MCBW :: Volume #15

#1457: The following defies superiors

Pen interest pavilion 笔趣阁, renews my iceberg beauty wife latest chapter most quickly!,最快更新我的冰山美女老婆最新章节! 1457 1457 Has crossed such to be long, we guess like this where can guess correctly, Qingxue, you now were profound deep Clan Head, in could it be clan ancient book, without recording that phase of history?” Ning Zimo asked. “已经过了这么久了,我们这样猜哪能猜到,轻雪,你现在是玄冥氏族长了,难道氏族典籍里,没记载那段历史吗?”宁紫陌问道。 Su Qingxue shakes the head, „ ancestor fights the phase of history of Celestial, as if involves many secret, therefore does not have which ancient book has the explicit record, but was spread words orally by some Old Ancestor. 苏轻雪摇头,“先祖大战天人的这段历史,似乎牵涉不少秘辛,所以没有哪本典籍有明确记载,只是由一些老祖口头传述下来。 However...... in Wordless Sky Manual, recorded some secret history actually, I have suspected contains the secret that the Celestial fought. 不过……无字天书里,倒是记载了一些秘密的历史,我一直怀疑其中就包含了天人一战的秘密。 My cultivation base is insufficient, otherwise, can try again, looks to read these contents...... ” 只是我的修为还不够,不然的话,可以再去试一试,看能不能读到那些内容……” Left, does not need to take risk, Ye Fan does not think the woman often faints, what he thinks is the different thing, asked that said to Chu Yunyao: this time I also helps the country be busy, you look for them, brings Earth's Axis, keeps in your hand thoroughly, studies well. “别了,不必冒险”,叶帆可不想女人动不动就晕过去,他想到的是另一样东西,问向楚云瑶道:“这次我又帮国家大忙,你去找他们,把地球轴心拿过来,彻底留在你手上,好好研究一下”。 Chu Yunyao at present one bright, she pours hadn't thought this, you suspected, Earth's Axis is the key of Celestial civilization?” 楚云瑶眼前一亮,她倒没想到这一茬,“你怀疑,地球轴心是天人文明的关键?” Even if Earth's Axis is not the Celestial stays behind, still definitely is compared with the civilization of our high tech, we lack the strength to cope with Ancient Immortal Spirit World now. “就算地球轴心不是天人留下的,也肯定是个比我们高科技的文明,我们现在缺乏实力对付古仙灵界 Has the technology on Earth's Axis, even in the short-term the foundation is weak, is unable to realize, but at least can prepare...... ” Ye Fan to say. 地球轴心上的技术,就算短期内基础薄弱,很多无法实现,但至少可以准备起来……”叶帆道。 Chu Yunyao tch tch sighed, said with a smile: really...... I chose you to be correct initially, with you in the same place, always has the good matter to meet. 楚云瑶啧啧感叹,笑吟吟道:“果然……我当初选择你是正确的,跟你在一起,总有好事情能遇到”。 The Ye Fan forced smile, side Su Qingxue the complexion has sent coldly, this woman may really be the speech ignores the situation. 叶帆苦笑,旁边的苏轻雪已经脸色发寒了,这女人可真是说话不顾场合。 He has to clear throat , to continue to shift the topic: „ In brief, we, if must guarantee that can go on living well, now faces is not only Doomsday Kingship, a more formidabe potential adversary, possibly is entire Ancient Immortal Spirit World...... 他只好清了清嗓子,继续转移话题道:“总而言之,我们如果要确保能好好活下去,现在面临的不仅仅是末日王权,更难对付的潜在对手,可能是整个古仙灵界…… Everyone later except for completes the matter on hand, must continue to try hard to cultivate, I obtaining the medicinal herb all reorganizes tests, makes more compounded drugs, helping everyone promote cultivation base. ” 大家以后除了把手上的事情做好,也得继续努力修炼,我会把得到的药材全都整理测试一下,做出更多丹药,帮大家提升修为。” ......” a Feng Yueying deep sigh, complexion innocent said: „ I so long as before worked as an office worker to be good, how also must manage the black and white two commerce now with the operation, but must cultivation ancient martial-arts...... “呼……”冯月盈一声长叹,面色无辜地道:“我以前只要当一个上班族就好了,怎么现在要管黑白两道的商务跟运营,还要修炼古武啊…… I forget to window-shop quickly, buy, eating was anything felt...... I want to return to Splendid Group to go to work...... ” 我都快忘记逛街,买买买,吃吃吃是什么感觉了……我都想回锦绣集团上班了……” Su Qingxue smiles, senior sister, in the company the seat had been replaced, you return to didn't go. 苏轻雪抿嘴一笑,“学姐,公司里你的位子已经被人顶替了,你回不去了”。 Feng Yueying is incapable said: That also life changed was too quick, I in the world to this ground, had a smattering of knowledge, must prepare facing Ancient Immortal Spirit World that an antiquity left behind......” 冯月盈无力地道:“那也人生变化太快了,我对这地面上的世界,都还一知半解,就要准备面对一个上古留下的古仙灵界……” In other words, Ye Fan, saving the world is not the matter that your men should do, how probably, our these women's corps, became your only helper to be the same”, Ning Zimo giggle said with a smile. “就是说啊,叶帆,拯救世界不是你们这些男人应该做的事吗,怎么好像,我们这些娘子军,成了你唯一的帮手一样啊”,宁紫陌咯咯笑道。 Ye Fan is also helpless, shakes the head to sigh: „ If there is a helper, I also want to look, you do not know that I have am afraid, making that black taro Daoist go back, making him discover this ground world does not have the Celestial. 叶帆也是一阵无奈,摇头叹道:“要是有帮手,我也想找啊,你不知道我有多害怕,让那个黑蕖道人回去,让他发现这个地面世界没天人啊。 May not have the means...... the present to have the ability help, is not the enemy, is one crowd is preparing big clan that opens clan congress internal fight. 可没办法……现在有能力帮忙的,不是敌人,就是一群准备着开氏族大会内斗的大氏族。 You felt, I told them, this underground one group the person who you were fiercer, possibly came out to come to a big clean this world momentarily, did their meeting believe? 你们觉得,我告诉他们,这地下有一帮比你们厉害的人,随时可能出来把这个世界来一次大清洗,他们会信么? If by some chance they want me to prove, leading them to go underground to stroll a circle to look, that not on overreaching oneself? ” 万一他们要我证明一下,带他们去地下逛一圈看一看,那不就弄巧成拙了?” The Xu Lingshan nod said: such looks like, Escape World Alliance Elder Assembly, they pour are truly doing a good deed, silently hidden in back, protects this world...... not to know how at first they establish. 徐玲珊点头道:“这么看来,遁世联盟长老会,他们倒确实是在做一件好事,默默隐于背后,保护着这个世界……不知道他们最初是怎么成立的”。 Ye Fan thought that even if oneself asked them, they will definitely not say on own initiative, said again does not need, this crowd of epic level powerhouse, he does not care now very much. 叶帆心想,就算自己去问他们,他们也肯定不会主动说,再说也没必要,这群史诗级强者,如今他已经不是很在意了。 Conference after a family ended, Ye Fan and women continue to start to bustle about. 一个家庭内的会议结束后,叶帆和女人们继续开始忙碌起来。 Ye Fan still accompanies the daughter every day, occasionally delivers Tuantuan to go to school and be on vacation from school, then eats with the family member. 叶帆每天依然陪女儿,偶尔送团团上学和放学,然后跟家人吃饭。 In addition, the cultivation is essential, Ye Fan discovered after own double disintegration stabilized, before cannot succeed, that type through the sword intent release way of imitation demon sword, there is a breakthrough nature progress. 除此之外,修炼是必不可少的,叶帆发现自己的二重解体稳定了以后,之前一直没能成功的,那种通过模仿魔剑的剑意释放方式,也有了突破性进展。 Ye Fan believes, this is one type compresses sword intent to the sword intent skill of pinnacle, can without promoting what cultivation base , to promote sword intent destructive power, therefore is very effective. 叶帆认为,这是一种将剑意压缩到极致的剑意技巧,可以在不提升什么修为的情况下,就提升剑意的破坏力,所以还是非常管用。 Except for life and cultivation, Ye Fan spare time, most flowers in the Chu Yunyao laboratory. 除了生活和修炼,叶帆把多余的时间,大部分花在了楚云瑶的实验室里。 He with the assistance of Chu Yunyao, the medicinal herb in black taro storage bag, after the analysis, mixes, the remaining maintaining mental tranquility irises, also will use up one before, made big pile of compounded drugs. 他在楚云瑶的协助下,将黑蕖储物袋里的药材,分析后,进行调配,将之前剩下的养神芝,用掉了一株,做了一大堆丹药。 These compounded drugs, also can help the Ye Fan nearby person , to promote cultivation base stably. 这些丹药,能帮叶帆身边的人,稳定提升修为 Naturally, Ye Fan oneself, is helps the women promote the cultivation base key, luckily his back is unafraid, the issue is actually not big. 当然,叶帆自己,也是帮助女人们提升修为的关键,幸亏他腰杆硬,倒是问题不大。 Chu Yunyao is also works very busily, she also really from the China official must come Earth's Axis, the this time country to give very naturally, because of this time Ye Fan, has been worth relying on compared with Earth's Axis even more. 楚云瑶也是工作得非常忙碌,她还真从夏国官方要来了地球轴心,这一次国家给得很大方,因为此时的叶帆,已经比地球轴心更加值得依赖。 Chu Yunyao breaks the science and technology on Earth's Axis, while is also studying the Ancient Immortal Spirit World writing. 楚云瑶一边破译地球轴心上的科技,一边还研究着古仙灵界的文字。 Ye Fan does not know how the woman achieves, suddenly discovered, one by one grotesque runic writing on that black stone, quite therefore the character of Ancient Immortal Spirit World language. 叶帆也不知道女人是如何做到的,竟然发现,那黑色石头上的一个个奇形怪状的符文,相当于是古仙灵界语言的字符。 These basic characters, composed the Ancient Immortal Spirit World language. 这些基本字符,组成了古仙灵界的语言。 Although Chu Yunyao is unable all ancient languages decoding all of a sudden, but there is a character, fiddles with completely is also sooner or later matter. 楚云瑶虽然一下子无法把所有古语言给破解出来,但有了字符,全部捣鼓出来也是早晚的事。 Unknowingly, half a month time on the past. 不知不觉,半个月的时间就过去了。 Was the day in the morning, Ye Fan was just about to go to the remote mountain of exercising martial arts, Xu Lingshan actually looked. 是日上午,叶帆正要去往练功的深山,徐玲珊却是找了过来。 These days Xu Lingshan except for the cultivation, was helps Purple Bamboo Forest train these martial practitioner, let the people of these underground gangs, feeling militarization management. 这些日子徐玲珊除了修炼,就是帮紫竹林训练那些武者,也让这些地下帮会的人,感受军事化管理。 general was Ye Fan looked for the woman in the past, saw Xu Lingshan oneself to come actually rarely. 一般都是叶帆过去找女人,倒是难得见徐玲珊自己过来。 How Shanshan, came not to greet, wants to come with me morning exercise?” “怎么了珊珊,来也不打招呼,是想跟我来一场‘晨练’么?” Xu Lingshan is not in no mood to joke with the man, frowns saying: Do not be noisy me, I am also looking anxiously your, my father had an accident that side Capital City. 徐玲珊却是没心情跟男人开玩笑,蹙眉道:“别闹我了,我也是急着过来找你的,我爸在京城那边出事了”。 Xu Mingyu General? Had an accident?” Ye Fan cares to say immediately. 徐明宇将军?出什么事了?”叶帆立马关心道。 My mother telephones, said that had the conflict with two senior colonel of other armies, was injured, now is lying down in the military hospital......” “我妈打电话过来,说是跟其他部队的两个大校起了冲突,然后被打伤了,现在正躺在部队医院里……” Ye Fan strange said: Was injured by two senior colonel? How can the army be so barbaric? Has the contradiction, should not military officer fight! Also does the following defy superiors?” 叶帆奇怪道:“被两个大校打伤?军队怎么可以如此野蛮?有矛盾,也不该军官打架啊!还以下犯上?” Xu Lingshan clenches teeth saying: Heard that two people are the phoenix clans......” 徐玲珊一阵咬牙道:“听说那两个人是凤凰氏族的……”
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