MCBW :: Volume #28

#2796: King monarch sovereign

Pen interest pavilion 笔趣阁, renews my iceberg beauty wife latest chapter most quickly!,最快更新我的冰山美女老婆最新章节! Gleiter this little while was unable to be calm, its solemn insect mother, how could has received this humiliation. 格莱特妮这会儿也已经无法冷静,它堂堂虫母,何曾受到过这种屈辱。 Was cut open unexpectedly worked as the tonic, was hemophagiaed by little girl? 竟然被切开了当补品,被一个小丫头吸血? The Sally look ice-cold, direct double pupil twinkle purple light, a powerful special spiritual fluctuation, has swept near these transmission insect clan officials. 莎莉叶目光冰冷,直接双眸闪烁紫光,一股强大的特殊精神波动,扫过那些传送阵边的虫族官员。 Under the devil granule covers, these insect clans start become vacant. 恶魔粒子笼罩之下,这些虫族都都开始变得茫然。 Even attacks two people insect clans, becomes slow-acting. 甚至连攻击两人的虫族,都变得行动迟缓。 Following close on, these are responsible for transmitting the insect clan, received the spiritual control of Sally unexpectedly, started transmission! 紧跟着,那些负责传送阵的虫族,竟然受到了莎莉叶的精神操控,启动了传送阵! How possibly!?” “怎么可能!?” Gleiter also hadn't thought, Sally attracted its blood obviously, not only the short time strengthened cultivation base, but can also inherit the ability of part of queens. 格莱特妮显然也没想到,莎莉叶吸了它的血,不仅短时间增强了修为,还能继承一部分母虫的能力。 These insect clans, by Sally seizing control. 这些虫族,被莎莉叶给夺走了控制权。 Perhaps is the devil single particle effect of abyss succuba, Gleiter this true insect queen, is instead at a loss. 或许是深渊魔女的恶魔粒子效应,格莱特妮这个真正的母虫,反而束手无策。 Ye Fan and Sally see a transmission start, flew rapidly. 叶帆莎莉叶见传送阵启动,迅速飞了进去。 A ray glitters, two people and a big insect clan same place, vanished! 一阵光芒闪烁,两人和一大片虫族一起,消失了! No!-” “不!-” The insect hole, spreads Gleiter anger, the unwilling and annoyed long roaring sound...... 虫穴,传出格莱特妮愤怒、不甘、恼火的长长咆哮声…… Almost at the same time. 几乎与此同时。 Transmission of decayed swamp. 腐朽沼泽的传送阵。 Ye Fan and Sally, with one crowd of insect clans, were transmitted. 叶帆莎莉叶,与一群虫族,都被传送了出来。 The Sally back demon flame great wing, burnt instantaneously the ashes these insect clans. 莎莉叶背后的魔焰巨翼,瞬间将那些虫族燃烧成了灰烬。 After Ye Fan looked under the surroundings vigilantly, discovered that drills the demon insect to spit Nient without ambush. 叶帆警惕地看了下周围后,发现钻地魔虫吐尼安并没有埋伏。 Pitifully, originally had had no consideration for face, insect that kills a strategy level directly again, but can also gain a point. “可惜了,本来都已经撕破脸了,直接再杀一条战略级的虫子,还能多赚一点”。 Even if Gleiter is angry very much, is still only a while, it will quickly definitely restore sanely. “就算格莱特妮很生气,也只是一会儿,它肯定会迅速恢复理智的”。 The demon flame in Sally eye returns to normal gradually. 莎莉叶眼中的魔焰渐渐平复下去。 Obviously, spits the demon insect army who Nient leads, after knowing Ye Fan and Sally battle efficiency, direct selection refusing battle. 很显然,吐尼安率领的魔虫大军,知道了叶帆莎莉叶的战斗力后,直接选择了避战。 In the decayed swamp of length and breadth, wants to chase down this crowd to go into hiding the drill demon insect of no trace, obviously does a thankless job. 在广袤的腐朽沼泽,想要追杀这群能隐匿无踪的钻地魔虫,显然吃力不讨好。 Ye Fan and Sally also can only first return to that side heptarchy transmission. 叶帆莎莉叶也只能先回第七王国传送阵那边。 On gone back road, really has no insect clan to disturb two people. 回去的路上,果然没什么虫族干扰二人。 But Ye Fan also feels clearly, Sally pressure is weakening unceasingly. 叶帆也清楚感觉到,莎莉叶威压在不断削弱。 Although sucked Gleiter some blood, has helped the girl, but is not lasting. 虽然吸食了格莱特妮的一些血液,对女孩有所帮助,但也不是持久的。 Sally, this time you acted unreasonably, the strategy level demon may have the parallel import, but Devil King is repeatedly tempered, you with were too risky, Ye Fan sighed. 莎莉叶,这一次你太乱来了,战略级魔将或许会有水货,但魔王都是千锤百炼的,你跟过来太冒险了”,叶帆叹道。 I knew......” a Sally several points of guilt. “我知道了……”莎莉叶几分愧疚。 But, the abyss succuba is really fierce, if does not have you, I do not know that today how to transmit from that side, can only forcefully with flying broke through, Ye Fan also smiles. “不过,深渊魔女真是厉害啊,要是今天没有你,我都不知道怎么从那边传送出来,只能强行用飞的突围了”,叶帆笑了笑。 Um......” Sally one happy, felt better slightly. ……”莎莉叶一喜,稍微好过了点。 That Ao Bolong, it seems like really not what kind of, making him stare at you, can make you run unexpectedly. “那个奥泊隆,看来真的不怎么样,让他盯着你,竟然能让你跑出来。 Even your specters are very fierce, but not so far as cannot observe closely. 就算你的魔影很厉害,但也不至于盯不住吧。 Let this fellow protect you, your grandfather seems like really subordinate no one ”, Ye Fan shakes the head. 让这种家伙保护你,你爷爷看来是真的手下无人”,叶帆一阵摇头。 Actually, cannot blame Ao Bolong, is I while he goes out, secretly slides, Sally small sound said. “其实,也不能怪奥泊隆,是我趁他出去的时候,偷偷溜出来的”,莎莉叶小声道。 This critical moment, he also goes out, what isn't stupid is?” Ye Fan forced smile. “这种关键时刻,他还出去,不是蠢是什么?”叶帆苦笑。 Preceptor called him, he has not thought, Sally said. 国师叫他,他也没多想吧”,莎莉叶道。 Oh?” Ye Fan frowns, you said that hair ornament does look for him blue?” ?”叶帆蹙眉,“你是说,那个珈蓝找他?” yes, therefore gave me the opportunity......” 是的,所以才给了我机会……” Ye Fan looking pensive, that may really be skillful...... does not go early, late does not go, is you can with time point, looks him?” 叶帆若有所思,“那可真是巧啊……早不去,晚不去,偏偏是你能跟上来的时间点,去找他?” Sally suddenly one startled, Brother Ye Fan, you mean, hair ornament blue does Preceptor make me have the opportunity with coming out intentionally?” 莎莉叶霍然一惊,“叶帆哥,你的意思是,珈蓝国师故意让我有机会跟出来?” „It is not clear, but I always thought that...... this hair ornament has the issue blue, could not say specific reason. “不清楚,但是我总觉得……这个珈蓝有问题,说不出具体原因”。 Ye Fan is also disinclined to think, planned returned to tower ear Talos to say again. 叶帆也懒得多想,打算回塔耳塔洛斯再说。 ...... …… Situated in the Taishi potential surface, was as warm as in spring year to year, resources rich world. 位于太始位面,一个常年温暖如春,资源丰沛的世界。 Float, but floats the spatial island, hangs the next limpid waterfalls. 一座座悬浮而起的浮空岛,挂下一条条清澈的飞瀑。 The rainbow is hanging, numerous flowers everywhere. 彩虹悬空,繁花遍地。 The spirit beast, the spirit bird, finds at everywhere. 灵兽,灵鸟,随处可见。 Here, is the deity clan territory, the national capital in Silver kingdom. 这里,是天神族领地,西尔弗王国的国都。 Although lives here, is the deity clans, but not all deities, are qualified for the hanging these islands. 虽然生活在这里的,都是天神族,但并非所有天神,都有资格进入悬空的那些岛屿。 Each hanging island, lowly if also the upper class, has the qualifications housing. 每一座悬空岛,最低也要是贵族阶层,才有资格居住。 Just like the devil, the deity clan is no doubt inborn is easy to grasp the primitive strength, but within the clan also divides higher and low level. 与恶魔一样,天神族固然天生就容易掌握原始之力,但族内也分高等和低级。 The aristocrats, often have among the deities of extremely high talent, marries through generations of places, produced powerful ethnic group. 贵族,往往是拥有极高天赋的天神之间,通过一代代地联姻,产生的强大族群。 But the civilian deity, is very difficult the opportunity to compare favorably with the deity aristocrat. 而平民天神,很难有机会跟天神贵族媲美。 The becoming a useful adult rate/lead of aristocrat, is much higher than the civilians. 贵族的成材率,远远高于平民。 The civilians of most deity clans, can only in the lowest level world, be responsible for being some coolies to live. 大多数天神族的平民,只能在最底层的世界,负责做一些苦力活。 The deity clan has the strict law to stipulate, to safeguard the position of higher deity, maintains the internal stability of deity clan, not all deities can cultivation at will. 天神族有着严格的法律规定,为了保障高等天神的地位,维护天神族的内部稳定,并非所有天神都可以随意修炼。 Floor civilians clansman, only then after inspection, enters the deity clan army. 底层平民族人,只有通过考核后,进入天神族军队。 Becoming most preliminary god died. 成为最低级的“神卒”。 Risks neck, captures the military exploit, is entitled to enjoy with the general aristocrat same cultivation resources. 冒着生命危险,夺取军功,才有资格享受和一般贵族同等的修炼资源。 Even but if, the civilians became the god dead, unceasingly diligently, became middle-level god officer , can only the hanging islands life around these. 可是,哪怕平民成了神卒,不断努力,成为中层的“神官”,也只能在那些周围的悬空岛屿生活。 Genuine topmost level Silver hanging island, only then the royalty and higher aristocrat, with their families, can live. 真正最高层的西尔弗悬空岛,只有皇族和高等贵族,和他们的家眷,才能居住。 Here, lowest deity, is Divine General level, with demon same level. 在这里,最低的天神,也是“神将级别,与魔将同级。 At this time, royal palace Back Flower Garden of Silver hanging island, practices in the martial stage. 此时,西尔弗悬空岛的王宫后花园,练武场内。 The hard incomparable, blue-green jade, builds the location that becomes, can withstand the god king level destructive power. 坚硬无比,青绿色的玉石,所打造而成的场地,可以承受神王级别的破坏力。 Is red the upper body, reveals the muscle of steel line, is tying a man of gold/metal brown long hair. 一名赤着上身,露出钢铁般线条的肌肉,束着一头金褐色长发的男子。 The whiskers trim is very neat, the face outline edges and corners are distinct, the eye such as the cold star, the thick eyebrows enter the temple. 络腮胡修剪地很是整齐,面部轮廓棱角分明,目如寒星,浓眉入鬓。 From his face, cannot see any joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness, as if the mountains and rivers crash in surface, assured dedication that will also not vacillate. 从他的脸上,看不出任何喜怒哀乐,仿佛山河崩塌于面,也不会丝毫动摇的笃定专注。 He grasps a wooden club, is facing ten Divine General that grasps the deity military system high-quality long sword. 他手持一根木棍,面对着十名手持天神军制式高级长剑的神将 Sweeps away thousand army!” “横扫千军!” The bunch sends a men's stick to delimit, useless any cultivation base, actually like razes to the ground a mountain peak obviously! 束发男子一棍子划出,明明没用任何修为,却如同将一片山峰夷为平地! Keng Keng clang!!-” “铿铿铿!!-” Six long swords, were all broken by the direct stick! 六把长剑,被直接一棍子全都打断! The wooden club leaves behind a little bit/bit by bit white mark, depends on a little bit/bit by bit that produces to be curving, erupts a more astonishing reacting force! 木棍只是留下一点点白痕,靠着产生的一点点弯曲,爆发出更惊人的反作用力! The men meet a backhand to brandish, also Divine General that behind three must attack, the direct wooden club strikes to fly! 男子一会个反手挥舞,是将身后三个要突袭的神将,直接一木棍击飞! Waste! Changes the sword, continue!” “废物!换剑,继续!” Ten Divine General whole faces are unwilling, but the fighting spirit is still high, acknowledged loudly. 十名神将满脸不甘,但是斗志依旧高昂,大声应诺。 Yes! King monarch sovereign!” “是!国主!” While at this time, outside ran royal palace waitress, is pale, somewhat kneels down trembling. 正当这时,外面跑来一名王宫女侍者,脸色发白,有些战战兢兢地跪下。 King monarch sovereign! Queen returned, wants to see you......” “国主!王后归来了,想要见您……”
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