却见莎莉叶自己的背后,燃起了六对紫黑色的魔焰羽翼! Bang!” “轰!” Giant demon flame wing, release crazy fierce tornado air current. 巨大的魔焰羽翼,释放出狂猛旋风气流。 Overbearing such as rules the world pressure, releases from Sally body! 一股霸道如君临天下的威压,从莎莉叶身上释放出来! Ye Fan was stunned, absorbed Gleiter blood, can let Sally pressure unexpectedly, promoted to opening the day nine heavily about!? 叶帆愕然,吸收了格莱特妮的血,竟然能让莎莉叶威压,提升到开天九重左右!? This was Sally contains, if has attracted, what god knows will become. 这还是莎莉叶遏制住了,要是一直吸,天知道会成什么样。 Also just, will lose sanely and that's the end. 只不过,也会失去理智就是了。 Does not need the multi- idle talk, Ye Fan also to know, the Sally this time battle efficiency, can definitely the oneself high-speed flight leave. 不用多废话,叶帆也知道,莎莉叶此时的战斗力,完全可以自己高速飞行离开。 Ye Fan launches dragon Linjian the wing, displays the sword to walk the roaming dragon movement, puts a black golden path, plunders toward the transmission direction meteor. 叶帆展开龙鳞剑翼,施展剑走游龙身法,划出一道黑金色的轨迹,朝着传送阵方向飞星般掠去。 Sally changes to together the purple black roaring flame, seems the comet air-splitting, follows. 莎莉叶化作一道紫黑色的烈焰,好似彗星破空,紧随其后。 The insect clan along the way, is unable to prevent their time impulse and destruction strength. 沿途的虫族,根本无法阻挡两人此时的冲击力和毁灭力。 In a while, the front presented transmission. 没过多久,前方就出现了传送阵。 Bad...... Sally, how this transmission does use?” “糟糕……莎莉叶,这传送阵怎么用?” Ye Fan realized, they have a falling out with the insect clan now, this transmission their by no means will use. 叶帆才意识到,他们现在跟虫族闹翻了,这传送阵他们并不会使用。 Gleiter voice still reverberates in their mind. 格莱特妮的声音依然在他们脑海里回荡。 Attracted the blood of this King, but also wants to run?” “吸了本王的血,还想跑?” The innumerable insect clans, welled up in this moment also. 无数虫族,在这一刻涌了过来。 To depend on the flight far away from the sixth kingdom, obviously is impossible. 想要靠飞行远离第六王国,显然不可能。 Two people must be surrounded by the insect clan immediately again, fall into evade not to have hopeless situation that may evade. 两人顿时再一次要被虫族包围,陷入避无可避的绝境。
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