MCBW :: Volume #15

#1456: That phase of history

Pen interest pavilion 笔趣阁, renews my iceberg beauty wife latest chapter most quickly!,最快更新我的冰山美女老婆最新章节! 1456 1456 Ye Fan was supposing the woman worried, how never to go back, therefore meets to say with a smile: Wife, how? I am hurrying back!” 叶帆估摸着女人是着急了,怎么老不回去,于是接起来笑着道:“老婆,怎么啦?我正在赶回来呢!” How long contacted with...... you also to be able finally to come back? In the family/home some do present many you know randomly? I was tired of!” Su Qingxue is quite as if agitated, complained that the man does not turn over. “总算联系上了……你还要多久才能回来?家里现在有多乱你知道吗?我都烦死了!”苏轻雪似乎相当烦躁,抱怨男人迟迟不归。 Ye Fan happily smiles, hehe...... the wife, said you possibly not to believe that I just saved the world!” 叶帆得意地一笑,“嘿嘿……老婆,说出来你可能不信,我刚刚拯救了世界!” „?” Su Qingxue was insane, do not boast good!? I do not need you to save the world, you first save our Flowersea White Heron County No. 6 dwelling!!” “啊?”苏轻雪都疯了,“你别吹牛了好不好!?我不用你拯救世界,你先来拯救一下我们华海白鹭郡六号宅吧!!” Ye Fan is depressed, although this is a little exaggerating, but does not calculate to boast, has to ask: What matter, making your such bothersome? Looked that you manage entire profound deep not to have such agitated.” 叶帆郁闷,这虽然有点夸张,可也不算吹牛啊,只好问道:“什么事情啊,让你这么烦?看你管一整个玄冥氏都没这么烦躁过。” Manages profound deep, I only needed to work was good, but now, is to make me treat with courtesy......” in the Su Qingxue tone, filled exhaustedly. “管理玄冥氏,我只需要工作就行了,但现在,是让我应酬……”苏轻雪语气中,充满了疲惫。 Ye Fan wonders: what meaning?” 叶帆纳闷:“什么意思?” „ Haven't you known? The clan union signed the agreement, withdraws from common custom competed, now the national high level treated as you big hero that saves the nation in the danger! “你还不知道吗?氏族同盟签署了协议,退出世俗界的争夺了,现在国家高层把你当作了救国于危难的大英雄了! The high-ranking official in Capital City and place, comes toward our family/home, said that must thank your payout, but how must ask for advice to go to you should the policy that the people sever...... 京城的和地方的大员,都往我们家来,说是要感谢你的付出,还要向你讨教接下去该如何为人民服务的方针…… You are not at home, I also must respond them directly, has to let the Zimo elder sister and senior sister comes, helping me deal with them. 你不在家,我又不能直接不搭理他们,只好让紫陌姐和学姐过来,帮我应付他们了。 But they drank the tea not to walk, is hoping must see one side you, eagerly not the appearance that waited for you to go home not to walk. 可他们喝了茶水也不想走,都盼着要见你一面,眼巴巴地一副不等你回家不肯走的样子。 Although our family/home place is big, may be unable to accommodate so many people, now becomes the congress of national representatives quickly! ” 虽然我们家地方大,可也容不下这么多人啊,现在都快成全国代表的大会了!” Ye Fan almost can the brain make up, Su Qingxue facing one crowd of official very speechless conditions, said with a smile: „Is this only normal human affairs hundred condition that's all, the wife you also worries for this matter? Drives away them directly, said I go home sees one to kill one!” 叶帆几乎都能脑补出,苏轻雪面对一群官员很是无语的状态,不禁笑道:“这只是再正常不过的世事百态罢了,老婆你怎么还为这点事烦心?直接把他们赶走,就说我回家的时候见一个杀一个!” This......” Su Qingxue somewhat hesitates, really can like this? Can too be to them scary? After all they have no bad thoughts, wants to pat your horse buttocks. “这……”苏轻雪有些犹豫,“真要这样吗?会不会对他们来说太吓人了?毕竟他们也没什么坏心思,就是想拍你马屁”。 „Do I need this group of people to flatter? Does not have the significance! According to me said that expels completely! I have very important matter, must discuss with you, you called in everyone the Yunyao laboratory, Ye Fan said. “我需要这帮人拍马屁?毫无意义!就按我说的,全部赶走!我有很重要的事,要跟你们商量,你把大家叫去云瑶的实验室里”,叶帆道。 Su Qingxue some were not happy, what matter cannot say at home, can go to her there?” 苏轻雪有些不高兴,“什么事不能在家里说,非得去她那里?” Ye Fan does not know whether to laugh or cry, has saying: Also ok, you called the matter that everyone we in the family/home...... I must say, cannot make any bystander know, therefore, all drove away these people as soon as possible. 叶帆哭笑不得,只好道:“也行吧,那你把大家叫到我们家中……我要说的事,不能让任何外人知道,所以,尽快把那些人全赶走”。 Um, I knew, Su Qingxue made the telephone call immediately. ,我知道了”,苏轻雪随即挂了电话。 Ye Fan found oneself to stop after that airplane on road, the smooth launching, returns to Flowersea. 叶帆找到了自己停在路上的那架飞机后,顺利起飞,一路返回华海 This all the way, after Ye Fan set the route, how basically did not use an airplane. 这一路上,叶帆设定好了航线后,基本也就不用怎么管飞机。 He had the time, general understood this black taro Daoist storage bag, discovered inside really installed many Great Desolate Stone, moreover many jade Jane/simple, even some also animal skin books. 他有了时间,大概地了解了一下这黑蕖道人储物袋,发现里面果然装了不少的洪荒石,而且有很多玉简,甚至还有一些兽皮书籍。 Some other bottles of cans of medicines, with some tokens, key and so on junks. 另外有一些瓶瓶罐罐的药物,和一些令牌,钥匙之类的杂物。 These medicine bottles, Ye Fan does not dare to open directly, plans to wait till the Chu Yunyao laboratory, the careful point opens, under the analysis actually is anything. 这些药瓶,叶帆也不敢直接打开,打算等到了楚云瑶的实验室,小心点打开,分析下到底是什么。 Finally, Ye Fan pulled out a fingernail size, the shining sphere, this pill pill, indeed he pill who” takes out from the black taro corpse! 最后,叶帆掏出了一枚指甲盖大小,金灿灿的圆球,这一枚丹丸,正是他从黑蕖尸体里取出的“地丹”! Ye Fan his corpse loses before the wild animal, almost forgot, but is good to remember the matter that Xiaojin (Little Gold) eats monster pill, took out this thing from his dantian. 叶帆把他的尸体丢给野兽前,差点就忘了,但好在想起小金吃妖丹的事,从他丹田取出了这东西。 Although some are inhumane, but strong eats weak, if Ye Fan and black taro exchange position, the black taro will also take out Ye Fan gold/metal pill. 虽然有些不人道,可弱肉强食,如果叶帆和黑蕖对换位置,黑蕖也会取出叶帆的金丹。 spiritual qi is very abundant...... may this thing, seems like the dying thing, was the energy aggregation. 灵气是很充沛……可这东西,似乎是个死物啊,就是个能量聚合体了”。 To come in Ye Fan, gold/metal pill of each follower, actually with their states of mind links. 叶帆想来,每一个修炼者的金丹,其实是与他们的神魂所联系在一起的。 The soul did not have, gold/metal pill is like physical body, is unable to play its effect, can only work as the tonic. 魂魄没了,金丹就和肉体一样,无法发挥其功效,只能当补品了。 Ye Fan does not know, is he knows about gold/metal pill too few, is really this, thought that this thing is not big to his use, going back to consider that gives Xiaojin (Little Gold) to eat. 叶帆也不知道,是他对金丹了解太少,还是真就这样,觉得这东西对他用处不大,回去可以考虑送给小金吃。 However, in a short time considers as finished, was supposing Xiaojin (Little Gold) has not digested monster pill of ice toad. 不过,短时间内还是算了,估摸着小金还没把冰蟾的妖丹消化完呢。 Gets in Flowersea home time, the women have waited for his 1-2 hours. 回到华海家中的时候,女人们都已经等他1-2钟头了。 Ye Fan discovered, in the family/home had/left big pile of originally does not have valuables, mostly is the gift of sending. 叶帆发现,家中多出了一大堆原本没有的贵重物品,多半都是送来的礼物。 Was good walked because of these officials actually, should also be feared that lost the life. 好在那些官员倒是都走了,应该也是怕丢了性命。 Papa! Hugs!” 爸爸!抱抱!” Tuantuan has two days not to see Ye Fan, thought of very much, originally is still watching the animated cartoon, this little while hurried to run over, jumps Ye Fan body. 团团有两天没见到叶帆,很是想念,本来还在看动画片,这会儿赶紧跑过来,跳到了叶帆身上 Ye Fan grasps the unmarried girl, kissed two on her face, over the two days was clever at home?” 叶帆一把抱住闺女,在她脸上亲了两口,“这两天在家乖不乖啊?” Tuantuan is very clever! Tuantuan also went to the kindergarten registration!” little girl very earnest said. 团团很乖的!团团还去幼儿园报到了!”小丫头很认真地说 Ye Fan haha one happy, anticipated very much after can, occasionally sends and picks up the day that the daughter goes to school. 叶帆哈哈一乐,很是期待能以后偶尔接送女儿上学的日子。 Held Tuantuan to say the little while words, after coaxing the little while unmarried girl, Ye Fan in home, mentioned the matter that the two days encountered. 抱着团团说了会儿话,哄了会儿闺女后,叶帆才在家中,说起了这两天遭遇的事。 From discovering Xiaojin (Little Gold) appears exceptionally, to the cold fog ice toad, is arriving at black taro Daoist, Ancient Immortal Spirit World...... 从发现小金出现异常,到寒雾冰蟾,在到黑蕖道人,古仙灵界…… A series of things said that making the women hear soul-stirringly! 一系列的事情说出来,让女人们听得都惊心动魄! Originally underground that world, also so many secret? Too was really dangerous, luckily initially our does not have met other expert, Xu Lingshan had a lingering fear to pat the chest. “原来地下的那个世界,还有这么多秘密?实在太危险了,幸亏当初我们没有遇到别的高手”,徐玲珊心有余悸地拍了拍胸口。 Chu Yunyao is very happy, such mentioned, should Ancient Immortal Spirit World also many Great Desolate Stone, the good things of various also antiquity periods?” 楚云瑶则是很高兴,“这么说来,古仙灵界应该还有很多洪荒石,还有各种上古时期的好东西?” Ye Fan nods, that black cobblestone same Magical Artifact, gives Chu Yunyao: „ This was I said that can know the translation exchange through the god the stone. 叶帆点点头,把那块黑色鹅卵石一样的法器,递给楚云瑶:“这就是我说的,可以通过神识翻译交流的石头。 Yunyao you study, looked that can put in order a principle to come, we urgently need now understood when antiquity these word languages, only by doing so, can understand in the storage bag these jade Jane/simple and books. 云瑶你去研究一下,看能不能整出个原理来,我们现在迫切需要了解上古时的那些文字语言,只有这样,才能看懂储物袋里那些玉简和书籍。 If later bumps into the Ancient Immortal Spirit World person, can speak to exchange with them, can avoid some issues...... ” 若是以后碰到古仙灵界的人,跟他们能说话交流,也可以避免一些问题……” Chu Yunyao interest abundant, received the black stone refreshedly, she may, no matter Ancient Immortal Spirit World is dangerous, inquires into the new thing, is her interest is. 楚云瑶兴致盎然,爽快地接过了黑石,她可不管古仙灵界多危险,探究新的东西,才是她的兴趣所在。 Su Qingxue pondered the little while, said spookily: „ The Ancient Immortal Spirit World person, actually thinks that the Celestial won the final war...... 苏轻雪则是沉思了会儿,幽幽道:“古仙灵界的人,竟然认为天人赢得了最后的战争…… Although they possibly are the weak and incompetent military deserters, but also truly explained, initially the Celestial civilization, was powerful, making them feel impossible to win, chose early gave up resisting...... 虽然他们可能是软弱无能的逃兵,但也确实说明,当初天人文明,非常强大,让他们感觉不可能取胜,早早选择了放弃抵抗…… However the ancestor of our clan, definitely gained the victory finally, will otherwise not have present us...... that phase of history, what did actually have? ” 但是我们氏族的先祖,肯定是最后取得了胜利,不然也不会有现在的我们……那段历史,到底是发生了什么呢?”
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